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Azure Analysis Services
• Education
• B.S. in Computer Science from UW-Milwaukee
• M.S. in Science of Management from Cardinal
• Professional
• Fiserv, DentaQuest, BMO Harris
• Focus on SQL, SSIS, and DevOps strategies
• Talavant
• Focus on larger BI strategies
Turner Kunkel
Senior Consultant @ Talavant
• Hobbies
• Home brewing
• Bass playing (poorly)
• Sailing (light skipper license)
There is a better way to make data work for companies. Better resources, strategy, sustainability, inclusion of the
organization as a whole, understanding of client needs, tools, outcomes, better ROI.
• Accelerated planning, implementation and results
• Sustainable solutions
• Increased company-wide buy-in & usage
By providing a holistic approach inclusive of a
client’s people, processes and technologies -
built on investment in our own employees and
company growth.
On-Premises SSAS
History of AS • ROI considerations
• Future research
• Questions/Comments
• Sources & References
Azure AS
Developing w/ AAS
Automation on AAS

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Azure Migrate
Azure MigrateAzure Migrate
Azure Migrate

This document provides an overview of Mustafa Kara's background and expertise in datacenter transformation. It discusses his 10 years of experience in roles such as senior consultant, Azure MVP, technical manager, and technical trainer. It then outlines his work as a speaker and writer for Microsoft events, Virtual Academy, universities, and personal websites. The rest of the document discusses strategies for transforming the datacenter, including moving from on-premises physical servers and VMs to a hybrid cloud model using public cloud off-premises and cloud on-premises. It highlights tools like Azure Migrate and database migration services that can help analyze costs and migrate applications, VMs, and data.

azure migrateazure migrate sunumuazure migrate ppt
Azure Site Recovery - BC/DR - Migrations & assessments in 60 minutes!
Azure Site Recovery - BC/DR - Migrations & assessments in 60 minutes!Azure Site Recovery - BC/DR - Migrations & assessments in 60 minutes!
Azure Site Recovery - BC/DR - Migrations & assessments in 60 minutes!

This document summarizes Azure Site Recovery and Azure Migrate tools for disaster recovery, migrations, and workload assessments. It discusses the drivers pushing customers to migrate to Azure, including reducing costs, freeing datacenter space, and improving cloud ROI. It then summarizes the key Azure tools for each stage of migration including assessment (Azure Migrate), replication (Azure Site Recovery), and data migration. Customers can assess over 5000 Hyper-V or 10000 VMware VMs and replicate workloads between on-premises and Azure with these tools. The presentation concludes with demonstrations of Azure Site Recovery functionality for disaster recovery between Hyper-V and Azure and a migration assessment using Azure Migrate.

azuremigratedisaster recovery
Monitor Cloud Resources using Alerts & Insights
Monitor Cloud Resources using Alerts & InsightsMonitor Cloud Resources using Alerts & Insights
Monitor Cloud Resources using Alerts & Insights

Azure Monitor provides centralized monitoring of Azure resources and applications. It collects metrics, logs, and application performance monitoring data from Azure resources, the Azure platform, and on-premises sources. It provides visibility into resource performance and usage, enables alerting and automation of responses to issues. Azure Monitor features include dashboards for visualizing data, log analytics for querying and analyzing logs, and integration with other Azure services for additional monitoring capabilities like Application Insights.

cloudcloud computingconsulting
Robust Power BI sample from Microsoft
2.04 billion NY Taxi trips
Refresh using 20 Azure cores in ~4 seconds
Database theory
(X,Y,Z) → W (X,Y,Z are axis in a cube, W is value of
Need arose from tab report structure
from 1980’s database management
Slice, Dice, Drill Down, Roll Up

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Fundamentals of Microsoft 365 Security , Identity and Compliance
Fundamentals of Microsoft 365 Security , Identity and ComplianceFundamentals of Microsoft 365 Security , Identity and Compliance
Fundamentals of Microsoft 365 Security , Identity and Compliance

