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Building a full stack API with
DevOps integrated
or how to build a complete u-service from scratch in an hour
Sergio Gutierrez
EMEA Senior Solution Architect
Luca Ferrari
EMEA Senior Solution Architect
➔ APIs in Microservice Architecture patterns
➔ Quarkus as a runtime engine (advantages)
➔ Development approach: API Contract first / Code first
➔ Demos
1. building your first quarkus api
2. adding fault tolerance
3. observing your u-service
4. adding logging to your service
5. adding persistence
6. adding security (developer friendly way)
APIs in Microservice Architecture patterns
● Synchronous Communication
● Asynchronous Message-based Communication
MicroProfile and Microservice Basics
● Java for microservices-based architecture
● Portability across multiple runtimes
The following components are fundamental for developers creating microservices:
● Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java (CDI) specification
● Jakarta RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
● JSON processing
Using all three components, you can build basic RESTful web services in a straightforward and declarative

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In this talk, Carlos de la Guardia shows how a Pyramid application can be deployed using a front end web server, like Apache or Nginx. He also covers how to automate deployment using buildout and a PyPI clone, and post-deployment creation of a variety of maintenance scripts and cron jobs that perform application specific tasks through Pyramid. A link to audio of the presentation is here:

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The document discusses two serverless computing platforms that support Swift - OpenWhisk and Fn. OpenWhisk is an open source system that is event-driven, containerized, and allows chaining of actions. It is hosted on Bluemix but can be difficult to deploy elsewhere. Fn is container-native and deploys functions as containers communicating via standard input/output. Both allow simple Swift functions to be deployed and called remotely with REST APIs or command line tools. The document provides examples of writing, deploying and calling functions on each platform.

Openwhisk - Colorado Meetups
Openwhisk - Colorado MeetupsOpenwhisk - Colorado Meetups
Openwhisk - Colorado Meetups

An introduction to Apache OpenWhisk, an open source, distributed Serverless platform that executes functions (fx) in response to events at any scale. OpenWhisk manages the infrastructure, servers and scaling using Docker containers so you can focus on building amazing and efficient applications.

Quarkus advantage
Advantages compared to other Java-based cloud-native frameworks, Quarkus
offers the following benefits:
● Faster response times, in general.
● Lower memory usage.
● Higher throughout in reactive routes.
● Full container image support.
● Compliance to MicroProfile conformance tests.
Quarkus advantage
Reviewing the JAX-RS Specification
JAX-RS, formerly known as Java API for RESTful Web Services, is a specification that provides support for creating web
services following the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural pattern.
Annotation Description
@Path The relative path for a class or method.
The HTTP request type of a method.
@Produces, @Consumes The Internet media types for the content consumed as the request parameters or
produced as the response. The class specifies the
allowed values.
Table 2.1. JAX-RS Class and Method-Level Annotations Summary
Demo #1
How do you get started with this??
Solution: and git clone
● Bootstrapping an application
● Creating a JAX-RS endpoint
● Injecting beans
● Functional tests
● Packaging of the application
How to create a Hello World API with Quarkus app

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This document discusses serverless computing and functions as a service. It defines serverless computing as building applications that do not require server management, instead being executed on demand in response to events. It describes how serverless platforms handle tasks like provisioning, maintenance, scaling and billing. Examples of serverless use cases include APIs, backend services, event-driven programming and processing unpredictable traffic. The document then discusses Apache OpenWhisk as an open source serverless platform and how it works.

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Slide deck from my talk on Node.js. More information is available here:

Plugin-based software design with Ruby and RubyGems
Plugin-based software design with Ruby and RubyGemsPlugin-based software design with Ruby and RubyGems
Plugin-based software design with Ruby and RubyGems

Talk at RubyKaigi 2015. Plugin architecture is known as a technique that brings extensibility to a program. Ruby has good language features for plugins. is an excellent platform for plugin distribution. However, creating plugin architecture is not as easy as writing code without it: plugin loader, packaging, loosely-coupled API, and performance. Loading two versions of a gem is a unsolved challenge that is solved in Java on the other hand. I have designed some open-source software such as Fluentd and Embulk. They provide most of functions by plugins. I will talk about their plugin-based architecture.

