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Wide-Area Protection and Emergency Control
Article  in  Proceedings of the IEEE · June 2005
DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2005.847258 · Source: IEEE Xplore
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Wide-Area Protection and Emergency Control
Invited Paper
System-wide disturbances in power systems are a challenging
problem for the utility industry because of the large scale and the
complexity of the power system. When a major power system dis-
turbance occurs, protection and control actions are required to stop
the power system degradation, restore the system to a normal state,
and minimize the impact of the disturbance. In some cases, the
present control actions are not designed for a fast-developing dis-
turbance and may be too slow. The report explores special protetion
schemes and new technologies for advanced, wide-area protection.
There seems to be a great potential for advanced wide-area protec-
tion and control systems, based on powerful, flexible and reliable
system protection terminals, high speed, communication, and GPS
synchronization in conjunction with careful and skilled engineering
by power system analysts and protection engineers in cooperation.
Keywords—Emergency control, power system protection, wide-
area protection.
From time to time, power systems are exposed to serious
disturbances, which lead to the interruption of the power
supply to the customers [4], [37], [39], [40]. The planners
of the power system try to design reliable systems that are
able to cope with probable contingencies. But even for the
best planned system, unpredictable events can stress the
system beyond the planned limits. Some of the reasons why
completely reliable operation cannot be achieved are the
Manuscript received May 19, 2002; revised October 16, 2003.
M. Begovic is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332-0250 USA (e-mail:
D. Novosel is with KEMA Inc., T&D Consulting, Raleigh NC 27607
USA (e-mail:
D. Karlsson is with Gothia Power AB, Goteborg, Sweden (e-mail:
C. Henville is with Henville Consulting Inc., Delta, BC V4M 2N5,
Canada (e-mail:
G. Michel is with Power System Consulting, Hialeah, FL 33013 USA
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2005.847258
1) Practically an infinite number of possible oper-
ating contingencies in modern, interconnected power
2) The evolving nature of power systems, generates un-
predictable changes. Inevitably, the operation of the
power system is considerably different from the ex-
pectation of the system designers, particularly during
an emergency. For example, deregulation provided fi-
nancial motivation to transfer power from generation
(e.g., independent power producers) to remote loads,
As the existing power systems were not designed for
those transfers, additional stress is put on the system.
3) A combination of unusual and undesired events (for
example, human error combined with heavy weather
and scheduled or unscheduled maintenance outages of
the important system element).
4) Reliability design philosophy that is pushing the
system close to the limits brought about by economic
and environmental pressures.
While reliability is the concern of system designers, oper-
ators deal with system security. Security is an online, opera-
tional characteristic which describes the ability of the power
system to withstand different contingencies without service
interruptions. Security is closely related to reliability: an un-
reliable system cannot be secure. The security level of the
power system (desired to be high enough to enable robust
operation) changes dynamically as the power system opera-
tion changes and depends on the factors outside the control
of power system operators (e.g., weather).
The trend in power system planning utilizes tight oper-
ating margins, with less redundancy, because of new con-
straints placed by economical and environmental factors. At
the same time, addition of nonutility generators and indepen-
dent power producers, an interchange increase, an increas-
ingly competitive environment, and introduction of flexible
ac transmission (FACTS) devices make the power system
more complex to operate and to control, and thus more vul-
nerable to a disturbance. On the other hand, the advanced
0018-9219/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE
measurement and communication technology in wide-area
monitoring and control, FACTS devices (better tools to con-
trol the disturbance), and new paradigms (fuzzy logic and
neural networks) may provide better ways to detect and con-
trol an emergency.
The modern energy management system (EMS) is sup-
ported by supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
software; by numerous power system analysis tools such as
state estimation, power flow, optimal power flow, security
analysis, transient stability analysis, midterm to long-term
stability analysis; and by such optimization techniques as
linear and nonlinear programming. The available time for
running these application programs is the limiting factor in
applying these tools in real time during an emergency, and a
tradeoff with accuracy is required. The real-time optimiza-
tion software and security assessment and enhancement
software do not include dynamics. Further, propagation of a
major disturbance is difficult to incorporate into a suitable
numerical algorithm, and heuristic procedures may be re-
quired. For example, unexpected hidden failures in relaying
equipment may cause unexpected multiple contingencies.
The experienced and well-trained operator can recognize the
situation and react properly given sufficient time, but often
not reliably or quickly enough.
In modern interconnected networks, a fast-developing
emergency may comprise a wide area. Since operator re-
sponse may be too slow and inconsistent, fast automatic
actions are implemented to minimize the impact of the
disturbance. These automatic actions may use local or cen-
tralized intelligence, or a combination of both.
Currently, the local automatic actions are conservative,
act independently from central control, and the prevailing
state of the whole affected area is not considered. Ac-
tions incorporating centralized intelligence are limited to
the information anticipated to be relevant during foreseen
contingencies. There are few schemes that are adaptive
to intelligence gathered from a wide area that respond to
unforeseen disturbances or scenarios.
Furthermore, future power systems will encounter new
components (energy storage, load control, and solar power),
new systems (FACTS elements and HVdc integration), as
well as regulatory changes (wheeling of power, nonutility
generators). An intelligent and adaptive control and protec-
tion system for wide-area disturbance is needed to make
possible full utilization of the power network, which will be
less vulnerable to a major disturbance.
Historically, only centralized control was able to apply
sophisticated analysis because only at this higher level
could computers and communication support be technically
and economically justified. However, with the increased
availability of sophisticated computer, communication and
measurement technologies, more intelligence can now be
used at a local level. The possibility to close the gap between
central and local decisions and actions will depend on the
degree of intelligence put in the local subsystems. Decentral-
ized subsystems that can make local decisions based on local
measurements and remote information (system-wide data
and emergency control policies) and/or send preprocessed
information to higher hierarchical levels are an economical
solution to the problem. A major component of system-wide
disturbance protection is the ability to receive system-wide
information and commands via the data communication
system and to send selected local information to the SCADA
center. This information should reflect the prevailing state
of the power system.
Phenomena that create wide-area power system dis-
turbances are divided, among others, into the following
categories: angular stability, voltage stability, overloads,
power system cascading, etc. They are fought against using
a variety of protective relaying and emergency control
The angular instability, or loss of synchronism, condition
occurs when generators in one part of the network accelerate
while other generators somewhere else decelerate, thereby
creating a situation where the system is likely to separate
into two parts. The conventional relaying approach for de-
tecting loss of synchronism is by analyzing the variation in
the apparent impedance as viewed at a line or generator ter-
minals. Following a disturbance, this impedance will vary as
a function of the system voltages and the angular separation
between the systems. Out of step, pole slip, or just loss of syn-
chronism are equivalent designations for the condition where
the impedance locus travels through the generator. When the
impedance goes through the transmission line the phenom-
enon is also known as power swing. However, all of them
refer to the same event: loss of synchronism.
Out-of-step protection as it is applied to generators and
systems has the objective to eliminate the possibility of
damage to generators as a result of an out-of-step condition.
In case the power system separation is imminent, it should
take place along boundaries, which will form islands with
matching load and generation. Distance relays are often
used to provide an out-of-step protection function, whereby
they are called upon to provide blocking or tripping signals
upon detecting an out-of-step condition.
The most common predictive scheme to combat loss of
synchronism is the equal-area criterion and its variations.
This method assumes that the power system behaves like a
two-machine model where one area oscillates against the rest
of the system. Whenever the underlying assumption holds
true, the method has potential for fast detection.
Voltage stability [20]–[27] is defined by the System
Dynamic Performance Subcommittee of the IEEE Power
System Engineering Committee [29] as the ability of a
system to maintain voltage such that when load admittance
is increased, load power will increase, and so that both
power and voltage are controllable. Also, voltage collapse
is defined as being the process by which voltage instability
leads to a very low voltage profile in a significant part of the
It is accepted that this instability is caused by the load
characteristics, as opposed to the angular instability, which
is caused by the rotor dynamics of generators.
The risk of voltage instability increases as the transmis-
sion system becomes more heavily loaded [17], [18]. The
typical scenario of these instabilities starts with a high system
loading, followed by a relay action due to either a fault, a line
overload or hitting an excitation limit.
Voltage instability can be alleviated by a combination of
the following remedial measures means: adding reactive
compensation near load centers, strengthening the transmis-
sion lines, varying the operating conditions such as voltage
profile and generation dispatch, coordinating relays and con-
trols, and load shedding. Most utilities rely on planning and
operation studies to guard against voltage instability. Many
utilities utilize localized voltage measurements in order to
achieve load shedding as a measure against incipient voltage
instability [2], [41], [42].
Overloads frequently occur during wide-area distur-
bances due to the increasingly high utilization of equipment
capability. These overloads may result in faults (such as
lines sagging into trees) or equipment damage if overload
protection is not provided. On the other hand, overloads
sometimes result in premature removal of equipment due
to short-circuit protection relays that do not allow the full
short-time overload capability of the equipment to be uti-
lized. Overloads are counteracted by applying monitoring
and protection equipment that model the primary equipment
thermal capability given precontingency loading, ambient
temperature conditions, and other influencing factors. For
moderate overloads, the monitoring equipment allows oper-
ators to take action to relieve the overload before equipment
damage. For severe overloads, protection equipment could
be applied to initiate controlled curative actions such as
transmission reconfiguration or load shedding before the
equipment becomes damaged.
Outage of one or more power system elements due to the
overload may result in overload of other elements in the
system. If the overload is not alleviated in time, the process
of power system cascading may start, leading to power
system separation. Uncontrolled separation often occurs as
a result of transmission line short-circuit protection systems
interpreting power swings as short circuits. Controlled sepa-
ration can be initiated by a special protection system (SPS)
or out-of-step relaying.
When a power system separates, islands with an imbalance
between generation and load are formed with a consequence
of frequency deviation from the nominal value. If the imbal-
ance cannot be handled by the generators, load or generation
shedding is necessary. A quick, simple, and reliable way to
reestablish active power balance is to shed load by underfre-
quency relays. There are a large variety of practices in de-
signing load-shedding schemes based on the characteristics
of a particular system and the utility practices [3], [4].
While the system frequency is a final result of the power
deficiency, the rate of change of frequency is an instanta-
neous indicator of power deficiency and can enable incipient
recognition of the power imbalance. However, change of the
machine speed is oscillatory by nature, due to the interaction
among generators. These oscillations depend on location of
the sensors in the island and the response of the generators.
The issues and recommendation regarding the rate-of-change
of frequency function are as follows [5].
• A smaller system inertia causes a larger peak-to-peak
value for rate-of-change of frequency oscillations.
Large oscillations require that a rate-of-change of
frequency relay needs sufficient time to reliably deter-
mine the actual rate-of-change of frequency. Although
as system inertia decreases a frequency of oscillations
increases (enabling relays to faster detect average
value), it may still take too long to accurately detect
a rate-of-change value. One example showed that
oscillations with Hz s peak-to-peak value have
a frequency of oscillations of Hz ( s).
Measurements at load buses close to the electrical
center of the system are less susceptible to oscillations
(smaller peak-to-peak values) and can be used in
practical applications.
• Even if rate of change of frequency relays measure
the average value throughout the network, it is diffi-
cult to set them properly, unless typical system bound-
aries and power imbalance can be predicted. If this is
the case (e.g., industrial and urban systems), the rate of
change of frequency relays may improve a load-shed-
ding scheme (the scheme can be more selective and/or
• Adaptive settings of frequency and frequency deriva-
tive relays, based on actual system conditions, may
enable more effective and reliable implementation of
load-shedding schemes.
Failures or malfunctions in various protection systems
are very significant factor in the overall process of reported
wide-area disturbances. Of all the protection system fail-
ures, the ones that remain dormant or hidden until some
unusual system events occur are the most important [34],
[35]. The abnormal power system states are usually due to
faults, heavy load, shortages in reactive power, etc. They
can trigger the hidden failures to cause relay malfunction,
which can worsen the situation, since the power systems
may already be operated in an emergency state when those
abnormal states occur, eventually leading to the wide-area
disturbances. Commonly used transmission relaying sys-
tems have been studied to identify possible hidden failures
and their consequences on the power systems. A concept
of region of vulnerability associated with each mode of
hidden failure has been proposed. It is the region in which
the hidden failure can cause a relay to incorrectly trip its
associated circuit breaker. The relative importance of each
region of vulnerability, called the vulnerability index, can be
computed using steady-state and transient stability criteria.
A larger value of the vulnerability index indicates that the
relay in which if that hidden failure mode exists is relatively
more important and can cause more serious wide-area distur-
bances or has a higher possibility to cause the disturbances
than the one with a smaller index. Therefore, more attention

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This document summarizes the performance evaluation of a modern numerical protective relay (NPR) using a microcontroller for overcurrent protection. It describes the design and implementation of an overcurrent relay using a microcontroller-based system-on-chip approach. The relay is tested according to IEEE standards and shown to operate within acceptable time limits. Test results demonstrate that the microcontroller-based design provides adequate reliability and security for overcurrent protection while improving performance compared to conventional designs.

should be paid to those key relays to prevent the hidden
failure and its consequences.
It has been observed that of all the reported cases of
major system blackouts (wide-area disturbances) in North
America, about 70% of the cases have relay system con-
tributing to the initiation or evolution of the disturbance. On
closer examination, it became clear that one of the major
components of relay system misoperations is the presence
of relays which have failed during service, and their failure
is not known. Consequently, there is no alarm, and no
repairs or replacements are possible. These hidden failures
are different from straight relay misoperations, or failures
which lead to an immediate trip. The hidden failures remain
undetected (and substantially undetectable), until the power
system becomes stressed, leading to an operating condition
which exposes the hidden relay failures.
A. Monitoring and Protection for Wide-Area Disturbances
The disturbance in the power system usually develops
gradually; however, some phenomena, such as transient in-
stability, can develop in a fraction of a second. Regardless of
the phenomena and available measures, any protection/con-
trol procedure during an emergency should consist of the
following elements: identification and prediction, classifica-
tion, decisions and actions, coordination, corrections, and
time scale.