The document provides an overview of a webinar on Microsoft security, compliance, and identity fundamentals presented by Vignesh Ganesan. The webinar covers Microsoft 365 security, Microsoft compliance solutions like information protection and governance, and Microsoft identity including Azure Active Directory. It summarizes the three main components that will be focused on: Microsoft security, Microsoft identity, and Microsoft compliance. It also outlines some of the key capabilities within each area and compares Microsoft's offerings to other vendors in the space.

microsoft 365securitycloud security
Windows Azure Blob Storage
Windows Azure Blob StorageWindows Azure Blob Storage
Windows Azure Blob Storage

This presentation discusses Windows Azure Blob Storage, covering from the Windows Azure Storage Overview, Blob Storage Basic Concept, Blob Storage Advanced, and finally the Tip of the day.

windows azure storageblob storageshared access signature
Let's Talk About: Azure Monitor
Let's Talk About: Azure MonitorLet's Talk About: Azure Monitor
Let's Talk About: Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor collects two types of data: metrics and logs. The document provides tips for reducing data volume in Azure Monitor by changing configurations for security events, performance counters, event logs, syslog, AzureDiagnostics, and solution data. Configurations can be changed to reduce the frequency and number of items collected, and to only collect required event levels and logs. This helps reduce the amount of data sent to Azure Monitor.

azureazure monitorglobal azure bootcamp
FUNCTIONS Multidimensional Tabular
Actions Yes No
Aggregations Yes No
Calculated Column No Yes
Calculated Measures Yes Yes
Calculated Tables No Yes
Custom Assemblies Yes No
Custom Rollups Yes No
Default Member Yes No
Display folders Yes Yes
Distinct Count Yes Yes (via DAX)
Drillthrough Yes Yes (depends on client application)
Hierarchies Yes Yes
KPIs Yes Yes
Linked objects Yes Yes (linked tables)
M expressions No Yes
Yes No (but there is bi-directional cross filters at 1200
and higher compatibility levels)
Named sets Yes No
Ragged Hierarchies Yes Yes
Yes Yes (via DAX)
Partitions Yes Yes
Perspectives Yes Yes
Row-level Security Yes Yes
Object-level Security Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Translations Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Writeback Yes No
Power BI (in preview)
SSAS, Azure
Power BI, Power Pivot, etc.
Created from
Multidimensional metadata
TMSL code
TOM code
1050, 1103, 1200, 1400
Azure >= 1200 level
• Explore data from outside the organization
• Historical insight
• Trends and predictive analysis
• Self-service opportunities for business users
• Space saving
• Time saving
Reporting Tools
Power Pivot
Power BI
Tableau (and other third parties)

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Azure Virtual Desktop Overview.pptx
Azure Virtual Desktop Overview.pptxAzure Virtual Desktop Overview.pptx
Azure Virtual Desktop Overview.pptx

This document provides an overview and guidance for deploying Azure Virtual Desktop. It introduces AVD and discusses deployment options, identity management, image management, and other implementation details. Key points covered include recommended VM sizing, profile management using FSLogix containers, and video/graphics optimizations in AVD. The document provides guidance on infrastructure management best practices for AVD deployments.

azure virtual desktop
Implement SQL Server on an Azure VM
Implement SQL Server on an Azure VMImplement SQL Server on an Azure VM
Implement SQL Server on an Azure VM

This presentation is for those of you who are interested in moving your on-prem SQL Server databases and servers to Azure virtual machines (VM’s) in the cloud so you can take advantage of all the benefits of being in the cloud. This is commonly referred to as a “lift and shift” as part of an Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solution. I will discuss the various Azure VM sizes and options, migration strategies, storage options, high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solutions, and best practices.

azurevirtual machinessql server
Azure Storage
Azure StorageAzure Storage
Azure Storage

The document discusses Microsoft Azure storage solutions and services, highlighting key capabilities like Azure Files for file shares, Premium Storage for high performance workloads, and integration with hybrid solutions like StorSimple. It also provides an overview of Azure Storage APIs and compares Azure storage features to competitive offerings from AWS. The document is aimed at helping customers understand how Azure storage can meet their needs for scalability, reliability, security and hybrid cloud capabilities.

azure depolamamustafa karaazure site recovery
Setup time, Developers, Space, Age, Networking
Security, Scaling, Disaster recovery, Licensing, Local backups
Initial thoughts
Where in Azure is it?
How do I start it?
What is the cost?
Resource Group Query Processing Units (QPU)
Location Backup Storage

