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DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
User eXperience
by Peter Morville
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Google sketchup
Google sketchupGoogle sketchup
Google sketchup

The document introduces Google SketchUp, a free 3D modeling software from Google that is easy for students and teachers to use for subjects like math, art, science and design. It provides examples of simple projects involving 3D modeling, shadowing, and integrating SketchUp with Photoshop and Google Earth. Basic instructions are given for downloading and installing SketchUp on Windows or Mac systems, and resources like Google tutorials and YouTube videos are recommended for learning how to use the software.

Cantera cruz links slideshare
Cantera cruz  links slideshareCantera cruz  links slideshare
Cantera cruz links slideshare

This document provides links to 4 digital tools and projects: a Mindomo conceptual map, 2 Mindomo conceptual maps, a Picktochart infographic, and a Prezi presentation. The links direct the user to online projects that were created with these digital tools.

Really short intro_to_computer_vision
Really short intro_to_computer_visionReally short intro_to_computer_vision
Really short intro_to_computer_vision

This is a really simple and quick intro about computer vision and how it can be used in wearables, IoT. #okaya

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
by Peter Morville
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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ДотаНетоЛогия: СПб 2017
ДотаНетоЛогия: СПб 2017ДотаНетоЛогия: СПб 2017
ДотаНетоЛогия: СПб 2017

The document contains a collection of links to various resources about programming including Twitter profiles of programmers, YouTube videos on topics like Google Cloud Platform and ASP.NET Core, and blog posts on using Roslyn and enforcing coding guidelines. It also contains messages of encouragement and contact information for Anatoly Kulakov.

Games, Develop & Html5 for BlackBerry PlayBook
Games, Develop & Html5 for BlackBerry PlayBookGames, Develop & Html5 for BlackBerry PlayBook
Games, Develop & Html5 for BlackBerry PlayBook

This document provides links to resources for Adobe User Group Manager including the Native SDK 2.0, WebWorks, and Apache Flex. It also shares a link for downloading the free Adobe Flash Builder and links to design guidelines and a Flex guide in Spanish.

adobe hispanoblackberryyacafx
Flash 2 dev bbp-laybook
Flash 2 dev bbp-laybookFlash 2 dev bbp-laybook
Flash 2 dev bbp-laybook

This document provides links and information for developing BlackBerry Playbook applications with Adobe Air, including links to download the BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for Adobe Air, simulator downloads for Mac and Windows/Linux, and documentation on code signing keys and the process. It also lists some additional resources like the BlackBerry developer forums and blogs, and announces there will be a demo.

flash2dev riactive yacafx playbook bb rim blackber
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

† 2009 F E B . V E R S I O N ¢
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Remote business
Remote businessRemote business
Remote business

Setting up a simple workplace that allows employees to work remotely from various locations allows a software business to create, maintain, sell and support products while saving on office costs and travel time. The business closed its physical office after realizing its 25 employees were located across 14 locations. Working remotely provides benefits like increased productivity, a more balanced lifestyle, and the ability to recruit top talent regardless of location. Challenges like maintaining team spirit and collaboration are addressed through regular communication tools and meetups.

working remotely
Alexa Neal Senior Project Power Point
Alexa Neal Senior Project Power PointAlexa Neal Senior Project Power Point
Alexa Neal Senior Project Power Point

The document discusses Alexa Neal's inspiration for fashion design from her aunt and the TV show Project Runway. It describes her process of learning about fashion design through research and herself. The document also mentions some problems like cutting and sewing that she encountered and schools like Athens Tech that teach sewing. It concludes by asking if the reader has any questions.

