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Making your Angular.js
Application accessible
2nd Accessibility Camp Bay Area - Dirk Ginader @ginader
• JavaScript Framework
• allows you to extend HTML
• has powerful Data Binding
• is inaccessible
NAH — of course not or this talk would be over…

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Modern frontend development with VueJs
Modern frontend development with VueJsModern frontend development with VueJs
Modern frontend development with VueJs

In a world dominated by React and Angular, Vue is the open source framework that brings a third alternative to the table, combining the strengths of the first two while trying to weed out their weaknesses. The result is an easy to use, lightweight and versatile framework. In this talk we will explore Vue's architecture, see how components interact among themselves, have a look at the event model and in the end, how to wrap everything together in a SPA using Webpack.

Single Page JavaScript WebApps... A Gradle Story
Single Page JavaScript WebApps... A Gradle StorySingle Page JavaScript WebApps... A Gradle Story
Single Page JavaScript WebApps... A Gradle Story

From MelbJVM July 2014 This presentation covers building single page web applications with Gradle, including why we chose to use Gradle instead of a more commonly used JS based build tool, and the benefits by integrating a JS webapp into the JVM environment.

gradle js single page
Meetup Performance
Meetup PerformanceMeetup Performance
Meetup Performance

Presentation on how Meetup tackles web performance. Given on: - Nov 17th, 2009 for the NY Web Performance Group ( - Jan 26th, 2010 for NYC Tech Talks Meetup Group (

Angular has a bad
reputation in terms of
Bad Examples
Ian Pouncey:

<form action="getform.php" method="get">
First name: <input type="text" name="first_name" /><br />
Last name: <input type="text" name="last_name" /><br />
E-mail: <input type="email" name="user_email" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="showItem(item)">
<button ng-click="remove(item)">Remove</button>
straight from stackoverflow:

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Building a Startup Stack with AngularJS
Building a Startup Stack with AngularJSBuilding a Startup Stack with AngularJS
Building a Startup Stack with AngularJS

Presented at SCREENS 2013 in Toronto with Nick Van Weerdenburg Save 10% off ANY FITC event with discount code 'slideshare' See our upcoming events at AngularJS is a hot, hot, hot topic. Building web and mobile apps in AngularJS is an ease but there is a learning curve. In this session, you’ll learn the ins and outs of AngularJS and leave the session knowing how to build killer AngularJS apps.

The Art of AngularJS in 2015 - Angular Summit 2015
The Art of AngularJS in 2015 - Angular Summit 2015The Art of AngularJS in 2015 - Angular Summit 2015
The Art of AngularJS in 2015 - Angular Summit 2015

Presentation from Angular Summit Keynote in September 2015. AngularJS is one of today's hottest JavaScript MVC Frameworks. In this session, we'll explore many concepts it brings to the world of client-side development: dependency injection, directives, filters, routing and two-way data binding. We'll also look at its recommended testing tools and build systems.

Enjoy the vue.js
Enjoy the vue.jsEnjoy the vue.js
Enjoy the vue.js

Andy Wood - enjoy the Vue.js Slides from the TechExeter Conference, 8th October 2016.

A solid Foundation
Plain Old Semantic HTML
• If it’s an action element that triggers a navigation
to another page or another section on the same

—> it’s a Link! <a href=“somewhere-else”>
• Any other action

—> it’s a Button! <button>Action!</button>

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iPhone Appleless Apps
iPhone Appleless AppsiPhone Appleless Apps
iPhone Appleless Apps

This document discusses how to build iPhone apps using only web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript without relying on native iOS frameworks or the App Store. Key points covered include how to create offline-capable apps using the cache manifest, emulate touch events with JavaScript, make the app feel native through CSS transforms and meta tags, and detect device capabilities. The example rubiks cube app demonstrates these techniques to create an offline-capable puzzle game experience on iPhone similar to a native app.