The corrective and emergency actions are limited to a
finite number of measures. A detailed description of these
measures will be provided as implementation issues for
different types of disturbances are analyzed. A set of avail-
able measures includes out-of-step relaying, load shedding,
controlled power system separation, generation dropping,
fault clearing, fast turbine valving, FACTS control, dy-
namic braking, generator voltage control, capacitor/reactor
switching and static VAR compensation, load control, su-
pervision and control of key protection systems, voltage
reduction, phase shifting, tie line rescheduling, reserve in-
creasing, generation shifting, HVdc power modulation, etc.
As an emergency progresses and the state of the system
degrades, less desirable measures may become necessary.
All the above measures are suitable during in extremis crisis.
However, “last resort” measures are acceptable only in an un-
avoidable transition to in extremis crisis. Alternatively, pre-
ventive measures, are usually only measures suitable in an
alert state.
The above measures are implemented in the emergency
procedures for the power system. Every system has its own
emergency control practices and operating procedures de-
pendent on the different operating conditions, characteristics
of the system, and engineering judgment. In other words, the
operating procedure for every system is unique and heuristic
procedures are extensively used, although the set of measures
is the same.
State of the system parameters and sensitivity of the
system to certain measure are the factors that influence the
choice of the measure. Any one of the measures mentioned
above is usually helpful for different problems, having
direct or indirect influence. From the problem perspective,
different measures can help to overcome different problems
with some degree of sensitivity. Another important aspect in
implementing control actions is optimization with respect to
security and costs. For example, such a coarse measure as
load shedding need not be executed if generation shifting is
satisfactory (regarding speed and amount) in relieving over-
loaded lines. Further, even when load shedding is necessary
to help alleviate overloads, less load is required to be shed
if it can be determined that there is a generation shifting
capability. Thus, appropriate coordination can optimize
A major component of adaptive protection systems is their
ability to adapt to changing system conditions. Thus, relays
which are going to participate in wide-area disturbance pro-
tection and control must of necessity be adaptive. At the
very minimum, this implies a relay system design which al-
lows for communication links with the outside world. The
communication links must be secure, and the possibility of
their failure must be allowed for in the design of the adaptive
A. Phasor Measurement Technology
The technology of synchronized phasor measurements
[38] is well established. It provides an ideal measurement
system with which to monitor and control a power system,
in particular during conditions of stress. A number of pub-
lications are available on the subject. The essential feature
of the technique is that it measures positive sequence (and
negative and zero sequence quantities, if needed) voltages
and currents of a power system in real time with precise
time synchronization. This allows accurate comparison of
measurements over widely separated locations as well as
potential real-time measurement based control actions. Very
fast recursive discrete Fourier transform (DFT) calculations
are normally used in phasor calculations.
The synchronization is achieved through a global posi-
tioning satellite (GPS) system. GPS is a U.S. government
sponsored program that provides worldwide position and
time broadcasts free of charge. It can provide continuous
precise timing at better than the 1-ms level. It is possible to
use other synchronization signals, if these become available
in the future, provided that a sufficient accuracy of synchro-
nization could be maintained. Local proprietary systems can
be used, such as a sync signal broadcast over microwave
or fiber optics. Two other precise positioning systems,
GLONASS, a Russian system, and Galileo, a proposed
European system, are also capable of providing precise time.
Fig. 1 shows a typical synchronized phasor measurement
system configuration. The GPS transmission is received by
the receiver section, which delivers a phase-locked sampling
clock pulse to the analog-to-digital converter system. The
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the synchronized phasor measurement system (PMU).
sampled data are converted to a complex number which rep-
resents the phasor of the sampled waveform. Phasors of the
three phases are combined to produce the positive sequence
Any computer-based relay which uses sampled data is
capable of developing the positive sequence measurement.
By using an externally derived synchronizing pulse, such
as from a GPS receiver, the measurement could be placed
on a common time reference. Thus, potentially all com-
puter based relays could furnish the synchronized phasor
measurement. When currents are measured in this fashion,
it is important to have a high enough resolution in the
analog-to-digital converter to achieve sufficient accuracy of
representation at light loads. A 16-b converter (either a true
16-b or a dynamic ranging converter with equivalent 16-b
resolution) generally provides adequate resolution to read
light load currents, as well as fault currents.
For the most effective use of phasor measurements, some
kind of a data concentrator is required. The simplest is a
system that will retrieve files recorded at the measurement
site and then correlate files from different sites by the
recording time stamps. This allows doing system and event
analysis utilizing the preciseness of phasor measurement.
For real-time applications, from soft real time for SCADA
to hard real time for response-based controls, continuous
data acquisition is required.
Several data concentrators have been implemented, in-
cluding the phasor data concentrator (PDC) at the Bonneville
Power Administration. This unit inputs phasor measurement
data broadcast from up to 32 PMUs at up to 60 measure-
ments/s, and performs data checks, records disturbances,
and rebroadcasts the combined data stream to other monitor
and control applications. This type of unit fulfills the need
for both hard and soft real time applications as well as
saving data for system analysis. Tests performed using this
PMU-PDC technology on the BPA and Southern California
Edison (SCE) systems have shown the time intervals from
measurement to data availability at a central controller can
be as fast as 60 ms for a direct link and 200 ms for secondary
links. These times meet the requirements for many types of
wide-area controls.
A broader effort is the Wide-Area Measurement System
(WAMS) concept explored by the U.S. Department of En-
ergy and several utility participants. WAMS includes all
types of measurements that can be useful for system analysis
over the wide area of an interconnected system. Real-time
performance is not required for this type of application, but
is no disadvantage. The main elements are timetags with
enough precision to unambiguously correlate data from mul-
tiple sources and the ability to convert all data to a common
format. Accuracy and timely access to data is important
as well. Certainly with its system-wide scope and precise
timetags, phasor measurements are a prime candidate for
Communications systems are a vital component of a wide-
area relay system. These systems distribute and manage the
information needed for operation of the wide-area relay and
control system. However, because of potential loss of com-
munication, the relay system must be designed to detect and
tolerate failures in the communication system. It is impor-
tant also that the relay and communication systems be inde-
pendent and subject as little as possible to the same failure
modes. This has been a serious source of problems in the
To meet these difficult requirements, the communications
network will need to be designed for fast, robust, and reliable
operation. Among the most important factors to consider in
achieving these objectives are type and topology of the com-
munications network, communications protocols, and media
used. These factors will in turn effect communication system
bandwidth, usually expressed in bits per second (BPS), la-
tency in data transmission, reliability, and communication
error handling.
Currently, electrical utilities use a combination of analog
and digital communications systems for their operations con-
sisting of power line carrier, radio, microwave, leased phone
lines, satellite systems, and fiber optics. Each of these sys-
tems has applications where it is the best solution. The ad-
vantages and disadvantages of each are briefly summarized
in the following paragraph.
Several types of communication protocols are used with
optical systems. Two of the most common are synchronous
optical networks (Sonet/SDH) and the asynchronous transfer
mode (ATM). Wide-band Ethernet is also gaining popularity,
but is not often used for backbone systems. Sonet systems are
channel oriented, where each channel has a time slot whether
it is needed or not. If there is no data for a particular channel
at a particular time, the system just stuffs in a null packet.
ATM by contrast puts data on the system as it arrives in
private packets. Channels are reconstructed from packets as
they come through. It is more efficient, as there are no null
packets sent, but has the overhead of prioritizing packets and
Fig. 2. Architecture of SONET communication network.
sorting them. Each system has different system management
options for coping with problems.
Synchronous optical networks are well established in
electrical utilities throughout the world and are available
under two similar standards: 1) Sonet is the American
system under ANSI T1.105 and Bellcore GR Standards,
and 2) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) under the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standards.
The transmission rates of Sonet systems are de-
fined as Optical Carrier (OC ); with
OC Mb/s and OC Gb/s. Available
in the market and specially designed to meet the electrical
utility environment are Sonet systems with bit rates of
OC Mb/s and OC Mb/s.
Sonet and SDH networks are based on a ring topology
(Fig. 2) [12], [13]. This topology is a bidirectional ring with
each node capable of sending data either direction; data can
travel either direction around the ring to connect any two
nodes. If the ring is broken at any point, the nodes detect
where the break is relative to the other nodes and automat-
ically reverse transmission direction if necessary. A typical
network, however, may consist of a mix of tree, ring, and
mesh topologies rather than strictly rings with only the main
backbone being rings.
Self healing (or survivability) capability is a distinctive
feature of Sonet/SDH networks made possible because it is
ring topology. This means that if communication between
two nodes is lost, the traffic among them switches over to
the protected path of the ring. This switching to the pro-
tected path is made as fast as 4 ms, perfectly acceptable to
any wide-area protection and control.
Communication protocols are an intrinsic part of modern
digital communications. The most popular protocols found
in the electrical utility environment and suitable for wide-
area relaying and control are the distributed network pro-
tocol (DNP), Modbus, International Electrotechnical Com-
mission Standard IEC870-5, and the Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) universal communications architecture/mul-
tiple messaging system (UCA/MMS). TCP/IP is probably
the most extensively used protocol and will undoubtedly find
applications in wide-area relaying.
UCA/MMS protocol is the result of an effort between
utilities and vendors (coordinated by EPRI). It addresses all
communication needs of an electric utility. Of particular in-
terest is its “peer-to-peer” communications capabilities that
allows any node to exchange real time control signals with
any other node in a wide-area network. DNP and Modbus
are also real-time type protocols suitable for relay applica-
tions. TCP on Ethernet lacks a real-time type requirement,
but over a system with low traffic performs as well as the
other protocols. Other slower speed protocols like the Inter
Control Center Protocol (ICCP) (in America) or TASEII
(in Europe) handle higher level but slower applications like
SCADA. Many other protocols are available but are not
commonly used in the utility industry.
The following definition of an SPS comes from a North
American electric Reliability Council (NERC) planning
standard [31]: “A special protection system (SPS) or reme-
dial action scheme (RAS) is designed to detect abnormal
system conditions and take preplanned, corrective action
(other than the isolation of faulted elements) to provide
acceptable system performance.” Note that this definition
specifically excludes the performance of protective systems
to detect faults or remove faulted elements. It is system ori-
ented both in its inception and in its corrective action. Such
action includes, among others, changes in demand (e.g., load
shedding), changes in generation or system configuration to
maintain system stability or integrity and specific actions to
maintain or restore acceptable voltage levels. One design
parameter that sets these schemes apart is that many of
them are “armed” and ��disarmed” in response to system
conditions. For example, a watchdog type of scheme may be
required and armed at high load levels, but not at lower load
levels. Some SPSs are armed automatically by the system
control center computer, others require human operator
action or approval, others are manually operated, and some
are armed all the time [1], [11].
NERC further defines the standards to which an SPS shall
adhere. In part, they are as follows.
• A SPS shall be designed so that cascading transmission
outages or system instability do not occur for failure
of a single component of a SPS which would result in
failure of the SPS to operate when required.
• All SPS installations shall be coordinated with other
system protection and control schemes.
• All SPS operations shall be analyzed for correctness
and documented.
Reference [1] reports on the experience of 111 SPSs and lists
the most common schemes being used as follows:
• generator rejection;
• load rejection;
• underfrequency load shedding [7], [8];
• undervoltage load shedding;
• system separation;
• turbine valve control [6];
• stabilizers [14];
• load and generator rejection;
• HVdc controls;
• out-of step relaying [9], [10];
• dynamic braking;
• discrete excitation control;
• generator runback;
• VAR compensation;
• combination of schemes;
• others.
The popularity of the three schemes at the beginning of the
above list is not surprising. The fundamental cause of wide-
area outages, almost by definition, is the unbalance between
generation and load following the loss of a line or gener-
ator due to correct operation following a fault or incorrect
operation by human error, hidden failure, etc. Therefore, an
SPS seeks to correct this unbalance by removing load or in-
creasing generation. In this survey, a distinction was made
between direct load rejection, i.e., removing preplanned cus-
tomers through controls, and automatic underfrequency load
rejection if the unbalance results in decreasing frequency.
The underfrequency tripping of load may not be considered
by everyone as an SPS, since it is installed by many utilities
as a normal protective measure.
An increasingly popular SPS is the separation of the
system into independent islands, leaving the faulted area to
fend for itself, thus greatly reducing the impact of an outage.
The use of the GPS to synchronize relays across the system
and adaptive digital relays makes this scenario particularly
attractive. The challenge lies in identification of key pa-
rameters and settings that define the boundary between two
alternatives. Should the regions be kept interconnected to
provide support or separated to prevent a nonviable system
condition from expanding? It is to answer this question that
system analysts and protection and communications engi-
neers need to work together to develop robust, adaptive, and
reliable SPS using advanced techniques to provide optimum
The concept of out-of-step relaying has been known for
some time. However, the specific setting philosophy has
been a major problem in applying it. As noted in the discus-
sion of the French EDF DRS and Syclopes schemes later in
this paper, there are significant limitations and difficulties in
using and setting out-of-step relaying to separate unstable
interconnected regions in a wide area with widely varying
operating conditions.
Combining all of the schemes applied to the turbine gen-
erator has become feasible by the introduction of reliable
and fast-acting electronics. Fast valving and dynamic braking
are particularly noteworthy as methods to reduce generator
output without removing the unit from service and thus al-
lowing for rapid restoration.
The reliability of SPS was addressed in [1] and indicates
that the equipment and schemes perform very similarly to
traditional protective schemes. System conditions requiring
action does not occur often, but when it does occur, the SPS
usually performs its function correctly. The most common
failure (43% of those responding) was hardware failures with
human failure (20%) next. Inadequate design accounted for
about 12% of the failures and incorrect setting less than 10%.
In this section, all possible protective actions against wide-
area disturbances that we have been able to find during the
work have been listed, commented, and evaluated. The dis-
cussion has mainly dealt with curative actions.
