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Node.js Web App
By Aaron Silverman, Code Slinger at Video BlocksMarch 19, 2014
Note: node.js is getting more and more popular every year!
Node.js - download and install it!
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello Worldn');
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
Create simple server web server
Run simple web server
$ node server.js
Server running at

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Vue js for beginner
Vue js for beginner Vue js for beginner
Vue js for beginner

Vue JS is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It uses a component-driven approach and features like reactivity and computed properties that make it possible to build desktop, mobile, and web applications. Some key features include reactive data binding, conditional rendering, mixins, slots for content distribution, and Vuex for global state management between components. Asynchronous and dynamic components add flexibility. Vue shares similarities with React in using virtual DOM and components but differs in file structure and size.

Nuxt.js - Introduction
Nuxt.js - IntroductionNuxt.js - Introduction
Nuxt.js - Introduction

Slides presented at the Vue.js meetup in Paris the 3rd of December 2016. Nuxt.js is a minimalist framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications.

Nuxt Talk
Nuxt TalkNuxt Talk
Nuxt Talk

This document introduces Nuxt.js, an open source framework for building server-rendered Vue.js applications. It provides features like automatic code splitting, hot reloading, routing, layouts, async data fetching, middleware, configuration, and more. Nuxt.js makes it easy to write Vue components and leverage server-side rendering capabilities with features inspired by Next.js.

Connect to simple web server
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course
Why reinvent the wheel?
Packages FTW!
$ npm install -g express-generator
├── mkdirp@0.3.5
└── commander@1.3.2 (keypress@0.1.0)
Create skeleton web application
$ express --ejs myapp
create : myapp
install dependencies:
run the app:

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#NewMeetup Performance
#NewMeetup Performance#NewMeetup Performance
#NewMeetup Performance

This document discusses optimizing Meetup's performance by reducing page load times. It recommends reducing JavaScript, image, DOM, and CSS files. Specific techniques include externalizing and concatenating JavaScript, lazy loading images and scripts, minimizing DOM elements, writing efficient CSS selectors, and profiling code to optimize loops and DOM manipulation. Reducing page weight through these techniques can improve the user experience by speeding up load times and drop in member activity.

Nodejs - Building a RESTful API
Nodejs - Building a RESTful APINodejs - Building a RESTful API
Nodejs - Building a RESTful API

The document discusses building a RESTful API and deploying it to the cloud. It outlines using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and other tools to build a scalable API. It then discusses deploying the application to services like Heroku and Travis CI for continuous integration and monitoring with New Relic. Case studies are provided of other companies like PayPal that were able to build applications faster and handle more traffic using similar Node.js architectures.

nodejs resful api
Introduction to REST API with Node.js
Introduction to REST API with Node.jsIntroduction to REST API with Node.js
Introduction to REST API with Node.js

This document provides an introduction to Node.js and Mongoose. It discusses that Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine for building fast and scalable network applications. It then summarizes key aspects of Node.js like its architecture, core modules, use of packages, and creating simple modules. It also introduces Express as a web framework and Mongoose as an ORM for MongoDB, summarizing their basic usage and schemas.

Install dependencies
$ cd myapp
$ npm install
express@3.4.8 node_modules/express
Start web application
$ npm start
> application-name@0.0.1 start
> node ./bin/www
Connect to web application
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course

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ServiceWorker: New game changer is coming!
ServiceWorker: New game changer is coming!ServiceWorker: New game changer is coming!
ServiceWorker: New game changer is coming!

I believe ServiceWorker is one of most important specifications for the next web world. Offline and its technologies are very friendly concepts to native application developers. But, now I think front-end developers have to know that for stepping into new paradigm. With ServiceWorker, you can make your web application can run offline, and it also means you can make your web application load extremely fast. I've told about ServiceWorker very briefly in this slide. But you can understand how ServiceWorker runs on. If you want to know its usage, I highly recommend Topeka, which is a polymer demo application at google I/O 2014, that also includes material design and ServiceWorker in inside of it. If you want to know ServiceWorker some more or in detail, I'd like to recommend to read the following, written by Jungkee Song, one of authors of this spec.

