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Building Responsive
 Websites and Apps
 with Drupal
 Dallas Drupal Days 2011

2011.07.09 - Dallas Drupal Days
What is Responsive?
‣   Responsive layouts are the original design on the
‣   As screens got bigger, we got pickier about the
    look of a site on the desktop monitor
What is Responsive?
 ‣   Now we deal with these:

Credits: Aaron Stanush
What is Responsive?
 ‣   Now we deal with these:

Credits: Aaron Stanush

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Progressive web and the problem of JavaScript
Progressive web and the problem of JavaScriptProgressive web and the problem of JavaScript
Progressive web and the problem of JavaScript

1. The document discusses the debate around relying on JavaScript for web applications and progressive enhancement. 2. It argues that while JavaScript can break, the web has evolved to focus more on capable client-side devices rather than availability of JavaScript. 3. It suggests embracing new paradigms like components and functional programming to build high quality, error-handling code rather than avoiding JavaScript.

Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

Responsive web design involves creating layouts that adapt to different screen sizes using flexible grids and media queries. It allows for a device-agnostic approach and is easier to build than separate mobile sites. Key aspects of responsive design include planning with a mobile-first approach, prototyping, using consistent breakpoints based on content, usability testing, writing for different screens, designing visually hierarchical layouts, and addressing images and media. Testing is important throughout the process. While responsive design is a good base, other solutions like responsive or native apps may still be needed, and the job requires ongoing review.

responsive web designresponsiveweb
10 Web Performance Lessons For the 21st Century
10 Web Performance Lessons For the  21st Century10 Web Performance Lessons For the  21st Century
10 Web Performance Lessons For the 21st Century

This document outlines 10 web performance lessons for the 21st century. The lessons are: 1) Measure first, optimize bottlenecks second 2) Measure what matters 3) Get a performance budget 4) Write JavaScript efficiently using mostly functions 5) Write code efficiently using mostly HTML 6) Consider static functional programming as JavaScript may not be enough 7) Observe how browsers work behind the scenes 8) Build fast organizations 9) Have courage in your minimalism 10) Sometimes keeping it simple with 9 lessons is enough. The document provides explanations and examples for each lesson along with relevant links to additional resources.

webperformancesearch engine optimization
What is Responsive?
 ‣   Not to mention these:

So many browsers

So many browsers
 ‣   Do you really have time to test for and cater to:

So many browsers
 ‣   Do you really have time to test for and cater to:
       ‣   Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer
           6-7-8-9-10, Symbian, iPhone, iPad, Android
           phones, Android tablets, RIM (Blackberry),
           Windows CE, Windows mobile, Windows Phone
           7, Linux, bada, MeeGo, Brew OS


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Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive DesignBeyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design

Responsive web design has hit the scene like a bomb, and now designers everywhere are showing off to their bosses and peers by resizing their browser windows. "Look! The site is squishy!" While creating flexible layouts is important, there's a whole lot more that goes into truly exceptional adaptive web experiences. This session will introduce the Principles of Adaptive Design: ubiquity, flexibility, performance, enhancement and future-friendliness. We need go beyond media queries in order to preserve the web's ubiquity and move it in a future-friendly direction.

adaptive web designresponsive web designffly
Front-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택 ES6 & React
Front-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택  ES6 & ReactFront-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택  ES6 & React
Front-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택 ES6 & React

The document discusses the history and challenges of front-end development. It notes that initially there were many different front-end tools that made selection difficult. Frameworks became popular but could be incompatible and difficult to decouple. It suggests that ES6 and React provide a good foundation for building front-ends, as React code can be written in ES6 and they avoid issues of other frameworks.

Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
Practical guide for front-end development for django devsPractical guide for front-end development for django devs
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs

The document provides an overview of front-end development for Django developers. It discusses using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other front-end technologies. It recommends using components, preprocessors and task automation like Grunt. It also discusses standards, performance optimization and creating UI libraries.

So many browsers
 ‣   Do you really have time to test for and cater to:
       ‣   Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer
           6-7-8-9-10, Symbian, iPhone, iPad, Android
           phones, Android tablets, RIM (Blackberry),
           Windows CE, Windows mobile, Windows Phone
           7, Linux, bada, MeeGo, Brew OS

Forget about...
Forget about...
‣   User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme
Forget about...
‣   User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme
‣   Separate subdomain / path + redirection

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Responsive Web Design - but for real!
Responsive Web Design - but for real!Responsive Web Design - but for real!
Responsive Web Design - but for real!