The meaning of wide-area protection, emergency con-
trol, and power system optimization may vary dependant
on people, utility, and part of the world. Therefore, stan-
dardized and accepted terminology is important. Since the
requirements for a wide-area protection system vary from
one utility to another, the architecture for such a system must
be designed according to what technologies the utility pos-
sesses at the given time. Also, to avoid becoming obsolete,
the design must be chosen to fit the technology migration
path that the utility in question will take. The solution
to counteract the same physical phenomenon might vary
extensively for different applications and utility conditions.
The potential to improve power system performance
using smart wide-area protection and control, and even defer
high voltage equipment installations, seems to be great.
The introduction of the phasor measurement unit (PMU)
has greatly improved the observability of the power system
dynamics. Based on PMUs different kinds of wide-area
protection, emergency control and optimization systems can
be designed. A great deal of engineering, such as power
system studies and configuration and parameter settings,
is required, since every wide-area protection installation is
unique. Sometimes, the enhancements are obtained using
heuristic methods, such as fuzzy logic or neural networks
[15], [16], [28], [30], [32], [33]. A cost effective solution
could be based on standard products and standard system

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Fig. 3. Multilayered network of GPS-synchronized PMUs, connected through LPCs and an SPC.
Tailor-made wide-area protection systems against large
disturbances, designed to improve power system reliability
and/or to increase the transmission capacity, will therefore
most likely be common in the future. These systems will be
based on reliable high-speed communication and extremely
flexible protection devices, where power system engineering
will become an integrated part of the final solution. This
type of high-performance protection schemes will also be
able to communicate with traditional SCADA systems to
improve functions like demand side management (DSM),
distribution automation (DA), EMS, and state estimation.
As the electricity market is restructured all around the
world, the nature of utility companies is changed. In par-
ticular, the downsizing of the staff makes it difficult or
impossible for the utility to perform many R&D functions.
As a result, there is a trend in the industry where utilities
collaborate with vendors to cope with issues related to the
grid. The utility can view its partnering vendor as a sub-
stitute for its vanishing R&D department to perform tasks
that its existing staff cannot handle. The vendor sees the
partnering utility as the “sounding board” for its product
development and the place to demonstrate its latest products.
This closed-loop collaboration, which already exists in the
form of pilot projects in wide-area protection, is found to be
fruitful to both parties.
A. Enhancements to SCADA/EMS
At one end of the spectrum, enhancements to the existing
EMS/SCADA can be made. These enhancements are aimed
at two key areas: information availability and information
interpretation. Simply put, if the operator has all vital infor-
mation at his fingertips and good analysis facilities, he can
operate the grid in an efficient way. For example, with better
analysis tool for voltage instability, the operator can accu-
rately track the power margin across an interface, and thus
can confidently push the limit of transfer across an interface.
SCADA/EMS system capability has greatly improved
during the last years, due to improved communication fa-
cilities and highly extended data handling capability. New
transducers such as PMUs can provide time-synchronized
measurements from all over the grid. Based on these mea-
surements, improved state estimators can be derived.
Major problems during fast-developing disturbances
occur due to:
• alarm bursts, as operator is not able to filter and analyze
important signals;
• unavailability of critical functions.
Improved EMS/SCADA systems would require ability to
filter, display, and analyze only critical information and to
increase availability of critical functions to 99.99%.
Advanced algorithms and calculation programs that as-
sist the operator can also be included in the SCADA system,
such as “faster than real-time simulations” to calculate power
transfer margins based on contingencies.
The possibilities of extending the SCADA/EMS system
with new functions tend to be limited. Therefore, it might be
relevant to provide new SCADA/EMS functions as “stand
alone” solutions, more or less independent of the ordinary
SCADA/EMS system. Such functions could be load shed-
ding, due to lack of generation or due to market price.
B. Multilayered Architecture
A comprehensive solution, that integrates the two control
domains, protection devices and EMS, can be designed as
in Fig. 3. There are up to three layers in this architecture.
The bottom layer is made up of PMUs, or PMUs with ad-
ditional protection functionality. The next layer up consists
Fig. 4. WAMS design.
of several local protection centers (LPCs), each of which in-
terfaces directly with a number of PMUs. The top layer, the
system protection center (SPC), acts as the coordinator for
the LPCs. Designing the three-layered architecture can take
place in several steps. The first step should aim at achieving
the monitoring capability, e.g., a WAMS. WAMS is the most
common application, based on PMUs. These systems are
most frequent in North America, but are emerging all around
the world. The main purpose is to improve state estimation,
postfault analysis, and operator information. In WAMS ap-
plications a number of PMUs are connected to a data con-
centrator, which basically is a mass storage, accessible from
the control center, according to Fig. 4.
Starting from a WAMS design, a data concentrator can be
turned into a hub-based LPC by implementing control and
protection functions in the data concentrator. A number of
such LPCs can then be integrated into a larger system wide
solution with an SPC at the top. With this solution, the LPC
forms a system protection scheme (SPS), while the intercon-
nected coordinated system forms a defense plan.
C. “Flat Architecture” With System Protection Terminals
Protection devices or terminals are traditionally used in
protecting equipment (lines, transformers, etc.). Modern
protection devices have sufficient computing and commu-
nication capabilities to be capable of performing beyond
the traditional functions. When connected together via
communications links, these devices can process intelligent
algorithms based on data collected locally or shared with
other devices.
Powerful, reliable, sensitive, and robust, wide-area protec-
tion systems can be designed based on decentralized, espe-
cially developed interconnected system protection terminals.
These terminals are installed in substations, where actions
are to be made or measurements are to be taken. Actions
are preferably local, i.e., transfer trips should be minimized,
to increase security. Relevant power system variable data is
transferred through the communication system that ties the
terminals together. Different schemes, e.g., against voltage
instability and against frequency instability, can be imple-
mented in the same hardware.
Using the communication system, between the terminals, a
very sensitive system can be designed. If the communication
is partially or totally lost, actions can still be taken based on
local criteria (fallback performance is not worse than with
conventional local relaying). Different load-shedding steps
that take the power system response into account—in order
not to overshed—can easily be designed.
Based on time-synchronized measurements of voltage and
current by PMUs at different locations in the network, real-
time values of angle differences in the system can be de-
rived with a high accuracy. With this new type of real-time
measurements, efficient emergency actions, such as PSS con-
trol, based on system-wide data, load shedding, etc., can be
taken to save the system stability in case of evolving power
D. System Protection Terminal
Traditionally, remedial action schemes have been hub
based, i.e., all measurements and indicators are sent to a
central position, e.g., a control center, for evaluation and
decision. From this central position, action orders are then
sent to different parts of the power system. Such a central-
ized system is very sensitive to disturbances in the central
part. With the ring-based (or WAN) communication system,
a more robust system can be achieved. One communica-
tion channel can, for example, be lost without any loss of
functionality. If one system protection terminal fails in a
flat decentralized solution, a sufficient level of redundancy
can be implemented in the neighboring terminals. In other
technological areas the decision power is moving closer
to the process, with increasingly more powerful sensors
and actuators, for decisions based on rather simple criteria.
Such an independent SPS, based on powerful terminals, can
Fig. 5. System protection terminal, design, and interfaces.
also serve as a backup supervision system that supplies the
operator with the most critical power system data, in case of
a SCADA system failure.
The system protection terminal will probably be designed
from a protection terminal to fulfill all requirements con-
cerning mechanical, thermal, EMC, and other environmental
requirements for protection terminals. Design and interfaces
of a system protection terminal are shown in Fig. 5.
The terminal is connected to the substation control system,
CTs, and VTs as any other protection terminal. For applica-
tions that include phasors, i.e., phase angles for voltages or
currents, a GPS antenna and synchronization functions are
also required. The system protection terminal comprises a
high-speed communication interface to communicate power
system data between the terminal databases. In the database,
all measurements and binary signals recorded in that specific
substation are stored and updated, together with data from the
other terminals, used for actions in the present terminal. The
ordinary substation control system is used for the input and
output interfaces toward the power system process. The deci-
sion making logic contains all the algorithms and configured
logic necessary to derive appropriate output control signals,
such as circuit-breaker trip, AVR-boosting, and tap-changer
action, to be performed in that substation. The input data to
the decision-making logic is taken from the database and
reflects the overall power system conditions. A low-speed
communication interface for SCADA communication and
operator interface should also be available. Via this interface,
phasors can be sent to the SCADA state estimator for im-
proved state estimation. Any other value or status indicator
from the database could also be sent to the SCADA system.
Actions ordered from SCADA/EMS functions, such as op-
timal power flow, emergency load control, etc., could be ac-
tivated via the system protection terminal. The power system
operator should also have access to the terminal, for supervi-
sion, maintenance, update, parameter setting, change of set-
ting groups, disturbance recorder data collection, etc.
It can be concluded that there is a the great potential
for wide-area protection and control systems, based on
powerful, flexible, and reliable system protection terminals,
high-speed, communication, and GPS synchronization in
conjunction with careful and skilled engineering by power
system analysts and protection engineers in cooperation.
In this section, a small number of wide-area protection sys-
tems will be described.
A. Protection Against Voltage Collapse in the
Hydro-Québec System
The Hydro-Québec system is characterized by long
distances (up to 1000 km) between the northern main gen-
eration centers and the southern main load area. The peak
load is around 35 000 MW. The long EHV transmission
lines have high series reactances and shunt susceptances. At
Fig. 6. SCADA system network protection logic in the Swedish system.
low power transfers, the reactive power generation of EHV
lines is compensated by connecting 330 Mvar shunt reactors
at the 735-kV substations. At peak load, most of the shunt
reactors are disconnected while voltage control on the lower
side of transformers implies connection of shunt capacitors.
Both effects contribute to a very capacitive characteristic of
the system.
Automatic shunt reactor tripping was implemented in
1990, providing an additional 2300-Mvar support near the
load centers. The switching is triggered by low 735-kV bus
voltages or high compensator reactive power productions.
Another emergency control used is the automatic increase in
voltage set-points of shuntC capacitors.
B. SPS Against Voltage Collapse in Southern Sweden
The objective of the SPS is to avoid a voltage collapse
after a severe fault in a stressed operation situation. The
system can be used to increase the power transfer limits
from the north of Sweden or to increase the system security
or to a mixture of both increased transfer capability and
increased security. The SPS was commissioned in 1996.
The system is designed to be in continuous operation and
independent of system operation conditions such as load
dispatch, switching state, etc. A number of indicators such
as low voltage level, high reactive power generation, and
generator current limiters hitting limits are used as inputs to
a logical decision-making process implemented in the Syd-
kraft SCADA system. Local actions are then ordered from
the SCADA system, such as switching of shunt reactors and
shunt capacitors, start of gas turbines, request for emergency
power from neighboring areas, disconnection of low-priority
load, and, finally, load shedding. Shedding of high-priority
load also requires a local low-voltage criterion in order to
increase security. The logic is shown in Fig. 6.
The SPS is designed to have a high security, specially
for the load-shedding, and a high dependability. Therefore,
a number of indicators are used to derive the criteria for each
C. Wide-Area Undervoltage Load Shedding (BC
Hydro System)
BC Hydro has developed an automatic load shedding
remedial action scheme to protect the system against voltage
collapse. The voltage collapse may be caused by a second or
multiple sequential contingencies such as the forced outage
of a critical major transmission line while the system is al-
ready weakened by another outage. A closed-loop feedback
scheme will monitor the system condition, determine the
need of load shedding, shed appropriate blocks of prese-
lected loads in 10–120 s with sequential time delays, and
stop when proper system voltage and dynamic VAr reserves
are restored.
The scheme is based on a centralized feedback system
which continually assesses the entire system condition using
the actual dynamic response of the system voltages at key
buses and dynamic var reserves of two large reactive power
sources in the load area to identify impending voltage in-
stability and then sheds predetermined loads in steps recur-
sively until the potential for voltage collapse is eliminated.
The use of both low voltage and low var reserve provides
an added security against possible voltage measurement er-
rors and allows higher than usual undervoltage settings to
protect against conditions where collapse starts at near nor-
mally acceptable operating voltage levels. The key voltage
buses are selected based on their sufficiently high fault levels
and having multiple low-impedance connections to load cen-
ters so that local system outages or var equipment operations
will not affect the voltages significantly to cause misopera-
tion. The var sources are selected based on their large ca-
pacity relative to the total load area dynamic var capacity.
In addition, they must have multiple connections to the load
center so that their reserves can be reliably used to reflect the

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc.

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This paper presents the assessment methodology for voltage stability using Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) with complete system observability. For full power system observability, the PMU placement is considered with and without conventional power flow as well as injection measurement such that minimum number of PMU’s is used. Data obtained by PMU’s are used for voltage stability assessment with the help of L-Index. As the PMU gives real time voltage and current phasors and L-index is dependent on voltage and admittance values, thus the L-index so obtained can be used as real time voltage stability indicator. The case study has been carried out on IEEE-14 bus system.

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system reserves. Since the low voltage and low var reserve
occur for system voltage instability irrespective of the cause,
such as different line outages, major reactive support equip-
ment outages, increased loading and intertie flows, trans-
former tap movement, or shifted generation patterns, this
scheme will provide a safety net against voltage collapse
from such causes.
D. Ontario Hydro System
A coordinated undervoltage protection scheme is em-
ployed consisting of the following.
a) Short-time automatic reclosure on major 230-kV lines
supplying areas with voltage collapse risk.
b) Automatic load shedding of different areas in two time
steps. If in reference substations, the voltage measure-
ment gives voltage drops below a certain reference
value, the areas are shed in 10 s.
c) Automatic capacitor switching for maximum reactive
power infeed and voltage support.
d) Automatic OLTC blocking.
E. F1orida Power and Light (FPL) Fast Acting Load
Shedding (FALS)
FPL installed an FALS system to protect against severe
system overloads not covered by conventional underfre-
quency load shedding in 1985 [36].
System planning studies revealed that the addition of two
500-kV lines had strengthened connections to neighboring
utilities so much that system separation could not be assured
under certain double contingency losses of FPL generation.
