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Developing for Mobile Web
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        Phones go wild

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Instant and offline apps with Service Worker
Instant and offline apps with Service WorkerInstant and offline apps with Service Worker
Instant and offline apps with Service Worker

2 parts of talking at Google Developer Summit 2016 Seoul - How to optimize loading performance your web app - Introducing to Service Worker & Offline 101

Puppeteer can automate that! - AmsterdamJS
Puppeteer can automate that! - AmsterdamJSPuppeteer can automate that! - AmsterdamJS
Puppeteer can automate that! - AmsterdamJS

Puppeteer is a node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome over the DevTools Protocol. When combined with the power of the web technologies, it can be used for automating image processing and batch file generation, creating automated visual testing with device emulation, tracking page loading performance, enforcing performance and code coverage budgets on CI, crawling a SPA, capturing a timeline trace of your site to help diagnose performance issues and more! We'll explore those capabilities of Puppeteer API with combination of DevTools protocol and cloud functions (FaaS) with a showcase of real life use cases demonstrated by live-examples. Finally, we’ll go through the existing puppeteer based SaaS solutions such as Checkly and Browserless.

Puppeteer can automate that! - Frontmania
Puppeteer can automate that! - FrontmaniaPuppeteer can automate that! - Frontmania
Puppeteer can automate that! - Frontmania

Puppeteer is a node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome over the DevTools Protocol. When combined with the power of the web technologies, it can be used for automating image processing and batch file generation, creating automated visual testing with device emulation, tracking page loading performance, enforcing performance and code coverage budgets on CI, crawling a SPA, capturing a timeline trace of your site to help diagnose performance issues and more! We'll explore those capabilities of Puppeteer API with combination of DevTools protocol and cloud functions (FaaS) with a showcase of real life use cases demonstrated by live-examples. Finally, we’ll go through the existing puppeteer based SaaS solutions such as Checkly and Browserless.

A smart-phone?
Any old phone?
1. Physical properties
2. Network usage
3. Device Power

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Building a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared To
Building a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared ToBuilding a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared To
Building a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared To

This document provides an overview of building progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the key technologies needed for PWAs including manifest files, service workers, and app shells. It provides examples of how to add a manifest to enable installable web apps, how to cache assets using service workers, and how to send push notifications. While Safari and iOS do not fully support these technologies yet, the document notes they are being developed for future releases.

[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive image techniques for adaptive web design. It begins by explaining browser sniffing versus feature testing, and recommends using feature testing to determine browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth instead of browser sniffing. It then covers techniques like using background-size to control image sizes, SVG for smaller file sizes, and font-based solutions. The document also discusses server-side techniques like .htaccess rewrite rules and client-side techniques like picture and HiSRC. It advocates for a mobile-first approach using CSS media queries and a single pixel GIF for responsive images.

csshtml5responsive web design
Scalable Front-end Development with Vue.JS
Scalable Front-end Development with Vue.JSScalable Front-end Development with Vue.JS
Scalable Front-end Development with Vue.JS

Are you sure your app is secure enough? Do you want to scale your app to the next level? Come and join us for the Bandung JS Meetup #11. Save the date! Tuesday, March 27th 2018 Location : Bandung Creative Hub (Aula lt 5) Jl Laswi No 7, Kacapiring- Bandung We will have presentations by: 1. Galih Pratama - Head Front-end, on "Scalable Web Development by Vue.js" 2. Yahya Fadhlulloh - CTO, on "JS flaw Hackers Love to Abuse"

3.5 versions of Gmail:

        Desktop - richly interactive
                  Desktop - "simple" HTML
                  (requires opt in)

                                                   & old mobile
                                                   (still served to Palm Pre, etc)
Mobile devices being delivered different markup

               CSS used for different viewports

         JavaScript adding functionality if wide enough*
                                                       * yes, iPads, tablets, etc...
Browser smelling bad?

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Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceBrowser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

This document summarizes the history and evolution of web browsers and internet technologies from the early 1990s to the late 1990s. It traces the development of key browsers like Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. It also outlines the introduction of important web standards like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML. Major events included the commercialization of the web in the mid-1990s, the browser wars between Netscape and Microsoft in the late 90s, and the consolidation of online services providers toward the end of the decade.

Let Grunt do the work, focus on the fun!
Let Grunt do the work, focus on the fun!Let Grunt do the work, focus on the fun!
Let Grunt do the work, focus on the fun!

The document discusses how Grunt can be used as a JavaScript task runner to automate repetitive tasks like minification. It provides examples of configuring Grunt tasks like Uglify to minify files and integrating it with package.json for an easy setup. Developers are encouraged to use Grunt as it allows configuring tasks in JavaScript instead of XML, is fast to set up, and helps focus on important work instead of repetitive tasks.


