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• Philip Tellis
• @bluesmoon
• boomerang

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

mmm... beacons!
Philip Tellis /

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Optimize for more engaged consumers

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


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Unbreakable VPN using Vyatta/VyOS - HOW TO -
Unbreakable VPN using Vyatta/VyOS - HOW TO -Unbreakable VPN using Vyatta/VyOS - HOW TO -
Unbreakable VPN using Vyatta/VyOS - HOW TO -

Unbreakable VPN using Vyatta/VyOS - HOW TO - 13 May, 2014 SAKURA Internet Research Center Senior Researcher / Naoto MATSUMOTO

#vyatta #vyos
デバイスとネットワーク仮想化を使ったワイヤレスネットワーク拡張の実証実験 -メモ-
デバイスとネットワーク仮想化を使ったワイヤレスネットワーク拡張の実証実験 -メモ-デバイスとネットワーク仮想化を使ったワイヤレスネットワーク拡張の実証実験 -メモ-
デバイスとネットワーク仮想化を使ったワイヤレスネットワーク拡張の実証実験 -メモ-

デバイスとネットワーク仮想化を使ったワイヤレスネットワーク拡張の実証実験 -メモ- 2016年01月07日 さくらインターネット株式会社 / さくらインターネット研究所 上級研究員 松本直人


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Measure Real User Experiences

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Jean-Antoine Nollet – 1746

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

There’s more than one way to do it

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Today Measuring the experience of Real Users is not
quite as shocking.

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


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Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

& bacon

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


Distill & Analyze

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


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Improving D3 Performance with CANVAS and other Hacks
Improving D3 Performance with CANVAS and other HacksImproving D3 Performance with CANVAS and other Hacks
Improving D3 Performance with CANVAS and other Hacks

This document discusses techniques for improving the performance of D3 visualizations. It begins with an overview of D3 and some basic tutorials. It then describes issues with performance for force-directed layouts and edge-bundled layouts as the number of nodes and links increases. Solutions proposed include using canvas instead of SVG for rendering, reducing unnecessary calculations, and caching repeated drawing states. The document concludes that the number of DOM nodes has major performance implications and techniques like canvas can help when exact mouse interactions are not required.

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

There’s no such thing as fast enough. You can always make your website faster. This talk will show you how. The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get tired and leave.In this talk we’ll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We’ll go over several frontend performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they’ve changed over the years. We’ll also look at some great tools to help you.

Frontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou Furieux
Frontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou FurieuxFrontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou Furieux
Frontend Performance: De débutant à Expert à Fou Furieux

Frontend Performance Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get tired and leave. In this talk we'll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We'll go over several frontend performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they've changed over the years. We'll also look at some great tools to help you. La performance front-end de débutant, à expert, à fou furieux ! La toute première condition nécessaire à une bonne expérience utilisateur est de pouvoir obtenir les octets de cette expérience avant que l'utilisateur ne se lasse et parte. Nous débuterons cette conférence avec les bases pour progressivement devenir démentiel. Nous aborderons plusieurs des meilleurs pratiques de la performance front-end, quelques anti-patterns à éviter, le raisonnement derrière les règles, et comment ces dernières ont changé au fil des ans. Nous regarderons d'un peu plus près quelques très bon outils qui peuvent vous aider.

In Realtime

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Some types of users never bought anything

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


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Frontend Performance: Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Expert to Crazy Person

The document outlines steps for front-end performance optimization, beginning with basic techniques like caching, compression and domain sharing and progressing to more advanced strategies involving preloading, parallel downloads, and predicting response times. It was presented by Philip Tellis at WebPerfDays New York and includes references for further reading on topics like CDNs, TCP tuning, and the page visibility API.

Beyond Page Level Metrics
Beyond Page Level MetricsBeyond Page Level Metrics
Beyond Page Level Metrics

RUM isn’t just for page level metrics anymore. Thanks to modern browser updates and new techniques we can collect real user data at the object level, finding slow page components and keeping third parties honest. In this talk we will show you how to use Resource Timing, User Timing, and other browser tricks to time the most important components in your page. We’ll also share recipes for several of the web’s most popular third parties. This will give you a head start on measuring object level performance on your own site.

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person (San Diego Web Perf ...

The document outlines steps web performance experts take to optimize frontend performance, moving from beginner to advanced techniques. It starts with basic optimizations like enabling gzip, caching, and image optimization. It then discusses more advanced strategies like using a CDN, splitting JavaScript, auditing CSS, and parallelizing downloads. Finally it discusses very advanced techniques like pre-loading assets, detecting broken Accept-Encoding headers, and understanding how to optimize for HTTP/2. The document provides references for further information on each topic.

