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9 January 2018
Scaling PHP apps
Matteo Moretti
tech blog:

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Deep Dive on Accelerating Content, APIs, and Applications with Amazon CloudFr...
Deep Dive on Accelerating Content, APIs, and Applications with Amazon CloudFr...Deep Dive on Accelerating Content, APIs, and Applications with Amazon CloudFr...
Deep Dive on Accelerating Content, APIs, and Applications with Amazon CloudFr...

This document provides an overview of Amazon CloudFront and Lambda@Edge. It discusses how CloudFront is a global content delivery network that can accelerate content delivery, including both static and dynamic content. It also introduces Lambda@Edge, which allows running code at the edge using AWS Lambda. Lambda@Edge functions can be triggered by CloudFront events to customize content delivery, such as modifying requests and responses. The document provides details on CloudFront pricing and architecture, including how it uses edge locations globally to improve performance.

cloudfrontamazon cloudfrontlambda
Rest and Sling Resolution
Rest and Sling ResolutionRest and Sling Resolution
Rest and Sling Resolution

Sling is a RESTful web application framework that uses JCR repositories like Apache Jackrabbit as its data store. Sling maps HTTP requests to content resources in the repository and uses the resource type to locate the appropriate rendering script. The request URL is decomposed into the resource path, selectors, extension, and suffix path. Sling searches for a node matching the resource path and then locates a script based on the resource type and any selectors. Sling scripts cannot be called directly and must be resolved through the resource to follow REST principles. This document discusses how Sling maps URLs to content resources and scripts to process requests.

Serverless with IAC - terraform과 cloudformation 비교
Serverless with IAC - terraform과 cloudformation 비교Serverless with IAC - terraform과 cloudformation 비교
Serverless with IAC - terraform과 cloudformation 비교

NDS X AWS 세미나에서 발표한 Infra as Code 발표 자료입니다! 대표적인 IAC툴인 테라폼과 클라우드포메이션을 비교하고 서버리스로 배포할때의 장단점 및 현장에서의 사용 노하우가 포함되어 있습니다

It’s from experience.
There are no lessons.
● > 3M HTTP requests / day
● > 1000 databases
● ~ 0.5T mysql data
● ~ 180M query / day
● ~ 105M of media files
● ~ 18T of media files
● From ~5k to ~200k sessions in 5 minutes
Your app is scalable if it can adapt to
support an increasing amount of data
or a growing number of users.

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Low Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdf
Low Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdfLow Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdf
Low Code Integration with Apache Camel.pdf

Design your integration flows using Camel and JBang for a better developer experience, and make it easily production grade using Quarkus. Claus Ibsen, Apache Camel lead & Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat

apache camelintegrationopen source
Amazon OpenSearch Deep dive - 내부구조, 성능최적화 그리고 스케일링
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Amazon OpenSearch Deep dive - 내부구조, 성능최적화 그리고 스케일링

OpenSearch는 배포형 오픈 소스 검색과 분석 제품군으로 실시간 애플리케이션 모니터링, 로그 분석 및 웹 사이트 검색과 같이 다양한 사용 사례에 사용됩니다. OpenSearch는 데이터 탐색을 쉽게 도와주는 통합 시각화 도구 OpenSearch와 함께 뛰어난 확장성을 지닌 시스템을 제공하여 대량 데이터 볼륨에 빠르게 액세스 및 응답합니다.  이 세션에서는 실제 동작 구조에 대한 설명을 바탕으로 최적화를 하기 위한 방법과 운영상에 발생할 수 있는 이슈에 대해서 알아봅니다.

aws for data webinar
[오픈소스컨설팅]인프라 자동화 도구 Chef
[오픈소스컨설팅]인프라 자동화 도구  Chef[오픈소스컨설팅]인프라 자동화 도구  Chef
[오픈소스컨설팅]인프라 자동화 도구 Chef

Chef는 오픈소스 시스템 통합 프레임워크로 다양한 설정 관리 툴을 제공하며 클라우드 기반 플랫폼들과 통합하여 자동으로 새로운 머신을 프로비저닝하고 구상할 수 있는 언어입니다.