This meant that existing underfrequency load shedding
would not operate to keep the system stable under these
double contingencies. Simultaneous loss of two or more
large generators (with more than 1200 MW total output)
could result in excessive power import into the state of
Florida which could result in what was called a “stable
but overloaded” system condition. That condition would
leave the systems intact (without separation) but with severe
thermal and reactive overloads which could lead to voltage
collapse and uncontrolled system separations after approxi-
mately 30 s.
The FALS program runs in the system control center
(SCC) computers in Miami, FL, and uses statewide SCADA
communications to recognize a “stable system overload”
that results in lines operating above their ratings, low system
voltages at predetermined key substations, and heavy reac-
tive power demands upon generators. When this condition is
detected, FALS initiates a trip signal to shed a predetermined
amount of load by tripping subtransmission lines at certain
stations to prevent loss of bulk transmission lines and/or
generators that could cause a blackout.
The FALS program is based on a six-by-six matrix of
alarm conditions of individually telemetered points. Each
matrix cell shows (in order) the monitored point, the present
value and the alarm point setting. At least one point in each
row must be in the alarm condition to set a flag for that row.
All six rows must have their respective flag set to initiate a
load shed signal with no intentional delay. Load shedding
without delay is expected to occur within 20 s of a distur-
bance that requires shedding. A delayed load shed is initiated
if four specific row flags are set and verified in the alarm con-
dition for a specific time delay. The time delay is to allow
offline capacitor banks to switch in and mitigate those less
severe overloads.
Each element in the matrix uses voltage or power mea-
surements already available in the computer. Only one
phase is monitored for voltage measurements, and two and
one-half-element watt transducers are used for the power
The program must shed a minimum of 800 MW, indepen-
dent of the system load. Since fewer transmission lines need
to be shed at high loads to reject the 800 MW, the FALS
program bases the number of lines to be shed on the current
system load.
To improve the security of the scheme, the FALS trip
signal received at each substation is supervised in a permis-
sive mode by an underfrequency relay. These relays are set
at 59.95 Hz, which will allow operation for most generation
disturbances in the state. The underfrequency relays’ outputs
remain energized for 1 m to allow time for load shedding if
The matrix parameters are revised as the system changes
so that the FALS program remains coordinated with the
system response.
F. France, EDF: DRS Scheme Against Losses of
Principle of Operation: The French system can be de-
composed in areas of dynamic coherence. When a loss of
synchronism appears, all the units of the area lose synchro-
nism together. Within these areas, generators are strongly
connected to each other. Links between areas are weaker. In
the case of loss of synchronism, tripping the faulted units
with a pole slip relay protects the generator, but does not en-
sure that the collapse will be completely stopped, especially
when the system is highly meshed. It is necessary to prevent
the instability from propagating through the system, and the
best way to achieve it is to isolate the areas that have lost
synchronism so to rescue the system, before losses of syn-
chronism are induced in other areas (neighboring or distant).
After several incidents in the 1970s, out-of-step relays
named “the DRS Plan” were installed at both ends of the
lines crossing the borders of the dynamically coherent areas.
Their aim is to open all the transmission lines bordering
the area so to isolate it. The out-of-step relay watches the
voltage locally, triggers when large voltage deviations are
detected (one of the effects of the loss of synchronism),
and trips the line. The triggering criteria are the depth and
the number of swings. These criteria are set with the help
of simulation tools for each voltage level. This protection
scheme operates locally at only one voltage level and does
not need communication with any other device.
The use of out-of-step relays implies that the distance re-
lays of all lines do not trigger in the case of the loss of syn-
chronism. Only the DRS schemes should trip the suitable
lines bordering the zones to avoid uncoordinated opening of
lines. One solution that ensures that no unexpected line will
trip is to use out-of-step blocking scheme in the distance re-
lays. The French system is divided into 19 areas, all equipped
with the DRS protective relays on the borderlines, including
the lines connected to the systems of the neighboring coun-
tries. These schemes have been in operation for more than
15 years.
Limits of the Scheme: Even though it proved to be effi-
cient, the out-of-step relay plan may lead to a nonoptimal is-
landing of the faulted area. The potential weaknesses of the
out-of-step relays scheme are inherent to its characteristics.
• The measurements are processed locally, whereas the
loss of synchronism affects large areas.
• The voltage swings are only an effect of the loss of
synchronism and is not the origin of it, which is angular
Suboptimal efficiency can be explained with the following
• Simultaneity: All the lines are not tripped simultane-
ously, leading in some cases to delay the completed
isolation of the unstable zone.
• Completion: Some lines may not be tripped, because
the depth of the voltage swings stays under the criteria
threshold (for example if the relay is located at a node
of swings) but they are still able to induce losses of
• Selectivity: Consequently to the definition of the
homogeneous zones, when frequency instability
occurs, the largest swings are expected on the border-
lines between two homogeneous areas. In multizone
protection with out-of-step relays, the voltage swings
may sometimes be observed in a wide area. As a result,
unwanted or uncoordinated line tripping is possible.
G. France, EDF: Syclopes—Coordinated Scheme Against
Losses of Synchronism
The advantages and weaknesses of the out-of-step relays
defence plan (listed above) were highlighted by major con-
tingencies in the early 1980s. System modeling and anal-
ysis tools became available and allowed a more complete
To get accurate and quick information from the system, the
scheme needs to come closer to the root of the instability: an-
gular and frequency difference between two points. The best
way to get to it is to process the phasors of the generators
of each homogeneous group of generators, and then to com-
pare continuously the angle distance between the homoge-
neous areas. This principle is used in the second generation
of SPS against loss of synchronism developed by EDF, and
called Syclopes (see Fig. 7). The functions that Syclopes re-
alizes are:
• detection of the loss of synchronism;
• tripping of all the lines bordering the homogeneous
areas that loses synchronism; and
• order for load shedding if needed.
Fig. 7. Syclopes communication network diagram
(PHM = Phase Measurements, AI = Area Islanding,
LS = Load Shedding).
Fig. 8. Syclopes communication network.
The principle of operation of this new SPS is that the infor-
mation of the whole power system is processed in one central
point, in a global and coordinated task:
• local measurements on the network are sent to the cen-
tral point;
• information from the whole system is processed in
the central point computer, and the affected zone is
• the central point orders actions to local substations so
to isolate the affected zone by opening all the border
lines of it; and
• if necessary, the central point orders actions to HV/MV
substations for load shedding, so to prepare the active
power balance for the postislanding sequence and keep
the frequency within an acceptable range.
In the first step (see Fig. 8), Syclopes has been developed for
the isolation of two southeastern coherent areas in the French
system that were identified as critical toward the loss of syn-
chronism. These areas are exporting large amounts of active
power and need loads to be shed most often when cut out
from the rest of the system, to prevent induced loss of syn-
chronism. When compared to the DRS plan, the coordinated
SPS Syclopes brings the following improvements.
• Phasor detection of the loss of synchronism is closer
to the origin of the event and reduces the delay for
• Global processing gives selectivity and accuracy of the
• Simultaneity and completion of the line tripping
process with limited delay preserve the stability of the
generators in remote areas.
• Simultaneity of the load shedding and the line tripping
processes keep the rest of the system in a better state:
higher frequency and robustness.
Every part of the SPS needs to be highly reliable and safe
to guaranty that the probability of unwanted actions like line
tripping or load shedding is acceptable and to ensure proper
action in case of loss of synchronism, which includes:
• phasor measurements and local preprocessing;
• information transmission to the central point;
• real-time information process in central point;
• order transmission; and
• order application (line tripping, load shedding at
HV/MV substations).
Additionally, the speed of the phenomenon needs quick com-
munication means for both ways (forth from local to the cen-
tral point and back).
The SPS has been installed in two southeastern coherent
areas and is currently operating in an open loop; that is to say,
the action orders are locked. The closed loop operation was
started in the year 2000. In addition to the protection, the on-
going operation in open loop provides information through
its synchronized phasor measurements. To achieve these re-
quirements, a two-way communication network (wire/satel-
lite) is used (see Fig. 8). Additional information is available
in [43]–[48]. Two other homogeneous areas are potential fu-
ture application fields for the Syclopes-coordinated SPS.
There are numerous existing applications of wide-area
protection and control systems, and some examples have
been described and discussed. Existing implementations use
simple measurements. Sometimes the measurements are
local only (e.g., out-of-step tripping or underfrequency load
shedding). In other cases, the measurements and actions use
wide-area information and communications systems. The
more complex decision processes (e.g., southern Sweden’s
SPS against voltage collapse, and Florida’s FALS) employ
SCADA for information gathering that allows a time frame
only of several seconds for actions. Higher speed wide-area
protection systems required to prevent angular instability
or fast voltage collapse (e.g., direct load or generator rejec-
tion), respond primarily to contingencies identified in offline
planning studies, and are limited in effectiveness against
unforeseen disturbances.
Better detection and control strategies through the con-
cept of advanced wide-area disturbance protection offer a
better management (than existing) of the disturbances and
significant opportunity for more reliable system performance
under higher power transfers and operating economies. This
advanced protection is a concept of using system-wide infor-
mation together with distributed local intelligence and com-
municating selected information between separate locations
to counteract propagation of the major disturbances in the
power system.
With the increased availability of sophisticated computer,
communication and measurement technologies, more “intel-
ligent” equipment can be used at the local level to improve
the overall emergency response. There seems to be a great
potential for wide-area protection and control systems, based
on powerful, flexible and reliable system protection termi-
nals, high speed, communication, and GPS synchronization
in conjunction with careful and skilled engineering by power
system analysts and protection engineers in cooperation. Ad-
ditional information about the topics presented in this paper
can be found in the companion papers [49] and [50], authored
by the members of the Working Group “Wide Area Protec-
tion and Emergency Control” of the IEEE PES Power System
Relaying Committee.
The content presented here is based on the IEEE
Power Engineering Society Power System Relaying
Committee Working Group report “Wide Area Protec-
tion and Emergency Control,” which was authored by
A. Apostolov, E. Baumgartner, B. Beckwith, M. Begovic
(Chairman), S. Borlase, H. Candia, P. Crossley, J. De La
Ree Lopez, T. Domin, O. Faucon (corresponding member),
A. Girgis, F. Griffin, C. Henville, S. Horowitz, M. Ibrahim,
D. Karlsson (Corresponding Member), M. Kezunovic,
K. Martin, G. Michel, J. Murphy, K. Narendra, D. Novosel
(Vice Chairman), T. Seegers, P. Solanics, J. Thorp, and
D. Tziouvaras. Their contribution to this paper is gratefully
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Miroslav M. Begovic (Fellow, IEEE) received
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, in
He is a Professor with the School of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta. He authored a section,
“System Protection,” for the monograph The
Electric Power Engineering Handbook (Boca
Raton, FL: CRC, 2000). His research interests
are in the general area of computer applications
in power system monitoring, protection and control, and design and analysis
of renewable energy sources.
Dr. Begovic is a member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Phi
Kappa Phi. He was a Chair of the Working Group “Wide Area Protection
and Emergency Control” and Vice-Chair of the Working Group “Voltage
Collapse Mitigation” of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) Power
System Relaying Committee. He was also a Contributing Member of the
IEEE PES PSRC Working Group “Protective Aids to Voltage Stability,”
which received the IEEE Working Group Recognition Award in 1997. He
is currently Vice-Chair of the Emerging Technologies Coordinating Com-
mittee of the IEEE PES.
Damir Novosel (Fellow, IEEE) received the
Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Mississippi
State University, Mississippi State, where he was
a Fulbright Scholar.
Prior to joining KEMA in 2003, he has held
various positions with ABB, including VP of
global product management for automation prod-
ucts and Manager of a power system consulting
group. He is currently Senior Vice President
and General Manager for T&D Consulting
at KEMA, Raleigh, NC. He has 21 years of
experience working with electric utilities and vendors. He has contributed
to a large number of IEEE and CIGRE tutorials, guides, standards, reports,
and other publications in the areas of power systems. He currently holds 16
US and international patents. He has also published over 60 publications.
His major contribution has been in the area of preventing power system
Dr. Novosel is the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Power System Relaying Com-
mittee Subcommittee on System Protection and Adjunct Professor at North
Carolina State University, Raleigh. His work has earned him international
recognition and reputation.
Daniel Karlsson (Senior Member, IEEE) re-
ceived the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from Chalmers University, Sweden, in 1992.
Between 1985 and April 1999, he worked as
an Analysis Engineer in the Power System Anal-
ysis Group within the Operation Department of
the Sydkraft utility. From 1994 until he left Syd-
kraft in 1999, he was Power System Expert and
was promoted to Chief Engineer. From 1999 to
2005, Dr. Karlsson was Application Senior Spe-
cialist at ABB Automation Technology Products.
He is currently a Consultant with Gothia Power AB, Goteborg, Sweden. His
work has been in the protection and power system analysis area and his re-
search has been on voltage stability and collapse phenomena with emphasis
on the influence of loads, on-load tap-changers, and generator reactive power
limitations. His work has comprised theoretical investigations at academic
level, as well as extensive field measurements in power systems.
Dr. Karlsson is a Member of CIGRE. Through the years he has been ac-
tive in several CIGRE and IEEE working groups. He has also supervised a
number of diploma-workers and Ph.D. students at Swedish universities.
Charlie Henville (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.A. and M.A. degrees from
Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., in 1969 and 1974, respectively,
and the M.Eng. degree from the University of British Columbia in 1996.
He has 26 years of experience with protection engineering and worked
until 2005 as a Principal Engineer with BC Hydro, Delta, BC, Canada. He
is currently a Private Consultant in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mr. Henville was Chair of the IEEE PES PSRC Working Group “Pro-
tective Aids to Voltage Stability,” which received the IEEE Working Group
Recognition Award in 1997. He is a Member of the IEEE Power Engineering
Society (PES), the Power System Relay Committee (PSRC), and is active
in several working groups. He is currently Secretary of the Power System
Relaying Committee of IEEE PES.
