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Azure Synapse Analytics
James Serra
Data & AI Architect
Microsoft, NYC MTC
About Me
 Microsoft, Big Data Evangelist
 In IT for 30 years, worked on many BI and DW projects
 Worked as desktop/web/database developer, DBA, BI and DW architect and developer, MDM
architect, PDW/APS developer
 Been perm employee, contractor, consultant, business owner
 Presenter at PASS Business Analytics Conference, PASS Summit, Enterprise Data World conference
 Certifications: MCSE: Data Platform, Business Intelligence; MS: Architecting Microsoft Azure
Solutions, Design and Implement Big Data Analytics Solutions, Design and Implement Cloud Data
Platform Solutions
 Blog at
 Former SQL Server MVP
 Author of book “Reporting with Microsoft SQL Server 2012”
 Introduction
 Studio
 Data Integration
 SQL Analytics
 Data Storage and Performance Optimizations
 SQL On-Demand
 Spark
 Security
 Connected Services
Azure Synapse Analytics is a limitless analytics service, that brings together
enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics. It gives you the freedom
to query data on your terms, using either serverless on-demand or provisioned
resources, at scale. Azure Synapse brings these two worlds together with a
unified experience to ingest, prepare, manage, and serve data for immediate
business intelligence and machine learning needs.

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DW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptx
DW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptxDW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptx
DW Migration Webinar-March 2022.pptx

The document discusses migrating a data warehouse to the Databricks Lakehouse Platform. It outlines why legacy data warehouses are struggling, how the Databricks Platform addresses these issues, and key considerations for modern analytics and data warehousing. The document then provides an overview of the migration methodology, approach, strategies, and key takeaways for moving to a lakehouse on Databricks.

Databricks Fundamentals
Databricks FundamentalsDatabricks Fundamentals
Databricks Fundamentals

This document is a training presentation on Databricks fundamentals and the data lakehouse concept by Dalibor Wijas from November 2022. It introduces Wijas and his experience. It then discusses what Databricks is, why it is needed, what a data lakehouse is, how Databricks enables the data lakehouse concept using Apache Spark and Delta Lake. It also covers how Databricks supports data engineering, data warehousing, and offers tools for data ingestion, transformation, pipelines and more.

Building Modern Data Platform with Microsoft Azure
Building Modern Data Platform with Microsoft AzureBuilding Modern Data Platform with Microsoft Azure
Building Modern Data Platform with Microsoft Azure

This document provides an overview of building a modern cloud analytics solution using Microsoft Azure. It discusses the role of analytics, a history of cloud computing, and a data warehouse modernization project. Key challenges covered include lack of notifications, logging, self-service BI, and integrating streaming data. The document proposes solutions to these challenges using Azure services like Data Factory, Kafka, Databricks, and SQL Data Warehouse. It also discusses alternative implementations using tools like Matillion ETL and Snowflake.

azurecloud analyticsanalytics
Best in class price
per performance
Workload aware
query execution
Data flexibility
Up to 94% less expensive
than competitors
Manage heterogenous
workloads through
workload priorities and
Ingest variety of data
sources to derive the
maximum benefit.
Query all data.
Use preferred tooling for
SQL data warehouse
security and 99.9%
financially backed
availability SLA
Azure Synapse – SQL Analytics
focus areas
+ many more
Leveraging ISV partners with Azure Synapse Analytics
Power BI Azure Machine Learning
Azure Data Share Ecosystem
Azure Synapse Analytics
What workloads are NOT suitable?
• High frequency reads and writes.
• Large numbers of singleton
• High volumes of single row
Operational workloads (OLTP)
• Row by row processing needs.
• Incompatible formats (XML).
Data Preparations
What Workloads are Suitable?
Store large volumes of data.
Consolidate disparate data into a single location.
Shape, model, transform and aggregate data.
Batch/Micro-batch loads.
Perform query analysis across large datasets.
Ad-hoc reporting across large data volumes.
All using simple SQL constructs.

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Modernizing to a Cloud Data Architecture
Modernizing to a Cloud Data ArchitectureModernizing to a Cloud Data Architecture
Modernizing to a Cloud Data Architecture

Organizations with on-premises Hadoop infrastructure are bogged down by system complexity, unscalable infrastructure, and the increasing burden on DevOps to manage legacy architectures. Costs and resource utilization continue to go up while innovation has flatlined. In this session, you will learn why, now more than ever, enterprises are looking for cloud alternatives to Hadoop and are migrating off of the architecture in large numbers. You will also learn how elastic compute models’ benefits help one customer scale their analytics and AI workloads and best practices from their experience on a successful migration of their data and workloads to the cloud.

Azure Databricks - An Introduction (by Kris Bock)
Azure Databricks - An Introduction (by Kris Bock)Azure Databricks - An Introduction (by Kris Bock)
Azure Databricks - An Introduction (by Kris Bock)

Azure Databricks is a fast, easy to use, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform optimized for Azure. It allows for interactive collaboration through a unified workspace, enables sharing of insights through integration with Power BI, and provides native integration with other Azure services. It also offers enterprise-grade security through integration with Azure Active Directory and compliance features.

#azuremicrosoft azurewindows azure
The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...
The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...
The Future of Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale: A Look at MLflow, D...

Many had dubbed 2020 as the decade of data. This is indeed an era of data zeitgeist. From code-centric software development 1.0, we are entering software development 2.0, a data-centric and data-driven approach, where data plays a central theme in our everyday lives. As the volume and variety of data garnered from myriad data sources continue to grow at an astronomical scale and as cloud computing offers cheap computing and data storage resources at scale, the data platforms have to match in their abilities to process, analyze, and visualize at scale and speed and with ease — this involves data paradigm shifts in processing and storing and in providing programming frameworks to developers to access and work with these data platforms. In this talk, we will survey some emerging technologies that address the challenges of data at scale, how these tools help data scientists and machine learning developers with their data tasks, why they scale, and how they facilitate the future data scientists to start quickly. In particular, we will examine in detail two open-source tools MLflow (for machine learning life cycle development) and Delta Lake (for reliable storage for structured and unstructured data). Other emerging tools such as Koalas help data scientists to do exploratory data analysis at scale in a language and framework they are familiar with as well as emerging data + AI trends in 2021. You will understand the challenges of machine learning model development at scale, why you need reliable and scalable storage, and what other open source tools are at your disposal to do data science and machine learning at scale.

lakehousedelta lakemlflow
Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r1)
Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r1)
Azure Synapse Analytics
Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence
Data Lake Storage
Common Data Model
Enterprise Security
Optimized for Analytics
Analytics Runtimes
Form Factors
Python .NET Java Scala R
Experience Synapse Analytics Studio
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things
Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence
Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence
Data Lake Storage
Common Data Model
Enterprise Security
Optimized for Analytics
Analytics Runtimes
Form Factors
Python .NET Java Scala R
Experience Synapse Analytics Studio
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things
Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence
Connected Services
Azure Data Catalog
Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Share
Azure Databricks
Azure HDInsight
Azure Machine Learning
Power BI
3rd Party Integration

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Modern data warehouse
Modern data warehouseModern data warehouse
Modern data warehouse

Modern DW Architecture - The document discusses modern data warehouse architectures using Azure cloud services like Azure Data Lake, Azure Databricks, and Azure Synapse. It covers storage options like ADLS Gen 1 and Gen 2 and data processing tools like Databricks and Synapse. It highlights how to optimize architectures for cost and performance using features like auto-scaling, shutdown, and lifecycle management policies. Finally, it provides a demo of a sample end-to-end data pipeline.

Azure data platform overview
Azure data platform overviewAzure data platform overview
Azure data platform overview

This document provides an overview and summary of the author's background and expertise. It states that the author has over 30 years of experience in IT working on many BI and data warehouse projects. It also lists that the author has experience as a developer, DBA, architect, and consultant. It provides certifications held and publications authored as well as noting previous recognition as an SQL Server MVP.

azuredata platformdata warehouse
Databricks Platform.pptx
Databricks Platform.pptxDatabricks Platform.pptx
Databricks Platform.pptx

The document provides an overview of the Databricks platform, which offers a unified environment for data engineering, analytics, and AI. It describes how Databricks addresses the complexity of managing data across siloed systems by providing a single "data lakehouse" platform where all data and analytics workloads can be run. Key features highlighted include Delta Lake for ACID transactions on data lakes, auto loader for streaming data ingestion, notebooks for interactive coding, and governance tools to securely share and catalog data and models.

data platformdelta lakeanalytics
Provisioning Synapse workspace
Providing Synapse is easy
Resource Group
Workspace Name
Data Lake Storage Account
Synapse workspace
SQL pools
Apache Spark pools

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Learn to Use Databricks for Data Science
Learn to Use Databricks for Data ScienceLearn to Use Databricks for Data Science
Learn to Use Databricks for Data Science

Data scientists face numerous challenges throughout the data science workflow that hinder productivity. As organizations continue to become more data-driven, a collaborative environment is more critical than ever — one that provides easier access and visibility into the data, reports and dashboards built against the data, reproducibility, and insights uncovered within the data.. Join us to hear how Databricks’ open and collaborative platform simplifies data science by enabling you to run all types of analytics workloads, from data preparation to exploratory analysis and predictive analytics, at scale — all on one unified platform.

Databricks Delta Lake and Its Benefits
Databricks Delta Lake and Its BenefitsDatabricks Delta Lake and Its Benefits
Databricks Delta Lake and Its Benefits

Delta Lake, an open-source innovations which brings new capabilities for transactions, version control and indexing your data lakes. We uncover how Delta Lake benefits and why it matters to you. Through this session, we showcase some of its benefits and how they can improve your modern data engineering pipelines. Delta lake provides snapshot isolation which helps concurrent read/write operations and enables efficient insert, update, deletes, and rollback capabilities. It allows background file optimization through compaction and z-order partitioning achieving better performance improvements. In this presentation, we will learn the Delta Lake benefits and how it solves common data lake challenges, and most importantly new Delta Time Travel capability.

* apache spark

 *big data


Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4
Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4
Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4

The document discusses the challenges of modern data, analytics, and AI workloads. Most enterprises struggle with siloed data systems that make integration and productivity difficult. The future of data lies with a data lakehouse platform that can unify data engineering, analytics, data warehousing, and machine learning workloads on a single open platform. The Databricks Lakehouse platform aims to address these challenges with its open data lake approach and capabilities for data engineering, SQL analytics, governance, and machine learning.

Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence
Data Lake Storage
Common Data Model
Enterprise Security
Optimized for Analytics
Analytics Runtimes
Form Factors
Python .NET Java Scala R
Experience Synapse Analytics Studio
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things
Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence
A single place for Data Engineers, Data Scientists, and IT Pros to collaborate on enterprise analytics
Synapse Studio
Synapse Studio divided into Activity hubs.
These organize the tasks needed for building analytics solution.
Overview Data
Monitor Manage
Quick-access to common
gestures, most-recently used
items, and links to tutorials
and documentation.
Explore structured and
unstructured data
Centralized view of all resource
usage and activities in the
Configure the workspace, pool,
access to artifacts
Write code and the define
business logic of the pipeline
via notebooks, SQL scripts,
Data flows, etc.
Design pipelines that that
move and transform data.

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Designing a modern data warehouse in azure
Designing a modern data warehouse in azure   Designing a modern data warehouse in azure
Designing a modern data warehouse in azure

This document discusses designing a modern data warehouse in Azure. It provides an overview of traditional vs. self-service data warehouses and their limitations. It also outlines challenges with current data warehouses around timeliness, flexibility, quality and findability. The document then discusses why organizations need a modern data warehouse based on criteria like customer experience, quality assurance and operational efficiency. It covers various approaches to ingesting, storing, preparing, modeling and serving data on Azure. Finally, it discusses architectures like the lambda architecture and common data models.

Achieving Lakehouse Models with Spark 3.0
Achieving Lakehouse Models with Spark 3.0Achieving Lakehouse Models with Spark 3.0
Achieving Lakehouse Models with Spark 3.0

It’s very easy to be distracted by the latest and greatest approaches with technology, but sometimes there’s a reason old approaches stand the test of time. Star Schemas & Kimball is one of those things that isn’t going anywhere, but as we move towards the “Data Lakehouse” paradigm – how appropriate is this modelling technique, and how can we harness the Delta Engine & Spark 3.0 to maximise it’s performance?

Azure Data Factory V2; The Data Flows
Azure Data Factory V2; The Data FlowsAzure Data Factory V2; The Data Flows
Azure Data Factory V2; The Data Flows

The document discusses Azure Data Factory V2 data flows. It will provide an introduction to Azure Data Factory, discuss data flows, and have attendees build a simple data flow to demonstrate how they work. The speaker will introduce Azure Data Factory and data flows, explain concepts like pipelines, linked services, and data flows, and guide a hands-on demo where attendees build a data flow to join customer data to postal district data to add matching postal towns.

datascotlandazuredata factory
Synapse Studio
Overview hub
Overview Hub
It is a starting point for the activities with key links to tasks, artifacts and documentation
Overview Hub
New dropdown – offers quickly start work
Recent & Pinned – Lists recently opened
code artifacts. Pin selected ones for quick
Synapse Studio
Data hub

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Big data architectures and the data lake
Big data architectures and the data lakeBig data architectures and the data lake
Big data architectures and the data lake

The document provides an overview of big data architectures and the data lake concept. It discusses why organizations are adopting data lakes to handle increasing data volumes and varieties. The key aspects covered include: - Defining top-down and bottom-up approaches to data management - Explaining what a data lake is and how Hadoop can function as the data lake - Describing how a modern data warehouse combines features of a traditional data warehouse and data lake - Discussing how federated querying allows data to be accessed across multiple sources - Highlighting benefits of implementing big data solutions in the cloud - Comparing shared-nothing, massively parallel processing (MPP) architectures to symmetric multi-processing (

data lakebig dataazure data lake store
Azure Data Factory | Moving On-Premise Data to Azure Cloud | Microsoft Azure ...
Azure Data Factory | Moving On-Premise Data to Azure Cloud | Microsoft Azure ...Azure Data Factory | Moving On-Premise Data to Azure Cloud | Microsoft Azure ...
Azure Data Factory | Moving On-Premise Data to Azure Cloud | Microsoft Azure ...

** Microsoft Azure Certification Training : ** This Edureka "Azure Data Factory” tutorial will give you a thorough and insightful overview of Microsoft Azure Data Factory and help you understand other related terms like Data Lakes and Data Warehousing. Following are the offering of this tutorial: 1. Why Azure Data Factory? 2. What Is Azure Data Factory? 3. Data Factory Concepts 4. What is Azure Data Lake? 5. Data Lake Concepts 6. Data Lake Vs Data Warehouse 7. Demo- Moving On-Premise Data To Cloud Check out our Playlists:

microsoft azure certificationcloud computingazure active directory
Prague data management meetup 2018-03-27
Prague data management meetup 2018-03-27Prague data management meetup 2018-03-27
Prague data management meetup 2018-03-27

This document discusses different data types and data models. It begins by describing unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data. It then discusses relational and non-relational data models. The document notes that big data can include any of these data types and models. It provides an overview of Microsoft's data management and analytics platform and tools for working with structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data at varying scales. These include offerings like SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure Data Lake Analytics, HDInsight and Azure Data Warehouse.

Data Hub
Explore data inside the workspace and in linked storage accounts
Data Hub – Storage accounts
Browse Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 accounts and filesystems – navigate through folders to see data
ADLS Gen2 Account
Container (filesystem)
Data Hub – Storage accounts
Preview a sample of your data
Data Hub – Storage accounts
See basic file properties

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A Primer To Sybase Iq Development July 13
A Primer To Sybase Iq Development July 13A Primer To Sybase Iq Development July 13
A Primer To Sybase Iq Development July 13

This document provides an overview of using Sybase WorkSpace to develop applications for Sybase IQ. It discusses WorkSpace features for enterprise modeling, database development, and migrating data and schemas from Sybase ASE to IQ. Specific capabilities covered include conceptual and physical data modeling, SQL development and debugging, schema development, and using WorkSpace to model replication environments and stage data migration to IQ. Links are provided to learn more about Sybase IQ, WorkSpace, and related products.

Ai big dataconference_eugene_polonichko_azure data lake
Ai big dataconference_eugene_polonichko_azure data lake Ai big dataconference_eugene_polonichko_azure data lake
Ai big dataconference_eugene_polonichko_azure data lake

Topic of presentation: Azure Data Lake: what is it? why is it? where is it? The main points of the presentation: What is Azure Data Lake? Why does this technology call Microsoft Big Data? Azure Data Lake includes all the capabilities required to make it easy for developers, data scientists, and analysts to store data of any size, shape, and speed, and do all types of processing and analytics across platforms and languages. It removes the complexities of ingesting and storing all of your data while making it faster to get up and running with batch, streaming, and interactive analytics. #dataconf #AIBDConference

Eugene Polonichko "Azure Data Lake: what is it? why is it? where is it?"
Eugene Polonichko "Azure Data Lake: what is it? why is it? where is it?"Eugene Polonichko "Azure Data Lake: what is it? why is it? where is it?"
Eugene Polonichko "Azure Data Lake: what is it? why is it? where is it?"

AI&BigData Conference 2017 Eugene Polonichko "Azure Data Lake: what is it? why is it? where is it?"

ai&bigdataconfai&bigdataconf 2017ai&bigdataconf 2017a
Data Hub – Storage accounts
Manage Access - Configure standard POSIX ACLs on files and folders
Data Hub – Storage accounts
Two simple gestures to start analyzing with SQL scripts or with notebooks.
T-SQL or PySpark auto-generated.
Data Hub – Storage accounts
SQL Script from Multiple files
Multi-select of files generates a SQL script that analyzes all those files together
Data Hub – Databases
Explore the different kinds of databases that exist in a workspace.
SQL pool
SQL on-demand

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Differentiate Big Data vs Data Warehouse use cases for a cloud solution
Differentiate Big Data vs Data Warehouse use cases for a cloud solutionDifferentiate Big Data vs Data Warehouse use cases for a cloud solution
Differentiate Big Data vs Data Warehouse use cases for a cloud solution

It can be quite challenging keeping up with the frequent updates to the Microsoft products and understanding all their use cases and how all the products fit together.  In this session we will differentiate the use cases for each of the Microsoft services, explaining and demonstrating what is good and what isn't, in order for you to position, design and deliver the proper adoption use cases for each with your customers.  We will cover a wide range of products such as Databricks, SQL Data Warehouse, HDInsight, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Azure Data Lake Store, Blob storage, and AAS  as well as high-level concepts such as when to use a data lake.  We will also review the most common reference architectures (“patterns”) witnessed in customer adoption.

big datadata warehousecloud
Azure Data Lake Intro (SQLBits 2016)
Azure Data Lake Intro (SQLBits 2016)Azure Data Lake Intro (SQLBits 2016)
Azure Data Lake Intro (SQLBits 2016)

Azure Data Lake Intro (SQLBits 2016 ADL/USQL Pre-Conference) Data Lake concept, Azure Data Lake, HDINSIGHT, Azure Data Lake Storage and Analytics

azure data lakeu-sqlbig data
What’s new in SQL Server 2017
What’s new in SQL Server 2017What’s new in SQL Server 2017
What’s new in SQL Server 2017

Covers all the new features in SQL Server 2017, as well as details on upgrading and migrating to SQL Server 2017 or to Azure SQL Database.

sql server 2017
Data Hub – Databases
Familiar gesture to generate T-SQL scripts from SQL
metadata objects such as tables.
Starting from a table, auto-generate a single line of PySpark code
that makes it easy to load a SQL table into a Spark dataframe
Data Hub – Datasets
Orchestration datasets describe data that is persisted. Once a dataset is defined, it can be used in pipelines and
sources of data or as sinks of data.
Synapse Studio
Develop hub
Develop Hub
It provides development experience to
query, analyze, model data
Multiple languages to analyze data
under one umbrella
Switch over notebooks and scripts
without loosing content
Code intellisense offers reliable code
Create insightful visualizations

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Microsoft Fabric Introduction
Microsoft Fabric IntroductionMicrosoft Fabric Introduction
Microsoft Fabric Introduction

Microsoft Fabric is the next version of Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Power BI. It brings all of these capabilities together into a single unified analytics platform that goes from the data lake to the business user in a SaaS-like environment. Therefore, the vision of Fabric is to be a one-stop shop for all the analytical needs for every enterprise and one platform for everyone from a citizen developer to a data engineer. Fabric will cover the complete spectrum of services including data movement, data lake, data engineering, data integration and data science, observational analytics, and business intelligence. With Fabric, there is no need to stitch together different services from multiple vendors. Instead, the customer enjoys end-to-end, highly integrated, single offering that is easy to understand, onboard, create and operate. This is a hugely important new product from Microsoft and I will simplify your understanding of it via a presentation and demo. Agenda: What is Microsoft Fabric? Workspaces and capacities OneLake Lakehouse Data Warehouse ADF Power BI / DirectLake Resources

#microsoftfabric #data
Building a Real-Time IoT monitoring application with Azure
Building a Real-Time IoT monitoring application with AzureBuilding a Real-Time IoT monitoring application with Azure
Building a Real-Time IoT monitoring application with Azure

Being able to analyze data in real-time is a very hot topic already and it will be more and more in. From product recommendations to fraud detection alarms a lot of stuff would be perfect if it could happen in real time. In this session a sample solution using the serverless capabilities of Azure will be developed, right from the ingestion of sensor data to their analysis and recommendation using AI in real time. Come to see how you could do the same in your environment, moving your application capabilities to the next level.

Azure Data Lake and U-SQL
Azure Data Lake and U-SQLAzure Data Lake and U-SQL
Azure Data Lake and U-SQL

Introduction to Azure Data Lake and U-SQL presented at Seattle Scalability Meetup, January 2016. Demo code available at Please signup for the preview at Install Visual Studio Community Edition and the Azure Datalake Tools ( to use U-SQL locally for free.

data lakeazurebig data
Develop Hub - SQL scripts
SQL Script
Authoring SQL Scripts
Execute SQL script on provisioned SQL Pool or SQL
Publish individual SQL script or multiple SQL
scripts through Publish all feature
Language support and intellisense
Develop Hub - SQL scripts
SQL Script
View results in Table or Chart form and export results in
several popular formats
Develop Hub - Notebooks
Allows to write multiple languages in one
%%<Name of language>
Offers use of temporary tables across
Language support for Syntax highlight, syntax
error, syntax code completion, smart indent,
code folding
Export results
Develop Hub - Notebooks
Configure session allows developers to control how many resources
are devoted to running their notebook.

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Power BI with Essbase in the Oracle Cloud
Power BI with Essbase in the Oracle CloudPower BI with Essbase in the Oracle Cloud
Power BI with Essbase in the Oracle Cloud

This document discusses connecting Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) Essbase data to Microsoft Power BI. It provides an overview of Power BI and OAC, describes various methods for connecting the two including using a REST API and exporting data to Excel or CSV files, and demonstrates some visualization capabilities in Power BI including trends over time. Key lessons learned are that data can be accessed across tools through various connections, analytics concepts are often similar between tools, and while partnerships exist between Microsoft and Oracle, integration between specific products like Power BI and OAC is still limited.

power bioracle cloudessbase
Big Data Analytics from Azure Cloud to Power BI Mobile
Big Data Analytics from Azure Cloud to Power BI MobileBig Data Analytics from Azure Cloud to Power BI Mobile
Big Data Analytics from Azure Cloud to Power BI Mobile

This document discusses using Azure services for big data analytics and data insights. It provides an overview of Azure services like Azure Batch, Azure Data Lake, Azure HDInsight and Power BI. It then describes a demo solution that uses these Azure services to analyze job posting data, including collecting data using a .NET application, storing in Azure Data Lake Store, processing with Azure Data Lake Analytics and Azure HDInsight, and visualizing results in Power BI. The presentation includes architecture diagrams and discusses implementation details.

azure data platformazurebig data
Microsoft Data Platform - What's included
Microsoft Data Platform - What's includedMicrosoft Data Platform - What's included
Microsoft Data Platform - What's included

This document provides an overview of a speaker and their upcoming presentation on Microsoft's data platform. The speaker is a 30-year IT veteran who has worked in various roles including BI architect, developer, and consultant. Their presentation will cover collecting and managing data, transforming and analyzing data, and visualizing and making decisions from data. It will also discuss Microsoft's various product offerings for data warehousing and big data solutions.