The document discusses responsive web design and compares it to other approaches like adaptive web design. It addresses some myths around responsive design, including that every website should be responsive, that it hurts performance, and that it limits creativity. It also discusses technical aspects like media queries and their uses beyond mobile screens.

responsive web designmediaqueryresponsive
Introduction to Responsive Web Design
Introduction to Responsive Web DesignIntroduction to Responsive Web Design
Introduction to Responsive Web Design

A brief introduction to responsive web design presented to Biomedical Communications (MScBMC) students on March 15, 2013.

responsive web design
Responsive design
Responsive designResponsive design
Responsive design

This document discusses responsive web design techniques including: - Using viewports and media queries to adapt layouts for different screen sizes. - Sizing images fluidly using max-width: 100% so they are responsive. - Design patterns for responsive tables, hiding/showing content, and converting menus to dropdowns. - Tools like Modernizr, Respond.js, and frameworks like LESS to support responsive design goals. - Tips like using relative units (ems/percentages) over fixed pixels and transitions for visual changes.

Forget about...
‣   User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme
‣   Separate subdomain / path + redirection
‣   External services
Forget about...
‣   User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme
‣   Separate subdomain / path + redirection
‣   External services
‣   These are alternatives, each with strengths and
    weaknesses. We don’t care about them today :)
Go Responsive
Go Responsive
‣   Use the front-end the way it wants to be used —
    as a versatile presentation layer

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All the small things… - Awwwards 2016
All the small things… - Awwwards 2016All the small things… - Awwwards 2016
All the small things… - Awwwards 2016

Chris Heilmann gave a talk celebrating beautiful web sites but noted that many sites could be more optimized. He highlighted that the average site is over 2 MB in size, with images making up over 1 MB of that. Many sites use unnecessary libraries, send high resolution images to all devices, and include autoplay videos without checking connection speed. However, newer browser capabilities like Flexbox, Service Workers, and camera/microphone access provide opportunities. Sites should cut unnecessary code, optimize images, and leverage new technologies to create accessible experiences for all types of users on today's capable browsers.

Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...
Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...
Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...

Microservices, cloud, continuous delivery heavily influenced how modern teams build software systems. Come to this talk to learn how our team rebuild frontend stack of several newspapers significantly reducing cycle time and creating fun work environment that lets great developers be great. Some of the things I’ll share: - how respecting the Web makes us faster - what we learned running 12factor apps on Heroku - nuances of Continuous Delivery that you won’t find in books - thinking process behind our decisions and some of the change patterns we used Video:

12factorprogressive enhancementrest
JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote
JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynoteJavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote
JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote

The document discusses using JavaScript like a buffet, where developers should be flexible and not try to do everything with JavaScript or force their preferences on others. It encourages sharing code openly but also being considerate of different environments and users. Developers are advised to focus on quality over quantity and consider progressive enhancement over delivering all functionality at once.

Go Responsive
‣   Use the front-end the way it wants to be used —
    as a versatile presentation layer
‣   The layout of a website can shift and adapt to
    changes in screen size and device capability
Go Responsive
‣   Use the front-end the way it wants to be used —
    as a versatile presentation layer
‣   The layout of a website can shift and adapt to
    changes in screen size and device capability
‣   CSS3 Media Queries
    JavaScript tools that adapt real-time
    Feature detection



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The Adobe Legal Department Style Guide
The Adobe Legal Department Style GuideThe Adobe Legal Department Style Guide
The Adobe Legal Department Style Guide

The legal team at Adobe is constantly seeking creative new ways to better serve our customers and employees. Part of this effort has been the development of what we call The Adobe Legal Department Style Guide. We use it as the foundation of the way we create and revise our agreements, processes, policies and trainings to ensure that they are models of clarity and simplicity, and that we communicate with a common voice. These efforts have resulted in an array of benefits including greater organizational efficiency, reduced translation and other costs, and most importantly --- happier customers and employees. Now we would like to help others in the legal profession to do the same. The Adobe Legal Department Style Guide is available to anyone free of charge under a Creative Commons license.

Responsive Navigation Patterns, UX and Guidelines
Responsive Navigation Patterns, UX and GuidelinesResponsive Navigation Patterns, UX and Guidelines
Responsive Navigation Patterns, UX and Guidelines

User have a goal and are on a mission. Navigation is one of the core elements of a responsive website. Which navigation principle is the best for the information architecture, usability and user experience? In addition to the scalability for different screen sizes, it is the major challenge to find the balance between completeness and clarity. The presentation explores these questions and formulated guidelines.

responsiveguidelinesbest practices
How to build a website... the accessible way
How to build a website... the accessible wayHow to build a website... the accessible way
How to build a website... the accessible way

The document discusses building websites that comply with WCAG AA accessibility standards. It emphasizes using proper semantics and structure to help screen readers and browsers build an accessibility tree. Interactive elements like links, buttons, and inputs should have proper roles and keyboard navigation to be accessible. Resources are provided on semantics, interactive elements, keyboard navigation, skip links, visible focus styles, and WordPress accessibility guidelines and themes.

accessibilityfront end developmenthtml5
CSS Media Queries

<plug> or check out </
CSS Media Queries
 ‣   The spec:

<plug> or check out </
CSS Media Queries
 ‣   The spec:

