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Webpack & Babel Sharing
• Modularized Javascript
• Webpack Introduction
• Babel Introdcution
• Visual Studio Setup
• Collaborate with .net MVC
• Web Optimize
Modularized JavaScript
Modularized JavaScript
• Pros
• Encapsulation
• Decoupling
• Organization
• No global scope pollution
• Security
• Re-use
• Cons
• More difficult to release
• Complex dependency

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Virtualization allows multiple operating systems and applications to run on the same hardware at the same time by simulating virtual hardware. There are two main types of virtualization architectures: hosted, where a hypervisor runs on a conventional operating system; and bare-metal, where the hypervisor runs directly on the hardware. Virtualization can be applied to desktops, servers, networks, storage and applications. It provides benefits such as reduced costs, simplified management, and the ability to run multiple systems on one physical machine.


1) The document discusses three main techniques for virtualizing the x86 CPU: full virtualization using binary translation, OS-assisted virtualization (paravirtualization), and hardware-assisted virtualization. 2) Full virtualization using binary translation allows any x86 OS to run virtualized without modification but has more overhead than other techniques. Paravirtualization requires OS modifications to replace privileged instructions but has lower overhead. Hardware-assisted virtualization uses new CPU features to trap privileged instructions. 3) Each technique has strengths and weaknesses in terms of performance, compatibility, and maintenance requirements. Currently, binary translation performs best overall but hardware assistance will improve over time. VMware uses multiple techniques to deliver the best balance of

cloud computing
History of virtualization
History of virtualizationHistory of virtualization
History of virtualization

Virtualization technology originated on mainframe computers in the 1960s to more efficiently utilize processing power. Early virtualization methods were difficult to manage for dynamic business needs. This led to innovations in virtualization strategies and technologies over time. Key developments included the first hypervisor in 1965, IBM's CP-40 implementation in the 1970s, and increased popularity on personal computers in the 1980s-1990s. VMware introduced desktop and server virtualization products in the late 1990s and 2000s that helped drive broader adoption.

Thinking in React
Webpack Introduction
Webpack - A Module Bundler
• A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few
bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the
application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be
CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript,
LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
• Usage:
• Performance
• uses async I/O and has multiple caching levels. This makes webpack fast and
incredibly fast on incremental compilations.
• Loaders
• enables use of loaders to preprocess files. This allows you to bundle any static resource way
beyond JavaScript. You can easily write your own loaders using node.js.
• Module Format (AMD/CommonJS)
• supports both AMD and CommonJS module styles.
• Code Splitting
• allows you to split your codebase into multiple chunks. Chunks are loaded asynchronously at
runtime. This reduces the initial loading time.
• Optimizations
• can do many optimizations to reduce the output size of your JavaScript by deduplicating
frequently used modules, minifying, and giving you full control of what is loaded initially and
what is loaded at runtime through code splitting.

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Cloud Native Application
Cloud Native ApplicationCloud Native Application
Cloud Native Application

VMware is introducing new platforms to better support cloud-native applications, including containers. The Photon Platform is a lightweight, API-driven control plane optimized for massive scale container deployments. It includes Photon OS, a lightweight Linux distribution for containers. vSphere Integrated Containers allows running containers alongside VMs on vSphere infrastructure for a unified hybrid approach. Both aim to provide the portability and agility of containers while leveraging VMware's management capabilities.

applicationcloud native applicationvmugit
Was ist Docker?
Was ist Docker?Was ist Docker?
Was ist Docker?
doag 2014docker
Virtual machine subhash gupta
Virtual machine subhash guptaVirtual machine subhash gupta
Virtual machine subhash gupta

This document discusses virtual machines. It defines a virtual machine as software that creates a virtualized environment between the computer hardware and the end user, allowing the user to operate software. Virtual machines implement full virtual computer hardware and are created through a combination of real hardware and virtualizing software. There are two types of virtual machines: process virtual machines and system virtual machines. Virtual machines provide benefits like partitioning and isolation, allowing multiple operating systems and applications to run securely side-by-side on the same physical machine.