“But… I don’t have an increasing load”
( - Smile vector designed by Freepik)
“Scalability doesn’t matter to you.”
( - Smile vector designed by Freepik)
Scaling PHP apps
“I do have an increasing load”
( - Smile vector designed by Freepik)

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[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키...
[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키...[AWS Dev Day] 앱 현대화 | DevOps 개발자가 되기 위한 쿠버네티스 핵심 활용 예제 알아보기 - 정영준 AWS 솔루션즈 아키...
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쿠버네티스에 어플리케이션을 손쉽게 배포하는 방법은 무엇일까요? 복잡하게 배포된 어플리케이션의 파드들은 어떻게 디버깅하고 로깅해야 할까요? 또한 요즘 자주 이야기 되는 클라우드 네이티브 아키텍처로 설계된 어플리케이션은 어떻게 만들고 배포해야하는 걸까요?삼성전자 무선사업부에서 삼성헬스를 EKS 에 배포한 사례를 살펴보며, 이러한 문제를 어떻게 해결했는지 알아봅니다. 또한 복잡하게만 느껴졌던 쿠버네티스의 어플리케이션 배포와 클라우드 네이티브 아키텍처의 베스트 프렉티스를 EKS 에 어플리케이션을 배포하고, 관리하는 예제를 통하여 간편하게 이해할 수 있게 도와드립니다.

점진적인 레거시 웹 애플리케이션 개선 과정
점진적인 레거시 웹 애플리케이션 개선 과정점진적인 레거시 웹 애플리케이션 개선 과정
점진적인 레거시 웹 애플리케이션 개선 과정

This document discusses strategies for modernizing a legacy monolithic application, including using strangler patterns to gradually refactor the monolith into microservices. It outlines approaches like using an API gateway to front the legacy system and new services, as well as methodologies like twelve-factor apps. Key techniques mentioned include feature toggles and service discovery with Eureka.

spring cloudvuejs
Amazon Aurora 신규 서비스 알아보기::최유정::AWS Summit Seoul 2018
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Amazon Aurora 신규 서비스 알아보기::최유정::AWS Summit Seoul 2018
aws summit seoul 2018
Your app is growing
But… suddenly…
Scaling PHP apps
Scaling PHP apps

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글로벌 기업들의 효과적인 데이터 분석을 위한 Data Lake 구축 및 분석 사례 - 김준형 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)
글로벌 기업들의 효과적인 데이터 분석을 위한 Data Lake 구축 및 분석 사례 - 김준형 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)글로벌 기업들의 효과적인 데이터 분석을 위한 Data Lake 구축 및 분석 사례 - 김준형 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)
글로벌 기업들의 효과적인 데이터 분석을 위한 Data Lake 구축 및 분석 사례 - 김준형 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)

Data Lake는 오늘날 데이터 기반에 의사 결정을 하기 위한 가장 일반적인 데이터 분석 아키텍처로 떠오르고 있습니다. 잘 설계된 Data Lake는 기업이 데이터 자산으로부터 가장 많은 비지니스 가치를 창출하도록 보장합니다. 본 세션을 통해 AWS 기반의 Data Lake 아키텍처를 소개하고, 다양한 사례를 통해 AWS 고객들은 데이터 분석 플랫폼을 어떤 방식으로 설계해서 활용하고 있는지 살펴봅니다. 다시보기 링크:

Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영���디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021
Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영우디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영우디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021
Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영우디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021

Oracle DBMS 는 국내 대기업에서 압도적으로 가장 많이 사용하는 DB 로, 이 세션에서는 Oracle DB 를 AWS 로 이관하는 방법들에 대하여 살펴보겠습니다. 환경에 따라 Oracle DB 를 이관하는 어떤 방법들이 있는지 알아보며, AWS DMS(Database Migration Service) 를 사용하여 효과적으로 이관할수 있는 방법을 소개합니다. Oracle DB 를 클라우드 환경으로 이관할 때 유의해야할 포인트들에 대해 함께 공유합니다.