Best of the Web V. V
Best of the Web V. VBest of the Web V. V
Best of the Web V. V

This document lists and reviews various websites for digital art, collaborative drawing, and image editing. It provides the website URL and a link to a review for each site. Some of the sites mentioned include 3D Image Commander, Art Pad, Aviary, Board 800, Bomomo, Cosketch, Crayola Digi-Color, Doink, Doodle Wall,, Flockdraw, Graffiti Creator, Imagination Cubed, Kuler, Live Brush, Logo Ease, Mutapic, Odosketch, Paint Brush, Picartia, Psykopaint, Shape Collage, Sketch Cast, Sketchpad, Slimber, Sumo Paint

web 2021st century technologydigital art
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Unit 35 p5
Unit 35 p5Unit 35 p5
Unit 35 p5

The document outlines the development process of a social media platform called 'Aeronautic Maniacs' from July 2016 to September 2017. It describes brainstorming ideas in July/August 2016, selecting the concept in September 2016, creating mockups and icons from September 12-16th, presenting to stakeholders and revising based on feedback, further refining the revenue model and product from September 19-22nd, and plans to launch in May 2017 through Facebook ads, Google AdSense and developing apps costing an estimated total of £125,015.

PDF CEE 2019 - Johnny Miller - Drones for Public Good - resources
PDF CEE 2019 - Johnny Miller - Drones for Public Good - resourcesPDF CEE 2019 - Johnny Miller - Drones for Public Good - resources
PDF CEE 2019 - Johnny Miller - Drones for Public Good - resources

This document lists various free and paid software resources for drone flight, drone safety, image processing, and comparing images including DJI Go, Pix4DCapture,,,,,,,, Google Earth desktop version,, and Adobe Creative Suite. It also provides a direct link for juxtaposing images at

personal democracy forum cee 2019personal democracy forum cee
Smidig kontrakt
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The document discusses agile principles for software development, emphasizing collaboration over contracts and responding to change. It recommends using common sense rather than rigid rules. Images include a crystal ball, weather forecast, and quote about planning being essential even if plans change. The document advocates delivering work in increments and managing expectations and scope to enable flexibility.

HTC Scene
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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2014 io summary
2014 io summary2014 io summary
2014 io summary

Google I/O 2014 covered several Google projects including Tango for mobile spatial understanding, Ara for modular customizable smartphones, and Cardboard for inexpensive virtual reality. It also discussed the new Material Design interface guidelines which aim to provide a consistent user experience across platforms through use of animation, color, and shadows. The presentation concluded with an overview of Android L which previewed updates like the Material Design language, enhanced notifications, and Project Volta for improved battery life.

Android UI design trends
Android UI design trendsAndroid UI design trends
Android UI design trends

Ponencia ofrecida por Antonio Leiva en DroidconMAD 2013. Sinopsis: En la actualidad, debido a la agresiva competencia en el mundo de las aplicaciones Android, diseñar una interfaz intuitiva y visualmente atractiva para los usuarios no es una opción si queremos tener alguna oportunidad de éxito. En esta charla repasaremos cuáles son los patrones de diseño de interfaces más utilizados y trataremos algunos otros emergentes, así como las pautas para implementarlos de la forma más sencilla.

ui designandroidpatrones diseño interfaces
Android UI Design Trends
Android UI Design TrendsAndroid UI Design Trends
Android UI Design Trends

This document discusses Android UI design trends and patterns. It covers Holo/Ice Cream Sandwich design, modular structures, screen fragmentation, navigation drawers, cards UI, popup menus, sliding panels, pull to refresh, and other patterns. It emphasizes that common design patterns are proven to work well and are familiar to users, and that good design is important for an app's success.

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
(cc) US Army
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Mapping Mashups - Using Mashup Editors
Mapping Mashups - Using Mashup EditorsMapping Mashups - Using Mashup Editors
Mapping Mashups - Using Mashup Editors

The document discusses the use of geographic information systems (GIS) and how location data can be added to information to enable spatial analysis and mapping. It notes that while GIS tools are now widely available, in the past it was difficult to access map data and software. The document then introduces several web-based mapping and "mashup" tools that allow users to combine their own data with maps and other information without advanced programming skills. These include Google Maps API, Yahoo Pipes, Microsoft PopFly, and Google Mashup Editor.

