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Prepared By:
Application Development
Agile Transformation at Scale
Gail Ferreira, PhD, CSP, SPC, LSSBB, PMP
Lean Agile Coach & Practice Leader
Agile Project Management
The Culture of Change
Building Innovative Products
Transformation at Scale
“…the ability to both create and
respond to change in order to profit in
a turbulent business environment.”
- Jim Highsmith
Definition of Agile

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SAFe® - scaled agile framework in practice
SAFe® - scaled agile framework in practiceSAFe® - scaled agile framework in practice
SAFe® - scaled agile framework in practice

Learn more about the scaled Agile Framework + scaling Agile. After a short introduction to several frameworks that aim to support the scaling of Agile (DAD, LeSS, SAFe®), this power point presentation from our webinar dives deeper into the details of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®). Find the truth behind the often cited sentence “As Scrum is to the Agile team, SAFe® is to the Agile enterprise.”

scaled agile frameworkagile enterprisescaled agile
Exploring Agile Transformation and Scaling Patterns
Exploring Agile Transformation and Scaling PatternsExploring Agile Transformation and Scaling Patterns
Exploring Agile Transformation and Scaling Patterns

The goal of any enterprise agile adoption strategy is NOT to adopt agile. Companies adopt agile to achieve better business outcomes. Large organizations have no time for dogma and one-size-fits-all thinking when it comes to introducing agile practices. These companies need pragmatic guidance for safely and incrementally introducing structure, principles, and ultimately practices that will result in greater long term, sustainable business results. This talk will introduce a framework for safely, pragmatically, and incrementally introducing agile to help you achieve your business goals.

Agile Transformation | Mike Cottmeyer
Agile Transformation | Mike CottmeyerAgile Transformation | Mike Cottmeyer
Agile Transformation | Mike Cottmeyer

This document discusses transforming organizations to agile practices. It begins by outlining common goals for going agile such as predictability, quality, and innovation. It then discusses considerations for transformation based on organization size and dependencies. The key aspects for transformation are identified as backlogs, teams, and working tested software. Governance structures, metrics, and teaming strategies are also discussed. Transformation is framed as a journey, and quadrants are used to illustrate where organizations are currently and where they aim to go.

agileagile transformationscaling agile
The Culture of Change
1. Organizational structure is about how you
create teams and organize them
2. Agile practice is about the methods and
tools you choose to introduce
3. People and culture is about changing the
hearts and minds of the organization
- All three aspects are essential to sustain agility
of any kind within the organization.
The Culture of Transformational Change
Adoption is
about the
‘Agile Doing’
side of the
is about
changing the
‘Agile Being’
side of the
Long term results require both adoption and
transformation to be successful.
Culture is the #1 Challenge with Agile
Culture + Infrastructure
Transformation at Scale
= Agile Transformation at Scale
Three main challenges in scaling
Coordinating work across teams
Integrating work across teams
Maintaining technical integrity of the system

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Agile transformation Explanined
Agile transformation ExplaninedAgile transformation Explanined
Agile transformation Explanined

Leading a large-scale agile transformation isn’t about adopting a new set of attitudes, processes, and behaviors at the team level… it’s about helping your company deliver faster to market, and developing the ability to respond to a rapidly-changing competitive landscape. First and foremost, it’s about achieving business agility. Business agility comes from people having clarity of purpose, a willingness to be held accountable, and the ability to achieve measurable outcomes. Unfortunately, almost everything in modern organizations gets in the way of teams acting with any sort of autonomy. In most companies, achieving business agility requires significant organizational change. Agile transformation necessitates a fundamental rethinking of how your company organizes for delivery, how it delivers value to its customers, and how it plans and measures outcomes. Agile transformation is about building enabling structures, aligning the flow of work, and measuring for outcomes based progress. It's about breaking dependencies. The reality is that this kind of change can only be led from the top. This talk will explore how executives can define an idealized end-state for the transformation, build a fiscally responsible iterative and incremental plan to realize that end-state, as well as techniques for tracking progress and managing change.

agileagile software developmentagile transformation
Agile transformation 1.3
Agile transformation 1.3Agile transformation 1.3
Agile transformation 1.3

Why transform to Agile? What are the impediments to Agile Transformation? How to plan the Agile transformation? How to accelerate and sustain the Agile Transformation.

agileagile transformationscrum
Agile Transformation
Agile TransformationAgile Transformation
Agile Transformation

Agile Transformation is a consulting firm that specializes in organizational transformation using Agile, Lean, and other methods. They help clients transform their processes, teams, and culture to improve performance. Their services include assessing needs, developing custom roadmaps, coaching teams in Agile practices, and training leaders in skills like servant leadership and collaboration. Clients praise how Agile Transformation helped them successfully transform their culture, empower teams, and bridge gaps between departments.

agile business transformationagile project management training
• Scrum of Scrums (SoS)
• Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) - Larman/Vodde
• Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) - Leffingwell
• Spotify “model” (Tribes, Squads, Chapters & Guilds) –
• Scrum at Scale – Sutherland/Brown
• Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) + Agility at Scale
Scaling Approaches
Each of the popular scaling approaches offers a certain
value proposition, focus, options for implementation,
cost implications and other attributes
Scrum of Scrums
Scrum of scrums is a technique
used to scale Scrum up to large
groups (over a dozen people),
consisting of dividing the groups into
Agile teams of 5-10. Each daily scrum
within a sub-team ends by designating
one member as "ambassador" to
participate in a daily meeting with
ambassadors from other teams, called
the Scrum of Scrums.
Craig Larman characterizes LeSS as:
an organizational design based on ten LeSS Principles:
1. Large Scale Scrum is Scrum
2. Transparency
3. More with Less
4. Whole Product Focus
5. Customer Centric
6. Continuous Improvement
7. Lean Thinking
8. Systems Thinking
9. Empirical Process Control
10. Queueing Theory
Insights – LeSS (Large Scale Scrum)

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Successful Agile Transformation - The NCS Story
Successful Agile Transformation - The NCS StorySuccessful Agile Transformation - The NCS Story
Successful Agile Transformation - The NCS Story

Presented by Mr Lee Chee Yong, Agile Practice Lead of NCS Agile Competency Centre at ISS Seminar - Agile Software Development: Swift and the Shift on 18 July 2014.

