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Spring Boot
Applications. Simply.
Jaran Flaath
• Senior consultant at Kodehuset
• 12 years of professional software
development experience
• Frequent speaker
• Previous leader of javaBin
Sørlandet and VP of javaBin
• When not coding: Building LEGO
and driving R/C cars
Spring Boot
Spring Boot

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Spring boot jpaSpring boot jpa
Spring boot jpa

The document discusses Spring Boot, a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications. It describes how Spring Boot allows creating projects quickly with features like embedded servers and auto-configuration. It then covers how to develop a basic Spring Boot web application including creating the project structure with Maven, adding controllers and properties files, and connecting to databases using Spring Data. Overall, the document provides an overview of Spring Boot and guidance on starting a Spring Boot web application project.

spring bootjpaspring jdbc
Spring Framework
Spring Framework  Spring Framework
Spring Framework

The document discusses Spring Boot, a framework from the Spring Team that aims to ease the bootstrapping and development of new Spring applications. Spring Boot allows applications to start quickly with very little Spring configuration. It provides some sensible defaults to help developers get started quickly on new projects.

spring frameworkspring bootspring mvc
Spring Boot
Spring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot

This document provides an overview of Spring Boot and some of its key features. It discusses the origins and modules of Spring, how Spring Boot simplifies configuration and dependency management. It then covers examples of building Spring Boot applications that connect to a SQL database, use RabbitMQ for messaging, and schedule and run asynchronous tasks.

spring frameworkspring bootjava
What is Spring?
What is Spring?
Modular application framework assisting with almost any
aspect of modern application development
What is Spring?
Modular application framework assisting with almost any
aspect of modern application development
What is Spring Boot?

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Spring boot - an introduction
Spring boot - an introductionSpring boot - an introduction
Spring boot - an introduction

This document discusses Spring Boot, an open source framework for building microservices and web applications. It provides scaffolding to help build Spring-based services more quickly. The author chose Spring Boot for a project because it integrates well with other frameworks like Jersey and allows building services quickly. Key Spring Boot components discussed include REST frameworks, embedded servers, logging frameworks, security, and metrics. The author outlines their Spring Boot stack and package structure. They discuss using Spring Data for persistence, Swagger for API documentation, and helper libraries like Lombok. The document also covers testing approaches using REST Assured and Spring Integration.

software developmentjava
Spring Boot and REST API
Spring Boot and REST APISpring Boot and REST API
Spring Boot and REST API

Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications that can be started using java -jar without requiring any traditional application servers. It is designed to get developers up and running as quickly as possible with minimal configuration. Some key features of Spring Boot include automatic configuration, starter dependencies to simplify dependency management, embedded HTTP servers, security, metrics, health checks and externalized configuration. The document then provides examples of building a basic RESTful web service with Spring Boot using common HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and handling requests and responses.

springspring bootmicroservices
Spring boot
Spring bootSpring boot
Spring boot

Spring Boot allows creating standalone Spring applications with minimal configuration. It makes assumptions about dependencies and provides default configurations. It aims to provide a faster development experience for Spring. Some key Spring Boot components include auto-configuration, core functionality, CLI, actuator for monitoring, and starters for common dependencies. To use Spring Boot, create a project with the Spring Initializr, add code and configurations, then build a jar file that can be run standalone.

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone,
production-grade Spring based Applications that you can
"just run".
What is Spring Boot?
Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone,
production-grade Spring based Applications that you can
"just run".
What is Spring Boot?
• Create stand-alone Spring applications

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Building RESTful applications using Spring MVC
Building RESTful applications using Spring MVCBuilding RESTful applications using Spring MVC
Building RESTful applications using Spring MVC

REST is an alternate and simpler approach for implementing WebServices. It is based on the HTTP protocol and hence leverages a lot of existing infrastructures. It uses an uniform interface thus making it easy to build client applications. In this session we will look at the fundamental concepts behind REST (Resource, URI, Stateless Conversation ..) and how to apply it in the context of a real applcation. We will also discuss the pros & cons of RESTful vs Soap based webservices. We will discuss the design of RESTful application and then look at how to implement it using Spring MVC.