Webpack flow
ReactJS+Webpack Structure
Babel Introdcution
Babel - A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5
• A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5
• Babel is the most popular tool used to convert ES6 to ES5. It has
various interfaces like a CLI, Node-module and also an online
converter. I use the node module for my apps and use theonline
version to quickly see the differences.
• Why ES6
• 5 JavaScript “Bad” Parts That Are Fixed In ES6
• Modularized for React, Babel can convert JSX syntax and strip out type

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cloud computing 5.pptx
cloud computing 5.pptxcloud computing 5.pptx
cloud computing 5.pptx

The document discusses cloud computing, including what it is, its key benefits and challenges, and popular cloud platforms. Cloud computing is defined as storing and accessing data and computing services over the Internet rather than on local hardware. It allows on-demand access to computer resources like servers, storage, databases and networks. The main types of cloud include public, private and hybrid clouds, while the main service models are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Popular applications of cloud computing include education, banking, gaming, healthcare and more. Key benefits include scalability, cost savings, flexibility and reliability, while challenges include reduced control, security/privacy

Red Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptx
Red Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptxRed Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptx
Red Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptx

Here are the key steps to create an application from the catalog in the OpenShift web console: 1. Click on "Add to Project" on the top navigation bar and select "Browse Catalog". 2. This will open the catalog page showing available templates. You can search for a template or browse by category. 3. Select the template you want to use, for example Node.js. 4. On the next page you can review the template details and parameters. Fill in any required parameters. 5. Click "Create" to instantiate the template and create the application resources in your current project. 6. OpenShift will then provision the application, including building container images if required.

Private cloud
Private cloudPrivate cloud
Private cloud

This document discusses Microsoft's private cloud solutions, including Hyper-V for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and Windows Azure Appliance for platform as a service (PaaS). It provides an overview of what a private cloud is and the benefits it offers over public clouds. It also outlines Microsoft's approach to building private clouds using Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V for virtualization, System Center for management, and the Windows Azure Appliance for PaaS capabilities. Resources and guidance are provided for organizations looking to build their own private clouds.

Environment Setup
Visual Studio 2015 with latest update
• React's JSX is now natively supported
• ECMAScript 2015 (formerly ECMAScript 6) support
WebPack Task Runner
React Snippet Pack

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IBM WebSphere application server
IBM WebSphere application serverIBM WebSphere application server
IBM WebSphere application server

Här har ni en presentation om WebSphere Application Server. Titta närmare på området på dessa länkar: Application Infrastructure ( respektive Connectivity & Integration (

Introduction to virtualization
Introduction to virtualizationIntroduction to virtualization
Introduction to virtualization

This document provides an introduction to virtualization. It defines virtualization as running multiple operating systems simultaneously on the same machine in isolation. A hypervisor is a software layer that sits between hardware and guest operating systems, allowing resources to be shared. There are two main types of hypervisors - bare-metal and hosted. Virtualization provides benefits like consolidation, redundancy, legacy system support, migration and centralized management. Key types of virtualization include server, desktop, application, memory, storage and network virtualization. Popular virtualization vendors for each type are also listed.

VMware Presentation
VMware PresentationVMware Presentation
VMware Presentation

Virtualization allows multiple operating systems and applications to run on the same physical server at the same time. This increases hardware utilization and flexibility while reducing IT costs. VMware virtualization solutions can reduce energy costs by 80% through server consolidation and powering down unused servers without affecting applications or users. Virtualization makes hardware resources independent of operating systems and applications, treating them as single unified units that can be more easily deployed, maintained, and supported.

• Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript
engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that
makes it lightweight and efficient.
• Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open
source libraries in the world.
• Project: npm install webpack --save-dev
• Global: npm install webpack –g
• npm install --save-dev webpack-notifier

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Cloud Computing: Virtualization
Cloud Computing: VirtualizationCloud Computing: Virtualization
Cloud Computing: Virtualization

- Virtualization allows multiple operating systems to run concurrently on a single physical machine by presenting each virtual operating system with a virtual hardware environment. A hypervisor manages access to the physical hardware resources and isolates the virtual machines. - Cloud computing extends virtualization by allowing virtual servers and other resources to be dynamically provisioned on demand from large shared computing infrastructure. This improves flexibility and allows users to pay only for resources that are consumed. - The hypervisor software manages the virtual machines and allocates physical resources to each one while isolating them from each other. Example hypervisors include VMware, Xen, and KVM. Virtualization improves hardware utilization and makes infrastructure more flexible and cost-effective.

cloud computing: virtualizationcloud computingcloud
VMware vSphere technical presentation
VMware vSphere technical presentationVMware vSphere technical presentation
VMware vSphere technical presentation

This document provides an overview of VMware virtualization solutions including ESXi, vSphere, and vCenter. It describes what virtualization and hypervisors are, lists VMware's product lines, and summarizes key features and capabilities of ESXi, vSphere, and vCenter such as centralized management, monitoring, high availability, and scalability.