Visualizing data fall2011
Visualizing data fall2011Visualizing data fall2011
Visualizing data fall2011

This document discusses various tools and techniques for visualizing data, including websites like that provide examples of data visualizations. It lists many different skills that are useful for data visualization, such as design, computer science, statistics, and teaching. Throughout the document are examples of visualizations and infographics on topics like food stamps, genetics, and radiation levels.

workshopdata visualizationsinformation visualization
Wisdom From A Laugh 145, 146
Wisdom From A Laugh 145, 146Wisdom From A Laugh 145, 146
Wisdom From A Laugh 145, 146

Bill worked up the courage to ask Lynn an important question. He told her about wanting companionship from someone who regards him perfectly and will be loyal during hard times. To his disappointment, when he finished speaking Lynn thought he wanted a puppy and offered to help him pick one out, not realizing he wanted to ask her on a date. The story shows that one's expectations may not match reality.

Photo by IgnacioConejo
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
persona :
■   /   /

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Api vortrag
Api vortragApi vortrag
Api vortrag

This document discusses various application programming interfaces (APIs) including Facebook's Graph API, Twitter's REST API, and YouTube's Data API. It provides examples of accessing profile and media data from these social networks including getting public profile information, photos, videos, and tweets. It also discusses JSON and XML formats for representing API responses as well as libraries and languages that can be used to work with these APIs like jQuery, PHP, and Google's Data API.

by T W
YouTube API Japan UG #1
YouTube API Japan UG #1YouTube API Japan UG #1
YouTube API Japan UG #1

This document contains a list of YouTube channel URLs and web pages related to YouTube features. It lists the URLs for several YouTube channels, including one focused on Wario Land games, another for lean-back viewing, and a channel documenting a single day. It also lists the URL for the YouTube Cosmic Panda channel and mentions automatic captioning and instant playback features on YouTube.

Youtube IFrame Player API
Youtube IFrame Player APIYoutube IFrame Player API
Youtube IFrame Player API



Paper Prototyping
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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4w 1h with youtube api
4w 1h with youtube api4w 1h with youtube api
4w 1h with youtube api

This document discusses an API and mentions several keywords including "API", "@aspgod", "Why", "Who", "Where", and "How" without providing much context around their meaning or relationship to each other. It ends with a question asking what one is waiting for.

4w 1hyoutube api
YouTube API: Dive In
YouTube API: Dive InYouTube API: Dive In
YouTube API: Dive In

1) The YouTube API allows developers to programmatically access YouTube video data and services to build applications that search, retrieve, and interact with YouTube content. 2) The API uses REST principles and returns data in XML formats. It supports searching for videos, channels, playlists and other metadata as well as commenting, rating, and uploading videos. 3) Authentication is required to interact with user-specific data and is done through an API key and OAuth or ClientLogin methods depending on the level of access needed.

youtube apiheweb09
YouTube APIs Workshop
YouTube APIs WorkshopYouTube APIs Workshop
YouTube APIs Workshop

This document outlines an agenda for a workshop on building video apps with YouTube APIs. It includes exercises on setting up the development environment, using the Player and Google Data YouTube APIs, and integrating the YouTube API with an AppEngine application. The exercises guide attendees through running API code samples, modifying examples, incorporating API calls into an AppEngine app, and deploying the app to AppEngine.

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
PDF    iPhone

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
Mockups For Desktop

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Building Video Applications with YouTube APIs
Building Video Applications with YouTube APIsBuilding Video Applications with YouTube APIs
Building Video Applications with YouTube APIs

YouTube today is much more than a site. Using Google Data APIs and YouTube Player APIs, developers can harness the power of world’s most popular video destination to build new and innovative applications.

youtube apisgooglemobile
Scaling APIs: Predict, Prepare for, Overcome the Challenges
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Scaling APIs: Predict, Prepare for, Overcome the Challenges

This document discusses strategies for scaling APIs to handle increasing volumes of traffic. It outlines considerations and approaches for handling throughput from 1 transaction per second up to 100,000 transactions per second. Lower volumes can typically be handled through database and application tuning. Higher volumes require caching, database sharding or NoSQL databases, and scaling out application servers and other infrastructure. API and client design can also impact scaling by reducing unnecessary calls and payloads. Latency and network bandwidth also become important concerns at high volumes.

