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A New Hope – the web strikes back
A New Hope – the web strikes backA New Hope – the web strikes back
A New Hope – the web strikes back

The document discusses the evolution of the web from progressive web apps to native mobile apps and back again to progressive web apps. It notes that early mobile web faced issues like small screens, poor connectivity and unreliable browsers, leading to the rise of native apps. However, app distribution issues like slow updates and the "walled garden" approach of app stores have led to a renewed interest in progressive web apps that work offline but do not require app stores, allowing for more open distribution like the original web.

Mind the Gap - State of the Browser 2015
Mind the Gap - State of the Browser 2015Mind the Gap - State of the Browser 2015
Mind the Gap - State of the Browser 2015

- The web development community needs to focus more on quality, accessibility, and standards compliance rather than constant innovation and new techniques. Browsers have come a long way but still struggle to balance implementing new features while maintaining compatibility. - Web pages have gotten slower and larger over time due to an emphasis on appearance over performance and a reluctance to drop legacy techniques. Many modern solutions make the web more complex without real benefits. - Developers should provide better feedback to browsers, demand stronger support for baseline functionality, and stop catering to outdated browsers to encourage continued progress toward an interoperable web. Simpler, more sustainable approaches would benefit all.

NodeConfLondon - Making ES6 happen with ChakraCore and Node
NodeConfLondon - Making ES6 happen with ChakraCore and NodeNodeConfLondon - Making ES6 happen with ChakraCore and Node
NodeConfLondon - Making ES6 happen with ChakraCore and Node

The document discusses the history and future of JavaScript and Node.js. It covers the promises and problems of JavaScript, how Node.js helped address some issues but created new ones like monoculture. It then discusses how ES6 and the ChakraCore engine can help modernize JavaScript and break the Node monoculture by providing an additional engine option. The author hopes for less drama, embracing change, simplicity, inclusiveness, and prioritizing users over developers.

All the small things… - Awwwards 2016

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Making ES6 available to all with ChakraCore
Making ES6 available to all with ChakraCoreMaking ES6 available to all with ChakraCore
Making ES6 available to all with ChakraCore

This document discusses JavaScript and ES6. It covers some of the historical issues with JavaScript, the learning process, dependency on libraries/frameworks, and new features in ES6. It also discusses transpiling code to support older browsers, standards and interoperability challenges, and new JavaScript engines like ChakraCore that could break monopolies.

JavaScript : What is it really? AND Some new features in ES6
JavaScript : What is it really? AND Some new features in ES6JavaScript : What is it really? AND Some new features in ES6
JavaScript : What is it really? AND Some new features in ES6

I built this presentation for Prime ICT Meetup that happened in Kathmandu on June, 2016. Here, I talk about What JavaScript really is and about some new features introduced in ES6. The first part of the slides are taken/influenced from David Crockford's talk called "Really. JavaScript" :

5 Quick JavaScript Performance Improvement Tips
5 Quick JavaScript Performance Improvement Tips5 Quick JavaScript Performance Improvement Tips
5 Quick JavaScript Performance Improvement Tips

JavaScript is arguably the most important language in the world. It comes included in nearly every desktop and mobile browser. It powers the client-side of apps like Facebook and GMail. It is the language of choice for mobile development environments like Apccelerator's Titanium and Apache's Cordova (aka Adobe's PhoneGap). It is even on the server now in Node.js. Yet when programmer's run into performance issue with JavaScript their first inclination is to blame its interpreted nature, not realizing that simple changes in the structure of their code can result in sometimes significant improvements in performance. In this session I will show five quick changes you can make to your JavaScript code to improve its performance and explain why they work.


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Upgrading JavaScript to ES6 and using TypeScript as a shortcut
Upgrading JavaScript to ES6 and using TypeScript as a shortcutUpgrading JavaScript to ES6 and using TypeScript as a shortcut
Upgrading JavaScript to ES6 and using TypeScript as a shortcut

This document discusses upgrading JavaScript to ES6 and using TypeScript as an alternative. It covers some of the old issues with JavaScript, the learning process, tooling challenges, and dependency on libraries/frameworks. ES6 promises to address many of these with new features, but browser support is still evolving so transpilation is needed. TypeScript is presented as a shortcut that provides type safety and class-based syntax without transpilation overhead. The document also mentions the ChakraCore JavaScript engine as a promising new development.