aws summit seoul 2021
Modernising AEM Sites Codebase (AEM Meetup 2019)
Modernising AEM Sites Codebase  (AEM Meetup 2019)Modernising AEM Sites Codebase  (AEM Meetup 2019)
Modernising AEM Sites Codebase (AEM Meetup 2019)

The presentation explain why migration to modern AEM features should be done and introduces the AEM Modernisation Toolkit that can easily help you achieve those migrations e.g. Static Templates -> Editable Templates Foundation Components -> Core Components ExtJS Dialogs -> Touch UI Dialogs Design Dialogs -> Editable Template Policies Demo Workbook published here:

aemsitesaem modernisation toolkit
Scaling PHP apps
Scaling PHP apps
Ok, we need to scale
Scaling… what?
PHP code?
Async tasks?

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Amazon DynamoDB 키 디자인 패턴
Amazon DynamoDB 키 디자인 패턴Amazon DynamoDB 키 디자인 패턴
Amazon DynamoDB 키 디자인 패턴

최근 국내에도 글로벌 서비스나 급성장하는 웹 서비스를 쉽게 볼 수 있습니다. 초기에 RDBMS로 시작된 서비스들은 규모가 성장함에 따라 샤딩과 NoSQL의 선택의 기로에 서게 됩니다. Amazon DynamoDB는 모든 스케일에서 사용할 수 있는 완전 관리형 Key-Value NoSQL 데이터베이스이지만 여전히 Key Design은 가장 어려운 영역 중 하나입니다. 이 세션에서는 대규모 서비스의 키 디자인 방법을 알아봅니다.

aws for data webinar
높은 가용성과 성능 향상을 위한 ElastiCache 활용 팁 - 임근택, SendBird :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019
높은 가용성과 성능 향상을 위한 ElastiCache 활용 팁 - 임근택, SendBird :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019 높은 가용성과 성능 향상을 위한 ElastiCache 활용 팁 - 임근택, SendBird :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019
높은 가용성과 성능 향상을 위한 ElastiCache 활용 팁 - 임근택, SendBird :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019

높은 가용성과 성능 향상을 위한 Amazon Aurora 및 ElastiCache 활용 팁 임근택, SendBird 클라우드 매니지드 서비스는 확장성 및 관리 비용을 줄이는데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 본 세션에서는 대표적인 DB 매니지드 서비스인 Amazon Aurora와 ElastiCache에서 확장성, 성능 개선 사례를 공유합니다. 센드버드는 실시간 커뮤니케이션 채널을 손쉽게 구축할 수 있게 해주는 채팅/메시징 API 서비스로서 대용량 데이터 처리를 위해 EC2기반의 Redis을 사용하다가 완전 관리 서비스인 Amazon ElastiCache로 이전한 이유와 적용 뒤 고가용성 확보, 비용 절감 등을 위한 다양한 경험을 공유하고 이를 통해 배운 모니터링 방법에 대해 자세히 소개합니다.

Micro services Architecture
Micro services ArchitectureMicro services Architecture
Micro services Architecture

The document provides an overview of microservices architecture. It discusses key characteristics of microservices such as each service focusing on a specific business capability, decentralized governance and data management, and infrastructure automation. It also compares microservices to monolithic and SOA architectures. Some design styles enabled by microservices like domain-driven design, event sourcing, and functional reactive programming are also covered at a high level. The document aims to introduce attendees to microservices concepts and architectures.

microservicesdddevent sourcing
Can Node.js scale?
Can Symfony scale?
Can PHP scale?

