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Mobile Applications for SharePoint using  Christian Heindel, Communardo Software GmbH @c_heindel
Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools, tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML5 DEMO Questions
Introduction The challenge: Large number of different target platforms No clear market leader, not like with desktop OS Endless list of manufacturers and devices Platforms for mobile devices: MeeGo  (MobLin+Maemo) (Intel/Nokia),  Android  (Google),  iOS  (Apple),  WebOS  (HP),  Windows Mobile ,  Windows   Phone  (Microsoft),  BlackBerry   OS  (RIM),  Symbian ,  Bada  (Samsung),  Qt ,  J2ME  (Oracle),  Brew  (Quallcomm) In addition, netbooks and tablets also run: Windows ,  Linux ,  OS X ,  Chrome OS
Everything changes… iPad It changed everything...   Chromebook Windows 8  will run  on ARM Say hello to Windows 8 tablets… HP  webOS netbooks
Market shares Market share by OS from 2007 to 2011 according to Gartner Inc. (Worldwide Mobile Device Sales) 14,4 - 19,9% of all mobile devices sold in 2010 were smartphones. This was an 72% increase from 2009 to 2010. Year Symbian Android RIM iOS Microsoft Other OSs Smartphones/ Total Devices 11Q2 22,1% 43,4% 11,7% 18,2% 1,6% 2,9% 107.740.400 428.661.200 2010 37,6% 22,7% 16,0% 15,7% 4,2% 3,8% 296.646.600 1.596.802.400 2009 46,9% 3,9% 19,9% 14,4% 8,7% 6,1% 172.373.100 2008 52,4% 0,5% 16,6% 8,2% 11,8% 10,5% 139.287.900 2007 63,5% N/A 9,6% 2,7% 12% 12,1%
PRO  native applications Marketing Presence in App Stores is good for visibility of your product. This is important for consumer products, not so much for enterprise products. Performance, Look & Feel Native applications run faster and integrate better. Possibilities Browsers do not get access to all functions, like phonebooks, camera and so on…
CONTRA  native applications Incalculable business risks Will the application be approved by the platform lord? How long will it take? Legal stuff A lot of contracts and rules A lot of work / costs Try publishing to the following stores at the same time:  App Store  (Apple),  Android Market  (Google),  Amazon Appstore for Android ,  BlackBerry App World  (RIM),  Ovi Store  (Nokia),  HP App Catalog  (WebOS), Windows Marketplace for Mobile,  Windows Phone Marketplace  (Microsoft),  Samsung apps Fees for app stores usually around 30% of revenue. You need specialized developers for the different plattforms. You need to rely on frameworks like PhoneGap, RhoMobile, AppCelerator You will not be indexed by search engines.
Programming languages and browser support on mobile platforms What some understand: Objective C  (iOS) C#, XAML   (Windows Phone) Java  (Android) Qt  (C++) (Symbian, Maemo) What everybody understands: HTML JavaScript CSS Mobile platforms with A-grade browsers: Apple iOS 3+ Android 2.1+ BlackBerry 6+ Windows Phone 7.5 ‚Mango‘ Those represent 95% of US internet traffic from mobile devices. They supporting features like: Geolocation API Offline web applications Web SQL database
HTML5 New features
Example: Geolocation API
HTML5 design principles HTML5 - A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
HTML5 design principles Plugin-Free Paradigm Plugins cannot always be installed Plugins can be disabled or blocked - see iPad + Flash ;-) Plugins are a separate attack vector Plugins are difficult to integrate with the rest of an HTML document (plugin boundaries, clipping, transparency)
Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools , tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML5 DEMO Questions
HTML5 browser compatibility Does my target platform support the function I want to use? Which platform will I loose, if I want to use a certain feature?
HTML5 browser compatibility Don’t run this in Internet Explorer… ;-)
HTML5 framework for JSON / storage
HTML5 framework for UI and data Jo  - JavaScript framework for HTML5 It was originally designed to work on mobile platforms as a GUI and light data layer on top of  PhoneGap . Since its creation, Jo has also been tested successfully as a lightweight framework for mobile browsers, newer desktop browsers, and even Dashboard widgets. Integrates Lawnchair via joLawn. From a deveoper who worked on YUI and now works on webOS…  /  Demo Works perfect with PhoneGap!
HTML5 framework for the minimalist Zepto.js   is a minimalist JavaScript framework for mobile WebKit browsers, with a  jQuery-compatible syntax .