High performance java script why everything youve been taught is wrong
High performance java script why everything youve been taught is wrongHigh performance java script why everything youve been taught is wrong
High performance java script why everything youve been taught is wrong

1) The document discusses high-performance JavaScript and describes how the speaker's company, Plaxo, almost failed to launch their product because it was too slow. 2) It presents a mantra for high-performance JavaScript: be lazy, be responsive, be pragmatic, be vigilant. 3) Some techniques discussed include writing less code, loading JavaScript on demand, drawing UI late, yielding to keep the interface responsive, and profiling relentlessly.

That's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web appsThat's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web apps

The document discusses building single page web apps and provides tips for doing so efficiently. It recommends using templating to build markup on demand, destroying and rebuilding elements, and managing data through tombstoning, on-demand loading, and purging stale data. It also recommends libraries like Backbone.js, Upshot.js, Navigation.js, and Knockout.js and discusses using local storage and deferred loading of content to improve performance of single page apps.

spaweb applicationweb design and development
• Group dating site
• Founded 2008
• 50,000 users in the first
• Spike in traffic from
Singapore, Malaysia,
India and South Korea.
• Pivot to cater to these
• 2 Million users
• 7000 daily signups on

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Progressing JavaScript and Apps the Web way…
 Progressing JavaScript and Apps the Web way…  Progressing JavaScript and Apps the Web way…
Progressing JavaScript and Apps the Web way…

This document discusses progressing web development and applications. It talks about some common criticisms of the web, including that browsers differ too much and the web is too flexible. However, it argues that browser differences allow for innovation and flexibility is one of the web's strengths. It promotes an approach of focusing on capabilities rather than browsers. The document also discusses progressing technologies like service workers and progressive web apps that can make applications work offline and feel more like native apps while still being web-based. It concludes by arguing the web is not going away and is a great platform to build upon.

Turning huge ships - Open Source and Microsoft
Turning huge ships - Open Source and MicrosoftTurning huge ships - Open Source and Microsoft
Turning huge ships - Open Source and Microsoft

Microsoft has become more open in recent years by open sourcing many products, making products cross-platform, and making training materials openly available. This open approach makes business sense for Microsoft as it attracts developers, allows employees flexibility, and taps into outside skills. Examples of Microsoft's success with open source include the Edge browser, Visual Studio Code editor, TypeScript transpiler, and ChakraCore JavaScript engine. The presenter encourages attendees to help promote Microsoft's open products and projects through conference talks, writing, and contributing translations and code.

Recreating mobile controls in mobile web apps
Recreating mobile controls in mobile web appsRecreating mobile controls in mobile web apps
Recreating mobile controls in mobile web apps

The document discusses how to recreate native mobile controls like those found in apps using jQuery, CSS, and HTML5. It provides examples of recreating controls from Windows Phone 7 like the Panorama and Jump List controls as well as a slide menu and scroll view control. Resources on mobile web development and specifications are also referenced.

Type Size (kB)
Images 1426
Scripts 357
Video 174
Fonts 123
Stylesheets 76
Other 4
Total 2232 kB
1426 KB OF
• Wrong file formats
• Delivering scaled hi-res
images to everybody
• No automatic conversion and
optimisation steps
• Hero image instead of text
• Starting with libraries because
of browsers that are dead and
we don’t even bother to test
• Using frameworks built for
complex forms to create static
web sites.
• Using scripts to create fixed
layouts dependent on screen
• Social media buttons and

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JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote
JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynoteJavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote
JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote

The document discusses using JavaScript like a buffet, where developers should be flexible and not try to do everything with JavaScript or force their preferences on others. It encourages sharing code openly but also being considerate of different environments and users. Developers are advised to focus on quality over quantity and consider progressive enhancement over delivering all functionality at once.

Producing a mobile presence. Timeline: Yesterday...
Producing a mobile presence. Timeline: Yesterday...Producing a mobile presence. Timeline: Yesterday...
Producing a mobile presence. Timeline: Yesterday...