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20150115 AWS BlackBelt - Amazon VPC (Korea)20150115 AWS BlackBelt - Amazon VPC (Korea)
20150115 AWS BlackBelt - Amazon VPC (Korea)

일본에서 진행된 AWS 기술 웨비나 BlackBelt 시리즈의 발표 자료를 한국의 정윤진 솔루션스 아키텍트가 한글로 번역한 자료입니다. 내용에 대한 문의사항이 있으신 경우 info-kr@amazon.com으로 연락 부탁드리겠습니다.

amazon web servicesamazon vpcyounjin
Building PaaS with Amazon EKS for the Large-Scale, Highly Regulated Enterpris...
Building PaaS with Amazon EKS for the Large-Scale, Highly Regulated Enterpris...Building PaaS with Amazon EKS for the Large-Scale, Highly Regulated Enterpris...
Building PaaS with Amazon EKS for the Large-Scale, Highly Regulated Enterpris...

Containers make it easy to build and deploy applications by abstracting away the underlying operating system. But how do you build secure and compliant containerized applications in a distributed environment, and without direct access to the operating system your code is running on? In this session, hear how Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) is integrated into a large-scale regulated enterprise in the areas of network, security, CI/CD, and monitoring to cater to the needs of various business units. We cover the basics in each of these areas in Amazon EKS, and we hear from Fidelity on how it is driving its cloud strategy with Amazon EKS in the heavily regulated finance sector. We also share best practices and common architectures for building containerized application in highly regulated industries.

Scaling symfony apps
Scaling symfony appsScaling symfony apps
Scaling symfony apps

This document discusses scaling Symfony applications. It begins by introducing the speaker and their experience scaling large applications. It then covers scaling different aspects of an application including the web server, sessions, database, and filesystem. For each area, it provides recommendations such as using PHP opcode caching, storing sessions in Redis or Memcached, considering database sharding for very large databases, and using an abstraction layer like FlysystemBundle to store files in cloud storage like Amazon S3. The overall message is that scaling can be achieved through configuration changes and decoupling services rather than code changes.

Scaling is about
app architecture
App architecture
How can you scale your web server if
you put everything inside?
Database, user files, sessions, ...
App architecture / Decouple
● Decouple services
● Service: do one thing and do it well
App architecture / Decouple

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Performance and Scalability
Performance and ScalabilityPerformance and Scalability
Performance and Scalability

This presentation discusses performance and scalability testing and optimization for Drupal websites. It covers capacity planning, tools for testing and analysis, common bottlenecks, caching, database optimization, and Apache configuration tips. Specific technologies and modules mentioned include Varnish, APC, MySQL query cache, and Drupal caching.

Drupal performance and scalability
Drupal performance and scalabilityDrupal performance and scalability
Drupal performance and scalability

In this session we will present an overview from the point of view 'system that implementative on how to get the best performance from your drupal application. We will also show examples of use cases for drupal scalable infrastructure.

Joomla! Performance on Steroids
Joomla! Performance on SteroidsJoomla! Performance on Steroids
Joomla! Performance on Steroids

This document summarizes a presentation on optimizing Joomla performance. It describes two parts to the presentation: Part 1 covers basic application-level optimizations for Joomla like keeping Joomla updated, choosing extensions wisely, simplifying templates, and using plugins and .htaccess rules to enable caching and compression. Part 2 discusses server-level optimizations like using a CDN, opcode caching with APC and Memcached, and reverse proxy servers like Nginx and Varnish. It provides configuration examples and presents results of benchmark tests showing improvements from optimizations.

6 main areas
1. web server
2. sessions
3. database
4. filesystem
5. async tasks
6. logging
There are some more (http caching, frontend, etc): next talk!
Web server
A single big web server
(scale up)
Web server
Many small web servers
(scale out)
Web server
Many small web servers
behind a load balancer

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Testing Delphix: easy data virtualization
Testing Delphix: easy data virtualizationTesting Delphix: easy data virtualization
Testing Delphix: easy data virtualization

The document summarizes the author's testing of the Delphix data virtualization software. Some key points: - Delphix allows users to easily provision virtual copies of database sources on demand for tasks like testing, development, and disaster recovery. - It works by maintaining incremental snapshots of source databases and virtualizing the data access. Copies can be provisioned in minutes and rewound to past points in time. - The author demonstrated provisioning a copy of an Oracle database using Delphix and found the process very simple. Delphix integrates deeply with databases. - Use cases include giving databases to each tester/developer, enabling continuous integration testing, creating QA environments with real

