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Django GTALUG Presentation
The Web framework for perfectionists with
Written in Python (

Developed by a newspaper company.
Django GTALUG Presentation

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ElggCamp Santiago - Dev Edition

Brett Profitt gave a tour of the Bookmarks plugin in Elgg 1.8. He highlighted some of the key changes from 1.7, including new features, deprecated features, and antipatterns to avoid. The tour covered the plugin's actions, pages, views, and how it extends the core Elgg functionality. Attendees were encouraged to ask questions throughout the presentation.

New Features Of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 And .Net Framework 3.5 To Comsof...
New Features Of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 And .Net Framework 3.5 To Comsof...New Features Of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 And .Net Framework 3.5 To Comsof...
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Agenda: What was new in VS Studio 2008/.Net 3.5 To: Comsoft, Development Team By: Shahzad Sarwar Date:Friday, October 09, 2009

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A Basic Django Introduction
A Basic Django IntroductionA Basic Django Introduction
A Basic Django Introduction

This document provides an introduction to web development with the Django framework. It outlines Django's project structure, how it handles data with models, and its built-in admin interface. It also covers views, templates, forms, and generic views. Django allows defining models as Python classes to represent the database structure. It provides a production-ready admin interface to manage data. URLs are mapped to views, which can render templates to generate responses. Forms validate and display data. Generic views handle common tasks like displaying object lists.

Released publicly under a BSD license in July 2005
3 Sept., 2008 Django 1.0
was released!
Django GTALUG Presentation
Django’s Goal

 To create complex database driven websites.
 Reusability of Code or Pluggability.
 Rapid development.
 DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself).

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This document introduces Panada, an open source PHP web framework. Panada aims to be fast both in runtime and development while also being easy to use. It emphasizes simplicity and natural coding without restrictive rules. Panada provides a sample Twitter-like application built with it to demonstrate its light, fast performance. Benchmark results show Panada outperforming other frameworks like Yii2, Laravel, and CodeIgniter in terms of requests per second. An optional C extension can further increase Panada's performance. The document provides links to Panada's GitHub repository and documentation on using the C extension.

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What does Django’s Core

Database Abstraction Layer
URL Schema

Django            MVC

      Model            Model

Views and Templates     View

       URL            Controller

Takes Python Code

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railsmvcruby on rails
Django GTALUG Presentation

and Coverts it to SQL
Django GTALUG Presentation
Basic Meta


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This document provides an overview and introduction to LessCSS, a CSS pre-processor. It discusses key features of LessCSS like variables, nesting, mixins, functions and loops. It also provides examples of how to structure CSS with LessCSS by breaking it into partial files and importing them. Finally, it mentions similar CSS pre-processors like Sass and how to install and use LessCSS.

Django GTALUG Presentation
Also does business logic
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Apache CouchDB is a distributed, schema-free document-oriented database accessible via RESTful HTTP/JSON API. It provides features like replication with bi-directional conflict detection/resolution and queryable/indexable documents using JavaScript views. Each record is stored as a document with flexible structure. CouchDB embraces REST and uses JSON, avoiding complexity of XML. It allows querying and indexing documents with JavaScript and supports features like distributed architecture and replication between nodes.


Post.objects.all() - Return all posts
Post.objects.get(pk=1) - Return only the post with the
private key of 1
Post.objects.filter(title__contains=’TLUG’) - Return the
posts with ‘TLUG’ in the title.
Custom Managers

Contains the business logic for the page
Django GTALUG Presentation

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The document provides instructions for creating a PHP extension module that wraps the libares asynchronous DNS resolving library. It begins by explaining why such an extension is useful and covers generating an extension skeleton, configuring the build system to find libares, the key C API functions to expose, and the basic anatomy of a PHP extension.

The Internet and Your Business
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The Internet and Your Business

The document discusses the importance for businesses to have an online presence and manage their online reputation. It recommends that businesses (1) register on all review sites and social networks to look accessible to customers, (2) have their own website to control their online search results, and (3) give away their expertise for free through content instead of traditional advertising which people dislike. Maintaining an online presence helps businesses respond to customer feedback and introduces prospective customers to accurate information about the company.

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How to Turn a Pile of Python Files Into an Open Source Project. You have written some Python code, you think it would be useful to the world, and you would like to give back to the open source world. But where do you start? This talk will give you some guidance on how you can release your project

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Django GTALUG Presentation
Generic Views

Paginated Results
Handles HTTP 404 for us
Django GTALUG Presentation
Django GTALUG Presentation

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This document provides an introduction and overview of Django, a Python web framework. It discusses Django's MVT architecture, modules like administration, authentication, and templates. It outlines the steps to create a new Django project and sample application. Django encourages rapid development of dynamic, database-driven websites and content sites. It has a template system to avoid code duplication and follows principles like DRY and separation of concerns.

Introduction to django
Introduction to djangoIntroduction to django
Introduction to django

Django is a Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean design. It includes an ORM, URL routing, templates, internationalization support, caching, authentication, and an admin interface. Django uses the MVT architecture, with Models handling data, Views returning responses, and Templates rendering output. Requests go through the URL dispatcher to Views, which can retrieve Model data and pass it to Templates to generate responses. The framework provides tools to define Models, URLs, Views and Templates to build applications.