Gary Michel (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S.E.E. degree from the
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, the MBA degree from Florida Inter-
national University, Miami, and the diploma degree from the Westinghouse
Advanced Power Systems School, Pittsburgh, PA.
He managed and designed protection, communications, and control sys-
tems at Florida Power and Light for more than 20 years, designed com-
munications products at Motorola, and designed computers at RCA. He is
currently President of Power System Consulting, Hialeah, FL, an R&D firm
specializing in power system protection, communications, and control. He
is author of several IEEE, Department of Energy, Electric Power Research
Institute, conference, and technical publications.
Mr. Michel is a Past IEEE Power Engineering Society Officer, a Member
of the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC), IEEE Power
System Communications Committee (PSCC), and IEEE Communications
Society, Past Chairman of several PSRC and PSCC Working Groups.
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Wide area protection-and_emergency_control (1)

  • 1. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Wide-Area Protection and Emergency Control Article  in  Proceedings of the IEEE · June 2005 DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2005.847258 · Source: IEEE Xplore CITATIONS 202 READS 1,641 5 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: PV Systems Integration in Smart Grid View project A Fault Tolerant Capacitor-less Power Quality Compensator for Electrical Distribution Systems View project M. Begovic Texas A&M University 167 PUBLICATIONS   6,228 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE D. Karlsson Gothia Power AB 41 PUBLICATIONS   2,705 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Charles Henville Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 41 PUBLICATIONS   900 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by D. Karlsson on 16 October 2013. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file.
  • 2. Wide-Area Protection and Emergency Control MIROSLAV BEGOVIC, FELLOW, IEEE, DAMIR NOVOSEL, FELLOW, IEEE, DANIEL KARLSSON, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE, CHARLIE HENVILLE, FELLOW, IEEE, AND GARY MICHEL, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE Invited Paper System-wide disturbances in power systems are a challenging problem for the utility industry because of the large scale and the complexity of the power system. When a major power system dis- turbance occurs, protection and control actions are required to stop the power system degradation, restore the system to a normal state, and minimize the impact of the disturbance. In some cases, the present control actions are not designed for a fast-developing dis- turbance and may be too slow. The report explores special protetion schemes and new technologies for advanced, wide-area protection. There seems to be a great potential for advanced wide-area protec- tion and control systems, based on powerful, flexible and reliable system protection terminals, high speed, communication, and GPS synchronization in conjunction with careful and skilled engineering by power system analysts and protection engineers in cooperation. Keywords—Emergency control, power system protection, wide- area protection. I. INTRODUCTION From time to time, power systems are exposed to serious disturbances, which lead to the interruption of the power supply to the customers [4], [37], [39], [40]. The planners of the power system try to design reliable systems that are able to cope with probable contingencies. But even for the best planned system, unpredictable events can stress the system beyond the planned limits. Some of the reasons why completely reliable operation cannot be achieved are the following. Manuscript received May 19, 2002; revised October 16, 2003. M. Begovic is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332-0250 USA (e-mail: D. Novosel is with KEMA Inc., T&D Consulting, Raleigh NC 27607 USA (e-mail: D. Karlsson is with Gothia Power AB, Goteborg, Sweden (e-mail: C. Henville is with Henville Consulting Inc., Delta, BC V4M 2N5, Canada (e-mail: G. Michel is with Power System Consulting, Hialeah, FL 33013 USA (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2005.847258 1) Practically an infinite number of possible oper- ating contingencies in modern, interconnected power systems. 2) The evolving nature of power systems, generates un- predictable changes. Inevitably, the operation of the power system is considerably different from the ex- pectation of the system designers, particularly during an emergency. For example, deregulation provided fi- nancial motivation to transfer power from generation (e.g., independent power producers) to remote loads, As the existing power systems were not designed for those transfers, additional stress is put on the system. 3) A combination of unusual and undesired events (for example, human error combined with heavy weather and scheduled or unscheduled maintenance outages of the important system element). 4) Reliability design philosophy that is pushing the system close to the limits brought about by economic and environmental pressures. While reliability is the concern of system designers, oper- ators deal with system security. Security is an online, opera- tional characteristic which describes the ability of the power system to withstand different contingencies without service interruptions. Security is closely related to reliability: an un- reliable system cannot be secure. The security level of the power system (desired to be high enough to enable robust operation) changes dynamically as the power system opera- tion changes and depends on the factors outside the control of power system operators (e.g., weather). The trend in power system planning utilizes tight oper- ating margins, with less redundancy, because of new con- straints placed by economical and environmental factors. At the same time, addition of nonutility generators and indepen- dent power producers, an interchange increase, an increas- ingly competitive environment, and introduction of flexible ac transmission (FACTS) devices make the power system more complex to operate and to control, and thus more vul- nerable to a disturbance. On the other hand, the advanced 0018-9219/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE 876 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 5, MAY 2005
  • 3. measurement and communication technology in wide-area monitoring and control, FACTS devices (better tools to con- trol the disturbance), and new paradigms (fuzzy logic and neural networks) may provide better ways to detect and con- trol an emergency. The modern energy management system (EMS) is sup- ported by supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software; by numerous power system analysis tools such as state estimation, power flow, optimal power flow, security analysis, transient stability analysis, midterm to long-term stability analysis; and by such optimization techniques as linear and nonlinear programming. The available time for running these application programs is the limiting factor in applying these tools in real time during an emergency, and a tradeoff with accuracy is required. The real-time optimiza- tion software and security assessment and enhancement software do not include dynamics. Further, propagation of a major disturbance is difficult to incorporate into a suitable numerical algorithm, and heuristic procedures may be re- quired. For example, unexpected hidden failures in relaying equipment may cause unexpected multiple contingencies. The experienced and well-trained operator can recognize the situation and react properly given sufficient time, but often not reliably or quickly enough. In modern interconnected networks, a fast-developing emergency may comprise a wide area. Since operator re- sponse may be too slow and inconsistent, fast automatic actions are implemented to minimize the impact of the disturbance. These automatic actions may use local or cen- tralized intelligence, or a combination of both. Currently, the local automatic actions are conservative, act independently from central control, and the prevailing state of the whole affected area is not considered. Ac- tions incorporating centralized intelligence are limited to the information anticipated to be relevant during foreseen contingencies. There are few schemes that are adaptive to intelligence gathered from a wide area that respond to unforeseen disturbances or scenarios. Furthermore, future power systems will encounter new components (energy storage, load control, and solar power), new systems (FACTS elements and HVdc integration), as well as regulatory changes (wheeling of power, nonutility generators). An intelligent and adaptive control and protec- tion system for wide-area disturbance is needed to make possible full utilization of the power network, which will be less vulnerable to a major disturbance. Historically, only centralized control was able to apply sophisticated analysis because only at this higher level could computers and communication support be technically and economically justified. However, with the increased availability of sophisticated computer, communication and measurement technologies, more intelligence can now be used at a local level. The possibility to close the gap between central and local decisions and actions will depend on the degree of intelligence put in the local subsystems. Decentral- ized subsystems that can make local decisions based on local measurements and remote information (system-wide data and emergency control policies) and/or send preprocessed information to higher hierarchical levels are an economical solution to the problem. A major component of system-wide disturbance protection is the ability to receive system-wide information and commands via the data communication system and to send selected local information to the SCADA center. This information should reflect the prevailing state of the power system. II. DISTURBANCES: CAUSES AND REMEDIAL MEASURES Phenomena that create wide-area power system dis- turbances are divided, among others, into the following categories: angular stability, voltage stability, overloads, power system cascading, etc. They are fought against using a variety of protective relaying and emergency control measures. The angular instability, or loss of synchronism, condition occurs when generators in one part of the network accelerate while other generators somewhere else decelerate, thereby creating a situation where the system is likely to separate into two parts. The conventional relaying approach for de- tecting loss of synchronism is by analyzing the variation in the apparent impedance as viewed at a line or generator ter- minals. Following a disturbance, this impedance will vary as a function of the system voltages and the angular separation between the systems. Out of step, pole slip, or just loss of syn- chronism are equivalent designations for the condition where the impedance locus travels through the generator. When the impedance goes through the transmission line the phenom- enon is also known as power swing. However, all of them refer to the same event: loss of synchronism. Out-of-step protection as it is applied to generators and systems has the objective to eliminate the possibility of damage to generators as a result of an out-of-step condition. In case the power system separation is imminent, it should take place along boundaries, which will form islands with matching load and generation. Distance relays are often used to provide an out-of-step protection function, whereby they are called upon to provide blocking or tripping signals upon detecting an out-of-step condition. The most common predictive scheme to combat loss of synchronism is the equal-area criterion and its variations. This method assumes that the power system behaves like a two-machine model where one area oscillates against the rest of the system. Whenever the underlying assumption holds true, the method has potential for fast detection. Voltage stability [20]–[27] is defined by the System Dynamic Performance Subcommittee of the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee [29] as the ability of a system to maintain voltage such that when load admittance is increased, load power will increase, and so that both power and voltage are controllable. Also, voltage collapse is defined as being the process by which voltage instability leads to a very low voltage profile in a significant part of the system. It is accepted that this instability is caused by the load characteristics, as opposed to the angular instability, which is caused by the rotor dynamics of generators. BEGOVIC et al.: WIDE-AREA PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY CONTROL 877
  • 4. The risk of voltage instability increases as the transmis- sion system becomes more heavily loaded [17], [18]. The typical scenario of these instabilities starts with a high system loading, followed by a relay action due to either a fault, a line overload or hitting an excitation limit. Voltage instability can be alleviated by a combination of the following remedial measures means: adding reactive compensation near load centers, strengthening the transmis- sion lines, varying the operating conditions such as voltage profile and generation dispatch, coordinating relays and con- trols, and load shedding. Most utilities rely on planning and operation studies to guard against voltage instability. Many utilities utilize localized voltage measurements in order to achieve load shedding as a measure against incipient voltage instability [2], [41], [42]. Overloads frequently occur during wide-area distur- bances due to the increasingly high utilization of equipment capability. These overloads may result in faults (such as lines sagging into trees) or equipment damage if overload protection is not provided. On the other hand, overloads sometimes result in premature removal of equipment due to short-circuit protection relays that do not allow the full short-time overload capability of the equipment to be uti- lized. Overloads are counteracted by applying monitoring and protection equipment that model the primary equipment thermal capability given precontingency loading, ambient temperature conditions, and other influencing factors. For moderate overloads, the monitoring equipment allows oper- ators to take action to relieve the overload before equipment damage. For severe overloads, protection equipment could be applied to initiate controlled curative actions such as transmission reconfiguration or load shedding before the equipment becomes damaged. Outage of one or more power system elements due to the overload may result in overload of other elements in the system. If the overload is not alleviated in time, the process of power system cascading may start, leading to power system separation. Uncontrolled separation often occurs as a result of transmission line short-circuit protection systems interpreting power swings as short circuits. Controlled sepa- ration can be initiated by a special protection system (SPS) or out-of-step relaying. When a power system separates, islands with an imbalance between generation and load are formed with a consequence of frequency deviation from the nominal value. If the imbal- ance cannot be handled by the generators, load or generation shedding is necessary. A quick, simple, and reliable way to reestablish active power balance is to shed load by underfre- quency relays. There are a large variety of practices in de- signing load-shedding schemes based on the characteristics of a particular system and the utility practices [3], [4]. While the system frequency is a final result of the power deficiency, the rate of change of frequency is an instanta- neous indicator of power deficiency and can enable incipient recognition of the power imbalance. However, change of the machine speed is oscillatory by nature, due to the interaction among generators. These oscillations depend on location of the sensors in the island and the response of the generators. The issues and recommendation regarding the rate-of-change of frequency function are as follows [5]. • A smaller system inertia causes a larger peak-to-peak value for rate-of-change of frequency oscillations. Large oscillations require that a rate-of-change of frequency relay needs sufficient time to reliably deter- mine the actual rate-of-change of frequency. Although as system inertia decreases a frequency of oscillations increases (enabling relays to faster detect average value), it may still take too long to accurately detect a rate-of-change value. One example showed that oscillations with Hz s peak-to-peak value have a frequency of oscillations of Hz ( s). Measurements at load buses close to the electrical center of the system are less susceptible to oscillations (smaller peak-to-peak values) and can be used in practical applications. • Even if rate of change of frequency relays measure the average value throughout the network, it is diffi- cult to set them properly, unless typical system bound- aries and power imbalance can be predicted. If this is the case (e.g., industrial and urban systems), the rate of change of frequency relays may improve a load-shed- ding scheme (the scheme can be more selective and/or faster). • Adaptive settings of frequency and frequency deriva- tive relays, based on actual system conditions, may enable more effective and reliable implementation of load-shedding schemes. III. RELAY HIDDEN FAILURES Failures or malfunctions in various protection systems are very significant factor in the overall process of reported wide-area disturbances. Of all the protection system fail- ures, the ones that remain dormant or hidden until some unusual system events occur are the most important [34], [35]. The abnormal power system states are usually due to faults, heavy load, shortages in reactive power, etc. They can trigger the hidden failures to cause relay malfunction, which can worsen the situation, since the power systems may already be operated in an emergency state when those abnormal states occur, eventually leading to the wide-area disturbances. Commonly used transmission relaying sys- tems have been studied to identify possible hidden failures and their consequences on the power systems. A concept of region of vulnerability associated with each mode of hidden failure has been proposed. It is the region in which the hidden failure can cause a relay to incorrectly trip its associated circuit breaker. The relative importance of each region of vulnerability, called the vulnerability index, can be computed using steady-state and transient stability criteria. A larger value of the vulnerability index indicates that the relay in which if that hidden failure mode exists is relatively more important and can cause more serious wide-area distur- bances or has a higher possibility to cause the disturbances than the one with a smaller index. Therefore, more attention 878 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 5, MAY 2005