Testing frontends with nightwatch & saucelabs
Testing frontends with nightwatch & saucelabsTesting frontends with nightwatch & saucelabs
Testing frontends with nightwatch & saucelabs

Sooner or later, any application needs to be released. And before that, it needs to be tested. Ideally! The purpose of this talk is to explore Nightwatch as a testing framework, how to set up an automated CI system using Travis and using SauceLabs as a browser farm. See for code

javascriptnightwatchsoftware testing
Modern UI Development With Node.js
Modern UI Development With Node.jsModern UI Development With Node.js
Modern UI Development With Node.js

The Node.js movement has transformed the landscape of UI development. In this session we'll look at how Node.js can be leveraged on multiple layers of the web application development lifecycle. Attendees will learn how incorporating Node.js into your front-end build process can optimize code, allow you to use use new and upcoming JavaScript features in your code today, and to improve your asset delivery pipeline. This session will also cover how Node is changing the template rendering landscape, allowing developers to write "isomorphic" code that runs on the client and server. Lastly we'll look into using Node to achieve developer zen by keeping the codebase clean and limiting the risk of changes to the code causing unknown errors.

What’s going on?
automagically created folders and files
package.json is key
started by npm start
installed by npm install
require - import/include other files
and packages
imports debug package
imports app file
what is exported
Middleware Magic
view engine

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Webpack packing it all
Webpack packing it allWebpack packing it all
Webpack packing it all

Derek Willian Stavis ( Todo mundo diz que Webpack é só um module bundler. Mas o que é um módulo? O que é um bundler? Porque precisamos disso? Vamos caminhar pela história do desenvolvimento web para entender estes conceitos, e no final vamos dissecar a configuração e o output do Webpack para entendermos como ele funciona e como ele pode facilitar o seu processo de desenvolvimento. Vale do Carbono Conference

Bundling your front-end with Webpack
Bundling your front-end with WebpackBundling your front-end with Webpack
Bundling your front-end with Webpack

This document discusses how bundling front-end code with Webpack can help solve issues with large JavaScript files in single-page apps. It introduces Webpack as a module bundler that can handle dependencies across JavaScript, CSS, images and more. It supports loading modules on demand and pre-processing file types. The document provides a demo GitHub repo and references to learn more about Webpack's features and how companies like Instagram use it.

javascript webpack front-end bundle
Webpack: your final module bundler
Webpack: your final module bundlerWebpack: your final module bundler
Webpack: your final module bundler

Webpack has quickly become one of the most popular choices among web developer builder tools. It can build, minify, split and do others awesome things to your assets. We will do a simple walk through to let you familiar with the basics of webpack and all its potential.

Route handlers
render view
View - Embedded JavaScript
view variable
Spice up our root page - route handler
exports.index = function(req, res){
res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });
res.render('index', {title: 'Express', name: 'Aaron'});
Spice up our root page - view
<h1><%= title %></h1>
<p>Welcome to <%= title %></p>
<p>&ldquo;Welcome to <%= title %>&rdquo;</p>
<p>&mdash; <%= name %><p>

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Production optimization with React and Webpack
Production optimization with React and WebpackProduction optimization with React and Webpack
Production optimization with React and Webpack

This document discusses optimizing React and Webpack applications for production. It recommends: 1. Not optimizing prematurely and ensuring engineering and product goals are aligned before optimizing. 2. Understanding available optimization options at build time like minification, code splitting, and using production builds of dependencies, and at runtime like server-side rendering and component lifecycle methods. 3. Instrumenting the application to measure performance metrics like bundle size, load time, and render time to identify optimization opportunities. 4. Setting meaningful benchmarks based on the actual user experience expected, rather than arbitrary metrics, to determine what constitutes acceptable performance.

Javascript Bundling and modularization
Javascript Bundling and modularizationJavascript Bundling and modularization
Javascript Bundling and modularization

This document discusses module bundling tools for JavaScript applications. It introduces the problems of growing code complexity and need for optimized delivery of code. It then summarizes two popular module bundling tools: Webpack and jspm. Webpack supports CommonJS, AMD and ES6 module syntax and uses loaders and plugins to bundle assets. jspm uses the SystemJS module loader and bundles modules for production, while loading them asynchronously for development. Both tools aim to address the challenges of modular code management and optimized delivery.

Web Development with NodeJS
Web Development with NodeJSWeb Development with NodeJS
Web Development with NodeJS

This document discusses the basics of web application architecture using Node.js and Express. It introduces HTTP requests and responses between clients and servers, and common status codes and verbs like GET and POST. It explains how to create a basic server with the HTTP module in Node.js, and how Express simplifies this with routing, middleware, request/response extensions and view handling capabilities. Specific examples are given for creating routes, using middleware, and setting up a view engine like Handlebars to render templates.