iphone html5 css3 barcamp barcampbrighton
What Web Developers Need to Know to Develop Windows 8 Apps
What Web Developers Need to Know to Develop Windows 8 AppsWhat Web Developers Need to Know to Develop Windows 8 Apps
What Web Developers Need to Know to Develop Windows 8 Apps

You already have a Web app on the Internet and want to reach customers with a new, targeted experience on Windows 8. Come get practical guidance and best practices on how to reuse your Web assets. Come dive into the specifics of this exciting platform and see how you can use your Web skills to build deeply-integrated Windows apps. ◦You’ll discover how this mirrors or differs from traditional Web programming and how to harness the rich capabilities of Windows 8 through JavaScript and the Windows Runtime. ◦You'll learn practical techniques on how to access a web service, how to work with camera, and how to make live tiles, etc. ◦Expect a lot of code and demo. This session will jump start you with everything you need to know to start building Windows 8 apps with the skills you already have.

jQuery and_drupal
jQuery and_drupaljQuery and_drupal
jQuery and_drupal

This document discusses using jQuery with Drupal. It provides an overview of jQuery and its benefits over JavaScript. It then discusses guidelines for using jQuery in Drupal modules and themes, such as adding JavaScript files with drupal_add_js() and defining behaviors. Examples are given of simple DOM manipulation with JavaScript, jQuery, and best practices for jQuery in Drupal.

When HTML isn’t
Accessible Rich Internet Applications
<div class="checkbox"></div>
<div role="checkbox"></div>

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JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao Paulo
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao PauloJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao Paulo
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao Paulo

The document provides an overview of various JavaScript APIs available for building web applications, including Browser ID for authentication, drag and drop, fullscreen mode, camera access, WebRTC, pointer lock, IndexedDB, battery status, and vibration. It also briefly mentions Boot to Gecko and the telephony and SMS APIs available in B2G.

Tek 2013 - Building Web Apps from a New Angle with AngularJS
Tek 2013 - Building Web Apps from a New Angle with AngularJSTek 2013 - Building Web Apps from a New Angle with AngularJS
Tek 2013 - Building Web Apps from a New Angle with AngularJS

AngularJS is a new JavaScript framework, backed by Google, for building powerful, complex and rich client-side web applications. We will go over the features and basics of building a web application with AngularJS and we will demonstrate how to communicate with a REST server built with PHP.

Building a js widget
Building a js widgetBuilding a js widget
Building a js widget

This document discusses building a JavaScript widget that provides messaging functionality across different platforms and browsers. It outlines requirements such as being cross-browser compatible, supporting customization, and allowing for updates without relying on third parties. It then describes the proposed architecture, which includes abstracting the API, developing the widget component, handling customizations, and enabling updates and A/B testing through a service called FAAST. The document emphasizes testing, continuous delivery, and automation to streamline the release process.

aria-label="ARIA is Awesome"
3. Keyboard Support
Without help only Form Elements and Links are
reachable with Keyboard only

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jQuery (MeshU)
jQuery (MeshU)jQuery (MeshU)
jQuery (MeshU)

jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML and JavaScript interaction. It allows developers to select elements, perform actions on them such as adding/removing classes or triggering events, and chaining multiple actions together. jQuery supports CSS selectors, DOM manipulation, event handling, effects/animations, and AJAX operations. It is widely used by major websites for interactive prototypes and applications due to its small size, extensive documentation, plugins, and cross-browser compatibility.

JavaScript Libraries (Kings of Code)
JavaScript Libraries (Kings of Code)JavaScript Libraries (Kings of Code)
JavaScript Libraries (Kings of Code)

The document discusses various JavaScript libraries including Prototype, jQuery, Yahoo UI, and Dojo. It compares the libraries across categories like core functionality, widgets, architecture, licensing, browser support, development, and documentation. The core functionality discussed includes DOM manipulation, events, AJAX, and animations. Popular widgets provided by the libraries include drag and drop, trees, grids, modal dialogs, tabbed panes, menus/toolbars, datepickers and sliders. The document also covers considerations for the libraries like licensing, browser support, ongoing development, and quality of documentation and tutorials.