 ‣   The buzz:

<plug> or check out </
CSS Media Queries
 ‣   The spec:

 ‣   The buzz:

 ‣   The hotness: 

<plug> or check out </

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Responsive Design: Uitdagingen en Oplossingen
Responsive Design: Uitdagingen en OplossingenResponsive Design: Uitdagingen en Oplossingen
Responsive Design: Uitdagingen en Oplossingen

Responsive design begint steeds normaler te worden. Zo hebben nagenoeg alle template providers al responsive templates en ook de grotere, ingewikkelde websites zijn steeds vaker responsive. Maar hoe werkt dat nou? Wat kom je allemaal tegen als je responsive websites/templates aan het bouwen bent? Binnen deze presentatie laat ik een aantal mogelijke oplossingen zien voor de uitdagingen waar wij als ontwikkelaars van responsive Joomla! templates dagelijks mee te maken hebben.

themepartnerjoomlamedia queries
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San DiegoAtomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego

Design systems, not pages. This is an introduction to atomic design (, a methodology for crafting an effective interface design system. It also introduces Pattern Lab (, a tool for implementing atomic design systems and pattern libraries.

atomic designrwdpattern lab
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (UT Austin Drupal Users Group)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (UT Austin Drupal Users Group)Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (UT Austin Drupal Users Group)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (UT Austin Drupal Users Group)

This presentation was given at the UT Austin Drupal Users Group by Todd Nienkerk of Four Kitchens (June 19, 2012) For more Four Kitchens presentations, please visit

drupalinformation architecturewireframes
Basic Example
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”this.css”>
Basic Example
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”this.css” media=”(min-width: 960px)”>
Basic Example
 <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”this.css” media=”(min-width: 960px)”>

 /* This CSS will always apply - global styles */
 body {padding: 10px; }
 #container {width: 100%; margin: 0; }

Do not use these in conjunction!
Basic Example
 <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”this.css” media=”(min-width: 960px)”>

 /* This CSS will always apply - global styles */
 body {padding: 10px; }
 #container {width: 100%; margin: 0; }

 /* This CSS will only apply when the window is 960px or greater */
 @media screen and (min-width: 960px) {
   body {padding: 0; }
   #container {width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; }

Do not use these in conjunction!

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The Web Chef Cookbook
The Web Chef CookbookThe Web Chef Cookbook
The Web Chef Cookbook

Four Kitchens is a full-service Drupal consulting firm that builds large, complex websites. They have an elite team of "web chefs" with expertise in design, development, systems architecture, and project management. Some of their clients include major organizations like The Economist, Yale University, and Al Jazeera. They believe in open source and contributing their work back to the community under open licenses. Their name "Kitchens" refers to the collaborative teamwork needed to build a website, similar to preparing a feast.

gluten freevodkainfusions
The state of web typography
The state of web typographyThe state of web typography
The state of web typography

In the beginning, web designers only had a handful of typefaces at their disposal to use in their designs. Then Flash and Javascript allowed unlimited fonts but lacked accessibility features. In the past year, it seems we finally have a winning solution: the @font-face method which has support from all major browsers and does so using only HTML and CSS. Meanwhile, a second conversation is happening amongst those who actually own the fonts – the foundries. Would these emerging technologies ensure that their typefaces could not be easily copied from the web? Unfortunately @font-face is still not widely accepted by most foundries. Some allow you to use a hosted service like TypeKit, or you can venture into the burgeoning movement of open source and commercial-free fonts and enjoy free rein over your web typography.

Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (BADCamp 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (BADCamp 2011)Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (BADCamp 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (BADCamp 2011)

This presentation was given at BADCamp by Todd Nienkerk of Four Kitchens (October 23, 2011) For more Four Kitchens presentations, please visit

drupalinformation architecturewireframes
cool, but...
cool, but...
‣   IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries
    (weep not, more on this later)
cool, but...
‣   IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries
    (weep not, more on this later)

‣   Don’t just pop open your existing stylesheets, wrap
    them in queries, and call it a day
cool, but...
‣   IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries
    (weep not, more on this later)

‣   Don’t just pop open your existing stylesheets, wrap
    them in queries, and call it a day
‣   We need to mentally remove the line between
    mobile and desktop...

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Making drupal beautiful with web fonts
Making drupal beautiful with web fontsMaking drupal beautiful with web fonts
Making drupal beautiful with web fonts

This document summarizes the history and current state of using web fonts on websites. It discusses how browser support for @font-face has evolved over time, popular web font formats, best practices for defining font families with multiple weights, options for hosting fonts, and the benefits of using hosted web font services versus self-hosting. It also provides an overview of the Drupal @font-your-face module for selecting and applying web fonts in Drupal sites.