  • 5. should be paid to those key relays to prevent the hidden failure and its consequences. It has been observed that of all the reported cases of major system blackouts (wide-area disturbances) in North America, about 70% of the cases have relay system con- tributing to the initiation or evolution of the disturbance. On closer examination, it became clear that one of the major components of relay system misoperations is the presence of relays which have failed during service, and their failure is not known. Consequently, there is no alarm, and no repairs or replacements are possible. These hidden failures are different from straight relay misoperations, or failures which lead to an immediate trip. The hidden failures remain undetected (and substantially undetectable), until the power system becomes stressed, leading to an operating condition which exposes the hidden relay failures. IV. TECHNOLOGY ISSUES IN WIDE-AREA PROTECTION A. Monitoring and Protection for Wide-Area Disturbances The disturbance in the power system usually develops gradually; however, some phenomena, such as transient in- stability, can develop in a fraction of a second. Regardless of the phenomena and available measures, any protection/con- trol procedure during an emergency should consist of the following elements: identification and prediction, classifica- tion, decisions and actions, coordination, corrections, and time scale. V. AVAILABLE ACTIONS The corrective and emergency actions are limited to a finite number of measures. A detailed description of these measures will be provided as implementation issues for different types of disturbances are analyzed. A set of avail- able measures includes out-of-step relaying, load shedding, controlled power system separation, generation dropping, fault clearing, fast turbine valving, FACTS control, dy- namic braking, generator voltage control, capacitor/reactor switching and static VAR compensation, load control, su- pervision and control of key protection systems, voltage reduction, phase shifting, tie line rescheduling, reserve in- creasing, generation shifting, HVdc power modulation, etc. As an emergency progresses and the state of the system degrades, less desirable measures may become necessary. All the above measures are suitable during in extremis crisis. However, “last resort” measures are acceptable only in an un- avoidable transition to in extremis crisis. Alternatively, pre- ventive measures, are usually only measures suitable in an alert state. The above measures are implemented in the emergency procedures for the power system. Every system has its own emergency control practices and operating procedures de- pendent on the different operating conditions, characteristics of the system, and engineering judgment. In other words, the operating procedure for every system is unique and heuristic procedures are extensively used, although the set of measures is the same. State of the system parameters and sensitivity of the system to certain measure are the factors that influence the choice of the measure. Any one of the measures mentioned above is usually helpful for different problems, having direct or indirect influence. From the problem perspective, different measures can help to overcome different problems with some degree of sensitivity. Another important aspect in implementing control actions is optimization with respect to security and costs. For example, such a coarse measure as load shedding need not be executed if generation shifting is satisfactory (regarding speed and amount) in relieving over- loaded lines. Further, even when load shedding is necessary to help alleviate overloads, less load is required to be shed if it can be determined that there is a generation shifting capability. Thus, appropriate coordination can optimize actions. A major component of adaptive protection systems is their ability to adapt to changing system conditions. Thus, relays which are going to participate in wide-area disturbance pro- tection and control must of necessity be adaptive. At the very minimum, this implies a relay system design which al- lows for communication links with the outside world. The communication links must be secure, and the possibility of their failure must be allowed for in the design of the adaptive relays. VI. TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE A. Phasor Measurement Technology The technology of synchronized phasor measurements [38] is well established. It provides an ideal measurement system with which to monitor and control a power system, in particular during conditions of stress. A number of pub- lications are available on the subject. The essential feature of the technique is that it measures positive sequence (and negative and zero sequence quantities, if needed) voltages and currents of a power system in real time with precise time synchronization. This allows accurate comparison of measurements over widely separated locations as well as potential real-time measurement based control actions. Very fast recursive discrete Fourier transform (DFT) calculations are normally used in phasor calculations. The synchronization is achieved through a global posi- tioning satellite (GPS) system. GPS is a U.S. government sponsored program that provides worldwide position and time broadcasts free of charge. It can provide continuous precise timing at better than the 1-ms level. It is possible to use other synchronization signals, if these become available in the future, provided that a sufficient accuracy of synchro- nization could be maintained. Local proprietary systems can be used, such as a sync signal broadcast over microwave or fiber optics. Two other precise positioning systems, GLONASS, a Russian system, and Galileo, a proposed European system, are also capable of providing precise time. Fig. 1 shows a typical synchronized phasor measurement system configuration. The GPS transmission is received by the receiver section, which delivers a phase-locked sampling clock pulse to the analog-to-digital converter system. The BEGOVIC et al.: WIDE-AREA PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY CONTROL 879
  • 6. Fig. 1. Block diagram of the synchronized phasor measurement system (PMU). sampled data are converted to a complex number which rep- resents the phasor of the sampled waveform. Phasors of the three phases are combined to produce the positive sequence measurement. Any computer-based relay which uses sampled data is capable of developing the positive sequence measurement. By using an externally derived synchronizing pulse, such as from a GPS receiver, the measurement could be placed on a common time reference. Thus, potentially all com- puter based relays could furnish the synchronized phasor measurement. When currents are measured in this fashion, it is important to have a high enough resolution in the analog-to-digital converter to achieve sufficient accuracy of representation at light loads. A 16-b converter (either a true 16-b or a dynamic ranging converter with equivalent 16-b resolution) generally provides adequate resolution to read light load currents, as well as fault currents. For the most effective use of phasor measurements, some kind of a data concentrator is required. The simplest is a system that will retrieve files recorded at the measurement site and then correlate files from different sites by the recording time stamps. This allows doing system and event analysis utilizing the preciseness of phasor measurement. For real-time applications, from soft real time for SCADA to hard real time for response-based controls, continuous data acquisition is required. Several data concentrators have been implemented, in- cluding the phasor data concentrator (PDC) at the Bonneville Power Administration. This unit inputs phasor measurement data broadcast from up to 32 PMUs at up to 60 measure- ments/s, and performs data checks, records disturbances, and rebroadcasts the combined data stream to other monitor and control applications. This type of unit fulfills the need for both hard and soft real time applications as well as saving data for system analysis. Tests performed using this PMU-PDC technology on the BPA and Southern California Edison (SCE) systems have shown the time intervals from measurement to data availability at a central controller can be as fast as 60 ms for a direct link and 200 ms for secondary links. These times meet the requirements for many types of wide-area controls. A broader effort is the Wide-Area Measurement System (WAMS) concept explored by the U.S. Department of En- ergy and several utility participants. WAMS includes all types of measurements that can be useful for system analysis over the wide area of an interconnected system. Real-time performance is not required for this type of application, but is no disadvantage. The main elements are timetags with enough precision to unambiguously correlate data from mul- tiple sources and the ability to convert all data to a common format. Accuracy and timely access to data is important as well. Certainly with its system-wide scope and precise timetags, phasor measurements are a prime candidate for WAMS. VII. COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Communications systems are a vital component of a wide- area relay system. These systems distribute and manage the information needed for operation of the wide-area relay and control system. However, because of potential loss of com- munication, the relay system must be designed to detect and tolerate failures in the communication system. It is impor- tant also that the relay and communication systems be inde- pendent and subject as little as possible to the same failure modes. This has been a serious source of problems in the past. To meet these difficult requirements, the communications network will need to be designed for fast, robust, and reliable operation. Among the most important factors to consider in achieving these objectives are type and topology of the com- munications network, communications protocols, and media used. These factors will in turn effect communication system bandwidth, usually expressed in bits per second (BPS), la- tency in data transmission, reliability, and communication error handling. Currently, electrical utilities use a combination of analog and digital communications systems for their operations con- sisting of power line carrier, radio, microwave, leased phone lines, satellite systems, and fiber optics. Each of these sys- tems has applications where it is the best solution. The ad- vantages and disadvantages of each are briefly summarized in the following paragraph. Several types of communication protocols are used with optical systems. Two of the most common are synchronous optical networks (Sonet/SDH) and the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Wide-band Ethernet is also gaining popularity, but is not often used for backbone systems. Sonet systems are channel oriented, where each channel has a time slot whether it is needed or not. If there is no data for a particular channel at a particular time, the system just stuffs in a null packet. ATM by contrast puts data on the system as it arrives in private packets. Channels are reconstructed from packets as they come through. It is more efficient, as there are no null packets sent, but has the overhead of prioritizing packets and 880 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 5, MAY 2005
  • 7. Fig. 2. Architecture of SONET communication network. sorting them. Each system has different system management options for coping with problems. Synchronous optical networks are well established in electrical utilities throughout the world and are available under two similar standards: 1) Sonet is the American system under ANSI T1.105 and Bellcore GR Standards, and 2) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) under the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standards. The transmission rates of Sonet systems are de- fined as Optical Carrier (OC ); with OC Mb/s and OC Gb/s. Available in the market and specially designed to meet the electrical utility environment are Sonet systems with bit rates of OC Mb/s and OC Mb/s. Sonet and SDH networks are based on a ring topology (Fig. 2) [12], [13]. This topology is a bidirectional ring with each node capable of sending data either direction; data can travel either direction around the ring to connect any two nodes. If the ring is broken at any point, the nodes detect where the break is relative to the other nodes and automat- ically reverse transmission direction if necessary. A typical network, however, may consist of a mix of tree, ring, and mesh topologies rather than strictly rings with only the main backbone being rings. Self healing (or survivability) capability is a distinctive feature of Sonet/SDH networks made possible because it is ring topology. This means that if communication between two nodes is lost, the traffic among them switches over to the protected path of the ring. This switching to the pro- tected path is made as fast as 4 ms, perfectly acceptable to any wide-area protection and control. Communication protocols are an intrinsic part of modern digital communications. The most popular protocols found in the electrical utility environment and suitable for wide- area relaying and control are the distributed network pro- tocol (DNP), Modbus, International Electrotechnical Com- mission Standard IEC870-5, and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) universal communications architecture/mul- tiple messaging system (UCA/MMS). TCP/IP is probably the most extensively used protocol and will undoubtedly find applications in wide-area relaying. UCA/MMS protocol is the result of an effort between utilities and vendors (coordinated by EPRI). It addresses all communication needs of an electric utility. Of particular in- terest is its “peer-to-peer” communications capabilities that allows any node to exchange real time control signals with any other node in a wide-area network. DNP and Modbus are also real-time type protocols suitable for relay applica- tions. TCP on Ethernet lacks a real-time type requirement, but over a system with low traffic performs as well as the other protocols. Other slower speed protocols like the Inter Control Center Protocol (ICCP) (in America) or TASEII (in Europe) handle higher level but slower applications like SCADA. Many other protocols are available but are not commonly used in the utility industry. VIII. REMEDIAL ACTIONS AGAINST WIDE-AREA DISTURBANCES A. SPSs The following definition of an SPS comes from a North American electric Reliability Council (NERC) planning standard [31]: “A special protection system (SPS) or reme- dial action scheme (RAS) is designed to detect abnormal system conditions and take preplanned, corrective action (other than the isolation of faulted elements) to provide acceptable system performance.” Note that this definition specifically excludes the performance of protective systems to detect faults or remove faulted elements. It is system ori- ented both in its inception and in its corrective action. Such action includes, among others, changes in demand (e.g., load shedding), changes in generation or system configuration to maintain system stability or integrity and specific actions to maintain or restore acceptable voltage levels. One design parameter that sets these schemes apart is that many of them are “armed” and “disarmed” in response to system conditions. For example, a watchdog type of scheme may be required and armed at high load levels, but not at lower load levels. Some SPSs are armed automatically by the system control center computer, others require human operator action or approval, others are manually operated, and some are armed all the time [1], [11]. BEGOVIC et al.: WIDE-AREA PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY CONTROL 881
  • 8. NERC further defines the standards to which an SPS shall adhere. In part, they are as follows. • A SPS shall be designed so that cascading transmission outages or system instability do not occur for failure of a single component of a SPS which would result in failure of the SPS to operate when required. • All SPS installations shall be coordinated with other system protection and control schemes. • All SPS operations shall be analyzed for correctness and documented. Reference [1] reports on the experience of 111 SPSs and lists the most common schemes being used as follows: • generator rejection; • load rejection; • underfrequency load shedding [7], [8]; • undervoltage load shedding; • system separation; • turbine valve control [6]; • stabilizers [14]; • load and generator rejection; • HVdc controls; • out-of step relaying [9], [10]; • dynamic braking; • discrete excitation control; • generator runback; • VAR compensation; • combination of schemes; • others. The popularity of the three schemes at the beginning of the above list is not surprising. The fundamental cause of wide- area outages, almost by definition, is the unbalance between generation and load following the loss of a line or gener- ator due to correct operation following a fault or incorrect operation by human error, hidden failure, etc. Therefore, an SPS seeks to correct this unbalance by removing load or in- creasing generation. In this survey, a distinction was made between direct load rejection, i.e., removing preplanned cus- tomers through controls, and automatic underfrequency load rejection if the unbalance results in decreasing frequency. The underfrequency tripping of load may not be considered by everyone as an SPS, since it is installed by many utilities as a normal protective measure. An increasingly popular SPS is the separation of the system into independent islands, leaving the faulted area to fend for itself, thus greatly reducing the impact of an outage. The use of the GPS to synchronize relays across the system and adaptive digital relays makes this scenario particularly attractive. The challenge lies in identification of key pa- rameters and settings that define the boundary between two alternatives. Should the regions be kept interconnected to provide support or separated to prevent a nonviable system condition from expanding? It is to answer this question that system analysts and protection and communications engi- neers need to work together to develop robust, adaptive, and reliable SPS using advanced techniques to provide optimum solutions. The concept of out-of-step relaying has been known for some time. However, the specific setting philosophy has been a major problem in applying it. As noted in the discus- sion of the French EDF DRS and Syclopes schemes later in this paper, there are significant limitations and difficulties in using and setting out-of-step relaying to separate unstable interconnected regions in a wide area with widely varying operating conditions. Combining all of the schemes applied to the turbine gen- erator has become feasible by the introduction of reliable and fast-acting electronics. Fast valving and dynamic braking are particularly noteworthy as methods to reduce generator output without removing the unit from service and thus al- lowing for rapid restoration. The reliability of SPS was addressed in [1] and indicates that the equipment and schemes perform very similarly to traditional protective schemes. System conditions requiring action does not occur often, but when it does occur, the SPS usually performs its function correctly. The most common failure (43% of those responding) was hardware failures with human failure (20%) next. Inadequate design accounted for about 12% of the failures and incorrect setting less than 10%. In this section, all possible protective actions against wide- area disturbances that we have been able to find during the work have been listed, commented, and evaluated. The dis- cussion has mainly dealt with curative actions. IX. TRENDS AND ARCHITECTURES IN WIDE-AREA PROTECTION The meaning of wide-area protection, emergency con- trol, and power system optimization may vary dependant on people, utility, and part of the world. Therefore, stan- dardized and accepted terminology is important. Since the requirements for a wide-area protection system vary from one utility to another, the architecture for such a system must be designed according to what technologies the utility pos- sesses at the given time. Also, to avoid becoming obsolete, the design must be chosen to fit the technology migration path that the utility in question will take. The solution to counteract the same physical phenomenon might vary extensively for different applications and utility conditions. The potential to improve power system performance using smart wide-area protection and control, and even defer high voltage equipment installations, seems to be great. The introduction of the phasor measurement unit (PMU) has greatly improved the observability of the power system dynamics. Based on PMUs different kinds of wide-area protection, emergency control and optimization systems can be designed. A great deal of engineering, such as power system studies and configuration and parameter settings, is required, since every wide-area protection installation is unique. Sometimes, the enhancements are obtained using heuristic methods, such as fuzzy logic or neural networks [15], [16], [28], [30], [32], [33]. A cost effective solution could be based on standard products and standard system designs. 882 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 5, MAY 2005