Scaled agile framework (SAFe) - adopting agile at enterprise scale
Scaled agile framework (SAFe) - adopting agile at enterprise scaleScaled agile framework (SAFe) - adopting agile at enterprise scale
Scaled agile framework (SAFe) - adopting agile at enterprise scale

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is an agile framework for enterprise-scale organizations. It addresses challenges of architecture, integration, funding, and roles at scale. SAFe has three levels - portfolio, program, and team. At the portfolio level, investment themes drive budget allocations. The program level uses Agile Release Trains of 5-10 teams to deliver value in 10 week iterations. Teams use Scrum or Kanban with 2 week iterations. SAFe aims to apply lean-agile principles at an enterprise scale.

software developmentsafesaf
Agile Eastern Europe 2011 Large Scale Agile Transformation
Agile Eastern Europe 2011 Large Scale Agile TransformationAgile Eastern Europe 2011 Large Scale Agile Transformation
Agile Eastern Europe 2011 Large Scale Agile Transformation

The document describes a large scale agile transformation at a global retailer. It discusses why the transformation was undertaken due to issues like long development times and quality problems. It then details how the transformation was implemented over several phases, including piloting agile practices, establishing agile roles and processes, and ongoing improvements. The transformation was considered successful, leading to benefits like reduced time to market, increased innovation, and becoming an employer of choice. The lesson learned is that organizations should understand their reasons for transforming before embarking on the journey.

agile transformationagile
Requirement Area A
Requirement Area B
Requirement Area C
Requirement Area D
Scaled Agile Framework™ Big Picture
Insights – SAFE
… Scaled Agile Framework
• Is applicable whenever at
least a few hundred software
practitioners are working
cooperatively on related
products and solutions
• Has generated great
amounts of interest from
• Is becoming supported by a
large number of Agile Tools
• The SAFe “big picture” has 3 levels:
portfolio, program, team
• Relatively more prescriptive,
• More controversial
• Evolving, growing, doing more
types of training
• Release Trains
Spotify Model

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Rick Austin - Portfolio mangement in an agile world [Agile DC]
Rick Austin - Portfolio mangement in an agile world [Agile DC]Rick Austin - Portfolio mangement in an agile world [Agile DC]
Rick Austin - Portfolio mangement in an agile world [Agile DC]

When organizations move to agile for software delivery, there is often tension with traditional portfolio management. This talk will illustrate how an organization can move from traditional portfolio management approaches to one that embraces agile software delivery. Doing so enables organizations to become predictable, improve the flow of value delivered, and pivot more quickly if necessary. We will demonstrate the use of governance that allows a more adaptive portfolio management approach. We will cover topics that enable agile portfolio management including: Lean techniques for managing flow Effective prioritization techniques Long range road-mapping Demand management and planning Progressively elaborated business cases Validation of outcomes Support for audit and compliance needs These topics will be illustrated by real-world examples of portfolio management that have been proven over the last five years with a wide range of clients.

Agile adoption vs Agile transformation
Agile adoption vs Agile transformationAgile adoption vs Agile transformation
Agile adoption vs Agile transformation

Presentation to OU Agile special interest group 25 January 2017. Agile basics, Agile myths, and stories of breakthroughs and breakdowns in Agile adoption in learning design and course production.

Introduction to scaled agile framework
Introduction to scaled agile frameworkIntroduction to scaled agile framework
Introduction to scaled agile framework

This is a brief introduction to Scaled Agile Framework - covers about some of the other Scaling approaches

Insights – Spotify
… Spotify offers a culture-centric approach to Scaling
• Squads have end-to-end
autonomy over their products
• Loosely coupled, tightly
• Infrastructure
• Client Applications
• Features
• Squads = Scrum Teams
• Chapters = Competency Areas
• Tribes = Lightweight matrix of squads
and chapters
• Guilds = Communities of Practice
• Self-service, Open source model
• Focus on enabling each other
• Release Train
Insights – Scrum at Scale
Reproducible Patterns
1.Modularity allows versatility.
2.Scrum is modular.
3.Deploying incrementally is modular.
4.Modularity supports a pattern library.
Insights – DAD
DAD seeks to extend Scrum for enterprise
scale challenges
• People-first, learning-oriented hybrid agile
• Risk-value delivery lifecycle and goal
• Agility at scale is about explicitly
addressing the challenges teams face in
the real world
• Promotes Enterprise Awareness
• Key Differentiator – explicitly recognizes
that Agile teams are governed

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Agile mindset
Agile mindsetAgile mindset
Agile mindset

This document discusses the agile mindset and contrasts it with the traditional waterfall mindset. It defines mindset as a person's way of thinking and opinions. The agile mindset values individuals and interactions, customer collaboration, responding to change, and valuing working software over documentation. It also discusses agile principles, practices like Scrum and Kanban, and the differences between doing agile and having an agile mindset. The document contrasts fixed and growth mindsets and provides indicators of an agile mindset at both the team and organizational levels. It also discusses common agile pitfalls and provides resources for further reading.

being agiledoing agileagile mindset
Agile Mindset For Executives
Agile Mindset For ExecutivesAgile Mindset For Executives
Agile Mindset For Executives

The document provides an introduction to agile methods for executives. It discusses how agile approaches can help organizations adapt to increasingly volatile business environments. The key benefits of agile include shorter time to market, increased productivity, improved alignment with business needs, and greater predictability. The document outlines agile concepts like iterative development, minimal viable products, continuous delivery and focus on customer value. It also summarizes common agile frameworks like Scrum and how agility can be scaled in large organizations.

Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)

Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (SAFe 3.0) - Scaled: SAFe is designed for large-scale software development ecosystems of 50-125 people who need to resolve inter-dependencies - Agile: SAFe is based on 9 Lean-Agile principles - Framework: SAFe is a collection of a proven efficacy tools, and you only have to use what you need El objetivo de la Lightning Talk es dar una visión "light" pero completa de lo que propone Scaled Agile Framework 3.0 como marco de referencia para el escalado de Agile. Scaled Agile Framework es uno de los marcos de referencia para escalado de Agile que mayor aceptación está teniendo a día de hoy, sobre todo cuando hablamos de grandes organizaciones. El marco SAFe parte de las capas de abstracción clásicas de una organización para estructurar un cambio de perspectiva y de cultura basándose en los 4 valores y 9 principios Lean-Agile, apoyándose además en las prácticas Scrum-XP de desarrollo de productos. En la charla descubriremos de manera rápida los roles, artefactos y ceremonias que plantea el marco para conseguir un cambio de paradigma sostenible en las organizaciones. Unai Roldán UST Global