Develop Hub - Notebooks
As notebook cells run, the underlying
Spark application status is shown.
Providing immediate feedback and
progress tracking.​
Dataflow Capabilities
Handle upserts, updates,
deletes on sql sinks
Add new partition methods Add schema drift support
Add file handling (move files
after read, write files to file
names described in rows etc)
New inventory of functions
(for e.g Hash functions for
row comparison)
Commonly used ETL
Data lineage – Capturing sink
column lineage & impact
analysis(invaluable if this is
for enterprise deployment)
Implement commonly used
ETL patterns as
templates(SCD Type1, Type2,
Data Vault)
Develop Hub - Data Flows
Data flows are a visual way of specifying how to transform data.
Provides a code-free experience.
Develop Hub – Power BI
Create Power BI reports in the workspace
Provides access to published reports in the
Update reports real time from Synapse
workspace to get it reflected on Power BI
Visually explore and analyze data

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How does Microsoft solve Big Data?
How does Microsoft solve Big Data?How does Microsoft solve Big Data?
How does Microsoft solve Big Data?

So you got a handle on what Big Data is and how you can use it to find business value in your data.  Now you need an understanding of the Microsoft products that can be used to create a Big Data solution.  Microsoft has many pieces of the puzzle and in this presentation I will show how they fit together.  How does Microsoft enhance and add value to Big Data?  From collecting data, transforming it, storing it, to visualizing it, I will show you Microsoft’s solutions for every step of the way

big datamicrosoft
Azure Data.pptx
Azure Data.pptxAzure Data.pptx
Azure Data.pptx

This document provides an overview of a course on implementing a modern data platform architecture using Azure services. The course objectives are to understand cloud and big data concepts, the role of Azure data services in a modern data platform, and how to implement a reference architecture using Azure data services. The course will provide an ARM template for a data platform solution that can address most data challenges.

Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage
Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage
Data Analytics Meetup: Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage

Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage is designed to enable operational and exploratory analytics through a hyper-scale repository. Journey through Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 with Microsoft Data Platform Specialist, Audrey Hammonds. In this video she explains the fundamentals to Gen 1 and Gen 2, walks us through how to provision a Data Lake, and gives tips to avoid turning your Data Lake into a swamp. Learn more about Data Lakes with our blog - Data Lakes: Data Agility is Here Now

by CCG
microsoftazuredata lake
Develop Hub – Power BI
View published reports in Power BI workspace
Develop Hub – Power BI
Edit reports in Synapse workspace
Publish changes by simple save
report in workspace
Develop Hub – Power BI
Publish edited reports in Synapse workspace to Power BI workspace
Real-time publish on save

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Introduction to SQL Server Analysis services 2008
Introduction to SQL Server Analysis services 2008Introduction to SQL Server Analysis services 2008
Introduction to SQL Server Analysis services 2008

This is my presentation from 17th Polish SQL server User Group Meeting in Wroclaw. It\'s first part of Quadrology Bussiness Intelligence for ITPros Cycle.

Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)
Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)
Azure Days 2019: Business Intelligence auf Azure (Marco Amhof & Yves Mauron)

In dieser Session stellen wir ein Projekt vor, in welchem wir ein umfassendes BI-System mit Hilfe von Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL, Azure Logic Apps und Azure Analysis Services für und in der Azure Cloud aufgebaut haben. Wir berichten über die Herausforderungen, wie wir diese gelöst haben und welche Learnings und Best Practices wir mitgenommen haben.

business intelligenceazuretrivadis
Running cost effective big data workloads with Azure Synapse and ADLS (MS Ign...
Running cost effective big data workloads with Azure Synapse and ADLS (MS Ign...Running cost effective big data workloads with Azure Synapse and ADLS (MS Ign...
Running cost effective big data workloads with Azure Synapse and ADLS (MS Ign...

Presentation by James Baker and myself on Running cost effective big data workloads with Azure Synapse and Azure Datalake Storage (ADLS) at Microsoft Ignite 2020. Covers Modern Data warehouse architecture supported by Azure Synapse, integration benefits with ADLS and some features that reduce cost such as Query Acceleration, integration of Spark and SQL processing with integrated meta data and .NET For Apache Spark support.

azure synapseazure synapse for spark
Synapse Studio
Orchestrate hub
Orchestrate Hub
It provides ability to create pipelines to ingest, transform and load data with 90+ inbuilt connectors.
Offers a wide range of activities that a pipeline can perform.
Synapse Studio
Monitor hub
Monitor Hub
This feature provides ability to monitor orchestration, activities and compute resources.

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USQL Trivadis Azure Data Lake Event
USQL Trivadis Azure Data Lake EventUSQL Trivadis Azure Data Lake Event
USQL Trivadis Azure Data Lake Event

This is an introduction into Azure DataLake and U-SQL held at the Trivadis Azure Data Lake Event by Michael Rys.

azure data lakeusqltrivadis
Data Lakehouse, Data Mesh, and Data Fabric (r2)
Data Lakehouse, Data Mesh, and Data Fabric (r2)Data Lakehouse, Data Mesh, and Data Fabric (r2)
Data Lakehouse, Data Mesh, and Data Fabric (r2)

So many buzzwords of late: Data Lakehouse, Data Mesh, and Data Fabric.  What do all these terms mean and how do they compare to a modern data warehouse?  In this session I’ll cover all of them in detail and compare the pros and cons of each.  They all may sound great in theory, but I'll dig into the concerns you need to be aware of before taking the plunge. I’ll also include use cases so you can see what approach will work best for your big data needs. And I'll discuss Microsoft version of the data mesh.

data lakehousedata lakedata fabric
Data Warehousing Trends, Best Practices, and Future Outlook
Data Warehousing Trends, Best Practices, and Future OutlookData Warehousing Trends, Best Practices, and Future Outlook
Data Warehousing Trends, Best Practices, and Future Outlook

Over the last decade, the 3Vs of data - Volume, Velocity &amp; Variety has grown massively. The Big Data revolution has completely changed the way companies collect, analyze &amp; store data. Advancements in cloud-based data warehousing technologies have empowered companies to fully leverage big data without heavy investments both in terms of time and resources. But, that doesn’t mean building and managing a cloud data warehouse isn’t accompanied by any challenges. From deciding on a service provider to the design architecture, deploying a data warehouse tailored to your business needs is a strenuous undertaking. Looking to deploy a data warehouse to scale your company’s data infrastructure or still on the fence? In this presentation you will gain insights into the current Data Warehousing trends, best practices, and future outlook. Learn how to build your data warehouse with the help of real-life use-cases and discussion on commonly faced challenges. In this session you will learn: - Choosing the best solution - Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse vs. Data Mart - Choosing the best Data Warehouse design methodologies: Data Vault vs. Kimball vs. Inmon - Step by step approach to building an effective data warehouse architecture - Common reasons for the failure of data warehouse implementations and how to avoid them

data warehousingdata meshdata fabric
Monitoring Hub - Orchestration
Monitor orchestration in the Synapse workspace for the
progress and status of pipeline
Track all/specific pipelines
Monitor pipeline run and activity run details
Find the root cause of pipeline failure or activity failure
Monitoring Hub - Spark applications
Monitor Spark pools, Spark applications for the progress and
status of activities
Monitor Spark pools for the status as paused, active,
resume, scaling and upgrading
Track the usage of resources
Synapse Studio
Manage hub
Manage Hub
This feature provides ability to manage Linked Services, Orchestration and Security.

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Data Lake Overview
Data Lake OverviewData Lake Overview
Data Lake Overview

The data lake has become extremely popular, but there is still confusion on how it should be used. In this presentation I will cover common big data architectures that use the data lake, the characteristics and benefits of a data lake, and how it works in conjunction with a relational data warehouse. Then I’ll go into details on using Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 as your data lake, and various typical use cases of the data lake. As a bonus I’ll talk about how to organize a data lake and discuss the various products that can be used in a modern data warehouse.

data lakeadls gen2modern data warehouse
Power BI Overview, Deployment and Governance
Power BI Overview, Deployment and GovernancePower BI Overview, Deployment and Governance
Power BI Overview, Deployment and Governance

This document provides an overview of external sharing in Power BI using Azure Active Directory Business-to-Business (Azure B2B) collaboration. Azure B2B allows Power BI content to be securely distributed to guest users outside the organization while maintaining control over internal data. There are three main approaches for sharing - assigning Pro licenses manually, using guest's own licenses, or sharing to guests via Power BI Premium capacity. Azure B2B handles invitations, authentication, and governance policies to control external sharing. All guest actions are audited. Conditional access policies can also be enforced for guests.

power bipower bi deploymentpower bi governance
Power BI Overview
Power BI OverviewPower BI Overview
Power BI Overview

Power BI has become a product with a ton of exciting features. This presentation will give an overview of some of them, including Power BI Desktop, Power BI service, what’s new, integration with other services, Power BI premium, and administration.

power bipbipower bi desktop
Manage – Linked services
It defines the connection information needed to
connect to external resources.
Offers pre-build 90+ connectors
Easy cross platform data migration
Represents data store or compute resources
Manage – Access Control
It provides access control management to workspace
resources and artifacts for admin and users
Share workspace with the team
Increases productivity
Manage permissions on code artifacts and Spark
Manage – Triggers
It defines a unit of processing that determines when a
pipeline execution needs to be kicked off.
Create and manage
• Schedule trigger
• Tumbling window trigger
• Event trigger
Control pipeline execution
Manage – Integration runtimes
Integration runtimes are the compute infrastructure used by
Pipelines to provide the data integration capabilities across
different network environments. An integration runtime
provides the bridge between the activity and linked services.
Offers Azure Integration Runtime or Self-Hosted Integration
Azure Integration Runtime – provides fully managed,
serverless compute in Azure
Self-Hosted Integration Runtime – use compute resources in
on-premises machine or a VM inside private network

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Machine Learning and AI
Machine Learning and AIMachine Learning and AI
Machine Learning and AI

The breath and depth of Azure products that fall under the AI and ML umbrella can be difficult to follow. In this presentation I’ll first define exactly what AI, ML, and deep learning is, and then go over the various Microsoft AI and ML products and their use cases.

azuremachine learningai
Building a modern data warehouse
Building a modern data warehouseBuilding a modern data warehouse
Building a modern data warehouse

Embarking on building a modern data warehouse in the cloud can be an overwhelming experience due to the sheer number of products that can be used, especially when the use cases for many products overlap others. In this talk I will cover the use cases of many of the Microsoft products that you can use when building a modern data warehouse, broken down into four areas: ingest, store, prep, and model & serve. It’s a complicated story that I will try to simplify, giving blunt opinions of when to use what products and the pros/cons of each.

modern data warehousing
AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...
AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...
AI for an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge: Discover, deploy, and manag...

Discover, manage, deploy, monitor – rinse and repeat.  In this session we show how Azure Machine Learning can be used to create the right AI model for your challenge and then easily customize it using your development tools while relying on Azure ML to optimize them to run in hardware accelerated environments for the cloud and the edge using FPGAs and Neural Network accelerators.  We then show you how to deploy the model to highly scalable web services and nimble edge applications that Azure can manage and monitor for you.  Finally, we illustrate how you can leverage the model telemetry to retrain and improve your content.

aimlmachine learning
Azure Synapse Analytics
Data Integration
Azure Synapse Analytics
Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence
Data Lake Storage
Common Data Model
Enterprise Security
Optimized for Analytics
Analytics Runtimes
Form Factors
Python .NET Java Scala R
Experience Synapse Analytics Studio
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things
Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence
Integration Runtime
Command and Control
Orchestration @ Scale
Trigger Pipeline
Activity Activity
Activity Activity
Integration Runtime
Data Movement
per job elasticity
Up to 4 GB/s
Visually author or via code (Python, .Net, etc.)
Serverless, no infrastructure to manage
Access all your data
90+ connectors provided and growing (cloud, on premises, SaaS)
Data Movement as a Service: 25 points of presence worldwide
Self-hostable Integration Runtime for hybrid movement

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Power BI for Big Data and the New Look of Big Data Solutions
Power BI for Big Data and the New Look of Big Data SolutionsPower BI for Big Data and the New Look of Big Data Solutions
Power BI for Big Data and the New Look of Big Data Solutions

New features in Power BI give it enterprise tools, but that does not mean it automatically creates an enterprise solution.  In this talk we will cover these new features (composite models, aggregations tables, dataflow) as well as Azure Data Lake Store Gen2, and describe the use cases and products of an individual, departmental, and enterprise big data solution.  We will also talk about why a data warehouse and cubes still should be part of an enterprise solution, and how a data lake should be organized.

power bibig datadata warehouse
How to build your career
How to build your careerHow to build your career
How to build your career

In three years I went from a complete unknown to a popular blogger, speaker at PASS Summit, a SQL Server MVP, and then joined Microsoft.  Along the way I saw my yearly income triple.  Is it because I know some secret?  Is it because I am a genius?  No!  It is just about laying out your career path, setting goals, and doing the work. I'll cover tips I learned over my career on everything from interviewing to building your personal brand.  I'll discuss perm positions, consulting, contracting, working for Microsoft or partners, hot fields, in-demand skills, social media, networking, presenting, blogging, salary negotiating, dealing with recruiters, certifications, speaking at major conferences, resume tips, and keys to a high-paying career. Your first step to enhancing your career will be to attend this session! Let me be your career coach!

careercareer coach
Is the traditional data warehouse dead?
Is the traditional data warehouse dead?Is the traditional data warehouse dead?
Is the traditional data warehouse dead?

With new technologies such as Hive LLAP or Spark SQL, do I still need a data warehouse or can I just put everything in a data lake and report off of that? No! In the presentation I’ll discuss why you still need a relational data warehouse and how to use a data lake and a RDBMS data warehouse to get the best of both worlds. I will go into detail on the characteristics of a data lake and its benefits and why you still need data governance tasks in a data lake. I’ll also discuss using Hadoop as the data lake, data virtualization, and the need for OLAP in a big data solution. And I’ll put it all together by showing common big data architectures.

data warehousedata warehouse architecturedata lake
Azure (15) Database & DW (26) File Storage (6)
NoSQL (3) Services and App (28) Generic (4)
Blob storage Amazon Redshift Oracle Amazon S3 AVRO Cassandra Amazon MWS Oracle Service Cloud Generic HTTP
Cosmos DB - SQL API DB2 Phoenix File system Binary Couchbase CDS for Apps PayPal Generic OData
Cosmos DB - MongoDB
Drill PostgreSQL FTP Delimited Text MongoDB Concur QuickBooks Generic ODBC
Data Explorer
Google Cloud
JSON Dynamics 365 Salesforce Generic REST
Data Lake Storage Gen1 Greenplum
HDFS ORC Dynamics AX SF Service Cloud
Data Lake Storage Gen2 HBase SAP BW via MDX SFTP Parquet Dynamics CRM SF Marketing Cloud
Database for MariaDB Hive SAP HANA Google AdWords SAP C4C
Database for MySQL Apache Impala SAP table HubSpot SAP ECC
Database for PostgreSQL Informix Spark Jira ServiceNow
File Storage MariaDB SQL Server Magento Shopify
SQL Database Microsoft Access Sybase Marketo Square
SQL Database MI MySQL Teradata Office 365 Web table
SQL Data Warehouse Netezza Vertica Oracle Eloqua Xero
Search index Oracle Responsys Zoho
Table storage
90+ Connectors out of the box
It provides ability to load data from storage
account to desired linked service. Load data by
manual execution of pipeline or by
Supports common loading patterns
Fully parallel loading into data lake or SQL
Graphical development experience
Prep & Transform Data
Mapping Dataflow
Code free data transformation @scale
Wrangling Dataflow
Code free data preparation @scale
Triggers represent a unit of processing that
determines when a pipeline execution needs to be
kicked off.
Data Integration offers 3 trigger types as –
1. Schedule – gets fired at a schedule with
information of start date, recurrence, end date
2. Event – gets fired on specified event
3. Tumbling window – gets fired at a periodic time
interval from a specified start date, while
retaining state
It also provides ability to monitor pipeline runs and
control trigger execution.

Recommended for you

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
Azure SQL Database Managed InstanceAzure SQL Database Managed Instance
Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is a new flavor of Azure SQL Database that is a game changer.  It offers near-complete SQL Server compatibility and network isolation to easily lift and shift databases to Azure (you can literally backup an on-premise database and restore it into a Azure SQL Database Managed Instance).  Think of it as an enhancement to Azure SQL Database that is built on the same PaaS infrastructure and maintains all it's features (i.e. active geo-replication, high availability, automatic backups, database advisor, threat detection, intelligent insights, vulnerability assessment, etc) but adds support for databases up to 35TB, VNET, SQL Agent, cross-database querying, replication, etc.  So, you can migrate your databases from on-prem to Azure with very little migration effort which is a big improvement from the current Singleton or Elastic Pool flavors which can require substantial changes.

azure sql database managed instance
Learning to present and becoming good at it
Learning to present and becoming good at itLearning to present and becoming good at it
Learning to present and becoming good at it

Have you been thinking about presenting at a user group? Are you being asked to present at your work? Is learning to present one of the keys to advancing your career? Or do you just think it would be fun to present but you are too nervous to try it? Well take the first step to becoming a presenter by attending this session and I will guide you through the process of learning to present and becoming good at it. It’s easier than you think! I am an introvert and was deathly afraid to speak in public. Now I love to present and it’s actually my main function in my job at Microsoft. I’ll share with you journey that lead me to speak at major conferences and the skills I learned along the way to become a good presenter and to get rid of the fear. You can do it!

Microsoft cloud big data strategy
Microsoft cloud big data strategyMicrosoft cloud big data strategy
Microsoft cloud big data strategy

Think of big data as all data, no matter what the volume, velocity, or variety. The simple truth is a traditional on-prem data warehouse will not handle big data. So what is Microsoft’s strategy for building a big data solution? And why is it best to have this solution in the cloud? That is what this presentation will cover. Be prepared to discover all the various Microsoft technologies and products from collecting data, transforming it, storing it, to visualizing it. My goal is to help you not only understand each product but understand how they all fit together, so you can be the hero who builds your companies big data solution.

big datamicrosoft
Manage – Linked Services
It defines the connection information needed for
Pipeline to connect to external resources.
Offers pre-build 85+ connectors
Easy cross platform data migration
Represents data store or compute resources
NOTE: Linked Services are all for Data Integration
except for Power BI (eventually ADC, Databricks)
Manage – Integration runtimes
It is the compute infrastructure used by Pipelines to provide
the data integration capabilities across different network
environments. An integration runtime provides the bridge
between the activity and linked Services.
Offers Azure Integration Runtime or Self-Hosted Integration
Azure Integration Runtime – provides fully managed,
serverless compute in Azure
Self-Hosted Integration Runtime – use compute resources in
on-premises machine or a VM inside private network
Azure Synapse Analytics
SQL Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence
Data Lake Storage
Common Data Model
Enterprise Security
Optimized for Analytics
Analytics Runtimes
Form Factors
Python .NET Java Scala R
Experience Synapse Analytics Studio
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things
Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence

Recommended for you

Choosing technologies for a big data solution in the cloud
Choosing technologies for a big data solution in the cloudChoosing technologies for a big data solution in the cloud
Choosing technologies for a big data solution in the cloud

Has your company been building data warehouses for years using SQL Server? And are you now tasked with creating or moving your data warehouse to the cloud and modernizing it to support “Big Data”? What technologies and tools should use? That is what this presentation will help you answer. First we will cover what questions to ask concerning data (type, size, frequency), reporting, performance needs, on-prem vs cloud, staff technology skills, OSS requirements, cost, and MDM needs. Then we will show you common big data architecture solutions and help you to answer questions such as: Where do I store the data? Should I use a data lake? Do I still need a cube? What about Hadoop/NoSQL? Do I need the power of MPP? Should I build a "logical data warehouse"? What is this lambda architecture? Can I use Hadoop for my DW? Finally, we’ll show some architectures of real-world customer big data solutions. Come to this session to get started down the path to making the proper technology choices in moving to the cloud.

microsoftsql serverbig data
What's new in SQL Server 2016
What's new in SQL Server 2016What's new in SQL Server 2016
What's new in SQL Server 2016

The document summarizes new features in SQL Server 2016 SP1, organized into three categories: performance enhancements, security improvements, and hybrid data capabilities. It highlights key features such as in-memory technologies for faster queries, always encrypted for data security, and PolyBase for querying relational and non-relational data. New editions like Express and Standard provide more built-in capabilities. The document also reviews SQL Server 2016 SP1 features by edition, showing advanced features are now more accessible across more editions.

sql server 2016sp1
Introducing DocumentDB
Introducing DocumentDB Introducing DocumentDB
Introducing DocumentDB

DocumentDB is a powerful NoSQL solution. It provides elastic scale, high performance, global distribution, a flexible data model, and is fully managed. If you are looking for a scaled OLTP solution that is too much for SQL Server to handle (i.e. millions of transactions per second) and/or will be using JSON documents, DocumentDB is the answer.

Platform: Performance
SQL Data Warehouse’s industry leading price-performance
comes from leveraging the Azure ecosystem and core SQL
Server engine improvements to produce massive gains in
These benefits require no customer configuration and are
provided out-of-the-box for every data warehouse
• Gen2 adaptive caching – using non-volatile memory solid-
state drives (NVMe) to increase the I/O bandwidth
available to queries.
• Azure FPGA-accelerated networking enhancements – to
move data at rates of up to 1GB/sec per node to improve
• Instant data movement – leverages multi-core parallelism
in underlying SQL Servers to move data efficiently between
compute nodes.
• Query Optimization – ongoing investments in distributed
query optimization
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 2215
The first and only
analytics system to have
run all TPC-H queries
at petabyte-scale
TPC-H queries
TPC-H 1 Petabyte query times
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 2215
Azure Synapse is the first
and only analytics
system to have run all
TPC-H queries at 1
TPC-H queries
TPC-H 1 Petabyte Query Execution
Comprehensive SQL functionality
T-SQL Querying
• Windowing aggregates
• Approximate execution
• JSON data support
Advanced storage system
• Columnstore Indexes
• Table partitions
• Distributed tables
• Isolation modes
• Materialized Views
• Nonclustered Indexes
• Result-set caching
Complete SQL object model
• Tables
• Views
• Stored procedures
• Functions
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

Recommended for you

Introduction to PolyBase
Introduction to PolyBaseIntroduction to PolyBase
Introduction to PolyBase

First introduced with the Analytics Platform System (APS), PolyBase simplifies management and querying of both relational and non-relational data using T-SQL. It is now available in both Azure SQL Data Warehouse and SQL Server 2016. The major features of PolyBase include the ability to do ad-hoc queries on Hadoop data and the ability to import data from Hadoop and Azure blob storage to SQL Server for persistent storage. A major part of the presentation will be a demo on querying and creating data on HDFS (using Azure Blobs). Come see why PolyBase is the “glue” to creating federated data warehouse solutions where you can query data as it sits instead of having to move it all to one data platform.

sql dwsql server 2016sql server
Overview on Azure Machine Learning
Overview on Azure Machine LearningOverview on Azure Machine Learning
Overview on Azure Machine Learning

Machine learning allows us to build predictive analytics solutions of tomorrow - these solutions allow us to better diagnose and treat patients, correctly recommend interesting books or movies, and even make the self-driving car a reality. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML) is a fully-managed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for building these predictive analytics solutions. It is very easy to build solutions with it, helping to overcome the challenges most businesses have in deploying and using machine learning. In this presentation, we will take a look at how to create ML models with Azure ML Studio and deploy those models to production in minutes.

azure mlazure machine learning
Introduction to Microsoft’s Hadoop solution (HDInsight)
Introduction to Microsoft’s Hadoop solution (HDInsight)Introduction to Microsoft’s Hadoop solution (HDInsight)
Introduction to Microsoft’s Hadoop solution (HDInsight)

Did you know Microsoft provides a Hadoop Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)? It’s called Azure HDInsight and it deploys and provisions managed Apache Hadoop clusters in the cloud, providing a software framework designed to process, analyze, and report on big data with high reliability and availability. HDInsight uses the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) Hadoop distribution that includes many Hadoop components such as HBase, Spark, Storm, Pig, Hive, and Mahout. Join me in this presentation as I talk about what Hadoop is, why deploy to the cloud, and Microsoft’s solution.

