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Introduction To CodeIgniter Mohammad Amzad Hossain Softwork Solutions [email_address]
Prerequisite OOP – Object Oriented Programming PHP MySQL
Index Introduction Evolution Of Web Development Basic Idea Of Web Framework Why Framework not Scratch?  MVC ( Model View Controller) Architecture What is CodeIgniter ???? Installation of CodeIgniter Application Flow of CodeIgniter CodeIgniter URL Controllers Views Models CodeIgniter Libraries Helpers A Basic Application Development Of Codeigniter Application Flow Q/A Reference
Evolution of Web Development How you first started building websites.

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Having fun with code igniter

This document provides an overview and introduction to the CodeIgniter web application framework. It discusses what a framework is, describes CodeIgniter and why it may be used, explains its MVC architecture and built-in classes, and provides steps to get started with CodeIgniter including creating controllers, views, models, and using helpers and plugins.

Introduction to MVC Web Framework with CodeIgniter
Introduction to MVC Web Framework with CodeIgniterIntroduction to MVC Web Framework with CodeIgniter
Introduction to MVC Web Framework with CodeIgniter

This document introduces the MVC web framework CodeIgniter. It defines what a framework is and explains that frameworks provide a general application structure and handle common tasks, while libraries are used by code. The document then defines the MVC pattern, which separates business logic from presentation logic into the Model, View and Controller components. It provides examples of each component and how MVC is used for web applications. Finally, it proposes building a simple blog application using CodeIgniter to demonstrate MVC and the framework.

Introduction to CodeIgniter
Introduction to CodeIgniterIntroduction to CodeIgniter
Introduction to CodeIgniter

This document discusses PHP frameworks and CodeIgniter in particular. It provides an overview of PHP frameworks, listing popular options like Zend, CodeIgniter, Symfony and Laravel. It then focuses on CodeIgniter, highlighting its small footprint, clear documentation and ease of use with MVC frameworks. CodeIgniter resources like documentation, forums and tutorials are listed. Finally, it provides an example of using MVC with CodeIgniter by building a controller, model and view to count frogs in a database table.

Evolution of Web Development How you’re building websites now.
Evolution of Web Development How you build websites with a framework
Basic Idea Of Web Framework A web application framework  Is a Software framework  Designed to support the development of  Dynamic websites Web applications Web services Aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities used in Web development.  Libraries for database access Templating frameworks Session management Often promote code reuse Many more  …….
Why Framework Not Scratch ?  Key Factors of a Development Interface Design  Business Logic  Database Manipulation User Access Control Advantage of Framework  Templating Provide Solutions to Common problems Abstract Levels of functionality Make Rapid Development Easier Disadvantage of Scratch Development Make your own Abstract Layer  Solve Common Problems Yourself The more Typing Speed the more faster

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CodeIgniter is a PHP web application framework that focuses on minimizing code for common tasks. It was created in response to documentation issues and complexity in other frameworks. CodeIgniter sees popularity due to its lightweight nature, active record database support, and ease of use through features like form validation and file uploading. It follows an MVC architecture and has a large user community. While flexible and customizable, it lacks some object orientation and has irregular release cycles.

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Yii Introduction

The document provides an overview of the Yii PHP framework, including its core components and features such as MVC architecture, database access, caching, authentication, theming, logging, error handling, and web services. Key sections summarize the entry script, application, controller, model, view, and component classes that make up the framework. Other sections cover basics like creating an application, working with databases and displaying data, as well as more advanced topics such as caching, URL management, and performance tuning.

MVC Architecture Separates User Interface From Business Logic Model - Encapsulates core application data and functionality Business Logic. View - obtains data from the model and presents it to the user. Controller - receives and translates input to requests on the model or the view Figure :  01
What is CodeIgniter ??? An Open Source Web Application Framework  Nearly Zero Configuration MVC ( Model View Controller ) Architecture Multiple DB (Database) support DB Objects Templating Caching Modules Validation Rich Sets of Libraries for Commonly Needed Tasks Has a Clear, Thorough documentation
Installation of CodeIgniter Requirments Web Server -  Download & Install Apache PHP – 4.3.2 or Higher Database – MySQL ( support for other DB exists ) Installation  Download the latest version from  and unzip into your web root directory. Open  “application/config/config.php” and change base_url value to base url. For example:  http://localhost/myci/ To Use Database open “application/config/database.php” and change necessary values. Usually you have to change:  ‘hostname’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘datbase’. Start Your Web Server and Database Server and go to  http:// localhot/myci
Application Flow Of CodeIgniter Figure :  2  [ Application Flow of CodeIgniter]

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This document provides an overview of MainframePHP, a PHP framework based on CodeIgniter. It discusses Mainframe's focus on web apps and inclusion of popular open source tools. The speaker then covers several case studies that use Mainframe, how Mainframe improves productivity over CodeIgniter, its performance capabilities even on low-powered servers, ease of learning for new developers familiar with CodeIgniter, its theme system, asset management features, plugin support via HMVC, and organization of libraries.


