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“Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Enabled
Services and Applications
in 2021”
Keynote Presentation
NSF Workshop on Applications and Services in 2021
Washington, DC
January 28, 2016
Dr. Larry Smarr
Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and
Information Technology
Harry E. Gruber Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
The Cyberinfrastructure of 2021
Will Be Radically Different from 2016
• Wired
• Wireless
• Sensors
• Computer Architecture
• Visualization
NSF Has Funded Over 100 Campuses to Build
Local “Big Data” Optical Fiber Freeways 1000x Shared Internet Speed
Red 2012 CC-NIE Awardees
Yellow 2013 CC-NIE Awardees
Green 2014 CC*IIE Awardees
Blue 2015 CC*DNI Awardees
Purple Multiple Time Awardees
Source: NSF
Optical Fibers Linking Big Data Researchers at 10-100Gbps
in U.S., Australia, Korea, Japan, and the Netherlands

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Peering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains Network
Peering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains NetworkPeering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains Network
Peering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains Network

The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) connects research institutions across the western United States with high-speed networks to enable data-intensive science collaborations. Key points: - The PRP connects 15 campuses across California and links to the Great Plains Network, allowing researchers to access remote supercomputers, share large datasets, and collaborate on projects like analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider. - The PRP utilizes Science DMZ architectures with dedicated data transfer nodes called FIONAs to achieve high-speed transfer of large files. Kubernetes is used to manage distributed storage and computing resources. - Early applications include distributed climate modeling, wildfire science, plankton imaging, and cancer genomics. The PR

PRP, NRP, GRP & the Path Forward
PRP, NRP, GRP & the Path ForwardPRP, NRP, GRP & the Path Forward
PRP, NRP, GRP & the Path Forward

The document provides an overview of the Pacific Research Platform (PRP) and discusses its role in connecting researchers across institutions and enabling new applications. It summarizes the PRP's key components like Science DMZs, Data Transfer Nodes (FIONAs), and use of Kubernetes for container management. Several examples are given of how the PRP facilitates high-performance distributed data analysis, access to remote supercomputers, and sensor networks coupled to real-time computing. Upcoming work on machine learning applications and expanding the PRP internationally is also outlined.

The Pacific Research Platform Enables Distributed Big-Data Machine-Learning
The Pacific Research Platform Enables Distributed Big-Data Machine-LearningThe Pacific Research Platform Enables Distributed Big-Data Machine-Learning
The Pacific Research Platform Enables Distributed Big-Data Machine-Learning

The Pacific Research Platform enables distributed big data machine learning by connecting scientific instruments, sensors, and supercomputers across California and the United States with high-speed optical networks. Key components include FIONA data transfer nodes that allow fast disk-to-disk transfers near the theoretical maximum, Kubernetes to orchestrate distributed computing resources, and the Nautilus hypercluster which aggregates thousands of CPU cores and GPUs into a unified platform. This infrastructure has accelerated many scientific workflows and supported cutting-edge research in fields such as astronomy, oceanography, climate science, and particle physics.

pacific research platformbig dataextreme scale computing
Global Scientific Instruments Will Produce Ultralarge Datasets Continuously:
New Services and Applications Needed for Data Scientific Discovery
Square Kilometer Array Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Tracks ~40B Objects,
Creates 10M Alerts/Night
Within 1 Minute of Observing
5G Will Enable a Wide Range of New Wireless Applications and Services
Connecting People and Things
The Jump from Wireless 4G to 5G Will Be Transformative:
ITU’s International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) System
Massive Changes in Our Ability to Quantify the World
Simultaneously Explosively Decrease in Sensor Cost and Increase of Use

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Security Challenges and the Pacific Research Platform
Security Challenges and the Pacific Research PlatformSecurity Challenges and the Pacific Research Platform
Security Challenges and the Pacific Research Platform

Cybersecurity Engagement in a Research Environment Workshop Rady School of Management, UC San Diego December 5, 2019

cyber securitydistributed machine learning
CENIC: Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data
CENIC: Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big DataCENIC: Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data
CENIC: Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data