  • 9. Fig. 3. Multilayered network of GPS-synchronized PMUs, connected through LPCs and an SPC. Tailor-made wide-area protection systems against large disturbances, designed to improve power system reliability and/or to increase the transmission capacity, will therefore most likely be common in the future. These systems will be based on reliable high-speed communication and extremely flexible protection devices, where power system engineering will become an integrated part of the final solution. This type of high-performance protection schemes will also be able to communicate with traditional SCADA systems to improve functions like demand side management (DSM), distribution automation (DA), EMS, and state estimation. As the electricity market is restructured all around the world, the nature of utility companies is changed. In par- ticular, the downsizing of the staff makes it difficult or impossible for the utility to perform many R&D functions. As a result, there is a trend in the industry where utilities collaborate with vendors to cope with issues related to the grid. The utility can view its partnering vendor as a sub- stitute for its vanishing R&D department to perform tasks that its existing staff cannot handle. The vendor sees the partnering utility as the “sounding board” for its product development and the place to demonstrate its latest products. This closed-loop collaboration, which already exists in the form of pilot projects in wide-area protection, is found to be fruitful to both parties. A. Enhancements to SCADA/EMS At one end of the spectrum, enhancements to the existing EMS/SCADA can be made. These enhancements are aimed at two key areas: information availability and information interpretation. Simply put, if the operator has all vital infor- mation at his fingertips and good analysis facilities, he can operate the grid in an efficient way. For example, with better analysis tool for voltage instability, the operator can accu- rately track the power margin across an interface, and thus can confidently push the limit of transfer across an interface. SCADA/EMS system capability has greatly improved during the last years, due to improved communication fa- cilities and highly extended data handling capability. New transducers such as PMUs can provide time-synchronized measurements from all over the grid. Based on these mea- surements, improved state estimators can be derived. Major problems during fast-developing disturbances occur due to: • alarm bursts, as operator is not able to filter and analyze important signals; • unavailability of critical functions. Improved EMS/SCADA systems would require ability to filter, display, and analyze only critical information and to increase availability of critical functions to 99.99%. Advanced algorithms and calculation programs that as- sist the operator can also be included in the SCADA system, such as “faster than real-time simulations” to calculate power transfer margins based on contingencies. The possibilities of extending the SCADA/EMS system with new functions tend to be limited. Therefore, it might be relevant to provide new SCADA/EMS functions as “stand alone” solutions, more or less independent of the ordinary SCADA/EMS system. Such functions could be load shed- ding, due to lack of generation or due to market price. B. Multilayered Architecture A comprehensive solution, that integrates the two control domains, protection devices and EMS, can be designed as in Fig. 3. There are up to three layers in this architecture. The bottom layer is made up of PMUs, or PMUs with ad- ditional protection functionality. The next layer up consists BEGOVIC et al.: WIDE-AREA PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY CONTROL 883
  • 10. Fig. 4. WAMS design. of several local protection centers (LPCs), each of which in- terfaces directly with a number of PMUs. The top layer, the system protection center (SPC), acts as the coordinator for the LPCs. Designing the three-layered architecture can take place in several steps. The first step should aim at achieving the monitoring capability, e.g., a WAMS. WAMS is the most common application, based on PMUs. These systems are most frequent in North America, but are emerging all around the world. The main purpose is to improve state estimation, postfault analysis, and operator information. In WAMS ap- plications a number of PMUs are connected to a data con- centrator, which basically is a mass storage, accessible from the control center, according to Fig. 4. Starting from a WAMS design, a data concentrator can be turned into a hub-based LPC by implementing control and protection functions in the data concentrator. A number of such LPCs can then be integrated into a larger system wide solution with an SPC at the top. With this solution, the LPC forms a system protection scheme (SPS), while the intercon- nected coordinated system forms a defense plan. C. “Flat Architecture” With System Protection Terminals Protection devices or terminals are traditionally used in protecting equipment (lines, transformers, etc.). Modern protection devices have sufficient computing and commu- nication capabilities to be capable of performing beyond the traditional functions. When connected together via communications links, these devices can process intelligent algorithms based on data collected locally or shared with other devices. Powerful, reliable, sensitive, and robust, wide-area protec- tion systems can be designed based on decentralized, espe- cially developed interconnected system protection terminals. These terminals are installed in substations, where actions are to be made or measurements are to be taken. Actions are preferably local, i.e., transfer trips should be minimized, to increase security. Relevant power system variable data is transferred through the communication system that ties the terminals together. Different schemes, e.g., against voltage instability and against frequency instability, can be imple- mented in the same hardware. Using the communication system, between the terminals, a very sensitive system can be designed. If the communication is partially or totally lost, actions can still be taken based on local criteria (fallback performance is not worse than with conventional local relaying). Different load-shedding steps that take the power system response into account—in order not to overshed—can easily be designed. Based on time-synchronized measurements of voltage and current by PMUs at different locations in the network, real- time values of angle differences in the system can be de- rived with a high accuracy. With this new type of real-time measurements, efficient emergency actions, such as PSS con- trol, based on system-wide data, load shedding, etc., can be taken to save the system stability in case of evolving power oscillations. D. System Protection Terminal Traditionally, remedial action schemes have been hub based, i.e., all measurements and indicators are sent to a central position, e.g., a control center, for evaluation and decision. From this central position, action orders are then sent to different parts of the power system. Such a central- ized system is very sensitive to disturbances in the central part. With the ring-based (or WAN) communication system, a more robust system can be achieved. One communica- tion channel can, for example, be lost without any loss of functionality. If one system protection terminal fails in a flat decentralized solution, a sufficient level of redundancy can be implemented in the neighboring terminals. In other technological areas the decision power is moving closer to the process, with increasingly more powerful sensors and actuators, for decisions based on rather simple criteria. Such an independent SPS, based on powerful terminals, can 884 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 5, MAY 2005
  • 11. Fig. 5. System protection terminal, design, and interfaces. also serve as a backup supervision system that supplies the operator with the most critical power system data, in case of a SCADA system failure. The system protection terminal will probably be designed from a protection terminal to fulfill all requirements con- cerning mechanical, thermal, EMC, and other environmental requirements for protection terminals. Design and interfaces of a system protection terminal are shown in Fig. 5. The terminal is connected to the substation control system, CTs, and VTs as any other protection terminal. For applica- tions that include phasors, i.e., phase angles for voltages or currents, a GPS antenna and synchronization functions are also required. The system protection terminal comprises a high-speed communication interface to communicate power system data between the terminal databases. In the database, all measurements and binary signals recorded in that specific substation are stored and updated, together with data from the other terminals, used for actions in the present terminal. The ordinary substation control system is used for the input and output interfaces toward the power system process. The deci- sion making logic contains all the algorithms and configured logic necessary to derive appropriate output control signals, such as circuit-breaker trip, AVR-boosting, and tap-changer action, to be performed in that substation. The input data to the decision-making logic is taken from the database and reflects the overall power system conditions. A low-speed communication interface for SCADA communication and operator interface should also be available. Via this interface, phasors can be sent to the SCADA state estimator for im- proved state estimation. Any other value or status indicator from the database could also be sent to the SCADA system. Actions ordered from SCADA/EMS functions, such as op- timal power flow, emergency load control, etc., could be ac- tivated via the system protection terminal. The power system operator should also have access to the terminal, for supervi- sion, maintenance, update, parameter setting, change of set- ting groups, disturbance recorder data collection, etc. It can be concluded that there is a the great potential for wide-area protection and control systems, based on powerful, flexible, and reliable system protection terminals, high-speed, communication, and GPS synchronization in conjunction with careful and skilled engineering by power system analysts and protection engineers in cooperation. X. EXAMPLES OF WIDE-AREA PROTECTION SYSTEMS In this section, a small number of wide-area protection sys- tems will be described. A. Protection Against Voltage Collapse in the Hydro-Québec System The Hydro-Québec system is characterized by long distances (up to 1000 km) between the northern main gen- eration centers and the southern main load area. The peak load is around 35 000 MW. The long EHV transmission lines have high series reactances and shunt susceptances. At BEGOVIC et al.: WIDE-AREA PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY CONTROL 885
  • 12. Fig. 6. SCADA system network protection logic in the Swedish system. low power transfers, the reactive power generation of EHV lines is compensated by connecting 330 Mvar shunt reactors at the 735-kV substations. At peak load, most of the shunt reactors are disconnected while voltage control on the lower side of transformers implies connection of shunt capacitors. Both effects contribute to a very capacitive characteristic of the system. Automatic shunt reactor tripping was implemented in 1990, providing an additional 2300-Mvar support near the load centers. The switching is triggered by low 735-kV bus voltages or high compensator reactive power productions. Another emergency control used is the automatic increase in voltage set-points of shuntC capacitors. B. SPS Against Voltage Collapse in Southern Sweden The objective of the SPS is to avoid a voltage collapse after a severe fault in a stressed operation situation. The system can be used to increase the power transfer limits from the north of Sweden or to increase the system security or to a mixture of both increased transfer capability and increased security. The SPS was commissioned in 1996. The system is designed to be in continuous operation and independent of system operation conditions such as load dispatch, switching state, etc. A number of indicators such as low voltage level, high reactive power generation, and generator current limiters hitting limits are used as inputs to a logical decision-making process implemented in the Syd- kraft SCADA system. Local actions are then ordered from the SCADA system, such as switching of shunt reactors and shunt capacitors, start of gas turbines, request for emergency power from neighboring areas, disconnection of low-priority load, and, finally, load shedding. Shedding of high-priority load also requires a local low-voltage criterion in order to increase security. The logic is shown in Fig. 6. The SPS is designed to have a high security, specially for the load-shedding, and a high dependability. Therefore, a number of indicators are used to derive the criteria for each action. C. Wide-Area Undervoltage Load Shedding (BC Hydro System) BC Hydro has developed an automatic load shedding remedial action scheme to protect the system against voltage collapse. The voltage collapse may be caused by a second or multiple sequential contingencies such as the forced outage of a critical major transmission line while the system is al- ready weakened by another outage. A closed-loop feedback scheme will monitor the system condition, determine the need of load shedding, shed appropriate blocks of prese- lected loads in 10–120 s with sequential time delays, and stop when proper system voltage and dynamic VAr reserves are restored. The scheme is based on a centralized feedback system which continually assesses the entire system condition using the actual dynamic response of the system voltages at key buses and dynamic var reserves of two large reactive power sources in the load area to identify impending voltage in- stability and then sheds predetermined loads in steps recur- sively until the potential for voltage collapse is eliminated. The use of both low voltage and low var reserve provides an added security against possible voltage measurement er- rors and allows higher than usual undervoltage settings to protect against conditions where collapse starts at near nor- mally acceptable operating voltage levels. The key voltage buses are selected based on their sufficiently high fault levels and having multiple low-impedance connections to load cen- ters so that local system outages or var equipment operations will not affect the voltages significantly to cause misopera- tion. The var sources are selected based on their large ca- pacity relative to the total load area dynamic var capacity. In addition, they must have multiple connections to the load center so that their reserves can be reliably used to reflect the 886 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 5, MAY 2005