Meet VueJs
Meet VueJsMeet VueJs
Meet VueJs

Vue.js is a lightweight, reactive component-based library for building modern web interfaces. It provides simple and flexible APIs for building reactive components and applications using templates and reusable components. Key features include: - Reactive components using templates and data binding - Lightweight at only 24kb minified and gzipped - Flexible options for building full single page applications or enhancing existing projects - Reusable components using global or local registration

web developmentjavascriptsoftware development
aria-label="ARIA is Awesome"
Keyboard support
Keyboard support
function a11yClick(event){
if(event.type === 'click'){
return true;
else if(event.type === 'keypress'){
var code = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
if((code === 32)|| (code === 13)){
return true;
return false;
$('#fake-button').on('click keypress', function(event){
if(a11yClick(event) === true){
// do stuff
Karl Groves:
4. ngAria
“The goal of ngAria is to improve Angular's default accessibility by enabling
common ARIA attributes that convey state or semantic information for assistive
technologies used by persons with disabilities.”
add as requirement…
angular.module('myApp', ['ngAria'])...
Marcy Sutton:
…and gain lots of instant A11y goodness

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jQuery Best Practice
jQuery Best Practice jQuery Best Practice
jQuery Best Practice

This document provides best practices for using jQuery, including loading jQuery from a CDN, using variables to cache jQuery objects, optimizing selectors for performance, best practices for DOM manipulation, event handling, AJAX requests, animations, chaining, using plugins, and other miscellaneous tips. Key recommendations include prefixing variables with $, using ID selectors when possible, giving selectors context, avoiding implied universal selectors, detaching elements before manipulation, avoiding anonymous event handlers, and using object literals for parameters.

jquery html css
Drupal, meet Assetic
Drupal, meet AsseticDrupal, meet Assetic
Drupal, meet Assetic

Drupal 8 leverages Assetic for managing Javascript and CSS assets. This library abstracts the headaches of integrating with the burgeoning universe of asset pre-processors and optimization tools available to the modern developer. The lead developer of Assetic will give a tour of the library and discuss the current state of the project, its strengths, and its weaknesses, and also touch on the future: Assetic 2.0.

assetic drupal
jQuery: Tips, tricks and hints for better development and Performance
jQuery: Tips, tricks and hints for better development and PerformancejQuery: Tips, tricks and hints for better development and Performance
jQuery: Tips, tricks and hints for better development and Performance

This document provides an overview of a presentation on jQuery tips, tricks, and hints for better development and performance. The presentation covers: 1. What is jQuery and how it simplifies document traversing, event handling, and rapid web development. 2. Ten useful tips for better development, including avoiding flashing content, using Firebug's console, loading jQuery from Google Code, and writing custom filter selectors. 3. Ten performance tips such as using .find() instead of new selectors, giving selectors context, caching jQuery objects, and using event delegation. The presentation concludes with contact information for the presenter.

ng-class="{active: checked}"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched active"
aria-label="Custom Checkbox"
<span class="icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Custom Checkbox
ng-class="{active: checked}"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched active"
aria-label="Custom Checkbox"
<span class="icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Custom Checkbox
ng-class="{active: checked}"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched active"
aria-label="Custom Checkbox"
<span class="icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Custom Checkbox
ng-class="{active: checked}"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched active"
aria-label="Custom Checkbox"
<span class="icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Custom Checkbox

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After max+phonegap
After max+phonegapAfter max+phonegap
After max+phonegap

This document discusses building mobile applications using PhoneGap, jQuery, and Dreamweaver. It provides an overview of different mobile application types including mobile HTML, web apps, hybrid apps, and native apps. It then demonstrates how to create hybrid mobile apps with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile, including accessing device APIs, building user interfaces with jQuery Mobile, and creating customizable PhoneGap plugins.


