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Cristiano Rastelli - Consumer Team
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile.
A liquid web.
• Premises
• Responsive. Adaptive. Mobile.
• Liquid web. Numbers.
• Tools & Techs.
• VisualDNA.
We are talking about
+ +
* but not only
* first

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Future of Messaging with Mozilla values
Future of Messaging with Mozilla valuesFuture of Messaging with Mozilla values
Future of Messaging with Mozilla values

Taking messaging forward, with Mozilla values. The document discusses the history and current state of messaging technologies and services. It argues that centralized commercial systems lack universality, allow central control without regulation, and don't always prioritize user needs over corporate incentives. The document proposes focusing on strategic markets where Mozilla's values matter, understanding users, leveraging Firefox, experimenting with new interfaces, and promoting open standards and decentralization through new messaging APIs and experiences. The overall goal is to maximize impact in shaping the future of messaging while embedding Mozilla's principles.


The document discusses the evolution of user interfaces from command line interfaces (CLI) to graphical user interfaces (GUI) to natural user interfaces (NUI). It notes that as mobile devices and touchscreens became popular in the late 2000s, usage of personal computers declined while mobile app usage increased. The document outlines several technologies that enabled more natural interfaces, such as gesture and motion control, and provided examples of interfaces using these technologies. It argues that future interfaces will become even more natural and context-aware as new technologies are incorporated.

Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"
Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"
Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"

This session explores why choosing a good responsive framework, while assisting in development and ensuring a consistent look-and-feel, is just one piece of the much larger process of creating a truly engaging website or web application. Topics include why using the latest swiping motion du jour may not immediately make sense to all users, how a site's layout and content must truly be thought of as an architecture project to get the most "bang for the buck", and what problems that interactivity in the form of form entry can result in driving potential users and customers away, never to be seen again.

mobileweb designjavascript

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Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14

1. Mobile devices have become the primary way people access media through smartphones, tablets, and other screens. Most media interactions are with mobile screens and smartphone ownership continues to rise rapidly. 2. Opportunities on mobile go beyond apps to considering how mobile usage has changed user behavior and discovering the paths users take to content across multiple devices. User research is key to understanding this. 3. Design for mobile must optimize for thumb and eyeball-only interactions, use touch targets large enough for fingers, and consider network limitations. Images should be optimized for recognition or description.

digitalmobiledigital transformation
Emerging practices 2019 week 6 design analysis
Emerging practices 2019 week 6 design analysisEmerging practices 2019 week 6 design analysis
Emerging practices 2019 week 6 design analysis

The document discusses the history and evolution of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative, which aimed to provide affordable laptop computers to children in developing countries. It traces OLPC's development of the $100 laptop from 2005 onward, and discusses both praise and criticism for its designs. While OLPC had ambitious goals of connecting children globally and changing education, it struggled with technical limitations, lack of teacher training, and questions around whether laptops were actually needed or useful for all students. After over a decade, OLPC programs have wound down in most countries as other technologies like smartphones became more prevalent.

When the Developer Must Design
When the Developer Must DesignWhen the Developer Must Design
When the Developer Must Design

Any of these happen to you? * Tasked to develop a user interface with an incomplete design spec, so had to make guesses such as where to position on-screen elements? * Worked on a small team without a full-time designer, and requested to “just put a screen together for a demo”? * Been asked to consult with a user interface designer, but don’t know what types of questions to pose? Nowadays, everyone wants attractive, easy-to-use interfaces, so if you’re more comfortable sifting through Java or C# code than OmniGraffle or Visio mockups, learn about topics that can assist in creating more usable desktop applications, mobile apps, and websites. This talk provides easy-to-implement hints that can improve even a bad or “so-so” user interface. Areas of focus include the need for consistency; “negative space”; location, location, location (it’s crucial in screen real-estate, too!); contrasting colors; and the importance of action verbs.

web designuiux

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The moveable brand
The moveable brandThe moveable brand
The moveable brand

The document discusses how mobile devices and connectivity are changing consumer behavior and opportunities for brands. It notes that people now spend more time online than with traditional media, and that mobile access allows people to be constantly connected. Brands can take advantage of this new context by creating mobile apps and content that provide immediate utility and engage customers in conversations. A "moveable brand" meets customers on mobile platforms and enhances communication through contextual and social interactions to build loyalty over time.

The Immobile Web
The Immobile WebThe Immobile Web
The Immobile Web

Presented at Device diversity is about to get an order of magnitude worse. SmartTVs are hitting the market in mass this year. Sony, LG, Vizio, and Samsung are all shipping televisions with Google TV built in. And if the rumors that Apple will release a TV this year are true, 2012 will turn out to be the year web developers start to tackle the glass screen hanging on our walls. Why should web developers focused on mobile learn about the web on TVs? Because TVs represent the next challenge in device proliferation. They share common characteristics with their smaller brethren. They create new challenges and opportunities we haven't encountered yet. And most importantly, learning how to build for TVs helps inform our practices of building for mobile devices.