Spring Security
Spring SecuritySpring Security
Spring Security

This session will explain 'Spring Security', a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework.

springspring securityjava
Spring Boot
Spring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot

Spring Boot is an open source Java-based framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications. It provides features such as embedded HTTP servers, externalized configuration, and metrics. Spring Boot uses auto-configuration and starters to minimize configuration work. The main intention of Spring Boot starters is to combine common dependencies into single dependencies to simplify dependency management. Spring Boot also provides auto-configuration to avoid explicit configuration of components like views and ViewResolvers.

springjavaspring boot
• Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to
deploy WAR files)
• Provide opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your
Maven or Gradle configuration
• Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
• Provide production-ready features such as metrics,
health checks and externalised configuration

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Learn All Aspects Of Maven step by step, Enhance your skills & Launch Your Career, On-Demand Course affordable price & classes on virtually every topic.Try Before You Buy

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Java Spring Framework
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Java Spring Framework

Frameworks are large prewritten code to which you add your own code to solve a problem in a specific domain. You make use of a framework by calling its methods,inheritance,and supplying “call-backs” listeners. Spring is the most popular application development framework for enterprise Java™. Millions of developers use Spring to create high performing, easily testable, reusable code without any lock-in.

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Spring - Part 1 - IoC, Di and Beans Spring - Part 1 - IoC, Di and Beans
Spring - Part 1 - IoC, Di and Beans

In this Java Spring Training session, you will learn Spring – Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection and Bean definitions. Topics covered in this session are: For more information, visit this link: Spring Framework • Core Container • Data Access/Integration • Web Layer • Spring Setup • Key features • Spring Bean • Dependency Injection • Relation between DI and IoC • Spring IoC Containers • Spring DI

���by Hitesh-Java
java spring trainingspring trainingonline spring training
• No code generation or XML configuration
Maven and Gradle support via
• Provides a range of spring-boot-starter-* artifacts that
contains what you need to get up and running fast
• Customise when you need!
Spring Boot
Let’s BOOT an

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An introduction to the building blocks of the Spring framework. The presentation focuses on Spring Inverse of Control Container (IoC) ,how it used in the LinkedIn stack, how it integrates with other frameworks and how it works with your JUnit testing.

Introduction to Spring Framework
Introduction to Spring FrameworkIntroduction to Spring Framework
Introduction to Spring Framework

Quick introduction to Spring Framework. Following are the topics I have included in this presentations: 1. Introduction to Software Framework 2. What is Spring Framework? 3. Spring Framework History 4. Spring Framework Architecture 5. Why Spring? 6. Spring Framework Ecosystem

spring frameworkintroduction
Spring mvc
Spring mvcSpring mvc
Spring mvc

Spring MVC provides a lightweight framework for building web applications. It separates concerns into modules with distinct roles like controllers, models and views. This makes applications highly configurable, reusable and easy to test. The framework uses annotations and inversion of control for configuration which promotes loose coupling and rapid development. Core components include the DispatcherServlet, controllers, models and view resolvers.

javaspringspring mvc
• Current stable: 1.3.5

• Very soon arriving: 1.4.0

We will be using 1.3.5 for the demo today, but have a
look at the new features in 1.4.0 towards the end.
Our goal
• Create a REST web service with Spring Boot, Groovy
and Gradle

• Use case: A simple R/C Car registry!
What we will cover
• Creating an application
• Executable JAR
• Custom banner (because they’re awesome)
• Application configuration
• Creating REST endpoints
• Testing
• Security
• Actuators
Step 1: 

Create application and run it

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This document provides an overview of developing a web application using Spring Boot that connects to a MySQL database. It discusses setting up the development environment, the benefits of Spring Boot, basic project structure, integrating Spring MVC and JPA/Hibernate for database access. Code examples and links are provided to help get started with a Spring Boot application that reads from a MySQL database and displays the employee data on a web page.

spring boot
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Maven Introduction

Maven is a build tool that can manage a project's build process, dependencies, documentation and reporting. It uses a Project Object Model (POM) file to store build configuration and metadata. Maven has advantages over Ant like built-in functionality for common tasks, cross-project reuse, and support for conditional logic. It works by defining the project with a POM file then running goals bound to default phases like compile, test, package to build the project.

