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                    How does it work?
                    Using boomerang

Boomerang: How fast do users think your site

      Philip Tellis /

   – 2011.03.09-11

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                           How does it work?
                           Using boomerang

$ finger philip

      Philip Tellis
      geek - paranoid - speedfreak

     – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
             How does it work?   The adversary
             Using boomerang     Measure twice
                          Data   boomerang – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
             How does it work?   The adversary
             Using boomerang     Measure twice
                          Data   boomerang – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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The document appears to be a presentation on measuring real user experiences using Real User Monitoring (RUM) and analyzing the data. It discusses using RUM tools like Boomerang to collect data on user behavior and performance in real-time. The presentation then examines specific metrics collected like user patience, cache behavior, and how quickly new software versions are distributed based on the RUM data.

RUM Distillation 101 -- Part I
RUM Distillation 101 -- Part IRUM Distillation 101 -- Part I
RUM Distillation 101 -- Part I

Part I of RUM Distillation 101. Part II is by Jonathan Klein available here:

Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames
Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFramesImproving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames
Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames

This document discusses using <IFRAME> tags to improve the performance of third party scripts. It describes how third party scripts normally block page loading and proposes using an iframe to load scripts asynchronously in parallel without blocking. It provides code for creating an iframe targeted to load scripts, handling cross-domain issues, and modifying the Method Queue Pattern to support iframes. The approach allows third party scripts to load without blocking the main page load.

Introduction   Time
             How does it work?   The adversary
             Using boomerang     Measure twice
                          Data   boomerang – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                       How does it work?   The adversary
                       Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                    Data   boomerang

Only 10–20% of page load time is spent on systems we control

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction        Time
                        How does it work?        The adversary
                        Using boomerang          Measure twice
                                     Data        boomerang

It’s what we can’t control that users notice


  – 2011.03.09-11        Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Extending Boomerang
Extending BoomerangExtending Boomerang
Extending Boomerang

The document discusses Boomerang, an open source tool for measuring real user performance on websites. It measures load times, bandwidth usage, latency and other metrics. Additional functionality can be added through plugins. The presentation encourages developers to use Boomerang to analyze user behavior, identify performance issues, and continuously improve sites based on real user data. It provides several examples of insights that can be gained, such as how performance varies by country, browser, and internet connection speed.

Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"
Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"
Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"

The document is a presentation about abusing JavaScript to measure web performance. It discusses using JavaScript to measure network latency, TCP handshake time, network throughput, DNS lookup time, IPv6 support and latency, and other performance metrics. It provides code examples for measuring each metric in JavaScript and notes challenges to consider. The presentation encourages the use of the open source Boomerang library for accurate performance measurement.

The Statistics of Web Performance Analysis
The Statistics of Web Performance AnalysisThe Statistics of Web Performance Analysis
The Statistics of Web Performance Analysis

If you're interested in measuring real user web performance, you'll find tools like boomerang or episodes quite handy. Some popular web frameworks even have modules that make it easy to add them to your site. However, what does one do once one has collected the data? How do you filter out the noise and get meaningful insights from the data? In this talk, I'll go over the techniques we've picked up by analyzing millions of datapoints daily. I'll cover some simple rules to filter out invalid data, and the statistics to analyze and make sense of what's left. Do you use the mean, median or mode? What about the geometric mean and standard deviation? How confident are we in the results? And finally, why should we care? This talk should help you gain useful insights from a histogram, or at the very least point you in the right direction for further analysis.

Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance
Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web PerformanceAbusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance
Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance

While building boomerang, we developed many interesting methods to measure network performance characteristics using JavaScript running in the browser. While the W3C's NavigationTiming API provides access to many performance metrics, there's far more you can get at with some creative tweaking and analysis of how the browser reacts to certain requests. In this talk, I'll go into the details of how boomerang works to measure network throughput, latency, TCP connect time, DNS time and IPv6 connectivity. I'll also touch upon some of the other performance related browser APIs we use to gather useful information. I will NOT be covering the W3C Navigation Timing API since that's been covered by Alois Reitbauer in a previous Boston Web Perf talk.