Beyond the mobile web by yiibu
Beyond the mobile web by yiibuBeyond the mobile web by yiibu
Beyond the mobile web by yiibu

Presented by Stephanie Rieger at Breaking Development in Dallas, April 11 2011 and Mobilism in Amsterdam, May 12, 2011. Context is often cited as the single most important factor in design for the mobile medium. Mobile devices are of course 'mobile', but they are also small, always on, always with us, and can instantly connect us to the people we love. Mobile services must therefore be simple, social, and well-focussed--enabling us to quickly get things done on even the smallest screens. This is all well and good, but mobile devices have changed. They may be mobile, but many have already stopped being 'phones'—nor do they resemble what we traditionally think of as computers. This presentation will explore how our use, and perception of mobile devices is changing, and how these changes may impact how we should design for them going forward.

bdconfmobilemobile web
The RWD effect

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Technology Kills Photography
Technology Kills PhotographyTechnology Kills Photography
Technology Kills Photography

Technology is killing photography according to the author. Advanced editing software like Photoshop allow photographers to forget about properly focusing images. Additionally, camera phones have made photography accessible to everyone, reducing the need for professional photographers. New cameras like the Lytro also handle focusing automatically without input from the photographer. As a result, technology is lowering the skills required of modern photographers.

Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark CollegeWhy You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College

A variation of my talk on mobile strategy given to Clark College to encourage students to pursue mobile and to encourage the college to adopt mobile curriculum.

SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101

This document discusses improving mobile user experiences. It notes that mobile is the primary way people access the internet in some countries. Constraints on mobile like form factor and battery life must be considered. Simple interfaces work best for mobile. Native apps have advantages over mobile web, but the line is blurring. Windows Mobile was replaced by Windows Phone 7 which improved the user experience. The document emphasizes understanding user behaviors and focusing on usability.

mobile ux poland sparkup 2010
The RWD limits
Responsive design is time-consuming. Not
just writing the code, but all the way back to
content requirements, typography, layout,
managing client needs and expectations, Q.A and
bug testing.
Making websites this way adds time. In
some cases, too much. Or rather, we’re spending
time on the wrong things.
Mark Boulton

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WebGL, WebVR and the Metaverse
WebGL, WebVR and the MetaverseWebGL, WebVR and the Metaverse
WebGL, WebVR and the Metaverse

My talk for tonight's Tales of JavaScript 3D Night Meetup

virtual realityjavascriptwebgl
Mind the Gap: Designing the Space Between Devices
Mind the Gap: Designing the Space Between DevicesMind the Gap: Designing the Space Between Devices
Mind the Gap: Designing the Space Between Devices

There's untapped magic in the gaps between gadgets. Multi-screen design is a preoccupying problem as we try to fit our content into many different screens. But as devices multiply, the new opportunity is less about designing individual screens but designing interactions BETWEEN them—often without using a screen at all. Learn to create web and app experiences that share control among multiple devices, designing not only for screens but for sensors. The technology is already here in our pockets, handbags, and living rooms. Learn how to use it right now.

designmultidevicephysical computing
The trouble with context
The trouble with contextThe trouble with context
The trouble with context

The document discusses how the context in which mobile devices are used has become increasingly complex and unpredictable. Guidelines from a few years ago around mobile design being focused on quick tasks and limited attention are no longer reliable given that mobile interactions now occur in many contexts. The rise of affordable smartphones and proliferation of connected devices means that for many people around the world, a mobile device may be their only access to the internet. This is dramatically impacting user behavior and expectations.

mobilemobile webbehaviour
If you’re making websites,
chances are you’ve given some
thought to what constitutes a
responsive-friendly design
process — and you’ve probably
found that adding a mockup
for every breakpoint isn’t a
sustainable approach.
Using a predefined grid seems
to make as much sense as using a
predefined colour scheme.
Luke Wroblewski
one design fits all sizes

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The data we should not miss
 The data we should not miss The data we should not miss
The data we should not miss

An internal talk for VisuaDNA about Smart Cities, Open-Data, Connected Objects, Quantified Self, Internet of Things, and other ideas for the future of Big Data. Presented on December 2013.

internet of thingsbig dataopen data
Mobile last
Mobile lastMobile last
Mobile last

Un recente libro di Luke Wroblewski, intitolato "Mobile First" ha coniato questa definizione di un approccio alla progettazione che poi è stato dato per scontato dalla maggior parte degli interaction/ux/web designer. In questo talk vorrei invece portare la mia esperienza nella realizzazione di diversi siti web "responsive" che è invece diametralmente opposto, spiegando le ragioni che mi hanno portato a questa scelta e il metodo che ho adottato e consolidato negli ultimi mesi.