Cache all the things #DCLondon
Cache all the things #DCLondonCache all the things #DCLondon
Cache all the things #DCLondon

This document discusses caching strategies for websites built with Drupal. It recommends caching content at multiple levels, including code-level caching within Drupal, resource caching of assets like CSS and JavaScript using tools like Boost and Varnish, database caching with Memcached, and caching of static content on third-party networks like Akamai and Cloudflare. Debugging caching issues requires monitoring each caching layer and analyzing HTTP headers to determine where content is failing to cache properly. Caching is important for performance but must be implemented carefully to avoid breaking site functionality or creating new bugs during debugging.

Drupalcamp Estonia - High Performance Sites
Drupalcamp Estonia - High Performance SitesDrupalcamp Estonia - High Performance Sites
Drupalcamp Estonia - High Performance Sites

Rami Jarvinen discusses optimizing performance on Drupal sites. He outlines several caching strategies including PHP opcode caching, Drupal internal caching, page caching, and reverse proxy caching using Boost or Varnish. Memcached can be used as a high-performance replacement for Drupal's database caching. Scaling can involve using a master-slave database setup and serving static files from a separate server. Profiling tools can identify SQL bottlenecks and unnecessary queries for optimization. The optimal solution depends on factors like the number of anonymous vs logged-in users and the capabilities of the hosting environment.

Web server
Many small web servers
behind a load balancer,
inside an auto-scaling group
Web server
NGINX + php-fpm
(Symfony 4)
Web server
Avoid micro-optimization
Single quotes vs double quotes?
It doesn’t matter
Web server / Cache

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Drupalcamp Estonia - High Performance Sites
Drupalcamp Estonia - High Performance SitesDrupalcamp Estonia - High Performance Sites
Drupalcamp Estonia - High Performance Sites

Rami Jarvinen discusses optimizing performance on Drupal sites. He outlines several caching layers that can be implemented including PHP opcode caching, Drupal internal caching, page caching, and reverse proxy caching using Boost or Varnish. He also discusses scaling Drupal through techniques such as MySQL master-slave configuration, serving static files from Nginx/lighttpd, and adding frontend servers. Profiling with tools like Xdebug can help identify SQL bottlenecks to optimize. The optimal caching and performance strategy depends on each site's specific usage and hosting environment.

drupaldrupalcampdrupalcamp estonia
Drupal performance optimization Best Practices
Drupal performance optimization Best PracticesDrupal performance optimization Best Practices
Drupal performance optimization Best Practices

Drupal performance optimization best practices include: - Disabling unused modules and cron on production to reduce overhead - Configuring caching at the application level with modules like Boost and Memcache - Optimizing server configuration through APC caching, CDN integration, browser caching, and cron job configuration - Improving database performance by optimizing InnoDB settings and enabling the query cache The document provides best practices for optimizing Drupal performance at the application, server, and database levels to reduce bottlenecks and improve load times.

common mistakesmemcacheboost
phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorial
phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorialphptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorial
phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorial

This document discusses caching and tuning techniques to improve scalability for web applications. It begins with an introduction and background on caching. It then covers different caching techniques including caching entire pages, parts of pages, SQL queries, and complex PHP results. It discusses various caching storage options such as the MySQL query cache, memory tables, opcode caching with APC, disk, memory disk, Memcache, and notes on each. The document provides code examples for using Memcache and discusses caching strategies such as updating cached data, cache stampeding, and cache warming scripts. It also covers performance benchmarks and moving to Nginx with PHP-FPM. The overall goal of the techniques discussed is to increase reliability, performance and scalability of a