Rum for Breakfast
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Rum for Breakfast

The document discusses analyzing real user monitoring (RUM) data to gain insights into website performance and user behavior. It describes building plugins to collect navigation and timing data from browsers. Various statistical techniques for analyzing the data are covered, including log-normal distributions, filtering outliers, sampling, and correlating metrics like page load time and bounce rates. The analysis of an example 8 million page dataset suggests very fast or slow page loads are associated with higher bounce rates, and thresholds for user-unfriendly performance are proposed based on bounce rates exceeding 50%.

Analysing network characteristics with JavaScript
Analysing network characteristics with JavaScriptAnalysing network characteristics with JavaScript
Analysing network characteristics with JavaScript

This document contains slides from a presentation about using JavaScript to analyze network performance. It discusses how to measure latency, TCP handshake time, network throughput, DNS lookup time, IPv6 support and latency, and private network scanning using JavaScript. Code examples are provided for measuring each of these network metrics by making image requests and timing the responses. The presentation emphasizes that accurately measuring network throughput requires requesting resources of different sizes and accounting for TCP slow start. It also notes some challenges around caching and geo-located DNS results.

Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control

                     baby monitors

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control

               naughty neighbours

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control

                            file shares

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Messing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristics
Messing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristicsMessing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristics
Messing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network characteristics

This document discusses using JavaScript to analyze network performance. It covers measuring latency, TCP handshake time, DNS lookup time, network throughput, and IPv6 support. The document provides code examples for measuring each of these metrics using JavaScript and analyzing image load times. It notes that network conditions vary and accurate measurements require statistical analysis over many samples.

Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control


  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

We can’t control

       Try simulating all that in the lab!

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                How does it work?   The adversary
                Using boomerang     Measure twice
                             Data   boomerang

We need to measure real end-user performance – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Measuring the web with Boomerang (YUIConf 2010)
Measuring the web with Boomerang (YUIConf 2010)Measuring the web with Boomerang (YUIConf 2010)
Measuring the web with Boomerang (YUIConf 2010)

This document summarizes a presentation about using Boomerang, a JavaScript tool, to measure web page performance from the end user's perspective. Boomerang measures latency, bandwidth, and page load time by making requests to the site from code included on pages and sending the results to a beacon URL. It aims to provide accurate, real-world performance metrics that account for the many variables experienced by users, unlike lab testing. The document discusses how Boomerang technically measures these metrics and explains guidelines for including Boomerang code on pages to collect performance data.

Boomerang at the Boston Web Performance meetup
Boomerang at the Boston Web Performance meetupBoomerang at the Boston Web Performance meetup
Boomerang at the Boston Web Performance meetup

The document discusses boomerang, a JavaScript tool for measuring web page performance from the end user's perspective. It works by measuring latency, bandwidth, and page load times and sending that data back to the developer. The collected data can be analyzed to identify outliers, trends over time, and opportunities for performance improvements based on factors like user location and ISP.

Boomerang @ NY Web Perf meetup
Boomerang @ NY Web Perf meetupBoomerang @ NY Web Perf meetup
Boomerang @ NY Web Perf meetup

This document discusses using Boomerang, a JavaScript tool, to measure web performance from the user's perspective. Boomerang measures latency, bandwidth, and page load times by making requests to the server from the user's browser. It collects and analyzes the data to identify outliers, group results based on connection speed, and correlate performance with code changes. The tool provides insight into where to optimize and where to locate content delivery networks for better performance.

boomerangnew yorkmeetup
Introduction   Time
                      How does it work?   The adversary
                      Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                   Data   boomerang

We need to measure real end-user performance from the real
                 end-user’s perspective

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
             How does it work?   The adversary
             Using boomerang     Measure twice
                          Data   boomerang – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                    How does it work?   The adversary
                    Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                 Data   boomerang

While this might work, it isn’t necessarily representative

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
             How does it work?   The adversary
             Using boomerang     Measure twice
                          Data   boomerang

             What about JavaScript? – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Measuring the web with boomerang
Measuring the web with boomerangMeasuring the web with boomerang
Measuring the web with boomerang

The document discusses measuring web performance from the end user's perspective using JavaScript. It notes that most web slowness comes from the front-end, which developers can't control due to browser, plugin, OS and other variations. To get accurate measurements, performance must be measured directly from the user's device using JavaScript, which is ubiquitous. The talk will discuss Boomerang, a JavaScript tool that measures page load performance and sends anonymized data back to developers for analysis.

