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Measuring the web with boomerang

  Philip Tellis /

     SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11

SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?
                                 data data data

$ finger philip

      Philip Tellis

             SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                boomerang     Measurements
                             data data data   Measuring with javascript

Where does all the time go?

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                boomerang     Measurements
                             data data data   Measuring with javascript

Who controls it?

        Some of this we control and some of it we don’t

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                  boomerang     Measurements
                               data data data   Measuring with javascript

Back end

  Measuring and improving back end performance can be done
                     during development

           SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                 boomerang     Measurements
                              data data data   Measuring with javascript


   Turns out that less than 20% of the time is spent on the back

          SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Front end

              It’s what we can’t control that bites us

        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations

                       baby monitors

        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations

                naughty neighbours

        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations

                             file shares

        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations


        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Too many variations

       Try simulating all that in the lab!

        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                        boomerang     Measurements
                     data data data   Measuring with javascript

We need to measure real end-user performance

 SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                          boomerang     Measurements
                       data data data   Measuring with javascript

We need to measure it from the real end-user’s box

   SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                               boomerang     Measurements
                            data data data   Measuring with javascript

Ask the user?

        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                   boomerang     Measurements
                                data data data   Measuring with javascript


       While this might work, it isn’t necessarily representative

            SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                 boomerang     Measurements
                              data data data   Measuring with javascript

A/B testing

   You also want to be able to dynamically tune which users get
                            which tests

          SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                boomerang     Measurements
                             data data data   Measuring with javascript

Phone home

  It’s most useful if you can send these measurements back to
                       your server for analysis

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                 boomerang     Measurements
                              data data data   Measuring with javascript

Mostly ubiquitous

   We know that javascript is available on almost every browser

          SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                boomerang     Measurements
                             data data data   Measuring with javascript

Rich pages

    We really want to measure the performance of rich pages
               which depend on javascript already

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     The slow web
                                 boomerang     Measurements
                              data data data   Measuring with javascript


   But javascript can’t measure everything... we get as close as
                              we can

          SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

A piece of javascript that you add to your web page where it
measures and beacons back to you the end user’s perceived
performance of your page

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                              boomerang     How does it work?
                           data data data   Accuracy


 <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"></
 <script type="text/javascript">
 user_ip: "<user’s ip address>",
 beacon_url: ""

       SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

What does it do?

     About once a week, measures user’s bandwidth and
     latency to your server
     On (almost) every request, measures the time it took to
     load the current page
     Beacons these results back to your server
     Other stuff based on plugins

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

How does it do it?

                       Let’s take that one at a time

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

How do we measure latency?

     Download a 32 byte gif 10 times in sequence
     Measure the time to download each
     Discard the first measurement because it’s overpriced
     Calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and
     margin of error of the remaining

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

How do we measure bandwidth?

     After the latency test is done, we download progressively
     larger images
     Stop at the first image that times out
     Redownload that image a few more times
     Calculate the median, standard deviation and margin of
     error of the largest images

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

How do we measure page load time?

     In the onbeforeunload event, measure the time and
     store it in a cookie
     In the onload event, check the cookie, and measure the
     difference with the current time
     We also make sure that the page that set the cookie is the
     referrer of the current page

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

What? Two pages?

     Yes, this needs two pages and cookies. If those aren’t
         supported, we try to use the WebTiming API.

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     What?
                                boomerang     How does it work?
                             data data data   Accuracy

How accurate is it?

     Latency measurements are very accurate (±1%)
     Bandwidth is to an order of magnitude. For bad
     connections can be ±30%
     Page load time sometimes has outliers, you need
     The margin of error tells you how good your data is

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                boomerang     Grouping
                             data data data   More...

What do we do with the data?

     Sanity checking to:
         Remove fake data
         Remove abusive data
         Maybe just rate limiting

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                 boomerang     Grouping
                              data data data   More...

What do we do with the data?

     Statistical analysis to:
          Remove outliers
          Aggregate based on bandwidth blocks
          Measure trends over time and correlate them with code

          SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                boomerang     Grouping
                             data data data   More...

Bandwidth slabs

     0-100 kbps
     100-300 kbps
     300-2000 kbps
     2-6 Mbps
     6+ Mbps

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                               boomerang     Grouping
                            data data data   More...

Bandwidth slabs

       Group page load times based on bandwidth slab

        SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                boomerang     Grouping
                             data data data   More...

Bandwidth slabs

   Data points from some countries may require smaller slabs

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                  boomerang     Grouping
                               data data data   More...

Geographic data

   Looking at latency from different geographic locations can tell
                  you where to put your next CDN

           SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                   boomerang     Grouping
                                data data data   More...


       Grouping data by ISP can tell you who’s behaving badly

            SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                boomerang     Grouping
                             data data data   More...

More data

     Write plugins to get more performance data
     We already have a DNS plugin
     I’m thinking of an IPv6 v/s IPv4 plugin
     What about a full WebTiming plugin?

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                boomerang     Grouping
                             data data data   More...