Live session 2 lightning web component
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Live session 2 lightning web component

This document provides information about a free weekly session on Lightning Web Components (LWC). The session will cover topics such as custom elements, shadow DOM, HTML templates, and HTML imports. It also discusses the differences between traditional web applications and those built with web components. Additionally, it outlines the file structure for LWC, supported JavaScript versions, and supported Salesforce environments. The document concludes by discussing component reference, the developer guide, code samples, and prerequisites for local LWC development.


Django GTALUG Presentation
Regular Expressions
Django GTALUG Presentation

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Rapid web application development using django - Part (1)

This slide contains deatils about Django Framework which is based in Python. Beginners to this technology can first learn about the technology and its uses and than start building their project. Popular website like Pinterest, Instagram, Nasa are examples of web application built in Django Framework. This is part 1 .

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Lecture on CodeIgniter, # OSS Essential Training Program at Chittagong University of Engineering Technology, February 2008,

Django framework
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Django framework

This document provides an overview of the Python web framework Django. It describes Django's features such as its MVT architecture, ORM, template system, admin interface, and URL dispatcher. It also covers installing Django, creating projects and applications, Django settings, and some major companies that use Django like Instagram, Pinterest, and The Washington Post.

python courses in bangalorepython training in bangalore with placementpython training in marathahalli
Django GTALUG Presentation
Django GTALUG Presentation
Django’s Contribution
 Administration Interface
 GIS (Geographic Information System)
 Multiple Sites
 Syndication Built in - RDF 0.9, RSS 2.0, and Atom
 Google Sitemap
 and more

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Django - Python MVC Framework
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Django - Python MVC Framework

Django is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python, which follows the Model–View–Controller architectural pattern. It focuses on automating as much as possible and adhering to the DRY principle

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Company Visitor Management System Report.docx
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Company Visitor Management System Report.docx

The document provides an overview of a Company Visitor Management System project. It includes sections on the project introduction, modules, requirements, analysis and design, database tables, implementation, evaluation, and conclusion. The system is a web-based application built with Python, Django, and MySQL to more effectively manage and track company visitors through features like adding visitors, generating reports, and password recovery/management. UML diagrams including use cases, classes, entities, and data flow are included to visualize the system design.

SilverStripe Meetup Presentation 03/03/2011
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SilverStripe Meetup Presentation 03/03/2011

SilverStripe 3.0 will focus on improving core features and the user experience. It will separate the CMS from the framework and move to a more flexible object-relational mapper and templating system. Development will be community-driven using Git and follow an agile process with early alpha and beta releases targeted for mid-2011. Backwards compatibility will be important but some deprecated features may be removed.

silverstripe cmssilverstripesilverstripe meetup
Demo Time

Separate applications for everything.
Search Django on Google

wsgi compatible web server

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SilverStripe Meetup 03/03/2011
SilverStripe Meetup 03/03/2011SilverStripe Meetup 03/03/2011
SilverStripe Meetup 03/03/2011

SilverStripe 3.0 will focus on improving core features and the user experience. It will separate the CMS from the framework and move to a more flexible object-relational mapper and templating system. Development will be community-driven using Git and follow an agile process with early alpha and beta releases targeted for mid-2011. Backwards compatibility is a priority but some deprecated features may be removed.

silverstripesilverstripe meetup
Django Frequently Asked Interview Questions
Django Frequently Asked Interview QuestionsDjango Frequently Asked Interview Questions
Django Frequently Asked Interview Questions

📢🔥 Top 50 Django Interview Questions: Must-Read Article! 🔥📢 Are you preparing for a Django interview? Want to boost your chances of success? Look no further! 🎯 I have compiled a comprehensive list of the top 50 Django interview questions commonly asked in India. 🇮🇳💼 Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, these questions cover a wide range of topics, from Django basics to advanced concepts. 💡 ✨ Get ready to dive into the world of Django with these questions! ✨ In my article, you’ll find shortcut answers and practical examples for each question, making it easier to understand and grasp the concepts. 🚀💡 ⭐ Don’t miss out on this opportunity to level up your Django interview preparation! ⭐ Remember to share this article with your friends and colleagues who might find it helpful. Let’s spread the knowledge! 🤝🌐 📌 Use these hashtags for better reach: #DjangoInterviewQuestions #Python #Django #InterviewPreparation #TechInterviews #interview #opportunity #coding #success #india #share

Why Django for Web Development
Why Django for Web DevelopmentWhy Django for Web Development
Why Django for Web Development

This document provides an overview of the Django web framework. It defines Django as a Python framework that encourages rapid development and clean design. It describes Django's use of the MVT architecture pattern with Models, Views, Templates, and a Controller. It outlines the steps to create a new Django project, including generating the initial files and structure. It also lists some benefits of Django such as its admin interface, reusable components, and URL routing.


<Location />
  SetHandler python-program
  PythonPath “[‘/path/to/project’] + sys.path”
  PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
  SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE blog.settings
  PythonDebug Off

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