Exploring ideas
Exploring ideasExploring ideas
Exploring ideas

Il mini-talk che ho portato al Methodcamp 2012, per discutere assieme agli altri partecipanti e confrontarmi con loro sul metodo di esplorazione che tipicamente adotto nella fase iniziale di un progetto di design.

Responsive design is not dead; it has only begun.
It is not a panacea but was never intended to be.
It is simply the beginnings of an approach.
Why Liquid?
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.

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Paper - "Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online i...
Paper - "Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei  quotidiani online i...Paper - "Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei  quotidiani online i...
Paper - "Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online i...

Paper tecnico di presentazione del talk tenuto in occasione dell'Italian IA Summit a Pisa il 7 maggio 2010.

Slides are easy
Slides are easySlides are easy
Slides are easy

Some tips on how to make you presentation look better (and why you should). An internal presentation I gave in VisualDNA, during the "Let's Talk" series of lectures about how to give good presentations and do public speaking.

Perché a fare i preventivi facciamo così schifo? @BetterSoftware 2102
Perché a fare i preventivi facciamo così schifo? @BetterSoftware 2102 Perché a fare i preventivi facciamo così schifo? @BetterSoftware 2102
Perché a fare i preventivi facciamo così schifo? @BetterSoftware 2102

L'idea del talk è quella di mostrare come spesso in fase di preventivazione di un lavoro si tenda a sottovalutare tutta una serie di aspetti e attività apparentemente secondari, ma in realtà con un impatto notevole sull'effort. Scopo del talk è quello di portare all'attenzione degli sviluppatori come questo "difetto" nelle proprie stime abbia impatto non solo sulla remuneratività del proprio lavoro, ma soprattutto sulla qualità complessiva del prodotto consegnato al cliente.L'idea del talk è quella di mostrare come spesso in fase di preventivazione di un lavoro si tenda a sottovalutare tutta una serie di aspetti e attività apparentemente secondari, ma in realtà con un impatto notevole sull'effort. Scopo del talk è quello di portare all'attenzione degli sviluppatori come questo "difetto" nelle proprie stime abbia impatto non solo sulla remuneratività del proprio lavoro, ma soprattutto sulla qualità complessiva del prodotto consegnato al cliente.

Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.

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Perdere il controllo (con note)
Perdere il controllo (con note)Perdere il controllo (con note)
Perdere il controllo (con note)

Metodologie agili, user-experience, customer-handling... e tutto quanto fa brodo. (Ovvero come rinunciare ad avere il controllo sulle cose e vivere felici!) Presentazione all'Italian Agile Day 2009

iad09uxitalian agile day
Interaction Design Above the Level of a Single Man
Interaction Design Above the Level of a Single ManInteraction Design Above the Level of a Single Man
Interaction Design Above the Level of a Single Man

My kick-off presentation at IxDA London Meetup October 2015. The subject of the evening was inspired by Russel Davies' post “Software Above the Level of a Single Man” — a provocation with amazingly simplicity but very deep in its implications. The main point we wanted to discuss was the shift as designers from "design for my phone, for my watch, for my [personal context here]" to "design for our car, our home, our office/workplace, our classroom, our [shared space/context here]". Because as soon as you move away from the "level of a single man", you have to deal with (and design for) the complexity of “human interactions”. And it's not only a matter of defining personas, contexts, use cases; but also of understanding relationships, hierarchies, “meanings”, emotions. Are we ready to deal with this change of paradigm? What are the complexities that we have to take into account? Are there already studies, real projects, examples of possible solutions, and what can we learn from them?

What future we want for our Software Industry?
What future we want for our Software Industry?What future we want for our Software Industry?
What future we want for our Software Industry?

The document discusses the software industry and how it has changed over time. It notes that the software industry is still young compared to other industries like manufacturing and automotive. It argues that software developers should be proactive in shaping the future of the industry and giving back to help it grow, such as by becoming managers to help lead teams. The document concludes that while technology continues to change the industry, human aspects like knowledge, passion and community will remain important factors in the software field.

Ryan Singer
PC vs. Smartphone Shipments
Source: Canalys 2011
Global Mobile vs. Desktop Internet Users
Source: Morgan Stanley 2011
overtaking this year?

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Style Guides, Pattern Libraries, Design Systems and other amenities.
 Style Guides, Pattern Libraries, Design Systems and other amenities. Style Guides, Pattern Libraries, Design Systems and other amenities.
Style Guides, Pattern Libraries, Design Systems and other amenities.