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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

patentspatent applicationpatent prosecution
Introduction   Time
             How does it work?   The adversary
             Using boomerang     Measure twice
                          Data   boomerang – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

boomerang is...
A piece of javascript that you add to your web page where it
measures and beacons back to you, the end user’s perceived
performance of your page

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                      How does it work?   The adversary
                      Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                   Data   boomerang


 <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript">
 <script type="text/javascript">
     user_ip: "<network ident>",
     beacon_url: ""

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Time
                        How does it work?   The adversary
                        Using boomerang     Measure twice
                                     Data   boomerang

What does it do?

     Measures user’s network throughput and latency to your
     Measures the current page’s load time
     Beacons these results back to your server

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Introduction   Latency
             How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
             Using boomerang     Load time
                          Data   Accuracy

         How does boomerang work? – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Latency
             How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
             Using boomerang     Load time
                          Data   Accuracy

          Let’s take that one at a time – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Latency
                        How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
                        Using boomerang     Load time
                                     Data   Accuracy

Measuring latency

     Download a 32 byte gif 10 times in sequence
     Measure the time to download each
     Discard the first measurement because it’s overpriced9
     Calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and
     margin of error of the rest

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Latency
                         How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
                         Using boomerang     Load time
                                      Data   Accuracy

Measuring throughput

     After the latency test is done, we download progressively
     larger images
     Stop at the first image that times out
     Redownload that image a few more times
     Calculate the median, standard deviation and margin of
     error of the largest image

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Introduction   Latency
                        How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
                        Using boomerang     Load time
                                     Data   Accuracy

Measuring latency before throughput helps here

     Those 10 latency images do a lot to widen the TCP
     window size
     The bandwidth images make much better use of available
     The image we end with makes the best use of bandwidth

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Latency
                        How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
                        Using boomerang     Load time
                                     Data   Accuracy

How do we measure page load time?

     In the onbeforeunload event, measure the time and
     store it in a cookie
     In the onload event, check the cookie, and measure the
     difference with the current time
     We also make sure that the page that set the cookie is the
     referrer of the current page

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Latency
                        How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
                        Using boomerang     Load time
                                     Data   Accuracy

What? Two pages?

     Yes, this needs two pages and cookies. If those aren’t
        supported, we try to use the WebTiming API10 .

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Latency
                         How does it work?   Bandwidth/Throughput
                         Using boomerang     Load time
                                      Data   Accuracy

How accurate is it?

     Latency measurements are very accurate (±1%)
     Bandwidth is to an order of magnitude. For bad
     connections can be ±30%
     Page load time sometimes has outliers, you need
     The margin of error tells you how good your data is

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Introduction   Basic
                        How does it work?   In-page timers
                        Using boomerang     AJAX

Include it on your page

  <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript">
  <script type="text/javascript">
      user_ip: "<network ident>",
      beacon_url: ""

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Basic
             How does it work?   In-page timers
             Using boomerang     AJAX

         For most sites, that’s about it – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Basic
             How does it work?   In-page timers
             Using boomerang     AJAX

        You probably want to do more – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Basic
                              How does it work?   In-page timers
                              Using boomerang     AJAX

Measure more than just load time

  var t_pagestart=new Date().getTime();
  var th=new Date().getTime();
  var tj=new Date().getTime();
  ... – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Introduction   Basic
                     How does it work?   In-page timers
                     Using boomerang     AJAX

<script src="boomerang.js"></script>
var te=new Date().getTime();
BOOMR.plugins.RT.setTimer("t_head", th-t_pagestart).
                 setTimer("t_body", te-th).
                 setTimer("t_js", te-tj);

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Basic
                       How does it work?   In-page timers
                       Using boomerang     AJAX

This adds the t_head, t_body and t_js fields to the beacon

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Basic
                       How does it work?   In-page timers
                       Using boomerang     AJAX

Loading dynamic content

      user_ip: "<network ident>",
      beacon_url: "",
      auto_run: false

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Basic
                       How does it work?   In-page timers
                       Using boomerang     AJAX

Loading dynamic content

  // Just before download starts

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
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Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...

Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

Introduction   Basic
                       How does it work?   In-page timers
                       Using boomerang     AJAX

Loading dynamic content

  // Just after download finishes

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
Introduction   Basic
                      How does it work?   In-page timers
                      Using boomerang     AJAX

Much more

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                       How does it work?
                       Using boomerang

The beacon

    GET request to the beacon URL (response ignored)
    All parameters passed in the query string
    Extra timers are passed in as a comma separated list in
    before_beacon JavaScript event fired just before the
    beacon is sent

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                         How does it work?
                         Using boomerang

What should we do with the data?

     Sanity checking to:
         Remove fake data
         Remove abusive data
         Maybe just rate limiting

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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                         How does it work?
                         Using boomerang

What can we do with the data?

     Statistical analysis to:
          Remove outliers
          Aggregate based on bandwidth blocks
          Measure trends over time and correlate them with code

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                       How does it work?
                       Using boomerang

Bandwidth blocks

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                       How does it work?
                       Using boomerang

Bandwidth blocks

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                       How does it work?
                       Using boomerang

Bandwidth blocks

 – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces

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                         How does it work?
                         Using boomerang

Bandwidth blocks

   Data points from some countries may require narrower bands

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                          How does it work?
                          Using boomerang

Geographic data

   Looking at latency from different geographic locations can tell
               you where your next mirror should be

    – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                           How does it work?
                           Using boomerang


       Grouping data by ISP can tell you who’s behaving badly

     – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                         How does it work?
                         Using boomerang

More data

     Write plugins to get more performance data
     We already have a DNS plugin
     I’ve just completed a plugin to measure IPv6 support and
     What about a full WebTiming plugin?
     I’m also looking at measuring connection setup time

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

Recommended for you

                          How does it work?
                          Using boomerang

You decide

      Once you have the data, you can do anything with it

    – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
              How does it work?
              Using boomerang

Boomerang: It (almost) always comes back

      – 2011.03.09-11      Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                        How does it work?
                        Using boomerang

Photo credits

  – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                          How does it work?
                          Using boomerang

Contact me

     Philip Tellis
     geek - paranoid - speedfreak

    – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

Recommended for you

                         How does it work?
                         Using boomerang

     More bandwidth doesn’t matter (much) – Mike Belshe
     Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog
     It’s the latency, stupid – Stuart Cheshire
     The statistics of web performance

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                         How does it work?
                         Using boomerang

Overpriced images

     The first image might require a DNS lookup and TCP
     Slow start is not an issue since 32 bytes fit in 1 packet

   – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
                          How does it work?
                          Using boomerang

WebTiming API

  JavaScript interface to network timing information including
  DNS, TCP connect, download, etc. Supported by:
      Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
      Google Chrome (WebKit)
      W3C specification

    – 2011.03.09-11   Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

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Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?