Demo #1
Bootstrapping the project
quarkus create app org.acme:getting-started 
Different options to create your project:
● Maven
● Quarkus CLI
mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:2.14.1.Final:create 
Quarkus CLI installation
Demo #1
Quarkus scaffold project generated
It generates the following in ./getting-started:
● the Maven structure
● an org.acme.GreetingResource resource exposed on /hello
● an associated unit test
● a landing page that is accessible on http://localhost:8080 after starting the application
● example Dockerfile files for both native and jvm modes in src/main/docker
● the application configuration file
Demo #2
What if my backend fails?!
The recovery procedures defined by the fault tolerance specification include the following:
● Bulkhead (@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Bulkhead) Limits the workload for a microservice to
avoid failures caused by concurrency or service overload.
● Retry policy(@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Retry) Defines the conditions for retrying a failing
● Timeout(@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Timeout) Defines the maximum execution time
before interrupting a request.
● Circuit breaker (@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker)Supports a fail-fast approach
if the system is suffering from an overload or is unavailable.
● Fallback(@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Fallback) Executes an alternative method if the
execution fails for the annotated method.
Source: 11
Demo #2
Fault tolerance - Fallback
@Fallback(fallbackMethod = "fallbackRecommendations")
public List<Coffee> recommendations(int id) {
public List<Coffee> fallbackRecommendations(int id) {"Falling back to
// safe bet, return something that everybody likes
@Fallback(fallbackMethod = "fallbackRecommendations")
> quarkus dev
quarkus create app org.acme:microprofile-fault-tolerance-quickstart 
The application built in this guide simulates a simple
backend for a gourmet coffee e-shop. It
implements a REST endpoint providing information
about coffee samples we have on store.
In case of a timeout, the page will display a single
recommendation that we hardcoded in our fallback
method fallbackRecommendations(), rather than
two recommendations returned by the original

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Migration Spring Boot PetClinic REST to Quarkus 1.2.0
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In this presentation I will introduce Quarkus and also show which were the steps followed to migrate Spring PetClinic application to Quarkus using the standard libraries : resteasy, microprofile metrics, hibernate, openapi, .... GraalVM


This document discusses implementing DevOps practices and technologies like Terraform and Ansible to create a fault-tolerant web store. It outlines creating the VM infrastructure with Terraform including load balancing. Ansible is used to install and configure software. A Jenkins pipeline is created for continuous integration and delivery. A Galera cluster provides database replication across multiple servers. Monitoring and backups are also implemented.

devopsload balancingfault tolerant
Demo #3
I want to observe my u-services!
quarkus create app org.acme:opentelemetry-quickstart 
REST application to demonstrate distributed tracing.
Demo #3
Open Telemetry
The OpenTelemetry Collector offers a
vendor-agnostic implementation of how to
receive, process and export telemetry
data. It removes the need to run, operate,
and maintain multiple agents/collectors.
This works with improved scalability and
supports open-source observability data
formats (e.g. Jaeger, Prometheus, Fluent
Bit, etc.) sending to one or more
open-source or commercial back-ends.
Demo #3
Open Telemetry
quarkus dev
Demo #4
How can I do simple troubleshooting?
As most developers would say, the first tool to troubleshoot when something goes wrong is logging (everything if
Quarkus offers JBoss Log Manager and the JBoss Logging facade for this purpose and all the logging configuration can
be done inside your
Applications and components may use any of the following APIs for logging, and the logs will be merged:
● JDK java.util.logging (also called JUL)
● JBoss Logging
● Apache Commons Logging
It is possible to change the output format of the console log when for example the output of the application is captured
by a service which can, for example, process and store the log information for later analysis (JSON Logging Format)

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Pyramid deployment
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Pyramid deployment

The document discusses various strategies for deploying and maintaining Pyramid web applications. It covers deployment options using Nginx, Apache with mod_wsgi, and Paste. It also discusses using buildout, supervisor, scripting, exception logging, backups, staging environments, caching, monitoring, and replication. The case study at the end describes how the open source KARL project deploys their Pyramid application using Nginx, HAProxy, Paste, Supervisor, buildout, and a custom package index on GitHub.