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Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring applications without needing to deploy files. It provides starter dependencies to simplify configuration, performs automatic configuration, and includes production-ready features like metrics and health checks. This document demonstrates creating a RESTful web service using Spring Boot with Groovy and Gradle by developing an application to manage an RC car registry in 9 steps, covering creating the application, executable JAR, configuration, endpoints, testing, security, and actuators. New features in Spring Boot 1.4 include startup failure analysis, updated dependencies and test annotations, and image banners.

spring frameworkspring boot
Step 1: Takeaways
• @SpringBootApplication-annotation:

A convenience annotation combining
@EnableAutoConfiguration, @Configuration and

• We start our application with
Step 2: 

Executable JAR
Step 2: Takeaways
• Add spring-boot-gradle-plugin (or spring-boot-maven-
• Application JAR can then be run as an executable
If linked as a service from /etc/init.d you will be able to
run the application as a daemon and use start, stop and
status arguments
Step 3: 

Custom banner

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Module 6 _ Spring Boot for java application to begin
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Module 6 _ Spring Boot for java application to begin

The document discusses Spring Boot, a framework that makes it easier to create production-grade Spring-based applications. It provides auto-configuration, opinionated defaults that minimize configuration, and the ability to create standalone applications. Key topics covered include Spring Boot's goals of reducing complexity and development time, its use of auto-configuration and starters to simplify dependency management, and how it allows applications to run independently without external servers.

Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience! (from JVMCon 2018)
Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience! (from JVMCon 2018)Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience! (from JVMCon 2018)
Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience! (from JVMCon 2018)

Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications that can be "run" using java -jar without the need for an external web server. It favors convention over configuration and aims to get developers up and running quickly with minimal configuration. Key features include an embedded web server, automatic configuration, and starters that provide prepackaged dependencies. Pros include faster development and deployment, while potential cons include more complex custom configuration and incompatibility with some legacy Spring projects. The documentation provides guidance on creating starter projects with an initial Java file, build script, and dependencies.

Spring boot wednesday
Spring boot wednesdaySpring boot wednesday
Spring boot wednesday

Spring Boot provides a quick way to create Spring applications with minimal configuration. It allows for rapid prototyping through the Spring CLI and provides starter dependencies to add common features easily. Spring Boot applications can be packaged as executable jars or wars and support multiple build systems including Gradle. It aims to make standing up production-ready Spring applications as simple as possible.

springbootspringgrails 3.0
Step 3: Takeaways
• Well… It is very cool!
Step 4: 

Application configuration
Step 4: Takeaways
• Configuration provided with @Configuration
annotated class(es)
• Provide beans using @Bean annotated methods

Configuration properties can be declared
using .properties or .yaml files both in- and outside your
Step 5: 

Service endpoint

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E2E testing Single Page Apps and APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer
E2E testing Single Page Apps and APIs with Cucumber.js and PuppeteerE2E testing Single Page Apps and APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer
E2E testing Single Page Apps and APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer

This document discusses end-to-end testing of single page applications and APIs using Cucumber.js and Puppeteer. It explains that E2E testing an SPA needs to handle loading the SPA, API, databases, and test data. An effective strategy must coordinate setup and teardown across components and be flexible to changes. The document then provides a 7 step process for using Cucumber.js to describe features, run automated tests, and provide living documentation. It also discusses using Puppeteer to control the browser from Node.js. Finally, it provides an example of using these tools together to test the Dashku application, which loads the SPA and API as modules, manages test data in MongoDB, and abstract

Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience!
Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience!Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience!
Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience!