DAD supports a robust set of roles
• Team Lead
• Product Owner
• Architecture Owner
• Team Member
• Stakeholder
Concept: the Agile 3C rhythm
The coordinate-collaborate-conclude rhythm occurs at several levels
on a disciplined agile delivery (DAD) project:
Release rhythm
Iteration rhythm
Daily rhythm
Inception Transition
Coordinate - Collaborate - Conclude
DAD Teams Are Enterprise Aware
Disciplined Agilists:
Work closely with
enterprise groups
Follow existing
roadmaps where
Leverage existing
Enhance existing
Transformation at Scale
A Step by Step approach towards Enterprise
Agile Adoption
Projects should be evaluated to determine
their suitability for Agile.
 Define Basic Agile
Model for the
Agree on a high
level adoption
Identify Agile
practices and
Identify Pilots and
assess for risks
 Initial pilots Kick-off
Introduce Agile best
practices to the
Train and Mentor
for several sprints
Refine Agile model
based on the
Identify Additional
Create roadmap
 Group training
Evangelize success
Mentor pilot project
Setup COE
Establish enterprise
architecture for
Build mapping to
Enterprise processes
Establish Support
model for Agile
Align to
organizational toll
Audit processes
Calendar zed
Tailoring and
Multiple LOB for
entire Enterprise

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Agile 101
Agile 101Agile 101
Agile 101

This document provides an overview of agile methodology for software development. It discusses how agile practices arose in response to the limitations of traditional waterfall approaches. The core principles of agile include valuing individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile methods embrace changing requirements, frequent delivery of working software, collaboration between business and technical teams, self-organizing teams, and continuous improvement.

An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

To compete in today’s application economy, organizations have adopted agile execution techniques. But is that enough? Learn about SAFe and how to leverage this methodology to elevate your agile teams to deliver quality outcomes and align at the enterprise level. For more information, please visit

project managementagile developmentstrategic planning process
Management is Dead
Management is DeadManagement is Dead
Management is Dead

Management is dead, at least traditional management is. No need to tell you what’s wrong with traditional management, you’ve probably experienced it yourself. And the results are outrageous, be it at company level, team level, and individual level; downright from project failures to complete demotivation of the staff. Managers need to evolve, or they simply won’t survive if they don’t bring solutions to the above problems. From traditional management to … Agile management and leadership. You, as an experienced manager or as a wannabe/junior manager, are in a key position to change this. By attending this 60-minutes talk, you’ll (re-)discover proven and actionable techniques to improve your management skills, foster team productivity, and keep morale and motivation atop. Yes, success is that close ;-)

management agile
• Ensure Executive buy-in
• Implement Scrum as a program / product
management framework
• Introduce Continuous Engineering practices
• Small, incremental rollout is proposed
• Identify pilot product to implement the agile
principles and practices
Proposed steps for Rollout – Principles and
Agile and Scrum trainings for the entire team
Product Owner / Product Manager
Scrum Master(s)
Requirements writing (Stories, Use Cases)
Estimation Techniques
Relative Estimation
Story points
Planning Poker
Pilot Rollout & Trainings
Integrated & Collaborative Governance
Line of
Product Owner,
Customer, Human
Factors & Design,
Training, Business
Stakeholders, BAs
Scrum Master,
Project Manager,
Support, Infra
Agile Center of
Scrum of Scrums
Product Owners Scrum Masters
ValueStream Chief Product Owner
Executive Steering
• Enable Customer
• Provide Vision
• Resolve
Impediments & Risks
• Provide Resources
• Resolve Priority
• Product Owner able
to represent
decisions made with
• Stakeholders voice is
heard, differences
resolved, vision
clarified, priorities
and value
• Represent the
Customer and
Business needs
• Use Change
• Deliver Value
• Partner w/Business
A Lead
Product Definition Office
Support Functions
• Architect
• Business
• Development
• QA
• Deployment

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Current Trends in HR
Current Trends in HRCurrent Trends in HR
Current Trends in HR

On October 13, 2016, Tom Haak of the HR Trend Institute gave a keynote at "HR on the Move 2016", organised by AOG School of Management. This is the pack of slides he used.

hrhr analyticstrends
Large Scale Agile Transformation by Husni Roukbi
Large Scale Agile Transformation by Husni RoukbiLarge Scale Agile Transformation by Husni Roukbi
Large Scale Agile Transformation by Husni Roukbi

The agile manifesto introduced a new way of implementing software development projects which resulted in a dramatic improvement in these types of projects. Agile success at the project level has prompted IT leaders within organization to try to scale it to the enterprise level with less success rate. In this interactive session, we will review the various approaches to large-scale agile transformation, discuss the transformation road map and organizational change management required as well as key drivers/sponsors required for a successful agile transformation. We will discuss how to measure transformation progress, and outline possible challenges and corresponding solutions.

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Agile India 2014 - Venkatraman L on Scaling Agile
Agile India 2014 - Venkatraman L on Scaling AgileAgile India 2014 - Venkatraman L on Scaling Agile
Agile India 2014 - Venkatraman L on Scaling Agile

The PPT is about scaling agile across various non-cross-functional teams and the various experiments that were done before arriving at a methodology that worked for the teams.

scaling agile
Establish Communication & Collaboration Mechanisms
Keys to Effective Distributed Delivery
• Onshore & Offshore Tech Leads
• Offshore Customer Representatives
• Periodic travel rotation for offshore
• Good Agile PM tools
• Automated Build/Continuous Integration
• Overlapping hours and daily standups
• Leveraging technology maximally
• Leverage Coaching & Common Training
• Whole teams offshore
• Common Planning
Shared Assets
(Req, Code, Tests, etc)
Agile PM Tools
Leverage Continuous Integration & Automation
Continuous Integration
Write Test
See Failure
Write Code
Run Test
See Success
Test First Development
Regression Tests
Functional Tests
System/Performance Tests
Automated Builds
Measuring Success
How do we measure success of Agile teams?
Process Measure Formula
Process Metric
Agile Maturity Index
Agile Maturity Index at the end of every
Customer Satisfaction Customer rating at the end of every Sprint
Team Satisfaction
Team satisfaction rating at the end of
every Sprint
Retrospective Action
Items completed
% of Retrospective items completed
Automation capability % of Automation scripts / test scripts
Requirement Change
on Sprint – Discipline
% of Requirement change within the