Top 10 cloud service providers
Top 10 cloud service providersTop 10 cloud service providers
Top 10 cloud service providers

The document discusses the top 10 cloud service providers: 1. Amazon EC2 provides scalable computing resources that can be accessed over the internet and only pay for what is used. 2. Verizon offers vCloud Express which provides flexible and on-demand computing resources through an intuitive web console. 3. IBM provides private, hybrid, and public cloud solutions including infrastructure, platforms and software as a service. It then briefly describes each of the top 10 providers and their key cloud computing offerings.

Grunt/Gulp for React
• Not all browsers are supporting ES6 yet, so we're going to have to
transpile our ES6 code, turning it into ES5. We're also going to have
to handle 'JSX', the special Javascript that we can use for React. We
also need to play well with existing code.
Webpack for React
• Webpack is a bundler. It'll take a bunch of loose Javascript files and
build a single file from the lot
Webpack+Babel for React
• Even better, we can configure webpack to run files that match a
certain pattern to go through other 'loaders', which can process the
files further.
• We can use the Babel transpiler to turn an ES6 file to ES5. We just
need the glue to let Webpack use Babel as a loader. That comes in
the form of the Babel Loader:
• This package allows transpiling JavaScript files using Babel and

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Introduction to Docker Containers - Docker Captain
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Introduction to Docker Containers - Docker Captain

This document provides an introduction to Docker. It begins with an overview of the shift from monolithic to microservices architecture and how Docker addresses the complexity problems that arise. Docker is described as a tool that packages applications and dependencies into standardized units called containers that can run on any Linux server. Key differences between Docker containers and traditional virtual machines are outlined. The document then covers Docker concepts like images, containers, and the Docker Engine. It demonstrates the Docker build, ship, and run workflow and introduces common Docker commands and tools.

docker captaindocker
Cloud Computing Introduction
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Cloud Computing Introduction

The document discusses different aspects of cloud computing including definitions, evolution, service and deployment models. It defines cloud computing as a technology that uses remote servers accessed via the internet to store, manage and access data rather than local drives. The evolution of cloud computing is traced from distributed systems to mainframe, cluster and grid computing. Modern concepts like virtualization, web 2.0 and utility computing enabled the emergence of cloud computing. The key service models of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) are explained along with their characteristics. The deployment models of public, private, hybrid and community clouds are also summarized.

cloud computing presentationslaschallenges of cloud computing
2015-11-07 01 Виталий Кравцов. Webpack: человеческий подход к разработке веб ...
2015-11-07 01 Виталий Кравцов. Webpack: человеческий подход к разработке веб ...2015-11-07 01 Виталий Кравцов. Webpack: человеческий подход к разработке веб ...
2015-11-07 01 Виталий Кравцов. Webpack: человеческий подход к разработке веб ...

Преимущества сборщика WebPack

• React uses JSX as the XML-like syntax extension over JavaScript to
specify component tree structure, data flow, and event handlers. JSX
is processed by Webpack module bundler using specific loaders or
Collaborate with .net
• Demo Download
• Original post : detail of how to setup up front-end in core
and MVC5, sample is clone from AspNetReactSamples
• Setup
• Install node and NPM
• Go to root directory and use NPM to install js dependency
• npm install
• Build with install nuget dependency
• Run App
Project Structure

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Современный фронтенд -- как не утонуть в море хайпа?

Как не утонуть в море shim, polyfill, es5, es6, es7, traceur, babel, requirejs, commonjs, systemjs, browserify, webpack, jspm, gulp, grunt, bower, npm, nodejs, expressjs, polymer, angular, react, backbone, marionette, lodash, underscore, jquery,html5, css3, sass, less, vanillajs

From Hacker to Programmer (w/ Webpack, Babel and React)
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From Hacker to Programmer (w/ Webpack, Babel and React)

The document discusses the challenges of front-end development without proper tools and methodologies. It describes tag soup code that is difficult to read and maintain. It also discusses issues like duplicate code, global variables, lack of module loading and dependencies. The document then introduces concepts like package management, CSS preprocessors, JavaScript module loaders, transpilers and build tools that help address these issues. It argues these tools help create a foundation for building user interfaces and applications in a more efficient and sustainable way.

Современный фронтенд за 30 минут.
Современный фронтенд за 30 минут.Современный фронтенд за 30 минут.
Современный фронтенд за 30 минут.

