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Big Data Analytics from Azure
Data Platform to Power BI
Azure Batch, Azure Data Lake, Azure HDInsight, ML, Power BI
March 22, 2017
Roy Kim
 Overview of Big Data + Azure + Data Insights
 Job Postings demo solution architecture &
 Mobile Demo with Power BI
 Q&A
Author: Roy Kim
By: Roy Kim
 Roy Kim
 14+ Years of Microsoft Technology Solutions
 .NET, SharePoint, BI, Office 365, Azure Solutions
 IT Consultant
 University of Toronto – Computer Science Degree
Author: Roy Kim
By: Roy Kim
Data to Insight
Author: Roy Kim
Big Data
Data Platform
Solution Data Insights
By: Roy Kim

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AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...
AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...
AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...

Discover, manage, deploy, monitor – rinse and repeat.  In this session we show how Azure Machine Learning can be used to create the right AI model for your challenge and then easily customize it using your development tools while relying on Azure ML to optimize them to run in hardware accelerated environments for the cloud and the edge using FPGAs and Neural Network accelerators.  We then show you how to deploy the model to highly scalable web services and nimble edge applications that Azure can manage and monitor for you.  Finally, we illustrate how you can leverage the model telemetry to retrain and improve your content.

aimlmachine learning
Data Vault Vs Data Lake
Data Vault Vs Data LakeData Vault Vs Data Lake
Data Vault Vs Data Lake

The difference between a Data Lake and a Data Vault is the difference between a stethoscope and a radar.

data lakedata vaultdata warehouse
Enterprise Data Lake - Scalable Digital
Enterprise Data Lake - Scalable DigitalEnterprise Data Lake - Scalable Digital
Enterprise Data Lake - Scalable Digital

This white paper will present the opportunities laid down by data lake and advanced analytics, as well as, the challenges in integrating, mining and analyzing the data collected from these sources. It goes over the important characteristics of the data lake architecture and Data and Analytics as a Service (DAaaS) model. It also delves into the features of a successful data lake and its optimal designing. It goes over data, applications, and analytics that are strung together to speed-up the insight brewing process for industry’s improvements with the help of a powerful architecture for mining and analyzing unstructured data – data lake.

Job Postings Demo Solution
Author: Roy Kim References:
Job Postings Azure Data Platform
Data Lake, HDInsight,
SQL, Power BI
Job trends, analysis
By: Roy Kim
Big Data Spectrum
By: Roy Kim
Azure Cloud Platform
By: Roy Kim
Azure Data Platform
Two Illustrations:
By: Roy Kim

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Microsoft Data Platform - What's included
Microsoft Data Platform - What's includedMicrosoft Data Platform - What's included
Microsoft Data Platform - What's included

This document provides an overview of a speaker and their upcoming presentation on Microsoft's data platform. The speaker is a 30-year IT veteran who has worked in various roles including BI architect, developer, and consultant. Their presentation will cover collecting and managing data, transforming and analyzing data, and visualizing and making decisions from data. It will also discuss Microsoft's various product offerings for data warehousing and big data solutions.

Is the traditional data warehouse dead?
Is the traditional data warehouse dead?Is the traditional data warehouse dead?
Is the traditional data warehouse dead?

With new technologies such as Hive LLAP or Spark SQL, do I still need a data warehouse or can I just put everything in a data lake and report off of that? No! In the presentation I’ll discuss why you still need a relational data warehouse and how to use a data lake and a RDBMS data warehouse to get the best of both worlds. I will go into detail on the characteristics of a data lake and its benefits and why you still need data governance tasks in a data lake. I’ll also discuss using Hadoop as the data lake, data virtualization, and the need for OLAP in a big data solution. And I’ll put it all together by showing common big data architectures.

data warehousedata warehouse architecturedata lake
Finding business value in Big Data
Finding business value in Big DataFinding business value in Big Data
Finding business value in Big Data

I often hear from clients: “We don’t know much about Big Data – can you tell us what it is and how it can help our business?”  Yes!  The first step is this vendor-free presentation, where I start with a business level discussion, not a technical one.  Big Data is an opportunity to re-imagine our world, to track new signals that were once impossible, to change the way we experience our communities, our places of work and our personal lives.  I will help you to identify the business value opportunity from Big Data and how to operationalize it.  Yes, we will cover the buzz words: modern data warehouse, Hadoop, cloud, MPP, Internet of Things, and Data Lake, but I will show use cases to better understand them.  In the end, I will give you the ammo to go to your manager and say “We need Big Data an here is why!”  Because if you are not utilizing Big Data to help you make better business decisions, you can bet your competitors are.

big data
Analytics Platform Gartner Magic Quadrant
Data Analytics
By: Roy Kim
Job Postings Data Set
• Many national
job sites
• New job
postings daily
• Metadata and
full text.
• New job
created every
• Semi-
• Job Title
• Location
• Company
• Unstructured
• Job
• Incomplete/Im
• Salary, Per
• FT, PT, Temp,
• Main
By: Roy Kim
Power BI – Job Postings Demo Reports
By: Roy Kim

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Azure data stack_2019_08
Azure data stack_2019_08Azure data stack_2019_08
Azure data stack_2019_08

With this support you would be able to have the basic of Azure Data slack and it will help you to pass the DP-200 and DP-201. If you need some basics on Azure, you can download this support : This support is a summary from the paths: Azure for the Data Engineer Store data in Azure Work with relational data in Azure Large Scale Data Processing with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Implement a Data Streaming Solution with Azure Streaming Analytics Implement a Data Warehouse with Azure SQL Data Warehouse in Microsoft Learn.