Designing future proof websites
Designing future proof websitesDesigning future proof websites
Designing future proof websites

This document discusses designing websites for future-proofing and different device dimensions. It recommends a responsive design approach using CSS3 media queries to create layouts that adapt based on device size and capabilities. The key aspects are to consider the mobile interface first, keep designs simple, and reorganize elements like headers, navigation and content for different screen sizes. Code examples are provided for implementing media queries in both the HTML link and CSS style sheets.

web designhtml5css3
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010)Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010)

This presentation was given at DrupalCon Copenhagen by Aaron Stanush and Todd Nienkerk of Four Kitchens (August 24, 2010) For more Four Kitchens presentations, please visit

drupalwireframesinformation architecture
cool, but...
‣   IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries
    (weep not, more on this later)

‣   Don’t just pop open your existing stylesheets, wrap
    them in queries, and call it a day
‣   We need to mentally remove the line between
    mobile and desktop...
‣   ...but don’t freak out.
    They’re just differently sized screens.
Mobile First Approach
Mobile First Approach
 ‣   aka Progressive Enhancement
Mobile First Approach
 ‣   aka Progressive Enhancement
 ‣   Read, re-read, and bookmark (game changer)

Recommended for you

Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)

The document discusses designing websites as dynamic web systems rather than static pages. It recommends that designers first define the site purpose and content, choose a platform like Drupal, and translate designs into the framework's terminology. The presentation provides tips on conceptualizing a site as a set of reusable components that can be adapted over time.

drupalinformation architecturewireframes
The type revolutionary's cookbook
The type revolutionary's cookbookThe type revolutionary's cookbook
The type revolutionary's cookbook

The document provides an overview of web fonts, including their history, formats, licensing, hosting options and best practices. It discusses the evolution from early techniques like sIFR and Cufón to the current standard of @font-face with WOFF fonts. Commercial foundries and free options are covered, along with the "bulletproof" syntax for browser compatibility. Font hosting services are presented as an easier alternative to managing files directly. The future of hinting, a single format and richer typographic tools through CSS is envisioned.

web fontstypographyfonts
Open-source and no-cost tools for collaboration
Open-source and no-cost tools for collaborationOpen-source and no-cost tools for collaboration
Open-source and no-cost tools for collaboration

This document discusses open-source and no-cost tools for collaboration. It summarizes suites like Google Apps, Zimbra, and Atlassian which provide tools for email, document sharing, project management and more. It also covers chat options like Openfire, Skype and IRC, as well as telephony with Asterisk. The document concludes with how Four Kitchens uses tools like Atlassian, Zimbra, Openfire and Google Apps for internal and client collaboration, minimizing maintenance where possible.

Mobile First Approach
 ‣   aka Progressive Enhancement
 ‣   Read, re-read, and bookmark (game changer)
Progressive CSS
Progressive CSS
 ‣   No media query support is a media query
Progressive CSS
 ‣   No media query support is a media query
 ‣   Target the least capable browser first

Recommended for you

Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Dallas Drupal Days 2011)

Grid systems provide a standardized approach to web layout using a series of columns. The 960 Grid System is a popular grid framework that uses 12 or 16 columns that are each 60 or 40 pixels wide respectively. It provides CSS classes to define grid widths and positions. The NineSixty Drupal theme ported the 960 Grid System to Drupal and added features like dynamic grid widths, debugging tools, and content-first layout capabilities.

drupalhtmlweb design
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Drupal Design Camp Boston 2010)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Drupal Design Camp Boston 2010)Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Drupal Design Camp Boston 2010)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (Drupal Design Camp Boston 2010)

This document discusses accelerated theming using the NineSixty grid system. It provides an overview of grid systems and their history, explains how grid systems work by dividing content into columns and gutters, and provides examples of layouts that can be created using a 12-column grid. It specifically examines the 960 grid system, how it divides content into 60px columns, centers content at 960px wide, and can be used with both 12-column and 16-column layouts simultaneously.

drupalweb designgrid design
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)

NineSixty is a Drupal theme based on the 960 grid system that provides accelerated theming. It includes improvements such as content-first layout using "push" and "pull" classes, dynamic grid widths using the ns() function, debugging tools, and RTL language support. NineSixty's grid-based approach helps designers achieve consistency while saving time through reusable code.

Progressive CSS
 ‣   No media query support is a media query
 ‣   Target the least capable browser first
 ‣   Query for more functional browsers
Progressive CSS
 ‣   No media query support is a media query
 ‣   Target the least capable browser first
 ‣   Query for more functional browsers
 ‣   More compatible than when you start with desktop
     styles and filter “down” to mobile version
Feature Detection
Feature Detection
‣   Not just limited to screen size

Recommended for you

Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon London 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon London 2011)Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon London 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCon London 2011)

This presentation was given at DrupalCon London by Todd Nienkerk of Four Kitchens and Adam Snetman of Thinkso Creative (August 24, 2011) For more Four Kitchens presentations, please visit

drupalinformation architecturewireframes
No RFPs! Why requests for proposal are bad for business (and how we can stop ...
No RFPs! Why requests for proposal are bad for business (and how we can stop ...No RFPs! Why requests for proposal are bad for business (and how we can stop ...
No RFPs! Why requests for proposal are bad for business (and how we can stop ...

