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Building Microfrontends with React
August 18, 2018
Nisheed Jagadish
Sr Manager XT (Experience
Quirks: JS’osaur, IoT/ Robotics, AR,
Tech Enthusiast
Who am
The term "Microservice Architecture" has
sprung up over the last few years to describe
a particular way of designing software
applications as suites of independently
deployable services.
Martin Flower – March 2014
Building Microtrends With React

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Managing Microservices traffic using Istio
Managing Microservices traffic using IstioManaging Microservices traffic using Istio
Managing Microservices traffic using Istio

This document summarizes managing microservices traffic using Istio. It discusses the challenges of managing microservices like traffic management, observability, and security. It then introduces Istio as an open platform that provides traffic management, policy enforcement, metrics, logs, traces, and security for microservices without requiring code changes. It describes Istio's architecture including Pilot and Mixer and how to install Istio on Kubernetes. Finally, it outlines some of Istio's key capabilities like traffic management, policy enforcement, and collecting metrics, logs, and traces.

Apache Stratos (Incubating) is the Platform as a Service (PaaS) project from ...
Apache Stratos (Incubating) is the Platform as a Service (PaaS) project from ...Apache Stratos (Incubating) is the Platform as a Service (PaaS) project from ...
Apache Stratos (Incubating) is the Platform as a Service (PaaS) project from ...

Apache Stratos is an open source Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) framework that provides elastic scalability for any type of service. It was originally developed by WSO2 and donated to the Apache Software Foundation. Stratos uses a controller, foundation services, and cartridges to provide user management, storage, billing, and other capabilities. Its message broker and event bus architecture allows for unified communication and integration with third party services.

by WSO2
Fun Times with Microservices
Fun Times with MicroservicesFun Times with Microservices
Fun Times with Microservices

An introduction to Microservices as presented at Ruby.jb meetup. "The "whats and whys" of microservices, the minimum requirements for success with them as well as some of more the practical aspects such as devops tooling."

What is a Microservice Architecture??
Reduce Complexity!!

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How to automate Sitecore deployment to Azure
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How to automate Sitecore deployment to Azure

This a presentation from Sitecore Meetup Poland 2017. I show several points where Sitecore deployment with ARM templates can be improved.

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Microservices from operations aspect

The document discusses the technologies used by Ghostmonitor, an e-commerce analytics company with 11 employees established in May 2015. It focuses on their use of microservices and related patterns. Key points include that they develop their single application as a suite of small independent services, use technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, and Redis, and have over 50 services running in 550+ containers to power their analytics platform. They discuss their approaches to local development, testing, deployment, monitoring, and other challenges of building with a microservices architecture.

Microservices environment in production
Microservices environment in productionMicroservices environment in production
Microservices environment in production

The document discusses Ghostmonitor, a company that uses microservices architecture. It was established in 2015 with 11 employees working on e-commerce analytics. The company uses microservices, 12factor applications, and various microservices patterns. It discusses the benefits of refactoring code and challenges of a new age including frameworks, local development, testing, building, deploying, infrastructure, monitoring, and logging for microservices. The document provides details on technologies used and system statistics like having over 50 services and 550 containers. It includes diagrams of the microservices architecture and communications.

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Building a Microservice Architecture is hard!
- Most architects
Building Microtrends With React
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This document discusses FileMaker Cloud and how it can be used with INTER-Mediator. FileMaker Cloud allows users to deploy FileMaker Server on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. It can be deployed using BYOL (bring your own license) or through the AWS Marketplace. INTER-Mediator supports connecting FileMaker Cloud to other databases and systems through its integration capabilities.

Microservices with WildFly Swarm - JavaSI 2016
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Microservices with WildFly Swarm - JavaSI 2016

This presentation explains the new challenges to be resolved with a Microservices Architecture and how the WildFly Swarm container & OpenShift/Kubernetes can address some of the patterns like running a lightweight JavaEE container, discover and load balance the services, inject the configuration of the services.

Microservices chat
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Microservices chat

This document outlines workshops for building lightweight and high-performance distributed chat platforms using microservices. It discusses reactive development, microservices architecture, and related technologies like Vert.x, event buses, and Redis. The workshops demonstrate progressively more complex chat applications, starting with a single Vert.x chat server, then a clustered Vert.x chat server, and finally a distributed single Vert.x chat server using a message publishing microservice. Resources and contact information are provided at the end for learning more.

microservices vert.x redis
Building Microtrends With React
Amazon EC2 Containers AWS Lambda
Building Microtrends With React
It’s not just about Technology…

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Communication is the backbone of distributed applications. Imagine you could control that backbone independently of all the components, so your application code just makes simple calls to other services, and your communication backbone does all the complex non-functional work. Load balancing, traffic management, fault tolerance, end-to-end monitoring, dynamic routing and secure communication could all be applied and controlled centrally. That's a service mesh. In this session I'll cover the major features of a service mesh using Istio - which is the most popular technology in this space. I'll show you what you can do with a service mesh, how it simplifies application design and also where it adds complexity. My examples will range from new microservices designs to legacy monoliths, and you'll see what a service mesh can bring to different types of application.