Restart and connect
$ npm start
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course
Internet folks love cats
Cat image
image file

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Chrome enchanted 2015
Chrome enchanted 2015Chrome enchanted 2015
Chrome enchanted 2015

This document contains slides from a presentation on Polymer and modern web APIs. The slides discuss how Polymer uses web components to build reusable custom elements, and how this allows for component-based development. They provide examples of popular elements like <paper-tabs> and <core-toolbar> that are used as building blocks. The slides also showcase several production uses of Polymer at Google scale, including the Google Santa Tracker application. They emphasize how Polymer leverages modern web platform APIs to build fast, modular, and powerful applications.

Bower power
Bower powerBower power
Bower power

This presentation will introduce Bower, a powerful package manager for libraries, frameworks, and all things front-end. We will cover basic Bower usage, integration into Grunt & Gulp build processes, tooling, and registering custom packages to be used by anyone.

javascriptbowerpackage management
MySQL Indexing Crash Course
MySQL Indexing Crash CourseMySQL Indexing Crash Course
MySQL Indexing Crash Course

Dives into how MySQL indexes work under the hood, and provides strategies for efficiently indexing your data to reduce query times. Presented at Western Slope Tech Meetup in Montrose, CO 3/29/17

databasemysqlbig data
Cat view
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />
Cat route handler
exports.index = function(req, res) {
res.render('index', {title: 'Penn', name: 'Aaron'});
}; = function(req, res) {
Cat route
app.get('/', routes.index);
app.get('/users', users.list);
Enough manual restarting - nodemon
$ sudo npm install -g nodemon

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Seconf2011 database driven combinatorial testing
Seconf2011   database driven combinatorial testingSeconf2011   database driven combinatorial testing
Seconf2011 database driven combinatorial testing

Describes how to leverage combinatorial testing to reduce the number of selenium test cases while still maintaining desired code coverage, as well as the benefits of keeping inputs, metadata, and outputs relating to the tests and their runs in the database

seconf combinatorial testing selenium
Mongo or Die: How MongoDB Powers Doodle or Die
Mongo or Die: How MongoDB Powers Doodle or DieMongo or Die: How MongoDB Powers Doodle or Die
Mongo or Die: How MongoDB Powers Doodle or Die

"Doodle or Die" is a popular online drawing game built on Node.js and MongoDB. It started off as an entry to the 2011 Node Knockout competition and after winning the category for "Most Fun" has continued to grow into a game that has thousands of players play each day who have produced millions of drawings. This talk will use Doodle or Die as a vehicle to showcase the many strengths of using MongoDB as a go-to database for small and midsize applications. It will also cover lessons learned as we used MongoDB to rapidly develop and scale Doodle or Die.

mongodbdoodle or dienode.js
Npm: beyond 'npm i'
Npm: beyond 'npm i'Npm: beyond 'npm i'
Npm: beyond 'npm i'

NPM scripts allow developers to run predefined scripts at different stages of installing, publishing, and interacting with packages. These scripts are defined in the package.json file under the "scripts" key. Common script names include preinstall, install, postinstall, prepublish, publish, and postpublish. NPM versioning follows semantic versioning principles where versions are denoted as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Dependencies can specify version ranges like tilde (~), caret (^), and hyphen (-) to control updates. Private NPM repositories and shrinkwrapping help ensure reproducible builds across environments. Scoped packages allow publishing packages under a unique namespace.

npm node.js javascript package-manager
Tell nodemon what to run
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
"main": "bin/www",
"dependencies": {
Start server using nodemon
$ nodemon
[nodemon] v1.0.15
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node bin/www`
Navigate to cat page
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course

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Npm scripts
Npm scriptsNpm scripts
Npm scripts

This document discusses using NPM scripts as a build tool. It covers setting up scripts in the package.json file to automate common tasks like linting, testing, building assets, and running dev servers. Examples are provided of setting up scripts for CSS preprocessing, bundling JavaScript, running tests, and more for both AngularJS and React projects. Chaining, piping, and running tasks concurrently with NPM scripts is also covered.