The document discusses the problems with requests for proposals (RFPs) in business. It notes that while RFPs are intended to find vendors for work, they are often used for bad reasons like getting free consulting or qualifying new vendors. The document provides advice on how clients and vendors can improve the RFP process, such as requiring meetings with project staff, being open about budgets, and vendors offering alternatives to the standard RFP format. Overall, the document argues that RFPs often waste time and money for both clients and vendors and there are better ways to find partners for projects.

Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCamp LA 2011)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCamp LA 2011)Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCamp LA 2011)
Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty (DrupalCamp LA 2011)

This document summarizes the Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty presentation given by Todd Nienkerk at DrupalCamp LA. It discusses the history of grid systems in design and their adoption on the web. Grid systems use columns, gutters, and nested divs to create flexible, standardized page layouts. The document then explains how the popular grid framework works, including its 12- and 16- column options, CSS classes, and markup.

drupalhtmlweb design
Feature Detection
‣   Not just limited to screen size
‣   Modernizr tests for the specific features you need
Feature Detection
‣   Not just limited to screen size
‣   Modernizr tests for the specific features you need
‣   More reliable than user-agent detection
Feature Detection
‣   Not just limited to screen size
‣   Modernizr tests for the specific features you need
‣   More reliable than user-agent detection
‣   Modular and lightweight, pick your tests:
Drupal Modules

Recommended for you

Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCamp Stockholm 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCamp Stockholm 2011)Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCamp Stockholm 2011)
Don't Design Websites. Design Web SYSTEMS! (DrupalCamp Stockholm 2011)

This presentation was given at DrupalCamp Stockholm by Todd Nienkerk of Four Kitchens (May 7, 2011) For more Four Kitchens presentations, please visit

drupalwireframesinformation architecture
Drupal theming using the grid system
Drupal theming using the grid systemDrupal theming using the grid system
Drupal theming using the grid system

This document summarizes a presentation on using the 960 grid system for Drupal theming. It discusses the history of grid systems in design, how grid systems work on the web using CSS frameworks, and provides specific details on how the popular 960 grid system can be implemented in Drupal themes using its grid classes and layout options.

From Photoshop to Drupal Theme (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)
From Photoshop to Drupal Theme (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)From Photoshop to Drupal Theme (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)
From Photoshop to Drupal Theme (DrupalCon San Francisco 2010)

Todd Nienkerk and Aaron Stanush presented on creating Drupal themes that are optimized for Drupal. They recommend brainstorming the purpose and content of the site before starting design work. Key aspects to define include goals, content types, site maps, and wireframes. Themes should be built using template files and CSS to style common Drupal components like nodes, blocks, menus and regions. Using techniques like template suggestions, subthemes, and grid frameworks can accelerate the design and development process.

Drupal Modules
‣   Responsive Images:
    Mobile-first images
Drupal Modules
‣   Responsive Images:
    Mobile-first images

‣   Modernizr:
    Modernizr integration
Drupal Modules
‣   Responsive Images:
    Mobile-first images

‣   Modernizr:
    Modernizr integration

‣   Semantic Views:
    Allows you to clean up your Views output sans templates
Drupal Modules
‣   Responsive Images:
    Mobile-first images

‣   Modernizr:
    Modernizr integration

‣   Semantic Views:
    Allows you to clean up your Views output sans templates

‣   Responder:
    Force module stylesheets into mobile-first approach

Recommended for you


TIC Magazine est le premier magazine marocain francophone dédié aux Technologies de l’Information et la communication, destiné aux professionnels du secteur au Maroc Plus d'infos sur

Mobile drupal
Mobile drupalMobile drupal
Mobile drupal

This is somewhat outdated. Read these slides instead: --------------------------------------------------------------- A brief summary of the options available to Drupal themers looking to build mobile websites, mobile apps, or websites with mobile versions.

by rupl
drupaladaptive themetheme
Optimizing content for the "mobile web"
Optimizing content for the "mobile web"Optimizing content for the "mobile web"
Optimizing content for the "mobile web"

In this presentation I discuss the mobile web: what it is, why it is lucrative, the limitations of developing for mobile, and how to best optimize web sites for viewing on mobile. This includes media queries, viewport and general best practices. I delivered this to a class at Oxford Brookes university on the 25th March 2011.

media typesmedia queriesmobile web
Drupal Themes
‣   Omega:
‣   Flex:
Useful Libraries
Useful Libraries
‣   Respond.js - For I       ncapabl   E browsers
Useful Libraries
‣   Respond.js - For I       ncapabl   E browsers

‣   Responsive-Images - Bandwidth savings for smaller

Recommended for you


The document provides an agenda and materials for a responsive web development workshop. The 3 hour workshop will cover topics like responsive web design, media queries, CSS preprocessors, grids, and developing for devices and older browsers. It includes 105 slides and exercises for attendees to complete as they learn. The workshop will be led by Amelia Schmidt, a lead front-end developer, and aims to be interactive with questions encouraged. Attendees are provided a list of software they should have installed like Sublime Text, Xcode, Git, and virtual machines for testing across platforms.