azurebig datadata
Microsoft cloud big data strategy
Microsoft cloud big data strategyMicrosoft cloud big data strategy
Microsoft cloud big data strategy

Think of big data as all data, no matter what the volume, velocity, or variety. The simple truth is a traditional on-prem data warehouse will not handle big data. So what is Microsoft’s strategy for building a big data solution? And why is it best to have this solution in the cloud? That is what this presentation will cover. Be prepared to discover all the various Microsoft technologies and products from collecting data, transforming it, storing it, to visualizing it. My goal is to help you not only understand each product but understand how they all fit together, so you can be the hero who builds your companies big data solution.

big datamicrosoft
Taming the shrew Power BI
Taming the shrew Power BITaming the shrew Power BI
Taming the shrew Power BI

This document discusses techniques for optimizing Power BI performance. It recommends tracing queries using DAX Studio to identify slow queries and refresh times. Tracing tools like SQL Profiler and log files can provide insights into issues occurring in the data sources, Power BI layer, and across the network. Focusing on optimization by addressing wait times through a scientific process can help resolve long-term performance problems.

power bioptimizationmicrosoft
Power BI – Job Postings Demo Reports
By: Roy Kim
Job Postings Big Data Solution Architecture
Azure Data Lake
Internet Data
Storage Account
Blob Store
Azure Batch
.NET Console
Blob Store
Azure HDInsight
Active Directory
Azure SQL
SQL Data
Storage blob
Storage (Azure)
Visual Studio
Data Lake
Azure SQL / Data
ML Studio
By: Roy Kim
Report Builders
Data Analysts
Azure Data
Data Factory
n Insights
Analysis Services
Storage Account
Blob Store
Azure Data Lake
Job Postings from Internet Job Boards
 Web sites that offer APIs
 Use any server-side programming language to retrieve data such as NET, Java,
Node.js, etc.
 If no APIs, consider HTML web page scraping
http end points typically return JSON or XML data formats
Html Web Page Scraping
HTML Agility Pack to assist in parsing the Document Object Model for data points.
HTML parsing supporting XPath to traverse the Document Object Model
E.g. doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(“//div*@id=‘Total Sales’+”)By: Roy Kim
Job Postings Data Collector .NET Console Application
.NET console application to read data from the internet and store into Azure Storage
 Concurrent requests to job postings public API and HTML pages
 Multi-threaded to increase speed and throughput
 Parse HTML pages and JSON
 Store JSON files directly into Azure Data Lake Store with ADLS .NET SDK
 Leverages Azure Application Insights for logging trace and exception error
 To store files into Azure Data Lake Store, the .NET application needs to access with
an Azure AD service principal with the appropriate access control.
By: Roy Kim

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Streaming Real-time Data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2
Streaming Real-time Data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2Streaming Real-time Data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2
Streaming Real-time Data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Check out this presentation to learn the basics of using Attunity Replicate to stream real-time data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 for analytics projects.

azureadls gen 2attunity replicate
AWS Cloud Kata 2013 | Singapore - Getting to Scale on AWS
AWS Cloud Kata 2013 | Singapore - Getting to Scale on AWSAWS Cloud Kata 2013 | Singapore - Getting to Scale on AWS
AWS Cloud Kata 2013 | Singapore - Getting to Scale on AWS

This session will focus on how to get from 'Minimum Viable Product' (MVP) to scale. It will also explain how to deal with unpredictable demand and how to build a scalable business. Attend this session to learn how to: Scale web servers and app services with Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling on Amazon EC2 Scale your storage on Amazon S3 and S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage Scale your database with Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon RDS, and Amazon ElastiCache Scale your customer base by reaching customers globally in minutes with Amazon CloudFront

Introducing Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Introducing Azure SQL Data WarehouseIntroducing Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Introducing Azure SQL Data Warehouse

The new Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse (SQL DW) is an elastic data warehouse-as-a-service and is a Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) solution for "big data" with true enterprise class features. The SQL DW service is built for data warehouse workloads from a few hundred gigabytes to petabytes of data with truly unique features like disaggregated compute and storage allowing for customers to be able to utilize the service to match their needs. In this presentation, we take an in-depth look at implementing a SQL DW, elastic scale (grow, shrink, and pause), and hybrid data clouds with Hadoop integration via Polybase allowing for a true SQL experience across structured and unstructured data.

sql dwmppdata warehouse
Job Postings Data Collector App Architecture
By: Roy Kim
Azure Application Insights
By: Roy Kim
Application Insights Core API. This package provides core functionality for transmission of all
Application Insights Telemetry Types and is a dependent package for all other Application Insights
Azure Batch
A managed Azure service executing
command line applications.
For batch processing or batch
computing--running a large volume of
similar tasks to get some desired result.
Commonly used by organizations that
regularly process, transform, and
analyze large volumes of data.
Simply, a set of Azure Virtual Machines
running a console application to process
data that can be on a recurring schedule
and in parallel
Author: Roy Kim
Azure Batch – Demo Implementation
Azure Batch runs the Console Application on a daily schedule against one node (Virtual
Machine - 2 cores)
To run console application in parallel through compute nodes, used the sample Parallel
Tasks .NET solution which uses the Azure Batch Client SDK.
Azure batch is an architecture option to support data collection in terms of velocity and
By: Roy Kim

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Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage
Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage
Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage

Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage is designed to enable operational and exploratory analytics through a hyper-scale repository. Journey through Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 with Microsoft Data Platform Specialist, Audrey Hammonds. In this video she explains the fundamentals to Gen 1 and Gen 2, walks us through how to provision a Data Lake, and gives tips to avoid turning your Data Lake into a swamp. Learn more about Data Lakes with our blog - Data Lakes: Data Agility is Here Now

by CCG
microsoftazuredata lake
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO...
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO...The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO...
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO...