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서버리스 기반 데이터베이스 모델링 및 운영 노하우 알아보기 - 변규현 SW 엔지니어, 당근마켓 / 김선형 CTO, 티클 :: AWS Sum...
서버리스 기반 데이터베이스 모델링 및 운영 노하우 알아보기 - 변규현 SW 엔지니어, 당근마켓 / 김선형 CTO, 티클 :: AWS Sum...서버리스 기반 데이터베이스 모델링 및 운영 노하우 알아보기 - 변규현 SW 엔지니어, 당근마켓 / 김선형 CTO, 티클 :: AWS Sum...
서버리스 기반 데이터베이스 모델링 및 운영 노하우 알아보기 - 변규현 SW 엔지니어, 당근마켓 / 김선형 CTO, 티클 :: AWS Sum...

서버리스 기반 서비스를 위한 다양한 데이터베이스 선택 옵션이 있습니다. 본 세션에서는 RDB 및 NoSQL 측면에서 서버리스 DB 활용 전략을 살펴봅니다. RDB에서 서버리스를 위한 데이터 모델링 및 Amazon RDS Proxy와Aurora Serverless 활용 방법을 소개합니다. 티클 서비스에 적용된 Amazon DynamoDB의 ���용성과 함께 Single-Table Design을 적용한 DB 모델링 및 서비스 구현 사례를 함께 알아봅니다.

aws summit seoul 2021
実現するためのチャレンジ - なぜ、CA W-Aを作ろうと思ったのか - #jawsdays 2019
実現するためのチャレンジ - なぜ、CA W-Aを作ろうと思ったのか - #jawsdays 2019Well-Architectedな組織を
実現するためのチャレンジ - なぜ、CA W-Aを作ろうと思ったのか - #jawsdays 2019
実現するためのチャレンジ - なぜ、CA W-Aを作ろうと思ったのか - #jawsdays 2019

「 Are you Well-Architected? 」 2015年、 AWS Well-Architected Framework が発表され、昨年の re:Invent では、 AWS Well-Architected Tool が発表されました。 Well-Architected という言葉を耳にする機会が増��てきたと感じますが、組織としては Well-Architected な状態でしょうか? 本セッションでは、昨年末に CyberAgent Developers Blog へ寄稿した記事( )の内容を中心に話す予定です。また、記事では紹介しきれなかった以下の取り組みなどについても話す予定でいます。 – 横断インフラ組織として抱える課題に対して取り組んできたこと – Organizational Reliability Engineer(ORE) というロール – 独自で作っている Well-Architected Framework(CA W-A) が目指しているビジョン 柘植 翔太 株式会社サイバーエージェント 技術本部サービスリライアビリティグループ Senior Organizational Reliability Engineer 2014年、株式会社サイバーエージェントへ入社。 入社後は、インフラエンジニアとして、様々なメディアサービスのインフラを担当。現在は、主にPublic Cloudを活用しているメディアサービスの立ち上げ・改善のサポートや、組織作りなどにも取り組む。

Azure App Service Architecture. Web Apps.
Azure App Service Architecture. Web Apps.Azure App Service Architecture. Web Apps.
Azure App Service Architecture. Web Apps.

This document provides an overview of Azure App Service and its capabilities. It discusses Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Logic Apps, and API Apps. It also covers topics like continuous delivery, staging environments, App Service plans, and the App Service Environment premium tier. The presentation includes demos and allows time for questions.

azure web appsazure app serviceazure
Deployment Scripts
Instance metrics
Web interface (public preview)
Edit relationships, measures, hierarchies
Drag-and-drop query editor for data
Translates to DAX if needed
Interface to open model in several tools
SQL Server Data Tools/Visual Studio
SQL Server Management Studio
Best practice
Incremental port of solution
Lean, Phased, Ramp up
On-premises Gateway
Visual Studio, SQL Management Studio

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初心者でもわかるActive directoryの基本
初心者でもわかるActive directoryの基本初心者でもわかるActive directoryの基本
初心者でもわかるActive directoryの基本