scaling apisapi managementapi scale
IT-youtube Presentation
IT-youtube PresentationIT-youtube Presentation
IT-youtube Presentation

The document discusses the history and popularity of YouTube. It began in 2005 as a video dating site created by former PayPal employees. YouTube became popular due to its huge number and variety of viewer-uploaded videos that are easy for anyone to access without needing an account. The document outlines benefits like free sharing of videos for marketing or education and disadvantages like lack of content filtering. It provides statistics on YouTube's large user base and usage.

OmniGraffle                                      iPhone
iPhone Mockup : Web
MockUps Web                                              iPhone
Mockingbird :Web                          Web
UI Stencil
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
Photo by argo72

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Why APIs are Different Than Integration
Why APIs are Different Than IntegrationWhy APIs are Different Than Integration
Why APIs are Different Than Integration

IT architects and developers have long recognized APIs as an evolution and continuation of integration-based architectures used within enterprise IT. But this is a limited view. APIs have become the foundational framework for development of scalable enterprise applications that connect user experiences to back-end data and services. How will this API-centric architecture play a role in your application systems and in your business? Join Ed Anuff and Brian Pagano as they discuss the many important implications of API-centric architecture. Learn: - the characteristics of an API-centric architecture - how APIs are influencing front-end, back-end, and app-to-app systems - how APIs change the way data is leveraged - why traditional architecture cannot address new business challenges

app developmentapi managementdigital acceleration
Youtube Presentation
Youtube PresentationYoutube Presentation
Youtube Presentation

- Former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005. The first video uploaded was titled "Me at the zoo" and shows YouTube founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. - YouTube quickly grew popular, with 13 hours of new videos uploaded every minute by 2007. The site consumed as much bandwidth as the entire internet in 2000. - The user uploading the document has been a YouTube member since 2006 and has uploaded around 7,000 videos. They feel YouTube is great for finding specific interests and subscriber channels instead of relying on programmer recommendations.

Presentation - you tube
Presentation - you tubePresentation - you tube
Presentation - you tube

Youtube was founded in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim as a video sharing platform. It gained popularity due to allowing users to easily upload and share videos, as well as embedding videos on external websites like Myspace. By 2006, Youtube was receiving over 100 million video views per day and saw rapid growth. Google acquired Youtube for $1.65 billion later that year, seeing its potential to capture the growing online video market.

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
Usability Test
Usability Test

                 Usability Test
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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YouTube Powerpoint
YouTube PowerpointYouTube Powerpoint
YouTube Powerpoint

YouTube is a video sharing website launched in 2005 that allows users to upload, view and share videos. It has become one of the most visited websites globally with hundreds of millions of users. The site was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim and was later acquired by Google. Users can watch videos on a wide variety of topics that are uploaded by other users. While many find it useful for entertainment and sharing, others have criticized it for inappropriate content.

YouTube Presentation
YouTube PresentationYouTube Presentation
YouTube Presentation

YouTube is an internet website that specializes in publishing user-posted video clips. It was founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. Originally intended as a video version of a dating site, it evolved into a platform for sharing all types of videos. YouTube's success is partly due to its simple interface that allows videos to play quickly. It was acquired by Google for $1.65 billion in 2006.

2010 And Beyond
2010 And Beyond2010 And Beyond
2010 And Beyond

This document provides an overview of emerging technologies and trends from 2005-2010 as presented by Stephen P. Anderson and Jeremy Johnson from Bright Corner. Key points discussed include the future of the web, user experience design, visioning techniques, current and future technologies such as wireless power, augmented reality, mobile apps, touch interfaces, and more. Various concepts, products and emerging trends are illustrated through links to videos and articles.

examplesuxcuser experience
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Play withmultimedia mac
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Play withmultimedia mac

This document discusses the history and applications of Adobe Flash. It provides over 30 examples of how Flash has been used for animation, games, internet applications, video, webcam applications, 3D experiences, mobile applications, and with hardware like Arduino. The examples span from the late 1990s to modern times and cover uses of Flash across entertainment, communication, and interactive experiences.

