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Building aBuilding a
Spring BootSpring Boot
(ask the audience)(ask the audience)
Hanno Embregts @hannotify
Spring BootSpring BootSpring BootSpring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot?Spring Boot?
( )
"Takes an opinionated view of building
production-ready Spring applications.
Favors convention over con guration and
is designed to get you up and running as
quickly as possible."

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Rapidly scaffold your frontend with yeoman
Rapidly scaffold your frontend with yeomanRapidly scaffold your frontend with yeoman
Rapidly scaffold your frontend with yeoman

This document discusses various front-end development tools including Yeoman, Bower, Grunt, and AngularJS. Yeoman is described as providing "modern workflows for modern web apps" and helps generate project scaffolding using generators. Bower is introduced as a package manager for front-end code and libraries. Grunt is a JavaScript task runner that can be used to run tasks like building, testing, and deploying projects. AngularJS is briefly explained as a way to enhance HTML for building web apps.

Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone
Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and BackboneJavascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone
Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone

Introduction and Comparison of polpular JS Frameworks Knockout, Ember, Angular and Backbone. The presentation descrobes How and when to select each framework.

Key features?Key features?
create stand-alone Spring applications
embed web server directly (no WAR les)
automatic Spring con guration wherever
no code generation and no XML con guration
still offering all Spring features.
no separate web server needed
better debugging in IDEs
faster deployments (about 50%)
no web.xml or con guration classes needed
up and running with one Java le and a build
( )
custom con guration will be a bit of a puzzle
porting your legacy Spring project would be a
it uses Spring, excluding roughly half of the Java
Starting OutStarting OutStarting OutStarting OutStarting Out

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Front end workflow with yeoman
Front end workflow with yeomanFront end workflow with yeoman
Front end workflow with yeoman

What's yeoman and what's yeoman workflow ? How to install it and how to use it in your development workflow ?

Spring Boot Tutorial
Spring Boot TutorialSpring Boot Tutorial
Spring Boot Tutorial

Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can be "just run". It provides starters for auto-configuration of common Spring and third-party libraries providing features like Thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, and testing. It aims to remove boilerplate configuration and promote "convention over configuration" for quick development. The document then covers how to run a basic Spring Boot application, use Rest Controllers, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, and testing. It also discusses deploying the application on a web server and customizing through properties files.

java springboot
Behat sauce
Behat sauceBehat sauce
Behat sauce

This document discusses automated web acceptance testing using Behat and Mink. It provides an overview of Behat, a behavior-driven development framework for PHP, and Mink, a web acceptance testing framework. It then covers setting up a Behat project with Mink, writing feature files, implementing step definitions, running tests locally and on Sauce Labs. It also discusses using Relish for living documentation and integrating tests with Jenkins.

About What We ClaimedAbout What We Claimed
"up and running with one Java le and a
build script"
Java le(s)Java le(s)
// imports...
public class HelloController {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
// imports...
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Build scriptBuild script
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'
jar {
// some properties...
// repositories...
dependencies {
Starter DependenciesStarter Dependencies
a set of convenient dependency descriptors
follow the naming pattern spring-boot-starter-
Name Purpose
spring-boot-starter Core starter, includes auto-con g & logging
spring-boot-starter-test Test starter, includes JUnit, Hamcrest & Mockito
spring-boot-starter-web Starter for Spring MVC Web applications
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa Spring Data with JPA
(more starters at

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Intro JavaScript
Intro JavaScriptIntro JavaScript
Intro JavaScript

Introduction in the JavaScript Programming language typically used in the front end of Web Applications. More information can be found at :

javascriptweb applicationsbrowsers
Introduction to Spring Boot!
Introduction to Spring Boot!Introduction to Spring Boot!
Introduction to Spring Boot!

Spring Boot is a framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can be "just run". It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so that new and existing Spring developers can quickly get started with minimal configuration. Key features include automatic configuration of Spring, embedded HTTP servers, starters for common dependencies, and monitoring endpoints.

spring frameworkspring bootjava
Using JHipster for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps
Using JHipster for generating Angular/Spring Boot appsUsing JHipster for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps
Using JHipster for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps

The document discusses using JHipster 4 for generating Angular and Spring Boot applications. It begins with an overview of Spring Boot and Angular and demonstrates generating a basic monolithic application with them. It then introduces JHipster as a tool for generating Angular/Spring Boot projects along with best practices. The rest of the document demonstrates features of JHipster like generating entities, internationalization, and microservices architecture.

Spring InitializrSpring Initializr
(a quick way to download a project setup)
Live codingLive codingLive codingLive codingLive coding
Kahoot! #1
Kahoot! #2

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Gdg ionic 2
Gdg ionic 2Gdg ionic 2
Gdg ionic 2

This document provides instructions for building a to-do list app with Ionic 2. It begins by explaining how to install Ionic and other necessary tools. It then outlines the basic template and components needed for a to-do list, including an empty state, add button, create form, and native storage. The document concludes by explaining how to display todo items, add options, emulate on devices, and includes additional resources.

Up & running with ECMAScript6
Up & running with ECMAScript6Up & running with ECMAScript6
Up & running with ECMAScript6

This is the companion slides for the Front-End.IL meetup talk that took place on May 12 2015 @ Google campus TLV. Learn how to set up an ES6 development environment with minimal effort, using modern tools like JSPM and webpack. Grab the code here:

Spring IO '15 - Developing microservices, Spring Boot or Grails?
Spring IO '15 - Developing microservices, Spring Boot or Grails?Spring IO '15 - Developing microservices, Spring Boot or Grails?
Spring IO '15 - Developing microservices, Spring Boot or Grails?