Americans v/s les Franglais

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Chrome users are more patient than IE users

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

users are slightly more patient on weekends

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Cache Behaviour

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


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Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

The document discusses front-end web performance optimization from beginner to expert levels. At the beginner level, it recommends starting with basic optimizations like measuring performance, enabling gzip compression, optimizing images, and caching. At the expert level, it discusses more advanced techniques like using a CDN, splitting JavaScript files, auditing CSS, and flushing content early. Finally, it outlines "crazy" optimizations like pre-loading assets, post-load fetching, and understanding round-trip network latency.

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

Boston Web Performance Meetup, April 22, 2014 The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get fed up and leave. In this talk we'll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We'll go over several front-end performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they've changed over the years. We'll also look at some great tools to help you. Schedule: 6:30, pizza 7:15: talk

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy PersonFrontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person
Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Crazy Person

The very first requirement of a great user experience is actually getting the bytes of that experience to the user before they they get fed up and leave. In this talk we'll start with the basics and get progressively insane. We'll go over several frontend performance best practices, a few anti-patterns, the reasoning behind the rules, and how they've changed over the years. We'll also look at some great tools to help you.

We have boomerang set to be cached for 7 days


stale-while-revalidate=60, stale-if-error=3600

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

how soon does a new version get to everyone?

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

hourly on weekends

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

hourly on weekdays

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


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RUM Distillation 101 -- Part I
RUM Distillation 101 -- Part IRUM Distillation 101 -- Part I
RUM Distillation 101 -- Part I

Part I of RUM Distillation 101. Part II is by Jonathan Klein available here:

Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames
Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFramesImproving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames
Improving 3rd Party Script Performance With IFrames

This document discusses using <IFRAME> tags to improve the performance of third party scripts. It describes how third party scripts normally block page loading and proposes using an iframe to load scripts asynchronously in parallel without blocking. It provides code for creating an iframe targeted to load scripts, handling cross-domain issues, and modifying the Method Queue Pattern to support iframes. The approach allows third party scripts to load without blocking the main page load.

Extending Boomerang
Extending BoomerangExtending Boomerang
Extending Boomerang

The document discusses Boomerang, an open source tool for measuring real user performance on websites. It measures load times, bandwidth usage, latency and other metrics. Additional functionality can be added through plugins. The presentation encourages developers to use Boomerang to analyze user behavior, identify performance issues, and continuously improve sites based on real user data. It provides several examples of insights that can be gained, such as how performance varies by country, browser, and internet connection speed.

What else would you like to see?

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Thank You!

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

• Philip Tellis
• @bluesmoon
• boomerang
• LogNormal Blog

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!

Image Credits

• Jean-Antoine Nollet
• Show Me The Money
• RUM Warehouse

Velocity NY 2013 / 2013-10-15

mmm... beacons!


Recommended for you

Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"
Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"
Abusing JavaScript to measure Web Performance, or, "how does boomerang work?"

The document is a presentation about abusing JavaScript to measure web performance. It discusses using JavaScript to measure network latency, TCP handshake time, network throughput, DNS lookup time, IPv6 support and latency, and other performance metrics. It provides code examples for measuring each metric in JavaScript and notes challenges to consider. The presentation encourages the use of the open source Boomerang library for accurate performance measurement.

The Statistics of Web Performance Analysis
The Statistics of Web Performance AnalysisThe Statistics of Web Performance Analysis
The Statistics of Web Performance Analysis

If you're interested in measuring real user web performance, you'll find tools like boomerang or episodes quite handy. Some popular web frameworks even have modules that make it easy to add them to your site. However, what does one do once one has collected the data? How do you filter out the noise and get meaningful insights from the data? In this talk, I'll go over the techniques we've picked up by analyzing millions of datapoints daily. I'll cover some simple rules to filter out invalid data, and the statistics to analyze and make sense of what's left. Do you use the mean, median or mode? What about the geometric mean and standard deviation? How confident are we in the results? And finally, why should we care? This talk should help you gain useful insights from a histogram, or at the very least point you in the right direction for further analysis.

Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance
Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web PerformanceAbusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance
Abusing JavaScript to Measure Web Performance

While building boomerang, we developed many interesting methods to measure network performance characteristics using JavaScript running in the browser. While the W3C's NavigationTiming API provides access to many performance metrics, there's far more you can get at with some creative tweaking and analysis of how the browser reacts to certain requests. In this talk, I'll go into the details of how boomerang works to measure network throughput, latency, TCP connect time, DNS time and IPv6 connectivity. I'll also touch upon some of the other performance related browser APIs we use to gather useful information. I will NOT be covering the W3C Navigation Timing API since that's been covered by Alois Reitbauer in a previous Boston Web Perf talk.


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