Jaap : node, npm & grunt
Jaap : node, npm & gruntJaap : node, npm & grunt
Jaap : node, npm & grunt

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. The document discusses Node.js' architecture, its use of JavaScript for simplicity, and how it is inspired by other technologies like Twisted and EventMachine. It also covers related tools like NPM for package management and Grunt for automating tasks.

Startup JavaScript 8 - NPM, Express.JS
Startup JavaScript 8 - NPM, Express.JSStartup JavaScript 8 - NPM, Express.JS
Startup JavaScript 8 - NPM, Express.JS

JavaScript 로 서버사이드 개발을 가능하게 하는 Node.JS 의 모듈을 관리하는 NPM, 그리고 서버 어플리케이션을 개발하는데 도움을 주는 Express.JS 를 살펴봅니다.

Name that cat
Name that cat - route handler = function(req, res) {
var name = req.param('name','Mr. Cat');
res.render('cat', {name: name});
Name that cat - view
<h1>Meet <%= name %>, the Cat.</h1>
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />
Revisit cat page

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#7 "Многообещающий JavaScript – Promises" Денис Речкунов
#7 "Многообещающий JavaScript – Promises" Денис Речкунов#7 "Многообещающий JavaScript – Promises" Денис Речкунов
#7 "Многообещающий JavaScript – Promises" Денис Речкунов

Доклад про то, как бороться с асинхронным JavaScript-кодом и получать от него удовольствие используя Promises.

by JSib
Why Node, Express and Postgres - presented 23 Feb 15, Talkjs, Microsoft Audit...
Why Node, Express and Postgres - presented 23 Feb 15, Talkjs, Microsoft Audit...Why Node, Express and Postgres - presented 23 Feb 15, Talkjs, Microsoft Audit...
Why Node, Express and Postgres - presented 23 Feb 15, Talkjs, Microsoft Audit...

How Node, Express and Postgres and help meet the challenges of building a scalable Web Service. Node is event-oriented and able to take high load. Express makes your code very simple and maintainable. Supports API-styled web service. Postgres supports your data needs with a very flexible data structure.

web servicebluebirdexpress
Node.js Crash Course
Node.js Crash CourseNode.js Crash Course
Node.js Crash Course

Node.js is a compelling platform that is quickly spreading from startups to the enterprise. Node.js strategically unites developers of all backgrounds through the common language of JavaScript. Why should you learn Node.js and where do you start? You will come away from this talk with the evidence to support Node.js, and tools you need to be productive. We will walk through a typical workflow of creating and debugging a web application. You will learn how easy it is to deploy, including Microsoft Azure. We'll also look at popular frameworks and modules, and other learning resources to give you the best start.
Pass name in query parameter
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course
Moar Cats!
Twitter Bootstrap - CSS for dummies

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Node.js in action
Node.js in actionNode.js in action
Node.js in action

This document provides an overview of Node.js and how to use it for web development. It covers installing Node.js, the basic syntax and features of Node.js like modules, asynchronous programming. It also discusses using the NPM package manager and popular Node packages. Finally, it demonstrates how to build a basic web server and framework like Express along with integrating a database like MySQL.

Burgas Conf 21.06.2014 - Single page application Angularjs and Nodejs
Burgas Conf 21.06.2014 - Single page application Angularjs and NodejsBurgas Conf 21.06.2014 - Single page application Angularjs and Nodejs
Burgas Conf 21.06.2014 - Single page application Angularjs and Nodejs

Record from public lecture into a Burgas Conf. We speak how to create Single page application via Angularjs and Nodejs. Video: Source Code: Tutorials: Google developers Angularjs: 1. 2. Javascript Course:

single page applicationburgas confangularjs
Java script at backend nodejs
Java script at backend   nodejsJava script at backend   nodejs
Java script at backend nodejs

This document outlines an agenda for discussing JavaScript at the backend using Node.js. The agenda includes explaining what Node.js is, installing Node.js, writing a simple "Hello World" program, running Node.js applications, exploring core Node.js modules like the file system and HTTP modules, and handling HTTP requests. Key points are installing Node.js from its website, using the file system and HTTP modules to interact with files and create an HTTP server, and using a request handler to return different responses based on the URL. The presenter is introduced as an author who works with JavaScript, Node.js, and related technologies.