The document discusses the options of using Spring Boot or Grails to build microservices. It provides an overview of Spring Boot, Groovy, and GVM (Groovy enVironment Manager). It then gives an example of implementing a simple REST API using Spring Boot with Groovy, Gradle, creating an entity, repository, and controller. The document compares this to implementing the same example using Grails.

Implementing RepositoryImplementing Repository
De ne them in a @Query annotation
Use one of the many supported query methods
List<Entity> findByNameContainingIgnoreCase(String name);
Wrap-up &Wrap-up &Wrap-up &Wrap-up &Wrap-up &
Spring Boot
gets you up & running quickly;
assumes standard con guration for rapid
plays nice with a wide range of frameworks;
is up to the task no matter what choices you make.
And what if I prefer JavaEE?And what if I prefer JavaEE?
At least you can use embedded servers:
TomEE Embedded
( )
Wild y Swarm
( )
Quick assembly with JBoss ShrinkWrap

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Automatic Functional Testing with Selenium and SauceLabs
Automatic Functional Testing with Selenium and SauceLabsAutomatic Functional Testing with Selenium and SauceLabs
Automatic Functional Testing with Selenium and SauceLabs

Build automatic functional testing environment easily (Tool used: Selenium Webdriver, Grunt, TravisCI, WebdriverIO, SauceLabs, Github, and Jasmine)

Angularjs Tutorial for Beginners
Angularjs Tutorial for BeginnersAngularjs Tutorial for Beginners
Angularjs Tutorial for Beginners

TIB Academy is one of the best AngularJS Training Institute in Bangalore. We Offers Hands-On Training with Live project.

angularjs trainingangularjsbest angularjs training in bangalore
Nightwatch JS for End to End Tests
Nightwatch JS for End to End TestsNightwatch JS for End to End Tests
Nightwatch JS for End to End Tests

This document compares popular JavaScript automation frameworks for testing Node.js applications, including Protractor, WebdriverIO, and NightwatchJS. It provides details on each framework, such as supported features, syntax, and advantages. NightwatchJS is highlighted as a good option for end-to-end testing due to its built-in test runner, support for parallel testing, cross-browser testing, and mobile testing. While it requires callbacks, NightwatchJS has an easy syntax, inbuilt debugging, and is overall presented as a strong framework for end-to-end testing of Node.js applications.

Any questions?Any questions?Any questions?Any questions?Any questions?
Thank you! ☺Thank you! ☺
Just can't get enough?

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  • 4. Spring Boot?Spring Boot? ( ) "Takes an opinionated view of building production-ready Spring applications. Favors convention over con guration and is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible."
  • 5. Key features?Key features? create stand-alone Spring applications embed web server directly (no WAR les) automatic Spring con guration wherever possible no code generation and no XML con guration still offering all Spring features.
  • 6. Pros?Pros? no separate web server needed better debugging in IDEs faster deployments (about 50%) no web.xml or con guration classes needed up and running with one Java le and a build script. ( )
  • 7. Cons?Cons? custom con guration will be a bit of a puzzle porting your legacy Spring project would be a disaster! it uses Spring, excluding roughly half of the Java community.
  • 8. Starting OutStarting OutStarting OutStarting OutStarting Out
  • 9. About What We ClaimedAbout What We Claimed Earlier...Earlier... "up and running with one Java le and a build script"
  • 10. Java le(s)Java le(s) // imports... @RestController public class HelloController { @RequestMapping("/") public String index() { return "Greetings from Spring Boot!"; } } // imports... @SpringBootApplication public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }
  • 11. Build scriptBuild script apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot' jar { // some properties... } // repositories... dependencies { compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web") testCompile("junit:junit") }
  • 12. Starter DependenciesStarter Dependencies a set of convenient dependency descriptors follow the naming pattern spring-boot-starter- * Name Purpose spring-boot-starter Core starter, includes auto-con g & logging spring-boot-starter-test Test starter, includes JUnit, Hamcrest & Mockito spring-boot-starter-web Starter for Spring MVC Web applications spring-boot-starter-data-jpa Spring Data with JPA (more starters at ) boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#using-boot-starter
  • 13. Spring InitializrSpring Initializr (a quick way to download a project setup)
  • 14. Live codingLive codingLive codingLive codingLive coding
  • 17. Implementing RepositoryImplementing Repository MethodsMethods De ne them in a @Query annotation Use one of the many supported query methods ( ) methods.query-creation List<Entity> findByNameContainingIgnoreCase(String name);
  • 18. Wrap-up &Wrap-up &Wrap-up &Wrap-up &Wrap-up & QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions
  • 19. Wrap-upWrap-up Spring Boot gets you up & running quickly; assumes standard con guration for rapid development; plays nice with a wide range of frameworks; is up to the task no matter what choices you make.
  • 20. And what if I prefer JavaEE?And what if I prefer JavaEE? At least you can use embedded servers: TomEE Embedded ( ) Wild y Swarm ( ) Quick assembly with JBoss ShrinkWrap ( ) http://wild not.html
  • 21. Any questions?Any questions?Any questions?Any questions?Any questions?
  • 22. Thank you! ☺Thank you! ☺ Just can't get enough? @hannotify