This document provides an overview of building applications with Spring Boot. It discusses key features such as creating stand-alone Spring applications without separate web servers, automatic Spring configuration, and getting started quickly with one Java file and a build script. Pros include faster deployments and no need for web.xml files. Cons can include custom configuration challenges and incompatibility with some legacy Spring projects. The document also demonstrates sample code and references Spring Initializr for project setups.

Java and services code lab spring boot and spring data using mongo db
Java and services code lab spring boot and spring data using mongo dbJava and services code lab spring boot and spring data using mongo db
Java and services code lab spring boot and spring data using mongo db

This document provides an overview and agenda for a workshop on Spring Boot and Spring Data using MongoDB. It introduces Spring Boot goals such as being opinionated out of the box but flexible, providing common non-functional features, and having no requirement for XML configuration. The document outlines Spring Boot modules including the main library, auto-configuration support, starters, CLI, actuator, tools, and samples. It also demonstrates getting started quickly with Spring Boot in Java using and Eclipse.

spring bootservicesmongodb
Step 5: Takeaways
• Add endpoints with @RestController and
@RequestMapping annotations
• No further configuration needed

Step 6: 

Step 6: Takeaways
• Easy testing of endpoints using RestTemplate
• Point your integration test to your application using
• Configure random testing port using
@WebIntegrationTest(randomPort = true) and obtain
the port using @Value('${local.server.port}')

Step 7: 


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Java and services code lab spring boot and spring data using mongo db

This document provides an overview and agenda for a workshop on Spring Boot and Spring Data using MongoDB. It introduces Spring Boot goals such as being opinionated out of the box but flexible, providing common non-functional features, and having no requirement for XML configuration. The document outlines Spring Boot modules including the main library, auto-configuration support, starters, CLI, actuator, tools, and samples. It also demonstrates getting started quickly with Spring Boot in Java using and Eclipse.

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Spring Boot Whirlwind Tour
Spring Boot Whirlwind TourSpring Boot Whirlwind Tour
Spring Boot Whirlwind Tour

Spring Boot provides a convention-over-configuration approach for building stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based Applications that you can "just run". It takes an opinionated view of configuring Spring applications and applications can be started using a single command. Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features to monitor and manage applications with no additional coding required.

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Bootify your spring application
Bootify your spring applicationBootify your spring application
Bootify your spring application

This document provides an overview of Spring Boot. It begins with a brief introduction to Spring Boot, including that it takes an opinionated approach to building production-ready Spring applications quickly. It then discusses features of Spring Boot like providing starter POMs, auto-configuration, and production-ready features out of the box. The document also covers getting started, including a simple example application, and how to customize and extend Spring Boot for microservices development.

spring bootspring
Step 7: Takeaways
• Simply adding spring-security to class path enables
• @EnableWebSecurity disables default configuration
and allows us to customise security
• Extend WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to customise

Step 8: 

Security 2
Step 8: Takeaways
• Use TestRestTemplate for additional functionality in a
test context

NOTE: Disabling CSRF should only be done for quick
testing and prototyping
Step 9: 


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Spring Boot and Spring Cloud provide an easier and more productive framework for building cloud-native microservices compared to Java EE. Spring Boot simplifies the development, deployment, and management of microservices. Spring Cloud adds helpful capabilities for service discovery, external configuration, load balancing, and monitoring that are missing from Java EE. While Java EE adoption is declining, the use of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud is growing rapidly among developers.