Style guides and component libraries are the new trend in front-end development. Everyone is into "Atomic Design" and "Modular CSS" nowadays. But how did we get to this “hype”, and why? What is a style guide, what is its value and where are the benefits of introducing one in a project? And are them useful only for the web, or can be employed by other platforms too? I'll try to give an answer to all these questions in this presentation – directed to designers, web developers but also iOS/Android/Win developers – and I'll show how our Mobile Web team in Badoo has developed his first style guide and how is using it to catch bugs and create a shared pattern library.

atomic designstyle guidesdesign
Design Pattern Libraries
Design Pattern LibrariesDesign Pattern Libraries
Design Pattern Libraries

Design Pattern Libraries explores the process of creating, maintaining, and evolving a design language using a pattern library. This talk explains how to identify, document, share and iterate design patterns, build consensus throughout large organizations, and create a uniform user experience in the process. Pattern libraries are living, breathing systems, and this presentation shows how to evolve patterns and create a library that keeps pace with product release cycles as well as changes in technology and an organization's brand.

pattern librarystyle guide
Content-Driven Layouts with Flexbox (Chris Sauve, CSSDay 2015)
Content-Driven Layouts with Flexbox (Chris Sauve, CSSDay 2015)Content-Driven Layouts with Flexbox (Chris Sauve, CSSDay 2015)
Content-Driven Layouts with Flexbox (Chris Sauve, CSSDay 2015)

Handling variable or unknown content in a layout can be tricky. Our current responsive layout techniques generally have unspoken assumptions that can easily be broken by changes in content, internationalization, and a collection of other unexpected adjustments to what needs to be laid out. This talk will discuss how we can use Flexbox-driven layouts to overcome these challenges - how we can learn to stop worrying about our traditional, top-down layout techniques and love the content-driven layouts that Flexbox affords. We'll go over the key parts of the Flexbox spec that let the container respond to the content, instead of the other way around, and how we can build amazingly responsive layouts without a single media query or fixed width.

Where are people using mobile devices?
Source: Compete's Quarterly Smartphone Report
at home
during miscellaneous downtime
throughout the day
waiting in lines of waiting for
while shopping
at work
while watching TV
during commute in to work
Gianluca Diegoli
I realized that it's the mobile experience that
determines what then I use in my desktop. For
example, Pinterest for iOS is lousy, and then…

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Let There Be Peace On CSS
Let There Be Peace On CSSLet There Be Peace On CSS
Let There Be Peace On CSS

In the last few months there's been a growing friction between those who see CSS as an untouchable layer in the "separation of concerns" paradigm, and those who have simply ignored this golden rule and found different ways to style the UI, typically applying CSS styles via JavaScript. This debate is getting more and more intense, fiery and harsh every day, bringing division in a community that used to be immune to this kind of “wars”. Is there anything practical that we can do, here and now, to stop it? This talk will be my attempt to bring peace between the two fronts, help these two opposite factions to understand and listen to each other, see the counterpart's points of views, find the good things they have in common, and learn something from that. ## This talk has been presented at London CSS Meetup. ## Video of the talk:

#css #cssinjs #components
How to build the perfect pattern library
How to build the perfect pattern libraryHow to build the perfect pattern library
How to build the perfect pattern library

You can learn more on this topic on: (in German)

Att förstå mobilens natur
Att förstå mobilens naturAtt förstå mobilens natur
Att förstå mobilens natur

1) Mobile devices are always with us and reinvent interaction models through built-in hardware features and personalization. 2) Context is very important for mobile experiences and the best device depends on one's current task and situation. 3) To be successful on mobile, experiences must be simple, context-aware, and leverage the user's existing digital ecosystem and the device's sensors and capabilities.

fredrik hrnstenmartin deinoffcreuna

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14 Web tech trends 2014
14 Web tech trends 201414 Web tech trends 2014
14 Web tech trends 2014

In this report, Fröjd Interactive - a web agency with technical core located in Stockholm, Sweden - sums up what to expect of 2014. As always, the future is already here. So, we have focused on 14 things that we believe will hit it big & mainstream in Sweden next year. Which means - if you haven’t started developing things in the direction of this presentation – you better start now. Enjoy!

tech trends 2014digitaltrends
Pre-Conference Course: Wearables Workshop: UX Essentials - Phillip Likens
Pre-Conference Course: Wearables Workshop: UX Essentials - Phillip LikensPre-Conference Course: Wearables Workshop: UX Essentials - Phillip Likens
Pre-Conference Course: Wearables Workshop: UX Essentials - Phillip Likens

Let's go zero to wireframe with wearables! Wearables can be tough to understand and design for, especially if you don’t have experience with the hardware. In one evening we’ll get you up to speed on wearable technology. We’ll talk about two trends, context and continuity, and focus on how those trends will impact the user experience of screen-based wearables. Then we’ll spend the rest of our time getting hands-on by wire framing a smart watch app. In this workshop we will: Explore the world of wearables, and hone in on smart watches. Explore the challenges that come along with screen-based wearables - specifically context and continuity. Get hands-on with smart watches - wireframing a smart watch app with feedback and discussion. You’ll leave this workshop with the skill and knowledge you need to get started designing the UX for smart watches.