RSVP Node.js class at NYC data science academy's free workshop, given at NYC Open Data Meetup,

nyc open data meetupwww.nycdatascience.comnyc data science academy
Bingo people.

Read more:
Developing for Mobile
Developing for Mobile
Tip: Safari, "show debug menu", change user agent

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Realize mais com HTML 5 e CSS 3 - 16 EDTED - RJ
Realize mais com HTML 5 e CSS 3 - 16 EDTED - RJRealize mais com HTML 5 e CSS 3 - 16 EDTED - RJ
Realize mais com HTML 5 e CSS 3 - 16 EDTED - RJ

Slides apresentados no 16 EDTED, edição Rio de Janeiro, em 21 de Maio de 2011. Aqui não tem vídeos, animações e códigos apresentados, mas tem os links. Logo passo o link completo.

rio de janeirohtml5css3
[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by introducing the speaker, Christopher Schmitt, and his credentials. It then explores using the browser's user agent string and feature detection to determine screen resolution and bandwidth rather than browser sniffing. The document discusses using CSS media queries, jQuery, and the picture element to serve adaptive images. It also proposes some workaround techniques like background sizing and SVG to improve responsive images.

html5responsive web designwcatx
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash CourseNode.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course

Slides from Node.js and Twitter Bootstrap crash course given to Penn Graduate Computing Club. Covers creating basic node app, using the bootstrap grid, and deploying to an EC2 machine.

#og_quick>.og_o {
  background:transparent url('data:image/
TYr3TXpy7iGkrFJF76xbZe26mrifSCIF1by0w6E5bGWBxfy0wcdr6+b/e3+pQg1dTkx5RAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC') no-repeat 1px 3px;
  margin:3px 3px 0;
  padding:5px 1px 1px;
Inline the crap out of it.

                                      CSS, JavaScript, images
                                      all belong in the html file.
1. Store data & assets locally

                                           2. Defer work

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jQuery UI and Plugins
jQuery UI and PluginsjQuery UI and Plugins
jQuery UI and Plugins

This document discusses jQuery UI and plugins. It provides an overview of jQuery UI classes that can be used to style elements. It also demonstrates several common jQuery UI widgets like buttons, accordions, dialogs, and tabs. The document discusses jQuery UI effects for animations and transitions. It provides tips for identifying good plugins based on aspects like their API, documentation, support, and community. Overall, the document is an introduction to using jQuery UI and evaluating jQuery plugins.

pluginsthemerollercss framework
Arquitetura de Front-end em Aplicações de Larga Escala
Arquitetura de Front-end em Aplicações de Larga EscalaArquitetura de Front-end em Aplicações de Larga Escala
Arquitetura de Front-end em Aplicações de Larga Escala

Para desenvolver um site institucional simples ou um hotsite pequeno, não é preciso muito mais que um pouco de HTML, um ou dois arquivos de CSS, alguns arquivos de JavaScript, e um sistema de CMS. No entanto, à medida que a complexidade de um site aumenta, o código passa a se tornar cada vez mais extenso, complexo, difícil de ser organizado, e projeto acaba virando um grande "code spaghetti". Para garantir que isso não aconteça, é necessário implementar uma estrutura sólida para o HTML, CSS e JavaScript, de modo que os componentes da aplicação funcionem independentemente e sejam facilmente mantidos e modificados. Nesta palestra, mostrei como elaborar uma arquitetura de front-end que sustente uma aplicação de larga escala.

Cool like a Frontend Developer: Grunt, RequireJS, Bower and other Tools
Cool like a Frontend Developer: Grunt, RequireJS, Bower and other ToolsCool like a Frontend Developer: Grunt, RequireJS, Bower and other Tools
Cool like a Frontend Developer: Grunt, RequireJS, Bower and other Tools

Bower, Grunt, and RequireJS are just a few tools that have been re-shaping the frontend development world, replacing cluttered script tags and server-side build solutions with a sophisticated, but sometimes complex approach to dependency management and module loading. In this talk, we'll put on our trendy frontend developer hat and find out how these tools work and how they differ from what we might be used to. Most important, we'll see how using tools like this might look in Symfony2 and how our application can be a friendly place for a frontend guy/gal.

Web Storage, Web SQL Database, IndexedDb
<html   manifest="">

        # AppName: superpudu
        # User:
        # Version: 505718b088be23a8
        *                    Manifest version control

  Single page app - implictly cached
This next bit is a bit of a mind fuck.
A module name?