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AgileLIVE: Scaling Agile to the Program & Portfolio Levels - Part 1
AgileLIVE: Scaling Agile to the Program & Portfolio Levels - Part 1AgileLIVE: Scaling Agile to the Program & Portfolio Levels - Part 1
AgileLIVE: Scaling Agile to the Program & Portfolio Levels - Part 1

Are you ready to maximize the impact of delivering in an agile framework across your organization, yet challenged by scaling agile beyond the team level to the program and portfolio levels? Transforming a larger organization to agile requires deliberate change and coordination. While there are frameworks developing, such as the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe™), the solutions to your specific organization challenges may look different. Attend this 2-part webinar series for insights into what you need to know to take agile to the next level! Part 1: Join SD Times Editor-in-Chief David Rubinstein and Agile Coaches Dave Gunther and Mike McLaughlin, who will explore the five key questions organizations need to consider when scaling agile to the program and portfolio levels including: • How should we organize? • How will we communicate? • How, what and where will we prioritize? • How can we facilitate decisions & plan effectively? • How can we deliver predictably at scale?

kanbanproject managementagile lifecycle management
Scaling agile from the ground up
Scaling agile from the ground upScaling agile from the ground up
Scaling agile from the ground up

After we finally seem to have settled the agile wars, between XP, Scrum and Kanban, the market now starts to flood with enterprise agile frameworks, such as SAFe, DAD and Agility Path. However, many organizations are still struggling with how to implement agile, even in straightforward projects. During this vivid talk Sander Hoogendoorn, independent agile mentor, software architect and developer, will share his years of experiences in implementing agile principles and techniques in organizations, from the ground up, one step at the time. Sander does not shy away from criticizing agile – especially enterprise agile – and will go through a series of anti-patterns, pitfalls and roadblocks organizations encounter when moving towards agile, Scrum and Kanban. He also shows how to get around them, illustrated with many real-life and examples, and how to implement agile in baby steps.

Scaling agile analysis
Scaling agile analysisScaling agile analysis
Scaling agile analysis

We are in the age where lot of traditional business are building software that are truly disruptive and they have started to embrace agile. Many fail to realise the importance of scaling their analysis practices, to successfully plan and shape their portfolio. Previously working as an Agile Transformation Consultant, and taking part in delivery of products for large enterprises, this talk is about practical techniques that enterprises can take away to increase their organization agilty

product managementagile software developmentagile scale
Key Agile Metrics – Using IT Balanced Scorecard
Balanced Scorecard Strategic Objectives Performance Measures
Financial Compliance Improve Budget Performance 1. Time to Value
2. Cost of Value
3. Earned value / release
Customer Value Increase Customer Satisfaction 1. Cycle time.
2. Customer Satisfaction
Processes Project Delivery 1. Velocity
2. Avg project cycle time
3. Schedule performance
Decrease Defects 1. Defects
2. Unit Test Coverage
3. System Test Coverage
4. UAT Defects Found
5. Running tested features
Learning and Growth Enable Agile Transformation 1. Increase Agile Utilization.
2. Build community of
Better Decisions through Frequent Feedback
Sample Metrics
Process Measure Formula
Velocity Actual Number of story points achieved in an iteration
Drag factor Actual Effort (unplanned) / Capacity
Iteration Defects No. of defects at the Iteration end / LOC
Story de-scoping index Stories descoped / Stories planned
Effort deviation (Actual effort – Planned effort) *100 / Planned effort
Build success rate Builds passed / Total # of builds
Automation & Test
Unit test coverage, test case execution, etc
Burn Down & Burn Up Charts
Balanced Scorecard
Test Results
Learning &
• Financial Compliance
• Customer Satisfaction
• Automated Test Results
• User Scenarios
• Code Quality
= Ship it!
Outcome based
status as slices of
user functionality.
Time (Iterations)
Code Quality
• Extent of duplication
• Cyclomatic complexity
• Presence of large methods
• Code encapsulation
Qualification via Automation
• Unit Testing
• Integration Testing
• Functional Testing
• Automated regression
• Maximum Coverage
• Non-auto Exploratory
Agile PMO Distinctions
1. Define progress in terms of business value.
Focus on results instead of effort.
2. Burn up charts providing actual progress, cost
incurred, and value achieved.
3. Meaningful measurement of the code assets
4. Automation for reduced burden and increased
5. Conduit for clearing impediments, ensuring
collaboration, getting resources
6. Ensure alignment to strategic goals and value.
AutomationBalanced Scorecard
Actual Progress
(Value Delivered)
Case Studies

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L'Agilité chez GEE Montréal
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L'Agilité chez GEE Montréal

Présentation effectuée par Charles-André Bouchard, dans le cadre du cours LOG3000 conduit par Mathieu Lavallée, à Polytechnique, mardi le 22 novembre 2016.

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Business Value Driven Portfolio Management
Business Value Driven Portfolio ManagementBusiness Value Driven Portfolio Management
Business Value Driven Portfolio Management

The document discusses how to prioritize business capabilities and system development to maximize business value. It recommends establishing the business value of each work item, prioritizing based on return on investment, and measuring business value delivery over time. It also suggests mapping business capabilities to system capabilities and identifying minimum releasable features to structure development and releases around delivering business value.

Agile Everywhere! - Henrik Kniberg
Agile Everywhere! - Henrik KnibergAgile Everywhere! - Henrik Kniberg
Agile Everywhere! - Henrik Kniberg

Agile Everywhere! ​ Henrik Kniberg talks about how his journey implementing agile & lean methods at Spotify and Lego helped him apply agility in new & unexpected fields. Henrik will share his vision on how agility may evolve in the future and affect various areas of our lives. About Henrik Kniberg Henrik Kniberg is an Agile/Lean coach at Crisp in Stockholm, working primarily with Lego and Spotify. He enjoys helping companies succeed with both the technical and human sides of software development. During the past 15 years he has been CTO of 3 Swedish IT companies and helped many more get started with Agile and Lean software development. Henrik is former board member of the Agile Alliance and works regularly with Mary Poppendieck, Jeff Sutherland, and other thought leaders. He is the author of “Scrum and XP from the Trenches” and “­Kanban and Scrum, making the most of both” and “Lean from the Trenches“. These books are available in over 12 languages, have over 500,000 readers, and are used as primary guide to Agile and Lean software development by hundreds of companies worldwide.­ Henrik also created the viral animated videos “Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell” and “Spotify Engineering Culture“.