The document discusses the Pacific Wave exchange and Pacific Research Platform (PRP). It provides an overview of Pacific Wave, including its history and connectivity across the Pacific and western US. It then discusses how the PRP will build on infrastructure projects to create a high-speed "big data freeway" for science across California universities. This will allow researchers to more easily share and analyze large datasets for projects in areas like climate modeling, cancer genomics, astronomy and particle physics. Details are provided on specific science applications and datasets that will benefit from the enhanced connectivity of the PRP.

cyberinfrastructureprpbig data
The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway SystemThe Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System

Opening Presentation Pacific Research Platform Workshop Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute University of California, San Diego October 14, 2015

big datapacific research platformcyberinfrastructure
New Computing Architectures Are Developing Rapidly
From the End of Scaling Which Drove Moore’s Law
m Realm
• Nanoelectronic Computing
• Approximate Computing
• Quantum Computing
• Brain-Inspired Computing
Graph source:
The Future of Supercomputing
“High Performance Computing Will Evolve
Towards a Hybrid Model,
Integrating Emerging Non-von Neumann Architectures,
with Huge Potential in Pattern Recognition,
Streaming Data Analysis,
and Unpredictable New Applications.”
Horst Simon, Deputy Director,
U.S. Department of Energy’s
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Left & Right Brain Computing:
Arithmetic vs. Pattern Recognition
Adapted from D-Wave
Massive Public Private Partnership
to Accelerate Brain-Inspired Computers
Jan/Feb 2014
Over $100 Million

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The Pacific Research Platform: Building a Distributed Big Data Machine Learni...
The Pacific Research Platform: Building a Distributed Big Data Machine Learni...The Pacific Research Platform: Building a Distributed Big Data Machine Learni...
The Pacific Research Platform: Building a Distributed Big Data Machine Learni...

This document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's invited talk about the Pacific Research Platform (PRP) given at the San Diego Supercomputer Center in April 2019. The PRP is building a distributed big data machine learning supercomputer by connecting high-performance computing and data resources across multiple universities in California and beyond using high-speed networks. It provides researchers with petascale computing power, distributed storage, and tools like Kubernetes to enable collaborative data-intensive science across institutions.

machine learningsuper computerdistributed data
Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data
Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big DataPacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data
Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data

The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) aims to create a "Big Data freeway system" across research institutions in the western United States and Pacific region by leveraging high-bandwidth optical fiber networks. The PRP connects multiple universities and national laboratories, providing bandwidth up to 100Gbps for data-intensive science applications. Initial testing of the PRP demonstrated disk-to-disk transfer speeds exceeding 5Gbps between many sites. The PRP will be expanded with SDN/SDX capabilities to enable even higher performance for large-scale datasets from fields like astronomy, genomics, and particle physics.

cenicdigital infrastructureanalytics
Toward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research PlatformToward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research Platform

- The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) interconnects campus DMZs across multiple institutions to provide high-speed connectivity for data-intensive research. - The PRP utilizes specialized data transfer nodes called FIONAs that provide disk-to-disk transfer speeds of 10-100Gbps. - Early applications of the PRP include distributing telescope data between UC campuses, connecting particle physics experiments to computing resources, and enabling real-time wildfire sensor data analysis.

Brain-Inspired Processors
Are Accelerating the non-von Neumann Architecture Era
“On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips.
‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.”
Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha
Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group
August 8, 2014
Contextual Robots With Neuromorphic Processors That
Can See and Learn Will Tie Into the Planetary Computer
April 2014
If You Are Planning New Applications and Services On a Ten Year Horizon,
It Helps to See What Unexpected Change Can Happen In a Decade…
From One Million to One Billion Users
In Less Than 8 Years!
DEC 2004
Collaborating in Virtual Reality at 10Gbps
University Research Frontier Today-What About in Five Years?
Source: NTT Sponsored ON*VECTOR Workshop at Calit2 March 6, 2013

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An Integrated Science Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
An Integrated Science Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive ResearchAn Integrated Science Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
An Integrated Science Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research