Commented out JavaScript?

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Keypoints html5
Keypoints html5Keypoints html5
Keypoints html5

20100807 OSC Nagoya での講演資料 # スライドのみで見やすいよう若干整理 P5〜 Agenda P17〜 "HTML5" って何? P56〜 HTML5 の範囲は? P67〜 ブラウザのサポートは? P94〜 IE6 はどうするの? P118〜 使用上の注意 P147〜 便利なツールは? P152〜 One Point Q&A P186〜 追加資料

[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It covers using the browser's user agent string and feature testing to determine screen resolution and bandwidth instead of browser sniffing. Methods presented include using viewport width with JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS media queries; checking screen resolution directly and considering retina displays; and avoiding bandwidth speed tests. Workarounds discussed are using background-size: 100% with images, SVG, and a "Clown Car" SVG technique loading different image files via CSS media queries.

NeoGenomics Laboratory Company Overview Presentation 02/19/2014
NeoGenomics Laboratory Company Overview Presentation 02/19/2014NeoGenomics Laboratory Company Overview Presentation 02/19/2014
NeoGenomics Laboratory Company Overview Presentation 02/19/2014

In this NeoGenomics Laboratory Company Overview Presentation 02/19/2014, you will find detail information on the following highlights: •Fast growing cancer genetics lab servicing Oncologists, Pathologists and Hospitals •Strategic client partnerships created by “Tech-Only” model •Dynamic, rapidly-growing and consolidating industry •Industry-leading revenue & test volume growth •Strong productivity and operating leverage leading to accelerating cash flow and net income •Strong Management Team with large cap lab experience

cancer testinginvestmentlaboratory
function loadModule(id) {
    var codeElement = document.getElementById(id),
        code = codeElement.innerHTML;

function stripOutCommentBlock(str) {
    return str.replace(//*/, '').replace(/*//, '');
"200k of JavaScript held within a block
            comment adds 240ms during page load,
            whereas 200k of JavaScript that is parsed
            during page load added 2600 ms."
1. Inline as much as you can

          2. Defer work as much as possible

                   3. Be prepared to get creative
JavaScript Libraries?

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Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)
Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)
Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)

The document discusses the capabilities of HTML5 for building offline applications. It mentions several HTML5 features that enable offline functionality, including application cache, manifest files, and offline events. Application cache allows caching assets defined in a manifest file so the application can work offline. The offline event fires when the browser loses internet connectivity, informing the application it is now offline.

Inside the mind of a development manager
Inside the mind of a development managerInside the mind of a development manager
Inside the mind of a development manager

The document discusses the experiences and lessons learned from a software developer who became a full-time manager. It addresses how the work day and perspective changes from being a developer to a manager, with managers needing to context switch more and see the bigger picture. It also provides tips for what makes a great developer like reliably estimating tasks, being organized, and shipping work, as well as what makes a great leader like clear communication, pushing teams forward, coaching others, and setting a high bar for quality.

leadershipmanagementhow to
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymoreHTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore

Flash over the years, has been used to prop up the regular browser like a sad old man drinking alone in a pub. Today browsers come shipped with technology designed to rival flash and aim to shut it squarely out of the game. Are browser ready to rock without Flash?

This is all the source code
you need to start your
project with:

                              For more information, see
                                                     (or tidbits if we're in the states)
without translate3d

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Yearning jQuery
Yearning jQueryYearning jQuery
Yearning jQuery

The document discusses a screencast on using jQuery for designers, noting that the screencast will cover getting started with jQuery, DOM navigation and manipulation, events, Ajax, and tips. It provides Remy's contact information and encourages asking questions during the screencast. The document also lists various jQuery resources like documentation, blogs, tutorials, and forums for getting help with jQuery.

A Guide to SlideShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...
A Guide to SlideShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...A Guide to SlideShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...
A Guide to SlideShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...

This document provides a summary of the analytics available through SlideShare for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.

Mobile Web Speed Bumps
Mobile Web Speed BumpsMobile Web Speed Bumps
Mobile Web Speed Bumps

As browsers explode with new capabilities and migrate onto devices users can be left wondering, “what’s taking so long?” Learn how HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the web itself conspire against a fast-running application and simple tips to create a snappy interface that delight users instead of frustrating them.

with translate3d

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Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)

In the beginning, progressive enhancement was simple: HTML layered with CSS layered with JavaScript. That worked fine when there were two browsers, but in today's world of multiple devices and multiple browsers, it's time for a progressive enhancement reboot. At the core is the understanding that the web is not print - the same rules don't apply. As developers and consumers we've been fooled into thinking about print paradigms for too long. In this talk, you'll learn just how different the web is and how the evolution of progressive enhancement can lead to better user experiences as well as happier developers and users. This deck is a conference-agnostic one, suitable to be shown anywhere without site-specific jokes!