Until recently, data was gathered for well-defined objectives such as auditing, forensics, reporting and line-of-business operations; now, exploratory and predictive analysis is becoming ubiquitous, and the default increasingly is to capture and store any and all data, in anticipation of potential future strategic value. These differences in data heterogeneity, scale and usage are leading to a new generation of data management and analytic systems, where the emphasis is on supporting a wide range of very large datasets that are stored uniformly and analyzed seamlessly using whatever techniques are most appropriate, including traditional tools like SQL and BI and newer tools, e.g., for machine learning and stream analytics. These new systems are necessarily based on scale-out architectures for both storage and computation. Hadoop has become a key building block in the new generation of scale-out systems. On the storage side, HDFS has provided a cost-effective and scalable substrate for storing large heterogeneous datasets. However, as key customer and systems touch points are instrumented to log data, and Internet of Things applications become common, data in the enterprise is growing at a staggering pace, and the need to leverage different storage tiers (ranging from tape to main memory) is posing new challenges, leading to caching technologies, such as Spark. On the analytics side, the emergence of resource managers such as YARN has opened the door for analytics tools to bypass the Map-Reduce layer and directly exploit shared system resources while computing close to data copies. This trend is especially significant for iterative computations such as graph analytics and machine learning, for which Map-Reduce is widely recognized to be a poor fit. While Hadoop is widely recognized and used externally, Microsoft has long been at the forefront of Big Data analytics, with Cosmos and Scope supporting all internal customers. These internal services are a key part of our strategy going forward, and are enabling new state of the art external-facing services such as Azure Data Lake and more. I will examine these trends, and ground the talk by discussing the Microsoft Big Data stack.

microsoftbig datatechnology
Chug building a data lake in azure with spark and databricks
Chug   building a data lake in azure with spark and databricksChug   building a data lake in azure with spark and databricks
Chug building a data lake in azure with spark and databricks

- The document discusses building a data lake in Azure using Spark and Databricks. It begins with an introduction of the presenter and their experience. - The rest of the document is organized into sections that discuss decisions around why to use a data lake and Azure/Databricks, how to build the lake by ingesting and organizing data, using Delta Lake for integrated and curated layers, securing the lake, and enabling analytics against the lake. - The key aspects covered include getting data into the lake from various sources using custom Spark jobs, organizing the lake into layers, cataloging data, using Delta Lake for transactional tables, implementing role-based security, and allowing ad-hoc queries.

Azure Data Lake
Intended for data storage in its raw format for future analysis, processing or
data modelling.
For developers, data scientists, and analysts to store data of any size, shape,
and speed.
To do all types of processing and analytics across different platforms and
Extract and load, minimal transformations
To manage data in characteristic of variety, velocity and volume
Two Components
1. Azure Data Lake Store
2. Azure Data Lake Analytics
By: Roy Kim
Azure Data Lake Store
 Azure Data Lake Store is a hyper-scale repository for big data analytic
workloads. Azure Data Lake enables you to capture data of any size, type,
and ingestion speed in one single place for operational and exploratory
 The Azure Data Lake store is an Apache Hadoop file system compatible with
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
 Can be accessed from Hadoop (available with HDInsight cluster) using the
WebHDFS-compatible REST APIs
By: Roy Kim
Azure Data Lake Store
Use Cases
 Store social media
posts, log files, sensor
 Store corporate data
such as
relational databases
(as flat files)
By: Roy Kim
Azure Data Lake Analytics
 Azure Data Lake Analytics is built to make big data analytics easy.
 Focus on writing, running, and managing jobs, rather than operating distributed
infrastructure. Instead of deploying, configuring, and tuning hardware.
 Write queries to transform your data and extract valuable insights. The analytics
service can handle jobs of any scale instantly by setting the dial for how much
power you need.
 U-SQL – a Big Data query language. Likeness of SQL + C#
 ”schema on reads”
 Pay for your job when it is running; making it cost-effective.
 Data Collector app stores .json files in respective folders
 USQL scripts logic:
 reads 1000s of JSON files in a given folder
 Outputs to one TSV (tab delimited) file
 Create a Tables to schematize the TSV files
 Query against tables to analyze or transform to a new output file.
By: Roy Kim

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Azure Analysis Services (Azure Bootcamp 2018)
Azure Analysis Services (Azure Bootcamp 2018)Azure Analysis Services (Azure Bootcamp 2018)
Azure Analysis Services (Azure Bootcamp 2018)

An overview of AAS and the slides presented during Azure Bootcamp Day 2018 in the SafeNet offices, downtown Milwaukee, WI.

azureanalysis servicesmicrosoft
Big Data and Data Warehousing Together with Azure Synapse Analytics (SQLBits ...
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SQLBits 2020 presentation on how you can build solutions based on the modern data warehouse pattern with Azure Synapse Spark and SQL including demos of Azure Synapse.

azure synapsesqlbits 2020apache spark
Serverless Data Platform
Serverless Data PlatformServerless Data Platform
Serverless Data Platform

A sharing in a meetup of the AWS Taiwan User Group. The registration page: The promotion page:

Azure Data Lake Analytics – Demo Implementation
By: Roy Kim
 USQL script: process json files into a tab delimited file
Azure Data Lake Analytics – Demo Implementation
By: Roy Kim
Roy Kim
# of JSON
Single output
50 compute
3.4 mins
Azure HDInsight
Hadoop refers to an ecosystem of open-source software that is a framework for
distributed processing, storing, and analysis of big data sets on clusters of
commodity computer hardware.
Azure HDInsight makes the Hadoop components from the Hortonworks Data
Platform (HDP) distribution available in Azure, deploys managed clusters with high
reliability and availability, and provides enterprise-grade security and governance
with Active Directory.
HDInsight offers the cluster types - Hadoop, HBase, Spark, Kafka, Interactive Hive,
Storm, customized, etc.
Supports integration with BI tools such as Power BI, Excel, SQL Server Analysis
Services, and SQL Server Reporting Services.
By: Roy Kim
Azure HDInsight – Demo Implementation
Hadoop Cluster Type
Data Source
Windows Azure Storage Account
Data Lake Store access
Data Lake Store Account
Hive Tables
JobPostings (internal) Table
Schema definition
Data loaded from Azure Data Lake Store .TSV file into Hadoop cluster’s WASB
JobPostings External Table
Data referenced in Azure Data Lake Store .TSV file. This is external to
HDInsight storage account.
By: Roy Kim

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Microsoft Ignite AU 2017 - Orchestrating Big Data Pipelines with Azure Data F...Microsoft Ignite AU 2017 - Orchestrating Big Data Pipelines with Azure Data F...
Microsoft Ignite AU 2017 - Orchestrating Big Data Pipelines with Azure Data F...

Data orchestration is the lifeblood of any successful data analytics solution. Take a deep dive into Azure Data Factory's data movement and transformation activities, particularly its integration with Azure's Big Data PaaS offerings such as HDInsight, SQL Data warehouse, Data Lake, and AzureML. Participants will learn how to design, build and manage big data orchestration pipelines using Azure Data Factory and how it stacks up against similar Big Data orchestration tools such as Apache Oozie. Video of presentation:

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Azure Data.pptx
Azure Data.pptxAzure Data.pptx
Azure Data.pptx

This document provides an overview of a course on implementing a modern data platform architecture using Azure services. The course objectives are to understand cloud and big data concepts, the role of Azure data services in a modern data platform, and how to implement a reference architecture using Azure data services. The course will provide an ARM template for a data platform solution that can address most data challenges.

Modern Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics
Modern Business Intelligence and Advanced AnalyticsModern Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics
Modern Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics

This document summarizes how businesses can transform through business intelligence (BI) and advanced analytics using Microsoft's modern BI platform. It outlines the Power BI and Azure Analysis Services tools for visualization, data modeling, and analytics. It also discusses how Collective Intelligence and Microsoft can help customers accelerate their move to a data-driven culture and realize benefits like increased productivity and cost savings by implementing BI and advanced analytics solutions in the cloud. The presentation includes demonstrations of Power BI and Azure Analysis Services.

microsoftbusiness intelligenceanalytics
Azure HD Insight – Demo Implementation
 To manage the compute costs, script the provisioning and de-provisioning of the
 While a cluster is running, execute scripts and query the data into self service BI
tools and into other data warehouses.
 In comparison to Azure Data Lake, ADL Analytics may be more cost effective
since it is pay per use at a more granular level - # of nodes and execution time.
E.g. Running against 100 nodes may cost a few dollars per minute in ADL
Analytics; whereas, in HDInsight, 13 nodes for small VM size may cost a few
dollars an hour.
By: Roy Kim
Azure SQL Database
A relational database-as-a-service in the cloud built on the Microsoft SQL Server
No need to manage the infrastructure.
Scale up or down based on Database Transaction Units (DTUs).
1TB storage maximum
Can be used as a simpler data warehouse.
By: Roy Kim
Azure SQL Database – Demo Implementation
Developed a simple data warehouse
Job Postings data loaded from ADLS
Star schema
Added a date dimension table
Table of # of jobs for each province by
a date hierarchy
By: Roy Kim
Azure Data Factory
 Cloud-based data integration service that orchestrates and automates
the movement and transformation of data.
 Create data pipelines that move and transform data, and then run the pipelines on a specified
schedule (hourly, daily, weekly, etc.)
By: Roy Kim

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Building Cloud-Native Applications with Microsoft Windows Azure
Building Cloud-Native Applications with Microsoft Windows AzureBuilding Cloud-Native Applications with Microsoft Windows Azure
Building Cloud-Native Applications with Microsoft Windows Azure

Cloud computing is here to stay, and it is never too soon to begin understanding the impact it will have on application architecture. In this talk we will discuss the two most significant architectural mind-shifts, discussing the key patterns changes generally and seeing how these new cloud patterns map naturally into specific programming practices in Windows Azure. Specifically this relates to (a) Azure Roles and Queues and how to combine them using cloud-friendly design patterns, and (b) the combination of relational data and non-relational data, how to decide among them, and how to combine them. The goal is for mere mortals to build highly reliable applications that scale economically. The concepts discussed in this talk are relevant for developers and architects building systems for the cloud today, or who want to be prepared to move to the cloud in the future. This talk was delivered by Bill Wilder at the Vermont Code Camp 2 on 11-Sept-2010.

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Big Data Goes Airborne. Propelling Your Big Data Initiative with Ironcluster ...
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Learn about the only solution to instantly provision a full-featured ETL environment running on AWS for less than your Sunday newspaper!

data integrationelastic mapreduceaws
Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...
Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...
Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...