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Spring Live Sample Chapter
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The document provides instructions on setting up a sample Spring web application using Struts, Spring, and Hibernate. It covers downloading necessary components, creating the project structure and Ant build file, writing a unit test for the persistence layer, configuring Hibernate and Spring, and creating the initial model class and mapping file. The goal is to lay the groundwork for a basic CRUD application to manage user data across the three tiers.

Demo #4
Configuring Logging
We will start from a more comple REST example here
This includes: 2 REST resources, Ser/Des, a simple HTML frontend
It also already includes a Logging Filter automatically injected based on ContainerRequestFilter
( )
We will add more logging at the Resource level, to log as WARN if we add Tomato as a fruit
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FruitResource.class);
LOG.warn("Tomato is not a fruit");
Demo #5
Where to persist data?
Not every information can be stored only in memory, thinking about your amazon order and payment?
Quarkus provides many options to persist data, we will be highlighting the most important:
● Dev Service for DBs: when testing or running in dev mode Quarkus can provide you with a zero-config database
out of the box. Depending on your database type you may need Docker installed in order to use this feature.
Dev Services is supported for the following databases: DB2 (container) (requires license acceptance), Derby (in-process), H2 (in-process), MariaDB
(container), Microsoft SQL Server (container) (requires license acceptance), MySQL (container), Oracle Express Edition (container), PostgreSQL
● Simple datasource setup: a datasource can be either a JDBC datasource, a reactive one or both. It all depends on
how you configure it and which extensions you added to your project. To define a datasource, start by defining
the kind in the application.configuration. By using a JDBC driver extension and setting the kind in the
configuration, Quarkus resolves the JDBC driver automatically, so you don’t need to configure it yourself
● Support of both Hibernate ORM with Panache:
Hibernate ORM is an object–relational mapping tool for the Java programming language. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain
model to a relational database.
Panache is a Quarkus-specific library that simplifies the development of your Hibernate-based persistence layer. Similar to Spring Data JPA, Panache
handles most of the repetitive boilerplate code for you. Its implementations of the repository and the active record pattern provide methods to create,
update, and remove records, perform basic queries, and define and execute your own queries.
Demo #5
REST with persistence on Postgres container
We will start from a full example which cover everything we have seen in the previous slide
This includes: 1 Hibernate with Panache entity, the corresponding REST resource, all implementing the repository pattern
Panache’s repositories provide you with a set of standard methods to find entities by their primary key. You can also persist, update and remove an
entity. The only thing you need to do to get this functionality is to define an entity-specific repository class. It has to implement the
PanacheRepository or PanacheRepositoryBase interface.
We will just modify the configuration so that the db dev service port is fixed, and we can connect to it:
Demo #6
Somebody is bothering me with Security!
As you don’t want to expose your first valuable service publicly without any protection, you might want to think about
Quarkus offers a full range of security options for your services:
● Basic and Form HTTP authentication
● WebAuthn is an authentication mechanism that replaces passwords. When you write a service for registering new users, or
logging them in, instead of asking for a password, you can use WebAuthn, which replaces the password.
● Quarkus also provides mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication so that you can authenticate users based on their X.509
● OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an identity layer that works on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. OIDC enables client applications to
verify the identity of a user based on the authentication performed by the OIDC provider and to retrieve basic information
about that user. You can also verify ID and access JWT tokens by using the refreshable JSON Web Key (JWK) set or you can
introspect them remotely. However, opaque (binary) tokens can only be introspected remotely.

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Developing Java Web Applications
Developing Java Web ApplicationsDeveloping Java Web Applications
Developing Java Web Applications

The document discusses several key technologies for developing Java web applications, including Java Servlet technology, WebWork framework, Spring framework, and Apache Maven build tool. It provides an overview of how each technology addresses common problems like stateless communication, business logic implementation, view generation, and data access overhead. Examples are given showing how WebWork and Spring can be used together with Maven to build a simple "Hello World" application that follows the MVC pattern and leverages dependency injection.

Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
Porting Rails Apps to High Availability SystemsPorting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems

This document discusses strategies for making Ruby on Rails applications highly available. It covers common architectures using a single server, and moving to distributed systems. Key topics include application modularity, useful gems for asynchronous processing, database replication, session management, application deployment, configuration management, and load balancing. The conclusion emphasizes that porting Rails apps to a highly available environment requires thinking about architecture and distribution early, but is not prohibitively difficult if approached methodically.

ruby rails high availability lvs mongodb
Spring boot microservice metrics monitoring
Spring boot   microservice metrics monitoringSpring boot   microservice metrics monitoring
Spring boot microservice metrics monitoring

This document summarizes a presentation on monitoring microservices with Spring Boot. It discusses evolving architectures from monolithic to microservices and challenges in microservices. It then covers different monitoring techniques like metrics, tracing and logging. It provides an overview of tools like Prometheus, Grafana, Spring Boot Admin, Eureka and Consul for monitoring microservices. Finally, it outlines hands-on labs to set up monitoring of a sample application with different tool combinations.

Demo #6
OIDC security with Security Dev Services
You can use the Quarkus OpenID Connect (OIDC) extension to secure your JAX-RS applications using Bearer Token
Authorization. The Bearer Tokens are issued by OIDC and OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization servers, such as Keycloak.
In this example, we are using a very simple microservice which offers two endpoints:
These endpoints are protected and can only be accessed if a client is sending a bearer token along with the request,
which must be valid (e.g.: signature, expiration and audience) and trusted by the microservice.
The /api/users/me endpoint can be accessed by any user with a valid token. As a response, it returns a JSON document
with details about the user where these details are obtained from the information carried on the token.
The /api/admin endpoint is protected with RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) where only users granted with the admin
role can access. At this endpoint, we use the @RolesAllowed annotation to declaratively enforce the access constraint.
Demo #6
In case you can’t find that specific protocol or standard to integrate with inside the standard quarkus libraries,
You can explore the quarkiverse
For example in the case of security we have community support for MFA:
Thank you for
staying with us!

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Meetup 2022 - APIs with Quarkus.pdf