Context-Aware and User-Centered Design: The Lost Battle Between Desktop and M...
Context-Aware and User-Centered Design: The Lost Battle Between Desktop and M...Context-Aware and User-Centered Design: The Lost Battle Between Desktop and M...
Context-Aware and User-Centered Design: The Lost Battle Between Desktop and M...

The talk tries to explore the context-aware design approach as well as user-centered design, and how we should stop thinking in terms of universal solutions, why responsive design sometimes is actually not such a good idea, and why it's important to validate pretty much everything before applying anything new.

mobileresponsive web designcontext aware design
Money. Not only user-experience!
A shift in the
of web usage

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Why "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experience
Why "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experienceWhy "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experience
Why "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experience

"Mobile first," is a concept that serves us well as a design tool, putting constraints on our messaging, layout, etc. But to use "mobile first" as a complete mobile strategy can lead to some dangerous lines of thought. There's a bigger picture that needs to be seen, and it's what we've always done when developing experiences for the web. We need to put the "Experience First." Then we can think about "mobile", "desktop", "lean-back", and whatever other technologies are released in the next several years. It's not about devices, it's about users and experiences. Presentation first given at BarCamp Nashville in October of 2011.

user experienceuxmobile web
New Rules of The Responsive Web
New Rules of The Responsive WebNew Rules of The Responsive Web
New Rules of The Responsive Web

This document discusses 6 rules for responsive web design: 1. Responsive design doesn't end with squishy layouts - optimize based on user capabilities rather than just screen size. 2. There is no responsive pixie dust - streamline workflows and use rapid prototypes and style tiles to communicate fluid layouts. 3. Your workflow will change - iterate designs quickly through prototypes rather than big reveals. 4. Your tools will change - leverage preprocessors like SASS and frameworks like Foundation for responsive coding. 5. The web is responsive by default - prioritize content and build APIs to support multiple platforms. 6. Embrace unpredictability - acknowledge the constraints of different devices

new rulesrwd
2014 SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Strategy
2014 SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Strategy2014 SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Strategy
2014 SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Strategy

Since the release of SharePoint 2013, Microsoft has been evolving their apps for iOS, iPhone, Android, and iPad. Some of the work on mobile for Excel, Word, PowerPoint for Mobile could be seen as the most significant improvements in the Office world.

office mobilesharepoint 2013sharepoint mobile
Test with real devices!
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.

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MIE 2014 - Prepare your mobile user experience for fast conversion (Waarom Ta...
MIE 2014 - Prepare your mobile user experience for fast conversion (Waarom Ta...MIE 2014 - Prepare your mobile user experience for fast conversion (Waarom Ta...
MIE 2014 - Prepare your mobile user experience for fast conversion (Waarom Ta...

Slides from presentation at Marketing Insights Event 2014 (#MIE14). Joint presentation by @mauricedacross (Mobile Manager and @jeroentjepkema (Founder MeasureWorks). In this talk we discuss the strategic role of your smartphone in the multi channel customer journey, how users want to use your smartphone and how to build a mobile website that your customer love to use.

measureworksperformance analyticsjeroen tjepkema
"Adaptive Content, Context, and Controversy
"Adaptive Content, Context, and Controversy"Adaptive Content, Context, and Controversy
"Adaptive Content, Context, and Controversy

This document discusses the differences between responsive and adaptive design approaches. Responsive design adjusts the layout of a website based on screen size using CSS media queries, serving the same content to all devices from a single URL. Adaptive design serves different content and layouts tailored for different devices by detecting device attributes on the server-side before page load. While adaptive provides more customization, responsive is more cost-effective as it requires less development and maintenance resources. The document argues that in most cases, a responsive-first approach covering common tasks across devices, with potential for limited adaptive additions, provides the best user experience over separate mobile sites or apps.

marketingadaptive contentweb design
Going Mobile First: a future-friendly approach to digital product design
Going Mobile First: a future-friendly approach to digital product designGoing Mobile First: a future-friendly approach to digital product design
Going Mobile First: a future-friendly approach to digital product design

This document discusses the growing dominance of mobile devices and adoption of mobile-first design approaches. It notes that in 2015, more Google searches took place on mobile devices than computers in 10 countries. It also reviews market share statistics showing Android and Apple's dominance in the smartphone market. The document then examines how consumers are using mobile devices more, spending over 3 hours per day on them compared to 5 hours watching TV. It also explores how larger smartphones are reducing tablet usage. The document advocates for mobile-first design, noting users want fast, appropriate, and engaging mobile experiences. It provides examples of how MTV improved mobile metrics using responsive design. Finally, it compares mobile apps to responsive design, outlining 10 questions to determine the best approach

uxmobileproduct management
Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.