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New High Score! Leaderboards in the Cloud

Do you have a Unity game, but wish that you could make it multiplayer, or add an online high score table? In this talk, you will learn how to connect a Unity game to Azure Mobile Services using the BitRave Unity plugin. Follow along as I create a leaderboard on Azure and connect to it from my video game to update high scores and share them with players around the world.

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This document provides an overview of ASP.Net Core MVC, including that it is a new open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud-based web applications using .NET. It notes that ASP.Net Core is totally modular, open source, and cross-platform. The document then discusses some key features of ASP.Net Core like hosting, middleware, dependency injection, configuration, and logging. It concludes by pointing to resources for learning more about ASP.Net Core. core deep core
Process Teams
What’s happening in the
Frontend World?
Single Page Apps (SPAs)
React Router
Stateful Components
Stateless Functional Components

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This document summarizes a presentation on developing and deploying Spring applications on Amazon Web Services. It discusses microservices architecture, Spring Boot, AWS services like Elastic Beanstalk, and Docker. It provides an overview of these topics and demonstrates deploying a sample Spring Boot microservices application to AWS using both Elastic Beanstalk and Docker.

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This document discusses how to build professional dashboards using WireCloud: - WireCloud allows creating dashboards by wiring together widgets, operators, and other components to build smart applications. - The demo shows how to deploy basic dashboards by instantiating widgets and operators, wiring their inputs and outputs, and configuring their properties. - More advanced features include adding panels, behaviors, and tabs to dashboards, as well as integrating WireCloud with other services and platforms.

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Continuous Deployment with Containers
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Continuous Deployment with Containers

- The company uses microservices architecture with 50+ services running across 300+ containers orchestrated by Kubernetes. They have fully automated continuous integration and deployment. - CoreOS is used as the lightweight OS which updates automatically and stores services in read-only containers. Kubernetes provides service discovery, auto-scaling, deployment, rollback and resource management for containers. - The software development process follows a continuous delivery model where code changes are deployed through a pipeline to ensure the software can be reliably released at any time.

Complexity as we Scale
10 20 30 40 50 60
No of Modules
Monoliths on top of Microservices
API Gateway
Single Page Apps (SPA)
Customers expect a
Single Page Experience

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The document discusses moving from a monolithic architecture to microservices for a shop management system. It identifies the main business domains as sale, purchase, customer, product, stock, and transaction. It then outlines potential microservices for each domain, including suggested technologies. The document also discusses other cross-cutting services for authentication, logging, notifications, and timing. It provides an overview of how the microservices could communicate using a message broker like RabbitMQ and an API gateway.

Effective Micoservice Design & Containers
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Effective Micoservice Design & Containers

Better Nurses, founded in 1969, is a specialty nursing organization committed to a healthcare system driven by the needs of patients and families in pursuit of the best possible patient care. There are a few very important projects for the organization that aim to offer education, content, and sessions to the members. One project consists in to take a ‘monolith’ application and run it in containers without changing any code. Another project is to build another generation of modern services, microservices if possible, that help to solve performance and deployment issues and at the same time improve scalability. This is a perfect opportunity to explore, assess and implement modern technologies such as containers, container orchestrators and reliable services.

Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

DevNexus 2017 Microservices-based architectures are en-vogue. The last couple of years we have learned how the thought-leaders implement them, and every other week we have heard about how containers and Platform-as-a-Service offerings make them ultimately happen. The problem is that the developers are almost forgotten and left alone with provisioning and continuous delivery systems, containers and resource schedulers, and frameworks and patterns to help slice existing monoliths. How can we get back in control and efficiently develop them without having to provision complete production-like environments locally, by hand? All the new buzzwords, frameworks, and hyped tools have made us forget ourselves—Java developers–and what it means to be productive and have fun building systems. The problem that we set out to solve is: how can we run real-world Microservices-based systems on our local development machines, managing provisioning, and orchestration of potentially hundreds of services directly from a single command line tool, without sacrificing productivity enablers like hot code reloading and instant turnaround time? During this talk, you’ll experience first-hand how much fun it can be to develop large-scale Microservices-based systems. You will learn a lot about what it takes to fail fast and recover and truly understand the power of a fully integrated Microservices development environment.