OVER clause
Defines a window or specified set of rows within a query
result set
Computes a value for each row in the window
Aggregate functions
Ranking functions
Analytical functions
Windowing functions
) AS "Row Number",
FROM Sales
WHERE SalesYTD <> 0
ORDER BY PostalCode;
Row Number LastName SalesYTD PostalCode
1 Mitchell 4251368.5497 98027
2 Blythe 3763178.1787 98027
3 Carson 3189418.3662 98027
4 Reiter 2315185.611 98027
5 Vargas 1453719.4653 98027
6 Ansman-Wolfe 1352577.1325 98027
1 Pak 4116870.2277 98055
2 Varkey Chudukaktil 3121616.3202 98055
3 Saraiva 2604540.7172 98055
4 Ito 2458535.6169 98055
5 Valdez 1827066.7118 98055
6 Mensa-Annan 1576562.1966 98055
7 Campbell 1573012.9383 98055
8 Tsoflias 1421810.9242 98055
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Analytical functions
Windowing Functions (continued)
--LAG Function
SELECT BusinessEntityID,
YEAR(QuotaDate) AS SalesYear,
SalesQuota AS CurrentQuota,
LAG(SalesQuota, 1,0) OVER (ORDER BY YEAR(QuotaDate)) AS PreviousQuota
FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory
WHERE BusinessEntityID = 275 and YEAR(QuotaDate) IN ('2005','2006');
BusinessEntityID SalesYear CurrentQuota PreviousQuota
---------------- ----------- --------------------- ---------------------
275 2005 367000.00 0.00
275 2005 556000.00 367000.00
275 2006 502000.00 556000.00
275 2006 550000.00 502000.00
275 2006 1429000.00 550000.00
275 2006 1324000.00 1429000.00
SELECT DISTINCT Name AS DepartmentName
FROM HumanResources.Department AS d
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS dh
ON dh.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory AS ph
ON ph.BusinessEntityID = dh.BusinessEntityID
DepartmentName MedianCont MedianDisc
-------------------- ------------- -------------
Document Control 16.8269 16.8269
Engineering 34.375 32.6923
Executive 54.32695 48.5577
Human Resources 17.427850 16.5865
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Windowing Functions (continued)
-- First_Value
SELECT JobTitle, LastName, VacationHours AS VacHours,
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN Person.Person AS p
ON e.BusinessEntityID = p.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY JobTitle;
JobTitle LastName VacHours FewestVacHours
--------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------------
Accountant Moreland 58 Moreland
Accountant Seamans 59 Moreland
Accounts Manager Liu 57 Liu
Accounts Payable Specialist Tomic 63 Tomic
Accounts Payable Specialist Sheperdigian 64 Tomic
Accounts Receivable Specialist Poe 60 Poe
Accounts Receivable Specialist Spoon 61 Poe
Accounts Receivable Specialist Walton 62 Poe
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
-- Syntax
-- The approximate number of different order keys by order status from the orders table.
SELECT O_OrderStatus, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(O_OrderKey) AS Approx_Distinct_OrderKey
FROM dbo.Orders
GROUP BY O_OrderStatus
ORDER BY O_OrderStatus;
HyperLogLog accuracy
Will return a result with a 2% accuracy of true cardinality on average.
e.g. COUNT (DISTINCT) returns 1,000,000, HyperLogLog will return a value in the range of 999,736 to 1,016,234.
Returns the approximate number of unique non-null values in a group.
Use Case: Approximating web usage trend behavior
Approximate execution
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real worldImplementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM
Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLMQuantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM
Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM

Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM. These are based on Shannon's Noisy channel Theorem and offers how the classical theory applies to the quantum world.

quantum communicationsshannon's channel theoremclassical theory
Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024
Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024
Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024

This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
Approximate execution
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Group by with rollup
Creates a group for each combination of column expressions.
Rolls up the results into subtotals and grand totals
Calculate the aggregates of hierarchical data
Grouping sets
Combine multiple GROUP BY clauses into one GROUP BY CLAUSE.
Equivalent of UNION ALL of specified groups.
Group by options
-- GROUP BY ROLLUP Example --
SELECT Country,
SUM(Sales) AS TotalSales
FROM Sales
GROUP BY ROLLUP (Country, Region);
-- Results --
Country Region TotalSales
Canada Alberta 100
Canada British Columbia 500
Canada NULL 600
United States Montana 100
United States NULL 100
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
-- GROUP BY SETS Example --
SELECT Country,
SUM(Sales) AS TotalSales
FROM Sales
Specifies that statements cannot read data that has been modified but
not committed by other transactions.
This prevents dirty reads.
Isolation level
OFF (Default) – Uses shared locks to prevent other transactions from
modifying rows while running a read operation
ON – Uses row versioning to present each statement with a
transactionally consistent snapshot of the data as it existed at the start of
the statement. Locks are not used to protect the data from updates.
Snapshot isolation
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
The JSON format enables representation of
complex or hierarchical data structures in tables.
JSON data is stored using standard NVARCHAR
table columns.
Transform arrays of JSON objects into table
Performance optimization using clustered
columnstore indexes and memory optimized
JSON data support – insert JSON data
-- Create Table with column for JSON string
CREATE TABLE CustomerOrders
OrderDetails NVARCHAR(3000) NOT NULL –- NVARCHAR column for JSON
-- Populate table with semi-structured data
INSERT INTO CustomerOrders
( 101, -- CustomerId
'Bahrain', -- Country
N'[{ StoreId": "AW73565",
"Order": { "Number":"SO43659",
"Item": { "Price":2024.40, "Quantity":1 }
}]’ -- OrderDetails
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

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Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Em...Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Em...
Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Em...

Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

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Read JSON data stored in a string column with the
• ISJSON – verify if text is valid JSON
• JSON_VALUE – extract a scalar value from a JSON
• JSON_QUERY – extract a JSON object or array from a
JSON string
Ability to get standard columns as well as JSON column
Perform aggregation and filter on JSON values
JSON data support – read JSON data
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
-- Return all rows with valid JSON data
SELECT CustomerId, OrderDetails
FROM CustomerOrders
WHERE ISJSON(OrderDetails) > 0;
CustomerId OrderDetails
N'[{ StoreId": "AW73565", "Order": { "Number":"SO43659",
"Date":"2011-05-31T00:00:00“ }, "Item": { "Price":2024.40,
"Quantity":1 }}]'
-- Extract values from JSON string
SELECT CustomerId,
JSON_VALUE(OrderDetails,'$.StoreId') AS StoreId,
JSON_QUERY(OrderDetails,'$.Item') AS ItemDetails
FROM CustomerOrders;
CustomerId Country StoreId ItemDetails
101 Bahrain AW73565 { "Price":2024.40, "Quantity":1 }
Use standard table columns and values from JSON text
in the same analytical query.
Modify JSON data with the following:
• JSON_MODIFY – modifies a value in a JSON string
• OPENJSON – convert JSON collection to a set of
rows and columns
Flexibility to update JSON string using T-SQL
Convert hierarchical data into flat tabular structure
JSON data support – modify and operate on JSON data
-- Modify Item Quantity value
UPDATE CustomerOrders SET OrderDetails =
JSON_MODIFY(OrderDetails, '$.OrderDetails.Item.Quantity',2)
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
-- Convert JSON collection to rows and columns
SELECT CustomerId,
FROM CustomerOrders
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (CustomerOrders.OrderDetails)
WITH ( StoreId VARCHAR(50) '$.StoreId',
OrderNumber VARCHAR(100) '$.Order.Date',
OrderDate DATETIME '$.Order.Date',
OrderPrice DECIMAL ‘$.Item.Price',
OrderQuantity INT '$.Item.Quantity'
) AS OrderDetails
N'[{ StoreId": "AW73565", "Order": { "Number":"SO43659",
"Date":"2011-05-31T00:00:00“ }, "Item": { "Price":2024.40, "Quantity": 2}}]'
CustomerId StoreId OrderDate OrderPrice
101 AW73565 2011-05-31T00:00:00 2024.40
It is a group of one or more SQL statements or a
reference to a Microsoft .NET Framework
common runtime language (CLR) method.
Promotes flexibility and modularity.
Supports parameters and nesting.
Reduced server/client network traffic, improved
Stronger security
Easy maintenance
Stored Procedures
CREATE PROCEDURE HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees
SELECT LastName, FirstName, JobTitle, Department
FROM HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment;
-- Execute a stored procedures
EXECUTE HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees;
-- Or
EXEC HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees;
-- Or, if this procedure is the first statement
within a batch:
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Azure Synapse Analytics
Data Storage and Performance Optimizations

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Columnar Storage Columnar Ordering
Table Partitioning Hash Distribution
Database Tables
Optimized Storage
Reduce Migration Risk
Less Data Scanned
Smaller Cache Required
Smaller Clusters
Faster Queries
Nonclustered Indexes
-- Create table with index
Name VARCHAR(2),
Country VARCHAR(2)
-- Add non-clustered index to table
CREATE INDEX NameIndex ON orderTable (Name);
Clustered Columnstore index (Default Primary)
Highest level of data compression
Best overall query performance
Clustered index (Primary)
Performant for looking up a single to few rows
Heap (Primary)
Faster loading and landing temporary data
Best for small lookup tables
Nonclustered indexes (Secondary)
Enable ordering of multiple columns in a table
Allows multiple nonclustered on a single table
Can be created on any of the above primary indexes
More performant lookup queries
Tables – Indexes
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
OrderId Date Name Country
98137 11-3-2018 T FR
98310 11-3-2018 D DE
98799 11-3-2018 R NL
OrderId Date Name Country
82147 11-2-2018 Q FR
85016 11-2-2018 V UK
85018 11-2-2018 Q SP
OrderId Date Name Country
85016 11-2-2018 V UK
85018 11-2-2018 Q SP
85216 11-2-2018 Q DE
85395 11-2-2018 V NL
82147 11-2-2018 Q FR
86881 11-2-2018 D UK
93080 11-3-2018 R UK
94156 11-3-2018 S FR
96250 11-3-2018 Q NL
98799 11-3-2018 R NL
98015 11-3-2018 T UK
98310 11-3-2018 D DE
98979 11-3-2018 Z DE
98137 11-3-2018 T FR
… … … …
Logical table structure
Min (OrderId): 82147 | Max (OrderId): 85395
OrderId Date Name Country
98137 11-3-2018 T FR
98310 11-3-2018 D DE
98799 11-3-2018 R NL
98979 11-3-2018 Z DE
Delta Rowstore
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
SQL Analytics Columnstore Tables
Clustered columnstore index
• Data stored in compressed columnstore segments after
being sliced into groups of rows (rowgroups/micro-
partitions) for maximum compression
• Rows are stored in the delta rowstore until the number of
rows is large enough to be compressed into a
Clustered/Non-clustered rowstore index
• Data is stored in a B-tree index structure for performant
lookup queries for particular rows.
• Clustered rowstore index: The leaf nodes in the structure
store the data values in a row (as pictured above)
• Non-clustered (secondary) rowstore index: The leaf nodes
store pointers to the data values, not the values
OrderId PageId
82147 1001
98137 1002
OrderId PageId
82147 1005
85395 1006
OrderId PageId
98137 1007
98979 1008
OrderId Date Name Country
82147 11-2-2018 Q FR
85016 11-2-2018 V UK
85018 11-2-2018 Q SP
OrderId Date Name Country
98137 11-3-2018 T FR
98310 11-3-2018 D DE
98799 11-3-2018 R NL
… …
Queries against tables with ordered columnstore segments can
take advantage of improved segment elimination to drastically
reduce the time needed to service a query.
Ordered Clustered Columnstore Indexes
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
-- Insert data into table with ordered columnstore index
INSERT INTO sortedOrderTable
VALUES (1, '01-01-2019','Dave’, 'UK')
-- Create Table with Ordered Columnstore Index
CREATE TABLE sortedOrderTable
Name VARCHAR(2),
Country VARCHAR(2)
-- Create Clustered Columnstore Index on existing table
ON dbo.OrderTable ORDER (OrderId)

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WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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CREATE TABLE dbo.OrderTable
Name VARCHAR(2),
Country VARCHAR(2)
Round-robin distributed
Distributes table rows evenly across all distributions
at random.
Hash distributed
Distributes table rows across the Compute nodes by
using a deterministic hash function to assign each
row to one distribution.
Full copy of table accessible on each Compute node.
Tables – Distributions
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
CREATE TABLE partitionedOrderTable
Name VARCHAR(2),
Country VARCHAR(2)
'2000-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2002-01-01’,
'2003-01-01', '2004-01-01', '2005-01-01'
Table partitions divide data into smaller groups
In most cases, partitions are created on a date column
Supported on all table types
RANGE RIGHT – Used for time partitions
RANGE LEFT – Used for number partitions
Improves efficiency and performance of loading and
querying by limiting the scope to subset of data.
Offers significant query performance enhancements
where filtering on the partition key can eliminate
unnecessary scans and eliminate IO.
Tables – Partitions
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
OrderId Date Name Country
85016 11-2-2018 V UK
85018 11-2-2018 Q SP
85216 11-2-2018 Q DE
85395 11-2-2018 V NL
82147 11-2-2018 Q FR
86881 11-2-2018 D UK
93080 11-3-2018 R UK
94156 11-3-2018 S FR
96250 11-3-2018 Q NL
98799 11-3-2018 R NL
98015 11-3-2018 T UK
98310 11-3-2018 D DE
98979 11-3-2018 Z DE
98137 11-3-2018 T FR
… … … …
Logical table structure
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Tables – Distributions & Partitions
Physical data distribution
( Hash distribution (OrderId), Date partitions )
OrderId Date Name Country
85016 11-2-2018 V UK
85018 11-2-2018 Q SP
85216 11-2-2018 Q DE
85395 11-2-2018 V NL
82147 11-2-2018 Q FR
86881 11-2-2018 D UK
… … … …
OrderId Date Name Country
93080 11-3-2018 R UK
94156 11-3-2018 S FR
96250 11-3-2018 Q NL
98799 11-3-2018 R NL
98015 11-3-2018 T UK
98310 11-3-2018 D DE
98979 11-3-2018 Z DE
98137 11-3-2018 T FR
… … … …
11-2-2018 partition
11-3-2018 partition
x 60 distributions (shards)
(OrderId 80,000 – 100,000)
• Each shard is partitioned with the same
date partitions
• A minimum of 1 million rows per
distribution and partition is needed for
optimal compression and performance of
clustered Columnstore tables
Common table distribution methods
Table Category Recommended Distribution Option
Use hash-distribution with clustered columnstore index. Performance improves because hashing enables the
platform to localize certain operations within the node itself during query execution.
Operations that benefit:
COUNT(DISTINCT( <hashed_key> ))
OVER PARTITION BY <hashed_key>
most JOIN <table_name> ON <hashed_key>
GROUP BY <hashed_key>
Dimension Use replicated for smaller tables. If tables are too large to store on each Compute node, use hash-distributed.
Use round-robin for the staging table. The load with CTAS is faster. Once the data is in the staging table, use
INSERT…SELECT to move the data to production tables.
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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Database Views
Materialized Views
Best in class price
Interactive dashboarding with
Materialized Views
- Automatic data refresh and maintenance
- Automatic query rewrites to improve performance
- Built-in advisor
A materialized view pre-computes, stores, and maintains its
data like a table.
Materialized views are automatically updated when data in
underlying tables are changed. This is a synchronous
operation that occurs as soon as the data is changed.
The auto caching functionality allows Azure Synapse
Analytics Query Optimizer to consider using indexed view
even if the view is not referenced in the query.
Supported aggregations: MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT,
Automatic and synchronous data refresh with data changes
in base tables. No user action is required.
High availability and resiliency as regular tables
Materialized views
-- Create indexed view
SELECT SUM(UnitPrice*OrderQty) AS Revenue,
COUNT_BIG(*) AS OrderCount
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
GROUP BY OrderDate, ProductID;
-- Disable index view and put it in suspended mode
-- Re-enable index view by rebuilding it
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
In this example, a query to get the year total sales per customer is shown to
have a lot of data shuffles and joins that contribute to slow performance:
Materialized views - example
-- Get year total sales per customer
(WITH year_total AS
SELECT customer_id,​
SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost –
discount_amt + sales_price, 0)/2)year_total
FROM customer cust
JOIN catalog_sales sales ON =
JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date =
GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​,
login​,email_address ,d_year
FROM year_total …
Execution time: 103 seconds
Lots of data shuffles and joins needed to complete query
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
No relevant indexed views created on the data warehouse

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Now, we add an indexed view to the data warehouse to increase the performance of
the previous query. This view can be leveraged by the query even though it is not
directly referenced.
Materialized views - example
-- Create indexed view for query
SELECT customer_id,​
SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost – discount_amt +
sales_price, 0)/2) AS year_total
FROM customer cust
JOIN catalog_sales sales ON =
JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date =
GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​,
login​, email_address, d_year
Create indexed view with hash distribution on customer_id column
-- Get year total sales per customer
(WITH year_total AS
SELECT customer_id,​
SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost –
discount_amt + sales_price, 0)/2)year_total
FROM customer cust
JOIN catalog_sales sales ON =
JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date =
GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​,
login​,email_address ,d_year
FROM year_total …
Original query – get year total sales per customer
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
The SQL Data Warehouse query optimizer automatically leverages the indexed view to speed up the same query.
Notice that the query does not need to reference the view directly
Indexed (materialized) views - example
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
-- Get year total sales per customer
(WITH year_total AS
SELECT customer_id,​
SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost –
discount_amt + sales_price, 0)/2)year_total
FROM customer cust
JOIN catalog_sales sales ON =
JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date =
GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​,
login​,email_address ,d_year
FROM year_total …
Original query – no changes have been made to query
Execution time: 6 seconds
Optimizer leverages materialized view to reduce data shuffles and joins needed
EXPLAIN - provides query plan for SQL Data Warehouse
SQL statement without running the statement; view
estimated cost of the query operations.
plan with recommendations to optimize the SQL
statement performance.
Materialized views- Recommendations
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
select count(*)
from ((select distinct c_last_name, c_first_name, d_date
from store_sales, date_dim, customer
where store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk =
and store_sales.ss_customer_sk =
and d_month_seq between 1194 and 1194+11)
(select distinct c_last_name, c_first_name, d_date
from catalog_sales, date_dim, customer
where catalog_sales.cs_sold_date_sk =
and catalog_sales.cs_bill_customer_sk =
and d_month_seq between 1194 and 1194+11)
) top_customers
Streaming Ingestion
Event Hubs
IoT Hub
T-SQL Language
Data Warehouse
Azure Data Lake
--Copy files in parallel directly into data warehouse table
COPY INTO [dbo].[weatherTable]
SECRET = CredentialObject);
Heterogenous Data
Preparation &
COPY statement
- Simplified permissions (no CONTROL required)
- No need for external tables
- Standard CSV support (i.e. custom row terminators,
escape delimiters, SQL dates)
- User-driven file selection (wild card support)
SQL Analytics

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Copies data from source to destination
Retrieves data from all files from the folder and all its
Supports multiple locations from the same storage account,
separated by comma
Supports Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen 2 and Azure
Blob Storage.
Supports CSV, PARQUET, ORC file formats
COPY command
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
COPY INTO test_1
CREDENTIAL=(IDENTITY= 'Shared Access Signature',
ERRORFILE = '/errorsfolder/'--path starting from
the storage container,
COPY INTO test_parquet
FILE_FORMAT = myFileFormat
CREDENTIAL=(IDENTITY= 'Shared Access Signature',
Dashboards, Reports, Ad-hoc analytics
Data Flexibility – Parquet Direct
Control Node
Compute Node
Compute NodeCompute Node
Alter Database <DBNAME> Set Result_Set_Caching ON
Best in class price
Interactive dashboarding with
Resultset Caching
- Millisecond responses with resultset caching
- Cache survives pause/resume/scale operations
- Fully managed cache (1TB in size)
Cache the results of a query in DW storage. This enables interactive
response times for repetitive queries against tables with infrequent
data changes.
The result-set cache persists even if a data warehouse is paused and
resumed later.
Query cache is invalidated and refreshed when underlying table data
or query code changes.
Result cache is evicted regularly based on a time-aware least
recently used algorithm (TLRU).
Enhances performance when same result is requested repetitively
Reduced load on server for repeated queries
Offers monitoring of query execution with a result cache hit or miss
Result-set caching
-- Turn on/off result-set caching for a database
-- Must be run on the MASTER database
ALTER DATABASE {database_name}
-- Turn on/off result-set caching for a client session
-- Run on target data warehouse
-- Check result-set caching setting for a database
-- Run on target data warehouse
SELECT is_result_set_caching_on
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = {database_name}
-- Return all query requests with cache hits
-- Run on target data warehouse
FROM sys.dm_pdw_request_steps
WHERE command like '%DWResultCacheDb%'
AND step_index = 0
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

Recommended for you

Result-set caching flow
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Client sends query to DW1 Query is processed using DW compute
nodes which pull data from remote
storage, process query and output back
to client app
2 Query results are cached in remote
storage so subsequent requests can
be served immediately
Subsequent executions for the same
query bypass compute nodes and can
be fetched instantly from persistent
cache in remote storage
Remote storage cache is evicted regularly
based on time, cache usage, and any
modifications to underlying table data.
4 Cache will need to be
regenerated if query results
have been evicted from cache
Pre-determined resource limits defined for a user or role.
Govern the system memory assigned to each query.
Effectively used to control the number of concurrent queries that
can run on a data warehouse.
Exemptions to concurrency limit:
SELECT from system views and DMVs
Result-Set Cache
Resource classes
/* View resource classes in the data warehouse */
FROM sys.database_principals
WHERE name LIKE '%rc%' AND type_desc = 'DATABASE_ROLE';
/* Change user’s resource class to 'largerc' */
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'largerc', 'loaduser’;
/* Decrease the loading user's resource class */
EXEC sp_droprolemember 'largerc', 'loaduser';
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Static Resource Classes
Allocate the same amount of memory independent of
the current service-level objective (SLO).
Well-suited for fixed data sizes and loading jobs.
Dynamic Resource Classes
Allocate a variable amount of memory depending on
the current SLO.
Well-suited for growing or variable datasets.
All users default to the smallrc dynamic resource class.
Resource class types
Static resource classes:
staticrc10 | staticrc20 | staticrc30 |
staticrc40 | staticrc50 | staticrc60 |
staticrc70 | staticrc80
Dynamic resource classes:
smallrc | mediumrc | largerc | xlargerc
Resource Class Percentage
Max. Concurrent
smallrc 3% 32
mediumrc 10% 10
largerc 22% 4
xlargerc 70% 1
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Queries running on a DW compete for access to system resources
(CPU, IO, and memory).
To guarantee access to resources, running queries are assigned a
chunk of system memory (a concurrency slot) for processing the
query. The amount given is determined by the resource class of
the user executing the query. Higher DW SLOs provide more
memory and concurrency slots
Concurrency slots @DW1000c: 40 concurrency slots
Memory (concurrency slots)
Smallrc query
(1 slot each)
Mediumrc query
(4 slots each)
Xlargerc query
(28 slots each)
Staticrc20 query
(2 slots each)
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