Bootstrap grid and components
CSS classes also makes special components
CSS class “row” starts row of a 12 column grid
CSS class “col-md-N” starts a responsive N-column wide grid element
Note: rows can be nested inside columns for a nested grid
Cat view - bootstrap css/js
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
<script src="//"></script>
Note: instead of using external assets we could also have downloaded and extracted these files into the
public/stylesheets and public/javscripts directories.
Cat view - name jumbotron
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Meet <%= name %>, the Cat.</h1>
<p>Best cat in the land</p>
Cat view - cat grid
<div class="container cat-grid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="col-md-4">
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="/images/cat.jpg" />

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Intro To Node.js
Intro To Node.jsIntro To Node.js
Intro To Node.js

This is a presentation I prepared for a local meetup. The audience is a mix of web designers and developers who have a wide range of development experience.

node.js javascript async callbacks npm express
Introduction to node js - From "hello world" to deploying on azure
Introduction to node js - From "hello world" to deploying on azureIntroduction to node js - From "hello world" to deploying on azure
Introduction to node js - From "hello world" to deploying on azure

Slide deck from my talk on Node.js. More information is available here:

Complete MVC on NodeJS
Complete MVC on NodeJSComplete MVC on NodeJS
Complete MVC on NodeJS

This document discusses building scalable network applications using Node.js. It begins with an introduction to Node.js, describing it as a software platform built on the Chrome V8 engine for building scalable applications using JavaScript on the server side. It then discusses why to use Node.js, noting that its single-threaded and event-driven model avoids issues with memory usage that can occur in multi-threaded models. The document proceeds to explain event loops and non-blocking I/O in Node.js. It then provides an example of building a simple web server with Node.js. Finally, it introduces Express.js and provides an overview of how to structure an Express application using MVC patterns with models, views,

Cat view - cat style
.cat-grid img {
height: 100px;
Moar, responsive, cats
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course
Module Time

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Nodejs Event Driven Concurrency for Web Applications
Nodejs Event Driven Concurrency for Web ApplicationsNodejs Event Driven Concurrency for Web Applications
Nodejs Event Driven Concurrency for Web Applications

We describe the event-driven concurrency model used by Nodejs, a JavaScript server-side scripting platform. An overview of the traditional thread based approach(used by Apache) is also given. We compare both the approaches. An Introduction to Nodejs programming is provided and some useful packages are discussed.

nodejsnodeweb development
Create Rest API in Nodejs
Create Rest API in Nodejs Create Rest API in Nodejs
Create Rest API in Nodejs

This document discusses how to create a REST API in Node.js using the Express framework and Mongoose ORM for connecting to MongoDB. It begins with an introduction and background on REST APIs and the technologies used. It then walks through setting up dependencies, creating basic Express routes, connecting to MongoDB with Mongoose, defining a schema and model, and using the model for CRUD operations. The document ends with instructions on testing API endpoints in Postman and includes a link to the source code repository.

expressjsjavascript frameworkrestapi
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.

This document provides an introduction to Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that allows JavaScript to be run on the server-side. Express is a web application framework for Node.js that provides routing capabilities and middleware support. MongoDB is a non-relational database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, rather than using rigid tables. The document discusses the pros and cons of each technology and provides examples of basic usage and configuration.

express frameworkmongodbframework
Npm install and save
$ npm install --save express-partials
npm http GET
npm http 304
express-partials@0.2.0 node_modules/express-partials
Added to package.json
newly installed package
Use new middleware
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var partials = require('express-partials');
var routes = require('./routes');
var users = require('./routes/user');
var app = express();
// view engine setup
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
Create common view layout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
<%- body %>
<script src="//"></script>

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Debugging node in prod
Debugging node in prodDebugging node in prod
Debugging node in prod

- The document discusses debugging Node.js applications in production environments at Netflix, which has strict uptime requirements. It describes techniques used such as collecting stack traces from running processes using perf and visualizing them in flame graphs to identify performance bottlenecks. It also covers configuring Node.js to dump core files on errors to enable post-mortem debugging without affecting uptime. The techniques help Netflix reduce latency, increase throughput, and fix runtime crashes and memory leaks in production Node.js applications.