.NETラボ 勉強会 2013年07月の資料です。 会社で使っているけどよくわかっていない、そもそも「なにそれおいしいの?」という初心者向けにActiveDirectoryの基本的な内容をお話しさせていただきました。 ※一部社内資料として使いやすいように削除いたしました。 こちらのサイトで元のPPTXファイルをダウンロードしていただけます。

Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Data WarehouseAzure SQL Database & Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Data Warehouse

This document provides an overview of Microsoft Azure Data Services and Azure SQL Database. It discusses Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) versus Platform as a Service (PaaS), and highlights the opportunities in the Linux database market. It also discusses Microsoft's commitment to customer choice and partnerships with companies like Red Hat. The remainder of the document focuses on features of Azure SQL Database, including an overview of the DTU and vCore purchasing models, managed instances, backup and recovery, high availability options, elastic scalability, and data sync capabilities.

Mini training - Introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage
Mini training - Introduction to Microsoft Azure StorageMini training - Introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage
Mini training - Introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage

A really quick introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage and all of its services. It's one of the core components of Azure and it's really important to understand it if you want to "move to the cloud".

Download, install, register on-premises
Connect gateway to AAS instance
Add gateway resource to Azure
*Performs slowly on wireless
*Communication is encrypted
DirectQuery benefits
Up-to-date data
Stronger security
Optimized query plan
In-Memory Cache
Stronger query performance
Data refresh required
DirectQuery limitations
SQL server, Oracle, Teradata
No stored procedures
No calculated tables
Query language translations
Azure allows backup storage
Configurable in the AAS instance
Can backup and restore to separate instances
Hint: Use deployment
Rarely, Azure servers go down
Ensure availability by deploying to another instance
in a different region
Process each instance in parallel

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[Retail & CPG Day 2019] Amazon.com의 무중단, 대용량 DB패턴과 국내사례 (Lotte e-commerce) - ...
[Retail & CPG Day 2019] Amazon.com의 무중단, 대용량 DB패턴과 국내사례 (Lotte e-commerce) - ...[Retail & CPG Day 2019] Amazon.com의 무중단, 대용량 DB패턴과 국내사례 (Lotte e-commerce) - ...
[Retail & CPG Day 2019] Amazon.com의 무중단, 대용량 DB패턴과 국내사례 (Lotte e-commerce) - ...

[Retail & CPG Day 2019] Amazon.com의 무중단, 대용량 DB패턴과 국내사례 (Lotte e-commerce) - 황경태, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트, 신봉기, 롯데 이커머스 DB 엔지니어


Windows Admin Center is a browser-based tool for managing Windows servers and clients. It can be installed locally and manages servers through Remote PowerShell and WMI over WinRM. The Windows Admin Center gateway publishes to DNS and provides secure remote access and management from anywhere using Edge or Chrome. Windows Admin Center enhances security for management and complements existing solutions like System Center while providing familiar functionality in a modern package.

it admin
Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)
Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)
Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)

In dieser Session stellen wir ein Projekt vor, in welchem wir ein umfassendes BI-System mit Hilfe von Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL, Azure Logic Apps und Azure Analysis Services für und in der Azure Cloud aufgebaut haben. Wir berichten über die Herausforderungen, wie wir diese gelöst haben und welche Learnings und Best Practices wir mitgenommen haben.

business intelligenceazuretrivadis
Automation Uses
• Model processing on schedule
• Full or incremental
• Start/Stop AAS on schedule
• Scale AAS automatically
• Backup AAS instance on schedule
How to Automate
• Azure Function Apps
• Azure RunBooks
• Classic SSMS/SSIS
• Custom .NET application
• Custom PowerShell
• Separate module in Azure
• Premade Functions
• Webhook/API, Timer (CRON), Data Processing
• Templates (C#, F#, JavaScript)
• Custom functions
• PowerShell, Python, and Windows Batch
• Analysis Server libraries, providers, and
connection string references needed
• Web application sitting in Azure
• Separate pricing model
• Can use Source Control/TFS
• Requires Azure Automation account
• Uses ‘Run As’ account to connect to AAS
• RunBooks support PowerShell and Python scripts
• Can be run on a recurring schedule