HTML5 basic framework XUI http :// / A  super micro tiny  DOM library for authoring HTML5 mobile web applications. Basics ,  DOM ,  Event ,  Fx ,  Style ,  XHR Works perfect with PhoneGap!
HTML5 framework helping you with the layout Less Framework is a CSS grid system for designing  adaptive web­sites . It contains 4 layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all based on a single grid.
HTML5 framework if you don’t want to relearn / Dynamic touch interfaces that will adapt gracefully to a range of device form factors. The system includes both layouts (lists, detail panes, overlays) and a rich set of form controls and UI widgets (toggles, sliders, tabs). Based on jQuery  core. See also: / A  jQuery plugin  for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, iPod Touch,  and other forward-thinking devices.
HTML5 framework for applications Sencha Touch  – Mobile Web App Framework (from the creators of ExtJS) PS :  I like their comprehensive documentation on offline apps. ;-) They are explaining how you use this  the right way…
HTML5 framework for good & bad browsers Modernizr   adds classes to the <html> element which allow you to target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet. You don't actually need to write any Javascript to use it.
HTML5 template for mobile usage Mobile Boilerplate
Additional links HTML5 cheat sheet http :// Get help selecting the right framwork with Another template:  http ://   Canvas Cheat Sheet: Massive collection of tutorials: “ The Ultimate HTML5 Tutorials and Useful Techniques” An oldie:  http :// Smartphone Browser Landscape iOS specific improvements since iOS 4.2 Safari DOM Additions for iOS:
Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools,  tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML5 DEMO Questions
Principles for developing mobile applications Mobile first development (yiibu-style, / ) - They also have tips for Nokia browsers… ;-) A practical approach: Design the product. Implement the product using web standards. Launch the product. Run into problems. Translate product design into an iPhone* app. Launch product on iTunes*. *  insert other platform here Apps vs. the Web /
HTML5 performance tips Images slow things down immensely – get rid of them Avoid text-shadow & box-shadow Hardware-acceleration is quite new… and buggy Use touch events whenever you can (ontouchmove > onmousemove > onclick) Avoid opacity Hand-code JavaScript and CSS (frameworks are heavy, no Prototype, no jQuery) Use translate3d, not translate
Creating native apps from HTML5 There are a variety of frameworks that will wrap your HTML5 code and generate apps for different platforms. They are usually slow, buggy and limited in functionality and support. In most cases, you better do real native programming. eBooks from HTML5 /
Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools, tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML 5 DEMO Questions
+ It has built in support for mobile applications, but…
HTML5 + SharePoint: Limitations The page won’t validate as proper HTML5 code.  (SharePoint outputs content as XHTML 1.0 natively.) contenteditable  not supported. (Editor) Ribbon positioning will fail. ( Workaround ) Out-of-the-box SharePoint master pages need to be adjusted. ( v5.master ) Change document type to: <!DOCTYPE HTML> Remove: <meta http-equiv=&quot;X-UA-Compatible&quot; content=&quot;IE=8&quot; />
Mobility Redirect vs. ContentEditable If you do not want to edit from mobile devices, you might just want to disable the mobility redirect. Disable-SPFeature -Identity MobilityRedirect -Url http://yoursite <!-MobilityRedirect Feature-> <Feature ID=&quot;{f41cc668-37e5-4743-b4a8-74d1db3fd8a4}&quot; Name=&quot;FeatureDefinition/f41cc668-37e5-4743-b4a8-74d1db3fd8a4&quot; SourceVersion=&quot;; />
iOS and SharePoint – Redirect? contenteditable not supported: Automatic switch to mobile version <system>netpubwwrootssirtualDirectories0pp_browsersompat.browser     <browser id=&quot;iPadSafari&quot; parentID=&quot;AppleSafari&quot;>  <identification>  <userAgent match=&quot;iPad&quot; />  <userAgent match=&quot;Mobile&quot; />  </identification>  <capabilities>  <capability name=&quot;isMobileDevice&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;canInitiateVoiceCall&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;optimumPageWeight&quot; value=&quot;1500&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;requiresViewportMetaTag&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;supportsTouchScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;telephoneNumberDetectionDisabled&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  </capabilities>  </browser>
iOS and SharePoint – Redirect? contenteditable not supported: b) Manually switch to mobile version http:// URL /m/ http:// URL /_layouts/mobile/default.aspx c) For short /m/ version, the MobilityRedirect feature has to be activated. See also: Mobile development with SharePoint Foundation http://   and:  http://
iOS and SharePoint – Redirect? Want to see how a page is rendered for mobile? Add:  ?mobile=1  to the URL…
iOS and SharePoint – Redirect?
iOS and SharePoint – Redirect?