Springboot - A milestone framework in Java Development
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Springboot - A milestone framework in Java Development

Springboot, a milestone framework in Java development, took no time to become the developer's favorite because of its seamless feature-sets and efficiency. All it takes is a jiffy to build scalable, resilient and customer-friendly applications using Springboot's ability to integrate with the Spring ecosystem. Dive into this presentation to learn more about the features offered by Springboot and how it acts as a perk when it comes to web app development! Enter Expeed Software, a leading web development company, to avail of the best and most quality services related to the latest trends in web technology!

springbootspring applicationsjava

Spring Boot provides an easy way to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications that you can "just run". It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Some key features include embedded Tomcat/Jetty so no need to deploy WAR files, automatic configuration, starter POMs to simplify dependency management. This document discusses setting up a development environment for Spring Boot, creating a basic app, connecting to a database using JPA, and packaging into a runnable JAR file or WAR deployable to Tomcat.

Step 9: Takeaways
• Actuators are a set of endpoints exposing useful
information and controls for your application

Full list of Actuators:
What’s new in 1.4.0?
Startup failure analysis
New test annotation
• @SpringBootTest with parameters is used instead of
@SpringApplicationConfiguration, @IntegrationTest
and @WebIntegrationTest
• @LocalServerPort for injecting the port of the web
server used during test

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Spring Boot & ActuatorsSpring Boot & Actuators
Spring Boot & Actuators

JOHN HUMPHREYS VP OF ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS, NOMURA Spring Boot is a modern and extensible development framework that aims (and succeeds!) to take as much pain as possible out of developing with Java. With just a few Maven dependencies, new or existing programs become runnable, init.d-compliant uber-JARs or uber-WARs with embedded web-servers and virtually zero-configuration, code or otherwise. As an added freebie, Spring Boot Actuator will provide your programs with amazing configuration-free production monitoring facilities that let you have RESTFUL endpoints serving live stack-traces, heap and GC statistics, database statuses, spring-bean definitions, and password-masked configuration file audits.

End to end testing Single Page Apps & APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer (Em...
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Here are the slides from my talk at Ember London meetup June 2018 on End-to-end testing Single Page Apps & APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer

Google App Engine for Java
Google App Engine for JavaGoogle App Engine for Java
Google App Engine for Java

This document provides an overview of Google App Engine for Java (GAE/J) through a presentation. It discusses key aspects of GAE/J including the scalable infrastructure, programming languages supported, frameworks, development tools, deployment, data storage using the datastore, testing, limits, and services. It emphasizes that GAE/J handles the infrastructure and allows developers to focus on application code without worrying about scaling or maintaining servers.

gaejjavagoogle app engine
Upgraded dependencies
• Based on Spring 4.3
• Default JPA persistence provider is Hibernate 5, up
from 4.3
Image banners!
New annotation for mocking
existing beans
• @MockBean for mocking existing beans in your

• @SpyBean for spying existing beans
• See the rest here:

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Spring Data JPA helps overcome limitations of JDBC API and raw JPA by automatically generating data access code. It reduces boilerplate code through repository interfaces that expose CRUD methods. The programmer defines database access methods in repository interfaces rather than implementing them, avoiding inconsistency. A Spring Data JPA project contains pom.xml, Spring Boot starters,, and main class annotated with @SpringBootApplication to run the application.

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Declaring Server App Components in Pure Java

Today, server app developers declare their components using a mixture of technologies that includes atlassian-plugin.xml, Spring XML files, and Spring Scanner. This fragmented approach comes with its own learning curve and an array of pitfalls. In this talk, Andrew Swan from Atlassian's Server Java Platform team will describe how server app developers can declare their Spring components in pure Java code. This approach is cleaner, more powerful, more flexible, easier to reason about, and more industry-standard. Attendees will also learn about a new Atlassian library that facilitates this approach by providing easy importing and exporting of OSGi services. Attendees will come away being immediately able to start using Java-based configuration in their server apps. Links to documentation and working sample code will be provided.