Recommended for you

The limit on how many queries can run at the same time is
governed by two properties:
• The max. concurrent query count for the DW SLO
• The total available memory (concurrency slots) for the DW SLO
Increase the concurrent query limit by:
• Scaling up to a higher DW SLO (up to 128 concurrent queries)
• Using lower resource classes that use less memory per query
Concurrent query limits
@DW1000c: 32 max concurrent queries, 40 slots
Concurrency slots
(1 slot each)
(4 slots each)
(16 slots each)
(2 slots each)
15 concurrent queries
(40 slots used)
• 8 x smallrc
• 4 x staticrc20
• 2 x mediumrc
• 1 x staticrc50
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Concurrency limits based on resource classes
Workload Management
It manages resources, ensures highly efficient resource utilization,
and maximizes return on investment (ROI).
The three pillars of workload management are
1. Workload Classification – To assign a request to a workload
group and setting importance levels.
2. Workload Importance – To influence the order in which a
request gets access to resources.
3. Workload Isolation – To reserve resources for a workload
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Pillars of Workload
Workload classification
Map queries to allocations of resources via pre-determined rules.
Use with workload importance to effectively share resources
across different workload types.
If a query request is not matched to a classifier, it is assigned to
the default workload group (smallrc resource class).
Map queries to both Resource Management and Workload
Isolation concepts.
Manage groups of users with only a few classifiers.
Monitoring DMVs
Query DMVs to view details about all active workload classifiers.
[WORKLOAD_GROUP = '<Resource Class>' ]
[MEMBERNAME = ‘security_account’]
WORKLOAD_GROUP: maps to an existing resource class
IMPORTANCE: specifies relative importance of
MEMBERNAME: database user, role, AAD login or AAD
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Workload importance
Queries past the concurrency limit enter a FiFo queue
By default, queries are released from the queue on a
first-in, first-out basis as resources become available
Workload importance allows higher priority queries to
receive resources immediately regardless of queue
Example Video
State analysts have normal importance.
National analyst is assigned high importance.
State analyst queries execute in order of arrival
When the national analyst’s query arrives, it jumps to
the top of the queue
[WORKLOAD_GROUP = ‘smallrc’]
[MEMBERNAME = ‘National_Analyst_Login’]
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

Recommended for you

Intra Cluster Workload Isolation
(Scale In)
1000c DWU
Workload aware
query execution
Workload Isolation
- Multiple workloads share deployed resources
- Reservation or shared resource configuration
- Online changes to workload policies
)[ ; ]
Workload Isolation
Allocate fixed resources to workload group.
Assign maximum and minimum usage for varying
resources under load. These adjustments can be done live
without having to SQL Analytics offline.
Reserve resources for a group of requests
Limit the amount of resources a group of requests can
Shared resources accessed based on importance level
Set Query timeout value. Get DBAs out of the business of
killing runaway queries
Monitoring DMVs
Query to view configured workload group.
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
group A
group B
Dynamic Management Views (DMVs)
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Dynamic Management Views (DMV) are queries that return information
about model objects, server operations, and server health.
Simple SQL syntax
Returns result in table format
Easier to read and copy result
SQL Monitor with DMVs
Offers monitoring of
-all open, closed sessions
-count sessions by user
-count completed queries by user
-all active, complete queries
-longest running queries
-memory consumption
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
--count sessions by user
SELECT login_name, COUNT(*) as session_count FROM
sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions where status = 'Closed' and session_id
<> session_id() GROUP BY login_name;
-- List all open sessions
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions where status <> 'Closed'
and session_id <> session_id();
-- List all active queries
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests WHERE status not in
('Completed','Failed','Cancelled') AND session_id <> session_id()
ORDER BY submit_time DESC;
List all active queries
List all open sessions
Count sessions by user

Recommended for you

Developer Tools
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Visual Studio - SSDT database projects
SQL Server Management Studio
(queries, execution plans etc.)
Azure Data Studio (queries, extensions etc.)
Azure Synapse Analytics
Visual Studio Code
Developer Tools
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Visual Studio - SSDT
database projects
SQL Server Management StudioAzure Data StudioAzure Synapse Analytics
Visual Studio Code
Azure Cloud Service
Offers end-to-end
lifecycle for analytics
Connects to multiple
Runs on Windows
Create, maintain
database code, compile,
code refactoring
Runs on Windows,
Linux, macOS
Light weight editor,
(queries and
Runs on Windows
Offers GUI support to
query, design and
Runs on Windows,
Linux, macOS
Offers development
experience with light-
weight code editor
Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)
Database project support in SQL Server Data Tools
(SSDT) allows teams of developers to collaborate over a
version-controlled data warehouse, and track, deploy
and test schema changes.
Database project support includes first-class
integration with Azure DevOps. This adds support for:
• Azure Pipelines to run CI/CD workflows for any
platform (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
• Azure Repos to store project files in source control
• Azure Test Plans to run automated check-in tests to
verify schema updates and modifications
• Growing ecosystem of third-party integrations that
can be used to complement existing workflows
(Timetracker, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Jenkins, etc.)
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Azure Advisor recommendations
Suboptimal Table Distribution
Reduce data movement by replicating tables
Data Skew
Choose new hash-distribution key
Slowest distribution limits performance
Cache Misses
Provision additional capacity
Tempdb Contention
Scale or update user resource class
Suboptimal Plan Selection
Create or update table statistics
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >

Recommended for you

Maintenance windows
Choose a time window for your upgrades.
Select a primary and secondary window within a seven-day
Windows can be from 3 to 8 hours.
24-hour advance notification for maintenance events.
Ensure upgrades happen on your schedule.
Predictable planning for long-running jobs.
Stay informed of start and end of maintenance.
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Automatic statistics management
Statistics are automatically created and maintained for SQL pool.
Incoming queries are analyzed, and individual column statistics
are generated on the columns that improve cardinality estimates
to enhance query performance.
Statistics are automatically updated as data modifications occur in
underlying tables. By default, these updates are synchronous but
can be configured to be asynchronous.
Statistics are considered out of date when:
• There was a data change on an empty table
• The number of rows in the table at time of statistics creation
was 500 or less, and more than 500 rows have been updated
• The number of rows in the table at time of statistics creation
was more than 500, and more than 500 + 20% of rows have
been updated
-- Turn on/off auto-create statistics settings
ALTER DATABASE {database_name}
-- Turn on/off auto-update statistics settings
ALTER DATABASE {database_name}
-- Configure synchronous/asynchronous update
ALTER DATABASE {database_name}
-- Check statistics settings for a database
SELECT is_auto_create_stats_on,
FROM sys.databases
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Event Hubs
IoT Hub
Heterogenous Data
Preparation &
Native SQL Streaming
- High throughput ingestion (up to 200MB/sec)
- Delivery latencies in seconds
- Ingestion throughput scales with compute scale
- Analytics capabilities (SQL-based queries for joins,
aggregations, filters)
- Removes the needtouse Spark for streaming
Streaming Ingestion
T-SQL Language
Data Warehouse
SQL Analytics
--T-SQL syntax for scoring data in SQL DW
SELECT d.*, p.Score
FROM PREDICT(MODEL = @onnx_model, DATA =
dbo.mytable AS d)
WITH (Score float) AS p;
Machine Learning
enabled DW
Native PREDICT-ion
- T-SQL based experience (interactive./batch scoring)
- Interoperability with other models built elsewhere
- Execute scoring where the data lives
T-SQL Language
Data Warehouse
SQL Analytics

Recommended for you

Data Lake
ParquetDirect for interactive
data lake exploration
- >10X performance improvement
- Full columnar optimizations (optimizer, batch)
- Built-in transparent caching (SSD, in-memory,
SQL Analytics
Azure Data Share
Enterprise data sharing
- Share from DW to DW/DB/other systems
- Choose data format to receive data in (CSV, Parquet)
- One to many data sharing
- Share a single or multiple datasets
SQL Analytics
new features available
GA features:
- Performance: Resultset caching
- Performance: Materialized Views
- Performance: Ordered columnstore
- Heterogeneous data: JSON support
- Trustworthy compution: Dynamic Data Masking
- Continuous integration & deployment: SSDT support
- Language: Read committed snapshot isolation
Public preview features:
- Workload management: Workload Isolation
- Data ingestion: Simple ingestion with COPY
- Data Sharing: Share DW data with Azure Data Share
- Trustworthy computation: Private LINK support
Private preview features:
- Data ingestion: Streaming ingestion & analytics in DW
- Built-in ML: Native Prediction/Scoring
- Data lake enabled: Fast query over Parquet files
- Language: Updateable distribution column
- Language: FROM clause with joins
- Language: Multi-column distribution support
- Security: Column-level Encryption
Note: private preview features require whitelisting
Power BI Aggregations and Synapse query performance

Recommended for you

Azure Synapse Analytics
SQL On-Demand
Query Options
1. Provisioned SQL over relational database – Traditional SQL DW [existing]
2. Provisioned SQL over ADLS Gen2 – via external tables or openrowset [existing via PolyBase]
3. On-demand SQL over relational database - dependency on the flexible data model (data cells) over
columnstore data (preview) [new]
4. On-demand SQL over ADLS Gen2 – via external tables or openrowset [new]
5. Provisioned Spark over relational database – Not possible
6. Provisioned Spark over ADLS Gen2 [new]
7. On-demand Spark over relational database - On-demand Spark is not supported
8. On-demand Spark over ADLS Gen2 – On-demand Spark is not supported
• Separation of state (data, metadata and transactional logs) and compute
• Queries against data loaded into SQL Analytics tables are faster 2-3X compared to queries over external tables
• Improved performance compared to PolyBase. PolyBase is not used, but functional aspects are supported
• SQL on-demand will push down queries from the front-end to back-end nodes
• Warm-up for first on-demand query takes about 20-25 seconds
• If you create a Spark Table, that table will be created as an external table in SQL Pool or On-Demand without
having to keep a Spark cluster up and running
Distributed Query Processor (DQP)
• Auto-scale compute nodes - Instruct the underlying fabric the need for more compute power to
adjust to peaks during the workload. If compute power is granted, the Polaris DQP will re-distribute
tasks leveraging the new compute container. Note that in-flight tasks in the previous topology
continue running, while new queries get the new compute power with the new re-balancing
• Compute node fault tolerance - Recover from faulty nodes while a query is running. If a node fails
the DQP re-schedules the tasks in the faulted node through the remainder of the healthy topology
• Compute node hot spot: rebalance queries or scale out nodes - Can detect hot spots in the
existing topology. That is, overloaded compute nodes due to data skew. In the advent of a compute
node running hot because of skewed tasks, the DQP can decide to re-schedule some of the tasks
assigned to that compute node amongst others where the load is less
• Multi-cluster - Multiple compute pools accessing the same data
• Cross-database queries – A query can specify multiple databases
These features work for both on-demand and provisioned over ADLS Gen2 and relational databases
Azure Synapse Analytics
Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence
Data Lake Storage
Common Data Model
Enterprise Security
Optimized for Analytics
Analytics Runtimes
Form Factors
Python .NET Java Scala R
Experience Synapse Analytics Studio
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things
Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence

Recommended for you

Synapse SQL on-demand scenarios
What’s in this file? How many rows are there? What’s the max value?
SQL On-demand reduces data lake exploration to the right-click!
How to convert CSVs to Parquet quickly? How to transform the raw data?
Use the full power of T-SQL to transform the data in the data lake
SQL On-Demand
An interactive query service that provides T-SQL queries over
high scale data in Azure Storage.
No infrastructure
Pay only for query execution
Offers security
Data integration with Databricks, HDInsight
T-SQL syntax to query data
Supports data in various formats (Parquet, CSV, JSON)
Support for BI ecosystem
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
Azure Storage
Power BI
Azure Data Studio
Read and write
data files
Curate and transform data
Sync table
Read and write
data files
SQL On Demand – Querying on storage
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
SQL On Demand – Querying CSV File
Uses OPENROWSET function to access data
Ability to read CSV File with
- no header row, Windows style new line
- no header row, Unix-style new line
- header row, Unix-style new line
- header row, Unix-style new line, quoted
- header row, Unix-style new line, escape
- header row, Unix-style new line, tab-delimited
- without specifying all columns
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
[country_code] VARCHAR (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
[country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
[year] smallint,
[population] bigint
) AS [r]
country_name = 'Luxembourg'
AND year = 2017

Recommended for you

SQL On Demand – Querying CSV File
Read CSV file - header row, Unix-style new line
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
[country_code] VARCHAR (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
[country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
[year] smallint,
[population] bigint
) AS [r]
country_name = 'Luxembourg'
AND year = 2017
Read CSV file - without specifying all columns
COUNT(DISTINCT country_name) AS countries
[country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_Gener
al_BIN2 2
) AS [r]
SQL On Demand – Querying folders
Uses OPENROWSET function to access data from
multiple files or folders
Offers reading multiple files/folders through usage of
Offers reading specific file/folder
Supports use of multiple wildcards
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
SELECT YEAR(pickup_datetime) as [year], SUM(passenger_count) AS
passengers_total, COUNT(*) AS [rides_total]
BULK '*.*’,
, FIRSTROW = 2 )
vendor_id VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
pickup_datetime DATETIME2,
dropoff_datetime DATETIME2,
passenger_count INT,
trip_distance FLOAT,
rate_code INT,
store_and_fwd_flag VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
pickup_location_id INT,
dropoff_location_id INT,
payment_type INT,
fare_amount FLOAT,
extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT,
tip_amount FLOAT,
tolls_amount FLOAT,
improvement_surcharge FLOAT,
total_amount FLOAT
) AS nyc
GROUP BY YEAR(pickup_datetime)
ORDER BY YEAR(pickup_datetime)
SQL On Demand – Querying folders
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
SUM(fare_amount) AS fare_total
BULK '*.csv',
vendor_id VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
pickup_datetime DATETIME2,
dropoff_datetime DATETIME2,
passenger_count INT,
trip_distance FLOAT,
) AS nyc
GROUP BY payment_type
ORDER BY payment_type
Read subset of files in folderRead all files from multiple folders
SELECT YEAR(pickup_datetime) as [year],
SUM(passenger_count) AS passengers_total,
COUNT(*) AS [rides_total]
BULK '*i/',
vendor_id VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
pickup_datetime DATETIME2,
dropoff_datetime DATETIME2,
passenger_count INT,
trip_distance FLOAT,
<… columns>
) AS nyc
GROUP BY YEAR(pickup_datetime)
ORDER BY YEAR(pickup_datetime)
SQL On Demand – Querying specific files
filename – Provides file name that originates row
filepath – Provides full path when no parameter is
passed or part of path when parameter is passed
that originates result
Provides source name/path of file/folder for row
result set
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
r.filename() AS [filename]
,COUNT_BIG(*) AS [rows]
vendor_id INT,
pickup_datetime DATETIME2,
dropoff_datetime DATETIME2,
passenger_count SMALLINT,
trip_distance FLOAT,
) AS [r]
GROUP BY r.filename()
ORDER BY [filename]
Example of filename function

Recommended for you

SQL On Demand – Querying specific files
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
r.filepath() AS filepath
,r.filepath(1) AS [year]
,r.filepath(2) AS [month]
,COUNT_BIG(*) AS [rows]
BULK '*-*.csv’,
vendor_id INT,
pickup_datetime DATETIME2,
dropoff_datetime DATETIME2,
passenger_count SMALLINT,
trip_distance FLOAT,
<… columns>
) AS [r]
WHERE r.filepath(1) IN ('2017’)
AND r.filepath(2) IN ('10', '11', '12’)
GROUP BY r.filepath() ,r.filepath(1) ,r.filepath(2)
ORDER BY filepath filepath year month rows 2017 10 9768815 2017 11 9284803 2017 12 9508276
Example of filepath function
SQL On Demand – Querying Parquet files
Uses OPENROWSET function to access data
Ability to specify column names of interest
Offers auto reading of column names and data types
Provides target specific partitions using filepath function
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
COUNT(*) AS cnt
BULK '*/*/*',
) WITH (
pickup_datetime DATETIME2,
passenger_count INT
) AS nyc
SQL On Demand – Creating views
Create views using SQL On Demand queries
Works same as standard views
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
USE [mydbname]
IF EXISTS(select * FROM sys.views where name = 'populationView')
DROP VIEW populationView
CREATE VIEW populationView AS
BULK '',
[country_code] VARCHAR (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
[country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
[year] smallint,
[population] bigint
) AS [r]
country_name, population
FROM populationView
[year] = 2019
[population] DESC
SQL On Demand – Creating views
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand

Recommended for you

SQL On Demand – Querying JSON files
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
FIELDQUOTE = '0x0b',
jsonContent varchar(8000)
) AS [r]
Read JSON files and provides data in tabular format
SQL On Demand – Querying JSON files
JSON_QUERY(jsonContent, '$.authors') AS authors,
BULK '*.json',
FIELDQUOTE = '0x0b',
jsonContent varchar(8000)
) AS [r]
JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.title') = 'Probabilistic and Statist
ical Methods in Cryptology, An Introduction by Selected Topics'
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.title') AS title,
JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.publisher') as publisher,
BULK '*.json',
FIELDQUOTE = '0x0b',
jsonContent varchar(8000)
) AS [r]
JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.title') = 'Probabilistic and Statisti
cal Methods in Cryptology, An Introduction by Selected Topics'
Example of JSON_QUERY functionExample of JSON_VALUE function
Create External Table As Select
Creates an external table and then exports results of the
Select statement. These operations will import data into the
database for the duration of the query
1. Create Master Key
2. Create Credentials
3. Create External Data Source
4. Create External Data Format
5. Create External Table
Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
-- Create a database master key if one does not already exist
-- Create a database scoped credential with Azure storage account key
as the secret.
IDENTITY = '<my_account>'
, SECRET = '<azure_storage_account_key>'
-- Create an external data source with CREDENTIAL option.
( LOCATION = 'wasbs://'
, CREDENTIAL = AzureStorageCredential
-- Create an external file format
--Create an external table
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dbo.FactInternetSalesNew
LOCATION = '/files/Customer',
DATA_SOURCE = MyAzureStorage,
AS SELECT T1.* FROM dbo.FactInternetSales T1 JOIN dbo.DimCustomer T2
ON ( T1.CustomerKey = T2.CustomerKey )
SQL scripts > View and export results

Recommended for you

SQL scripts > View results (chart)
Convert from CSV to Parquet on-demand
Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence
Data Lake Storage
Common Data Model
Enterprise Security
Optimized for Analytics
Analytics Runtimes
Form Factors
Python .NET Java Scala R
Experience Synapse Analytics Studio
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things
Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence

Recommended for you

• Apache Spark 2.4 derivation
• Linux Foundation Delta Lake 0.4 support
• .Net Core 3.0 support
• Python 3.6 + Anacondas support
• Tightly coupled to other Azure Synapse services
• Integrated security and sign on
• Integrated Metadata
• Integrated and simplified provisioning
• Integrated UX including nteract based notebooks
• Fast load of SQL Analytics pools
Azure Synapse Apache Spark - Summary
• Core scenarios
• Data Prep/Data Engineering/ETL
• Machine Learning via Spark ML and Azure ML
• Extensible through library management
• Efficient resource utilization
• Fast Start
• Auto scale (up and down)
• Auto pause
• Min cluster size of 3 nodes
• Multi Language Support
• .Net (C#), PySpark, Scala, Spark SQL, Java
Supports multiple languages to develop
• PySpark (Python)
• Spark (Scala)
• .NET Spark (C#)
• Spark SQL
• Java
• R (early 2020)
Allows to write multiple languages in one
%%<Name of language>
Offers use of temporary tables across
Notebooks > Configure Session
Spark Unifies:
 Batch Processing
An unified, open source, parallel, data processing framework for Big Data Analytics
Spark Core Engine
Spark SQL
Batch processing
Spark Structured
Stream processing
Spark MLlib
Spark MLlib
Stream processing
Apache Spark

Recommended for you

Traditional Approach: MapReduce jobs for complex jobs, interactive query, and online event-hub processing
involves lots of (slow) disk I/O
Iteration 1
Memory CPU
Iteration 2
Motivation for Apache Spark
Traditional Approach: MapReduce jobs for complex jobs, interactive query, and online event-hub processing
involves lots of (slow) disk I/O
Solution: Keep data in-memory with a new distributed execution engine
Iteration 1
Memory CPU
Iteration 2
10–100x faster than
network & disk
Read/Write Disk
Chain Job Output
into New Job Input
Iteration 1
Memory CPU
Iteration 2
Motivation for Apache Spark
Read from
Write to
Read from
Write to
Read from
What makes Spark fast
Data Sources (HDFS, SQL, NoSQL, …)
Cluster Manager
Node Node Node
Cache Cache Cache
Driver Program
General Spark Cluster Architecture

Recommended for you

Spark SQL
Spark Component Features
Spark Streaming
Azure Synapse Apache Spark
Architecture Overview
Synapse Service
Job Service Frontend
Spark API
Controller …
Job Service Backend
Spark Plugin
Synapse Studio
Auth Service
Creation Service
Spark Instance
Synapse Job Service • User creates Synapse Workspace and Spark pool and
launches Synapse Studio.
• User attaches Notebook to Spark pool and enters
one or more Spark statements (code blocks).
• The Notebook client gets user token from AAD and
sends a Spark session create request to Synapse
• Synapse Gateway authenticates the request and
validates authorizations on the Workspace and Spark
pool and forwards it to the Spark (Livy) controller
hosted in Synapse Job Service frontend.
• The Job Service frontend forwards the request to Job
Service backend that creates two jobs – one for
creating the cluster and the other for creating the
Spark session.
• The Job service backend contacts Synapse Resource
Provider to obtain Workspace and Spark pool details
and delegates the cluster creation request to
Synapse Instance Service.
• Once the instance is created, the Job Service
backend forwards the Spark session creation request
to the Livy endpoint in the cluster.
• Once the Spark session is created the Notebook
client sends Spark statements to the Job Service
• Job Service frontend obtains the actual Livy endpoint
for the cluster created for the particular user from
the backend and sends the statement directly to Livy
for execution.
Synapse Spark Instances
Spark Instance
VM – 001
Node Agent
Hive Metastore
YARN RM - 01
Zookeeper - 01
Livy - 01
VM – 002
Node Agent
YARN RM - 02
Zookeeper - 02
VM – 003
Node Agent
YARN NM - 03
Zookeeper - 03
VM – 004
Node Agent
YARN NM - 04
VM – 005
Node Agent
Synapse Cluster
(Control Plane)
Heartbeat sequence
Azure Resource
Create VMs with
Specialized VHD
Provision Resources
Create Cluster
1. Synapse Job Service sends request to
Cluster Service for creating BBC clusters
per the description in the associated
Spark pool.
2. Cluster Service sends request to Azure
using Azure SDK to create VMs
(required plus additional) with
specialized VHD.
3. The specialized VHD contains bits for
all the services that are required by the
Cluster type (for e.g. Spark) with
prefetch instrumentation.
4. Once VM boots up, the Node Agent
sends heartbeat to Cluster Service for
getting node configuration.
5. The nodes are initialized and assigned
roles based on their first heartbeat.
6. Extra nodes get deleted on first
7. After Cluster Service considers the
cluster ready, it returns the Livy end-
point to the Job Service.
YARN NM - 02
YARN NM - 01
Executors Spark
Executors Spark

Recommended for you

Creating a Spark pool (1 of 2)
Default Settings
Only required field from user
Creating a Spark pool (2 of 2) - optional
Customize component versions, auto-pause
Import libraries by providing text file
containing library name and version
Compute Compute Compute Compute Compute
User Provisioned Workspace-Default Data Lake
JDBC to issue CETAS + send filters/projections1
Apply any Filters/Projections
DW exports the data in parallel
Spark reads the data in parallel3
Compute Compute Compute Compute Compute
Executor Executor Executor Executor Executor
Existing Approach: JDBC
New Approach: JDBC and Polybase
JDBC to open connection
Apply any Filters/Projections
Spark reads the data serially
Code-Behind Experience
val jdbcUsername = "<SQL DB ADMIN USER>"
val jdbcPwd = "<SQL DB ADMIN PWD>"
val jdbcHostname = "”
val jdbcPort = 1433
val jdbcDatabase ="<AZURE SQL DB NAME>“
val jdbc_url =
val connectionProperties = new Properties()
connectionProperties.put("user", s"${jdbcUsername}")
connectionProperties.put("password", s"${jdbcPwd}")
val sqlTableDf =, “dbo.Tbl1", connectionProperties)
// Construct a Spark DataFrame from SQL Pool
var df ="sql1.dbo.Tbl1")
// Write the Spark DataFrame into SQL Pool
Existing Approach New Approach

Recommended for you

Create Notebook on files in storage
View results in
table format
View results in
chart format
SQL support
Exploratory data analysis
with graphs – histogram,
boxplot etc

Recommended for you

Library Management - Python
Customers can add new python libraries at Spark pool level
Input requirements.txt in simple pip freeze format
Add new libraries to your cluster
Update versions of existing libraries on your cluster
Libraries will get installed for your Spark pool during cluster
Ability to specify different requirements file for different pools
within the same workspace
The library version must exist on PyPI repository
Version downgrade of an existing library not allowed
In the Portal
Specify the new requirements while creating Spark Pool in
Additional Settings blade
Library Management - Python
Get list of installed libraries with version information
Spark ML
Spark ML Algorithms
Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r1)

Recommended for you

Synapse Notebook: Connect to AML workspace
Simple code to connect
Synapse Notebook: Configure AML job to run on Synapse
Configuration parameters
Synapse Notebook: Run AML job
ML job execution result
Industry-leading security
and compliance

Recommended for you

Enterprise-grade security
IRS 1075 Section 508
ISO 27001 PCI DSS Level 1SOC 1 Type 2 SOC 2 Type 2 ISO 27018Cloud Controls
Content Delivery and
Security Association
MTCS Level 3
China Multi
Layer Protection
GB 18030
European Union
Model Clauses
EU Safe
Financial Services
FIPS 140-2 21 CFR
Part 11
New Zealand
Industry-leading compliance
Comprehensive Security
Category Feature
Data Protection
Data in Transit
Data Encryption at Rest
Data Discovery and Classification
Access Control
Object Level Security (Tables/Views)
Row Level Security
Column Level Security
Dynamic Data Masking
SQL Login
Authentication Azure Active Directory
Multi-Factor Authentication
Virtual Networks
Network Security Firewall
Azure ExpressRoute
Thread Detection
Threat Protection Auditing
Vulnerability Assessment
Threat Protection
Threat Protection - Business requirements
Network Security
Access Control
Data ProtectionHow do we enumerate
and track potential SQL
To mitigate any security
misconfigurations before they
become a serious issue.
How do we discover and
alert on suspicious
database activity?
To detect and resolve any data
exfiltration or SQL injection attacks.