This document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's vision for an integrated science cyberinfrastructure to support data-intensive research. It discusses the exponential growth of digital data and need for dedicated high-bandwidth networks and data repositories. Specific examples are provided of initiatives at UCSD, regional optical networks connecting research institutions, and national projects like the Open Science Grid and Cancer Genomics Hub that are creating cyberinfrastructure to enable data-intensive scientific discovery.

big datacyberinfrastructurescience
An Integrated West Coast Science DMZ for Data-Intensive Research
An Integrated West Coast Science DMZ for Data-Intensive ResearchAn Integrated West Coast Science DMZ for Data-Intensive Research
An Integrated West Coast Science DMZ for Data-Intensive Research

Panel Presentation CENIC Annual Conference University of California, Irvine - Irvine, CA March 9, 2015

big dataanalyticscyberinfrastucture
Building the Pacific Research Platform: Supernetworks for Big Data Science
Building the Pacific Research Platform: Supernetworks for Big Data ScienceBuilding the Pacific Research Platform: Supernetworks for Big Data Science
Building the Pacific Research Platform: Supernetworks for Big Data Science

The document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's presentation on building the Pacific Research Platform (PRP) to enable big data science across research universities on the West Coast. The PRP provides 100-1000 times more bandwidth than today's internet to support research fields from particle physics to climate change. In under 2 years, the prototype PRP has connected researchers and datasets across California through optical networks and is now expanding nationally and globally. The next steps involve adding machine learning capabilities to the PRP through GPU clusters to enable new discoveries from massive datasets.

Why Would a Social Network Company
Buy a Consumer Virtual Reality Company?
One Year Later…
“We're working on VR because
I think it's the next major
computing and communication platform
after phones…”
-Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO
July 1, 2015
Examples of Massive Markets That Are Being Disrupted
by a Combination of These Cyberinfrastructure Advances
• Quantified Machines Lead to the Industrial Internet
• Quantified Cars and Drones Lead to Self-Driving Vehicles
• Quantified Houses Lead to the Smart Electric Grid
• Quantified Selves Lead to Personalized Preventive Healthcare
The Planetary-Scale Computer Fed by a Trillion Sensors
Will Drive a Global Industrial Internet
Next Decade
One Trillion “Within the next 20 years
the Industrial Internet
will have added
to the global economy
an additional $15 trillion.”
--General Electric

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Presentation to Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Committee on Integrated Vehicle Health Management Stanford University September 12, 2017

Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure
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Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure

05.11.03 Physics Department Colloquium UCSD Title: Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure La Jolla, CA

ucsdsmarrphysics department
Building a Regional 100G Collaboration Infrastructure
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Building a Regional 100G Collaboration Infrastructure

Keynote Presentation, CineGrid International Workshop 2015, Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute, University of California, San Diego December 11, 2015

Realtime Data Mapping Will Transform
The Transportation Industry
Traffic Control for Drone Air Delivery
is Under Development by NASA, Amazon, & Google
The Electric Grid Is Becoming
More Like the Internet
From One to a Trillion Data Points Defining Me in 15 Years:
The Exponential Rise in Body Data
Human Genome
Microbial Genome
Time Series
Improving Body
Discovering Disease
Human Genome

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The Creation of Calit2
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The Creation of Calit2

The document summarizes the creation and evolution of Calit2, the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, a partnership between UC San Diego and UC Irvine. It describes how Calit2 was established in 2001 with a mission to explore how emerging technologies could transform applications through interdisciplinary research. With support from the state and industry partners, Calit2 has grown facilities and research projects in areas like networking, virtual reality, biomedicine, and more recently brain-inspired computing and machine learning.

The Transformational Nature of NSF Long-Term Funding on Santa Ana Wildfires i...
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Invited Presentation with Ilkay Altintas To the Council on Competitiveness SDSC, UC San Diego March 8, 2019

Four Disruptive Trends for the Next Decade
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Four Disruptive Trends for the Next Decade

Four disruptive trends will shape the next decade: 1) Distributed software systems will drive disintermediation and disrupt industries like transportation and hospitality; 2) Networked virtual reality will allow for planetary-scale collaboration and remote viewing; 3) Climate change will require adaptation of infrastructure to become intelligent, secure, low-carbon and climate-resilient; 4) Brain-inspired computing utilizing massive data and exascale supercomputers will enable emulation of the human brain within a decade and usher in an era of cognitive technologies.