  • 1. Building a full stack API with DevOps integrated or how to build a complete u-service from scratch in an hour Sergio Gutierrez EMEA Senior Solution Architect Luca Ferrari EMEA Senior Solution Architect
  • 2. Agenda ➔ APIs in Microservice Architecture patterns ➔ Quarkus as a runtime engine (advantages) ➔ Development approach: API Contract first / Code first ➔ Demos 1. building your first quarkus api 2. adding fault tolerance 3. observing your u-service 4. adding logging to your service 5. adding persistence 6. adding security (developer friendly way)
  • 3. APIs in Microservice Architecture patterns ● Synchronous Communication ● Asynchronous Message-based Communication 3
  • 4. MicroProfile and Microservice Basics ● Java for microservices-based architecture ● Portability across multiple runtimes The following components are fundamental for developers creating microservices: ● Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java (CDI) specification ● Jakarta RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) ● JSON processing Using all three components, you can build basic RESTful web services in a straightforward and declarative manner. 4
  • 5. Quarkus advantage Advantages compared to other Java-based cloud-native frameworks, Quarkus offers the following benefits: ● Faster response times, in general. ● Lower memory usage. ● Higher throughout in reactive routes. ● Full container image support. ● Compliance to MicroProfile conformance tests. 5
  • 7. Reviewing the JAX-RS Specification JAX-RS, formerly known as Java API for RESTful Web Services, is a specification that provides support for creating web services following the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural pattern. Annotation Description @Path The relative path for a class or method. @GET, @PUT,@POST, @DELETE, @HEAD The HTTP request type of a method. @Produces, @Consumes The Internet media types for the content consumed as the request parameters or produced as the response. The class specifies the allowed values. Table 2.1. JAX-RS Class and Method-Level Annotations Summary 7
  • 8. Demo #1 How do you get started with this?? Solution: and git clone ● Bootstrapping an application ● Creating a JAX-RS endpoint ● Injecting beans ● Functional tests ● Packaging of the application How to create a Hello World API with Quarkus app 8
  • 9. Demo #1 Bootstrapping the project quarkus create app org.acme:getting-started --extension='resteasy-reactive' Different options to create your project: ● Maven ● ● Quarkus CLI mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:2.14.1.Final:create -DprojectGroupId=org.acme -DprojectArtifactId=getting-started -Dextensions='resteasy-reactive' Quarkus CLI installation 9
  • 10. Demo #1 Quarkus scaffold project generated It generates the following in ./getting-started: ● the Maven structure ● an org.acme.GreetingResource resource exposed on /hello ● an associated unit test ● a landing page that is accessible on http://localhost:8080 after starting the application ● example Dockerfile files for both native and jvm modes in src/main/docker ● the application configuration file 10
  • 11. Demo #2 What if my backend fails?! The recovery procedures defined by the fault tolerance specification include the following: ● Bulkhead (@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Bulkhead) Limits the workload for a microservice to avoid failures caused by concurrency or service overload. ● Retry policy(@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Retry) Defines the conditions for retrying a failing execution. ● Timeout(@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Timeout) Defines the maximum execution time before interrupting a request. ● Circuit breaker (@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker)Supports a fail-fast approach if the system is suffering from an overload or is unavailable. ● Fallback(@org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Fallback) Executes an alternative method if the execution fails for the annotated method. Source: 11
  • 12. Demo #2 Fault tolerance - Fallback @Fallback(fallbackMethod = "fallbackRecommendations") public List<Coffee> recommendations(int id) { ... } public List<Coffee> fallbackRecommendations(int id) {"Falling back to RecommendationResource#fallbackRecommendations()"); // safe bet, return something that everybody likes return Collections.singletonList(coffeeRepository.getCoffeeById(1));} @Fallback(fallbackMethod = "fallbackRecommendations") > quarkus dev http://localhost:8080/coffee/2/recommendations quarkus create app org.acme:microprofile-fault-tolerance-quickstart --extension='smallrye-fault-tolerance,resteasy-reactive-jackson --no-code 12 The application built in this guide simulates a simple backend for a gourmet coffee e-shop. It implements a REST endpoint providing information about coffee samples we have on store. In case of a timeout, the page will display a single recommendation that we hardcoded in our fallback method fallbackRecommendations(), rather than two recommendations returned by the original method.
  • 13. Demo #3 I want to observe my u-services! quarkus create app org.acme:opentelemetry-quickstart --extension='resteasy-reactive,quarkus-opentelemetry' --no-code Source: REST application to demonstrate distributed tracing. <dependency> <groupId>io.quarkus</groupId> <artifactId>quarkus-opentelemetry</artifactId> </dependency> 13
  • 14. Demo #3 Open Telemetry The OpenTelemetry Collector offers a vendor-agnostic implementation of how to receive, process and export telemetry data. It removes the need to run, operate, and maintain multiple agents/collectors. This works with improved scalability and supports open-source observability data formats (e.g. Jaeger, Prometheus, Fluent Bit, etc.) sending to one or more open-source or commercial back-ends. 14
  • 15. Demo #3 Open Telemetry 15 quarkus dev -Djvm.args="-Dquarkus.opentelemetry.tracer.exporter.otlp.endpoint=http://localhost:4317"