Recommended for you

(1) Turn on SQL Auditing
(2) Analyze audit log
 Configurable via audit policy
 SQL audit logs can reside in
• Azure Storage account
• Azure Log Analytics
• Azure Event Hubs
 Rich set of tools for
• Investigating security alerts
• Tracking access to sensitive data
SQL auditing in Azure Log Analytics and Event Hubs
Gain insight into database audit log
Azure Synapse
Audit Log
Log Analytics Power BI Dashboards
Event Hubs
Blob Storage
Azure Synapse AnalyticsApps
Audit Log Threat Detection
(1) Turn on Threat Detection
(3) Real-time actionable alerts
(2) Possible threat to
access / breach data
 Detects potential SQL injection
 Detects unusual access & data
exfiltration activities
 Actionable alerts to investigate &
 View alerts for your entire Azure
tenant using Azure Security Center
SQL threat detection
Detect and investigate anomalous database activity
 Automatic discovery of columns with
sensitive data
 Add persistent sensitive data labels
 Audit and detect access to the sensitive data
 Manage labels for your entire Azure tenant
using Azure Security Center
SQL Data Discovery & Classification
Discover, classify, protect and track access to sensitive data
SQL Data Discovery & Classification - setup
Step 1: Enable Advanced Data Security
on the logical SQL Server
Step 2: Use recommendations and/or manual classification to
classify all the sensitive columns in your tables

Recommended for you

SQL Data Discovery & Classification – audit sensitive data access
Step 1: Configure auditing for your target Data warehouse. This can be
configured for just a single data warehouse or all databases on a server.
Step 2: Navigate to audit logs in storage account and
download ‘xel’ log files to local machine.
Step 3: Open logs using extended events viewer in SSMS.
Configure viewer to include ‘data_sensitivity_information’ column
Threat Protection
Network Security - Business requirements
Network Security
Access Control
Data ProtectionHow do we implement
network isolation?
Data at different levels of security
needs to be accessed from
different locations.
How do we achieve
Disallowing access to entities
outside the company’s network
security boundary.
Azure networking: application-access patterns
Access to Synapse Analytics
Service Endpoints
VPN Gateways
Your Virtual Network
Access to/from Internet
DDoS protection
Web application firewall
Azure Firewall
Network virtual appliances
Access private traffic
Network security groups (NSGs)
Application security groups (ASGs)
User-defined routes (UDRs)
By default, all access to your Azure Synapse Analytics is
blocked by the firewall.
Firewall also manages virtual network rules that are based on
virtual network service endpoints.
Allow specific or range of whitelisted IP addresses.
Allow Azure applications to connect.
Securing with firewalls
Client IP address in range?
SQL Data Warehouse firewall
Server-level firewall rules
Connection fails
Microsoft AzureInternet
DB 1 DB 2 DB 3

Recommended for you

By default, Azure blocks all external
connections to port 1433
Configure with the following steps:
Azure Synapse Analytics Resource:
Server name > Firewalls and virtual networks
Firewall configuration on the portal
Managing firewall rules through REST API must be
For information, see Authenticating Service Management
Server-level rules can be created, updated, or
deleted using REST API.
To create or update a server-level firewall rule,
execute the PUT method.
To remove an existing server-level firewall rule,
execute the DELETE method.
To list firewall rules, execute the GET.
Firewall configuration using REST API
}?api-version=2014-04-01REQUEST BODY
"properties": {
"startIpAddress": "",
"endIpAddress": ""
Windows PowerShell Azure cmdlets
Transact SQL
Firewall configuration using PowerShell/T-SQL
# PS Allow external IP access to SQL DW
PS C:> New-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule
-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-ServerName $servername `
-FirewallRuleName "AllowSome"
-StartIpAddress ""
-EndIpAddress "“
-- T-SQL Allow external IP access to SQL DW
EXECUTE sp_set_firewall_rule
@name = N'ContosoFirewallRule’,
@start_ip_address = '’,
@end_ip_address = ''
Configure with the following steps:
Azure Synapse Analytics Resource:
Server name > Firewalls and virtual networks
REST API and PowerShell alternatives available
By default, VMs on your subnets cannot communicate
with your SQL Data Warehouse.
There must first be a virtual network service endpoint
for the rule to reference.
VNET configuration on Azure portal

Recommended for you

Authentication - Business requirements
How do I configure Azure
Active Directory with Azure
Synapse Analytics?
I want additional control in the form
of multi-factor authentication
How do I allow non-
Microsoft accounts to be
able to authenticate?
Threat Protection
Network Security
Access Control
Data Protection
Manage user identities in one location.
Enable access to Azure Synapse Analytics and other Microsoft
services with Azure Active Directory user identities and groups.
Alternative to SQL Server authentication
Limits proliferation of user identities across databases
Allows password rotation in a single place
Enables management of database permissions by using
external Azure Active Directory groups
Eliminates the need to store passwords
Azure Active Directory authentication
Azure Synapse Analytics
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Azure Active Directory and Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Active Directory trust architecture
SQL Server Management Suite
Azure Active Directory Authentication
Library for SQL Server (ADALSQL)
SQL Server Data Tools
On-premises Active Directory
Azure Active
Synapse Analytics
This authentication method uses a username and
When you created the logical server for your data
warehouse, you specified a "server admin" login with a
username and password.
Using these credentials, you can authenticate to any
database on that server as the database owner.
Furthermore, you can create user logins and roles with
familiar SQL Syntax.
SQL authentication
-- Connect to master database and create a login
CREATE LOGIN ApplicationLogin WITH PASSWORD = 'Str0ng_password';
CREATE USER ApplicationUser FOR LOGIN ApplicationLogin;
-- Connect to SQL DW database and create a database user
CREATE USER DatabaseUser FOR LOGIN ApplicationLogin;

Recommended for you

Access Control - Business requirements
How do I restrict access
to sensitive data to
specific database users?
How do I ensure users
only have access to
relevant data?
For example, in a hospital only
medical staff should be allowed
to see patient data that is
relevant to them—and not every
patient’s data.
Threat Protection
Network Security
Access Control
Data Protection
GRANT controls permissions on designated tables, views, stored procedures, and functions.
Prevent unauthorized queries against certain tables.
Simplifies design and implementation of security at the database level as opposed to application level.
Object-level security (tables, views, and more)
-- Grant SELECT permission to user RosaQdM on table Person.Address in the AdventureWorks2012 database
-- Grant REFERENCES permission on column BusinessEntityID in view HumanResources.vEmployee to user Wanida
GRANT REFERENCES(BusinessEntityID) ON OBJECT::HumanResources.vEmployee to Wanida with GRANT OPTION;
-- Grant EXECUTE permission on stored procedure HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo to an application role called Recruiting11
USE AdventureWorks2012;
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo TO RECRUITING 11;
Fine grained access control of specific rows in a
database table.
Help prevent unauthorized access when multiple
users share the same tables.
Eliminates need to implement connection filtering
in multi-tenant applications.
Administer via SQL Server Management Studio or
SQL Server Data Tools.
Easily locate enforcement logic inside the database
and schema bound to the table.
Row-level security (RLS)
SQL Data Warehouse
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Creating policies
Filter predicates silently filter the rows
available to read operations (SELECT,
The following examples demonstrate
the use of the CREATE SECURITY
POLICY syntax
Row-level security
-- The following syntax creates a security policy with a filter predicate for the
Customer table
CREATE SECURITY POLICY [FederatedSecurityPolicy]
ADD FILTER PREDICATE [rls].[fn_securitypredicate]([CustomerId])
ON [dbo].[Customer];
-- Create a new schema and predicate function, which will use the application user ID
stored in CONTEXT_INFO to filter rows.
CREATE FUNCTION rls.fn_securitypredicate (@AppUserId int)
SELECT 1 AS fn_securitypredicate_result
DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID() = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('dbo') -- application context

Recommended for you

Three steps:
1. Policy manager creates filter predicate and security policy in T-SQL, binding
the predicate to the patients table.
2. App user (e.g., nurse) selects from Patients table.
3. Security policy transparently rewrites query to apply filter predicate.
Row-level security
Policy manager
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_securitypredicate(@wing int)
return SELECT 1 as [fn_securitypredicate_result] FROM
StaffDuties d INNER JOIN Employees e
ON (d.EmpId = e.EmpId)
WHERE e.UserSID = SUSER_SID() AND @wing = d.Wing;
ADD FILTER PREDICATE dbo.fn_securitypredicate(Wing) ON Patients
Security policy
SELECT * FROM Patients
SEMIJOIN APPLY dbo.fn_securitypredicate(patients.Wing);
SELECT Patients.* FROM Patients,
StaffDuties d INNER JOIN Employees e ON (d.EmpId = e.EmpId)
WHERE e.UserSID = SUSER_SID() AND Patients.wing = d.Wing;
SELECT * FROM Patients
Control access of specific columns in a database table
based on customer’s group membership or execution
Simplifies the design and implementation of security by
putting restriction logic in database tier as opposed to
application tier.
Administer via GRANT T-SQL statement.
Both Azure Active Directory (AAD) and SQL authentication
are supported.
Column-level security
Three steps:
1. Policy manager creates permission policy in T-SQL, binding the policy to the Patients
table on a specific group.
2. App user (for example, a nurse) selects from Patients table.
3. Permission policy prevents access on sensitive data.
Column-level security
Policy manager
PatientID int IDENTITY,
FirstName varchar(100) NULL,
SSN char(9) NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(100) NOT NULL,
Phone varchar(12) NULL,
Email varchar(100) NULL
Permission policy
PatientID, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email
) TO Nurse;
SELECT * FROM Membership;
Msg 230, Level 14, State 1, Line 12
The SELECT permission was denied on the column
'SSN' of the object 'Membership', database
'CLS_TestDW', schema 'dbo'.
Allow ‘Nurse’ to access all columns except for sensitive SSN column
Queries executed as ‘Nurse’ will fail if they include
the SSN column
Data Protection - Business requirements
How do I protect sensitive data against
unauthorized (high-privileged) users?
What key management options do I have?
Threat Protection
Network Security
Access Control
Data Protection

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Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r1)

Recommended for you

Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r1)

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Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r1)