The world is creating more data in more ways than ever before. The average internet user in 2017 generates 1.5GB of data per day, with the rate doubling every 18 months. A single autonomous vehicle can generate 4TB per day. Each smart manufacturing plant generates 1PB per day. Storing, managing, and analyzing this data requires integrated database and analytic services that provide reliability and security at scale. AWS offers a range of managed data services that let customers focus on making data useful, including Amazon Aurora, RDS, DynamoDB, Redshift, Spectrum, ElastiCache, Kinesis, EMR, Elasticsearch Service, and Glue. In this session, we discuss these services, share our vision for innovation, and show how our customers use these services today. Learn More:

amazon web servicescloudcloud technology
Azure Data Factory
Category Data store Supported as a source Supported as a sink
Azure Azure Blob storage
Azure Data Lake Store
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure Table storage
Azure DocumentDB
Azure Search Index
Databases SQL Server*
Amazon Redshift
File File System*
Amazon S3
Others Salesforce
Generic ODBC*
Generic OData
Web Table (table from HTML)
GE Historian*
By: Roy Kim
Azure Machine Learning – Demo Implementation
By: Roy Kim
Predicting Salary for a
given set of parameters
such as job title and
Azure Machine Learning – Demo Implementation
By: Roy Kim
Power BI Mobile
By: Roy Kim

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Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...
Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...
Understanding AWS Managed Database and Analytics Services | AWS Public Sector...

The world is creating more data in more ways than ever before. The average internet user in 2017 generates 1.5GB of data per day, with the rate doubling every 18 months. A single autonomous vehicle can generate 4TB per day. Each smart manufacturing plant generates 1PB per day. Storing, managing, and analyzing this data requires integrated database and analytic services that provide reliability and security at scale. AWS offers a range of managed data services that let customers focus on making data useful, including Amazon Aurora, RDS, DynamoDB, Redshift, Spectrum, ElastiCache, Kinesis, EMR, Elasticsearch Service, and Glue. In this session, we discuss these services, share our vision for innovation, and show how our customers use these services today. Learn More:

2017awspssummitcloudamazon web services
Scaling and Modernizing Data Platform with Databricks
Scaling and Modernizing Data Platform with DatabricksScaling and Modernizing Data Platform with Databricks
Scaling and Modernizing Data Platform with Databricks

This document summarizes Atlassian's adoption of Databricks to manage their growing data pipelines and platforms. It discusses the challenges they faced with their previous architecture around development time, collaboration, and costs. With Databricks, Atlassian was able to build scalable data pipelines using notebooks and connectors, orchestrate workflows with Airflow, and provide self-service analytics and machine learning to teams while reducing infrastructure costs and data engineering dependencies. The key benefits included reduced development time by 30%, decreased infrastructure costs by 60%, and increased adoption of Databricks and self-service across teams.

ABD315_Serverless ETL with AWS Glue
ABD315_Serverless ETL with AWS GlueABD315_Serverless ETL with AWS Glue
ABD315_Serverless ETL with AWS Glue

Organizations need to gain insight and knowledge from a growing number of Internet of Things (IoT), APIs, clickstreams, unstructured and log data sources. However, organizations are also often limited by legacy data warehouses and ETL processes that were designed for transactional data. In this session, we introduce key ETL features of AWS Glue, cover common use cases ranging from scheduled nightly data warehouse loads to near real-time, event-driven ETL flows for your data lake. We discuss how to build scalable, efficient, and serverless ETL pipelines using AWS Glue. Additionally, Merck will share how they built an end-to-end ETL pipeline for their application release management system, and launched it in production in less than a week using AWS Glue.

aws re:invent 2017amazonanalytics & big data
The main features of
your Power BI service UI:
1. navigation bar
2. dashboard with tiles
3. Q&A question box
4. help and feedback
5. dashboard title
6. Office 365 app
7. Power BI home
8. Additional dashboard
Power BI App Service
By: Roy Kim
• Frequently updated and accessed reports
• Minutes, hours, daily, weekly
• Fast and easy access of reports and dashboards
• IoT and sensor data
• Retail and customer analytics
• Team and organizational performance and productivity e.g. ticket
• Collaborative analysis and decision making
• Not always in front of a large screen device
Key Mobile Scenarios
By: Roy Kim
• Navigation
• Dashboards and Reports
• Responsive design
• Visualization interaction
• Sharing
• Annotations
• Q&A
• Alerts
• Favourites
Mobile App IOS Key Features & Demo
By: Roy Kim
By: Roy Kim

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Unlocking the Value of Your Data Lake
Unlocking the Value of Your Data LakeUnlocking the Value of Your Data Lake
Unlocking the Value of Your Data Lake

Today, data lakes are widely used and have become extremely affordable as data volumes have grown. However, they are only meant for storage and by themselves provide no direct value. With up to 80% of data stored in the data lake today, how do you unlock the value of the data lake? The value lies in the compute engine that runs on top of a data lake. Join us for this webinar where Ahana co-founder and Chief Product Officer Dipti Borkar will discuss how to unlock the value of your data lake with the emerging Open Data Lake analytics architecture. Dipti will cover: -Open Data Lake analytics - what it is and what use cases it supports -Why companies are moving to an open data lake analytics approach -Why the open source data lake query engine Presto is critical to this approach

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Power BI with Essbase in the Oracle Cloud
Power BI with Essbase in the Oracle CloudPower BI with Essbase in the Oracle Cloud
Power BI with Essbase in the Oracle Cloud

This document discusses connecting Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) Essbase data to Microsoft Power BI. It provides an overview of Power BI and OAC, describes various methods for connecting the two including using a REST API and exporting data to Excel or CSV files, and demonstrates some visualization capabilities in Power BI including trends over time. Key lessons learned are that data can be accessed across tools through various connections, analytics concepts are often similar between tools, and while partnerships exist between Microsoft and Oracle, integration between specific products like Power BI and OAC is still limited.