  • 1. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is? Philip Tellis / – 2011.03.09-11 – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 2. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data $ finger philip Philip Tellis @bluesmoon geek - paranoid - speedfreak yahoo – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 3. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 4. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 5. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 6. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang Only 10–20% of page load time is spent on systems we control – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 7. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang It’s what we can’t control that users notice – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 8. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control browsers – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 9. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control plugins – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 10. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control OSes – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 11. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control viruses – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 12. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control antiviruses – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 13. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control microwaves – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 14. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control baby monitors – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 15. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control naughty neighbours – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 16. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control file shares – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 17. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control governments – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 18. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control rodents – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 19. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We can’t control Try simulating all that in the lab! – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 20. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We need to measure real end-user performance – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 21. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang We need to measure real end-user performance from the real end-user’s perspective – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 22. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 23. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang While this might work, it isn’t necessarily representative – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 24. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang What about JavaScript? – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 25. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 26. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang boomerang is... A piece of javascript that you add to your web page where it measures and beacons back to you, the end user’s perceived performance of your page – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 27. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang How? <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<network ident>", beacon_url: "" }); </script> – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 28. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Using boomerang Measure twice Data boomerang What does it do? Measures user’s network throughput and latency to your server Measures the current page’s load time Beacons these results back to your server – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 29. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy How does boomerang work? – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 30. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy Let’s take that one at a time – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 31. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy Measuring latency Download a 32 byte gif 10 times in sequence Measure the time to download each Discard the first measurement because it’s overpriced9 Calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and margin of error of the rest – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 32. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy Measuring throughput After the latency test is done, we download progressively larger images Stop at the first image that times out Redownload that image a few more times Calculate the median, standard deviation and margin of error of the largest image – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 33. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy Measuring latency before throughput helps here Those 10 latency images do a lot to widen the TCP window size The bandwidth images make much better use of available bandwidth The image we end with makes the best use of bandwidth – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 34. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy How do we measure page load time? In the onbeforeunload event, measure the time and store it in a cookie In the onload event, check the cookie, and measure the difference with the current time We also make sure that the page that set the cookie is the referrer of the current page – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 35. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy What? Two pages? Yes, this needs two pages and cookies. If those aren’t supported, we try to use the WebTiming API10 . – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 36. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Using boomerang Load time Data Accuracy How accurate is it? Latency measurements are very accurate (±1%) Bandwidth is to an order of magnitude. For bad connections can be ±30% Page load time sometimes has outliers, you need post-filtering The margin of error tells you how good your data is – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 37. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Include it on your page <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<network ident>", beacon_url: "" }); </script> – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 38. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data For most sites, that’s about it – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 39. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data You probably want to do more – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 40. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Measure more than just load time <html><head> <script> var t_pagestart=new Date().getTime(); </script> ... <script> var th=new Date().getTime(); </script> </head> <body> ... <script> var tj=new Date().getTime(); </script> ... – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 41. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data ... <script src="boomerang.js"></script> ... var te=new Date().getTime(); BOOMR.plugins.RT.setTimer("t_head", th-t_pagestart). setTimer("t_body", te-th). setTimer("t_js", te-tj); </script></body></html> – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 42. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data This adds the t_head, t_body and t_js fields to the beacon – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 43. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Loading dynamic content BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<network ident>", beacon_url: "", auto_run: false }); – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 44. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Loading dynamic content // Just before download starts BOOMR.plugins.RT.startTimer("t_done"); – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 45. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Loading dynamic content // Just after download finishes BOOMR.plugins.RT.done(); – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 46. Introduction Basic How does it work? In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Much more – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 47. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data The beacon GET request to the beacon URL (response ignored) All parameters passed in the query string Extra timers are passed in as a comma separated list in t_other before_beacon JavaScript event fired just before the beacon is sent – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 48. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data What should we do with the data? Sanity checking to: Remove fake data Remove abusive data Maybe just rate limiting – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 49. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data What can we do with the data? Statistical analysis to: Remove outliers Aggregate based on bandwidth blocks Measure trends over time and correlate them with code changes – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 50. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Bandwidth blocks – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 51. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Bandwidth blocks – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 52. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Bandwidth blocks – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 53. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Bandwidth blocks Data points from some countries may require narrower bands – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 54. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Geographic data Looking at latency from different geographic locations can tell you where your next mirror should be – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 55. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data ISPs Grouping data by ISP can tell you who’s behaving badly – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 56. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data More data Write plugins to get more performance data We already have a DNS plugin I’ve just completed a plugin to measure IPv6 support and latency What about a full WebTiming plugin? I’m also looking at measuring connection setup time – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 57. Introduction shoulda How does it work? coulda Using boomerang woulda Data You decide Once you have the data, you can do anything with it – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 58. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data Boomerang: It (almost) always comes back – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 59. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data Photo credits – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 60. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data Contact me Philip Tellis @bluesmoon geek - paranoid - speedfreak yahoo – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 61. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data References More bandwidth doesn’t matter (much) – Mike Belshe Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog It’s the latency, stupid – Stuart Cheshire The statistics of web performance – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 62. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data Overpriced images The first image might require a DNS lookup and TCP handshake Slow start is not an issue since 32 bytes fit in 1 packet – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?
  • 63. Introduction How does it work? Using boomerang Data WebTiming API JavaScript interface to network timing information including DNS, TCP connect, download, etc. Supported by: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Google Chrome (WebKit) W3C specification – 2011.03.09-11 Boomerang: How fast do users think your site is?