Contact information Communardo Software GmbH Kleiststraße 10 a 01129 Dresden [email_address] Phone: +49 (351) 83382-0 Thank you for listening! Questions? Christian Heindel E-Mail:   [email_address] Web: Twitter:   @c_heindel

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European SharePoint Conference: Mobile Applications for SharePoint using HTML5

  • 1. Mobile Applications for SharePoint using Christian Heindel, Communardo Software GmbH @c_heindel
  • 2. Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools, tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML5 DEMO Questions
  • 3. Introduction The challenge: Large number of different target platforms No clear market leader, not like with desktop OS Endless list of manufacturers and devices Platforms for mobile devices: MeeGo (MobLin+Maemo) (Intel/Nokia), Android (Google), iOS (Apple), WebOS (HP), Windows Mobile , Windows Phone (Microsoft), BlackBerry OS (RIM), Symbian , Bada (Samsung), Qt , J2ME (Oracle), Brew (Quallcomm) In addition, netbooks and tablets also run: Windows , Linux , OS X , Chrome OS
  • 4. Everything changes… iPad It changed everything...  Chromebook Windows 8 will run on ARM Say hello to Windows 8 tablets… HP webOS netbooks
  • 5. Market shares Market share by OS from 2007 to 2011 according to Gartner Inc. (Worldwide Mobile Device Sales) 14,4 - 19,9% of all mobile devices sold in 2010 were smartphones. This was an 72% increase from 2009 to 2010. Year Symbian Android RIM iOS Microsoft Other OSs Smartphones/ Total Devices 11Q2 22,1% 43,4% 11,7% 18,2% 1,6% 2,9% 107.740.400 428.661.200 2010 37,6% 22,7% 16,0% 15,7% 4,2% 3,8% 296.646.600 1.596.802.400 2009 46,9% 3,9% 19,9% 14,4% 8,7% 6,1% 172.373.100 2008 52,4% 0,5% 16,6% 8,2% 11,8% 10,5% 139.287.900 2007 63,5% N/A 9,6% 2,7% 12% 12,1%
  • 7. PRO native applications Marketing Presence in App Stores is good for visibility of your product. This is important for consumer products, not so much for enterprise products. Performance, Look & Feel Native applications run faster and integrate better. Possibilities Browsers do not get access to all functions, like phonebooks, camera and so on…
  • 8. CONTRA native applications Incalculable business risks Will the application be approved by the platform lord? How long will it take? Legal stuff A lot of contracts and rules A lot of work / costs Try publishing to the following stores at the same time: App Store (Apple), Android Market (Google), Amazon Appstore for Android , BlackBerry App World (RIM), Ovi Store (Nokia), HP App Catalog (WebOS), Windows Marketplace for Mobile, Windows Phone Marketplace (Microsoft), Samsung apps Fees for app stores usually around 30% of revenue. You need specialized developers for the different plattforms. You need to rely on frameworks like PhoneGap, RhoMobile, AppCelerator You will not be indexed by search engines.
  • 9. Programming languages and browser support on mobile platforms What some understand: Objective C (iOS) C#, XAML (Windows Phone) Java (Android) Qt (C++) (Symbian, Maemo) What everybody understands: HTML JavaScript CSS Mobile platforms with A-grade browsers: Apple iOS 3+ Android 2.1+ BlackBerry 6+ Windows Phone 7.5 ‚Mango‘ Those represent 95% of US internet traffic from mobile devices. They supporting features like: Geolocation API Offline web applications Web SQL database
  • 12. HTML5 design principles HTML5 - A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
  • 13. HTML5 design principles Plugin-Free Paradigm Plugins cannot always be installed Plugins can be disabled or blocked - see iPad + Flash ;-) Plugins are a separate attack vector Plugins are difficult to integrate with the rest of an HTML document (plugin boundaries, clipping, transparency)
  • 14. Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools , tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML5 DEMO Questions
  • 15. HTML5 browser compatibility Does my target platform support the function I want to use? Which platform will I loose, if I want to use a certain feature?
  • 16. HTML5 browser compatibility Don’t run this in Internet Explorer… ;-)
  • 17. HTML5 framework for JSON / storage
  • 18. HTML5 framework for UI and data Jo - JavaScript framework for HTML5 It was originally designed to work on mobile platforms as a GUI and light data layer on top of PhoneGap . Since its creation, Jo has also been tested successfully as a lightweight framework for mobile browsers, newer desktop browsers, and even Dashboard widgets. Integrates Lawnchair via joLawn. From a deveoper who worked on YUI and now works on webOS… / Demo Works perfect with PhoneGap!