Bringing the Goodness of Microservices to the
Experience Layer
Team A
Team C
Team B
Building Microtrends With React
What about Component

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Cisco IT added OpenShift by Red Hat to its technology mix to rapidly expose development staff to a rich set of web-scale application frameworks and runtimes. Deploying Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) architectures, like OpenShift, bring with it: - A Focus on the Developer Experience - Container Technology - Network Security and User Isolation - Acceleration of DevOps Models without Negatively Impacting Business In this session, Cisco and Red Hat will take you through: - The problems Cisco set out to solve with PaaS. - How OpenShift aligned with their needs. - Key lessons learned during the process. Business & IT Strategy Alignment: This track targets the juncture of business and IT considerations necessary to create competitive advantage. Example topics include: new architecture deployments, competitive differentiators, long-term and hidden costs, and security. Attendees will learn how to align architecture and technology decisions with their specific business needs and how and when IT departments can provide competitive advantage.

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My presentation on microservices at scale with docker and kubernetes for the Amsterdam Java User Group on 9-2-20117

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This document discusses simplifying DevOps with microservices and mobile backends. It introduces Oracle's Backend for Spring Boot platform, which provides a unified backend for developing apps using Kubernetes, containers, and the Oracle database. The platform offers developer tools, platform services, and integration with the Oracle database. It also discusses managing transactions across microservices using sagas and Oracle's Transaction Manager. The presentation concludes by inviting attendees to try out building a sample banking application in the provided hands-on lab.

• Mono repo with multiple sub components
• Each with own package.json and meta data
• Each bundle built and deployed individually through
configuration webpack or rollup
• Builds are more complex and need to hook into
webpack api
• Multi repo each with own component
• Built separately using webpack or rollup
• More distributed
• Easier to do builds
What about Bundle Size?
• UMD bundles
• Vendor to have all library references
• Externalize everything within components
• Introduce dynamic imports in components using
react-loadable or plain on ES6.
• Tree shaking using named imports
• A little bit of redundancy is OK
What about Routing?

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The document discusses converting a monolithic Node.js application into microservices and deploying them using Docker. It begins by defining microservices and their benefits. It then describes converting a sample pizza ordering application into independent microservices for handling messages, serving the frontend, and providing an API. Next, it covers patterns for networking microservices, including using an API gateway. It concludes by demonstrating how to deploy the microservices to Docker containers and use an orchestration tool like Kubernetes to manage them.

Full lifecycle of a microservice
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Full lifecycle of a microservice

Full lifecycle of a microservice: how to realize a fault-tolerant and reliable architecture and deliver it as a Docker container or in a Cloud environment

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Bridging Microservices, APIs and Integration
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Bridging Microservices, APIs and Integration

Kasun Indrasiri discussed the evolution of application architectures from monolithic to microservices and the need for integration between microservices. He described how Netflix, Uber, and PayPal implement service compositions in their microservice architectures. He then introduced the concept of integration or composite microservices that are used to integrate APIs, legacy systems, databases, and other microservices. Ballerina was presented as an open source framework for building these types of integration microservices with features like graphical definitions and network abstractions. Service meshes were also briefly mentioned as tools for managing inter-service communications at scale.

• Decouple routing
• Components to act as micro SPA’s each having
their own interpretation of the current route.
• App shell model – PWA
• Server based routing with edge caching and
What about State Management?
Building Microtrends With React
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Lana Kalashnyk presented on transitioning to Java microservices on Docker. Key points included: - Microservices involve breaking applications into small, independent services that communicate via APIs. Docker containers help deploy and manage microservices. - The presentation demonstrated a Java microservice that polls a Bitcoin node for block height updates. It was packaged into a Docker container using Wildfly Swarm and exposed via REST APIs. - A React web page displayed the data from the microservice. This illustrated how microservices and containers could replace outdated .NET web services. - Benefits of microservices include independent deployability, fault isolation, and infrastructure automation using containers. Challenges include managing transactions and data

Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices, including: - The benefits of microservices compared to monolithic architecture like independent deployability and scalability. - Microservices are small, independently deployable services that work together and are modeled around business domains. - Implementing microservices requires automation, high cohesion, loose coupling, and stable APIs. - Potential downsides include increased complexity in testing, monitoring, and operations. Microservices are best suited to problems of scale.

Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022

The document discusses micro frontends for Java microservices. It provides an overview of microservices and frameworks like Spring and JHipster that can be used to develop microservices in Java. It then introduces the concept of micro frontends as an architecture for microservice applications and demonstrates how to build a sample application with micro frontends using JHipster. It also covers securing microservices with OAuth 2.1 and shows a live demo of creating and running microservice applications with JHipster.


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AppSphere 2015 presentation on the challenges brought forth by Microservices and Containers such as Docker. Goes into OSS and commercial tools to manage availability and performance.