Death of a Themer
Death of a ThemerDeath of a Themer
Death of a Themer

Video at Large Drupal projects will generally have a themer or five working alongside the developers, site builders and designers. Themers are the magicians who transform what Drupal wants to do into what the designer wants it to do. Smaller projects also usually need someone on the team who can make sense of Drupal's output, knows more CSS and JS than anyone else and can configure Views with their eyes closed. The thing is — and whisper this, if possible redundancy concerns you — we can bypass the themer entirely. With some simple configuration, a site builder can get Drupal to output exactly the semantic, lightweight markup that any modern front-end designer would be proud of. The designer can be left alone to write the most appropriate HTML, CSS and JS, while the site builder need only choose a couple of options when putting together content types, views and panels to make Drupal behave. A friendly developer may have to lend a hand every now and then, but that’s it. You can get rid of the themer altogether.

drupaltheme"drupalcamp london"
[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development
[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development
[Bristol WordPress] Supercharging WordPress Development

Slide links: - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Often WordPress themes are not easy to change, maintain or fun to work on. This can rule WordPress out as a viable option for bespoke, non-trivial websites. In this talk we’ll dive into how this happens & look at how we can benefit from software engineering techniques to help make your code easier to change. I’ll also show how using Lumberjack, a powerful MVC framework built on Timber, can be used to power-up your themes.

Clean up cat view
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
<script src="//"></script>
Clean up index view
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%= title %></title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
Revisit Pages
$ nodemon
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course

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The document outlines the steps to create a basic React application using Create React App, including initializing the project, adding React and ReactDOM, creating components, routing, and deploying to Now. Key steps include generating a package.json, adding Babel and webpack for transpilation, and using Material UI for styling components. The application is then deployed to Now for hosting.

09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)
09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)
09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)

09 - Express Nodes on the right Angle - Vitaliy Basyuk - IT Event 2013 (5) 60 вузлів під правильним кутом - миттєва розробка програмних додатків використовуючи Node.js + Express + MongoDB + AngularJS. Коли ми беремось за новий продукт, передусім ми думаємо про пристрасть, яка необхідна йому, щоб зробити користувача задоволеним і відданим нашому баченню. А що допомагає нам здобути прихильність користувачів? Очевидно, що окрім самої ідеї, також важлими будуть: зручний користувацький інтерфейс, взаємодія в реальному часі та прозора робота з даними. Ці три властивості ми можемо здобути використовучи ті чи інші засоби, проте, коли все лиш починається, набагато зручніше, якщо інструменти допомагають втілити бажане, а не відволікають від головної мети. Ми розглянемо процес розробки, використовуючи Node.js, Express, MongoDB та AngularJS як найбільш корисного поєднання для отримання вагомої переваги вже на старті вашого продукту. Віталій Басюк

Vue routing tutorial getting started with vue router
Vue routing tutorial getting started with vue routerVue routing tutorial getting started with vue router
Vue routing tutorial getting started with vue router

Here’s a step-by-step guideline on implementing basic and dynamic Vue routing with the Vue Router example. Learn and code with the Vue Router tutorial

vue.jsvue routingvuejs development company
How can Grandma see the cat?
Deploy on the interwebs!
Transfer code to your server
$ scp -i ~/.ssh/macbookair.pem -r myapp/ ubuntu@ec2-23-
Note: Ideally your code is checked into a source control repository such as git, and you would
add your server’s public key to be allowed to access to the repository.
Then you would do something like:
$ ssh -i .ssh/macbookair.pem
$ git clone
Install node.js on your server
$ ssh -i .ssh/macbookair.pem ubuntu@ec2-23-20-153-76.
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ node --version

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Please dont touch-3.6-jsday
Please dont touch-3.6-jsdayPlease dont touch-3.6-jsday
Please dont touch-3.6-jsday

The document discusses various ways that web performance can be improved, including reducing the number of server requests, minimizing file sizes through compression and minification, leveraging caching, optimizing browser rendering through techniques like deferred parsing of JavaScript, and using tools to automate optimizations. It emphasizes that most of the end user response time is spent in the frontend and recommends starting performance improvements there.