Having a comprehensive mobile strategy is great but your users aren’t waiting around till you have have a pixel perfect solution. Your users are on their mobile devices right now waiting to access your content, having something up is better than nothing. This talk is a look at creating a practical, agile and ever evolving mobile Web presence. A mobile presence can be created on a small budget and without a lot of time. An introduction to the tools, frameworks and testing strategies needed to get a mobile website up quickly and moving in a more useful and usable direction each day.

Automating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend Keynote
Automating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend KeynoteAutomating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend Keynote
Automating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend Keynote

Keynote of the second You Gotta Love Frontend conference in Tel Aviv/Israel talking about what to expect of the web in the near future.

yglfweb developmentconference
• Background video without
testing the connection or
• Autostart instead of on-
demand loading
• Mood reel instead of simple
text explanations (I blame
• Using a whole font when a
few characters are enough
• Icon fonts instead of inline
• Sending desktop fonts to
mobile devices

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Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconfBreaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf

“If Tetris has taught me anything, it’s that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear” is a common quote and it seems we’re living this to its full extend as web developers. We fail to celebrate the successes we have and the tools that are at our disposal but we’re never short of finding reasons why things don’t work. We also tend to pile on technology on technology to solve problems that may actually not exist and thus clog up the web. In this talk Chris Heilmann wants to remind us what we achieved and how we should celebrate it and how we should stop trying to solve problems that are simply beyond our control.

Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017

The document discusses the challenges facing the progressive web and introduces progressive web apps (PWAs) as a solution. PWAs are built using modern web standards to provide native app-like experiences through features like push notifications, offline support, and app installation. They address issues with native apps like high installation friction, lack of control for publishers, and app store policies. PWAs are gaining adoption from companies like Alibaba and who saw increases in user engagement metrics after implementing PWAs. The document outlines the core components of PWAs and provides an overview of browser and platform support.

Recruiting Participants with Low Literacy Skills
Recruiting Participants with Low Literacy SkillsRecruiting Participants with Low Literacy Skills
Recruiting Participants with Low Literacy Skills

Nearly half of the adult population in the U.S. have low literacy skills. Including these participants in usability studies is important, but they are notoriously hard to recruit. Learn strategies for recruiting participants with poor reading skills and methods for estimating their reading level.

usability readabilityusability readabilityusability readability
This	web	site	needs	Javascript,	please	enable	it	
<p	id="guesswork">	
Your	browser	doesn’t	support	THING.		
Sucks	to	be	you!	

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How to use visual cues in plain language writing | Center for Plain Language ...
How to use visual cues in plain language writing | Center for Plain Language ...How to use visual cues in plain language writing | Center for Plain Language ...
How to use visual cues in plain language writing | Center for Plain Language ...

Instructor: Josiah Fisk, More Carrot Simple visual cues can give a tremendous boost to readability — or can undermine it, often significantly. In this workshop, you’ll learn what the most important visual cues are, how to use them effectively, and how to avoid the problems that can come from failing to pay attention to what your visual cues are saying. There will also be an introduction to information design for plain language writers plus hands-on exploration of the differences between graphic design and information design.

readabilitygraphicsgraphic design
Presentation: the Plain Regulations Act (2013), Why you should care and how y...
Presentation: the Plain Regulations Act (2013), Why you should care and how y...Presentation: the Plain Regulations Act (2013), Why you should care and how y...
Presentation: the Plain Regulations Act (2013), Why you should care and how y...

It is our right to understand the laws and regulations that we need to comply with as citizens and residents. The Plain Regulations Act will require agencies to write regulations using language we can all understand. This presentation describes ~the Act ~Why you should care and ~How you can help the Center for Plain Language get the bill out of committee for a vote on the floor. Hint: Write a letter ... or 6

plain language actclarityletter writing
User Research is Unnatural (But That's Okay) - IA Summit 2012
User Research is Unnatural (But That's Okay) - IA Summit 2012User Research is Unnatural (But That's Okay) - IA Summit 2012
User Research is Unnatural (But That's Okay) - IA Summit 2012

From the perspective of a participant, user research is not very natural. We ask participants to try to act naturally in the artificial environment of a lab, or we impose ourselves on their environment and hope our presence doesn't affect their behavior. We often forget how unnatural user research can be and the negative effects it can have on participants. In this presentation, we'll first examine the ways in which user research can be unnatural. Then we'll discuss ways to minimize or eliminate these unnatural aspects of user research.

information architectureusabilityuser research
if	(thing)	{	
if	(!thing)	{	
		//	you	probably	don’t	
		//	need	thing,	stop		
		//	shoe-horning	it	in.	