Yii is a high-performance PHP framework that is easy to install, offers security features like access control and role-based access control, and supports internationalization and lazy loading for improved performance. It uses the model-view-controller pattern and allows automatic code generation via Gii. Yii is open-source and free to use.

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CodeIgniter URL URL in CodeIgniter is Segment Based. Segments in a URI  CodeIgniter Optionally Supports Query String URL news / article / my_article class / function / ID c=news & m=article & ID=345
Controllers A Class file resides under “application/controllers” first <?php class  First  extends Controller{ function First() { parent::Controller(); } function  index () { echo “<h1> Hello CUET !! </h1> “; } } ?> // Output Will be “Hello CUET!!” Note: Class names must start with an Uppercase Letter. In case of “constructor” you must use “parent::Controller();”
Controllers In This Particular Code <?php class First extends Controller{ function index() { echo “<h1> Hello CUET !! </h1> “; } function  bdosdn ( $location ) { echo “<h2> Hello $location !! </h2>”; } } ?> // Output Will be “Hello world !!” first / bdosdn/ world Note: The ‘Index’ Function always loads by default. Unless there is a second segment in the URL
VIEWS A Webpage or A page Fragment Should be placed under “application/views” Never Called Directly <html> <title> My First CodeIgniter Project</title> <body> <h1> Welcome ALL … To My .. ::: First Project ::: . . . </h1> </body> </html> web_root/myci/system/application/views/myview.php

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The document discusses design patterns and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It describes the 23 Gang of Four design patterns categorized into creational, structural, and behavioral patterns. It then explains the MVC pattern, how it separates an application into the model, view, and controller components, and the typical request flow from request to response. Finally, it provides a brief history of ASP.NET MVC and the technologies used in ASP.NET MVC development.

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There are lots of libraries and frameworks you can use when building browser based JavaScript applications. Probably the most popular library is jQuery. But while jQuery makes it easy to write cross browser user interface code that manipulates the DOM it’s UI focus makes it less then perfect for large business applications. One of the JavaScript based MVC frameworks that has been gaining a lot of popularity for creating business applications is AngularJS. Wen using AngularJS you get the benefit of a powerful data-binding framework that guides you towards a proper application model with a proper separation between the UI layer and the business layer. It also contains a powerful dependency injection framework making code much more testable than before. In this session Maurice de Beijer will show you how to get started with AngularJS and how productive you can be when creating line of business applications.


Presentation explaining MVC4 including what's new, explaining how it works and finally implementing a real world application.

VIEWS Calling a VIEW from Controller Data Passing to a VIEW from Controller $this->load->view(‘myview’); function index() { $var = array( ‘ full_name’ => ‘Amzad Hossain’, ‘ email’ => ‘’ ); $this->load->view(‘myview’, $var); } <html> <title> ..::Personal Info::.. </title> <body> Full Name :  <?php echo $full_name;?>  <br /> E-mail  :  <?=email;?>  <br /> </body> </html>
VIEWS There are 3 mechanism that can be utilize to show Dynamic Data inside a VIEW File -  Pure PHP -  PHP’s Alternative Syntax -  CodeIgniter’s Template Engine  <?php if( $for_this == true ):?> <h1> For This </h1> <?php elseif( $for_that == true ): ?> <h1> For That </h1> <?php else: ?> <h1> What </h1> <?php endif; ?> Note: There are other alternative syntax ‘for’, ‘foreach’, ‘while’
Models Designed to work with Information of Database Models Should be placed Under “application/models/” Loading a Model inside a Controller <?php  class  Mymodel  extend Model{ function Mymodel() { parent::Model(); } function  get_info () { $query = $this->db->get(‘name’, 10);  /*Using ActiveRecord*/ return $query->result(); } } ?> $this->load->model(‘mymodel’); $data = $this->mymodel->get_info();
CodeIgniter Libraries Special Purpose Classes Loading CodeIgniter Library Benchmarking Database Encryption Calendaring FTP Table File Uploading Email Image Manipulation Pagination Input and Security HTML Trackback Parser Session Template Unit Testing User Agent URI Validation $this->load->library(‘database’);

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The document discusses design patterns and architectural patterns, specifically focusing on the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. It provides an overview of MVC, explaining the model, view, and controller components. It then describes how MVC is implemented in ASP.NET MVC, including the request flow and separation of concerns. Some key benefits of ASP.NET MVC like clean URLs, testability, and extensibility are also summarized.