1. Form functional teams
2. Start deploying independently
3. Keep working on reducing complexity

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Building Microtrends With React

Editor's Notes

  1. ---Teleprompter notes---- ---Narration --- One of the most important features and often the first one to miss is the ability to independently deploy your service or feature to production. Netflix is known to have just 1 developer working on a microservice who have root access to the server and build and deploy their service to production atleast once a day.
  2. ---Teleprompter notes---- - Speed and agility of deploying websites - ---Narration --- I started off working with a small team of web developers building static and dynamic sites using classic Wordprss and PHP, I totally loved the agility with which I could work we these languages, Make your changes in the file.. save it… drag and drop it on FileZilla and boom my code is in production. and if I now think back about it, in those days every web developer was a full stack developer. We wrote our own markup, our JavaScript & CSS and also our MySQL queries.
  3. ---Teleprompter notes---- larger complex projects more people agility to deploy reduced pushing to production felt like a big fat Indian wedding ---Narration --- Any software dev looks 10s or 100s or people. As technologies became more and more sophisticated, and projects grew in scale and complexity Going to production is starting to feel like a big fat Indian wedding. Planning and preparations start months in advance. Critical projects have a Release Manager, the equivalent of a wedding planner Few days and weeks before the wedding, everybody is worked-up, there is a lot of drama, tensions fly high unforeseen problems crop up. What’s interesting in both scenarios is inspite of all this drama, the marriage and our production launch does get done. Yes there would be a few heart burns, a lot of tired and exhausted people, and congratulatory messages going back and forth. Its not just about the initial launch, but every subsequent release feels like a mini wedding, code freeze happening weeks in advance and the usual song and dance which leads up to every release
  4. ---Teleprompter notes---- Microservices emerged on the scene promising speed and agility businesses jumped onto the microservice bandwagon.
  5. - breaking down a monolith based on domain models - loosely coupled services - Independently deployable services - fine grained services with a light weight protocol
  6. As it turns out there is a scientific reason behind why we are so paranoid on reducing complexity. Back in 1977 Marice Halstead came up with the notion of the Halstead Lengths. which is a unit to measure the amount of complexity a human brain can comprehend. His point of view was at any time the human brain can have a max of 7 chunks open. Most people have a chunk size of 250 which corresponds to 50 lines of Fortran code. so roughly 350 lines of Fortran is what most programmers can write at a time without introducing bugs. Very few programmers about 0.5% of the population had halstead lengths of about 65000
  7. ---Teleprompter notes---- ---Narration --- The reason this is because, although we start building on a microservice architecture we consuliously or sub consciously land up building a distributed monolith. In our endevour to follow software best practices like Re-usability and DRY, we land up extracting common pieces of code into shared libraries and import these into modules. The moment we share a library between 2 or more teams we’ve sort of built a distributed monolith We’ve all heard about Amazon’s two pizza teams. A fundamental rule they followed was.. no teams can share their libraries or code with each other.. the only way one team can talk to another was via APIs.
  8. ---Teleprompter notes---- ---Narration --- In the era of monoliths and the tech stack decisions were done by people in suits sitting in boardrooms, because the tech stack decision during those days depended on a lot of other parameters other than technologies, and that’s also why you’d have people from finance and vendor relation in those decision processes. People who who were actually going to write code on the platform were quite far from the decision process. If you think of it.. its just like an Indian arranged wedding, where the people getting married basically have very little say in their own wedding.
  9. PWA with Angular 5 100% Cloud Native 2.5 million read ops 80+deployments 0 downtime
  10. Getting Software Development Right It‘s all about the team – this is was matters! Mature teams need to be enabled to make their own decisions.
  11. On the frontend we are all moving to building Single Page Apps. Because its performant, gives a much better user experience, and both of these translate into better conversations. I’ve been building and advocating SPAs since Sencha, EXtJS Backbone. and spending a lot of time trying to solve problems that arise due to the complexity of building SPAs
  12. ---Teleprompter notes---- ---Narration --- What I realize now, is SPAs are actually monoliths sitting on top of microservices which sort of breaks your microservice architecture. So now even if your backend microservice is ready and deployed, its not being used unless its frontend component is built and integrated into the SPA and deployed. From experience we’d all agree the frontend components undergo far more frequent changes than the backend.. and now having to build and deploy the entire SPA for a small change in say either the footer, or header component is now like a big fat wedding happening in the frontend space itself. Building monolith SPA on top of a microservices, completely nullifies the agility of the microservice architecture. From experience, the frontend undergoes far more frequent changes and the very thought of having to deploy the entire app bundle for even a small change in any one of the components, would trigger a full set of regression tests.
  13. Its quite ironic to see that the backend world moving from monoliths to microservices and the frontend which originally was sort of microservish is moving back into monoliths.
  14. I believe its important for us to start thinking about microfrontends, which brings all the core principals and benefits of the microservice architecture to the frontend. I believe a microfrontend architecture on top of a microservice architecture is the only way we will be able to ship new features out to end users in the shortest possible time.
  15. Apollo Link – talk a bit about it and how the state management would take place
  16. How it would work for these libraries