Web server / PHP cache
OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode
in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse
scripts on each request.
Web server / PHP cache
Web server / PHP cache
Bytecode caching
opcache.enable = On
opcache.validate_timestamps = 0
Need to manually reset OPcache on deploy!
PHP code / Application cache
● Put application cache in ram
● Use cache warmers during deploy
releaseN/var/cache -> /var/www/project/cache/releaseN
tmpfs /var/www/project/cache tmpfs size=512m

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Caching objects-in-memory
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Caching objects-in-memory

This document summarizes different caching techniques that can be used with PHP, including caching content, database caching, and memory caching using APCU, Memcached, and Redis. It provides code examples for storing, getting, and deleting values from the cache with each technique. Specifically, it shows how to cache objects in memory and check the cache before querying a database to improve performance.

DrupalCampLA 2011: Drupal backend-performance
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The DrupalCampLA 2011 presentation on backend performance. The slides go over optimizations that can be done through the LAMP (or now VAN LAMMP stack for even more performance) to get everything up and running.

Drupal Performance : DrupalCamp North
Drupal Performance : DrupalCamp NorthDrupal Performance : DrupalCamp North
Drupal Performance : DrupalCamp North

This document provides information on improving Drupal performance through various techniques including performance testing, caching, optimizing database and server configurations, using tools like Varnish, load balancers, and CDNs, and addressing inefficient code. It also discusses a case study of using scalable cloud hosting and caching strategies to handle peak traffic for a site during major awards events.

PHP code / Doctrine cache
● Configure Doctrine to use cache
● Disable Doctrine logging and profiling on prod
type: apcu
type: apcu
type: apcu
PHP code / Cache
DISK I/O ~ 0%
PHP code / Profiling
New Relic

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Follow on from last months AWS User Group Intro to AWS talk. This talk by Nicola Cardace is looking at some of the offerings in the AWS eco-system.

Fundamentals of performance tuning PHP on IBM i
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This presentation reviews of the many aspects of PHP performance that can impact day-to-day living. It explores basic concepts for resolution when PHP performance has got you down. The focus is on Zend Server configuration options including, but not limited to: caching, Apache settings, PHP syntax fundamentals, diagnosing bottlenecks, and DB2/SQL optimization.

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12-Step Program for Scaling Web Applications on PostgreSQL

The document discusses scaling a web application called Wanelo that is built on PostgreSQL. It describes 12 steps for incrementally scaling the application as traffic increases. The first steps involve adding more caching, optimizing SQL queries, and upgrading hardware. Further steps include replicating reads to additional PostgreSQL servers, using alternative data stores like Redis where appropriate, moving write-heavy tables out of PostgreSQL, and tuning PostgreSQL and the underlying filesystem. The goal is to scale the application while maintaining PostgreSQL as the primary database.

solrapache solrtwemproxy
Scaling PHP apps
Scaling PHP apps
PHP code / Recap
● Easy
● No need to change your PHP code
● It’s most configuration and tuning
● You can do one by one and measure how it affects performance
● Need to monitor and profile: New Relic for PHP
● Don’t waste time on micro-optimization
Take away: use cache!
● Think session management as a service
● Use centralized Memcached or Redis (Ec2
or ElasticCache on AWS)
● Avoid sticky sessions (load balancer set up)

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My Presentation at the Orlando DotNetNuke Users Group (ODUG) on Web Performance tweaks and best practices.

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Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
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Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems

This document discusses strategies for making Ruby on Rails applications highly available. It covers common architectures using a single server, and moving to distributed systems. Key topics include application modularity, useful gems for asynchronous processing, database replication, session management, application deployment, configuration management, and load balancing. The conclusion emphasizes that porting Rails apps to a highly available environment requires thinking about architecture and distribution early, but is not prohibitively difficult if approached methodically.

ruby rails high availability lvs mongodb
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityCaching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability

Caching has been a 'hot' topic for a few years. But caching takes more than merely taking data and putting it in a cache : the right caching techniques can improve performance and reduce load significantly. But we'll also look at some major pitfalls, showing that caching the wrong way can bring down your site. If you're looking for a clear explanation about various caching techniques and tools like Memcached, Nginx and Varnish, as well as ways to deploy them in an efficient way, this talk is for you.