An Introduction to Responsive Design
An Introduction to Responsive DesignAn Introduction to Responsive Design
An Introduction to Responsive Design

This document introduces responsive design and discusses how to build websites flexibly for different screen sizes and devices. It answers common questions about responsive design, advocates flexibility over adapting to specific devices, and provides tips on content optimization, legacy browser support, responsive tools, and following a responsive design process.

valtechresponsive designmobile
Angels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusive
Angels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusiveAngels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusive
Angels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusive

The modern web developer faces a moral choice when creating sites and apps. The angel on your shoulder tells you to use standards and respect accessibility across users of AT, older browsers, mobile, etc. The devil on your other shoulder meanwhile tells you to use all the shiny, satisfy your ego, and leave user agents over two weeks old in the dust. This talk walks you through the dilemma, looking at the perils of embracing the serpent and presenting solutions that will allow you to achieve a satisfactory compromise. We know the devil has all the good albums, and we want to rock out as much as you do! But not at the expense of the Web’s greatest strengths!

shinyfallbackhtml5 progressive enhancement
Useful Libraries
‣   Respond.js - For I       ncapabl   E browsers

‣   Responsive-Images - Bandwidth savings for smaller

‣   Adapt.js - JavaScript alternative to media queries.
    Built upon 960 Grid System
Front-end Performance
Front-end Performance
‣   Up to 97% of perceived mobile response time
    depends on the front-end... really
Front-end Performance
‣   Up to 97% of perceived mobile response time
    depends on the front-end... really
‣   Your super-stack might serve requests quickly, but
    if you don’t request quickly, it still seems slow.

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Responsive UX - One size fits all @BigDesign conference #BigD12
Responsive UX - One size fits all   @BigDesign conference #BigD12Responsive UX - One size fits all   @BigDesign conference #BigD12
Responsive UX - One size fits all @BigDesign conference #BigD12

The document discusses responsive UX, which is designing websites and applications that adapt to different screen sizes and devices using fluid grids, media queries, and responsive images; it provides examples of how to implement responsive design principles through fluid grids, image scaling, and media queries to build sites that automatically adjust for smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

responsive designfluiduxmedia queries
Responsive websites. Toolbox
Responsive websites. ToolboxResponsive websites. Toolbox
Responsive websites. Toolbox

A talk given at Appspirina workshop on March 29th, 2012 organized by Event page:

webdevuxresponsive web design
Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

This document discusses responsive design and how it can be implemented in TYPO3. It defines responsive design as using fluid grids that resize based on browser width rather than fixed width layouts. It recommends using flexible layouts, images, and media queries to build responsive sites. Popular frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation are introduced to help with responsive design. The document provides examples and resources for creating responsive sites that adapt to different screen sizes.

Front-end Performance
Front-end Performance
‣   Cache HTML, internal and external if possible
Front-end Performance
‣   Cache HTML, internal and external if possible
‣   Optimize CSS/JS
Front-end Performance
‣   Cache HTML, internal and external if possible
‣   Optimize CSS/JS
‣   Move $scripts to the bottom of your templates

Recommended for you

Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013

This document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows websites to automatically adjust their layout depending on the user's screen size using media queries. It is important for accessibility and usability as most internet users now access the web on mobile devices. The document recommends using a mobile-first and progressive enhancement approach where basic content and functionality work on all browsers and advanced features are progressively added. It provides examples of RWD techniques and tools to test responsive designs.

drupalresponsive web designsandcamp
Responsivedesign 7-3-2012
Responsivedesign 7-3-2012Responsivedesign 7-3-2012
Responsivedesign 7-3-2012

The document is a presentation by Tom Carney about responsive web design. It discusses Carney's background in web development for over 10 years and experience with mobile and responsive design for 18 months. The presentation covers the introduction of responsive design, responsive design techniques like grids, media queries and plugins, transitioning websites to responsive design, responsive design workflows, and examples of responsive design. It addresses setting separate mobile sites versus responsive design and takes questions from the audience.

htmlcssresponsive web design
CSS3: the new style council
CSS3: the new style councilCSS3: the new style council
CSS3: the new style council

This document discusses CSS3 and its new features. CSS3 is made up of modules that add functionality on top of CSS2.1. Some key features covered include drop shadows, opacity, RGBA/HSLA colors, border-radius, transitions, transforms, media queries, web fonts, and animations. The presenter encourages using CSS3 now as most browsers support many of its features and provides ways to work around any issues. Modernizr is recommended to help with feature detection.