SamaraJS 2015. Современный фронтенд за 30 минут. От простого к сложному: jquery, backbone, underscore/lodash, marionette, bower, requirejs, npm, commonjs, browserify, grunt/gulp, boilerplate, yeoman, webpack, es6/es7, jspm

Layout and View
ES6 to ES5(using Babel)
Advance Webpack

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Webpack integrationWebpack integration
Webpack integration

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"Webpack: 7 бед — один ответ" — Денис Измайлов, MoscowJS 17
"Webpack: 7 бед — один ответ" — Денис Измайлов, MoscowJS 17"Webpack: 7 бед — один ответ" — Денис Измайлов, MoscowJS 17
"Webpack: 7 бед — один ответ" — Денис Измайлов, MoscowJS 17

Слайды доклада Дениса "Webpack: 7 бед — один ответ", MoscowJS 17

Как Webpack сделал меня счастливее
Как Webpack сделал меня счастливееКак Webpack сделал меня счастливее
Как Webpack сделал меня счастливее

#KharkivJS 2015, Харьков - Мои впечатления от Webpack. - Рассказ о его принципах работы. - Интересные фишки Webpack 1 и 2. - Что еще есть аналогичного и выводы.

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• 設定開發React的環境 - React Hot Loader
• Production optimization with React and Webpack
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DotNet MVC and webpack + Babel + react

  • 1. Webpack & Babel Sharing Blackie.Tsai 2016/9/20
  • 2. Agenda • Modularized Javascript • Webpack Introduction • Babel Introdcution • Visual Studio Setup • Collaborate with .net MVC • Web Optimize
  • 4. Modularized JavaScript • Pros • Encapsulation • Decoupling • Organization • No global scope pollution • Security • Re-use • Cons • More difficult to release • Complex dependency
  • 7. Webpack - A Module Bundler • A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff. • Usage:
  • 8. Features • Performance • uses async I/O and has multiple caching levels. This makes webpack fast and incredibly fast on incremental compilations. • Loaders • enables use of loaders to preprocess files. This allows you to bundle any static resource way beyond JavaScript. You can easily write your own loaders using node.js. • Module Format (AMD/CommonJS) • supports both AMD and CommonJS module styles. • Code Splitting • allows you to split your codebase into multiple chunks. Chunks are loaded asynchronously at runtime. This reduces the initial loading time. • Optimizations • can do many optimizations to reduce the output size of your JavaScript by deduplicating frequently used modules, minifying, and giving you full control of what is loaded initially and what is loaded at runtime through code splitting.
  • 12. Babel - A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5 • A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5 • Babel is the most popular tool used to convert ES6 to ES5. It has various interfaces like a CLI, Node-module and also an online converter. I use the node module for my apps and use theonline version to quickly see the differences. • Why ES6 • 5 JavaScript “Bad” Parts That Are Fixed In ES6 • Modularized for React, Babel can convert JSX syntax and strip out type annotations.
  • 14. Visual Studio 2015 with latest update • cript-editor-improvements-in-visual-studio-2015/ • vs.aspx • React's JSX is now natively supported • ECMAScript 2015 (formerly ECMAScript 6) support
  • 15. WebPack Task Runner • 474c-8991-1438ae47012a
  • 16. React Snippet Pack • 41e1-a926-850da8e8c7d7
  • 17. NodeJS • Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. • Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. • •
  • 18. [NPM]Webpack • • Project: npm install webpack --save-dev • Global: npm install webpack –g
  • 21. Grunt/Gulp for React • Not all browsers are supporting ES6 yet, so we're going to have to transpile our ES6 code, turning it into ES5. We're also going to have to handle 'JSX', the special Javascript that we can use for React. We also need to play well with existing code.
  • 22. Webpack for React • Webpack is a bundler. It'll take a bunch of loose Javascript files and build a single file from the lot
  • 23. Webpack+Babel for React • Even better, we can configure webpack to run files that match a certain pattern to go through other 'loaders', which can process the files further. • We can use the Babel transpiler to turn an ES6 file to ES5. We just need the glue to let Webpack use Babel as a loader. That comes in the form of the Babel Loader:
  • 24. Babel-loader • This package allows transpiling JavaScript files using Babel and webpack.
  • 25. Dependency • React uses JSX as the XML-like syntax extension over JavaScript to specify component tree structure, data flow, and event handlers. JSX is processed by Webpack module bundler using specific loaders or convertors.
  • 27. • Demo Download • Original post : detail of how to setup up front-end in core and MVC5, sample is clone from AspNetReactSamples • Setup • Install node and NPM • Go to root directory and use NPM to install js dependency • npm install • Build with install nuget dependency • Run App Demo
  • 33. Reference • 設定開發React的環境 • 設定開發React的環境 - React Hot Loader • Production optimization with React and Webpack
  • 34. Q & A
  • 35. 11F., No.399, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan TEL: +886 2 2798 8529 Fax: +886 2 2798 8531 Website : THANK YOU!