This document discusses building mobile applications using PhoneGap, jQuery, and Dreamweaver. It provides an overview of different mobile application types including mobile HTML, web apps, hybrid apps, and native apps. It then demonstrates how to create hybrid mobile apps with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile, including accessing device APIs, building user interfaces with jQuery Mobile, and creating lists and charts with JavaScript plugins. It also covers how to package and deploy the app to different platforms using PhoneGap.

Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web
Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the WebEverything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web
Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web

The web is awesome despite it's detractors. But we can't forget our fundamentals when we're trying to forge ahead with new tech. This talk is about how to approach the building blocks of the web in a way that takes advantage of their strengths and avoids their weaknesses.

web development
ng-class="{active: checked}"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched active"
aria-label="Custom Checkbox"
<span class="icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Custom Checkbox
ng-class="{active: checked}"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched active"
aria-label="Custom Checkbox"
<span class="icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Custom Checkbox
Angular Material
Material Design?

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Angular js is the future. maybe. @ ConFoo 2014 in Montreal (CA)
Angular js is the future. maybe. @ ConFoo 2014 in Montreal (CA)Angular js is the future. maybe. @ ConFoo 2014 in Montreal (CA)
Angular js is the future. maybe. @ ConFoo 2014 in Montreal (CA)

Since bumping into AngularJS a few months ago, we decided to invest more and more time developing with it: coming from a PHP background, the shift of paradigm easy due to the use of patterns and intuitive flows: even though this won’t be a very in-depth technical talk, we are going to see why you should consider working with angular: fast single-page apps, DI, ease of testing, being asynchronous, scaling on the clients. Welcome to the future.

Building Grails Plugins - Tips And Tricks
Building Grails Plugins - Tips And TricksBuilding Grails Plugins - Tips And Tricks
Building Grails Plugins - Tips And Tricks

This document provides an overview of building Grails plugins, including tips and tricks. It discusses creating a plugin project structure, testing plugins, adding configuration, events, and internationalization. It also covers integrating plugins into applications, reloading changes during development, and publishing plugins for others to use.

Opencast Admin UI - Introduction to developing using AngularJS
Opencast Admin UI - Introduction to developing using AngularJSOpencast Admin UI - Introduction to developing using AngularJS
Opencast Admin UI - Introduction to developing using AngularJS

This presentation is intended to help developers anticipating using and potentially extending the new Admin UI get a hands-on introduction into the Angular JS portion of the software. It has been presented in the form of a workshop and therefore the last slides (starting with the 22) could seem a bit abstract.
Angular Material Button
Angular Material Checkbox
Accessibility Warnings!
No Engineer will be happy as long as warnings littering the console…

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Hey, I just met AngularJS, and this is crazy, so here’s my JavaScript, let’s ...
Hey, I just met AngularJS, and this is crazy, so here’s my JavaScript, let’s ...Hey, I just met AngularJS, and this is crazy, so here’s my JavaScript, let’s ...
Hey, I just met AngularJS, and this is crazy, so here’s my JavaScript, let’s ...

The document discusses AngularJS, including its key features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, directives, and support. It notes AngularJS provides a solid foundation, works well with the JavaScript ecosystem, and enables modern API-oriented architectures. Potential downsides discussed include excessive watchers negatively impacting performance, and the learning curve being harder than expected. It emphasizes understanding how browsers implement AngularJS applications and using developer tools. It also covers AngularJS 2.0 changes and questions around whether AngularJS is the future or if other solutions may be preferable for larger projects.

HTML5 for the Silverlight Guy
HTML5 for the Silverlight GuyHTML5 for the Silverlight Guy
HTML5 for the Silverlight Guy

The document provides an introduction to developing complex front-end applications using HTML and JavaScript. It discusses how JavaScript modules can be organized in a way that is similar to frameworks like WPF and Silverlight using simple constructs like the module pattern. It also covers asynchronous module definition (AMD) and how modules can be loaded and dependencies managed using RequireJS. The document demonstrates unit testing jQuery code and using pubsub for loose coupling between modules. Finally, it discusses how CSS compilers like SASS can make CSS authoring more productive by allowing variables, nesting and mixins.

Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma
Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with KarmaGood karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma
Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma

The document discusses unit testing in Angular with Karma. It provides examples of UX patterns in Angular like binding elements to variables, lists, and click handlers. It also covers what controllers and scopes are and examples of testing components in Angular like services, factories, and UI elements. Hands-on examples are provided for setting up a test environment and writing tests.

mobile designconferencemodevux
Chrome Accessibility
Developer Tools
Chrome Accessibility
Developer Tools
Chrome Accessibility
Developer Tools
Chrome Accessibility
Developer Tools

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The curious Life of JavaScript - Talk at SI-SE 2015
The curious Life of JavaScript - Talk at SI-SE 2015The curious Life of JavaScript - Talk at SI-SE 2015
The curious Life of JavaScript - Talk at SI-SE 2015

My talk about the life of JavaScript, from birth to today. I went trough the demos and code examples very quickly, rather as a teaser to show how modern JavaScript development might look. If you are interested in a deep dive into the topic of modern JavaScript development, HTML5, ES6, AngularJS, React, Gulp, Grunt etc, please consider my courses:

BP204 - Take a REST and put your data to work with APIs!
BP204 - Take a REST and put your data to work with APIs!BP204 - Take a REST and put your data to work with APIs!
BP204 - Take a REST and put your data to work with APIs!

Today, the web is buzzing with the talk about web APIs. It seems that everyone - Facebook, Twitter, Netflix - has some sort of API you can use to integrate with their services. APIs are fundamental to how services on the web work today and data is the new currency. Knowing how to put them to work or how to roll your own can be a huge addition to your development toolbox. This session is all about web-based APIs (like REST). If you have only the vaguest idea about what an API is, or have ever wondered what REST was all about -- then this session is for you! We'll cover examples of using common public APIs and how you can put them to work in your own apps, and how to go about creating your own APIs, or use the REST services in IBM Domino.

restibm dominoibmconnect
Choosing a Javascript Framework
Choosing a Javascript FrameworkChoosing a Javascript Framework
Choosing a Javascript Framework

Pam Selle Co-author of Choosing a JavaScript Framework, Tuesday, Oct 20th 4:20 pm - Design/UX/UI

ato2015open sourceall things open
Chrome Accessibility
Developer Tools
And the best part:
They’re becoming integral part of the Chrome Developer tool!
Bonus YAY:
Accessibility testing for
Accessibility testing for
Protractor with Tenon!

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Introduction to jQuery
Introduction to jQueryIntroduction to jQuery
Introduction to jQuery

This document provides an introduction to jQuery, including: - A brief overview of what jQuery is and its key facts - Details on learning jQuery through websites, tutorials, and books - Explanations of jQuery syntax, selectors, animations, common operations, and events - Descriptions of related tools like jQuery UI, plugins, and browser developer tools

Angular js - 4developers 12 kwietnia 2013
Angular js - 4developers 12 kwietnia 2013Angular js - 4developers 12 kwietnia 2013
Angular js - 4developers 12 kwietnia 2013

WIdeo i notatki do prezentacji:

BlackBerry DevCon 2011 - PhoneGap and WebWorks
BlackBerry DevCon 2011 - PhoneGap and WebWorksBlackBerry DevCon 2011 - PhoneGap and WebWorks
BlackBerry DevCon 2011 - PhoneGap and WebWorks

PhoneGap and BlackBerry WebWorks allow developers to create cross-platform mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The document discusses how these tools were used to build a nursing app, including overcoming challenges related to platform differences and limitations. Feature detection was used to handle quirks across platforms. Performance was improved by dispatching functions asynchronously on BlackBerry 5. The developer recommends alternative approaches like using Backbone.js, jQuery Mobile, Jasmine BDD, and pre-generated JSON files for future projects.

Thank you!
Slides at | @ginader

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