big dataanalyticsscience
I Decided to Track My Internal Biomarkers
Just As I Did My External Body
One Blood Draw
For MeCalit2 64 Megapixel VROOM
A New Generation of Human Body Sensors
Will Provide Continuous Readouts
Startup MC10 Working With UIUC
Consumer Internal Self-Tracking Tools
Are Growing Rapidly
Blood Variable Time Series Stool Variable Time Series
Human Genetic Variations
Integrated Wellness
Human Microbiome
The Emergence of P4 Medicine --
Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participatory
Systems Biology &
Systems Medicine
Social Networks
Digital Revolution
Big Data
How Will the Quantified Consumer
Be Integrated into Healthcare Systems?
ee Hood, Director ISB

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The Rise of Machine Intelligence
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Big Thought Leaders Colloquium Series – Spring 2017 Jackson State University Jackson, MS April 11, 2017

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The Emergence of Digital Mirror Worlds
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The Emergence of Digital Mirror Worlds

- Digital mirror worlds are software models of physical systems that are continuously updated with real-time data, allowing them to closely mimic and predict the behavior of the real system. - Advances in computing power and sensors are enabling increasingly detailed digital twins of objects, human bodies, cities, wildfires, and even the observable universe. - One trillion sensors are expected to feed the planetary computer within the next decade, driving a global industrial internet and $15 trillion in economic value through digital twins of manufactured products. - Digital twins powered by consumer sensor data may one day provide early disease detection and personalized health coaching at scale.

Implications of Brain-Inspired Computing on Next-Gen Cyberinfrastructure Plan...
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Implications of Brain-Inspired Computing on Next-Gen Cyberinfrastructure Plan...

Invited Talk ON*VECTOR Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute University of California, San Diego February 25, 2015

brain initiativeanalyticsbig data
A Vision for Healthcare
in the Coming Decades
Using this data, the planetary computer will be able
to build a computational model of your body
and compare your sensor stream with millions of others.
Besides providing early detection of internal changes
that could lead to disease,
cloud-powered voice-recognition wellness coaches could provide
continual personalized support on lifestyle choices, potentially
staving off disease
and making health care affordable for everyone.
An Evolution Toward a Programmable
Published: December 5, 2011
Deep Learning Will Provide
Personalized Assistants to Each of Us
Where Personalized Coaching is Now
Where Personalized Coaching is Going
January 10, 2014
Is the Release of Google’s of TensorFlow
as Transformative as the Release of C?
From Programming Computers
Step by Step To Achieve a Goal
To Showing the Computer
Some Examples of
What You Want It to Achieve
and Then Letting the Computer
Figure It Out On Its Own
--Jeremy Howard, Singularity Univ.
AI is Advancing at a Amazing Pace:
Deep Learning Algorithms Working on Massive Datasets
1.5 Years!
Training on 30M Moves,
Then Playing Against Itself

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Advances and Breakthroughs in Computing – The Next Ten Years
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Advances and Breakthroughs in Computing – The Next Ten Years

The document discusses upcoming advances in computing over the next 10 years, including: 1) Exascale supercomputers capable of processing exabytes of data per day will be needed to analyze data from single instruments, requiring terabit per second networks for worldwide data transfers of terabytes of images every minute. 2) New computing architectures like quantum computing, nanoelectronic computing, approximate computing, and neuromorphic computing will be necessary to power planetary-scale computing and real-time brain simulation using exascale machines. 3) This new cyberinfrastructure will drive quantified health using trillions of sensors on human bodies and machines for applications like personalized health coaching and the industrial internet.

computingbig dataanalytics
Digital Twins of Physical Reality - Future in Review
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Digital Twins of Physical Reality - Future in Review

Future in Review FireSide Remote Presentation May 27, 2021

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Future trends presentation by bakr al tamimi (public)
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Future trends presentation by bakr al tamimi (public)

This document discusses emerging technologies and predictions about the future of various IT fields. Some key themes and predictions include: synthetic biology producing thousands of new life forms by 2035; drones becoming a major global military investment; and the majority of internet traffic being video by 2015. Additional predictions focus on new forms of communication like thought helmets, as well as new devices and the increasing role of automation.