Session / Memcached
No bundle required
Session / Redis
Session / Redis
handler_id: snc_redis.session.handler
Session / Redis
Bundle config
dsn: '%redis_dsn_session%'
logging: false #
type: phpredis
client: session_client
locking: false
prefix: session_prefix_
ttl: '%session_ttl%'

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Scale Apache with Nginx
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The need to scale is in high demand in an age where everything is moving to the cloud. Though the standard Apache configuration could handle a website with moderate traffic, the minute it gets slash dotted or twitted multiple times could spell an embarrassing crash landing! If you are the administrator of such a website then good luck finding another job! On the other hand you value high availability in the midst of popularity then read on. On this one day workshop, we will show you how to scale your website and webapps to scale to handle thousands of simultaneous sessions the right way. The topics covered will include: - Setting up Apache and NGiNXM - Setting up a sample LAMP web app - Benchmarking Apache performance - Fine tuning Apache to improve performance - Fine tuning NGiNX to improve performance - Discussion about code level improvements when developing custom webapps using PHP

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Session / Redis
redis_db: 3
redis_dsn_session: 'redis://%redis_ip%/%redis_db%'
session_ttl: 86400
Session / Recap
● Very easy
● No need to change your PHP code
● Redis better than Memcached: it has persistence and many other features
● Let AWS scale for you and deal with failover and sysadmin stuff
Take away: use Redis
Aka “The bottleneck”
Relational databases

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If dbsize < 10 GB
Database / Big db problems
● Very slow backup. High lock time
● If mysql crashes, restart takes time
● It takes time to download and restore in dev
● You need expensive hardware (mostly RAM)
Database / Short-term solutions
Use a managed db service like AWS RDS
● It scales for you
● It handles failover and backup for you
● It’s expensive for big db
● Problems are only mitigated but they are still there
Database / Long-term solutions

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Database / Sharding
Split a single big db into
many small dbs
Database / Sharding
● Very fast backup. Low lock time
● If mysql crashes, restart takes little time
● Fast to download and restore in dev
● No need of expensive hardware
● You arrange your dbs on many machines
Database / Sharding
● How can Symfony deal with them?
● How to execute a cli command on one of them?
● How to apply a migration (ie: add column) to 1000 dbs?
● …...
Database / Sharding
Doctrine DBAL & ORM

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Splunk Presentation

Database / Sharding
Define a DBAL connection and a ORM
entity manager for each db
Database / Sharding
connection: global
connection: shard1
connection: shard2
default_connection: global
Database / Sharding
This works for few dbs
(~ <5)
Database / Sharding
Doctrine sharding

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Database / Doctrine sharding
● Suited for multi-tenant applications
● Global database to store shared data (ie: user data)
● Need to use uuid
Database / Sharding
default_connection: global
id: 1
host / user / dbname
id: 2
host / user / dbname
Database / Sharding
ShardManager Interface
$shardManager = new PoolingShardManager();
$currentCustomerId = 3;
// all queries after this call hit the shard where customer
// with id 3 is on
// the global db is selected
Database / Sharding
● It works but it’s complex to be managed
● No documentation everywhere
● Need to manage shard configuration: adding a new
● Need to parallelize shard migrations: Gearman?
● Deal with sharding in test environment

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Connectors integrate Apache Kafka® with external data systems, enabling you to move away from a brittle spaghetti architecture to one that is more streamlined, secure, and future-proof. However, if your team still spends multiple dev cycles building and managing connectors using just open source Kafka Connect, it’s time to consider a faster and cost-effective alternative.