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ArcReady - Architecting For The CloudArcReady - Architecting For The Cloud
ArcReady - Architecting For The Cloud

For our next ArcReady, we will explore a topic on everyone’s mind: Cloud computing. Several industry companies have announced cloud computing services . In October 2008 at the Professional Developers Conference, Microsoft announced the next phase of our Software + Services vision: the Azure Services Platform. The Azure Services Platforms provides a wide range of internet services that can be consumed from both on premises environments or the internet. Session 1: Cloud Services In our first session we will explore the current state of cloud services. We will then look at how applications should be architected for the cloud and explore a reference application deployed on Windows Azure. We will also look at the services that can be built for on premise application, using .NET Services. We will also address some of the concerns that enterprises have about cloud services, such as regulatory and compliance issues. Session 2: The Azure Platform In our second session we will take a slightly different look at cloud based services by exploring Live Mesh and Live Services. Live Mesh is a data synchronization client that has a rich API to build applications on. Live services are a collection of APIs that can be used to create rich applications for your customers. Live Services are based on internet standard protocols and data formats.

Security Architecture
Azure Data Lake
Internet Data
Storage Account
Blob Store
Azure Batch
.NET Console
Azure Data Lake Store
Blob Store
Azure HDInsight
Storage Account
Blob Store
Active Directory
Azure SQL
SQL Data
Storage blob
Storage (Azure)
Visual Studio
Data Lake
Azure SQL / Data
Analysis Services
Roy Kim
IT Ops
Azure Data
Data Factory
Service Principal
Service Principal
AAD User
SQL account
AAD User
SQL account
AAD User
End Users
By: Roy Kim
n Insights
Data Processing & Formats
Azure Data Lake
Internet Data
Azure Batch
.NET Console
Azure HDInsight
Azure SQL
SQL Data
Data Lake
Azure SQL
Analysis Services
Roy Kim
Azure Data
Data Factory
TSV Hive Ext.
Hive Int.
By: Roy Kim
Closing Remarks
 Cloud services such as Azure Data Platform provide new capabilities in
Data Analytics. That is in terms of scale, cost and agility.
 Azure Data Lake is a productive option for organizations new to
Hadoop. Yet continue to plan for other Hadoop offerings best fit for
other scenarios.
 Many azure services fit together to make the appropriate solution.
That is SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Data, App, Operational, etc.
 As part of planning and design, be aware of MS roadmap and industry
By: Roy Kim
By: Roy Kim
• @RoyKimYYZ

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So you got a handle on what Big Data is and how you can use it to find business value in your data.  Now you need an understanding of the Microsoft products that can be used to create a Big Data solution.  Microsoft has many pieces of the puzzle and in this presentation I will show how they fit together.  How does Microsoft enhance and add value to Big Data?  From collecting data, transforming it, storing it, to visualizing it, I will show you Microsoft’s solutions for every step of the way

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This is a slide deck from QuerySurge's Big Data Testing webinar. Learn why Testing is pivotal to the success of your Big Data Strategy . Learn more at The growing variety of new data sources is pushing organizations to look for streamlined ways to manage complexities and get the most out of their data-related investments. The companies that do this correctly are realizing the power of big data for business expansion and growth. Learn why testing your enterprise's data is pivotal for success with big data, Hadoop and NoSQL. Learn how to increase your testing speed, boost your testing coverage (up to 100%), and improve the level of quality within your data warehouse - all with one ETL testing tool. This information is geared towards: - Big Data & Data Warehouse Architects, - ETL Developers - ETL Testers, Big Data Testers - Data Analysts - Operations teams - Business Intelligence (BI) Architects - Data Management Officers & Directors You will learn how to: - Improve your Data Quality - Accelerate your data testing cycles - Reduce your costs & risks - Provide a huge ROI (as high as 1,300%)

mongodboracleibm db2
Appendix - Azure Data Lake Analytics
By: Roy Kim
50 assigned
DLAU for job
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Big Data Analytics from Azure Cloud to Power BI Mobile