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Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
Azure SQL Database Managed InstanceAzure SQL Database Managed Instance
Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is a new flavor of Azure SQL Database that is a game changer.  It offers near-complete SQL Server compatibility and network isolation to easily lift and shift databases to Azure (you can literally backup an on-premise database and restore it into a Azure SQL Database Managed Instance).  Think of it as an enhancement to Azure SQL Database that is built on the same PaaS infrastructure and maintains all it's features (i.e. active geo-replication, high availability, automatic backups, database advisor, threat detection, intelligent insights, vulnerability assessment, etc) but adds support for databases up to 35TB, VNET, SQL Agent, cross-database querying, replication, etc.  So, you can migrate your databases from on-prem to Azure with very little migration effort which is a big improvement from the current Singleton or Elastic Pool flavors which can require substantial changes.

azure sql database managed instance
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1Intro to Azure Data Factory v1
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1

An introduction to the concepts and requirements to get started developing data pipelines in Azure Data Factory version 1.

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Cloud and Analytics - From Platforms to an Ecosystem
Cloud and Analytics - From Platforms to an EcosystemCloud and Analytics - From Platforms to an Ecosystem
Cloud and Analytics - From Platforms to an Ecosystem

Zurich North America is one of the largest providers of insurance solutions and services in the world with customers representing a wide range of industries from agriculture to construction and more than 90 percent of the Fortune 500.

spark + ai summit

Advantages to movement to AAS
• No physical space needed for servers
• One cloud platform for development
• Azure is Microsoft’s future – AAS is beneficial to learn
• Scaling and automating use is quick
• Integration to already used tools
• Processing power is immense for large data sets
• Access administration is streamlined
• Redundancy built-in
• Simple and forecasted pricing model
Disadvantages to movement to AAS
• Learning curve
• (Possible!) replacement of SSAS resume skill
Query Replicas
Queries distributed among multiple replicas in
a pool
Up to 7 additional query streams (8 total)
Good for high-QPU usage times
Can be configured based on instance usage
Azure general feature – Name/Value pair for
For example: Environment/Development
Azure general feature – Locks resource to
prevent actions on the resource
Performance logs
Event logs
Error logs
Azure infrastructure logs
AAS support in Power BI Embedded Azure Data Lake storage as data source
Multidimensional cube support
Schema compare
Excel Online connections
AAS data source in SSRS
Automation best practices
Deterministic scaling development
Best uses of RunBooks, Functions, Replicas, or
other techniques?
Migration strategy
Full approach to migration plan
Testing techniques while migrating leanly
True Implementation Cost
Production down time while migrating
Opportunity cost and monetary cost during
learning curve
Buy-in from business
On-boarding of business users, if necessary
Production monitoring
Best practices for maintenance
How many resources required
Improvements to implemented system and
development life cycle

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Cloud and Analytics -- 2020 sparksummit
Cloud and Analytics -- 2020 sparksummitCloud and Analytics -- 2020 sparksummit
Cloud and Analytics -- 2020 sparksummit

This document discusses Zurich Insurance Group's use of cloud analytics platforms and technologies. It outlines how Zurich leverages multiple data sources and tools for data exploration, integration, modeling and deployment. Key elements of their ecosystem include a data lake on Azure, various analytics tools, containerization, and DevOps processes to automate deployments and upgrades. The goal is to accelerate insights, improve agility and reduce costs through this cloud-based analytics environment.

Big Data and Data Warehousing Together with Azure Synapse Analytics (SQLBits ...
Big Data and Data Warehousing Together with Azure Synapse Analytics (SQLBits ...Big Data and Data Warehousing Together with Azure Synapse Analytics (SQLBits ...
Big Data and Data Warehousing Together with Azure Synapse Analytics (SQLBits ...