Reverse Engineering of the Brain
Is Accelerating Under the Federal Brain Initiative
Kurzweil’s Theory of Mind:
The Human Neocortex is a Self-Organizing
Hierarchical System of Pattern Recognizers
“There are ~300M
Pattern Recognizers
in the Human Neocortex.”
In the Emerging
Synthetic Neocortex,
“Why Not a Billion?
Or a Trillion?”
November 13, 2012
The Defining Issue in IT for the Coming Decades
May 5, 2015August 25, 2015
This Next Decade’s Computing Transition
Will Not Be Just About Technology
"Those disposed to dismiss
an 'AI takeover' as science
fiction may think again after
reading this original and well-
argued book." —Martin Rees,
Past President, Royal Society
If our own extinction is
a likely, or even
possible, outcome of
our technological
development, shouldn't
we proceed with great
Success in creating AI would be
the biggest event in human
history. Unfortunately, it might
also be the last, unless we learn
how to avoid the risks.
– Steven Hawking

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ARC High Performance Computing Showcase April 21st, 2016, University of Oxford, Oxford e-Research Centre

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Emerging Forms of Data and Analytics
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Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Enabled Services and Applications in 2021

  • 1. “Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Enabled Services and Applications in 2021” Keynote Presentation NSF Workshop on Applications and Services in 2021 Washington, DC January 28, 2016 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
  • 2. The Cyberinfrastructure of 2021 Will Be Radically Different from 2016 • Wired • Wireless • Sensors • Computer Architecture • Visualization
  • 3. NSF Has Funded Over 100 Campuses to Build Local “Big Data” Optical Fiber Freeways 1000x Shared Internet Speed Red 2012 CC-NIE Awardees Yellow 2013 CC-NIE Awardees Green 2014 CC*IIE Awardees Blue 2015 CC*DNI Awardees Purple Multiple Time Awardees Source: NSF
  • 4. Optical Fibers Linking Big Data Researchers at 10-100Gbps in U.S., Australia, Korea, Japan, and the Netherlands
  • 5. Global Scientific Instruments Will Produce Ultralarge Datasets Continuously: New Services and Applications Needed for Data Scientific Discovery Square Kilometer Array Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Tracks ~40B Objects, Creates 10M Alerts/Night Within 1 Minute of Observing 2x40Gb/s
  • 6. 5G Will Enable a Wide Range of New Wireless Applications and Services Connecting People and Things
  • 7. The Jump from Wireless 4G to 5G Will Be Transformative: ITU’s International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) System
  • 8. Massive Changes in Our Ability to Quantify the World Simultaneously Explosively Decrease in Sensor Cost and Increase of Use
  • 9. New Computing Architectures Are Developing Rapidly From the End of Scaling Which Drove Moore’s Law Quantu m Realm • Nanoelectronic Computing • Approximate Computing • Quantum Computing • Brain-Inspired Computing Graph source:
  • 10. The Future of Supercomputing “High Performance Computing Will Evolve Towards a Hybrid Model, Integrating Emerging Non-von Neumann Architectures, with Huge Potential in Pattern Recognition, Streaming Data Analysis, and Unpredictable New Applications.” Horst Simon, Deputy Director, U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • 11. Left & Right Brain Computing: Arithmetic vs. Pattern Recognition Adapted from D-Wave
  • 12. Massive Public Private Partnership to Accelerate Brain-Inspired Computers Jan/Feb 2014 Over $100 Million
  • 13. Brain-Inspired Processors Are Accelerating the non-von Neumann Architecture Era “On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips. ‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.” Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group August 8, 2014
  • 14. Contextual Robots With Neuromorphic Processors That Can See and Learn Will Tie Into the Planetary Computer April 2014
  • 15. If You Are Planning New Applications and Services On a Ten Year Horizon, It Helps to See What Unexpected Change Can Happen In a Decade… One Decade From One Million to One Billion Users In Less Than 8 Years! DEC 2004