agile tour montreal 2016
• Started with team level practices
• Lots of attention early to team culture
• Began engaging leaders on strategy and portfolio
• Currently integrating marketing, sales, and
Scrum of Scrums, Spotify
Single Team / Single Product
Sub 25 person product company and a start-up
• Program level first …established a PO team
• Three tightly integrated Scrum teams
• Defined the portfolio governance layer
• Established the relationship between strategy
and support
• Modeled the overall value stream and wrapped
up the Scrum process in a two-tiered Kanban
Multi-Team / Single Product
Sub 100 person product company.
10 years old and privately owned.
LeSS, Scrum of Scrums, Spotify
• Started with a basic view of the portfolio layer
• Portfolio level value stream mapping, RACI
• Built out the program management layer with PO
teams to develop a requirements management
• Program level value stream mapping, RACI, introduced
agile tooling
• Introduced Scrum at the team level
Multi-Team / Multi-Product
Large multi-national organization. Scope is a 500
person development organization with 55 Scrum
SAFe, Scrum at Scale, LeSS, DAD
• Scrum teams by product / component.
• Product owner teams established.
• Portfolio level governance model.
• Lean/TOC planning model.
• Integration with a traditional PMO for metrics
and monitoring.
Product of Products
Large multi-national company. Geographically
dispersed. Products of products.
SAFe, Scrum at Scale, LeSS, DAD

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Agile Scaling with Blueprints (Goto Berlin, 04-dec-2015)Agile Scaling with Blueprints (Goto Berlin, 04-dec-2015)
Agile Scaling with Blueprints (Goto Berlin, 04-dec-2015)

When more than 10 people are needed to reach a goal multiple agile teams are needed. These teams have to coordinate - we have to scale agile. There are several blueprints for scaling agile. This session argues that using a blueprint is premature optimization. When looking at successful agile companies one thing becomes clear: they didn't follow a blueprint but implemented unique structures and processes. Every company is unique and needs unique structures and processes matching its purpose. In this talk Stefan presents the Agile Scaling Cycle, an organic approach to find and optimize scaling structures appropriate for the company.

Scaling Agile - Multiple Team Dynamics
Scaling Agile - Multiple Team DynamicsScaling Agile - Multiple Team Dynamics
Scaling Agile - Multiple Team Dynamics

As more organizations begin to adopt agile on multiple, interdependent teams, how do we ensure that the success within a team can translate to success at the enterprise level? Presented by: Sanjiv Augustine, President of LitheSpeed

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Scaling Agile Product Ownership In A Large Enterprise
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Scaling Agile Product Ownership In A Large Enterprise

PO vs PM, How to scale Product Ownership within a large enterprise and move traditional BAs into Product Owners.

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A Few Good Resources …
Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) + Agility at Scale – Ambler/Lines
Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) – Larman / Vodde
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) – Leffingwell
Scrum at Scale
Spotify Model
HyperGrowth Done Right - Lessons from the Man who Scaled
Dropbox and Facebook
Wisdom from Hypergrowth Companies

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Scaling and Sustaining Agility
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My keynote talk on "Scaling and Sustaining Agility" at the Continous Delivery day meetup organized by Societe Generale in Bangalore, Oct 5

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Asia Agile Forum'16 Dhaka - Leadership, the pivot for scaling Agile up beyon...
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Asia Agile Forum'16 Dhaka - Leadership, the pivot for scaling Agile up beyon...

This document discusses how leadership is the pivotal factor for scaling agile practices within organizations. It argues that prioritizing agile practices over principles is a key hurdle to achieving agility at scale. True agility requires influencing organizational culture towards agile values through visionary leadership. Leaders must scale their approach from tactical to strategic and participatory to demonstrate cultural change, provide a safe environment, and align people towards a shared vision. The pivot for achieving agility beyond the team level and throughout an organization lies in developing adaptive leadership.

Scaling agile
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Scaling agile

Discusses some of the issues involved in scaling agile methods for large systems engineering. Accompanies YouTube video atL

software engineeringagile methods
IT Balanced Scorecard – Agile Focus
Strategy Map Strategic
Performance Measures Targets Initiatives
Improve Project
1. Margin Contribution (or Revenue, or Cost, etc)
2. Earned Value/Release
3. Avg CPI – Cost Performance Index
4. Time to Value
1. TBD
2. TBD
3. 1 Month
• Measure IT contribution to Revenue
• Enable operations to release value every month to
• Reduce cycle time
• Use business measures
Customer Value Increase External
1. Customer Satisfaction –CSAT >6/qtr • Implement CSAT for all branches and end users of
Internal Process Increase accuracy
of Estimates
1. E0/E1 Estimate Variance Delta <20%/spr • Measure and monitor estimates every sprint, take active
role in reducing variance
On Time Project
1. Velocity & Std. Deviation
2. Drag factor
3. Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Requested
4. Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Scheduled
5. Sprint & Release Burndown performance trend
6. Customer Satisfaction –CSAT
7. Avg SPI – Schedule Performance Index
1. Varies/spr
2. <5%/spr
3. #prr/days
4. #prs/spr
5. <10%
6. >6/qtr
7. TBD
• Ensure operational measures are collected and collated
every sprint, by every sprint team.
• Ensure sprint and release burndowns are posted daily
(hours for teams, story points for everyone)
• Ensure CSAT surveys are created and part of goals
• PM to help teams track SPI during the release
Decrease Defect
RFCs in
1. Defects/Story Point
2. Unit Test Coverage
3. System Test Coverage
4. UAT Defects Found
5. Running Tested Features
1. 0
2. >90%
3. >90%
4. 0
5. >90%
• Ensure consistent defect management across CRP and
INC test teams.
• Measure coverage every sprint
• Measure running tested features
Increase Audit
Compliance %
1. PQA Compliance 1. >90% • Educate teams about compliance, SM to help ensure
Increase % of
agreed scope
1. Story de-scoping index
2. User Story Volatility
1. <10%
2. <5%
• IT and Business measure needed. Indication of
partnership. Ensure collection and review.
Learning and
Enable Agile
1. Increase Agile Utilization 1. >25%/qtr • Transformation team proactively working the roadmap
to work toward 100% (of goal) participation.
Enable People &
1. Increase Ace Participation
1. >33% • Define and formalize the ACE program and participation
opportunities and guidelines.
Key Agile Metrics
Measurement Frequency Target Notes
E0/E1 EV Delta Sprint <20% (E1 – E0/E1)*100
Velocity & Std. Deviation Sprint, Release varies varies by team
Drag factor Sprint, Release <5% (Actual Effort in story pts unplanned / velocity )
Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Requested Sprint, Release varies
days, measure end to end time from the time the request was submitted by the business to
the time it goes live in production. Alternatively, can measure the "request to scheduled"
cycle time and that can be added to the "scheduled to production" cycle time (below).
Value range will vary by request type (maint, s/m/l project), but also want average of all.
Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Scheduled Sprint, Release varies
days, measure end to end time from the time the request was scheduled by the business to
the time it goes live in production. Value range will vary by request type (maint, s/m/l
project), but also want average of all.
Sprint & Release Burndown Daily varies varies by team
Customer Satisfaction -CSAT Sprint >6
Implement for all groups (dev, support, biz functions, etc). Low CSAT indicate less
collaboration and potential increase in cycle time and/or duration. Also apps to Scope
Defects/Story Point Sprint varies
Unit Test Coverage Sprint >90%
System Test Coverage Sprint >90%
UAT Defects Found Sprint 0
Harder target due to Agile structure and PO involvement. New code going through UAT
should have 0 defects.
Running Tested Features Sprint 100%
Running Tested Features. Cumulative number of tests that are running for tested (non-
broken) features. Drives performance to ensure running code and tested code. Should
increase steadily on from the first sprint w/tests.
Story de-scoping index Sprint >10% (stories descoped / stories planned )
User Story Volatility <5%
((Story pts Descoped + Story pts Added + Story pts Modified)/ Story pts Originally Planned) *
100). This is important for helping track business activities in relation to changing scope.
Scope can slip due to development issues, but it also can slip do to a lack of focus and
prioritization and changing mindsets on the part of the business. Creates accountability on
both sides of the house.
Total Earned Value Sprint varies
Sum Total of earned value of stories completed. The pre-requisite of this approach is to
have story values assigned as part of the demand and prioritization process. Should be
tracked by the business.
Agile Utilization Month
as per
Deliver competitive business value, cost optimization, improved compliance, and strategic
business alignment. (% Agile hrs/% total hrs)
Get Involved - ACE Participation Sprint >30% (% of people involved in some initiative)