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Adaptive: Content, Context, and Controversy
Adaptive: Content, Context, and ControversyAdaptive: Content, Context, and Controversy
Adaptive: Content, Context, and Controversy

What’s the difference between responsive and adaptive? While responsive design embraces an ethos of “One Web,” adaptive solutions aim to serve different information based on what we know about the person or the device. When people say they want to go “beyond responsive,” they often mean they want to implement adaptive solutions. In this talk Karen unpacks what people really mean when they talk about adaptive designs or adaptive content. She outlines scenarios in which it makes sense to target information to the device or context—and when it doesn’t.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Managing Content and Experience in the ...
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Managing Content and Experience in the ...The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Managing Content and Experience in the ...
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Managing Content and Experience in the ...

Mobile computing as we know it today is just one application of wireless technology, and a fairly limited one at that. The iPhone - perhaps the most advanced piece of consumer electronics ever created - is going to look like a fax machine compared to what's coming. Mobile is a warning shot - the coming wireless wave will profoundly change every aspect of society and potentially redefine what it means to be human. Please join mobile consultant Jonathan Stark for a look at the past, present, and future - and what we can do to prepare for the revolution.

Mobile in 2015 - eduWeb 2014
Mobile in 2015 -  eduWeb 2014Mobile in 2015 -  eduWeb 2014
Mobile in 2015 - eduWeb 2014

An overview of market trends, user experience, content creation, and thoughts about mobile computing.

enterprise mobilitymobile application development

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Mobile User Experience – A key to successful strategies in the mobile market
Mobile User Experience – A key to successful strategies in the mobile marketMobile User Experience – A key to successful strategies in the mobile market
Mobile User Experience – A key to successful strategies in the mobile market

Mobile User Experience – A key to successful strategies in the mobile market Presented at Designit, Feb. 2013 In relation to annual guest lecture at the IT University in Copenhagen.

The mobile ecosystem & technological strategies
The mobile ecosystem & technological strategiesThe mobile ecosystem & technological strategies
The mobile ecosystem & technological strategies

The document discusses strategies for developing mobile applications. It begins by explaining that mobile is the 7th mass media and has over 5 billion users globally, making it the largest mass medium. It then discusses different development strategies such as native, web, and hybrid apps. Native apps offer rich user interfaces but have high costs and maintenance, while web apps have low development costs but limited capabilities. The document argues that a mobile web strategy is most viable long-term given issues of platform fragmentation, user expectations, and distribution control. It emphasizes understanding user context and goals over constraints when developing mobile strategies and applications.

mobile application developmenthtml5phonegap
Mobile User Experience
Mobile User ExperienceMobile User Experience
Mobile User Experience

The document provides an overview of mobile user experience design. It discusses why mobile is important due to rising smartphone usage. It defines key aspects of mobile like its personal, convenient nature. It also considers how tablets relate to mobile. The document outlines best practices for mobile design including native apps, responsive design. It discusses design principles like usability on small screens and during interruptions. It provides examples of common mobile UI elements and gestures. It also covers navigation frameworks and design patterns.

uxmobileproduct management
Tools & Techs

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If Responsive Web Design is the Answer, What Was the Question?
If Responsive Web Design is the Answer, What Was the Question?If Responsive Web Design is the Answer, What Was the Question?
If Responsive Web Design is the Answer, What Was the Question?

Luca Passani's Keynote at the Webtech and PHP International conference in Munich, Germany. October 2013. Promoters of Responsive Web Design constantly remind us that RWD is not intended as a replacement for mobile web sites. This is nice to hear, but the reality is that companies adopt RWD as a replacement for mobile web sites. Luca Passani, inventor of WURFL, will show how RWD can be a new solution to an old problem, will bow to the merits of RWD, but will explain organizations should first focus on what they really intend to achieve, before the tools to achieve it are selected.

The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web!
The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web!The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web!
The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web!

Jonathan Stark argues that the desktop browser is dying as mobile becomes the dominant computing platform. While general purpose browsers still exist on mobile, most popular mobile apps have specialized browsers optimized for specific uses and content. As the web expands into new devices, contexts and the physical world, web designers and developers will need to specialize their skills in areas like responsive design, user experience design, content management, and vertical markets like helping dentists or retailers. Specializing allows one to become a recognized expert rather than compete on price against large firms.

mobilewebweb development
The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web! (Jonathan Stark)
 The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web! (Jonathan Stark) The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web! (Jonathan Stark)
The Browser is Dead, Long Live the Web! (Jonathan Stark)

Session slides from Future Insights Live, Vegas 2015 - For decades, it has been safe to assume that every networked computing device had a graphical Web browser installed by default. With the rise of mobile computing, wearable tech, and the internet of things, this is no longer a safe assumption. Join Jonathan for this inspiring opening keynote talk where he will he explore what web professionals can do to thrive in a world without web browsers.