Mobile Web Talk
Mobile Web TalkMobile Web Talk
Mobile Web Talk

This document discusses the growing importance of mobile web development and some of the key technologies enabling it. It highlights HTML5 features like local storage and the canvas element that allow richer applications to be created. It also introduces several JavaScript libraries that can be used for mobile development, including PhoneGap, which allows creating apps for multiple platforms. Examples are given of simple to complex graphics that can now be created with these technologies.

Webmaker Workshop: Appmaker in 60mins
Webmaker Workshop: Appmaker in 60minsWebmaker Workshop: Appmaker in 60mins
Webmaker Workshop: Appmaker in 60mins

Learn Appmaker, the WebApp authoring tool from Mozilla Webmaker project, to create your first WebApp in seconds.

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
photo by PageBoy
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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WebMatrix jQuery Mobile Web
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This is an introduction to Developing Mobile Web sites using Microsoft Webmatrix and jQuery to create rich, enganging mobile web sites. You can view the demo site

mobile webdev jquery asp
High-Fidelity Prototyping
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High-Fidelity Prototyping

This document provides resources for high-fidelity prototyping including graphical UI prototypes, HTML/CSS mockups, clickthrough prototypes, design patterns and guidelines from Apple and other sources, UI frameworks like Bootstrap, prototyping software like Sketch and Axure, color schemes, icons, placeholders, photos, and licensing information. It aims to be a comprehensive list of inspiration and tools for interaction design and high-fidelity prototyping.

Responsive Web Design - UX/UI
Responsive Web Design - UX/UIResponsive Web Design - UX/UI
Responsive Web Design - UX/UI

The document contains a list of links related to mobile user experience design. Specifically, it lists links to websites about mobile UX/UI design concepts for Twitter, the Discovery Channel, and an iPhone music app. It also lists general links about mobile experience design and mobile-optimized websites.

webbrowserweb design and development
by Andy Clarke
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Responsive Process Joomla World Conference 2012
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Responsive Process Joomla World Conference 2012

An update on this session for the Joomla World Conference in San Jose. The web is not a fixed width. So if the medium is fluid, should the process be fixed? Fireworks and Photoshop are not flexible enough to demonstrate media queries, button and menu states, HTML5 and JavaScript behaviors, dynamic resizing of elements and navigation flow. Diving into responsive design projects can be daunting. Old design practices are cumbersome when thinking in terms of web systems that will span a wide variety of devices and dimensions. Steve will delve into how he handles the responsive process or how he doesn't. A fluid process to match the fluidity of responsive design. Bam! We’ll also explore some of recent successes and failures while establishing why a responsive process is a responsible process. One web to rule them all?

joomlaresponsive web designprocess
Using Augmented Reality for Learning - LavaCon 2010
Using Augmented Reality for Learning - LavaCon 2010Using Augmented Reality for Learning - LavaCon 2010
Using Augmented Reality for Learning - LavaCon 2010

Presented at LavaCon 2010 San Diego Overview of augmented reality and its potential to support situational learning.

lavaconaugmented realitylearning
Responsive Web Design Process #HOWidc
Responsive Web Design Process #HOWidcResponsive Web Design Process #HOWidc
Responsive Web Design Process #HOWidc

This document contains a collection of links to resources about responsive web design including logos, images, project analyses, personas, user stories, sketch sheets, style tiles, tutorials, and videos. It serves as a reference for materials relating to responsive design.

responsive web designbusiness processweb design and development
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Mobiilsed seadmed 2015
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Mobiilsed seadmed 2015

The document discusses several topics related to mobile devices and responsive web design. It provides statistics on mobile phone and internet usage globally and examples of how mobile apps and responsive design are helping refugees. It also discusses the importance of responsive design principles like flexible layouts, media queries and responsive images to provide optimal experiences across different sized screens.