  • 1. Big Data Analytics from Azure Data Platform to Power BI Azure Batch, Azure Data Lake, Azure HDInsight, ML, Power BI March 22, 2017 Roy Kim @RoyKimYYZ
  • 2. Agenda  Overview of Big Data + Azure + Data Insights  Job Postings demo solution architecture & implementation  Mobile Demo with Power BI  Q&A Author: Roy Kim By: Roy Kim
  • 3. Bio  Roy Kim  14+ Years of Microsoft Technology Solutions  .NET, SharePoint, BI, Office 365, Azure Solutions  IT Consultant  University of Toronto – Computer Science Degree Author: Roy Kim By: Roy Kim
  • 4. Data to Insight Author: Roy Kim Big Data Data Platform Technologies Solution Data Insights By: Roy Kim
  • 5. Job Postings Demo Solution Author: Roy Kim References: Job Postings Azure Data Platform Data Lake, HDInsight, SQL, Power BI Job trends, analysis By: Roy Kim
  • 9. Analytics Platform Gartner Magic Quadrant
  • 11. Job Postings Data Set Volume • Many national job sites • New job postings daily • Metadata and full text. Velocity • New job postings created every minute Variety • Semi- structured • Job Title • Location • Company • Unstructured • Job Description Veracity • Incomplete/Im precise • Salary, Per hour • FT, PT, Temp, Contract, Seasonal • Main profession By: Roy Kim
  • 12. Power BI – Job Postings Demo Reports By: Roy Kim
  • 13. Power BI – Job Postings Demo Reports By: Roy Kim
  • 14. Job Postings Big Data Solution Architecture Azure Data Lake Analytics Internet Data Sets USQL Storage Account Blob Store Azure Batch .NET Console App Blob Store (WebHDFS) Azure HDInsight Hive Azure Active Directory HDInsight Azure SQL database SQL Data Warehouse Storage blob Storage (Azure) Visual Studio Online Data Lake Azure SQL / Data Warehouse SQL DB Machine Learning ML Studio StorageTierServicesTier REST/HTML/.. Visualization /Reporting Tools Presentation Tier Mobile Pig Scoop By: Roy Kim Desktop Batch Business Users Report Builders Data Analysts Azure Data Factory Pipeline Data Factory Browser Service Applicatio n Insights Microsoft Azure Data Analysis Services Tabular Machine Learning Storage Account Blob Store (HDFS) Azure Data Lake Store Query
  • 15. Job Postings from Internet Job Boards  Web sites that offer APIs  Use any server-side programming language to retrieve data such as NET, Java, Node.js, etc.  If no APIs, consider HTML web page scraping REST API http end points typically return JSON or XML data formats Html Web Page Scraping HTML Agility Pack to assist in parsing the Document Object Model for data points.  HTML parsing supporting XPath to traverse the Document Object Model (DOM) E.g. doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(“//div*@id=‘Total Sales’+”)By: Roy Kim
  • 16. Job Postings Data Collector .NET Console Application .NET console application to read data from the internet and store into Azure Storage accounts  Concurrent requests to job postings public API and HTML pages  Multi-threaded to increase speed and throughput  Parse HTML pages and JSON  Store JSON files directly into Azure Data Lake Store with ADLS .NET SDK  Leverages Azure Application Insights for logging trace and exception error messages.  To store files into Azure Data Lake Store, the .NET application needs to access with an Azure AD service principal with the appropriate access control. By: Roy Kim
  • 17. Job Postings Data Collector App Architecture By: Roy Kim
  • 18. Azure Application Insights By: Roy Kim Application Insights Core API. This package provides core functionality for transmission of all Application Insights Telemetry Types and is a dependent package for all other Application Insights packages.
  • 19. Azure Batch A managed Azure service executing command line applications. For batch processing or batch computing--running a large volume of similar tasks to get some desired result. Commonly used by organizations that regularly process, transform, and analyze large volumes of data. Simply, a set of Azure Virtual Machines running a console application to process data that can be on a recurring schedule and in parallel References: Author: Roy Kim
  • 20. Azure Batch – Demo Implementation Azure Batch runs the Console Application on a daily schedule against one node (Virtual Machine - 2 cores) To run console application in parallel through compute nodes, used the sample Parallel Tasks .NET solution which uses the Azure Batch Client SDK. samples/tree/master/CSharp/ArticleProjects/ParallelTasks Azure batch is an architecture option to support data collection in terms of velocity and volume. By: Roy Kim
  • 21. Azure Data Lake Intended for data storage in its raw format for future analysis, processing or data modelling. For developers, data scientists, and analysts to store data of any size, shape, and speed. To do all types of processing and analytics across different platforms and languages. Extract and load, minimal transformations To manage data in characteristic of variety, velocity and volume Two Components 1. Azure Data Lake Store 2. Azure Data Lake Analytics References: By: Roy Kim
  • 22. Azure Data Lake Store  Azure Data Lake Store is a hyper-scale repository for big data analytic workloads. Azure Data Lake enables you to capture data of any size, type, and ingestion speed in one single place for operational and exploratory analytics.  The Azure Data Lake store is an Apache Hadoop file system compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)  Can be accessed from Hadoop (available with HDInsight cluster) using the WebHDFS-compatible REST APIs References: By: Roy Kim
  • 23. Azure Data Lake Store Use Cases  Store social media posts, log files, sensor data  Store corporate data such as relational databases (as flat files) References: By: Roy Kim
  • 24. Azure Data Lake Analytics  Azure Data Lake Analytics is built to make big data analytics easy.  Focus on writing, running, and managing jobs, rather than operating distributed infrastructure. Instead of deploying, configuring, and tuning hardware.  Write queries to transform your data and extract valuable insights. The analytics service can handle jobs of any scale instantly by setting the dial for how much power you need.  U-SQL – a Big Data query language. Likeness of SQL + C#  ”schema on reads”  Pay for your job when it is running; making it cost-effective.  Data Collector app stores .json files in respective folders  USQL scripts logic:  reads 1000s of JSON files in a given folder  Outputs to one TSV (tab delimited) file  Create a Tables to schematize the TSV files  Query against tables to analyze or transform to a new output file. References: By: Roy Kim