SQLBits 2020 presentation on how you can build solutions based on the modern data warehouse pattern with Azure Synapse Spark and SQL including demos of Azure Synapse.

azure synapsesqlbits 2020apache spark
AWS Webcast - Migrating your Data Center to the Cloud
AWS Webcast - Migrating your Data Center to the CloudAWS Webcast - Migrating your Data Center to the Cloud
AWS Webcast - Migrating your Data Center to the Cloud

Is your organization considering migrating an existing data center over to AWS to reduce cost, improve reliability, security, and operational performance of your IT operations? If so, join us for a webinar on how to plan and execute your migration to the cloud from classification of applications, assessing your application needs, identifying the target applications and other various migration strategies.

cloudawsamazon web services
On-Premises SSAS
History of AS • ROI considerations
• Future research
• Questions/Comments
• Sources & References
Azure AS
Developing w/ AAS
Automation on AAS
• AAS product page:
• MS Docs overview:
• AAS blog:
• AAS Web Designer:
• Feature requests:
• Third party/community code:
• Video overviews:
• Video introduction (using NY Taxi data):
• NY Taxi data (lots!):

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Azure Analysis Services (Azure Bootcamp 2018)

  • 2. Introduction • Education • B.S. in Computer Science from UW-Milwaukee • M.S. in Science of Management from Cardinal Stritch • Professional • Fiserv, DentaQuest, BMO Harris • Focus on SQL, SSIS, and DevOps strategies • Talavant • Focus on larger BI strategies Turner Kunkel Senior Consultant @ Talavant • Hobbies • Home brewing • Bass playing (poorly) • Sailing (light skipper license)
  • 3. There is a better way to make data work for companies. Better resources, strategy, sustainability, inclusion of the organization as a whole, understanding of client needs, tools, outcomes, better ROI. • Accelerated planning, implementation and results • Sustainable solutions • Increased company-wide buy-in & usage VALUE WE PROVIDE By providing a holistic approach inclusive of a client’s people, processes and technologies - built on investment in our own employees and company growth. HOW WE DO IT STRATEGY ARCHITECTURE IMPLEMENTATION
  • 4. OVERVIEW On-Premises SSAS History of AS • ROI considerations • Future research • Questions/Comments • Sources & References Azure AS Developing w/ AAS Automation on AAS
  • 5. END PRODUCT Robust Power BI sample from Microsoft 2.04 billion NY Taxi trips Refresh using 20 Azure cores in ~4 seconds
  • 7. OLAP Database theory (X,Y,Z) → W (X,Y,Z are axis in a cube, W is value of cell) Need arose from tab report structure from 1980’s database management systems Slice, Dice, Drill Down, Roll Up
  • 9. MODELS FUNCTIONS Multidimensional Tabular Actions Yes No Aggregations Yes No Calculated Column No Yes Calculated Measures Yes Yes Calculated Tables No Yes 1 Custom Assemblies Yes No Custom Rollups Yes No Default Member Yes No Display folders Yes Yes 1 Distinct Count Yes Yes (via DAX) Drillthrough Yes Yes (depends on client application) Hierarchies Yes Yes KPIs Yes Yes Linked objects Yes Yes (linked tables) M expressions No Yes 1 Many-to-many relationships Yes No (but there is bi-directional cross filters at 1200 and higher compatibility levels) Named sets Yes No Ragged Hierarchies Yes Yes 1 Parent-child Hierarchies Yes Yes (via DAX) Partitions Yes Yes Perspectives Yes Yes Row-level Security Yes Yes Object-level Security Yes Yes 1 Semi-additive Measures Yes Yes Translations Yes Yes User-defined Hierarchies Yes Yes Writeback Yes No Multidimensional SSAS Power BI (in preview) Tabular SSAS, Azure Power BI, Power Pivot, etc. Created from Multidimensional metadata TMSL code TOM code Compatibilities: 1050, 1103, 1200, 1400 Azure >= 1200 level
  • 11. BUSINESS USE • Explore data from outside the organization • Historical insight • Trends and predictive analysis • Self-service opportunities for business users • Space saving • Time saving Reporting Tools SSRS SharePoint Power Pivot Power BI Tableau (and other third parties)
  • 13. SETUP ON-PREMISES Infrastructure Setup time, Developers, Space, Age, Networking Administration Security, Scaling, Disaster recovery, Licensing, Local backups
  • 15. SETUP Initial thoughts Where in Azure is it? How do I start it? What is the cost?
  • 16. INSTANCE CREATION Resource Group Query Processing Units (QPU) Location Backup Storage