transitionsselectorsmedia queries
Front-end Performance
‣   Cache HTML, internal and external if possible
‣   Optimize CSS/JS
‣   Move $scripts to the bottom of your templates
‣   Use responsive images, data URIs, and/or sprites
Check your Work
Check your Work
Check your Work

‣   YSlow

Recommended for you

Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2

This is the same workshop from August, but about 40 new slides, mostly at the end. A hands-on workshop for DC Web Women on September 11, 2012.

mobile firstweb designresponsive web design
Active Web Development
Active Web DevelopmentActive Web Development
Active Web Development

Web tech­nologies are evolving at such a frenetic pace that it becomes almost mandatory to learn on your own. A lot of us still depend on other people to do this learning for us, and we tend to use their answers to solve our everyday problems. Inconsistent imple­men­ta­tions, rapidly evolving specs, ques­tionable perfor­mance impacts and main­te­nance impli­ca­tions mean we cannot always depend on others for answers but must involve ourselves actively in the process of devel­oping spec­i­fi­ca­tions for new Web tech­nologies. But how do we go about it? There are some simple rituals we can all do, which can have us be better-​​informed and also better inform the people and groups who are most directly involved in the devel­opment of new Web tech­nologies.

html5web development
Angular js mobile jsday 2014 - Verona 14 may
Angular js mobile   jsday 2014 - Verona 14 mayAngular js mobile   jsday 2014 - Verona 14 may
Angular js mobile jsday 2014 - Verona 14 may

Building a responsive mobile application with AngularJs. Tips and Tricks. How to use Ionic and AppGyver to fill the Cordova performance gap.

Check your Work

‣   YSlow

‣   Page Speed
Thank You!

2011.07.09 - Dallas Drupal Days
All content in this presentation, except where noted otherwise, is Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 3.0 licensed and copyright 2011 Four Kitchens, LLC.

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Building Responsive Websites and Apps with Drupal