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Yii is a PHP framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern. It aims to separate business logic from user interfaces to allow each part to be developed and changed independently. The framework provides models to manage data and business rules, views to contain user interface elements, and controllers to link models and views. Yii was created based on other frameworks like Ruby on Rails, PRADO, and jQuery to provide a high-performance PHP framework for developing large-scale web applications. mvc 5 course module 1 overview mvc 5 course   module 1 mvc 5 course   module 1 overview mvc 5 course module 1 overview

This document outlines the modules and content covered in an ASP.NET MVC 5 course. The 10 modules cover an overview of MVC, models, controllers, views, security, routing, performance, testing, Web API integration. The agenda includes introductions to MVC architecture, comparisons to Web Forms, project structure, configuration, a demo app, best practices, and homework. Real app showcasing and references are also provided.
CodeIgniter Libraries Database Library Abstract Database Class support traditional structures and Active Record Pattern. Active Record Pattern General Approach function index() { $this->load->library(‘database’); $rslt =  $this->db->query (“ select first_name from user_name ”); foreach(  $rslt->result()  as $row_data)  echo  $row_data->first_name  . “<br />”; } function index() { $this->load->library(‘database’); $this->db->select(“first_name”); $rslt =  $this->db->get (“ user_name ”); foreach(  $rslt->result()  as $row_data)  echo  $row_data->first_name  . “<br />”; }
Helpers Simply a collection of functions in a particular category. Loading A Helper Inside a Controller Array Date File HTML Smiley Text URL Cookie Download Form Security String Directory E-mail Inflector XML Parser Typography $this->load->helper(‘helper_name’); $this->load->helper(array(‘form’,’url’) );
Helpers Form Helper form_open() form_open_multipart() form_input() form_textarea() form_checkbox() form_submit() form_close() URL Helper site_url() base_url() anchor() anchor_popup() mailto()
A Personal Blog Using CI

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The document discusses CodeIgniter, an open source PHP MVC framework, and provides information about CodeIgniter features such as controllers, models, views, helpers, libraries, and working with databases using CodeIgniter's active record functions. It also covers topics like installing CodeIgniter, creating controllers and models, and loading views, helpers, and libraries.

Questions  &  Answers
Useful Links
Reference User Guide of CodeIgniter 1.6.1 Wikipedia PHPit Slideshare

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Introduction To Code Igniter