  • 16. Demo #4 How can I do simple troubleshooting? As most developers would say, the first tool to troubleshoot when something goes wrong is logging (everything if possible). Quarkus offers JBoss Log Manager and the JBoss Logging facade for this purpose and all the logging configuration can be done inside your Applications and components may use any of the following APIs for logging, and the logs will be merged: ● JDK java.util.logging (also called JUL) ● JBoss Logging ● SLF4J ● Apache Commons Logging It is possible to change the output format of the console log when for example the output of the application is captured by a service which can, for example, process and store the log information for later analysis (JSON Logging Format) 16 Source:
  • 17. Demo #4 Configuring Logging We will start from a more comple REST example here This includes: 2 REST resources, Ser/Des, a simple HTML frontend It also already includes a Logging Filter automatically injected based on ContainerRequestFilter ( ) We will add more logging at the Resource level, to log as WARN if we add Tomato as a fruit import org.jboss.logging.Logger; … private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FruitResource.class); … if("tomato")){ LOG.warn("Tomato is not a fruit"); } 17
  • 18. Demo #5 Where to persist data? Not every information can be stored only in memory, thinking about your amazon order and payment? Quarkus provides many options to persist data, we will be highlighting the most important: ● Dev Service for DBs: when testing or running in dev mode Quarkus can provide you with a zero-config database out of the box. Depending on your database type you may need Docker installed in order to use this feature. Dev Services is supported for the following databases: DB2 (container) (requires license acceptance), Derby (in-process), H2 (in-process), MariaDB (container), Microsoft SQL Server (container) (requires license acceptance), MySQL (container), Oracle Express Edition (container), PostgreSQL (container) ● Simple datasource setup: a datasource can be either a JDBC datasource, a reactive one or both. It all depends on how you configure it and which extensions you added to your project. To define a datasource, start by defining the kind in the application.configuration. By using a JDBC driver extension and setting the kind in the configuration, Quarkus resolves the JDBC driver automatically, so you don’t need to configure it yourself ● Support of both Hibernate ORM with Panache: Hibernate ORM is an object–relational mapping tool for the Java programming language. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. Panache is a Quarkus-specific library that simplifies the development of your Hibernate-based persistence layer. Similar to Spring Data JPA, Panache handles most of the repetitive boilerplate code for you. Its implementations of the repository and the active record pattern provide methods to create, update, and remove records, perform basic queries, and define and execute your own queries. 18
  • 19. Demo #5 REST with persistence on Postgres container We will start from a full example which cover everything we have seen in the previous slide This includes: 1 Hibernate with Panache entity, the corresponding REST resource, all implementing the repository pattern Panache’s repositories provide you with a set of standard methods to find entities by their primary key. You can also persist, update and remove an entity. The only thing you need to do to get this functionality is to define an entity-specific repository class. It has to implement the PanacheRepository or PanacheRepositoryBase interface. We will just modify the configuration so that the db dev service port is fixed, and we can connect to it: quarkus.datasource.devservices.port=45432 19 Source:
  • 20. Demo #6 Somebody is bothering me with Security! As you don’t want to expose your first valuable service publicly without any protection, you might want to think about security. Quarkus offers a full range of security options for your services: ● Basic and Form HTTP authentication ● WebAuthn is an authentication mechanism that replaces passwords. When you write a service for registering new users, or logging them in, instead of asking for a password, you can use WebAuthn, which replaces the password. ● Quarkus also provides mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication so that you can authenticate users based on their X.509 certificates. ● OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an identity layer that works on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. OIDC enables client applications to verify the identity of a user based on the authentication performed by the OIDC provider and to retrieve basic information about that user. You can also verify ID and access JWT tokens by using the refreshable JSON Web Key (JWK) set or you can introspect them remotely. However, opaque (binary) tokens can only be introspected remotely. 20 Source:
  • 21. Demo #6 OIDC security with Security Dev Services You can use the Quarkus OpenID Connect (OIDC) extension to secure your JAX-RS applications using Bearer Token Authorization. The Bearer Tokens are issued by OIDC and OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization servers, such as Keycloak. In this example, we are using a very simple microservice which offers two endpoints: /api/users/me /api/admin These endpoints are protected and can only be accessed if a client is sending a bearer token along with the request, which must be valid (e.g.: signature, expiration and audience) and trusted by the microservice. The /api/users/me endpoint can be accessed by any user with a valid token. As a response, it returns a JSON document with details about the user where these details are obtained from the information carried on the token. The /api/admin endpoint is protected with RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) where only users granted with the admin role can access. At this endpoint, we use the @RolesAllowed annotation to declaratively enforce the access constraint. 21 Source:
  • 22. Demo #6 BONUS! In case you can’t find that specific protocol or standard to integrate with inside the standard quarkus libraries, You can explore the quarkiverse For example in the case of security we have community support for MFA: 22 Source:
  • 23. Thank you for staying with us! 23