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Agile Transformation at Scale

  • 1. 1 Prepared By: Application Development Agile Transformation at Scale Gail Ferreira, PhD, CSP, SPC, LSSBB, PMP Lean Agile Coach & Practice Leader
  • 3. 3 Agenda Background The Culture of Change Building Innovative Products Transformation at Scale 3 Agenda
  • 4. 5 “…the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent business environment.” - Jim Highsmith 5 Definition of Agile
  • 5. 66 The Culture of Change 1. Organizational structure is about how you create teams and organize them 2. Agile practice is about the methods and tools you choose to introduce 3. People and culture is about changing the hearts and minds of the organization - All three aspects are essential to sustain agility of any kind within the organization.
  • 6. 99 The Culture of Transformational Change Agile Adoption is about the ‘Agile Doing’ side of the equation. Transformation is about changing the ‘Agile Being’ side of the equation. Long term results require both adoption and transformation to be successful. Culture is the #1 Challenge with Agile Transformation.
  • 7. 10 Culture + Infrastructure 10 Transformation at Scale + = Agile Transformation at Scale
  • 8. 11 Three main challenges in scaling teams: Coordinating work across teams Integrating work across teams Maintaining technical integrity of the system
  • 9. 12 • Scrum of Scrums (SoS) • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) - Larman/Vodde • Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) - Leffingwell • Spotify “model” (Tribes, Squads, Chapters & Guilds) – Kniberg • Scrum at Scale – Sutherland/Brown • Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) + Agility at Scale Ambler/Lines Scaling Approaches Each of the popular scaling approaches offers a certain value proposition, focus, options for implementation, cost implications and other attributes
  • 10. 13 Scrum of Scrums Scrum of scrums is a technique used to scale Scrum up to large groups (over a dozen people), consisting of dividing the groups into Agile teams of 5-10. Each daily scrum within a sub-team ends by designating one member as "ambassador" to participate in a daily meeting with ambassadors from other teams, called the Scrum of Scrums.
  • 11. 14 Craig Larman characterizes LeSS as: an organizational design based on ten LeSS Principles: 1. Large Scale Scrum is Scrum 2. Transparency 3. More with Less 4. Whole Product Focus 5. Customer Centric 6. Continuous Improvement 7. Lean Thinking 8. Systems Thinking 9. Empirical Process Control 10. Queueing Theory Insights – LeSS (Large Scale Scrum)
  • 12. 15
  • 13. 16 Example Requirement Area A Requirement Area B Requirement Area C Requirement Area D Overall Product Owner
  • 15. 18 Insights – SAFE … Scaled Agile Framework • Is applicable whenever at least a few hundred software practitioners are working cooperatively on related products and solutions • Has generated great amounts of interest from enterprises • Is becoming supported by a large number of Agile Tools • The SAFe “big picture” has 3 levels: portfolio, program, team • Relatively more prescriptive, pragmatic • More controversial • Evolving, growing, doing more types of training • Release Trains
  • 17. 20 Insights – Spotify … Spotify offers a culture-centric approach to Scaling Agile • Squads have end-to-end autonomy over their products • Loosely coupled, tightly aligned • Infrastructure • Client Applications • Features • Squads = Scrum Teams • Chapters = Competency Areas • Tribes = Lightweight matrix of squads and chapters • Guilds = Communities of Practice • Self-service, Open source model • Focus on enabling each other • Release Train
  • 18. 21 Insights – Scrum at Scale Reproducible Patterns 1.Modularity allows versatility. 2.Scrum is modular. 3.Deploying incrementally is modular. 4.Modularity supports a pattern library.
  • 19. 22
  • 20. 23 Insights – DAD DAD seeks to extend Scrum for enterprise scale challenges • People-first, learning-oriented hybrid agile approach • Risk-value delivery lifecycle and goal driven • Agility at scale is about explicitly addressing the challenges teams face in the real world • Promotes Enterprise Awareness • Key Differentiator – explicitly recognizes that Agile teams are governed
  • 21. 24 DAD supports a robust set of roles • Team Lead • Product Owner • Architecture Owner • Team Member • Stakeholder
  • 22. 25 Concept: the Agile 3C rhythm The coordinate-collaborate-conclude rhythm occurs at several levels on a disciplined agile delivery (DAD) project: Construction Construction Construction Release rhythm Iteration rhythm Daily rhythm Inception Transition Coordinate - Collaborate - Conclude Inception Inception Transition Transition
  • 23. 26 DAD Teams Are Enterprise Aware Disciplined Agilists: Work closely with enterprise groups Follow existing roadmaps where appropriate Leverage existing assets Enhance existing assets
  • 24. 27 Transformation at Scale A Step by Step approach towards Enterprise Agile Adoption Projects should be evaluated to determine their suitability for Agile.  Define Basic Agile Model for the organization. Agree on a high level adoption roadmap Identify Agile practices and prioritize Identify Pilots and assess for risks  Initial pilots Kick-off Introduce Agile best practices to the teams Train and Mentor for several sprints Refine Agile model based on the learning/feedback Identify Additional pilots Create roadmap  Group training Evangelize success Mentor pilot project Setup COE Establish enterprise architecture for tools Build mapping to Enterprise processes Establish Support model for Agile projects Align to organizational toll gates Audit processes Calendar zed training Tailoring and refactoring Multiple LOB for entire Enterprise
  • 25. 28 • Ensure Executive buy-in • Implement Scrum as a program / product management framework • Introduce Continuous Engineering practices • Small, incremental rollout is proposed • Identify pilot product to implement the agile principles and practices 28 Proposed steps for Rollout – Principles and Practices
  • 26. 29 Agile and Scrum trainings for the entire team Developers Testers Product Owner / Product Manager Scrum Master(s) Requirements writing (Stories, Use Cases) Estimation Techniques Relative Estimation Story points Planning Poker 29 Pilot Rollout & Trainings