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L'idea del talk è quella di prendere spunto da alcune osservazioni recenti, su come spesso in fase di preventivazione di un lavoro si tenda a sottovalutare tutta una serie di aspetti e attività apparentemente secondari, ma in realtà con un impatto notevole sull'effort, sul tempo complessivo che sarà necessario dedicare a quell'attività per completare il lavoro richiesto. A partire da queste "osservazioni sul campo" proverò a suggerire alcuni accorgimenti che ho adottato nella mia esperienza per evitare questo "effetto sottovalutazione", coinvolgendo la platea e invitando i partecipanti a discutere e confrontarsi con me su questi e su altri stratagemmi che ho intenzione di provare nel futuro. Scopo del talk è quello di portare all'attenzione degli sviluppatori (ma non solo loro) come questo "difetto" nelle proprie stime abbia impatto non solo sulla remuneratività del proprio lavoro e sul tempo che dedichiamo ad esso, ma soprattutto sulla qualità complessiva del prodotto consegnato al cliente.

HCI to UX to HCI - Parte B
HCI to UX to HCI - Parte BHCI to UX to HCI - Parte B
HCI to UX to HCI - Parte B

In questa presentazione, ho provato a percorrere la strada che ha portato dal modello "classico" della Human-Computer-Interaction all'attuale modello dello User-Experience Design, un "cappello" multi-disciplinare sotto il quale oggi si raccolgono diverse competenze, pratiche e metodologie (architettura delle informazioni, etnografia, interaction design, graphic and visual design, web/software design and development, user-testing, per dirne alcune) utilizzate per la progettazione e la realizzazione non solo di interfacce (software/applicative, web, mobile, ecc.) ma anche e soprattutto di servizi (cross-canale, cross-device, multi-ambiente) e di vere e proprie "esperienze utente". Da qui, ho provato a guardare al futuro, dallo UXD delle reti sociali alle contraddizioni fra convergenza delle metafore d'interazione e frammentazione dei medium di fruizione, per arrivare a immaginare di poter parlare un giorno di "Humanity-Cloud Interaction".

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Prototyping Tools
Prototyping Tools

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HCI to UX to HCI - Parte A
HCI to UX to HCI - Parte AHCI to UX to HCI - Parte A
HCI to UX to HCI - Parte A

In questa presentazione, ho provato a percorrere la strada che ha portato dal modello "classico" della Human-Computer-Interaction all'attuale modello dello User-Experience Design, un "cappello" multi-disciplinare sotto il quale oggi si raccolgono diverse competenze, pratiche e metodologie (architettura delle informazioni, etnografia, interaction design, graphic and visual design, web/software design and development, user-testing, per dirne alcune) utilizzate per la progettazione e la realizzazione non solo di interfacce (software/applicative, web, mobile, ecc.) ma anche e soprattutto di servizi (cross-canale, cross-device, multi-ambiente) e di vere e proprie "esperienze utente". Da qui, ho provato a guardare al futuro, dallo UXD delle reti sociali alle contraddizioni fra convergenza delle metafore d'interazione e frammentazione dei medium di fruizione, per arrivare a immaginare di poter parlare un giorno di "Humanity-Cloud Interaction".

web designhciux
HTML5 for Mobile
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HTML5 for Mobile

In questa presentazione condivido la mia "esperienza sul campo" nel prendere un sito web ( inizialmente realizzato in HTML5+CSS3 ma con il solo target "desktop", e renderlo non solo compatibile o ottimizzato, ma addirittura "speciale" per la visualizzazione su dispositivi mobili.

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Come sfruttare il "momento magico" di un progetto a proprio vantaggio (e a quello del cliente)

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Il racconto a posteriori (questa presentazione fa seguito a quella tenuta poco più di un anno fa, sempre in occasione della Conference) di quello che è stato effettivamente lo sviluppo e l'adozione di questo linguaggio, che ormai molti indicano come la vera piattaforma di sviluppo del futuro, il rischio che si intravede di una nuova buzzword stile "web 2.0", alcune esperienze dirette e le lezioni che ne ho potuto trarre.