Mojolicious, real-time web framework
Mojolicious, real-time web frameworkMojolicious, real-time web framework
Mojolicious, real-time web framework

This document provides an overview of Mojolicious, a real-time web application framework written in Perl. It discusses getting started with Mojolicious::Lite, including routes, placeholders, templates and layouts. It also covers sessions, growing applications out of Lite into Mojolicious, and additional Mojo modules for things like web clients and HTML parsing. Resources for learning more about Mojolicious are provided.

mojolicious npw2012
Refresh Austin - Intro to Dexy
Refresh Austin - Intro to DexyRefresh Austin - Intro to Dexy
Refresh Austin - Intro to Dexy

Slides for my Refreshing Documentation talk at Refresh Austin on July 12, 2011. Sources and handouts available from bitbucket:

refreshaustin dexy dexyit
Install dependencies
$ cd myapp
$ npm install
Note: If you transferred your node_modules folder (such as scp did in this presentation) this won’t be
necessary. However typically that folder should be ignored by version control (e.g. in .gitignore) and you
will have to do this step.
Allow HTTP traffic for the server
Allow port forwarding to listen port
$ sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
(uncomment net.ipv4.ip_forward)
$ sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
$ sudo iptables -A PREROUTING
-t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j
REDIRECT --to-port 3000
Start and connect to server
$ npm start
> application-name@0.0.1 start
> node ./bin/www

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Rails 3 overview
Rails 3 overviewRails 3 overview
Rails 3 overview

Rails 3 provides a concise overview of changes in Rails 3 including maintaining MVC structure and RESTful routing while improving areas like file structure, block helpers, routing and constraints, ActiveRecord querying, resources routing, and ActionMailer delivery. Key changes include a more Rack-like implementation, chainable ActiveRecord scopes, and pagination and layout support in ActionMailer.

Creating GUI container components in Angular and Web Components
Creating GUI container components in Angular and Web ComponentsCreating GUI container components in Angular and Web Components
Creating GUI container components in Angular and Web Components

So you've embraced architecting your Angular application with reusable components--cheers to you! But you have UI components that need multiple entry points for user markup, and regular ng-transclude left you hanging. In this talk, we'll cover how new web component standards, like the Shadow DOM, handle this. Next, we'll walk through how to accomplish it today in Angular 1.3 -- and also give you a brief glimpse into what a solution will look like in upcoming Angular 2. Afterwards, you'll know how to make layout scaffold components with custom elements that serve as containers for arbitrary user-provided HTML content. Talk presented at ng-conf in March 2015.

ui architectureui componentsangularjs
Rails 3: Dashing to the Finish
Rails 3: Dashing to the FinishRails 3: Dashing to the Finish
Rails 3: Dashing to the Finish

This document provides an overview of routing changes in Rails 3, including: - Matching routes using "match" instead of "map.connect" and optional segments. - Namespaces, scopes, and constraints for organizing and restricting routes. - Default RESTful routes and generating resources. - Redirects can now be specified as Rack apps or Procs. - Mounting other Rack endpoints at specific paths.

Forever - run node as a daemon
$ sudo npm install -g forever
forever@0.10.11 /usr/lib/node_modules/forever
$ forever start bin/www
warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it
does not stay up for at least 1000ms
info: Forever processing file: bin/www
Website now live forever!
Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course

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Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course