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Effective writing for the web | Center for plain language workshop
Effective writing for the web | Center for plain language workshopEffective writing for the web | Center for plain language workshop
Effective writing for the web | Center for plain language workshop

The document provides guidance on writing content for the web in plain language. It discusses key principles of plain language writing including using common words, short sentences, active voice, and avoiding jargon and unnecessary information. Specific techniques are outlined such as replacing wordy phrases and hidden verbs with stronger verbs. Examples of plain language rewrites improve clarity and readability. The goal is for web content to have a conversational tone that helps users understand what they need through logical organization and signposts.

writing for the webweb designclarity
Example Acrolinx Language Analysis
Example Acrolinx Language AnalysisExample Acrolinx Language Analysis
Example Acrolinx Language Analysis

The document is a scorecard that analyzes a document for quality, categories, and issues related to SEO, terminology, spelling, grammar, style, reuse, readability, informality, and liveliness. It finds 4 issues with spelling, 0 issues with grammar, and 48 issues with style. It also lists specific issues found and suggestions to improve the document.

plain englishcenter for plain languageplain language
Example acrolinx report-cfpb
Example acrolinx report-cfpbExample acrolinx report-cfpb
Example acrolinx report-cfpb

The document provides a summary of the analysis of an HTML document for quality, categories, terminology, spelling, grammar, style, readability, and other metrics. There was 1 terminology issue identified, 4 spelling issues, and 48 style issues. The style issues included complex words, long sentences, passive voice, noun clusters and other writing issues. The document received an overall quality score of 74%.


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The Story of STEM
The Story of STEMThe Story of STEM
The Story of STEM

The document discusses Dean Shareski's presentation on STEM education at the STEM Academy TCEA conference in Austin, Texas on February 1, 2016. It introduces Dean and provides his contact information. It then asks attendees to find an image and write a 6-word story about STEM using science, technology, engineering, or math terms and share it online. The presentation aims to show the beauty in STEM and make it appealing to more than just "geeks."

Crisis Communications in a Social Media Age
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Crisis Communications in a Social Media Age

The document discusses crisis communication strategies and lessons from BP's response to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. It covers developing a crisis communication plan, monitoring social media, being prepared to respond quickly, and the importance of transparency, accountability and engaging stakeholders. It notes that BP was slow to acknowledge and respond to the spill on social media, and that their initial response focused on damage control rather than addressing public concerns, a mistake others can learn from.

crisis communicationsocial mediacolorado
Sample letter for business owners and organizational leaders asking your Cong...
Sample letter for business owners and organizational leaders asking your Cong...Sample letter for business owners and organizational leaders asking your Cong...
Sample letter for business owners and organizational leaders asking your Cong...

Sample text for Business Owners and Group Leaders to use in your write a letter to your Congressmen asking them to Co-sponsor the Plain Language Act.

plain language actclarityletter writing

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Moneyball AA11y Minnebar 11.aprile.2015
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This document discusses common mistakes made in website accessibility and proposes a solution called A211y. It finds that developers are typically assigned accessibility issues too late in the process, when they are the primary owners of only 20% of issues. Most issues are actually existing best practices (53%) or accessibility guidelines (39%) that should be addressed earlier by their true primary owners - interaction designers (37%), content authors (24%) and visual designers (16%). The document advocates assigning each accessibility success criterion from the start to the appropriate team role responsible for its introduction. This would catch more issues earlier in the design process and require fewer fixes later by developers.

Sample letter for voters and taxpayers to asking your Congressmen to co-spons...
Sample letter for voters and taxpayers to asking your Congressmen to co-spons...Sample letter for voters and taxpayers to asking your Congressmen to co-spons...
Sample letter for voters and taxpayers to asking your Congressmen to co-spons...