Senior 2.0 (reprise)
Senior 2.0 (reprise)Senior 2.0 (reprise)
Senior 2.0 (reprise)

Presentazione tenuta in occasione del seminario "Lost in translation: la comunicazione aumentativa e alternativa per l’inclusione sociale di adulti e anziani" nell'ambito di HANDImatica 2010, mostra-convegno nazionale dedicata alle tecnologie ICT per le persone disabili. E' l'evoluzione della presentazione tenuta allo UXCamp 2009 a Firenze.

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La qualità non paga
La qualità non pagaLa qualità non paga
La qualità non paga

La presentazione che ho tenuto allo UX Camp Italia 2010 a Firenze, sul tema della qualità e dell'eccellenza nel design (user-centered design, user-experience design, user-interface design, web design, ecc.) e dei rischi connessi al perdere di vista la vera natura del proprio lavoro e le richieste del committente.

• Context is changing.
We must embrace it.
• Measure/track users
in specific devices.
• Different approach to
quiz & data analysis.

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Il valore percepito
Il valore percepitoIl valore percepito
Il valore percepito

La presentazione che ho tenuto all'ExperienceCamp 2010 presso Sketchin (Manno, CH) a tema percezione della "qualità" della user-experience da parte degli utenti e valore che ad essa assegniamo come sviluppatori/designer.

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Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.
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Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.

Partendo dall’esperienza acquisita e vissuta in prima persona durante i due anni di lavoro che hanno portato prima alla realizzazione e poi al successivo mantenimento del sito web di un piccolo giornale d’opinione a diffusione nazionale, cercheremo di portare la nostra analisi sul rapporto fra esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti anche ai siti web dei principali quotidiani presenti in Italia, per provare a immaginare come i nuovi modelli di business che stanno facendo breccia nel mondo dell’editoria impongano necessariamente un nuovo approccio verso qualità, quantità e fruibilità dei contenuti offerti al lettore/consumatore/cliente, e quindi un nuovo spazio di intervento per chi si occupa di architettura dell’informazione e design dell’esperienza utente.

Arte agile
Arte agileArte agile
Arte agile

Cosa possiamo imparare dal metodo di lavoro degli artisti più famosi? Quali sono le connessioni e le analogi fra arte e metodologie agili? Presentazione tenuta all'AgileCamp 2010 presso Sketchin (Lugano)

Cristiano Rastelli - Consumer Team
Some references:
Nice-to-Read (cont.)
Nice-to-Read (cont.)

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Ciò che sappiamo, ciò che ignoriamo, ma soprattutto ciò che dovremmo sapere su HTML5 (prima che sia troppo tardi!)

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Perdere il controllo (IAD09)

Metodologie agili, user-experience, customer-handling... e tutto quanto fa brodo. (Ovvero come rinunciare ad avere il controllo sulle cose e vivere felici!) Presentazione all'Italian Agile Day 2009

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Best practices per lo sviluppo Frontend
Best practices per lo sviluppo FrontendBest practices per lo sviluppo Frontend
Best practices per lo sviluppo Frontend

Piccole, medie e grandi strategie per 
la presentazione, l'interazione e la manipolazione 
delle pagine web tramite 
fogli di stile, client-scripting e uso del DOM. Community Tour 2009, Microsoft Italia e UGIAL.NET


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Html5 - Un anno dopo
Cristiano Rastelli
Senior 2.0 (reprise)
Senior 2.0 (reprise)Senior 2.0 (reprise)
Senior 2.0 (reprise)
Cristiano Rastelli
La qualità non paga
La qualità non pagaLa qualità non paga
La qualità non paga
Cristiano Rastelli
Il valore percepito
Il valore percepitoIl valore percepito
Il valore percepito
Cristiano Rastelli
Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.
Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.
Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.
Cristiano Rastelli
Arte agile
Arte agileArte agile
Arte agile
Cristiano Rastelli
Perdere il controllo (IAD09)
Perdere il controllo (IAD09)Perdere il controllo (IAD09)
Perdere il controllo (IAD09)
Cristiano Rastelli
Best practices per lo sviluppo Frontend
Best practices per lo sviluppo FrontendBest practices per lo sviluppo Frontend
Best practices per lo sviluppo Frontend
Cristiano Rastelli
Senior 2.0 - Quale UX per un social network della terza età?
Senior 2.0 - Quale UX per un social network della terza età?Senior 2.0 - Quale UX per un social network della terza età?
Senior 2.0 - Quale UX per un social network della terza età?
Cristiano Rastelli

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Senior 2.0 (reprise)
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Il valore percepito
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Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.
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Esperienza utente e fruizione dei contenuti nei quotidiani online in Italia.
Arte agile
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Arte agile
Perdere il controllo (IAD09)
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Best practices per lo sviluppo Frontend
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Best practices per lo sviluppo Frontend
Senior 2.0 - Quale UX per un social network della terza età?
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Senior 2.0 - Quale UX per un social network della terza età?

Adaptive, Responsive, Mobile. A liquid web.