htmlcssprogressive enhancement
Vodafone Widget Camp
Vodafone Widget CampVodafone Widget Camp
Vodafone Widget Camp

Flaky browsers and connections present challenges for mobile web development. W3C Widgets offer a solution by allowing developers to create local applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that run like native apps on any browser or device. Key aspects of widgets include their configuration file, widget object and methods, and security considerations when accessing device APIs. While still an emerging technology, widgets show promise as a cross-platform solution if browser support increases and issues around debugging, updating and security are addressed.

Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)

In the beginning, progressive enhancement was simple: HTML layered with CSS layered with JavaScript. That worked fine when there were two browsers, but in today's world of multiple devices and multiple browsers, it's time for a progressive enhancement reboot. At the core is the understanding that the web is not print - the same rules don't apply. As developers and consumers we've been fooled into thinking about print paradigms for too long. In this talk, you'll learn just how different the web is and how the evolution of progressive enhancement can lead to better user experiences as well as happier developers and users.

htmlcssprogressive enhancement

Remote mobile console - works on the real devices!
Developing for Mobile
Developing for Mobile
            "We hope you enjoy this update to Readability. It’s
            100% web technology and 100% approval-free and
            we’re really proud of it. This release highlights the
            kind of firepower behind Readability. The team put
            this together in two weeks. It’s a testament to
            building applications based upon web standards—
            effective, cross-device web applications can be
            built in a fraction of the time of a native app, and
            be provided without restriction."

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Mobile Web Talk
Mobile Web TalkMobile Web Talk
Mobile Web Talk

This document discusses the growing importance of mobile web development and some of the key technologies enabling it. It highlights HTML5 features like local storage and the canvas element that allow richer applications to be created. It also introduces several JavaScript libraries that can be used for mobile development, including PhoneGap, which allows creating apps for multiple platforms. Examples are given of simple to complex graphics that can now be created with these technologies.

Don't touch the mobile parts
Don't touch the mobile partsDon't touch the mobile parts
Don't touch the mobile parts

The document provides tips for optimizing websites for mobile browsers. It discusses differences between mobile and desktop browsers like slower rendering speeds and varied browser families on mobile. It recommends strategies like embedding resources inline, caching assets locally, lazy-loading content, minimizing requests and file sizes, detecting devices, and testing on mobile emulators. The document emphasizes optimizing for the limitations of low-end mobile browsers.

wpohtml5mobile web
JS Module Server
JS Module ServerJS Module Server
JS Module Server

Why packaging javascript as a static asset leads nowhere on the long run? Possible solution is rethinking the way the javascript is served

If you find you're writing lots of
plugins for PhoneGap, etc, to support
the device: then you're better off
with using the native language.
Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should.
Otherwise: rock on.
HTML5, jQuery for Designers
& Node workshops

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shinobu tsutsui
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Developing for Mobile