The letter urges the senator to co-sponsor bills that would require the government to communicate with citizens using plain language in regulations. It argues that complicated regulatory language prevents government employees and citizens from fully understanding regulations, leading to wasted time and money trying to comply. Simplifying language would allow citizens to understand their rights and responsibilities without needing expensive experts. The bills aim to save taxpayer money while increasing transparency in government.

plain language actclarityletter writing
Armando scannone recopilación de recetas
Armando scannone   recopilación de recetasArmando scannone   recopilación de recetas
Armando scannone recopilación de recetas

Este documento presenta un resumen biográfico de Armando Scannone, un chef venezolano, y una recopilación de más de 100 artículos y recetas de cocina venezolana y latinoamericana. La mayor parte de la recopilación fue realizada por Susana Marchán y Apicius El Romano, quienes añadieron archivos adicionales y lo convirtieron a formato PDF con marcadores.


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Game Thinking - The Business of Gaming (Gamification)
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Game Thinking - The Business of Gaming (Gamification)

Companies can leverage game thinking (gamification) to delight customers, increase usage and achieve business goals. The following deck is an overview of my research on the topic of gamification and game thinking. Enjoy!

CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language Starts with Planning and Personas (Ginny...
CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language Starts with Planning and Personas (Ginny...CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language Starts with Planning and Personas (Ginny...
CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language Starts with Planning and Personas (Ginny...

Center for Plain Language Workshop Fall 2014 Plain Language Starts with Planning and Personas Ginny Reddish Overview Communicating successfully doesn’t start with writing - it starts with planning. Learn new ways to state your purposes so you focus on what you want to achieve. Put your reader on your shoulder as you write. See the power of thinking of everything you write as a conversation. You’ll leave with a Plain Language Planning Guide to share with colleagues and use with subject matter experts to focus their writing in new ways.

testingpersonasplain english
Plain how toplan-reportcard2014final-acrolinxembedded
Plain how toplan-reportcard2014final-acrolinxembeddedPlain how toplan-reportcard2014final-acrolinxembedded
Plain how toplan-reportcard2014final-acrolinxembedded

Presentation Venue: Federal PLAIN language group What is it? Guidance for fedral agency Plain Language Leaders planning for the 2014 Center for Plain Language Reportcard

guidanceplain language report cardplain language
• Assume capable browsers -
stop trying to detect them
• Cut down as much as you can
• Use cloud services and
automation to optimise your
content - don’t rely on
• Leverage new tech like
service workers
• Stop pretending everything is
an iPad.

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CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language: So what? Principles of writing to show ...
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CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language: So what? Principles of writing to show ...

Center for Plain Language Workshop Fall 2014 Plain Language: So what? Principles of writing to show IMPACT Chip Crane "What's the point here?" Readers need to understand the Why? of your document so they can really appreciate the What? Learning a few principles will help you make that elusive "So What?" undefined the impact undefined explicit in your workplace writing. Whether a progress update for your supervisor, a brochure describing services, or an email about a new policy, making clear to readers why your information matters to them is vital to effective communication.

writingplain englishclarity
Artful Critique Spring Workshop by Chip Crane May 12, 2015
Artful Critique Spring Workshop by Chip Crane  May 12, 2015Artful Critique Spring Workshop by Chip Crane  May 12, 2015
Artful Critique Spring Workshop by Chip Crane May 12, 2015

The document provides tips for giving constructive feedback to writers in a helpful way. It recommends thinking like a coach by focusing on long-term improvement. Feedback should acknowledge what the writer is trying to do, use a friendly tone, and convince the writer the reviewer is on their side. Editing should be limited to one or two paragraphs and explain any style or grammar changes to empower the writer for continued growth.

plain languageworkshop
CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language: A Tool to Promote Health Literacy (Kare...
CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language: A Tool to Promote Health Literacy (Kare...CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language: A Tool to Promote Health Literacy (Kare...
CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language: A Tool to Promote Health Literacy (Kare...

Center for Plain Language Workshop Fall 2014 Plain Language: A Tool to Promote Health Literacy Karen Baker Overview In this interactive workshop, you will learn the many ways that plain language can help people understand health information and engage with the health care system. Understand who struggles with health literacy and why. (It can happen to any of us.) Learn how to use plain language techniques to promote understanding.

claritytrainingplain language

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Christian Heilmann
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All the small things… - Awwwards 2016