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Our world runs on software. It governs all major aspects of our life. It is an enabler for research and innovation, and is critical for business competitivity. Traditional software engineering techniques have achieved high effectiveness, but still may fall short on delivering software at the accelerated pace and with the increasing quality that future scenarios will require. To attack this issue, some software paradigms raise the automation of software development via higher levels of abstraction through domain-specific languages (e.g., in model-driven engineering) and empowering non-professional developers with the possibility to build their own software (e.g., in low-code development approaches). In a software-demanding world, this is an attractive possibility, and perhaps -- paraphrasing Andy Warhol -- "in the future, everyone will be a developer for 15 minutes". However, to make this possible, methods are required to tweak languages to their context of use (crucial given the diversity of backgrounds and purposes), and the assistance to developers throughout the development process (especially critical for non-professionals). In this keynote talk at ICSOFT'2024 I presented enabling techniques for this vision, supporting the creation of families of domain-specific languages, their adaptation to the usage context; and the augmentation of low-code environments with assistants and recommender systems to guide developers (professional or not) in the development process.

softwaremodel-driven engineeringdomain-specific languages
Database / Recap
● NOSQL is not used to scale SQL: they have different purposes. You can
use both.
● Sharding is difficult to implement
● Need to change your code
● Short-term solution is to use AWS to leverage some maintenance
● Doctrine ORM sharding works well but you need to write code and
wrappers. Best suited for multi-tenant apps
● When it’s done, you can scale without any limit
Take away: do sharding if your REALLY need it
Users upload files: documents, media, etc
How to handle them?
● Need of filesystem abstraction
● Use external object storage like S3
● Avoid using NAS: it’s tricky to be set-up correctly
Filesystem / Abstraction
● FlysystemBundle
● KnpGaufretteBundle

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Filesystem / Abstraction
● AWS S3
● Dropbox
● Local filesystem
● ...
Filesystem / Abstraction
client: s3_client
bucket: "%s3_bucket%"
directory: ‘myLocalDir’
Filesystem / Abstraction
adapter: s3_adapter
adapter: local_adapter
Filesystem / Abstraction
// LeagueFlysystemFilesystemInterface
$filesystem = $container->get(‘oneup_flysystem.my_filesystem’);
$path = ‘myFilePath’;
$filesystem->write($path, $contents);

Recommended for you

Filesystem / Recap
● Easy
● Need to change your PHP code
● Ready-made bundles
● Avoid local filesystem and NAS
Take away: use FlystemBundle with S3
Async tasks
Sync vs Async
Can synchronous systems scale?
Async tasks
We need a system able to manage some
queues, deliver, store and route messages.
And some PHP code able to consume those
Open source message broker

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AMQP library for PHP
RabbitMQ lets you scale the queue
You can scale consumers: how?

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Putting some machines (containers) inside an
auto-scaling group!
They can scale based on:
● Hardware parameters: cpu / memory
● Number of queue items
● Add your custom metrics!
Async tasks / Recap
● You need an external system and some new machines / containers
● Need to change your PHP code
● Ready-made bundles and libraries
● Avoid blocking sync tasks. Put the message on the queue and move on.
Take away: use RabbitMQ with auto-scaling
Logs have to be collected and managed in a
centralized way...

Recommended for you

● You need an external system
● Take a look at managed ones:,,
● Don’t need to change your PHP code
● You can’t avoid it in a distributed system
Take away: use a managed service
Scaling / Recap
● Sessions and filesystem: easy. Do it
● PHP code: not difficult. Think of it. Save money.
● Database: very hard. Think a lot
● Async tasks: think of it if you have many of them.
● Logging: necessary. Easy to implement if you choose a
managed service
We are always looking for
talented people...!

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글로벌 기업들의 효과적인 데이터 분석을 위한 Data Lake 구축 및 분석 사례 - 김준형 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)글로벌 기업들의 효과적인 데이터 분석을 위한 Data Lake 구축 및 분석 사례 - 김준형 (AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트)
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Amazon Web Services Korea
Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영우디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021
Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영우디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영우디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021
Oracle DB를 AWS로 이관하는 방법들 - 서호석 클라우드 사업부/컨설팅팀 이사, 영우디지탈 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2021
Amazon Web Services Korea
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Amazon Web Services Korea
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