SlideShare a Scribd company logo
davidson fellipe
front-end engineer at
- HTML ~ 2001
- front-end engineer
- ~ 2010
- more about me at
- 35 multidisciplinary teams
using agile methodologies
- large open source community
- projects at
- 3 multidisciplinary teams
- all engineers code for client side
sports at
of load time is related to
client side
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
- how load the shields?
- how to create this
- what happens when a
team is loaded?
- how to request a new
soccer team?
- where to use
combining elements
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
app example
- division of
- unit tests for each app
- management and
setup of dependencies
using pypi
- is difficult to separate
when the apps are
already in production
product core
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
our requirements
- components
- fonts and icons
- similar interactions across site
- possibility of themes
- low speci"city of CSS
thinking in
<header class="geui-title">
<h1 class="geui-title-label">
Normal <span class="geui-title-bold">Bold</span>
<a href="#" class="geui-title-more geui-color-default">read more</a>
<span class="geui-title-bar geui-color-default"></span>
</header> HTML
organizing your app
(ge)davidson ➜ .../ge_ui/static (master) $ tree
|---vendor TERMINAL
how blocks work?
{% extends "core/delivery.html" %}
{% block css_delivery %}
{{ block.super }}
<link type="text/css"
{% endblock %}
app core
app poll
template tag
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.template import Library
register = Library()
def ge_ui_dropdown(dropdown):
return {'dropdown': dropdown}
ge_ui_dropdown.is_safe = True
<div class="geui-dropdown">
<span class="geui-dropdown-title">{{dropdown.title}}</span>
<ul class="geui-dropdown-list">
{% for item in dropdown.itens %}
<li class="geui-dropdown-list-item">
<a href="{{}}" class="geui-dropdown-list-link"
{% for meta in item.meta %}
{% endfor %}>{{item.label}}</a>
{% endfor %}
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
good parts
- improve productivity
- easy to work with modules
- use of mixins, variables, selector
inheritance and nesting
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
Practical guide for front-end development for django devs
doing evil with scss!
.great-grandfather {
.grandfather {
.father {
#wtf {
color: #f60;
#wtf {
color: #f60;
why high specificity id? */
let’s use Grunt?
- low learning curve
- large number of plugins
- huge open source community
I’ve got to congure
$ make grunt-cong
@if [ ! $$(which node) ]; then echo ✖ installing node...; brew
install node; else echo node ✔; fi
@if [ ! $$(which npm) ]; then echo '✖ installing npm...'; sudo curl -k | sh; else echo npm ✔; fi
@if [ ! $$(which grunt) ]; then echo '✖ installing grunt...'; sudo npm
install -g grunt-cli; else echo grunt ✔; fi
@sudo npm i --save-dev
@if [ ! $$(which node) ]; then echo ✖ installing node...;
brew install node; else echo node ✔; fi
@if [ ! $$(which npm) ]; then echo '✖ installing npm...'; sudo
curl -k | sh; else echo npm ✔; fi
@if [ ! $$(which grunt) ]; then echo '✖ installing grunt...';
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli; else echo grunt ✔; fi
@sudo npm i --save-dev
- test runners
- preprocessors
- js / css lint
- create sprites
- concatenation
name: poll,
version: 0.0.1,
devDependencies: {
grunt: ~0.4.2,
grunt-contrib-jshint: ~0.6.5,
grunt-contrib-uglify: ~0.2.7,
grunt-contrib-watch: ~0.5.3,
load-grunt-tasks: ~0.2.0,
grunt-contrib-compass: ~0.6.0,
grunt-contrib-concat: ~0.3.0,
grunt-contrib-clean: ~0.5.0,
grunt-contrib-copy: ~0.4.1,
grunt-shell: ~0.6.1
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file
pathBase: 'poll/static/poll/',
pathSrc: '%= pathBase %src/',
pathBuild: '%= pathBase %build/',
compass: {},
uglify: {},
clean: {},
concat: {},
copy: {},
shell: {}
- quotes, braces, semicolons
- Space vs Tab
- Single quote vs double quotes
- nomenclatures for functions,
Object Literal, conditional
What impact
- low conversions
- low engagement
- high rejection rates

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