  • 27. 30 Integrated & Collaborative Governance Line of Business Needs Compliance Needs Customer Needs ValueStream Product Definition Product Owner, Customer, Human Factors & Design, Training, Business Stakeholders, BAs STEERING DELIVERY Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Program Management Office Scrum Master, Project Manager, Architect, Deployment, Maintenance, Support, Infra Enterprise Backlog GOVERNANCE Agile Center of Excellence Scrum of Scrums Product Owners Scrum Masters RESULTS&IMPEDIMENTS VISION&RESOURCES
  • 28. 31 Alignment ValueStream Chief Product Owner Product Owner Business Stakeholder Enterprise Backlog Agile Teams Agile Teams Agile Teams Agile Teams Executive Steering • Enable Customer Participation • Provide Vision • Resolve Organizational Impediments & Risks • Provide Resources • Resolve Priority disputes • Product Owner able to represent decisions made with Stakeholders • Stakeholders voice is heard, differences resolved, vision clarified, priorities and value established • Represent the Customer and Business needs • Use Change Management Executive Backlog Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Business Stakeholder • Deliver Value • Partner w/Business Change Management Chief BA Chief UX Dev/Q A Lead Deploy Lead PMO Rep POs Product Definition Office Support Functions • Architect • Business Analyst • Development • QA • Deployment Business Stakeholder Product Owner Business Stakeholder Business Stakeholder Business Stakeholder Product Backlog
  • 29. 32 Establish Communication & Collaboration Mechanisms Keys to Effective Distributed Delivery • Onshore & Offshore Tech Leads • Offshore Customer Representatives • Periodic travel rotation for offshore resources • Good Agile PM tools • Automated Build/Continuous Integration • Overlapping hours and daily standups • Leveraging technology maximally • Leverage Coaching & Common Training • Whole teams offshore • Common Planning OFFSITE TEAM ORG ONSITE Shared Assets (Req, Code, Tests, etc) Agile PM Tools 90 DAYS Planning
  • 30. 33 Leverage Continuous Integration & Automation Continuous Integration Write Test Run Test See Failure Write Code Run Test See Success Test First Development Automation Regression Tests Functional Tests System/Performance Tests Automated Builds
  • 32. 41 How do we measure success of Agile teams? Process Measure Formula Process Metric Agile Maturity Index Agile Maturity Index at the end of every Sprint Customer Satisfaction Customer rating at the end of every Sprint Team Satisfaction Team satisfaction rating at the end of every Sprint Retrospective Action Items completed % of Retrospective items completed Automation capability % of Automation scripts / test scripts Requirement Change on Sprint – Discipline % of Requirement change within the Sprints
  • 33. 4242 Key Agile Metrics – Using IT Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Strategic Objectives Performance Measures Financial Compliance Improve Budget Performance 1. Time to Value 2. Cost of Value 3. Earned value / release Customer Value Increase Customer Satisfaction 1. Cycle time. 2. Customer Satisfaction ratings. Processes Project Delivery 1. Velocity 2. Avg project cycle time 3. Schedule performance index Decrease Defects 1. Defects 2. Unit Test Coverage 3. System Test Coverage 4. UAT Defects Found 5. Running tested features Learning and Growth Enable Agile Transformation 1. Increase Agile Utilization. 2. Build community of practice.
  • 34. 43 Better Decisions through Frequent Feedback Sample Metrics Process Measure Formula Velocity Actual Number of story points achieved in an iteration Drag factor Actual Effort (unplanned) / Capacity Iteration Defects No. of defects at the Iteration end / LOC Story de-scoping index Stories descoped / Stories planned Effort deviation (Actual effort – Planned effort) *100 / Planned effort Build success rate Builds passed / Total # of builds Automation & Test Coverage Unit test coverage, test case execution, etc Burn Down & Burn Up Charts Balanced Scorecard Financial Compliance Customer Value Automated Test Results Code Quality Customer Satisfaction Learning & Growth
  • 35. 44 • Financial Compliance • Customer Satisfaction • Automated Test Results • User Scenarios • Code Quality Measurement Data Logic Integration Interface User Scenario User Scenario User Scenario User Scenario MUST SHOULD WANT ProjectedActual = Ship it! Outcome based status as slices of user functionality. User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story User Story UserStoriesDelivered Time (Iterations) Code Quality • Extent of duplication • Cyclomatic complexity • Presence of large methods • Code encapsulation Qualification via Automation • Unit Testing • Integration Testing • Functional Testing • Automated regression • Maximum Coverage • Non-auto Exploratory Agile PMO Distinctions 1. Define progress in terms of business value. Focus on results instead of effort. 2. Burn up charts providing actual progress, cost incurred, and value achieved. 3. Meaningful measurement of the code assets 4. Automation for reduced burden and increased accuracy 5. Conduit for clearing impediments, ensuring collaboration, getting resources 6. Ensure alignment to strategic goals and value. ContinuousIntegration IntegratedMeasurement AutomationBalanced Scorecard Actual Progress (Value Delivered) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
  • 37. 46 • Started with team level practices • Lots of attention early to team culture • Began engaging leaders on strategy and portfolio management • Currently integrating marketing, sales, and support Methods: Scrum of Scrums, Spotify Single Team / Single Product Sub 25 person product company and a start-up
  • 38. 47 • Program level first …established a PO team • Three tightly integrated Scrum teams • Defined the portfolio governance layer • Established the relationship between strategy and support • Modeled the overall value stream and wrapped up the Scrum process in a two-tiered Kanban Multi-Team / Single Product Sub 100 person product company. 10 years old and privately owned. Methods: LeSS, Scrum of Scrums, Spotify