The document discusses how mobile devices are changing the way people live and work in the digital age. It recommends several apps in three categories: reading, news and learning; notes, sketches and presentations; and productivity and tools. Some of the highlighted apps include Pocket, iTunes U, TED, Evernote, MindHD, Dropbox, Instagram, Douban FM and IFTTT. The document emphasizes that mobile devices and apps allow people to access information, take notes, share content and automate tasks in an integrated way as part of a new "three-in-one" digital lifestyle.

Mash It Up! Summer 2009
Mash It Up! Summer 2009Mash It Up! Summer 2009
Mash It Up! Summer 2009

This document provides an overview of various Web 2.0 applications that can be used in libraries and beyond. It lists several websites related to trends in online generations, mobile communication, and Web 2.0. Examples of cloud computing applications like Google Docs and Flickr are given. Several visual creation websites are also listed, along with digital alternatives to physical books. Finally, the document lists ways to get more involved with Web 2.0, including using social bookmarking, blogs, and following certain experts in the field.

experience culture
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Mash It Up! Summer 2009
Mash It Up! Summer 2009Mash It Up! Summer 2009
Mash It Up! Summer 2009

This document provides an overview of various Web 2.0 applications that can be used in libraries and beyond. It lists resources on trends in online usage among different generations and the growing use of mobile devices. Examples of Web 2.0 applications are given for creating visuals, presentations, bookshelves, blogs, and staying connected through social bookmarking. Tips are included for getting more involved with Web 2.0 technologies.

Mobile Web Mega Trend 2010
Mobile Web Mega Trend 2010Mobile Web Mega Trend 2010
Mobile Web Mega Trend 2010

Review the history of mobile and current evolution of mobile web technology. And also forecast where the web and mobile goes.

Persuasive cities for sustainable wellbeing: Urban Behaviour change design - ...
Persuasive cities for sustainable wellbeing: Urban Behaviour change design - ...Persuasive cities for sustainable wellbeing: Urban Behaviour change design - ...
Persuasive cities for sustainable wellbeing: Urban Behaviour change design - ...

In his UX Riga 2017 conference talk, Agnis Stibe is sharing his vision how people could acquire healthy and sustainable everyday routines through persuasive urban interventions.

uxpersuasive technologyiot
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Practical, Free And Low Cost Tools You Can Use
Practical, Free And Low Cost Tools You Can UsePractical, Free And Low Cost Tools You Can Use
Practical, Free And Low Cost Tools You Can Use

This document provides a list of free and low-cost tools that can be used for practical purposes such as desktop basics, managing multiple machines, website tools, moving operations to the web, Google tools, mashups, and contact information. It includes links to tools for vulnerability scanning, cleaning duplicate files, disk defragging, online backup, remote access, bookmarks syncing, note taking, file sharing, video chat, nonprofit hosting, blogs, grant information, email marketing, slideshows, file sharing, salesforce products, maps, photos, and a technology guide website.

Reading materials on UI/UX
Reading materials on UI/UXReading materials on UI/UX
Reading materials on UI/UX

Centennial College ( post-graduate students in Children's Entertainment were asking me for additional resources/reference material on UX/UI, while the incoming post-graduate students in Interactive Digital Media were asking for reference/resource materials to review before they start for the new semester. This is what I created for them all!

user experienceuser interfaceresearch
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 WorkshopDesign for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop

Slides 18-66 used in prior presentations, slides 77-160 largely from other presentations, but a few new examples.

iauxcross channel
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel ExperiencesDesigning for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

UX Israel Studio 2013 workshop. Much of the structure and content is similar to other workshop presentations I've posted, but there are some new examples and exercises.

service designomnichanneluser experience
デザインのリファクタリング (慣れを大切に)
デザインのリファクタリング (慣れを大切に)デザインのリファクタリング (慣れを大切に)
デザインのリファクタリング (慣れを大切に)

UI animations for digital devices should be between 300-400ms, with a minimum of 150ms. Proper timing of animations removes a little tugging and makes a rough experience smooth, providing a sense of accomplishment for the user. The pacing before and after major movements is also important.

SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 みどころ紹介
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 みどころ紹介SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 みどころ紹介
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 みどころ紹介

This document provides information about SIGGRAPH Asia 2020, including registration options and pricing, conference content that will be available online, details on paper presentations, featured speakers and films, and upcoming SIGGRAPH conferences. SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 will take place December 14-17, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan with content available online. Registration options include Ultimate Attendee for $375 and Basic Attendee for $145.

siggraphsiggraph asia2020
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
Thomas John Watson (IBM)

                           Photo by FaviinCayman

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UX MILK All Night 2020 (Yukio Andoh)UX MILK All Night 2020 (Yukio Andoh)
UX MILK All Night 2020 (Yukio Andoh)

The art of increasing the resolution of eyes, hands and movement in UX design.

Ethical UX / uxmilk fukuoka 2019/12/17
Ethical UX / uxmilk fukuoka 2019/12/17Ethical UX / uxmilk fukuoka 2019/12/17
Ethical UX / uxmilk fukuoka 2019/12/17

Ethical UX / uxmilk fukuoka 2019/12/17

Ethical UX
Ethical UXEthical UX
Ethical UX

Ethical UX

Subject To Change ―

Web                   ―


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Voice UI, Voice UX, VUI : Apps Japan 2018

About Face 3



DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh




DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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VUIテクノロジーアップデート& VUIビジネストレンド紹介
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#inevitableja 【VUIテクノロジーアップデート& VUIビジネストレンド紹介】INEVITABLE ja night 4 での発表資料を公開しました!

Voice UI Designer Meetup Tokyo 「 VUIデザインの勘所」
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Voice UI Designer Meetup Tokyo 「 VUIデザインの勘所」

#vuijp Voice UI Designer Meetup Tokyo 「 VUIデザインの勘所」音声UI/UXに関する情報満載の発表資料を公開しました!

Voice UI/UX Design Guideline
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Voice UI/UX Design Guideline

Voice UI/UX Design Guideline 音声/会話インタフェースのUXの勘所

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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UX Jam x UX Sketch 2017 HD

UX Jam x UX Sketch 2017 HD

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This document provides an overview of UX design topics including strategy, design, business models, testing, and product management. It discusses concepts like personas, user flows, wireframing, prototyping, failing fast, and the importance of design for business. Case studies and examples are provided from companies like Skype, Zappos, and Casper. The document emphasizes testing ideas with customers and iterating designs based on feedback.

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh

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DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
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The document discusses Google Cardboard and virtual reality. Some key points: - Google Cardboard was awarded the Cannes Lions Mobile Grand Prix for its role in advancing mobile VR experiences. Over 1 million Cardboard units have been distributed worldwide since 2014. - The Cardboard SDK allows for the creation of VR apps and experiences for Android and iOS devices when placed in a Cardboard viewer. Tips are provided for effective VR design such as using reticles instead of cursors, considering depth for UI elements, and leveraging spatial audio. - Google Spotlight Stories produces high-resolution 360 videos for Cardboard using specialized rigs with multiple cameras. Expeditions allows virtual field trips in VR classrooms. Various cameras and

google cardboard and VR tips
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google cardboard and VR tips

The document discusses Google Cardboard and virtual reality (VR). Some key points: - Cardboard was awarded the Cannes Lions Mobile Grand Prix for its innovative use of mobile technology. Over 1 million Cardboard units have been distributed worldwide since its 2014 debut. - The Cardboard platform is open source and many companies have created their own Cardboard viewers. The Cardboard SDK allows for app development on Android and Unity. - The document provides best practices and tips for creating VR content, such as using a reticle instead of a cursor, considering depth and eye strain, maintaining head tracking, leveraging scale through parallax effects, and utilizing spatial audio. - Google Spotlight Stories creates high-quality

DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
Google UX

         My UX Project

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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

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DESIGN IT! Talk #001 (UX) Yukio Andoh
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