  • 19. HTML5 framework for the minimalist Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript framework for mobile WebKit browsers, with a jQuery-compatible syntax .
  • 20. HTML5 basic framework XUI http :// / A super micro tiny DOM library for authoring HTML5 mobile web applications. Basics , DOM , Event , Fx , Style , XHR Works perfect with PhoneGap!
  • 21. HTML5 framework helping you with the layout Less Framework is a CSS grid system for designing adaptive web­sites . It contains 4 layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all based on a single grid.
  • 22. HTML5 framework if you don’t want to relearn / Dynamic touch interfaces that will adapt gracefully to a range of device form factors. The system includes both layouts (lists, detail panes, overlays) and a rich set of form controls and UI widgets (toggles, sliders, tabs). Based on jQuery core. See also: / A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.
  • 23. HTML5 framework for applications Sencha Touch – Mobile Web App Framework (from the creators of ExtJS) PS : I like their comprehensive documentation on offline apps. ;-) They are explaining how you use this the right way…
  • 24. HTML5 framework for good & bad browsers Modernizr adds classes to the <html> element which allow you to target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet. You don't actually need to write any Javascript to use it.
  • 25. HTML5 template for mobile usage Mobile Boilerplate
  • 26. Additional links HTML5 cheat sheet http :// Get help selecting the right framwork with Another template: http :// Canvas Cheat Sheet: Massive collection of tutorials: “ The Ultimate HTML5 Tutorials and Useful Techniques” An oldie: http :// Smartphone Browser Landscape iOS specific improvements since iOS 4.2 Safari DOM Additions for iOS:
  • 27. Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools, tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML5 DEMO Questions
  • 28. Principles for developing mobile applications Mobile first development (yiibu-style, / ) - They also have tips for Nokia browsers… ;-) A practical approach: Design the product. Implement the product using web standards. Launch the product. Run into problems. Translate product design into an iPhone* app. Launch product on iTunes*. * insert other platform here Apps vs. the Web /
  • 29. HTML5 performance tips Images slow things down immensely – get rid of them Avoid text-shadow & box-shadow Hardware-acceleration is quite new… and buggy Use touch events whenever you can (ontouchmove > onmousemove > onclick) Avoid opacity Hand-code JavaScript and CSS (frameworks are heavy, no Prototype, no jQuery) Use translate3d, not translate
  • 30. Creating native apps from HTML5 There are a variety of frameworks that will wrap your HTML5 code and generate apps for different platforms. They are usually slow, buggy and limited in functionality and support. In most cases, you better do real native programming. eBooks from HTML5 /
  • 31. Agenda Introduction, market shares, pro & contra, features, design principles Tools, tips and tricks SharePoint + HTML 5 DEMO Questions
  • 32. + It has built in support for mobile applications, but…
  • 33. HTML5 + SharePoint: Limitations The page won’t validate as proper HTML5 code. (SharePoint outputs content as XHTML 1.0 natively.) contenteditable not supported. (Editor) Ribbon positioning will fail. ( Workaround ) Out-of-the-box SharePoint master pages need to be adjusted. ( v5.master ) Change document type to: <!DOCTYPE HTML> Remove: <meta http-equiv=&quot;X-UA-Compatible&quot; content=&quot;IE=8&quot; />
  • 34. Mobility Redirect vs. ContentEditable If you do not want to edit from mobile devices, you might just want to disable the mobility redirect. Disable-SPFeature -Identity MobilityRedirect -Url http://yoursite <!-MobilityRedirect Feature-> <Feature ID=&quot;{f41cc668-37e5-4743-b4a8-74d1db3fd8a4}&quot; Name=&quot;FeatureDefinition/f41cc668-37e5-4743-b4a8-74d1db3fd8a4&quot; SourceVersion=&quot;; />
  • 35. iOS and SharePoint – Redirect? contenteditable not supported: Automatic switch to mobile version <system>netpubwwrootssirtualDirectories0pp_browsersompat.browser <!-- iPad Safari Browser -->  <!-- sample UA &quot;Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5&quot; -->  <browser id=&quot;iPadSafari&quot; parentID=&quot;AppleSafari&quot;>  <identification>  <userAgent match=&quot;iPad&quot; />  <userAgent match=&quot;Mobile&quot; />  </identification>  <capabilities>  <capability name=&quot;isMobileDevice&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;canInitiateVoiceCall&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;optimumPageWeight&quot; value=&quot;1500&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;requiresViewportMetaTag&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;supportsTouchScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  <capability name=&quot;telephoneNumberDetectionDisabled&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />  </capabilities>  </browser>
  • 36. iOS and SharePoint – Redirect? contenteditable not supported: b) Manually switch to mobile version http:// URL /m/ http:// URL /_layouts/mobile/default.aspx c) For short /m/ version, the MobilityRedirect feature has to be activated. See also: Mobile development with SharePoint Foundation http:// and: http://
  • 37. iOS and SharePoint – Redirect? Want to see how a page is rendered for mobile? Add: ?mobile=1 to the URL…
  • 38. iOS and SharePoint – Redirect?