  • 39. 48 • Started with a basic view of the portfolio layer • Portfolio level value stream mapping, RACI • Built out the program management layer with PO teams to develop a requirements management capability • Program level value stream mapping, RACI, introduced agile tooling • Introduced Scrum at the team level Multi-Team / Multi-Product Large multi-national organization. Scope is a 500 person development organization with 55 Scrum teams. Methods: SAFe, Scrum at Scale, LeSS, DAD
  • 40. 49 • Scrum teams by product / component. • Product owner teams established. • Portfolio level governance model. • Lean/TOC planning model. • Integration with a traditional PMO for metrics and monitoring. Product of Products Large multi-national company. Geographically dispersed. Products of products. Methods: SAFe, Scrum at Scale, LeSS, DAD
  • 42. 51 A Few Good Resources …
  • 43. 52 Links Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) + Agility at Scale – Ambler/Lines Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) – Larman / Vodde Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) – Leffingwell Scrum at Scale Spotify Model
  • 44. 53 Links HyperGrowth Done Right - Lessons from the Man who Scaled Dropbox and Facebook Man-Who-Scaled-Engineering-at-Dropbox-and-Facebook/ Wisdom from Hypergrowth Companies growth-companies.html
  • 45. 54 IT Balanced Scorecard – Agile Focus Strategy Map Strategic Objectives Performance Measures Targets Initiatives Financial Compliance Improve Project Budget Performance 1. Margin Contribution (or Revenue, or Cost, etc) 2. Earned Value/Release 3. Avg CPI – Cost Performance Index 4. Time to Value 1. TBD 2. TBD 3. 1 Month • Measure IT contribution to Revenue • Enable operations to release value every month to production • Reduce cycle time • Use business measures Customer Value Increase External CSAT 1. Customer Satisfaction –CSAT >6/qtr • Implement CSAT for all branches and end users of software Internal Process Increase accuracy of Estimates 1. E0/E1 Estimate Variance Delta <20%/spr • Measure and monitor estimates every sprint, take active role in reducing variance On Time Project Delivery 1. Velocity & Std. Deviation 2. Drag factor 3. Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Requested 4. Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Scheduled 5. Sprint & Release Burndown performance trend deviation 6. Customer Satisfaction –CSAT 7. Avg SPI – Schedule Performance Index 1. Varies/spr 2. <5%/spr 3. #prr/days 4. #prs/spr 5. <10% 6. >6/qtr 7. TBD • Ensure operational measures are collected and collated every sprint, by every sprint team. • Ensure sprint and release burndowns are posted daily (hours for teams, story points for everyone) • Ensure CSAT surveys are created and part of goals • PM to help teams track SPI during the release Decrease Defect RFCs in Production 1. Defects/Story Point 2. Unit Test Coverage 3. System Test Coverage 4. UAT Defects Found 5. Running Tested Features 1. 0 2. >90% 3. >90% 4. 0 5. >90% • Ensure consistent defect management across CRP and INC test teams. • Measure coverage every sprint • Measure running tested features Increase Audit Compliance % 1. PQA Compliance 1. >90% • Educate teams about compliance, SM to help ensure compliance Increase % of agreed scope 1. Story de-scoping index 2. User Story Volatility 1. <10% 2. <5% • IT and Business measure needed. Indication of partnership. Ensure collection and review. Learning and Growth Enable Agile Transformation 1. Increase Agile Utilization 1. >25%/qtr • Transformation team proactively working the roadmap to work toward 100% (of goal) participation. Enable People & Culture 1. Increase Ace Participation ((people/events)/month) 1. >33% • Define and formalize the ACE program and participation opportunities and guidelines.
  • 46. 55 Key Agile Metrics Measurement Frequency Target Notes E0/E1 EV Delta Sprint <20% (E1 – E0/E1)*100 Velocity & Std. Deviation Sprint, Release varies varies by team Drag factor Sprint, Release <5% (Actual Effort in story pts unplanned / velocity ) Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Requested Sprint, Release varies days, measure end to end time from the time the request was submitted by the business to the time it goes live in production. Alternatively, can measure the "request to scheduled" cycle time and that can be added to the "scheduled to production" cycle time (below). Value range will vary by request type (maint, s/m/l project), but also want average of all. Avg Project Request Cycle Time - Scheduled Sprint, Release varies days, measure end to end time from the time the request was scheduled by the business to the time it goes live in production. Value range will vary by request type (maint, s/m/l project), but also want average of all. Sprint & Release Burndown Daily varies varies by team Customer Satisfaction -CSAT Sprint >6 Implement for all groups (dev, support, biz functions, etc). Low CSAT indicate less collaboration and potential increase in cycle time and/or duration. Also apps to Scope Defects/Story Point Sprint varies Unit Test Coverage Sprint >90% System Test Coverage Sprint >90% UAT Defects Found Sprint 0 Harder target due to Agile structure and PO involvement. New code going through UAT should have 0 defects. Running Tested Features Sprint 100% Running Tested Features. Cumulative number of tests that are running for tested (non- broken) features. Drives performance to ensure running code and tested code. Should increase steadily on from the first sprint w/tests. Story de-scoping index Sprint >10% (stories descoped / stories planned ) User Story Volatility <5% ((Story pts Descoped + Story pts Added + Story pts Modified)/ Story pts Originally Planned) * 100). This is important for helping track business activities in relation to changing scope. Scope can slip due to development issues, but it also can slip do to a lack of focus and prioritization and changing mindsets on the part of the business. Creates accountability on both sides of the house. Total Earned Value Sprint varies Sum Total of earned value of stories completed. The pre-requisite of this approach is to have story values assigned as part of the demand and prioritization process. Should be tracked by the business. Agile Utilization Month as per roadmap Deliver competitive business value, cost optimization, improved compliance, and strategic business alignment. (% Agile hrs/% total hrs) Get Involved - ACE Participation Sprint >30% (% of people involved in some initiative)