  • 1. Introduction To CodeIgniter Mohammad Amzad Hossain Softwork Solutions [email_address]
  • 2. Prerequisite OOP – Object Oriented Programming PHP MySQL
  • 3. Index Introduction Evolution Of Web Development Basic Idea Of Web Framework Why Framework not Scratch? MVC ( Model View Controller) Architecture What is CodeIgniter ???? Installation of CodeIgniter Application Flow of CodeIgniter CodeIgniter URL Controllers Views Models CodeIgniter Libraries Helpers A Basic Application Development Of Codeigniter Application Flow Q/A Reference
  • 4. Evolution of Web Development How you first started building websites.
  • 5. Evolution of Web Development How you’re building websites now.
  • 6. Evolution of Web Development How you build websites with a framework
  • 7. Basic Idea Of Web Framework A web application framework Is a Software framework Designed to support the development of Dynamic websites Web applications Web services Aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities used in Web development. Libraries for database access Templating frameworks Session management Often promote code reuse Many more …….
  • 8. Why Framework Not Scratch ? Key Factors of a Development Interface Design Business Logic Database Manipulation User Access Control Advantage of Framework Templating Provide Solutions to Common problems Abstract Levels of functionality Make Rapid Development Easier Disadvantage of Scratch Development Make your own Abstract Layer Solve Common Problems Yourself The more Typing Speed the more faster
  • 9. MVC Architecture Separates User Interface From Business Logic Model - Encapsulates core application data and functionality Business Logic. View - obtains data from the model and presents it to the user. Controller - receives and translates input to requests on the model or the view Figure : 01
  • 10. What is CodeIgniter ??? An Open Source Web Application Framework Nearly Zero Configuration MVC ( Model View Controller ) Architecture Multiple DB (Database) support DB Objects Templating Caching Modules Validation Rich Sets of Libraries for Commonly Needed Tasks Has a Clear, Thorough documentation
  • 11. Installation of CodeIgniter Requirments Web Server - Download & Install Apache PHP – 4.3.2 or Higher Database – MySQL ( support for other DB exists ) Installation Download the latest version from and unzip into your web root directory. Open “application/config/config.php” and change base_url value to base url. For example: http://localhost/myci/ To Use Database open “application/config/database.php” and change necessary values. Usually you have to change: ‘hostname’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘datbase’. Start Your Web Server and Database Server and go to http:// localhot/myci
  • 12. Application Flow Of CodeIgniter Figure : 2 [ Application Flow of CodeIgniter]
  • 13. CodeIgniter URL URL in CodeIgniter is Segment Based. Segments in a URI CodeIgniter Optionally Supports Query String URL news / article / my_article class / function / ID c=news & m=article & ID=345
  • 14. Controllers A Class file resides under “application/controllers” first <?php class First extends Controller{ function First() { parent::Controller(); } function index () { echo “<h1> Hello CUET !! </h1> “; } } ?> // Output Will be “Hello CUET!!” Note: Class names must start with an Uppercase Letter. In case of “constructor” you must use “parent::Controller();”
  • 15. Controllers In This Particular Code <?php class First extends Controller{ function index() { echo “<h1> Hello CUET !! </h1> “; } function bdosdn ( $location ) { echo “<h2> Hello $location !! </h2>”; } } ?> // Output Will be “Hello world !!” first / bdosdn/ world Note: The ‘Index’ Function always loads by default. Unless there is a second segment in the URL
  • 16. VIEWS A Webpage or A page Fragment Should be placed under “application/views” Never Called Directly <html> <title> My First CodeIgniter Project</title> <body> <h1> Welcome ALL … To My .. ::: First Project ::: . . . </h1> </body> </html> web_root/myci/system/application/views/myview.php
  • 17. VIEWS Calling a VIEW from Controller Data Passing to a VIEW from Controller $this->load->view(‘myview’); function index() { $var = array( ‘ full_name’ => ‘Amzad Hossain’, ‘ email’ => ‘’ ); $this->load->view(‘myview’, $var); } <html> <title> ..::Personal Info::.. </title> <body> Full Name : <?php echo $full_name;?> <br /> E-mail : <?=email;?> <br /> </body> </html>
  • 18. VIEWS There are 3 mechanism that can be utilize to show Dynamic Data inside a VIEW File - Pure PHP - PHP’s Alternative Syntax - CodeIgniter’s Template Engine <!-- PHP’s Alternative Syntax --> <?php if( $for_this == true ):?> <h1> For This </h1> <?php elseif( $for_that == true ): ?> <h1> For That </h1> <?php else: ?> <h1> What </h1> <?php endif; ?> Note: There are other alternative syntax ‘for’, ‘foreach’, ‘while’
  • 19. Models Designed to work with Information of Database Models Should be placed Under “application/models/” Loading a Model inside a Controller <?php class Mymodel extend Model{ function Mymodel() { parent::Model(); } function get_info () { $query = $this->db->get(‘name’, 10); /*Using ActiveRecord*/ return $query->result(); } } ?> $this->load->model(‘mymodel’); $data = $this->mymodel->get_info();
  • 20. CodeIgniter Libraries Special Purpose Classes Loading CodeIgniter Library Benchmarking Database Encryption Calendaring FTP Table File Uploading Email Image Manipulation Pagination Input and Security HTML Trackback Parser Session Template Unit Testing User Agent URI Validation $this->load->library(‘database’);
  • 21. CodeIgniter Libraries Database Library Abstract Database Class support traditional structures and Active Record Pattern. Active Record Pattern General Approach function index() { $this->load->library(‘database’); $rslt = $this->db->query (“ select first_name from user_name ”); foreach( $rslt->result() as $row_data) echo $row_data->first_name . “<br />”; } function index() { $this->load->library(‘database’); $this->db->select(“first_name”); $rslt = $this->db->get (“ user_name ”); foreach( $rslt->result() as $row_data) echo $row_data->first_name . “<br />”; }
  • 22. Helpers Simply a collection of functions in a particular category. Loading A Helper Inside a Controller Array Date File HTML Smiley Text URL Cookie Download Form Security String Directory E-mail Inflector XML Parser Typography $this->load->helper(‘helper_name’); $this->load->helper(array(‘form’,’url’) );
  • 23. Helpers Form Helper form_open() form_open_multipart() form_input() form_textarea() form_checkbox() form_submit() form_close() URL Helper site_url() base_url() anchor() anchor_popup() mailto()
  • 24. A Personal Blog Using CI
  • 25. Questions & Answers
  • 26. Useful Links
  • 27. Reference User Guide of CodeIgniter 1.6.1 Wikipedia PHPit Slideshare