  • 1. Azure Synapse Analytics James Serra Data & AI Architect Microsoft, NYC MTC Blog:
  • 2. About Me  Microsoft, Big Data Evangelist  In IT for 30 years, worked on many BI and DW projects  Worked as desktop/web/database developer, DBA, BI and DW architect and developer, MDM architect, PDW/APS developer  Been perm employee, contractor, consultant, business owner  Presenter at PASS Business Analytics Conference, PASS Summit, Enterprise Data World conference  Certifications: MCSE: Data Platform, Business Intelligence; MS: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, Design and Implement Big Data Analytics Solutions, Design and Implement Cloud Data Platform Solutions  Blog at  Former SQL Server MVP  Author of book “Reporting with Microsoft SQL Server 2012”
  • 3. Agenda  Introduction  Studio  Data Integration  SQL Analytics  Data Storage and Performance Optimizations  SQL On-Demand  Spark  Security  Connected Services
  • 4. Azure Synapse Analytics is a limitless analytics service, that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics. It gives you the freedom to query data on your terms, using either serverless on-demand or provisioned resources, at scale. Azure Synapse brings these two worlds together with a unified experience to ingest, prepare, manage, and serve data for immediate business intelligence and machine learning needs.
  • 5. Best in class price per performance Developer productivity Workload aware query execution Data flexibility Up to 94% less expensive than competitors Manage heterogenous workloads through workload priorities and isolation Ingest variety of data sources to derive the maximum benefit. Query all data. Use preferred tooling for SQL data warehouse development Industry-leading security Defense-in-depth security and 99.9% financially backed availability SLA Azure Synapse – SQL Analytics focus areas
  • 6. + many more Leveraging ISV partners with Azure Synapse Analytics Power BI Azure Machine Learning Azure Data Share Ecosystem Azure Synapse Analytics
  • 7. What workloads are NOT suitable? • High frequency reads and writes. • Large numbers of singleton selects. • High volumes of single row inserts. Operational workloads (OLTP) • Row by row processing needs. • Incompatible formats (XML). Data Preparations SQL SQL
  • 8. What Workloads are Suitable? Store large volumes of data. Consolidate disparate data into a single location. Shape, model, transform and aggregate data. Batch/Micro-batch loads. Perform query analysis across large datasets. Ad-hoc reporting across large data volumes. All using simple SQL constructs. Analytics
  • 11. Azure Synapse Analytics Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence Platform Azure Data Lake Storage Common Data Model Enterprise Security Optimized for Analytics METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING DATA INTEGRATION Analytics Runtimes PROVISIONED ON-DEMAND Form Factors SQL Languages Python .NET Java Scala R Experience Synapse Analytics Studio Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING
  • 12. Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence Platform Azure Data Lake Storage Common Data Model Enterprise Security Optimized for Analytics METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING DATA INTEGRATION Analytics Runtimes PROVISIONED ON-DEMAND Form Factors SQL Languages Python .NET Java Scala R Experience Synapse Analytics Studio Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence Connected Services Azure Data Catalog Azure Data Lake Storage Azure Data Share Azure Databricks Azure HDInsight Azure Machine Learning Power BI 3rd Party Integration
  • 13. Provisioning Synapse workspace Providing Synapse is easy Subscription Resource Group Workspace Name Region Data Lake Storage Account
  • 18. Azure Synapse Analytics Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence Platform Azure Data Lake Storage Common Data Model Enterprise Security Optimized for Analytics METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING DATA INTEGRATION Analytics Runtimes PROVISIONED ON-DEMAND Form Factors SQL Languages Python .NET Java Scala R Experience Synapse Analytics Studio Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING
  • 19. Studio A single place for Data Engineers, Data Scientists, and IT Pros to collaborate on enterprise analytics
  • 20. Synapse Studio Synapse Studio divided into Activity hubs. These organize the tasks needed for building analytics solution. Overview Data Monitor Manage Quick-access to common gestures, most-recently used items, and links to tutorials and documentation. Explore structured and unstructured data Centralized view of all resource usage and activities in the workspace. Configure the workspace, pool, access to artifacts Develop Write code and the define business logic of the pipeline via notebooks, SQL scripts, Data flows, etc. Orchestrate Design pipelines that that move and transform data.
  • 22. Overview Hub It is a starting point for the activities with key links to tasks, artifacts and documentation
  • 23. Overview Hub Overview New dropdown – offers quickly start work item Recent & Pinned – Lists recently opened code artifacts. Pin selected ones for quick access
  • 25. Data Hub Explore data inside the workspace and in linked storage accounts
  • 26. Data Hub – Storage accounts Browse Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 accounts and filesystems – navigate through folders to see data ADLS Gen2 Account Container (filesystem) Filepath
  • 27. Data Hub – Storage accounts Preview a sample of your data
  • 28. Data Hub – Storage accounts See basic file properties
  • 29. Data Hub – Storage accounts Manage Access - Configure standard POSIX ACLs on files and folders
  • 30. Data Hub – Storage accounts Two simple gestures to start analyzing with SQL scripts or with notebooks. T-SQL or PySpark auto-generated.
  • 31. Data Hub – Storage accounts SQL Script from Multiple files Multi-select of files generates a SQL script that analyzes all those files together
  • 32. Data Hub – Databases Explore the different kinds of databases that exist in a workspace. SQL pool SQL on-demand Spark
  • 33. Data Hub – Databases Familiar gesture to generate T-SQL scripts from SQL metadata objects such as tables. Starting from a table, auto-generate a single line of PySpark code that makes it easy to load a SQL table into a Spark dataframe
  • 34. Data Hub – Datasets Orchestration datasets describe data that is persisted. Once a dataset is defined, it can be used in pipelines and sources of data or as sinks of data.
  • 36. Develop Hub Overview It provides development experience to query, analyze, model data Benefits Multiple languages to analyze data under one umbrella Switch over notebooks and scripts without loosing content Code intellisense offers reliable code development Create insightful visualizations
  • 37. Develop Hub - SQL scripts SQL Script Authoring SQL Scripts Execute SQL script on provisioned SQL Pool or SQL On-demand Publish individual SQL script or multiple SQL scripts through Publish all feature Language support and intellisense
  • 38. Develop Hub - SQL scripts SQL Script View results in Table or Chart form and export results in several popular formats
  • 39. Develop Hub - Notebooks Notebooks Allows to write multiple languages in one notebook %%<Name of language> Offers use of temporary tables across languages Language support for Syntax highlight, syntax error, syntax code completion, smart indent, code folding Export results
  • 40. Develop Hub - Notebooks Configure session allows developers to control how many resources are devoted to running their notebook.
  • 41. Develop Hub - Notebooks As notebook cells run, the underlying Spark application status is shown. Providing immediate feedback and progress tracking.​
  • 42. Dataflow Capabilities Handle upserts, updates, deletes on sql sinks Add new partition methods Add schema drift support Add file handling (move files after read, write files to file names described in rows etc) New inventory of functions (for e.g Hash functions for row comparison) Commonly used ETL patterns(Sequence generator/Lookup transformation/SCD…) Data lineage – Capturing sink column lineage & impact analysis(invaluable if this is for enterprise deployment) Implement commonly used ETL patterns as templates(SCD Type1, Type2, Data Vault)
  • 43. Develop Hub - Data Flows Data flows are a visual way of specifying how to transform data. Provides a code-free experience.
  • 44. Develop Hub – Power BI Overview Create Power BI reports in the workspace Provides access to published reports in the workspace Update reports real time from Synapse workspace to get it reflected on Power BI service Visually explore and analyze data
  • 45. Develop Hub – Power BI View published reports in Power BI workspace
  • 46. Develop Hub – Power BI Edit reports in Synapse workspace
  • 47. Publish changes by simple save report in workspace Develop Hub – Power BI Publish edited reports in Synapse workspace to Power BI workspace
  • 50. Orchestrate Hub It provides ability to create pipelines to ingest, transform and load data with 90+ inbuilt connectors. Offers a wide range of activities that a pipeline can perform.
  • 52. Monitor Hub Overview This feature provides ability to monitor orchestration, activities and compute resources.
  • 53. Monitoring Hub - Orchestration Overview Monitor orchestration in the Synapse workspace for the progress and status of pipeline Benefits Track all/specific pipelines Monitor pipeline run and activity run details Find the root cause of pipeline failure or activity failure
  • 54. Monitoring Hub - Spark applications Overview Monitor Spark pools, Spark applications for the progress and status of activities Benefits Monitor Spark pools for the status as paused, active, resume, scaling and upgrading Track the usage of resources
  • 56. Manage Hub Overview This feature provides ability to manage Linked Services, Orchestration and Security.
  • 57. Manage – Linked services Overview It defines the connection information needed to connect to external resources. Benefits Offers pre-build 90+ connectors Easy cross platform data migration Represents data store or compute resources
  • 58. Manage – Access Control Overview It provides access control management to workspace resources and artifacts for admin and users Benefits Share workspace with the team Increases productivity Manage permissions on code artifacts and Spark pools
  • 59. Manage – Triggers Overview It defines a unit of processing that determines when a pipeline execution needs to be kicked off. Benefits Create and manage • Schedule trigger • Tumbling window trigger • Event trigger Control pipeline execution
  • 60. Manage – Integration runtimes Overview Integration runtimes are the compute infrastructure used by Pipelines to provide the data integration capabilities across different network environments. An integration runtime provides the bridge between the activity and linked services. Benefits Offers Azure Integration Runtime or Self-Hosted Integration Runtime Azure Integration Runtime – provides fully managed, serverless compute in Azure Self-Hosted Integration Runtime – use compute resources in on-premises machine or a VM inside private network
  • 62. Azure Synapse Analytics Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence Platform Azure Data Lake Storage Common Data Model Enterprise Security Optimized for Analytics METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING DATA INTEGRATION Analytics Runtimes PROVISIONED ON-DEMAND Form Factors SQL Languages Python .NET Java Scala R Experience Synapse Analytics Studio Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING
  • 63. Azure Integration Runtime Command and Control L E G E N D Data Orchestration @ Scale Trigger Pipeline Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Self-hosted Integration Runtime Linked Service
  • 64. Data Movement Scalable per job elasticity Up to 4 GB/s Simple Visually author or via code (Python, .Net, etc.) Serverless, no infrastructure to manage Access all your data 90+ connectors provided and growing (cloud, on premises, SaaS) Data Movement as a Service: 25 points of presence worldwide Self-hostable Integration Runtime for hybrid movement
  • 65. Azure (15) Database & DW (26) File Storage (6) File Formats(6) NoSQL (3) Services and App (28) Generic (4) Blob storage Amazon Redshift Oracle Amazon S3 AVRO Cassandra Amazon MWS Oracle Service Cloud Generic HTTP Cosmos DB - SQL API DB2 Phoenix File system Binary Couchbase CDS for Apps PayPal Generic OData Cosmos DB - MongoDB API Drill PostgreSQL FTP Delimited Text MongoDB Concur QuickBooks Generic ODBC Data Explorer Google BigQuery Presto Google Cloud Storage JSON Dynamics 365 Salesforce Generic REST Data Lake Storage Gen1 Greenplum SAP BW Open Hub HDFS ORC Dynamics AX SF Service Cloud Data Lake Storage Gen2 HBase SAP BW via MDX SFTP Parquet Dynamics CRM SF Marketing Cloud Database for MariaDB Hive SAP HANA Google AdWords SAP C4C Database for MySQL Apache Impala SAP table HubSpot SAP ECC Database for PostgreSQL Informix Spark Jira ServiceNow File Storage MariaDB SQL Server Magento Shopify SQL Database Microsoft Access Sybase Marketo Square SQL Database MI MySQL Teradata Office 365 Web table SQL Data Warehouse Netezza Vertica Oracle Eloqua Xero Search index Oracle Responsys Zoho Table storage 90+ Connectors out of the box
  • 66. Pipelines Overview It provides ability to load data from storage account to desired linked service. Load data by manual execution of pipeline or by orchestration Benefits Supports common loading patterns Fully parallel loading into data lake or SQL tables Graphical development experience
  • 67. Prep & Transform Data Mapping Dataflow Code free data transformation @scale Wrangling Dataflow Code free data preparation @scale
  • 68. Triggers Overview Triggers represent a unit of processing that determines when a pipeline execution needs to be kicked off. Data Integration offers 3 trigger types as – 1. Schedule – gets fired at a schedule with information of start date, recurrence, end date 2. Event – gets fired on specified event 3. Tumbling window – gets fired at a periodic time interval from a specified start date, while retaining state It also provides ability to monitor pipeline runs and control trigger execution.
  • 69. Manage – Linked Services Overview It defines the connection information needed for Pipeline to connect to external resources. Benefits Offers pre-build 85+ connectors Easy cross platform data migration Represents data store or compute resources NOTE: Linked Services are all for Data Integration except for Power BI (eventually ADC, Databricks)
  • 70. Manage – Integration runtimes Overview It is the compute infrastructure used by Pipelines to provide the data integration capabilities across different network environments. An integration runtime provides the bridge between the activity and linked Services. Benefits Offers Azure Integration Runtime or Self-Hosted Integration Runtime Azure Integration Runtime – provides fully managed, serverless compute in Azure Self-Hosted Integration Runtime – use compute resources in on-premises machine or a VM inside private network
  • 72. Azure Synapse Analytics Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence Platform Azure Data Lake Storage Common Data Model Enterprise Security Optimized for Analytics METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING DATA INTEGRATION Analytics Runtimes PROVISIONED ON-DEMAND Form Factors SQL Languages Python .NET Java Scala R Experience Synapse Analytics Studio Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING
  • 73. Platform: Performance Overview SQL Data Warehouse’s industry leading price-performance comes from leveraging the Azure ecosystem and core SQL Server engine improvements to produce massive gains in performance. These benefits require no customer configuration and are provided out-of-the-box for every data warehouse • Gen2 adaptive caching – using non-volatile memory solid- state drives (NVMe) to increase the I/O bandwidth available to queries. • Azure FPGA-accelerated networking enhancements – to move data at rates of up to 1GB/sec per node to improve queries • Instant data movement – leverages multi-core parallelism in underlying SQL Servers to move data efficiently between compute nodes. • Query Optimization – ongoing investments in distributed query optimization
  • 74. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 2215 The first and only analytics system to have run all TPC-H queries at petabyte-scale TPC-H queries TPC-H 1 Petabyte query times
  • 75. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 2215 Azure Synapse is the first and only analytics system to have run all TPC-H queries at 1 petabyte-scale TPC-H queries TPC-H 1 Petabyte Query Execution
  • 76. Comprehensive SQL functionality T-SQL Querying • Windowing aggregates • Approximate execution (Hyperloglog) • JSON data support Advanced storage system • Columnstore Indexes • Table partitions • Distributed tables • Isolation modes • Materialized Views • Nonclustered Indexes • Result-set caching Complete SQL object model • Tables • Views • Stored procedures • Functions Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 77. OVER clause Defines a window or specified set of rows within a query result set Computes a value for each row in the window Aggregate functions COUNT, MAX, AVG, SUM, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, STRING_AGG, VAR, VARP, GROUPING, GROUPING_ID, COUNT_BIG, CHECKSUM_AGG Ranking functions RANK, NTILE, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER Analytical functions LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, CUME_DIST, PERCENTILE_CONT, PERCENTILE_DISC, PERCENT_RANK ROWS | RANGE PRECEDING, UNBOUNDING PRECEDING, CURRENT ROW, BETWEEN, FOLLOWING, UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING Windowing functions SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY PostalCode ORDER BY SalesYTD DESC ) AS "Row Number", LastName, SalesYTD, PostalCode FROM Sales WHERE SalesYTD <> 0 ORDER BY PostalCode; Row Number LastName SalesYTD PostalCode 1 Mitchell 4251368.5497 98027 2 Blythe 3763178.1787 98027 3 Carson 3189418.3662 98027 4 Reiter 2315185.611 98027 5 Vargas 1453719.4653 98027 6 Ansman-Wolfe 1352577.1325 98027 1 Pak 4116870.2277 98055 2 Varkey Chudukaktil 3121616.3202 98055 3 Saraiva 2604540.7172 98055 4 Ito 2458535.6169 98055 5 Valdez 1827066.7118 98055 6 Mensa-Annan 1576562.1966 98055 7 Campbell 1573012.9383 98055 8 Tsoflias 1421810.9242 98055 Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 78. Analytical functions LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, CUME_DIST, PERCENTILE_CONT, PERCENTILE_DISC, PERCENT_RANK Windowing Functions (continued) --LAG Function SELECT BusinessEntityID, YEAR(QuotaDate) AS SalesYear, SalesQuota AS CurrentQuota, LAG(SalesQuota, 1,0) OVER (ORDER BY YEAR(QuotaDate)) AS PreviousQuota FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory WHERE BusinessEntityID = 275 and YEAR(QuotaDate) IN ('2005','2006'); BusinessEntityID SalesYear CurrentQuota PreviousQuota ---------------- ----------- --------------------- --------------------- 275 2005 367000.00 0.00 275 2005 556000.00 367000.00 275 2006 502000.00 556000.00 275 2006 550000.00 502000.00 275 2006 1429000.00 550000.00 275 2006 1324000.00 1429000.00 -- PERCENTILE_CONT, PERCENTILE_DISC SELECT DISTINCT Name AS DepartmentName ,PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ph.Rate) OVER (PARTITION BY Name) AS MedianCont ,PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ph.Rate) OVER (PARTITION BY Name) AS MedianDisc FROM HumanResources.Department AS d INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS dh ON dh.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory AS ph ON ph.BusinessEntityID = dh.BusinessEntityID WHERE dh.EndDate IS NULL; DepartmentName MedianCont MedianDisc -------------------- ------------- ------------- Document Control 16.8269 16.8269 Engineering 34.375 32.6923 Executive 54.32695 48.5577 Human Resources 17.427850 16.5865 Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 79. Windowing Functions (continued) ROWS | RANGE PRECEDING, UNBOUNDING PRECEDING, CURRENT ROW, BETWEEN, FOLLOWING, UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING -- First_Value SELECT JobTitle, LastName, VacationHours AS VacHours, FIRST_VALUE(LastName) OVER (PARTITION BY JobTitle ORDER BY VacationHours ASC ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ) AS FewestVacHours FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e INNER JOIN Person.Person AS p ON e.BusinessEntityID = p.BusinessEntityID ORDER BY JobTitle; JobTitle LastName VacHours FewestVacHours --------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------- Accountant Moreland 58 Moreland Accountant Seamans 59 Moreland Accounts Manager Liu 57 Liu Accounts Payable Specialist Tomic 63 Tomic Accounts Payable Specialist Sheperdigian 64 Tomic Accounts Receivable Specialist Poe 60 Poe Accounts Receivable Specialist Spoon 61 Poe Accounts Receivable Specialist Walton 62 Poe Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 80. -- Syntax APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT ( expression ) -- The approximate number of different order keys by order status from the orders table. SELECT O_OrderStatus, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(O_OrderKey) AS Approx_Distinct_OrderKey FROM dbo.Orders GROUP BY O_OrderStatus ORDER BY O_OrderStatus; HyperLogLog accuracy Will return a result with a 2% accuracy of true cardinality on average. e.g. COUNT (DISTINCT) returns 1,000,000, HyperLogLog will return a value in the range of 999,736 to 1,016,234. APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT Returns the approximate number of unique non-null values in a group. Use Case: Approximating web usage trend behavior Approximate execution Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 82. Group by with rollup Creates a group for each combination of column expressions. Rolls up the results into subtotals and grand totals Calculate the aggregates of hierarchical data Grouping sets Combine multiple GROUP BY clauses into one GROUP BY CLAUSE. Equivalent of UNION ALL of specified groups. Group by options -- GROUP BY ROLLUP Example -- SELECT Country, Region, SUM(Sales) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY ROLLUP (Country, Region); -- Results -- Country Region TotalSales Canada Alberta 100 Canada British Columbia 500 Canada NULL 600 United States Montana 100 United States NULL 100 NULL NULL 700 Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > -- GROUP BY SETS Example -- SELECT Country, SUM(Sales) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( Country, () );
  • 83. Overview Specifies that statements cannot read data that has been modified but not committed by other transactions. This prevents dirty reads. Isolation level • READ COMMITTED • REPEATABLE READ • SERIALIZABLE • READ UNCOMMITTED READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT OFF (Default) – Uses shared locks to prevent other transactions from modifying rows while running a read operation ON – Uses row versioning to present each statement with a transactionally consistent snapshot of the data as it existed at the start of the statement. Locks are not used to protect the data from updates. Snapshot isolation ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 84. Overview The JSON format enables representation of complex or hierarchical data structures in tables. JSON data is stored using standard NVARCHAR table columns. Benefits Transform arrays of JSON objects into table format Performance optimization using clustered columnstore indexes and memory optimized tables JSON data support – insert JSON data -- Create Table with column for JSON string CREATE TABLE CustomerOrders ( CustomerId BIGINT NOT NULL, Country NVARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, OrderDetails NVARCHAR(3000) NOT NULL –- NVARCHAR column for JSON ) WITH (DISTRIBUTION = ROUND_ROBIN) -- Populate table with semi-structured data INSERT INTO CustomerOrders VALUES ( 101, -- CustomerId 'Bahrain', -- Country N'[{ StoreId": "AW73565", "Order": { "Number":"SO43659", "Date":"2011-05-31T00:00:00" }, "Item": { "Price":2024.40, "Quantity":1 } }]’ -- OrderDetails ) Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 85. Overview Read JSON data stored in a string column with the following: • ISJSON – verify if text is valid JSON • JSON_VALUE – extract a scalar value from a JSON string • JSON_QUERY – extract a JSON object or array from a JSON string Benefits Ability to get standard columns as well as JSON column Perform aggregation and filter on JSON values JSON data support – read JSON data Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > -- Return all rows with valid JSON data SELECT CustomerId, OrderDetails FROM CustomerOrders WHERE ISJSON(OrderDetails) > 0; CustomerId OrderDetails 101 N'[{ StoreId": "AW73565", "Order": { "Number":"SO43659", "Date":"2011-05-31T00:00:00“ }, "Item": { "Price":2024.40, "Quantity":1 }}]' -- Extract values from JSON string SELECT CustomerId, Country, JSON_VALUE(OrderDetails,'$.StoreId') AS StoreId, JSON_QUERY(OrderDetails,'$.Item') AS ItemDetails FROM CustomerOrders; CustomerId Country StoreId ItemDetails 101 Bahrain AW73565 { "Price":2024.40, "Quantity":1 }
  • 86. Overview Use standard table columns and values from JSON text in the same analytical query. Modify JSON data with the following: • JSON_MODIFY – modifies a value in a JSON string • OPENJSON – convert JSON collection to a set of rows and columns Benefits Flexibility to update JSON string using T-SQL Convert hierarchical data into flat tabular structure JSON data support – modify and operate on JSON data -- Modify Item Quantity value UPDATE CustomerOrders SET OrderDetails = JSON_MODIFY(OrderDetails, '$.OrderDetails.Item.Quantity',2) Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > -- Convert JSON collection to rows and columns SELECT CustomerId, StoreId, OrderDetails.OrderDate, OrderDetails.OrderPrice FROM CustomerOrders CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (CustomerOrders.OrderDetails) WITH ( StoreId VARCHAR(50) '$.StoreId', OrderNumber VARCHAR(100) '$.Order.Date', OrderDate DATETIME '$.Order.Date', OrderPrice DECIMAL ‘$.Item.Price', OrderQuantity INT '$.Item.Quantity' ) AS OrderDetails OrderDetails N'[{ StoreId": "AW73565", "Order": { "Number":"SO43659", "Date":"2011-05-31T00:00:00“ }, "Item": { "Price":2024.40, "Quantity": 2}}]' CustomerId StoreId OrderDate OrderPrice 101 AW73565 2011-05-31T00:00:00 2024.40
  • 87. Overview It is a group of one or more SQL statements or a reference to a Microsoft .NET Framework common runtime language (CLR) method. Promotes flexibility and modularity. Supports parameters and nesting. Benefits Reduced server/client network traffic, improved performance Stronger security Easy maintenance Stored Procedures CREATE PROCEDURE HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT LastName, FirstName, JobTitle, Department FROM HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment; GO -- Execute a stored procedures EXECUTE HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees; GO -- Or EXEC HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees; GO -- Or, if this procedure is the first statement within a batch: HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees; Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 88. Azure Synapse Analytics Data Storage and Performance Optimizations
  • 89. Columnar Storage Columnar Ordering Table Partitioning Hash Distribution Database Tables Optimized Storage Reduce Migration Risk Less Data Scanned Smaller Cache Required Smaller Clusters Faster Queries Nonclustered Indexes
  • 90. -- Create table with index CREATE TABLE orderTable ( OrderId INT NOT NULL, Date DATE NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(2), Country VARCHAR(2) ) WITH ( CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX | HEAP | CLUSTERED INDEX (OrderId) ); -- Add non-clustered index to table CREATE INDEX NameIndex ON orderTable (Name); Clustered Columnstore index (Default Primary) Highest level of data compression Best overall query performance Clustered index (Primary) Performant for looking up a single to few rows Heap (Primary) Faster loading and landing temporary data Best for small lookup tables Nonclustered indexes (Secondary) Enable ordering of multiple columns in a table Allows multiple nonclustered on a single table Can be created on any of the above primary indexes More performant lookup queries Tables – Indexes Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 91. OrderId Date Name Country 98137 11-3-2018 T FR 98310 11-3-2018 D DE 98799 11-3-2018 R NL OrderId Date Name Country 82147 11-2-2018 Q FR 85016 11-2-2018 V UK 85018 11-2-2018 Q SP OrderId Date Name Country 85016 11-2-2018 V UK 85018 11-2-2018 Q SP 85216 11-2-2018 Q DE 85395 11-2-2018 V NL 82147 11-2-2018 Q FR 86881 11-2-2018 D UK 93080 11-3-2018 R UK 94156 11-3-2018 S FR 96250 11-3-2018 Q NL 98799 11-3-2018 R NL 98015 11-3-2018 T UK 98310 11-3-2018 D DE 98979 11-3-2018 Z DE 98137 11-3-2018 T FR … … … … Logical table structure OrderId 82147 85016 85018 85216 85395 Date 11-2-2018 Country FR UK SP DE NL Name Q V Rowgroup1 Min (OrderId): 82147 | Max (OrderId): 85395 OrderId Date Name Country 98137 11-3-2018 T FR 98310 11-3-2018 D DE 98799 11-3-2018 R NL 98979 11-3-2018 Z DE Delta Rowstore Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > SQL Analytics Columnstore Tables Clustered columnstore index (OrderId) … • Data stored in compressed columnstore segments after being sliced into groups of rows (rowgroups/micro- partitions) for maximum compression • Rows are stored in the delta rowstore until the number of rows is large enough to be compressed into a columnstore Clustered/Non-clustered rowstore index (OrderId) • Data is stored in a B-tree index structure for performant lookup queries for particular rows. • Clustered rowstore index: The leaf nodes in the structure store the data values in a row (as pictured above) • Non-clustered (secondary) rowstore index: The leaf nodes store pointers to the data values, not the values themselves + OrderId PageId 82147 1001 98137 1002 OrderId PageId 82147 1005 85395 1006 OrderId PageId 98137 1007 98979 1008 OrderId Date Name Country 82147 11-2-2018 Q FR 85016 11-2-2018 V UK 85018 11-2-2018 Q SP OrderId Date Name Country 98137 11-3-2018 T FR 98310 11-3-2018 D DE 98799 11-3-2018 R NL … …
  • 92. Overview Queries against tables with ordered columnstore segments can take advantage of improved segment elimination to drastically reduce the time needed to service a query. Ordered Clustered Columnstore Indexes Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > -- Insert data into table with ordered columnstore index INSERT INTO sortedOrderTable VALUES (1, '01-01-2019','Dave’, 'UK') -- Create Table with Ordered Columnstore Index CREATE TABLE sortedOrderTable ( OrderId INT NOT NULL, Date DATE NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(2), Country VARCHAR(2) ) WITH ( CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX ORDER (OrderId) ) -- Create Clustered Columnstore Index on existing table CREATE CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX cciOrderId ON dbo.OrderTable ORDER (OrderId)
