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Top 10 Spring Boot Interview
Questions and Answers
1. What is Spring boot?
 Spring Boot makes it easier for you to create
production ready applications in no time. It is
an opinionated view to create Spring
application quickly. It follows convention over
configuration. In simple terms, it comes with
default configurations for most of the Spring
projects, you don’t need to do much to
bootstrap any spring application.
2. Why did you use Spring boot in
your application?
 As discussed earlier, Spring boot makes it easier
for you to create Spring application, it can save a
lot of time and efforts.
 For example: Let’s say you want to create Spring
boot project with active MQ. You can simply use
“spring–boot–starter–active mq” as artifact Id, it
will take all the defaults and create Spring
application with Active MQ configured. Let’s say
you don’t want to use inbuilt active MQ, you can
simply override “spring . activemq . broker-url” in
application . properties to use external Active MQ.
3. Can you list advantages of
Spring boot?
 Advantages of Spring boot are:
 It provides a lot of default configurations which help you to
create Spring application faster.
 It comes with embedded tomcat or jetty server, so you don’t
have to deploy jar.
 It reduces development code by avoiding a lot of boilerplate
 It increases productivity as you can create Spring application
 It provides a lot of starter project for easy maven
integration.You don’t have to worry about version mismatch.
 You can quickly create using sample project using spring boot

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4. What are disadvantages of
Spring boot?
 If you want to convert your old spring
application to Spring boot application, it may
not be straight forward and can be time
5. How can you override default
properties in Spring boot Project?
 Spring boot provides a lot of properties which
can be overridden by specifying them in
application. properties.
 For example: You want to specify prefix and suffix
in Spring MVC applications. You can simply do it
by putting below properties in
 spring.mvc.view.prefix: /WEB-INF/
 spring.mvc.view.suffix: .jsp
6. How can you run Spring boot
application on custom port?
 You can simply put server.port properties in
 For example:server.port=8050
7. What is Spring boot starter and
how it is useful?
 Spring boot comes with a lot of starters which
is set of convenient dependency descriptors
which you can include in your pom.xml.
 For example: Let’s say you want to work
Spring MVC application, you can simply
include “spring–boot–starter–web” as
dependency in pom.xml .

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8. Can we use Spring boot with applications
which are not using Spring?
 No, it is not possible as of now. Spring boot is
limited to Spring applications only.
9. What is name of the
configuration file which you use in
Spring boot?
 Configuration file used in Spring boot projects
is application . properties. It is very important
file as it is used to override all default
10. What is DevTools in Spring
 Spring boot comes with Dev Tools which is
introduced to increase the productivity of
developer. You don’t need to redeploy your
application every time you make the changes.
Developer can simply reload the changes
without restart of the server. It avoids pain of
redeploying application every time when you
make any change. This module will be
disabled in production environment.
Meet The Experts For Better
Guidence :

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  • 1. Top 10 Spring Boot Interview Questions and Answers
  • 2. 1. What is Spring boot?  Spring Boot makes it easier for you to create production ready applications in no time. It is an opinionated view to create Spring application quickly. It follows convention over configuration. In simple terms, it comes with default configurations for most of the Spring projects, you don’t need to do much to bootstrap any spring application.
  • 3. 2. Why did you use Spring boot in your application?  As discussed earlier, Spring boot makes it easier for you to create Spring application, it can save a lot of time and efforts.  For example: Let’s say you want to create Spring boot project with active MQ. You can simply use “spring–boot–starter–active mq” as artifact Id, it will take all the defaults and create Spring application with Active MQ configured. Let’s say you don’t want to use inbuilt active MQ, you can simply override “spring . activemq . broker-url” in application . properties to use external Active MQ.
  • 4. 3. Can you list advantages of Spring boot?  Advantages of Spring boot are:  It provides a lot of default configurations which help you to create Spring application faster.  It comes with embedded tomcat or jetty server, so you don’t have to deploy jar.  It reduces development code by avoiding a lot of boilerplate code.  It increases productivity as you can create Spring application quickly.  It provides a lot of starter project for easy maven integration.You don’t have to worry about version mismatch.  You can quickly create using sample project using spring boot initializer
  • 5. 4. What are disadvantages of Spring boot?  If you want to convert your old spring application to Spring boot application, it may not be straight forward and can be time consuming.
  • 6. 5. How can you override default properties in Spring boot Project?  Spring boot provides a lot of properties which can be overridden by specifying them in application. properties.  For example: You want to specify prefix and suffix in Spring MVC applications. You can simply do it by putting below properties in  spring.mvc.view.prefix: /WEB-INF/  spring.mvc.view.suffix: .jsp
  • 7. 6. How can you run Spring boot application on custom port?  You can simply put server.port properties in  For example:server.port=8050
  • 8. 7. What is Spring boot starter and how it is useful?  Spring boot comes with a lot of starters which is set of convenient dependency descriptors which you can include in your pom.xml.  For example: Let’s say you want to work Spring MVC application, you can simply include “spring–boot–starter–web” as dependency in pom.xml .
  • 9. 8. Can we use Spring boot with applications which are not using Spring?  No, it is not possible as of now. Spring boot is limited to Spring applications only.
  • 10. 9. What is name of the configuration file which you use in Spring boot?  Configuration file used in Spring boot projects is application . properties. It is very important file as it is used to override all default configurations.
  • 11. 10. What is DevTools in Spring boot?  Spring boot comes with Dev Tools which is introduced to increase the productivity of developer. You don’t need to redeploy your application every time you make the changes. Developer can simply reload the changes without restart of the server. It avoids pain of redeploying application every time when you make any change. This module will be disabled in production environment.
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