  • 1. Node.js Web App CRASH COURSE By Aaron Silverman, Code Slinger at Video BlocksMarch 19, 2014
  • 2. Note: node.js is getting more and more popular every year! Node.js - download and install it!
  • 3. var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello Worldn'); }).listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at'); Create simple server web server server.js
  • 4. Run simple web server $ node server.js Server running at
  • 5. Connect to simple web server
  • 7. Why reinvent the wheel? Packages FTW! $ npm install -g express-generator ... express-generator@3.0.0 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/express-generator ├── mkdirp@0.3.5 └── commander@1.3.2 (keypress@0.1.0)
  • 8. Create skeleton web application $ express --ejs myapp ... create : myapp ... install dependencies: ... run the app:
  • 9. Install dependencies $ cd myapp $ npm install … express@3.4.8 node_modules/express ...
  • 10. Start web application $ npm start > application-name@0.0.1 start /Users/aaron/Workspace/upenn/myapp > node ./bin/www
  • 11. Connect to web application
  • 13. What’s going on? automagically created folders and files
  • 14. package.json is key started by npm start installed by npm install
  • 15. require - import/include other files and packages imports debug package imports app file what is exported
  • 18. View - Embedded JavaScript view variable
  • 19. Spice up our root page - route handler exports.index = function(req, res){ res.render('index', { title: 'Express' }); res.render('index', {title: 'Express', name: 'Aaron'}); }; routes/index.js
  • 20. Spice up our root page - view <body> <h1><%= title %></h1> <p>Welcome to <%= title %></p> <p>&ldquo;Welcome to <%= title %>&rdquo;</p> <p>&mdash; <%= name %><p> </body> views/index.ejs
  • 25. Cat view <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' /> </head> <body> <h1>Cat</h1> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </body> </html> views/cat.ejs
  • 26. Cat route handler exports.index = function(req, res) { res.render('index', {title: 'Penn', name: 'Aaron'}); }; = function(req, res) { res.render('cat'); } routes/index.js
  • 27. Cat route app.get('/', routes.index); app.get('/users', users.list); app.get('/cat',; app.js
  • 28. Enough manual restarting - nodemon $ sudo npm install -g nodemon ... nodemon@1.0.15 …
  • 29. Tell nodemon what to run "scripts": { "start": "node ./bin/www" }, "main": "bin/www", "dependencies": { package.json
  • 30. Start server using nodemon $ nodemon [nodemon] v1.0.15 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs` [nodemon] watching: *.* [nodemon] starting `node bin/www`
  • 34. Name that cat - route handler = function(req, res) { var name = req.param('name','Mr. Cat'); res.render('cat'); res.render('cat', {name: name}); } routes/index.js
  • 35. Name that cat - view <body> <h1>Cat</h1> <h1>Meet <%= name %>, the Cat.</h1> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </body> routes/index.js
  • 37. Pass name in query parameter
  • 40. Twitter Bootstrap - CSS for dummies
  • 41. Bootstrap grid and components CSS classes also makes special components CSS class “row” starts row of a 12 column grid CSS class “col-md-N” starts a responsive N-column wide grid element Note: rows can be nested inside columns for a nested grid
  • 42. Cat view - bootstrap css/js <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' /> </head> … <script src="//"></script> </body> </html> views/cat.ejs Note: instead of using external assets we could also have downloaded and extracted these files into the public/stylesheets and public/javscripts directories.
  • 43. Cat view - name jumbotron <body> <div class="jumbotron"> <h1>Meet <%= name %>, the Cat.</h1> <p>Best cat in the land</p> </div> views/cat.ejs
  • 44. Cat view - cat grid <div class="container cat-grid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> ... </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </div> </div> </div> views/cat.ejs <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <img src="/images/cat.jpg" /> </div> </div>
  • 45. Cat view - cat style .cat-grid img { height: 100px; } public/stylesheets/style.css
  • 49. Npm install and save $ npm install --save express-partials npm http GET npm http 304 express-partials@0.2.0 node_modules/express-partials
  • 50. Added to package.json newly installed package
  • 51. Use new middleware var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var partials = require('express-partials'); var routes = require('./routes'); var users = require('./routes/user'); var app = express(); // view engine setup app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views')); app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); app.use(partials()); app.use(favicon()); app.js
  • 52. Create common view layout views/layout.ejs <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' /> </head> <body> <%- body %> <script src="//"></script> </body> </html>
  • 53. Clean up cat view views/cat.ejs <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' /> </head> <body> … <script src="//"></script> </body> </html>
  • 54. Clean up index view views/index.ejs <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><%= title %></title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' /> </head> <body> … </body> </html>
  • 57. How can Grandma see the cat?
  • 58. Deploy on the interwebs!
  • 59. Transfer code to your server $ scp -i ~/.ssh/macbookair.pem -r myapp/ ubuntu@ec2-23- Note: Ideally your code is checked into a source control repository such as git, and you would add your server’s public key to be allowed to access to the repository. Then you would do something like: $ ssh -i .ssh/macbookair.pem $ git clone
  • 60. Install node.js on your server $ ssh -i .ssh/macbookair.pem ubuntu@ec2-23-20-153-76. $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install nodejs $ node --version v0.10.26
  • 61. Install dependencies $ cd myapp $ npm install Note: If you transferred your node_modules folder (such as scp did in this presentation) this won’t be necessary. However typically that folder should be ignored by version control (e.g. in .gitignore) and you will have to do this step.
  • 62. Allow HTTP traffic for the server
  • 63. Allow port forwarding to listen port $ sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf (uncomment net.ipv4.ip_forward) $ sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 $ sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000
  • 64. Start and connect to server $ npm start > application-name@0.0.1 start /home/ubuntu/myapp > node ./bin/www
  • 65. Forever - run node as a daemon $ sudo npm install -g forever … forever@0.10.11 /usr/lib/node_modules/forever … $ forever start bin/www warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms info: Forever processing file: bin/www
  • 66. Website now live forever!