  • 93. CREATE TABLE dbo.OrderTable ( OrderId INT NOT NULL, Date DATE NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(2), Country VARCHAR(2) ) WITH ( CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX, DISTRIBUTION = HASH([OrderId]) | ROUND ROBIN | REPLICATED ); Round-robin distributed Distributes table rows evenly across all distributions at random. Hash distributed Distributes table rows across the Compute nodes by using a deterministic hash function to assign each row to one distribution. Replicated Full copy of table accessible on each Compute node. Tables – Distributions Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 94. CREATE TABLE partitionedOrderTable ( OrderId INT NOT NULL, Date DATE NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(2), Country VARCHAR(2) ) WITH ( CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX, DISTRIBUTION = HASH([OrderId]), PARTITION ( [Date] RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ( '2000-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2002-01-01’, '2003-01-01', '2004-01-01', '2005-01-01' ) ) ); Overview Table partitions divide data into smaller groups In most cases, partitions are created on a date column Supported on all table types RANGE RIGHT – Used for time partitions RANGE LEFT – Used for number partitions Benefits Improves efficiency and performance of loading and querying by limiting the scope to subset of data. Offers significant query performance enhancements where filtering on the partition key can eliminate unnecessary scans and eliminate IO. Tables – Partitions Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 95. OrderId Date Name Country 85016 11-2-2018 V UK 85018 11-2-2018 Q SP 85216 11-2-2018 Q DE 85395 11-2-2018 V NL 82147 11-2-2018 Q FR 86881 11-2-2018 D UK 93080 11-3-2018 R UK 94156 11-3-2018 S FR 96250 11-3-2018 Q NL 98799 11-3-2018 R NL 98015 11-3-2018 T UK 98310 11-3-2018 D DE 98979 11-3-2018 Z DE 98137 11-3-2018 T FR … … … … Logical table structure Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Tables – Distributions & Partitions Physical data distribution ( Hash distribution (OrderId), Date partitions ) OrderId Date Name Country 85016 11-2-2018 V UK 85018 11-2-2018 Q SP 85216 11-2-2018 Q DE 85395 11-2-2018 V NL 82147 11-2-2018 Q FR 86881 11-2-2018 D UK … … … … OrderId Date Name Country 93080 11-3-2018 R UK 94156 11-3-2018 S FR 96250 11-3-2018 Q NL 98799 11-3-2018 R NL 98015 11-3-2018 T UK 98310 11-3-2018 D DE 98979 11-3-2018 Z DE 98137 11-3-2018 T FR … … … … 11-2-2018 partition 11-3-2018 partition x 60 distributions (shards) Distribution1 (OrderId 80,000 – 100,000) … • Each shard is partitioned with the same date partitions • A minimum of 1 million rows per distribution and partition is needed for optimal compression and performance of clustered Columnstore tables
  • 96. Common table distribution methods Table Category Recommended Distribution Option Fact Use hash-distribution with clustered columnstore index. Performance improves because hashing enables the platform to localize certain operations within the node itself during query execution. Operations that benefit: COUNT(DISTINCT( <hashed_key> )) OVER PARTITION BY <hashed_key> most JOIN <table_name> ON <hashed_key> GROUP BY <hashed_key> Dimension Use replicated for smaller tables. If tables are too large to store on each Compute node, use hash-distributed. Staging Use round-robin for the staging table. The load with CTAS is faster. Once the data is in the staging table, use INSERT…SELECT to move the data to production tables. Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 98. Best in class price performance Interactive dashboarding with Materialized Views - Automatic data refresh and maintenance - Automatic query rewrites to improve performance - Built-in advisor
  • 99. Overview A materialized view pre-computes, stores, and maintains its data like a table. Materialized views are automatically updated when data in underlying tables are changed. This is a synchronous operation that occurs as soon as the data is changed. The auto caching functionality allows Azure Synapse Analytics Query Optimizer to consider using indexed view even if the view is not referenced in the query. Supported aggregations: MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT, COUNT_BIG, SUM, VAR, STDEV Benefits Automatic and synchronous data refresh with data changes in base tables. No user action is required. High availability and resiliency as regular tables Materialized views -- Create indexed view CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW Sales.vw_Orders WITH ( DISTRIBUTION = ROUND_ROBIN | HASH(ProductID) ) AS SELECT SUM(UnitPrice*OrderQty) AS Revenue, OrderDate, ProductID, COUNT_BIG(*) AS OrderCount FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail GROUP BY OrderDate, ProductID; GO -- Disable index view and put it in suspended mode ALTER INDEX ALL ON Sales.vw_Orders DISABLE; -- Re-enable index view by rebuilding it ALTER INDEX ALL ON Sales.vw_Orders REBUILD; Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 100. In this example, a query to get the year total sales per customer is shown to have a lot of data shuffles and joins that contribute to slow performance: Materialized views - example -- Get year total sales per customer (WITH year_total AS SELECT customer_id,​ first_name,​ last_name, birth_country, login, email_address​, d_year, SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost – discount_amt + sales_price, 0)/2)year_total FROM customer cust JOIN catalog_sales sales ON = JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date = GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​, last_name,birth_country​, login​,email_address ,d_year ) SELECT TOP 100 … FROM year_total … WHERE … ORDER BY … Execution time: 103 seconds Lots of data shuffles and joins needed to complete query Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > No relevant indexed views created on the data warehouse
  • 101. Now, we add an indexed view to the data warehouse to increase the performance of the previous query. This view can be leveraged by the query even though it is not directly referenced. Materialized views - example -- Create indexed view for query CREATE INDEXED VIEW nbViewCS WITH (DISTRIBUTION=HASH(customer_id)) AS SELECT customer_id,​ first_name,​ last_name, birth_country, login, email_address​, d_year, SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost – discount_amt + sales_price, 0)/2) AS year_total FROM customer cust JOIN catalog_sales sales ON = JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date = GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​, last_name,birth_country​, login​, email_address, d_year Create indexed view with hash distribution on customer_id column -- Get year total sales per customer (WITH year_total AS SELECT customer_id,​ first_name,​ last_name, birth_country, login, email_address​, d_year, SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost – discount_amt + sales_price, 0)/2)year_total FROM customer cust JOIN catalog_sales sales ON = JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date = GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​, last_name,birth_country​, login​,email_address ,d_year ) SELECT TOP 100 … FROM year_total … WHERE … ORDER BY … Original query – get year total sales per customer Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 102. The SQL Data Warehouse query optimizer automatically leverages the indexed view to speed up the same query. Notice that the query does not need to reference the view directly Indexed (materialized) views - example Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > -- Get year total sales per customer (WITH year_total AS SELECT customer_id,​ first_name,​ last_name, birth_country, login, email_address​, d_year, SUM(ISNULL(list_price – wholesale_cost – discount_amt + sales_price, 0)/2)year_total FROM customer cust JOIN catalog_sales sales ON = JOIN date_dim ON sales.sold_date = GROUP BY customer_id​, first_name​, last_name,birth_country​, login​,email_address ,d_year ) SELECT TOP 100 … FROM year_total … WHERE … ORDER BY … Original query – no changes have been made to query Execution time: 6 seconds Optimizer leverages materialized view to reduce data shuffles and joins needed
  • 103. EXPLAIN - provides query plan for SQL Data Warehouse SQL statement without running the statement; view estimated cost of the query operations. EXPLAIN WITH_RECOMMENDATIONS - provides query plan with recommendations to optimize the SQL statement performance. Materialized views- Recommendations Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > EXPLAIN WITH_RECOMMENDATIONS select count(*) from ((select distinct c_last_name, c_first_name, d_date from store_sales, date_dim, customer where store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk and store_sales.ss_customer_sk = customer.c_customer_sk and d_month_seq between 1194 and 1194+11) except (select distinct c_last_name, c_first_name, d_date from catalog_sales, date_dim, customer where catalog_sales.cs_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk and catalog_sales.cs_bill_customer_sk = customer.c_customer_sk and d_month_seq between 1194 and 1194+11) ) top_customers
  • 104. Streaming Ingestion Event Hubs IoT Hub T-SQL Language Data Warehouse Azure Data Lake --Copy files in parallel directly into data warehouse table COPY INTO [dbo].[weatherTable] FROM 'abfss://<storageaccount><filepath>' WITH ( FILE_FORMAT = 'DELIMITEDTEXT’, SECRET = CredentialObject); Heterogenous Data Preparation & Ingestion COPY statement - Simplified permissions (no CONTROL required) - No need for external tables - Standard CSV support (i.e. custom row terminators, escape delimiters, SQL dates) - User-driven file selection (wild card support) SQL Analytics
  • 105. Overview Copies data from source to destination Benefits Retrieves data from all files from the folder and all its subfolders. Supports multiple locations from the same storage account, separated by comma Supports Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen 2 and Azure Blob Storage. Supports CSV, PARQUET, ORC file formats COPY command Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > COPY INTO test_1 FROM ' t_1.txt' WITH ( FILE_TYPE = 'CSV', CREDENTIAL=(IDENTITY= 'Shared Access Signature', SECRET='<Your_SAS_Token>'), FIELDQUOTE = '"', FIELDTERMINATOR=';', ROWTERMINATOR='0X0A', ENCODING = 'UTF8', DATEFORMAT = 'ymd', MAXERRORS = 10, ERRORFILE = '/errorsfolder/'--path starting from the storage container, IDENTITY_INSERT ) COPY INTO test_parquet FROM ' .parquet' WITH ( FILE_FORMAT = myFileFormat CREDENTIAL=(IDENTITY= 'Shared Access Signature', SECRET='<Your_SAS_Token>') )
  • 106. Parquet Dashboards, Reports, Ad-hoc analytics Data Flexibility – Parquet Direct Overview
  • 107. Control Node Compute Node Storage Result Compute NodeCompute Node Alter Database <DBNAME> Set Result_Set_Caching ON Best in class price performance Interactive dashboarding with Resultset Caching - Millisecond responses with resultset caching - Cache survives pause/resume/scale operations - Fully managed cache (1TB in size)
  • 108. Overview Cache the results of a query in DW storage. This enables interactive response times for repetitive queries against tables with infrequent data changes. The result-set cache persists even if a data warehouse is paused and resumed later. Query cache is invalidated and refreshed when underlying table data or query code changes. Result cache is evicted regularly based on a time-aware least recently used algorithm (TLRU). Benefits Enhances performance when same result is requested repetitively Reduced load on server for repeated queries Offers monitoring of query execution with a result cache hit or miss Result-set caching -- Turn on/off result-set caching for a database -- Must be run on the MASTER database ALTER DATABASE {database_name} SET RESULT_SET_CACHING { ON | OFF } -- Turn on/off result-set caching for a client session -- Run on target data warehouse SET RESULT_SET_CACHING {ON | OFF} -- Check result-set caching setting for a database -- Run on target data warehouse SELECT is_result_set_caching_on FROM sys.databases WHERE name = {database_name} -- Return all query requests with cache hits -- Run on target data warehouse SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_request_steps WHERE command like '%DWResultCacheDb%' AND step_index = 0 Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 109. Result-set caching flow Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Client sends query to DW1 Query is processed using DW compute nodes which pull data from remote storage, process query and output back to client app 2 Query results are cached in remote storage so subsequent requests can be served immediately 0101010001 0100101010 0101010001 0100101010 Subsequent executions for the same query bypass compute nodes and can be fetched instantly from persistent cache in remote storage 3 0101010001 0100101010 Remote storage cache is evicted regularly based on time, cache usage, and any modifications to underlying table data. 4 Cache will need to be regenerated if query results have been evicted from cache 5
  • 110. Overview Pre-determined resource limits defined for a user or role. Benefits Govern the system memory assigned to each query. Effectively used to control the number of concurrent queries that can run on a data warehouse. Exemptions to concurrency limit: CREATE|ALTER|DROP (TABLE|USER|PROCEDURE|VIEW|LOGIN) CREATE|UPDATE|DROP (STATISTICS|INDEX) SELECT from system views and DMVs EXPLAIN Result-Set Cache TRUNCATE TABLE ALTER AUTHORIZATION CREATE|UPDATE|DROP STATISTICS Resource classes /* View resource classes in the data warehouse */ SELECT name FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name LIKE '%rc%' AND type_desc = 'DATABASE_ROLE'; /* Change user’s resource class to 'largerc' */ EXEC sp_addrolemember 'largerc', 'loaduser’; /* Decrease the loading user's resource class */ EXEC sp_droprolemember 'largerc', 'loaduser'; Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 111. Static Resource Classes Allocate the same amount of memory independent of the current service-level objective (SLO). Well-suited for fixed data sizes and loading jobs. Dynamic Resource Classes Allocate a variable amount of memory depending on the current SLO. Well-suited for growing or variable datasets. All users default to the smallrc dynamic resource class. Resource class types Static resource classes: staticrc10 | staticrc20 | staticrc30 | staticrc40 | staticrc50 | staticrc60 | staticrc70 | staticrc80 Dynamic resource classes: smallrc | mediumrc | largerc | xlargerc Resource Class Percentage Memory Max. Concurrent Queries smallrc 3% 32 mediumrc 10% 10 largerc 22% 4 xlargerc 70% 1 Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 112. Overview Queries running on a DW compete for access to system resources (CPU, IO, and memory). To guarantee access to resources, running queries are assigned a chunk of system memory (a concurrency slot) for processing the query. The amount given is determined by the resource class of the user executing the query. Higher DW SLOs provide more memory and concurrency slots Concurrency slots @DW1000c: 40 concurrency slots Memory (concurrency slots) Smallrc query (1 slot each) Mediumrc query (4 slots each) Xlargerc query (28 slots each) Staticrc20 query (2 slots each) Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 113. Overview The limit on how many queries can run at the same time is governed by two properties: • The max. concurrent query count for the DW SLO • The total available memory (concurrency slots) for the DW SLO Increase the concurrent query limit by: • Scaling up to a higher DW SLO (up to 128 concurrent queries) • Using lower resource classes that use less memory per query Concurrent query limits Queries @DW1000c: 32 max concurrent queries, 40 slots Concurrency slots smallrc (1 slot each) mediumrc (4 slots each) staticrc50 (16 slots each) staticrc20 (2 slots each) 15 concurrent queries (40 slots used) • 8 x smallrc • 4 x staticrc20 • 2 x mediumrc • 1 x staticrc50 Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Concurrency limits based on resource classes
  • 114. Workload Management Overview It manages resources, ensures highly efficient resource utilization, and maximizes return on investment (ROI). The three pillars of workload management are 1. Workload Classification – To assign a request to a workload group and setting importance levels. 2. Workload Importance – To influence the order in which a request gets access to resources. 3. Workload Isolation – To reserve resources for a workload group. Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Pillars of Workload Management Classification Importance Isolation
  • 115. Workload classification Overview Map queries to allocations of resources via pre-determined rules. Use with workload importance to effectively share resources across different workload types. If a query request is not matched to a classifier, it is assigned to the default workload group (smallrc resource class). Benefits Map queries to both Resource Management and Workload Isolation concepts. Manage groups of users with only a few classifiers. Monitoring DMVs sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers sys.workload_management_workload_classifier_details Query DMVs to view details about all active workload classifiers. CREATE WORKLOAD CLASSIFIER classifier_name WITH ( [WORKLOAD_GROUP = '<Resource Class>' ] [IMPORTANCE = { LOW | BELOW_NORMAL | NORMAL | ABOVE_NORMAL | HIGH } ] [MEMBERNAME = ‘security_account’] ) WORKLOAD_GROUP: maps to an existing resource class IMPORTANCE: specifies relative importance of request MEMBERNAME: database user, role, AAD login or AAD group Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 116. Workload importance Overview Queries past the concurrency limit enter a FiFo queue By default, queries are released from the queue on a first-in, first-out basis as resources become available Workload importance allows higher priority queries to receive resources immediately regardless of queue Example Video State analysts have normal importance. National analyst is assigned high importance. State analyst queries execute in order of arrival When the national analyst’s query arrives, it jumps to the top of the queue CREATE WORKLOAD CLASSIFIER National_Analyst WITH ( [WORKLOAD_GROUP = ‘smallrc’] [IMPORTANCE = HIGH] [MEMBERNAME = ‘National_Analyst_Login’] Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 117. Intra Cluster Workload Isolation (Scale In) Marketing CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP Sales WITH ( [ MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 60 ] [ CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 100 ] [ MAX_CONCURRENCY = 6 ] ) 40% Compute 1000c DWU 60% Sales 60% 100% Workload aware query execution Workload Isolation - Multiple workloads share deployed resources - Reservation or shared resource configuration - Online changes to workload policies
  • 118. CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP group_name WITH ( MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = value , CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = value , REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT = value [ [ , ] REQUEST_MAX_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT = value ] [ [ , ] IMPORTANCE = {LOW | BELOW_NORMAL | NORMAL | ABOVE_NORMAL | HIGH} ] [ [ , ] QUERY_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_SEC = value ] )[ ; ] Workload Isolation Overview Allocate fixed resources to workload group. Assign maximum and minimum usage for varying resources under load. These adjustments can be done live without having to SQL Analytics offline. Benefits Reserve resources for a group of requests Limit the amount of resources a group of requests can consume Shared resources accessed based on importance level Set Query timeout value. Get DBAs out of the business of killing runaway queries Monitoring DMVs sys.workload_management_workload_groups Query to view configured workload group. Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > 0.4, 40% 0.2, 20% 0.4, 40% RESOURCE ALLOCATION group A group B Shared
  • 119. Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Overview Dynamic Management Views (DMV) are queries that return information about model objects, server operations, and server health. Benefits: Simple SQL syntax Returns result in table format Easier to read and copy result
  • 120. SQL Monitor with DMVs Overview Offers monitoring of -all open, closed sessions -count sessions by user -count completed queries by user -all active, complete queries -longest running queries -memory consumption Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > --count sessions by user SELECT login_name, COUNT(*) as session_count FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions where status = 'Closed' and session_id <> session_id() GROUP BY login_name; -- List all open sessions SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions where status <> 'Closed' and session_id <> session_id(); -- List all active queries SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests WHERE status not in ('Completed','Failed','Cancelled') AND session_id <> session_id() ORDER BY submit_time DESC; List all active queries List all open sessions Count sessions by user
  • 121. Developer Tools Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Visual Studio - SSDT database projects SQL Server Management Studio (queries, execution plans etc.) Azure Data Studio (queries, extensions etc.) Azure Synapse Analytics Visual Studio Code
  • 122. Developer Tools Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Visual Studio - SSDT database projects SQL Server Management StudioAzure Data StudioAzure Synapse Analytics Visual Studio Code Azure Cloud Service Offers end-to-end lifecycle for analytics Connects to multiple services Runs on Windows Create, maintain database code, compile, code refactoring Runs on Windows, Linux, macOS Light weight editor, (queries and extensions) Runs on Windows Offers GUI support to query, design and manage Runs on Windows, Linux, macOS Offers development experience with light- weight code editor
  • 123. Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) Overview Database project support in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) allows teams of developers to collaborate over a version-controlled data warehouse, and track, deploy and test schema changes. Benefits Database project support includes first-class integration with Azure DevOps. This adds support for: • Azure Pipelines to run CI/CD workflows for any platform (Linux, macOS, and Windows) • Azure Repos to store project files in source control • Azure Test Plans to run automated check-in tests to verify schema updates and modifications • Growing ecosystem of third-party integrations that can be used to complement existing workflows (Timetracker, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Jenkins, etc.) Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 124. Azure Advisor recommendations Suboptimal Table Distribution Reduce data movement by replicating tables Data Skew Choose new hash-distribution key Slowest distribution limits performance Cache Misses Provision additional capacity Tempdb Contention Scale or update user resource class Suboptimal Plan Selection Create or update table statistics Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 125. Maintenance windows Overview Choose a time window for your upgrades. Select a primary and secondary window within a seven-day period. Windows can be from 3 to 8 hours. 24-hour advance notification for maintenance events. Benefits Ensure upgrades happen on your schedule. Predictable planning for long-running jobs. Stay informed of start and end of maintenance. Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 126. Automatic statistics management Overview Statistics are automatically created and maintained for SQL pool. Incoming queries are analyzed, and individual column statistics are generated on the columns that improve cardinality estimates to enhance query performance. Statistics are automatically updated as data modifications occur in underlying tables. By default, these updates are synchronous but can be configured to be asynchronous. Statistics are considered out of date when: • There was a data change on an empty table • The number of rows in the table at time of statistics creation was 500 or less, and more than 500 rows have been updated • The number of rows in the table at time of statistics creation was more than 500, and more than 500 + 20% of rows have been updated -- Turn on/off auto-create statistics settings ALTER DATABASE {database_name} SET AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS { ON | OFF } -- Turn on/off auto-update statistics settings ALTER DATABASE {database_name} SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS { ON | OFF } -- Configure synchronous/asynchronous update ALTER DATABASE {database_name} SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC { ON | OFF } -- Check statistics settings for a database SELECT is_auto_create_stats_on, is_auto_update_stats_on, is_auto_update_stats_async_on FROM sys.databases Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL >
  • 127. Event Hubs IoT Hub Heterogenous Data Preparation & Ingestion Native SQL Streaming - High throughput ingestion (up to 200MB/sec) - Delivery latencies in seconds - Ingestion throughput scales with compute scale - Analytics capabilities (SQL-based queries for joins, aggregations, filters) - Removes the needtouse Spark for streaming Streaming Ingestion T-SQL Language Data Warehouse SQL Analytics
  • 128. --T-SQL syntax for scoring data in SQL DW SELECT d.*, p.Score FROM PREDICT(MODEL = @onnx_model, DATA = dbo.mytable AS d) WITH (Score float) AS p; Machine Learning enabled DW Native PREDICT-ion - T-SQL based experience (interactive./batch scoring) - Interoperability with other models built elsewhere - Execute scoring where the data lives Upload models T-SQL Language Data Warehouse Data + Score models Model Create models Predictions = SQL Analytics
  • 129. Data Lake Integration ParquetDirect for interactive data lake exploration - >10X performance improvement - Full columnar optimizations (optimizer, batch) - Built-in transparent caching (SSD, in-memory, resultset) 13X SQL Analytics
  • 130. Azure Data Share Enterprise data sharing - Share from DW to DW/DB/other systems - Choose data format to receive data in (CSV, Parquet) - One to many data sharing - Share a single or multiple datasets
  • 131. SQL Analytics new features available GA features: - Performance: Resultset caching - Performance: Materialized Views - Performance: Ordered columnstore - Heterogeneous data: JSON support - Trustworthy compution: Dynamic Data Masking - Continuous integration & deployment: SSDT support - Language: Read committed snapshot isolation Public preview features: - Workload management: Workload Isolation - Data ingestion: Simple ingestion with COPY - Data Sharing: Share DW data with Azure Data Share - Trustworthy computation: Private LINK support Private preview features: - Data ingestion: Streaming ingestion & analytics in DW - Built-in ML: Native Prediction/Scoring - Data lake enabled: Fast query over Parquet files - Language: Updateable distribution column - Language: FROM clause with joins - Language: Multi-column distribution support - Security: Column-level Encryption Note: private preview features require whitelisting
  • 132. Power BI Aggregations and Synapse query performance
  • 134. Query Options 1. Provisioned SQL over relational database – Traditional SQL DW [existing] 2. Provisioned SQL over ADLS Gen2 – via external tables or openrowset [existing via PolyBase] 3. On-demand SQL over relational database - dependency on the flexible data model (data cells) over columnstore data (preview) [new] 4. On-demand SQL over ADLS Gen2 – via external tables or openrowset [new] 5. Provisioned Spark over relational database – Not possible 6. Provisioned Spark over ADLS Gen2 [new] 7. On-demand Spark over relational database - On-demand Spark is not supported 8. On-demand Spark over ADLS Gen2 – On-demand Spark is not supported Notes: • Separation of state (data, metadata and transactional logs) and compute • Queries against data loaded into SQL Analytics tables are faster 2-3X compared to queries over external tables • Improved performance compared to PolyBase. PolyBase is not used, but functional aspects are supported • SQL on-demand will push down queries from the front-end to back-end nodes • Warm-up for first on-demand query takes about 20-25 seconds • If you create a Spark Table, that table will be created as an external table in SQL Pool or On-Demand without having to keep a Spark cluster up and running
  • 135. Distributed Query Processor (DQP) • Auto-scale compute nodes - Instruct the underlying fabric the need for more compute power to adjust to peaks during the workload. If compute power is granted, the Polaris DQP will re-distribute tasks leveraging the new compute container. Note that in-flight tasks in the previous topology continue running, while new queries get the new compute power with the new re-balancing • Compute node fault tolerance - Recover from faulty nodes while a query is running. If a node fails the DQP re-schedules the tasks in the faulted node through the remainder of the healthy topology • Compute node hot spot: rebalance queries or scale out nodes - Can detect hot spots in the existing topology. That is, overloaded compute nodes due to data skew. In the advent of a compute node running hot because of skewed tasks, the DQP can decide to re-schedule some of the tasks assigned to that compute node amongst others where the load is less • Multi-cluster - Multiple compute pools accessing the same data • Cross-database queries – A query can specify multiple databases These features work for both on-demand and provisioned over ADLS Gen2 and relational databases
  • 136. Azure Synapse Analytics Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence Platform Azure Data Lake Storage Common Data Model Enterprise Security Optimized for Analytics METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING DATA INTEGRATION Analytics Runtimes PROVISIONED ON-DEMAND Form Factors SQL Languages Python .NET Java Scala R Experience Synapse Analytics Studio Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING
  • 137. Synapse SQL on-demand scenarios What’s in this file? How many rows are there? What’s the max value? SQL On-demand reduces data lake exploration to the right-click! How to convert CSVs to Parquet quickly? How to transform the raw data? Use the full power of T-SQL to transform the data in the data lake
  • 138. SQL On-Demand Overview An interactive query service that provides T-SQL queries over high scale data in Azure Storage. Benefits Serverless No infrastructure Pay only for query execution No ETL Offers security Data integration with Databricks, HDInsight T-SQL syntax to query data Supports data in various formats (Parquet, CSV, JSON) Support for BI ecosystem Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > Azure Storage SQL On Demand Query Power BI Azure Data Studio SSMS SQL DW Read and write data files Curate and transform data Sync table definitions Read and write data files
  • 139. SQL On Demand – Querying on storage Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
  • 140. SQL On Demand – Querying CSV File Overview Uses OPENROWSET function to access data Benefits Ability to read CSV File with - no header row, Windows style new line - no header row, Unix-style new line - header row, Unix-style new line - header row, Unix-style new line, quoted - header row, Unix-style new line, escape - header row, Unix-style new line, tab-delimited - without specifying all columns Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL > SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK ' ion.csv', FORMAT = 'CSV', FIELDTERMINATOR =',', ROWTERMINATOR = 'n' ) WITH ( [country_code] VARCHAR (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, [country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, [year] smallint, [population] bigint ) AS [r] WHERE country_name = 'Luxembourg' AND year = 2017