  • 39. iOS and SharePoint – Redirect?
  • 41. Contact information Communardo Software GmbH Kleiststraße 10 a 01129 Dresden [email_address] Phone: +49 (351) 83382-0 Thank you for listening! Questions? Christian Heindel E-Mail: [email_address] Web: Twitter: @c_heindel

Editor's Notes

  1. Which of you owns a SmartPhone? (avg. 19%) Which of you has his smartphone here right now? Which of you uses a SmartPhone even before breakfast? (avg. 30%, Smartphone-Peak) iPhone? Android? BlackBerry? How many developers are in the room? How many of you have left their notebook at home? Facts: Tooth brushes in use vs. 4.617.136.636 Mobile phone subscriptions 91% of people have their mobile within arm’s reach 24/7. (Morgen Stanley 2007) Facebook mobile audience now at 250M users! Was 65 million in Sept 09 39% of SmartPhone Owners use their devices in the bathroom. Photo to
  2. Goal of the talk: make you aware of challenges / benefits when developing for mobile phones showing tools, giving tips get you to develop more mobile versions
  3. Source: &amp;quot;CES: Microsoft shows off Windows 8 on ARM.&amp;quot;, ZDNet, , , Heise 08.06.2011
  4. 14,4% pure Smartphones 19,9% smartphone-focused Sources: , , , ,
  5. Source:
  6. Communote Client &gt; 2 months before first feedback Gestern (8. Juni 2011) freigegeben:!/communote/status/78500570327035905 Registration as delveoper 11 days:!/c_heindel/status/61296598419906561 Opera v11.01 from 01.03.2011 v11.10 released on 11.04.2011 - still not in app store, my comment about download via website was rated second most usefull Heise: 23.05.2011 Always changing: Paml App Catalog (HP) now HP App Catalog with new rules (8. Juni 2011, ) Apple IAP rules change 8.6.2011: FT WebApp
  7. Sources: , , ,
  8. HTML5 is a marketing buzzword! I love marketing departments! Not part of HTML5 specification: Geolocation WebWorkers HTML Speech Input API (supported by Chrome 11, proposal to the HTML Speech Incubator Group) Moved to separate standards documents: WebStorage Canvas 2D H TML5 is used as an umbrella term for all of them.
  9. W3C published first draft of HTML in 1993 HTML 4.01 published in 1999 , then stagnation Formation of WHATWG in 2004 (to push along HTML5) W3C active again since 2006, published first draft of HTML5 in 2008 XHTML2 working group stopped 2009 Not finished. Currently published as “ working draft ” ( 04/2011 ) W3C Confirms May 2011 for HTML5 Last Call, Targets 2014 for HTML5 Standard ( ) HTML5 - A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML / Focus shifted from documents to web applications. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) Founded in 2004 by employees of Apple, Mozilla, Google and Opera. Working on HTML and APIs for development of web applications. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) HTML working group HTML5 specification Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Responsible for internet protocols like HTTP HTML5 WebSocket API -&gt; WebSocket protocol
  10. Seit Montag neu (6. Juni 2011) – iOS5 - Problem: Different video format – you need to encode for 4 formats (3GPP, Flash Lite, MPEG-4, RTSP&amp;RTP)
  17. Source:
  18. Examples: / /
  19. Orientation awareness SharePoint 2010 und das iPad – Browser Support SharePoint 2010 und das iPad – Apps SharePoint Client Object Model Mobile Development with SharePoint Foundation TechNet: “Plan for mobile devices” ( ) Existing solution: mobile entrée
  20. The Future? - Sources: Intro Morgan Stanley 2007 03/2011, GfK study: AdFonic statistics: asdasd