  • 13. system reserves. Since the low voltage and low var reserve occur for system voltage instability irrespective of the cause, such as different line outages, major reactive support equip- ment outages, increased loading and intertie flows, trans- former tap movement, or shifted generation patterns, this scheme will provide a safety net against voltage collapse from such causes. D. Ontario Hydro System A coordinated undervoltage protection scheme is em- ployed consisting of the following. a) Short-time automatic reclosure on major 230-kV lines supplying areas with voltage collapse risk. b) Automatic load shedding of different areas in two time steps. If in reference substations, the voltage measure- ment gives voltage drops below a certain reference value, the areas are shed in 10 s. c) Automatic capacitor switching for maximum reactive power infeed and voltage support. d) Automatic OLTC blocking. E. F1orida Power and Light (FPL) Fast Acting Load Shedding (FALS) FPL installed an FALS system to protect against severe system overloads not covered by conventional underfre- quency load shedding in 1985 [36]. System planning studies revealed that the addition of two 500-kV lines had strengthened connections to neighboring utilities so much that system separation could not be assured under certain double contingency losses of FPL generation. This meant that existing underfrequency load shedding would not operate to keep the system stable under these double contingencies. Simultaneous loss of two or more large generators (with more than 1200 MW total output) could result in excessive power import into the state of Florida which could result in what was called a “stable but overloaded” system condition. That condition would leave the systems intact (without separation) but with severe thermal and reactive overloads which could lead to voltage collapse and uncontrolled system separations after approxi- mately 30 s. The FALS program runs in the system control center (SCC) computers in Miami, FL, and uses statewide SCADA communications to recognize a “stable system overload” that results in lines operating above their ratings, low system voltages at predetermined key substations, and heavy reac- tive power demands upon generators. When this condition is detected, FALS initiates a trip signal to shed a predetermined amount of load by tripping subtransmission lines at certain stations to prevent loss of bulk transmission lines and/or generators that could cause a blackout. The FALS program is based on a six-by-six matrix of alarm conditions of individually telemetered points. Each matrix cell shows (in order) the monitored point, the present value and the alarm point setting. At least one point in each row must be in the alarm condition to set a flag for that row. All six rows must have their respective flag set to initiate a load shed signal with no intentional delay. Load shedding without delay is expected to occur within 20 s of a distur- bance that requires shedding. A delayed load shed is initiated if four specific row flags are set and verified in the alarm con- dition for a specific time delay. The time delay is to allow offline capacitor banks to switch in and mitigate those less severe overloads. Each element in the matrix uses voltage or power mea- surements already available in the computer. Only one phase is monitored for voltage measurements, and two and one-half-element watt transducers are used for the power measurements. The program must shed a minimum of 800 MW, indepen- dent of the system load. Since fewer transmission lines need to be shed at high loads to reject the 800 MW, the FALS program bases the number of lines to be shed on the current system load. To improve the security of the scheme, the FALS trip signal received at each substation is supervised in a permis- sive mode by an underfrequency relay. These relays are set at 59.95 Hz, which will allow operation for most generation disturbances in the state. The underfrequency relays’ outputs remain energized for 1 m to allow time for load shedding if necessary. The matrix parameters are revised as the system changes so that the FALS program remains coordinated with the system response. F. France, EDF: DRS Scheme Against Losses of Synchronism Principle of Operation: The French system can be de- composed in areas of dynamic coherence. When a loss of synchronism appears, all the units of the area lose synchro- nism together. Within these areas, generators are strongly connected to each other. Links between areas are weaker. In the case of loss of synchronism, tripping the faulted units with a pole slip relay protects the generator, but does not en- sure that the collapse will be completely stopped, especially when the system is highly meshed. It is necessary to prevent the instability from propagating through the system, and the best way to achieve it is to isolate the areas that have lost synchronism so to rescue the system, before losses of syn- chronism are induced in other areas (neighboring or distant). After several incidents in the 1970s, out-of-step relays named “the DRS Plan” were installed at both ends of the lines crossing the borders of the dynamically coherent areas. Their aim is to open all the transmission lines bordering the area so to isolate it. The out-of-step relay watches the voltage locally, triggers when large voltage deviations are detected (one of the effects of the loss of synchronism), and trips the line. The triggering criteria are the depth and the number of swings. These criteria are set with the help of simulation tools for each voltage level. This protection scheme operates locally at only one voltage level and does not need communication with any other device. The use of out-of-step relays implies that the distance re- lays of all lines do not trigger in the case of the loss of syn- chronism. Only the DRS schemes should trip the suitable BEGOVIC et al.: WIDE-AREA PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY CONTROL 887
  • 14. lines bordering the zones to avoid uncoordinated opening of lines. One solution that ensures that no unexpected line will trip is to use out-of-step blocking scheme in the distance re- lays. The French system is divided into 19 areas, all equipped with the DRS protective relays on the borderlines, including the lines connected to the systems of the neighboring coun- tries. These schemes have been in operation for more than 15 years. Limits of the Scheme: Even though it proved to be effi- cient, the out-of-step relay plan may lead to a nonoptimal is- landing of the faulted area. The potential weaknesses of the out-of-step relays scheme are inherent to its characteristics. • The measurements are processed locally, whereas the loss of synchronism affects large areas. • The voltage swings are only an effect of the loss of synchronism and is not the origin of it, which is angular instability. Suboptimal efficiency can be explained with the following criteria. • Simultaneity: All the lines are not tripped simultane- ously, leading in some cases to delay the completed isolation of the unstable zone. • Completion: Some lines may not be tripped, because the depth of the voltage swings stays under the criteria threshold (for example if the relay is located at a node of swings) but they are still able to induce losses of synchronism. • Selectivity: Consequently to the definition of the homogeneous zones, when frequency instability occurs, the largest swings are expected on the border- lines between two homogeneous areas. In multizone protection with out-of-step relays, the voltage swings may sometimes be observed in a wide area. As a result, unwanted or uncoordinated line tripping is possible. G. France, EDF: Syclopes—Coordinated Scheme Against Losses of Synchronism The advantages and weaknesses of the out-of-step relays defence plan (listed above) were highlighted by major con- tingencies in the early 1980s. System modeling and anal- ysis tools became available and allowed a more complete approach. To get accurate and quick information from the system, the scheme needs to come closer to the root of the instability: an- gular and frequency difference between two points. The best way to get to it is to process the phasors of the generators of each homogeneous group of generators, and then to com- pare continuously the angle distance between the homoge- neous areas. This principle is used in the second generation of SPS against loss of synchronism developed by EDF, and called Syclopes (see Fig. 7). The functions that Syclopes re- alizes are: • detection of the loss of synchronism; • tripping of all the lines bordering the homogeneous areas that loses synchronism; and • order for load shedding if needed. Fig. 7. Syclopes communication network diagram (PHM = Phase Measurements, AI = Area Islanding, LS = Load Shedding). Fig. 8. Syclopes communication network. The principle of operation of this new SPS is that the infor- mation of the whole power system is processed in one central point, in a global and coordinated task: • local measurements on the network are sent to the cen- tral point; • information from the whole system is processed in the central point computer, and the affected zone is detected; • the central point orders actions to local substations so to isolate the affected zone by opening all the border lines of it; and • if necessary, the central point orders actions to HV/MV substations for load shedding, so to prepare the active power balance for the postislanding sequence and keep the frequency within an acceptable range. In the first step (see Fig. 8), Syclopes has been developed for the isolation of two southeastern coherent areas in the French system that were identified as critical toward the loss of syn- chronism. These areas are exporting large amounts of active power and need loads to be shed most often when cut out from the rest of the system, to prevent induced loss of syn- chronism. When compared to the DRS plan, the coordinated SPS Syclopes brings the following improvements. 888 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 93, NO. 5, MAY 2005
  • 15. • Phasor detection of the loss of synchronism is closer to the origin of the event and reduces the delay for detection. • Global processing gives selectivity and accuracy of the actions. • Simultaneity and completion of the line tripping process with limited delay preserve the stability of the generators in remote areas. • Simultaneity of the load shedding and the line tripping processes keep the rest of the system in a better state: higher frequency and robustness. Every part of the SPS needs to be highly reliable and safe to guaranty that the probability of unwanted actions like line tripping or load shedding is acceptable and to ensure proper action in case of loss of synchronism, which includes: • phasor measurements and local preprocessing; • information transmission to the central point; • real-time information process in central point; • order transmission; and • order application (line tripping, load shedding at HV/MV substations). Additionally, the speed of the phenomenon needs quick com- munication means for both ways (forth from local to the cen- tral point and back). The SPS has been installed in two southeastern coherent areas and is currently operating in an open loop; that is to say, the action orders are locked. The closed loop operation was started in the year 2000. In addition to the protection, the on- going operation in open loop provides information through its synchronized phasor measurements. To achieve these re- quirements, a two-way communication network (wire/satel- lite) is used (see Fig. 8). Additional information is available in [43]–[48]. Two other homogeneous areas are potential fu- ture application fields for the Syclopes-coordinated SPS. XI. CONCLUSION There are numerous existing applications of wide-area protection and control systems, and some examples have been described and discussed. Existing implementations use simple measurements. Sometimes the measurements are local only (e.g., out-of-step tripping or underfrequency load shedding). In other cases, the measurements and actions use wide-area information and communications systems. The more complex decision processes (e.g., southern Sweden’s SPS against voltage collapse, and Florida’s FALS) employ SCADA for information gathering that allows a time frame only of several seconds for actions. Higher speed wide-area protection systems required to prevent angular instability or fast voltage collapse (e.g., direct load or generator rejec- tion), respond primarily to contingencies identified in offline planning studies, and are limited in effectiveness against unforeseen disturbances. Better detection and control strategies through the con- cept of advanced wide-area disturbance protection offer a better management (than existing) of the disturbances and significant opportunity for more reliable system performance under higher power transfers and operating economies. This advanced protection is a concept of using system-wide infor- mation together with distributed local intelligence and com- municating selected information between separate locations to counteract propagation of the major disturbances in the power system. With the increased availability of sophisticated computer, communication and measurement technologies, more “intel- ligent” equipment can be used at the local level to improve the overall emergency response. There seems to be a great potential for wide-area protection and control systems, based on powerful, flexible and reliable system protection termi- nals, high speed, communication, and GPS synchronization in conjunction with careful and skilled engineering by power system analysts and protection engineers in cooperation. Ad- ditional information about the topics presented in this paper can be found in the companion papers [49] and [50], authored by the members of the Working Group “Wide Area Protec- tion and Emergency Control” of the IEEE PES Power System Relaying Committee. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The content presented here is based on the IEEE Power Engineering Society Power System Relaying Committee Working Group report “Wide Area Protec- tion and Emergency Control,” which was authored by A. Apostolov, E. Baumgartner, B. Beckwith, M. Begovic (Chairman), S. Borlase, H. Candia, P. Crossley, J. De La Ree Lopez, T. Domin, O. Faucon (corresponding member), A. Girgis, F. Griffin, C. Henville, S. Horowitz, M. Ibrahim, D. Karlsson (Corresponding Member), M. Kezunovic, K. Martin, G. Michel, J. Murphy, K. Narendra, D. Novosel (Vice Chairman), T. Seegers, P. Solanics, J. Thorp, and D. Tziouvaras. Their contribution to this paper is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] P. M. Anderson and B. K. 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  • 17. Miroslav M. Begovic (Fellow, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, in 1989 He is a Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. He authored a section, “System Protection,” for the monograph The Electric Power Engineering Handbook (Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2000). His research interests are in the general area of computer applications in power system monitoring, protection and control, and design and analysis of renewable energy sources. Dr. Begovic is a member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Phi Kappa Phi. He was a Chair of the Working Group “Wide Area Protection and Emergency Control” and Vice-Chair of the Working Group “Voltage Collapse Mitigation” of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) Power System Relaying Committee. He was also a Contributing Member of the IEEE PES PSRC Working Group “Protective Aids to Voltage Stability,” which received the IEEE Working Group Recognition Award in 1997. He is currently Vice-Chair of the Emerging Technologies Coordinating Com- mittee of the IEEE PES. Damir Novosel (Fellow, IEEE) received the Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, where he was a Fulbright Scholar. Prior to joining KEMA in 2003, he has held various positions with ABB, including VP of global product management for automation prod- ucts and Manager of a power system consulting group. He is currently Senior Vice President and General Manager for T&D Consulting at KEMA, Raleigh, NC. He has 21 years of experience working with electric utilities and vendors. He has contributed to a large number of IEEE and CIGRE tutorials, guides, standards, reports, and other publications in the areas of power systems. He currently holds 16 US and international patents. He has also published over 60 publications. His major contribution has been in the area of preventing power system blackouts. Dr. Novosel is the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Power System Relaying Com- mittee Subcommittee on System Protection and Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. His work has earned him international recognition and reputation. Daniel Karlsson (Senior Member, IEEE) re- ceived the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Chalmers University, Sweden, in 1992. Between 1985 and April 1999, he worked as an Analysis Engineer in the Power System Anal- ysis Group within the Operation Department of the Sydkraft utility. From 1994 until he left Syd- kraft in 1999, he was Power System Expert and was promoted to Chief Engineer. From 1999 to 2005, Dr. Karlsson was Application Senior Spe- cialist at ABB Automation Technology Products. He is currently a Consultant with Gothia Power AB, Goteborg, Sweden. His work has been in the protection and power system analysis area and his re- search has been on voltage stability and collapse phenomena with emphasis on the influence of loads, on-load tap-changers, and generator reactive power limitations. His work has comprised theoretical investigations at academic level, as well as extensive field measurements in power systems. Dr. Karlsson is a Member of CIGRE. Through the years he has been ac- tive in several CIGRE and IEEE working groups. He has also supervised a number of diploma-workers and Ph.D. students at Swedish universities. Charlie Henville (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.A. and M.A. degrees from Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., in 1969 and 1974, respectively, and the M.Eng. degree from the University of British Columbia in 1996. He has 26 years of experience with protection engineering and worked until 2005 as a Principal Engineer with BC Hydro, Delta, BC, Canada. He is currently a Private Consultant in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Mr. Henville was Chair of the IEEE PES PSRC Working Group “Pro- tective Aids to Voltage Stability,” which received the IEEE Working Group Recognition Award in 1997. He is a Member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES), the Power System Relay Committee (PSRC), and is active in several working groups. He is currently Secretary of the Power System Relaying Committee of IEEE PES. Gary Michel (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, the MBA degree from Florida Inter- national University, Miami, and the diploma degree from the Westinghouse Advanced Power Systems School, Pittsburgh, PA. He managed and designed protection, communications, and control sys- tems at Florida Power and Light for more than 20 years, designed com- munications products at Motorola, and designed computers at RCA. He is currently President of Power System Consulting, Hialeah, FL, an R&D firm specializing in power system protection, communications, and control. He is author of several IEEE, Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, conference, and technical publications. Mr. Michel is a Past IEEE Power Engineering Society Officer, a Member of the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC), IEEE Power System Communications Committee (PSCC), and IEEE Communications Society, Past Chairman of several PSRC and PSCC Working Groups. BEGOVIC et al.: WIDE-AREA PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY CONTROL 891 View publication stats View publication stats