  • 141. SQL On Demand – Querying CSV File Read CSV file - header row, Unix-style new line Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK ' unix-hdr/population.csv', FORMAT = 'CSV', FIELDTERMINATOR =',', ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a', FIRSTROW = 2 ) WITH ( [country_code] VARCHAR (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, [country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, [year] smallint, [population] bigint ) AS [r] WHERE country_name = 'Luxembourg' AND year = 2017 Read CSV file - without specifying all columns SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT country_name) AS countries FROM OPENROWSET( BULK ' ation/population.csv', FORMAT = 'CSV', FIELDTERMINATOR =',', ROWTERMINATOR = 'n' ) WITH ( [country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_Gener al_BIN2 2 ) AS [r]
  • 142. SQL On Demand – Querying folders Overview Uses OPENROWSET function to access data from multiple files or folders Benefits Offers reading multiple files/folders through usage of wildcards Offers reading specific file/folder Supports use of multiple wildcards Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT YEAR(pickup_datetime) as [year], SUM(passenger_count) AS passengers_total, COUNT(*) AS [rides_total] FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '*.*’, FORMAT = 'CSV’ , FIRSTROW = 2 ) WITH ( vendor_id VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, pickup_datetime DATETIME2, dropoff_datetime DATETIME2, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, rate_code INT, store_and_fwd_flag VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, pickup_location_id INT, dropoff_location_id INT, payment_type INT, fare_amount FLOAT, extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT, tip_amount FLOAT, tolls_amount FLOAT, improvement_surcharge FLOAT, total_amount FLOAT ) AS nyc GROUP BY YEAR(pickup_datetime) ORDER BY YEAR(pickup_datetime)
  • 143. SQL On Demand – Querying folders Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT payment_type, SUM(fare_amount) AS fare_total FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '*.csv', FORMAT = 'CSV', FIRSTROW = 2 ) WITH ( vendor_id VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, pickup_datetime DATETIME2, dropoff_datetime DATETIME2, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, <…columns> ) AS nyc GROUP BY payment_type ORDER BY payment_type Read subset of files in folderRead all files from multiple folders SELECT YEAR(pickup_datetime) as [year], SUM(passenger_count) AS passengers_total, COUNT(*) AS [rides_total] FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '*i/', FORMAT = 'CSV', FIRSTROW = 2 ) WITH ( vendor_id VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, pickup_datetime DATETIME2, dropoff_datetime DATETIME2, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, <… columns> ) AS nyc GROUP BY YEAR(pickup_datetime) ORDER BY YEAR(pickup_datetime)
  • 144. SQL On Demand – Querying specific files Overview filename – Provides file name that originates row result filepath – Provides full path when no parameter is passed or part of path when parameter is passed that originates result Benefits Provides source name/path of file/folder for row result set Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT r.filename() AS [filename] ,COUNT_BIG(*) AS [rows] FROM OPENROWSET( BULK ' 7-1*.csv’, FORMAT = 'CSV', FIRSTROW = 2 ) WITH ( vendor_id INT, pickup_datetime DATETIME2, dropoff_datetime DATETIME2, passenger_count SMALLINT, trip_distance FLOAT, <…columns> ) AS [r] GROUP BY r.filename() ORDER BY [filename] Example of filename function
  • 145. SQL On Demand – Querying specific files Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT r.filepath() AS filepath ,r.filepath(1) AS [year] ,r.filepath(2) AS [month] ,COUNT_BIG(*) AS [rows] FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '*-*.csv’, FORMAT = 'CSV', FIRSTROW = 2 ) WITH ( vendor_id INT, pickup_datetime DATETIME2, dropoff_datetime DATETIME2, passenger_count SMALLINT, trip_distance FLOAT, <… columns> ) AS [r] WHERE r.filepath(1) IN ('2017’) AND r.filepath(2) IN ('10', '11', '12’) GROUP BY r.filepath() ,r.filepath(1) ,r.filepath(2) ORDER BY filepath filepath year month rows 2017 10 9768815 2017 11 9284803 2017 12 9508276 Example of filepath function
  • 146. SQL On Demand – Querying Parquet files Overview Uses OPENROWSET function to access data Benefits Ability to specify column names of interest Offers auto reading of column names and data types Provides target specific partitions using filepath function Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT YEAR(pickup_datetime), passenger_count, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '*/*/*', FORMAT='PARQUET' ) WITH ( pickup_datetime DATETIME2, passenger_count INT ) AS nyc GROUP BY passenger_count, YEAR(pickup_datetime) ORDER BY YEAR(pickup_datetime), passenger_count
  • 147. SQL On Demand – Creating views Overview Create views using SQL On Demand queries Benefits Works same as standard views Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand USE [mydbname] GO IF EXISTS(select * FROM sys.views where name = 'populationView') DROP VIEW populationView GO CREATE VIEW populationView AS SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '', FORMAT = 'CSV', FIELDTERMINATOR =',', ROWTERMINATOR = 'n' ) WITH ( [country_code] VARCHAR (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, [country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, [year] smallint, [population] bigint ) AS [r] SELECT country_name, population FROM populationView WHERE [year] = 2019 ORDER BY [population] DESC
  • 148. SQL On Demand – Creating views Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand
  • 149. SQL On Demand – Querying JSON files Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK ' 1.json’, FORMAT='CSV', FIELDTERMINATOR ='0x0b', FIELDQUOTE = '0x0b', ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0b' ) WITH ( jsonContent varchar(8000) ) AS [r] Overview Read JSON files and provides data in tabular format Benefits Supports OPENJSON, JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY functions
  • 150. SQL On Demand – Querying JSON files SELECT JSON_QUERY(jsonContent, '$.authors') AS authors, jsonContent FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '*.json', FORMAT='CSV', FIELDTERMINATOR ='0x0b', FIELDQUOTE = '0x0b', ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0b' ) WITH ( jsonContent varchar(8000) ) AS [r] WHERE JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.title') = 'Probabilistic and Statist ical Methods in Cryptology, An Introduction by Selected Topics' Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand SELECT JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.title') AS title, JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.publisher') as publisher, jsonContent FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '*.json', FORMAT='CSV', FIELDTERMINATOR ='0x0b', FIELDQUOTE = '0x0b', ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0b' ) WITH ( jsonContent varchar(8000) ) AS [r] WHERE JSON_VALUE(jsonContent, '$.title') = 'Probabilistic and Statisti cal Methods in Cryptology, An Introduction by Selected Topics' Example of JSON_QUERY functionExample of JSON_VALUE function
  • 151. Create External Table As Select Overview Creates an external table and then exports results of the Select statement. These operations will import data into the database for the duration of the query Steps: 1. Create Master Key 2. Create Credentials 3. Create External Data Source 4. Create External Data Format 5. Create External Table Azure Synapse Analytics > SQL On Demand -- Create a database master key if one does not already exist CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'S0me!nfo' ; -- Create a database scoped credential with Azure storage account key as the secret. CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL AzureStorageCredential WITH IDENTITY = '<my_account>' , SECRET = '<azure_storage_account_key>' ; -- Create an external data source with CREDENTIAL option. CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE MyAzureStorage WITH ( LOCATION = 'wasbs://' , CREDENTIAL = AzureStorageCredential , TYPE = HADOOP ) -- Create an external file format CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT MyAzureCSVFormat WITH (FORMAT_TYPE = DELIMITEDTEXT, FORMAT_OPTIONS( FIELD_TERMINATOR = ',', FIRST_ROW = 2) --Create an external table CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dbo.FactInternetSalesNew WITH( LOCATION = '/files/Customer', DATA_SOURCE = MyAzureStorage, FILE_FORMAT = MyAzureCSVFormat ) AS SELECT T1.* FROM dbo.FactInternetSales T1 JOIN dbo.DimCustomer T2 ON ( T1.CustomerKey = T2.CustomerKey ) OPTION ( HASH JOIN );
  • 152. SQL scripts > View and export results
  • 153. SQL scripts > View results (chart)
  • 154. Convert from CSV to Parquet on-demand
  • 156. Azure Synapse Analytics Integrated data platform for BI, AI and continuous intelligence Platform Azure Data Lake Storage Common Data Model Enterprise Security Optimized for Analytics METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING DATA INTEGRATION Analytics Runtimes PROVISIONED ON-DEMAND Form Factors SQL Languages Python .NET Java Scala R Experience Synapse Analytics Studio Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Internet of Things Intelligent Apps / Business Intelligence METASTORE SECURITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING
  • 157. • Apache Spark 2.4 derivation • Linux Foundation Delta Lake 0.4 support • .Net Core 3.0 support • Python 3.6 + Anacondas support • Tightly coupled to other Azure Synapse services • Integrated security and sign on • Integrated Metadata • Integrated and simplified provisioning • Integrated UX including nteract based notebooks • Fast load of SQL Analytics pools Azure Synapse Apache Spark - Summary • Core scenarios • Data Prep/Data Engineering/ETL • Machine Learning via Spark ML and Azure ML integration • Extensible through library management • Efficient resource utilization • Fast Start • Auto scale (up and down) • Auto pause • Min cluster size of 3 nodes • Multi Language Support • .Net (C#), PySpark, Scala, Spark SQL, Java
  • 158. Languages Overview Supports multiple languages to develop notebook • PySpark (Python) • Spark (Scala) • .NET Spark (C#) • Spark SQL • Java • R (early 2020) Benefits Allows to write multiple languages in one notebook %%<Name of language> Offers use of temporary tables across languages
  • 160. Spark Unifies:  Batch Processing      An unified, open source, parallel, data processing framework for Big Data Analytics Spark Core Engine Spark SQL Batch processing Spark Structured Streaming Stream processing Spark MLlib Machine Learning Yarn Spark MLlib Machine Learning Spark Streaming Stream processing GraphX Graph Computation Apache Spark
  • 161. Traditional Approach: MapReduce jobs for complex jobs, interactive query, and online event-hub processing involves lots of (slow) disk I/O HDFS Read HDFS Write HDFS Read HDFS Write CPU Iteration 1 Memory CPU Iteration 2 Memory Motivation for Apache Spark
  • 162. Traditional Approach: MapReduce jobs for complex jobs, interactive query, and online event-hub processing involves lots of (slow) disk I/O Solution: Keep data in-memory with a new distributed execution engine HDFS Read Input CPU Iteration 1 Memory CPU Iteration 2 Memory 10–100x faster than network & disk Minimal Read/Write Disk Bottleneck Chain Job Output into New Job Input HDFS Read HDFS Write HDFS Read HDFS Write CPU Iteration 1 Memory CPU Iteration 2 Memory Motivation for Apache Spark
  • 163. Read from HDFS Write to HDFS Read from HDFS Write to HDFS Read from HDFS What makes Spark fast
  • 164. Data Sources (HDFS, SQL, NoSQL, …) Cluster Manager Node Node Node Cache Cache Cache Driver Program SparkContext General Spark Cluster Architecture
  • 165. Spark SQL Mllib/SparkML Spark Component Features Spark Streaming GraphX
  • 166. Azure Synapse Apache Spark Architecture Overview
  • 167. Synapse Service Job Service Frontend Spark API Controller … Job Service Backend Spark Plugin Gateway Resource Provider DB Synapse Studio AAD Auth Service Instance Creation Service DBDB Azure Spark Instance VM VM VM VM VM … VM Synapse Job Service • User creates Synapse Workspace and Spark pool and launches Synapse Studio. • User attaches Notebook to Spark pool and enters one or more Spark statements (code blocks). • The Notebook client gets user token from AAD and sends a Spark session create request to Synapse Gateway. • Synapse Gateway authenticates the request and validates authorizations on the Workspace and Spark pool and forwards it to the Spark (Livy) controller hosted in Synapse Job Service frontend. • The Job Service frontend forwards the request to Job Service backend that creates two jobs – one for creating the cluster and the other for creating the Spark session. • The Job service backend contacts Synapse Resource Provider to obtain Workspace and Spark pool details and delegates the cluster creation request to Synapse Instance Service. • Once the instance is created, the Job Service backend forwards the Spark session creation request to the Livy endpoint in the cluster. • Once the Spark session is created the Notebook client sends Spark statements to the Job Service frontend. • Job Service frontend obtains the actual Livy endpoint for the cluster created for the particular user from the backend and sends the statement directly to Livy for execution.
  • 168. Synapse Spark Instances Spark Instance VM – 001 Node Agent Hive Metastore YARN RM - 01 Zookeeper - 01 Livy - 01 VM – 002 Node Agent YARN RM - 02 Zookeeper - 02 VM – 003 Node Agent YARN NM - 03 Zookeeper - 03 VM – 004 Node Agent YARN NM - 04 Subnet VM – 005 Node Agent Synapse Cluster Service (Control Plane) Heartbeat sequence Azure Resource Provider Create VMs with Specialized VHD Provision Resources Heartbeats Create Cluster 1. Synapse Job Service sends request to Cluster Service for creating BBC clusters per the description in the associated Spark pool. 2. Cluster Service sends request to Azure using Azure SDK to create VMs (required plus additional) with specialized VHD. 3. The specialized VHD contains bits for all the services that are required by the Cluster type (for e.g. Spark) with prefetch instrumentation. 4. Once VM boots up, the Node Agent sends heartbeat to Cluster Service for getting node configuration. 5. The nodes are initialized and assigned roles based on their first heartbeat. 6. Extra nodes get deleted on first heartbeat. 7. After Cluster Service considers the cluster ready, it returns the Livy end- point to the Job Service. YARN NM - 02 YARN NM - 01 Spark Executors Spark Executors Spark Executors Spark Executors
  • 169. Creating a Spark pool (1 of 2) Default Settings Only required field from user
  • 170. Creating a Spark pool (2 of 2) - optional Customize component versions, auto-pause Import libraries by providing text file containing library name and version
  • 171. Control Node Compute Compute Compute Compute Compute User Provisioned Workspace-Default Data Lake JDBC to issue CETAS + send filters/projections1 Apply any Filters/Projections DW exports the data in parallel 2 Spark reads the data in parallel3 Control Node Compute Compute Compute Compute Compute Driver Executor Executor Executor Executor Executor Existing Approach: JDBC New Approach: JDBC and Polybase JDBC to open connection Apply any Filters/Projections Spark reads the data serially 1 2 3
  • 172. Code-Behind Experience val jdbcUsername = "<SQL DB ADMIN USER>" val jdbcPwd = "<SQL DB ADMIN PWD>" val jdbcHostname = "” val jdbcPort = 1433 val jdbcDatabase ="<AZURE SQL DB NAME>“ val jdbc_url = s"jdbc:sqlserver://${jdbcHostname}:${jdbcPort};database=${jdbcDatabase}; encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*.databas;loginTimeout=60;“ val connectionProperties = new Properties() connectionProperties.put("user", s"${jdbcUsername}") connectionProperties.put("password", s"${jdbcPwd}") val sqlTableDf =, “dbo.Tbl1", connectionProperties) // Construct a Spark DataFrame from SQL Pool var df ="sql1.dbo.Tbl1") // Write the Spark DataFrame into SQL Pool df.write.sqlanalytics(“sql1.dbo.Tbl2”) Existing Approach New Approach
  • 173. Create Notebook on files in storage
  • 175. View results in chart format SQL support
  • 176. Exploratory data analysis with graphs – histogram, boxplot etc
  • 177. Library Management - Python Overview Customers can add new python libraries at Spark pool level Benefits Input requirements.txt in simple pip freeze format Add new libraries to your cluster Update versions of existing libraries on your cluster Libraries will get installed for your Spark pool during cluster creation Ability to specify different requirements file for different pools within the same workspace Constraints The library version must exist on PyPI repository Version downgrade of an existing library not allowed In the Portal Specify the new requirements while creating Spark Pool in Additional Settings blade
  • 178. Library Management - Python Get list of installed libraries with version information
  • 181. Synapse Notebook: Connect to AML workspace Simple code to connect workspace
  • 182. Synapse Notebook: Configure AML job to run on Synapse Configuration parameters
  • 183. Synapse Notebook: Run AML job ML job execution result
  • 186. HIPAA / HITECH IRS 1075 Section 508 VPAT ISO 27001 PCI DSS Level 1SOC 1 Type 2 SOC 2 Type 2 ISO 27018Cloud Controls Matrix Content Delivery and Security Association Singapore MTCS Level 3 United Kingdom G-Cloud China Multi Layer Protection Scheme China CCCPPF China GB 18030 European Union Model Clauses EU Safe Harbor ENISA IAF Shared Assessments ITAR-ready Japan Financial Services FedRAMP JAB P-ATO FIPS 140-2 21 CFR Part 11 DISA Level 2FERPA CJIS Australian Signals Directorate New Zealand GCIO Industry-leading compliance
  • 187. Comprehensive Security Category Feature Data Protection Data in Transit Data Encryption at Rest Data Discovery and Classification Access Control Object Level Security (Tables/Views) Row Level Security Column Level Security Dynamic Data Masking SQL Login Authentication Azure Active Directory Multi-Factor Authentication Virtual Networks Network Security Firewall Azure ExpressRoute Thread Detection Threat Protection Auditing Vulnerability Assessment
  • 188. Threat Protection Threat Protection - Business requirements Network Security Authentication Access Control Data ProtectionHow do we enumerate and track potential SQL vulnerabilities? To mitigate any security misconfigurations before they become a serious issue. How do we discover and alert on suspicious database activity? To detect and resolve any data exfiltration or SQL injection attacks.
  • 189. (1) Turn on SQL Auditing (2) Analyze audit log  Configurable via audit policy  SQL audit logs can reside in • Azure Storage account • Azure Log Analytics • Azure Event Hubs  Rich set of tools for • Investigating security alerts • Tracking access to sensitive data SQL auditing in Azure Log Analytics and Event Hubs Gain insight into database audit log Azure Synapse Analytics Audit Log Log Analytics Power BI Dashboards Event Hubs Blob Storage
  • 190. Azure Synapse AnalyticsApps Audit Log Threat Detection (1) Turn on Threat Detection (3) Real-time actionable alerts (2) Possible threat to access / breach data  Detects potential SQL injection attacks  Detects unusual access & data exfiltration activities  Actionable alerts to investigate & remediate  View alerts for your entire Azure tenant using Azure Security Center SQL threat detection Detect and investigate anomalous database activity
  • 191.  Automatic discovery of columns with sensitive data  Add persistent sensitive data labels  Audit and detect access to the sensitive data  Manage labels for your entire Azure tenant using Azure Security Center SQL Data Discovery & Classification Discover, classify, protect and track access to sensitive data
  • 192. SQL Data Discovery & Classification - setup Step 1: Enable Advanced Data Security on the logical SQL Server Step 2: Use recommendations and/or manual classification to classify all the sensitive columns in your tables
  • 193. SQL Data Discovery & Classification – audit sensitive data access Step 1: Configure auditing for your target Data warehouse. This can be configured for just a single data warehouse or all databases on a server. Step 2: Navigate to audit logs in storage account and download ‘xel’ log files to local machine. Step 3: Open logs using extended events viewer in SSMS. Configure viewer to include ‘data_sensitivity_information’ column
  • 194. Threat Protection Network Security - Business requirements Network Security Authentication Access Control Data ProtectionHow do we implement network isolation? Data at different levels of security needs to be accessed from different locations. How do we achieve separation? Disallowing access to entities outside the company’s network security boundary.
  • 195. Azure networking: application-access patterns Access to Synapse Analytics Service Endpoints Backend Connectivity ExpressRoute VPN Gateways Users Internet Your Virtual Network Access to/from Internet DDoS protection Web application firewall Azure Firewall Network virtual appliances Access private traffic Network security groups (NSGs) Application security groups (ASGs) User-defined routes (UDRs) FrontEndMid-tierBackEnd
  • 196. Overview By default, all access to your Azure Synapse Analytics is blocked by the firewall. Firewall also manages virtual network rules that are based on virtual network service endpoints. Rules Allow specific or range of whitelisted IP addresses. Allow Azure applications to connect. Securing with firewalls Yes No Client IP address in range? SQL Data Warehouse firewall Server-level firewall rules Connection fails Microsoft AzureInternet DB 1 DB 2 DB 3
  • 197. By default, Azure blocks all external connections to port 1433 Configure with the following steps: Azure Synapse Analytics Resource: Server name > Firewalls and virtual networks Firewall configuration on the portal
  • 198. Managing firewall rules through REST API must be authenticated. For information, see Authenticating Service Management Requests. Server-level rules can be created, updated, or deleted using REST API. To create or update a server-level firewall rule, execute the PUT method. To remove an existing server-level firewall rule, execute the DELETE method. To list firewall rules, execute the GET. Firewall configuration using REST API PUT{subscriptionI d}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft .Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName }?api-version=2014-04-01REQUEST BODY { "properties": { "startIpAddress": "", "endIpAddress": "" } } DELETE{subscriptionI d}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft .Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName }?api-version=2014-04-01 GET{subscriptionI d}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft .Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName }?api-version=2014-04-01
  • 199. Windows PowerShell Azure cmdlets Transact SQL Firewall configuration using PowerShell/T-SQL # PS Allow external IP access to SQL DW PS C:> New-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" ` -ServerName $servername ` -FirewallRuleName "AllowSome" -StartIpAddress "" -EndIpAddress "“ -- T-SQL Allow external IP access to SQL DW EXECUTE sp_set_firewall_rule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule’, @start_ip_address = '’, @end_ip_address = ''
  • 200. Configure with the following steps: Azure Synapse Analytics Resource: Server name > Firewalls and virtual networks REST API and PowerShell alternatives available Note: By default, VMs on your subnets cannot communicate with your SQL Data Warehouse. There must first be a virtual network service endpoint for the rule to reference. VNET configuration on Azure portal
  • 201. Authentication - Business requirements How do I configure Azure Active Directory with Azure Synapse Analytics? I want additional control in the form of multi-factor authentication How do I allow non- Microsoft accounts to be able to authenticate? Threat Protection Network Security Authentication Access Control Data Protection
  • 202. Overview Manage user identities in one location. Enable access to Azure Synapse Analytics and other Microsoft services with Azure Active Directory user identities and groups. Benefits Alternative to SQL Server authentication Limits proliferation of user identities across databases Allows password rotation in a single place Enables management of database permissions by using external Azure Active Directory groups Eliminates the need to store passwords Azure Active Directory authentication Azure Synapse Analytics Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3
  • 203. Azure Active Directory and Azure Synapse Analytics Azure Active Directory trust architecture SQL Server Management Suite Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server (ADALSQL) SQL Server Data Tools On-premises Active Directory Azure Active Directory Azure Synapse Analytics ADFS ADALSQL ADO .NET 4.6 App
  • 204. Overview This authentication method uses a username and password. When you created the logical server for your data warehouse, you specified a "server admin" login with a username and password. Using these credentials, you can authenticate to any database on that server as the database owner. Furthermore, you can create user logins and roles with familiar SQL Syntax. SQL authentication -- Connect to master database and create a login CREATE LOGIN ApplicationLogin WITH PASSWORD = 'Str0ng_password'; CREATE USER ApplicationUser FOR LOGIN ApplicationLogin; -- Connect to SQL DW database and create a database user CREATE USER DatabaseUser FOR LOGIN ApplicationLogin;
  • 205. Access Control - Business requirements How do I restrict access to sensitive data to specific database users? How do I ensure users only have access to relevant data? For example, in a hospital only medical staff should be allowed to see patient data that is relevant to them—and not every patient’s data. Threat Protection Network Security Authentication Access Control Data Protection
  • 206. Overview GRANT controls permissions on designated tables, views, stored procedures, and functions. Prevent unauthorized queries against certain tables. Simplifies design and implementation of security at the database level as opposed to application level. Object-level security (tables, views, and more) -- Grant SELECT permission to user RosaQdM on table Person.Address in the AdventureWorks2012 database GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::Person.Address TO RosaQdM; GO -- Grant REFERENCES permission on column BusinessEntityID in view HumanResources.vEmployee to user Wanida GRANT REFERENCES(BusinessEntityID) ON OBJECT::HumanResources.vEmployee to Wanida with GRANT OPTION; GO -- Grant EXECUTE permission on stored procedure HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo to an application role called Recruiting11 USE AdventureWorks2012; GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo TO RECRUITING 11; GO
  • 207. Overview Fine grained access control of specific rows in a database table. Help prevent unauthorized access when multiple users share the same tables. Eliminates need to implement connection filtering in multi-tenant applications. Administer via SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Server Data Tools. Easily locate enforcement logic inside the database and schema bound to the table. Row-level security (RLS) SQL Data Warehouse Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3
  • 208. Creating policies Filter predicates silently filter the rows available to read operations (SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE). The following examples demonstrate the use of the CREATE SECURITY POLICY syntax Row-level security -- The following syntax creates a security policy with a filter predicate for the Customer table CREATE SECURITY POLICY [FederatedSecurityPolicy] ADD FILTER PREDICATE [rls].[fn_securitypredicate]([CustomerId]) ON [dbo].[Customer]; -- Create a new schema and predicate function, which will use the application user ID stored in CONTEXT_INFO to filter rows. CREATE FUNCTION rls.fn_securitypredicate (@AppUserId int) RETURNS TABLE WITH SCHEMABINDING AS RETURN ( SELECT 1 AS fn_securitypredicate_result WHERE DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID() = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('dbo') -- application context AND CONTEXT_INFO() = CONVERT(VARBINARY(128), @AppUserId)); GO
  • 209. Three steps: 1. Policy manager creates filter predicate and security policy in T-SQL, binding the predicate to the patients table. 2. App user (e.g., nurse) selects from Patients table. 3. Security policy transparently rewrites query to apply filter predicate. Row-level security Database Policy manager CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_securitypredicate(@wing int) RETURNS TABLE WITH SCHEMABINDING AS return SELECT 1 as [fn_securitypredicate_result] FROM StaffDuties d INNER JOIN Employees e ON (d.EmpId = e.EmpId) WHERE e.UserSID = SUSER_SID() AND @wing = d.Wing; CREATE SECURITY POLICY dbo.SecPol ADD FILTER PREDICATE dbo.fn_securitypredicate(Wing) ON Patients WITH (STATE = ON) Filter Predicate: INNER JOIN… Security policy Application Patients Nurse SELECT * FROM Patients SEMIJOIN APPLY dbo.fn_securitypredicate(patients.Wing); SELECT Patients.* FROM Patients, StaffDuties d INNER JOIN Employees e ON (d.EmpId = e.EmpId) WHERE e.UserSID = SUSER_SID() AND Patients.wing = d.Wing; SELECT * FROM Patients
  • 210. Overview Control access of specific columns in a database table based on customer’s group membership or execution context. Simplifies the design and implementation of security by putting restriction logic in database tier as opposed to application tier. Administer via GRANT T-SQL statement. Both Azure Active Directory (AAD) and SQL authentication are supported. Column-level security
  • 211. Three steps: 1. Policy manager creates permission policy in T-SQL, binding the policy to the Patients table on a specific group. 2. App user (for example, a nurse) selects from Patients table. 3. Permission policy prevents access on sensitive data. Column-level security Database Policy manager CREATE TABLE Patients ( PatientID int IDENTITY, FirstName varchar(100) NULL, SSN char(9) NOT NULL, LastName varchar(100) NOT NULL, Phone varchar(12) NULL, Email varchar(100) NULL ); Permission policy Application Patients Nurse GRANT SELECT ON Patients ( PatientID, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email ) TO Nurse; SELECT * FROM Membership; Msg 230, Level 14, State 1, Line 12 The SELECT permission was denied on the column 'SSN' of the object 'Membership', database 'CLS_TestDW', schema 'dbo'. Allow ‘Nurse’ to access all columns except for sensitive SSN column Queries executed as ‘Nurse’ will fail if they include the SSN column
  • 212. Data Protection - Business requirements How do I protect sensitive data against unauthorized (high-privileged) users? What key management options do I have? Threat Protection Network Security Authentication Access Control Data Protection