You decide

      Once you have the data, you can do anything with it

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                       boomerang     Grouping
                    data data data   More...

                            Thank you

SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                boomerang     Grouping
                             data data data   More...

Photo credits

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                 boomerang     Grouping
                              data data data   More...

Contact me

     Philip Tellis

          SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang
Why measure?     Filtering
                                boomerang     Grouping
                             data data data   More...

     More bandwidth doesn’t matter (much) – Mike Belshe
     Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog
     It’s the latency, stupid – Stuart Cheshire
     The statistics of web performance

         SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11   Measuring the web with boomerang

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Measuring the web with boomerang

  • 1. Why measure? boomerang data data data Measuring the web with boomerang Philip Tellis / SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 2. Why measure? boomerang data data data $ finger philip Philip Tellis @bluesmoon yahoo geek SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 3. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Where does all the time go? SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 4. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Who controls it? Some of this we control and some of it we don’t SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 5. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Back end Measuring and improving back end performance can be done during development SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 6. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript 80-20 Turns out that less than 20% of the time is spent on the back end SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 7. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Front end It’s what we can’t control that bites us SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 8. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations browsers SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 9. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations plugins SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 10. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations OSes SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 11. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations viruses SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 12. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations antiviruses SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 13. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations microwaves SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 14. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations baby monitors SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 15. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations naughty neighbours SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 16. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations file shares SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 17. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations governments SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 18. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations rodents SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 19. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Too many variations Try simulating all that in the lab! SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 20. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript We need to measure real end-user performance SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 21. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript We need to measure it from the real end-user’s box SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 22. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Ask the user? SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 23. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Bias While this might work, it isn’t necessarily representative SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 24. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript A/B testing You also want to be able to dynamically tune which users get which tests SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 25. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Phone home It’s most useful if you can send these measurements back to your server for analysis SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 26. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Mostly ubiquitous We know that javascript is available on almost every browser SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 27. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Rich pages We really want to measure the performance of rich pages which depend on javascript already SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 28. Why measure? The slow web boomerang Measurements data data data Measuring with javascript Limited But javascript can’t measure everything... we get as close as we can SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 29. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy A piece of javascript that you add to your web page where it measures and beacons back to you the end user’s perceived performance of your page SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 30. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy How? <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"></ <script type="text/javascript"> BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<user’s ip address>", beacon_url: "" }); </script> SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 31. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy What does it do? About once a week, measures user’s bandwidth and latency to your server On (almost) every request, measures the time it took to load the current page Beacons these results back to your server Other stuff based on plugins SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 32. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy How does it do it? Let’s take that one at a time SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 33. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy How do we measure latency? Download a 32 byte gif 10 times in sequence Measure the time to download each Discard the first measurement because it’s overpriced Calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and margin of error of the remaining SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 34. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy How do we measure bandwidth? After the latency test is done, we download progressively larger images Stop at the first image that times out Redownload that image a few more times Calculate the median, standard deviation and margin of error of the largest images SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 35. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy How do we measure page load time? In the onbeforeunload event, measure the time and store it in a cookie In the onload event, check the cookie, and measure the difference with the current time We also make sure that the page that set the cookie is the referrer of the current page SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 36. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy What? Two pages? Yes, this needs two pages and cookies. If those aren’t supported, we try to use the WebTiming API. SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 37. Why measure? What? boomerang How does it work? data data data Accuracy How accurate is it? Latency measurements are very accurate (±1%) Bandwidth is to an order of magnitude. For bad connections can be ±30% Page load time sometimes has outliers, you need post-filtering The margin of error tells you how good your data is SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 38. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... What do we do with the data? Sanity checking to: Remove fake data Remove abusive data Maybe just rate limiting SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 39. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... What do we do with the data? Statistical analysis to: Remove outliers Aggregate based on bandwidth blocks Measure trends over time and correlate them with code changes SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 40. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... Bandwidth slabs 0-100 kbps 100-300 kbps 300-2000 kbps 2-6 Mbps 6+ Mbps SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 41. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... Bandwidth slabs Group page load times based on bandwidth slab SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 42. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... Bandwidth slabs Data points from some countries may require smaller slabs SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 43. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... Geographic data Looking at latency from different geographic locations can tell you where to put your next CDN SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 44. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... ISPs Grouping data by ISP can tell you who’s behaving badly SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 45. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... More data Write plugins to get more performance data We already have a DNS plugin I’m thinking of an IPv6 v/s IPv4 plugin What about a full WebTiming plugin? SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 46. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... You decide Once you have the data, you can do anything with it SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 47. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... Thank you SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 48. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... Photo credits SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 49. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... Contact me Philip Tellis yahoo geek @bluesmoon SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 50. Why measure? Filtering boomerang Grouping data data data More... References More bandwidth doesn’t matter (much) – Mike Belshe Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog It’s the latency, stupid – Stuart Cheshire The statistics of web performance SF Performance Meetup / 2010-08-11 Measuring the web with boomerang