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Spring boot vs spring framework razor sharp web applications
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Spring boot vs spring framework razor sharp web applications

A brief distinction between Spring Vs Spring Boot, mentioning their features and benefits over the other. Learn & empower your team to build smart web apps.

spring bootspring frameworkspring vs spring boot
Spring Boot
That’s it. Simply.
Thank you!
Image CC BY-SA 4.0 Ashashyou (

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Spring Boot

  • 2. Jaran Flaath • Senior consultant at Kodehuset • 12 years of professional software development experience • Frequent speaker • Previous leader of javaBin Sørlandet and VP of javaBin • When not coding: Building LEGO and driving R/C cars •
  • 6. What is Spring? Modular application framework assisting with almost any aspect of modern application development
  • 7. What is Spring? Modular application framework assisting with almost any aspect of modern application development
  • 9. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". What is Spring Boot?
  • 10. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". What is Spring Boot?
  • 12. • Create stand-alone Spring applications
  • 13. • Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
  • 14. • Provide opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your Maven or Gradle configuration
  • 15. • Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
  • 16. • Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalised configuration
  • 17. • No code generation or XML configuration
  • 18. Maven and Gradle support via starter-artifacts • Provides a range of spring-boot-starter-* artifacts that contains what you need to get up and running fast • Customise when you need!
  • 21. Versions • Current stable: 1.3.5
 • Very soon arriving: 1.4.0
 We will be using 1.3.5 for the demo today, but have a look at the new features in 1.4.0 towards the end.
  • 22. Our goal • Create a REST web service with Spring Boot, Groovy and Gradle
 • Use case: A simple R/C Car registry!
  • 23. What we will cover • Creating an application • Executable JAR • Custom banner (because they’re awesome) • Application configuration • Creating REST endpoints • Testing • Security • Actuators
  • 24. Step 1: 
 Create application and run it
  • 25. Step 1: Takeaways • @SpringBootApplication-annotation:
 A convenience annotation combining @EnableAutoConfiguration, @Configuration and @ComponentScan
 • We start our application with
  • 27. Step 2: Takeaways • Add spring-boot-gradle-plugin (or spring-boot-maven- plugin) • Application JAR can then be run as an executable If linked as a service from /etc/init.d you will be able to run the application as a daemon and use start, stop and status arguments
  • 29. Step 3: Takeaways • Well… It is very cool!
  • 30. Step 4: 
 Application configuration
  • 31. Step 4: Takeaways • Configuration provided with @Configuration annotated class(es) • Provide beans using @Bean annotated methods
 Configuration properties can be declared using .properties or .yaml files both in- and outside your application
  • 33. Step 5: Takeaways • Add endpoints with @RestController and @RequestMapping annotations • No further configuration needed

  • 35. Step 6: Takeaways • Easy testing of endpoints using RestTemplate • Point your integration test to your application using @SpringApplicationConfiguration(AppClass.class) • Configure random testing port using @WebIntegrationTest(randomPort = true) and obtain the port using @Value('${local.server.port}')

  • 37. Step 7: Takeaways • Simply adding spring-security to class path enables security • @EnableWebSecurity disables default configuration and allows us to customise security • Extend WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to customise security

  • 39. Step 8: Takeaways • Use TestRestTemplate for additional functionality in a test context
 NOTE: Disabling CSRF should only be done for quick testing and prototyping
  • 41. Step 9: Takeaways • Actuators are a set of endpoints exposing useful information and controls for your application
 Full list of Actuators: reference/htmlsingle/#production-ready-endpoints
  • 42. What’s new in 1.4.0?
  • 44. New test annotation • @SpringBootTest with parameters is used instead of @SpringApplicationConfiguration, @IntegrationTest and @WebIntegrationTest • @LocalServerPort for injecting the port of the web server used during test
  • 45. Upgraded dependencies • Based on Spring 4.3 ��� Default JPA persistence provider is Hibernate 5, up from 4.3
  • 47. New annotation for mocking existing beans • @MockBean for mocking existing beans in your application
 • @SpyBean for spying existing beans
  • 48. • See the rest here: Spring-Boot-1.4-Release-Notes
  • 51. Thank you! Image CC BY-SA 4.0 Ashashyou (