  • 17. INSTANCE UPKEEP Deployment Scripts Instance metrics Security Troubleshooting Scaling Backups
  • 19. MODEL DEVELOPMENT Web interface (public preview) Edit relationships, measures, hierarchies Drag-and-drop query editor for data Translates to DAX if needed Interface to open model in several tools SQL Server Data Tools/Visual Studio (>=2016) SQL Server Management Studio (>=2016)
  • 20. MIGRATION Best practice Incremental port of solution Lean, Phased, Ramp up Types Full Hybrid/piece-wise Tools On-premises Gateway Visual Studio, SQL Management Studio
  • 21. GATEWAY Install Download, install, register on-premises Use Connect gateway to AAS instance Configure Add gateway resource to Azure *Performs slowly on wireless *Communication is encrypted
  • 22. DATA ACCESS DirectQuery benefits Up-to-date data Stronger security Optimized query plan In-Memory Cache Stronger query performance Data refresh required DirectQuery limitations Sources SQL server, Oracle, Teradata No stored procedures No calculated tables Query language translations
  • 23. “HIGH AVAILABILITY” Backups Azure allows backup storage Configurable in the AAS instance Can backup and restore to separate instances Hint: Use deployment scripts Redundancy Rarely, Azure servers go down Ensure availability by deploying to another instance in a different region Process each instance in parallel
  • 25. AUTOMATION Automation Uses • Model processing on schedule • Full or incremental • Start/Stop AAS on schedule • Scale AAS automatically • Backup AAS instance on schedule How to Automate • Azure Function Apps • Azure RunBooks • Classic SSMS/SSIS • Custom .NET application • Custom PowerShell
  • 26. FUNCTION APPS • Separate module in Azure • Premade Functions • Webhook/API, Timer (CRON), Data Processing • Templates (C#, F#, JavaScript) • Custom functions • PowerShell, Python, and Windows Batch • Analysis Server libraries, providers, and connection string references needed • Web application sitting in Azure • Separate pricing model • Can use Source Control/TFS
  • 27. RUNBOOKS • Requires Azure Automation account • Uses ‘Run As’ account to connect to AAS • RunBooks support PowerShell and Python scripts • Can be run on a recurring schedule
  • 29. ROI & CONSIDERATIONS Advantages to movement to AAS • No physical space needed for servers • One cloud platform for development • Azure is Microsoft’s future – AAS is beneficial to learn • Scaling and automating use is quick • Integration to already used tools • Processing power is immense for large data sets • Access administration is streamlined • Redundancy built-in • Simple and forecasted pricing model Disadvantages to movement to AAS • Learning curve • (Possible!) replacement of SSAS resume skill
  • 30. OTHER FEATURES Query Replicas Queries distributed among multiple replicas in a pool Up to 7 additional query streams (8 total) Good for high-QPU usage times Can be configured based on instance usage Tags Azure general feature – Name/Value pair for resources For example: Environment/Development Locks Azure general feature – Locks resource to prevent actions on the resource Diagnostics Performance logs Event logs Error logs Azure infrastructure logs
  • 31. FUTURE FEATURES AAS support in Power BI Embedded Azure Data Lake storage as data source Multidimensional cube support Schema compare Excel Online connections AAS data source in SSRS
  • 32. FUTURE RESEARCH Automation best practices Deterministic scaling development Best uses of RunBooks, Functions, Replicas, or other techniques? Migration strategy Full approach to migration plan Testing techniques while migrating leanly True Implementation Cost Production down time while migrating Opportunity cost and monetary cost during learning curve Buy-in from business On-boarding of business users, if necessary Production monitoring Best practices for maintenance How many resources required Improvements to implemented system and development life cycle
  • 33. RECAP On-Premises SSAS History of AS • ROI considerations • Future research • Questions/Comments • Sources & References Azure AS Developing w/ AAS Automation on AAS
  • 35. RESOURCES • AAS product page: • MS Docs overview: • AAS blog: • AAS Web Designer: portal • Feature requests: • Third party/community code: • Video overviews: • Video introduction (using NY Taxi data): analysis-services/ • NY Taxi data (lots!):