  • 4. Also has Blackberry Not a phone Phones go wild
  • 10. 3.5 versions of Gmail: Desktop - richly interactive Desktop - "simple" HTML (requires opt in) Mobile & old mobile (still served to Palm Pre, etc)
  • 11. Mobile devices being delivered different markup CSS used for different viewports JavaScript adding functionality if wide enough* * yes, iPads, tablets, etc...
  • 13. Bingo people. Read more:
  • 16. Tip: Safari, "show debug menu", change user agent
  • 17. #og_quick>.og_o { width:61px; height:21px; background:transparent url(' iPEX7rg53n/Dh4ODq6uoiV+3+/v70t67vVVTb5PgWS/Hwl46ju+3+xDBFeO/ xw73R0tLV2uX30XHi6vvUEi3zc2v0pZo2aey1xuzNzc2WuPzoJzVHgfvt8fzZ2dnG1fb22IwpYvfgHDMya/f//v1ek/n/+vn+//9BcucUQ +TV1db5/fr55LLdqqe4wtxolfDaamvUwbnIzNTn3Nv+z1Hx8/rqkgvos0jDz+qJp+fTzMdxktn0hHn88vCVsu84cvlbh+fkwn/+/ PSCnde6Tk2ktNvt5+f+/v+4zPn25uPR3vz08PAkpTrc4Oju6+r5+v3OjYv14N1Nfun79ebc08uLsPv668SdzKfy +vMNNNLP8NA9at6d4KhEy1nbt3z33dzg1NLZen2FqvbTVVbMJTXr4cztrjP989Qyw1T+4JYChQ/ u6eDv089y2IX7zML71syUrOS6ITOzxLbm4trsy8XMgn3O094bfihI3fKDAAAC +klEQVR4XpXUVZfsNgwAYJnDw8zMDMvMzHyZucz01+tktu2c+9C9qydP5C/WkZwBca/Az1788AJb/wBHHxxntUZD83uwdYd +8uzl6WPeG9exRiMdOYv4a2bQQ/7fW72X3/6KyJj2bLyjusGYobfNLsd3lP6ZLuQbXcoIxhjS4SK/ q3Zb4391K2sOu2z0mzB2IUTzJ1cytOY8qT/6pty/cZaew2w2+66ER3rtR5frCgso5CsZ/bYUC2NRbyZ9Lp+SOCKW2I6W+ +VA4JFcxh4+zFdqWonYurnmc7nc7u8JHNdSGeNA/ BvN1SRCLJRTZsj2bFkuP6rqRxLLlxAKmkMdvpZ6LRHSEcp9eAOlSirDxtoSUh5QTnii+va8H3igc/ Ikqi4Y2kYR8UVvm9p63+Wm6CqpXC5LbU6P64SyvN8TVqj6gc6qywgLq6/OF/O1MLPmTDkTqdGqe8q3GjrrIvCY3j3jti +lxcOYOzdlWKJ1VY2HA+qUzLRu1PnpvDlkFq5shh2dyE3NGAbjACTvDTpdK/j9DXPzzJ0bIEuIo/ gv07PqFpIzsHXauxEhh6npIoz0QOdAsIB6yetdsid2cMG0zgr1VSd1Ilqv45fhsvqJgqh/ Nf8qbKQ3JxrBCGXE1q6c8gYs57aQpY53nUuOifZ0pbivxAcnWLh3M5QvzEcZrgc +ZXQAtFgJhg0iTqWG91Xld4JfH4Gw4OdOJ5iOzRU87ac7FM4nq5NJ99sZyrdhSw1EA1FKOcaFkukNRkjv9K/Tx3JPPF5VBicgBOZ/ 7jzvmO2JHf8wgwiZ +eP95KWOOG7h77YWFl79JpceTVv3X3dSZwRoF53IPbu7l4iDkBwMWizqSIYBWPSAMQaAnQzjnBN8XPHLNNU6S4zACVxgSQyDExjdUOByGw BxPvAWlmkxigNsP8rXujoncG6u6HCbwDKE1HdHXd4oe/JNc4+Ogy/ TYr3TXpy7iGkrFJF76xbZe26mrifSCIF1by0w6E5bGWBxfy0wcdr6+b/e3+pQg1dTkx5RAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC') no-repeat 1px 3px; color:rgba(100%,100%,100%,0.01); letter-spacing:10px; overflow:hidden; margin:3px 3px 0; padding:5px 1px 1px; }
  • 18. Inline the crap out of it. CSS, JavaScript, images all belong in the html file.
  • 20. 1. Store data & assets locally 2. Defer work
  • 21. Web Storage, Web SQL Database, IndexedDb
  • 22. <html manifest=""> CACHE MANIFEST # AppName: superpudu # User: # Version: 505718b088be23a8 NETWORK: / * Manifest version control // NETWORK: Single page app - implictly cached
  • 23. This next bit is a bit of a mind fuck.
  • 24. A module name? Commented out JavaScript?
  • 25. function loadModule(id) { var codeElement = document.getElementById(id), code = codeElement.innerHTML; eval(stripOutCommentBlock(code)); } function stripOutCommentBlock(str) { return str.replace(//*/, '').replace(/*//, ''); }
  • 26. "200k of JavaScript held within a block comment adds 240ms during page load, whereas 200k of JavaScript that is parsed during page load added 2600 ms."
  • 27. 1. Inline as much as you can 2. Defer work as much as possible 3. Be prepared to get creative
  • 29. xui
  • 30. This is all the source code you need to start your project with: For more information, see
  • 31. Titbits (or tidbits if we're in the states)
  • 37. Remote mobile console - works on the real devices!
  • 40. "We hope you enjoy this update to Readability. It’s 100% web technology and 100% approval-free and we’re really proud of it. This release highlights the kind of firepower behind Readability. The team put this together in two weeks. It’s a testament to building applications based upon web standards— effective, cross-device web applications can be built in a fraction of the time of a native app, and be provided without restriction."
  • 41. If you find you're writing lots of plugins for PhoneGap, etc, to support the device: then you're better off with using the native language.
  • 42. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
  • 43. Otherwise: rock on. @rem HTML5, jQuery for Designers & Node workshops