  • 16. Collaborating in Virtual Reality at 10Gbps University Research Frontier Today-What About in Five Years? EVL Calit2 Source: NTT Sponsored ON*VECTOR Workshop at Calit2 March 6, 2013
  • 17. Why Would a Social Network Company Buy a Consumer Virtual Reality Company?
  • 18. One Year Later… “We're working on VR because I think it's the next major computing and communication platform after phones…” -Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO July 1, 2015
  • 19. Examples of Massive Markets That Are Being Disrupted by a Combination of These Cyberinfrastructure Advances • Quantified Machines Lead to the Industrial Internet • Quantified Cars and Drones Lead to Self-Driving Vehicles • Quantified Houses Lead to the Smart Electric Grid • Quantified Selves Lead to Personalized Preventive Healthcare
  • 20. The Planetary-Scale Computer Fed by a Trillion Sensors Will Drive a Global Industrial Internet Next Decade One Trillion “Within the next 20 years the Industrial Internet will have added to the global economy an additional $15 trillion.” --General Electric
  • 21. Realtime Data Mapping Will Transform The Transportation Industry
  • 22. Traffic Control for Drone Air Delivery is Under Development by NASA, Amazon, & Google
  • 23. The Electric Grid Is Becoming More Like the Internet
  • 24. From One to a Trillion Data Points Defining Me in 15 Years: The Exponential Rise in Body Data Weight Blood Variables Human Genome SNPs Microbial Genome Time Series Improving Body Discovering Disease Human Genome
  • 25. I Decided to Track My Internal Biomarkers Just As I Did My External Body One Blood Draw For MeCalit2 64 Megapixel VROOM
  • 26. A New Generation of Human Body Sensors Will Provide Continuous Readouts Startup MC10 Working With UIUC
  • 27. Consumer Internal Self-Tracking Tools Are Growing Rapidly Blood Variable Time Series Stool Variable Time Series Human Genetic Variations Integrated Wellness Human Microbiome
  • 28. The Emergence of P4 Medicine -- Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participatory Systems Biology & Systems Medicine Consumer-Driven Social Networks P4 MEDICINE Digital Revolution Big Data How Will the Quantified Consumer Be Integrated into Healthcare Systems? ee Hood, Director ISB
  • 29. A Vision for Healthcare in the Coming Decades Using this data, the planetary computer will be able to build a computational model of your body and compare your sensor stream with millions of others. Besides providing early detection of internal changes that could lead to disease, cloud-powered voice-recognition wellness coaches could provide continual personalized support on lifestyle choices, potentially staving off disease and making health care affordable for everyone. ESSAY An Evolution Toward a Programmable Universe By LARRY SMARR Published: December 5, 2011
  • 30. Deep Learning Will Provide Personalized Assistants to Each of Us Where Personalized Coaching is Now Where Personalized Coaching is Going January 10, 2014
  • 31. Is the Release of Google’s of TensorFlow as Transformative as the Release of C? From Programming Computers Step by Step To Achieve a Goal To Showing the Computer Some Examples of What You Want It to Achieve and Then Letting the Computer Figure It Out On Its Own --Jeremy Howard, Singularity Univ. 2015
  • 32. AI is Advancing at a Amazing Pace: Deep Learning Algorithms Working on Massive Datasets 1.5 Years! Training on 30M Moves, Then Playing Against Itself
  • 33. Reverse Engineering of the Brain Is Accelerating Under the Federal Brain Initiative
  • 34. Kurzweil’s Theory of Mind: The Human Neocortex is a Self-Organizing Hierarchical System of Pattern Recognizers “There are ~300M Pattern Recognizers in the Human Neocortex.” In the Emerging Synthetic Neocortex, “Why Not a Billion? Or a Trillion?” November 13, 2012
  • 35. The Defining Issue in IT for the Coming Decades May 5, 2015August 25, 2015
  • 36. This Next Decade’s Computing Transition Will Not Be Just About Technology "Those disposed to dismiss an 'AI takeover' as science fiction may think again after reading this original and well- argued book." —Martin Rees, Past President, Royal Society If our own extinction is a likely, or even possible, outcome of our technological development, shouldn't we proceed with great Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks. – Steven Hawking