  • 25. Azure Data Lake Analytics – Demo Implementation By: Roy Kim  USQL script: process json files into a tab delimited file
  • 26. Azure Data Lake Analytics – Demo Implementation By: Roy Kim Roy Kim # of JSON Files Single output file 50 compute nodes 3.4 mins duration
  • 27. Azure HDInsight Hadoop refers to an ecosystem of open-source software that is a framework for distributed processing, storing, and analysis of big data sets on clusters of commodity computer hardware. Azure HDInsight makes the Hadoop components from the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) distribution available in Azure, deploys managed clusters with high reliability and availability, and provides enterprise-grade security and governance with Active Directory. HDInsight offers the cluster types - Hadoop, HBase, Spark, Kafka, Interactive Hive, Storm, customized, etc. Supports integration with BI tools such as Power BI, Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and SQL Server Reporting Services. By: Roy Kim
  • 28. Azure HDInsight – Demo Implementation Hadoop Cluster Type Data Source Windows Azure Storage Account Data Lake Store access Data Lake Store Account Hive Tables JobPostings (internal) Table Schema definition Data loaded from Azure Data Lake Store .TSV file into Hadoop cluster’s WASB JobPostings External Table Data referenced in Azure Data Lake Store .TSV file. This is external to HDInsight storage account. By: Roy Kim
  • 29. Azure HD Insight – Demo Implementation Considerations  To manage the compute costs, script the provisioning and de-provisioning of the cluster.  While a cluster is running, execute scripts and query the data into self service BI tools and into other data warehouses.  In comparison to Azure Data Lake, ADL Analytics may be more cost effective since it is pay per use at a more granular level - # of nodes and execution time. E.g. Running against 100 nodes may cost a few dollars per minute in ADL Analytics; whereas, in HDInsight, 13 nodes for small VM size may cost a few dollars an hour. By: Roy Kim
  • 30. Azure SQL Database A relational database-as-a-service in the cloud built on the Microsoft SQL Server engine No need to manage the infrastructure. Scale up or down based on Database Transaction Units (DTUs). 1TB storage maximum Can be used as a simpler data warehouse. By: Roy Kim
  • 31. Azure SQL Database – Demo Implementation Developed a simple data warehouse modelling Job Postings data loaded from ADLS Star schema Added a date dimension table Table of # of jobs for each province by a date hierarchy By: Roy Kim
  • 32. Azure Data Factory  Cloud-based data integration service that orchestrates and automates the movement and transformation of data.  Create data pipelines that move and transform data, and then run the pipelines on a specified schedule (hourly, daily, weekly, etc.) By: Roy Kim
  • 33. Azure Data Factory Category Data store Supported as a source Supported as a sink Azure Azure Blob storage Azure Data Lake Store Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Data Warehouse Azure Table storage Azure DocumentDB Azure Search Index ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Databases SQL Server* Oracle* MySQL* DB2* Teradata* PostgreSQL* Sybase* Cassandra* MongoDB* Amazon Redshift ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ File File System* HDFS* Amazon S3 FTP ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Others Salesforce Generic ODBC* Generic OData Web Table (table from HTML) GE Historian* ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ By: Roy Kim
  • 34. Azure Machine Learning – Demo Implementation By: Roy Kim Predicting Salary for a given set of parameters such as job title and location
  • 35. Azure Machine Learning – Demo Implementation By: Roy Kim
  • 37. The main features of your Power BI service UI: 1. navigation bar 2. dashboard with tiles 3. Q&A question box 4. help and feedback buttons 5. dashboard title 6. Office 365 app launcher 7. Power BI home buttons 8. Additional dashboard actions Power BI App Service By: Roy Kim
  • 38. • Frequently updated and accessed reports • Minutes, hours, daily, weekly • Fast and easy access of reports and dashboards • IoT and sensor data • Retail and customer analytics • Team and organizational performance and productivity e.g. ticket management • Collaborative analysis and decision making • Not always in front of a large screen device Key Mobile Scenarios By: Roy Kim
  • 39. • Navigation • Dashboards and Reports • Responsive design • Visualization interaction • Sharing • Annotations • Q&A • Alerts • Favourites Annotations Mobile App IOS Key Features & Demo By: Roy Kim
  • 41. Security Architecture Azure Data Lake Analytics Internet Data Sources USQL Storage Account Blob Store Azure Batch .NET Console App Azure Data Lake Store Blob Store (HDFS) Azure HDInsight Hive Storage Account Blob Store (HDFS) Azure Active Directory HDInsight Azure SQL database SQL Data Warehouse Storage blob Storage (Azure) Visual Studio Online Data Lake Azure SQL / Data Warehouse SQL DB Analysis Services (preview) Tabular StorageTierServicesTier REST/HTML/.. Visualization /Reporting Tools Pig Scoop Roy Kim Desktop Batch BI Developers IT Ops Azure Data Factory Pipeline Data Factory Microsoft AzureAPI Key API Key AAD App Service Principal AAD App Service Principal AAD User SQL account AAD User SQL account Account Key AAD User End Users By: Roy Kim Applicatio n Insights
  • 42. Data Processing & Formats Azure Data Lake Analytics Internet Data Sources USQL Azure Batch .NET Console App Azure HDInsight Hive HDInsight Azure SQL database SQL Data Warehouse Data Lake Azure SQL SQL DB Analysis Services (preview) Tabular DataFormatServicesTier REST/HTML/.. Pig Scoop Roy Kim Batch Azure Data Factory Pipeline Data Factory JSON HTML JSON TSV Hive Ext. Table Relational DB Hive Int. Table Table By: Roy Kim
  • 43. Closing Remarks  Cloud services such as Azure Data Platform provide new capabilities in Data Analytics. That is in terms of scale, cost and agility.  Azure Data Lake is a productive option for organizations new to Hadoop. Yet continue to plan for other Hadoop offerings best fit for other scenarios.  Many azure services fit together to make the appropriate solution. That is SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Data, App, Operational, etc.  As part of planning and design, be aware of MS roadmap and industry trends. By: Roy Kim
  • 44. Q&A By: Roy Kim • @RoyKimYYZ •
  • 45. Appendix - Azure Data Lake Analytics By: Roy Kim 50 assigned DLAU for job
  • 46. Appendix - Azure Data Lake Analytics By: Roy Kim