  • 1. Building Responsive Websites and Apps with Drupal Dallas Drupal Days 2011 2011.07.09 - Dallas Drupal Days drupal
  • 2. What is Responsive? ‣ Responsive layouts are the original design on the web: ‣ As screens got bigger, we got pickier about the look of a site on the desktop monitor
  • 3. What is Responsive? ‣ Now we deal with these: Credits: Aaron Stanush
  • 4. What is Responsive? ‣ Now we deal with these: Credits: Aaron Stanush
  • 5. What is Responsive? ‣ Not to mention these: Credits:
  • 6. So many browsers Credits:
  • 7. So many browsers ‣ Do you really have time to test for and cater to: Credits:
  • 8. So many browsers ‣ Do you really have time to test for and cater to: ‣ Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 6-7-8-9-10, Symbian, iPhone, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets, RIM (Blackberry), Windows CE, Windows mobile, Windows Phone 7, Linux, bada, MeeGo, Brew OS Credits:
  • 9. So many browsers ‣ Do you really have time to test for and cater to: ‣ Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 6-7-8-9-10, Symbian, iPhone, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets, RIM (Blackberry), Windows CE, Windows mobile, Windows Phone 7, Linux, bada, MeeGo, Brew OS ‣ Credits:
  • 11. Forget about... ‣ User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme
  • 12. Forget about... ‣ User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme ‣ Separate subdomain / path + redirection
  • 13. Forget about... ‣ User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme ‣ Separate subdomain / path + redirection ‣ External services
  • 14. Forget about... ‣ User-agent detection + Separate mobile theme ‣ Separate subdomain / path + redirection ‣ External services ‣ These are alternatives, each with strengths and weaknesses. We don’t care about them today :)
  • 16. Go Responsive ‣ Use the front-end the way it wants to be used — as a versatile presentation layer
  • 17. Go Responsive ‣ Use the front-end the way it wants to be used — as a versatile presentation layer ‣ The layout of a website can shift and adapt to changes in screen size and device capability
  • 18. Go Responsive ‣ Use the front-end the way it wants to be used — as a versatile presentation layer ‣ The layout of a website can shift and adapt to changes in screen size and device capability ‣ CSS3 Media Queries JavaScript tools that adapt real-time Feature detection
  • 21. CSS Media Queries <plug> or check out </ plug>
  • 22. CSS Media Queries ‣ The spec: <plug> or check out </ plug>
  • 23. CSS Media Queries ‣ The spec: ‣ The buzz: <plug> or check out </ plug>
  • 24. CSS Media Queries ‣ The spec: ‣ The buzz: ‣ The hotness: <plug> or check out </ plug>
  • 26. Basic Example <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”this.css” media=”(min-width: 960px)”>
  • 27. Basic Example <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”this.css” media=”(min-width: 960px)”> /* This CSS will always apply - global styles */ body {padding: 10px; } #container {width: 100%; margin: 0; } Do not use these in conjunction!
  • 28. Basic Example <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”this.css” media=”(min-width: 960px)”> /* This CSS will always apply - global styles */ body {padding: 10px; } #container {width: 100%; margin: 0; } /* This CSS will only apply when the window is 960px or greater */ @media screen and (min-width: 960px) { body {padding: 0; } #container {width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; } } Do not use these in conjunction!
  • 30. cool, but... ‣ IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries (weep not, more on this later)
  • 31. cool, but... ‣ IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries (weep not, more on this later) ‣ Don’t just pop open your existing stylesheets, wrap them in queries, and call it a day
  • 32. cool, but... ‣ IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries (weep not, more on this later) ‣ Don’t just pop open your existing stylesheets, wrap them in queries, and call it a day ‣ We need to mentally remove the line between mobile and desktop...
  • 33. cool, but... ‣ IE 8 and below do not recognize media queries (weep not, more on this later) ‣ Don’t just pop open your existing stylesheets, wrap them in queries, and call it a day ‣ We need to mentally remove the line between mobile and desktop... ‣ ...but don’t freak out. They’re just differently sized screens.
  • 35. Mobile First Approach ‣ aka Progressive Enhancement
  • 36. Mobile First Approach ‣ aka Progressive Enhancement ‣ Read, re-read, and bookmark (game changer)
  • 37. Mobile First Approach ‣ aka Progressive Enhancement ‣ Read, re-read, and bookmark (game changer)
  • 39. Progressive CSS ‣ No media query support is a media query
  • 40. Progressive CSS ‣ No media query support is a media query ‣ Target the least capable browser first
  • 41. Progressive CSS ‣ No media query support is a media query ‣ Target the least capable browser first ‣ Query for more functional browsers
  • 42. Progressive CSS ‣ No media query support is a media query ‣ Target the least capable browser first ‣ Query for more functional browsers ‣ More compatible than when you start with desktop styles and filter “down” to mobile version
  • 44. Feature Detection ‣ Not just limited to screen size
  • 45. Feature Detection ‣ Not just limited to screen size ‣ Modernizr tests for the specific features you need
  • 46. Feature Detection ‣ Not just limited to screen size ‣ Modernizr tests for the specific features you need ‣ More reliable than user-agent detection
  • 47. Feature Detection ‣ Not just limited to screen size ‣ Modernizr tests for the specific features you need ‣ More reliable than user-agent detection ‣ Modular and lightweight, pick your tests:
  • 49. Drupal Modules ‣ Responsive Images: Mobile-first images
  • 50. Drupal Modules ‣ Responsive Images: Mobile-first images ‣ Modernizr: Modernizr integration
  • 51. Drupal Modules ‣ Responsive Images: Mobile-first images ‣ Modernizr: Modernizr integration ‣ Semantic Views: Allows you to clean up your Views output sans templates
  • 52. Drupal Modules ‣ Responsive Images: Mobile-first images ‣ Modernizr: Modernizr integration ‣ Semantic Views: Allows you to clean up your Views output sans templates ‣ Responder: Force module stylesheets into mobile-first approach
  • 53. Drupal Themes ‣ Omega: ‣ Flex:
  • 55. Useful Libraries ‣ Respond.js - For I ncapabl E browsers
  • 56. Useful Libraries ‣ Respond.js - For I ncapabl E browsers ‣ Responsive-Images - Bandwidth savings for smaller screens
  • 57. Useful Libraries ‣ Respond.js - For I ncapabl E browsers ‣ Responsive-Images - Bandwidth savings for smaller screens ‣ Adapt.js - JavaScript alternative to media queries. Built upon 960 Grid System
  • 59. Front-end Performance ‣ Up to 97% of perceived mobile response time depends on the front-end... really desktop-vs-mobile-web-page-load-speed/
  • 60. Front-end Performance ‣ Up to 97% of perceived mobile response time depends on the front-end... really ‣ Your super-stack might serve requests quickly, but if you don’t request quickly, it still seems slow. desktop-vs-mobile-web-page-load-speed/
  • 62. Front-end Performance ‣ Cache HTML, internal and external if possible
  • 63. Front-end Performance ‣ Cache HTML, internal and external if possible ‣ Optimize CSS/JS
  • 64. Front-end Performance ‣ Cache HTML, internal and external if possible ‣ Optimize CSS/JS ‣ Move $scripts to the bottom of your templates
  • 65. Front-end Performance ‣ Cache HTML, internal and external if possible ‣ Optimize CSS/JS ‣ Move $scripts to the bottom of your templates ‣ Use responsive images, data URIs, and/or sprites
  • 68. Check your Work ‣ YSlow
  • 69. Check your Work ‣ YSlow ‣ Page Speed
  • 70. Thank You! 2011.07.09 - Dallas Drupal Days
  • 71. All content in this presentation, except where noted otherwise, is Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 3.0 licensed and copyright 2011 Four Kitchens, LLC.

Editor's Notes

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