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SPTechCon Boston 2014 #SPTechcon 
SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Mobile Strategy 
Joel Oleson 
Director Enterprise Search Strategy 
BA Insight 
| Slide
SharePoint Joel 
“Most Connected man in SharePoint” 
First Full Time SharePoint Administrator 
Top SharePoint Influencer 2012-2014 
Popular Blogger: & 
Global Epic Traveler – 130+ Countries 
| Slide 
Web Design+ 
CEO Satya Nadella called for a “mobile first, cloud 
first” approach 
| Slide 
smartphones in 2014 
4.55 billion users will use a 
smart phone in 2014 
* Estimates Emarketer 
of the world's online 
population engages in social 
of enterprise customers 
are using the cloud

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Necessity of Mobile Web Sites
Necessity of Mobile Web SitesNecessity of Mobile Web Sites
Necessity of Mobile Web Sites

Mobile and tablet usage has grown significantly in recent years, with tablet usage up 4.5% and mobile up 3.7% in 2012, while PC sales declined. Tablet and mobile use is estimated to continue growing substantially in 2014, increasing 42% and 5.5% respectively. This shift has major implications for web design, as mobile screens are smaller than PCs, requiring less content per page. The presentation recommends a mobile-first approach to web design and leveraging HTML5 to provide enriched content across platforms. Examples of both good and bad mobile design were shown, and it was concluded that websites need to be optimized for all devices to meet changing user behaviors.

Lavacon 2014 - The state of mobile publishing
Lavacon 2014 -  The state of mobile publishingLavacon 2014 -  The state of mobile publishing
Lavacon 2014 - The state of mobile publishing

Mobile publishing adoption has become mainstream across organizations and geographies. Responsive design allows content to adapt to different screens but may not optimize the mobile experience due to high load times and short attention spans on mobile. Dedicated mobile sites and apps provide faster loading and a better optimized experience for mobile, though apps only work on certain devices and mobile sites require separate development and maintenance. The best approach depends on goals such as making legacy content mobile-friendly or optimizing the mobile experience.

Mobile Intranet for ALL - 8 Key Questions
Mobile Intranet for ALL - 8 Key QuestionsMobile Intranet for ALL - 8 Key Questions
Mobile Intranet for ALL - 8 Key Questions

Making an intranet or parts of it available on mobile involves much more than just making it “responsive”. “Mobile” enables communicators to reach new non-desk audiences, but also creates previously unknown technical and practical challenges as a consequence.

intranetintranet appmobiles intranet
Device Explosion 
Sales Today… Smart Phones + Tablet > PC 
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Rise of the 4 Screen Household 
9/19/2014 7 CONFIDENTIAL 
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Understanding the Enterprise and iPad 
9/19/2014 8 CONFIDENTIAL 
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Mobile Application Development - Guide 2020
Mobile Application Development - Guide 2020Mobile Application Development - Guide 2020
Mobile Application Development - Guide 2020

This document provides a 10-step guide for creating a mobile app from scratch: 1. The discovery phase involves generating ideas, analyzing competitors, defining the target audience, and creating a business model. 2. The design phase focuses on user experience (UX) design like wireframes, and user interface (UI) design including a style guide and rendered designs. 3. The development team is handed the designs and user goals to begin front-end development using native or hybrid approaches, and back-end development selecting programming languages and databases. 4. Testing of the app's functionality, performance, and other types is completed by testers who provide reports to developers. 5. After testing,

mobile appsmobile application developmentmobile web
The Best Design Trend Is To Not Follow One. We have 6! : UI Design Trends 2019!
The Best Design Trend Is To Not Follow One. We have 6! : UI Design Trends 2019!The Best Design Trend Is To Not Follow One. We have 6! : UI Design Trends 2019!
The Best Design Trend Is To Not Follow One. We have 6! : UI Design Trends 2019!

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” is an age-old saying, but nowadays, the cover holds a vital role to attract and trap their readers (isn’t it?). Investing in the making of a bold and impressive cover is a smart choice and that is what a good focus on user interface design is all about. These UI design trends play a major role in capturing the attention of a user in a better way by simply modifying the image, look, color, etc. After all, the main aim is to give the best experience to our mobile app users. Check out this presentation to learn more!

augmented realitydesign trendstrends 2019
Mobile Application Development Course- Freelancers Academy
Mobile Application Development Course- Freelancers AcademyMobile Application Development Course- Freelancers Academy
Mobile Application Development Course- Freelancers Academy

Mobile application development is a term used to denote the act or process by which application software is developed for handheld devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. For details visit us at-

freelancers academymobile application developmentdigital marketing
Mobile vs. Desktop Web Traffic 
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Non PC 2014 Q1: Global 30%)
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Windows Dominates… 
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Microsoft’s Vision

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A Journey Into Innovation for Event Businesses
A Journey Into Innovation for Event BusinessesA Journey Into Innovation for Event Businesses
A Journey Into Innovation for Event Businesses

techsytalk LIVE session. A Journey into Innovation for Event Business Nicola Rossetti (etouches) Not the geek one, not the fancy one, not the cool one; the one that can work today, the innovating thing that changes the business, making it more efficient. This journey will take us from business model town to marketing automation land. It will be a great adventure with takeaways at each corner.

innovationtechnologyevent planning
Advancement in mobile apps
Advancement in mobile appsAdvancement in mobile apps
Advancement in mobile apps

Mobile device usage has surpassed desktop usage, with the top activities being texting, emailing, using social media platforms like Facebook, taking photos with cameras, reading news, online shopping, and checking the weather. Two-thirds of the world's population now owns at least one mobile device. Mobile apps allow businesses to create brand awareness, engage customers through in-app offers and promotions, and increase access to users by providing local information and driving in-person visits. There are three main types of mobile apps: native apps designed for specific platforms, web-based apps that function through a browser, and hybrid apps that combine native and web-based elements.

#mobile #mobileapps #flutter #android
Mobile Application Development Services and Why We Need It?
Mobile Application Development Services and Why We Need It?Mobile Application Development Services and Why We Need It?
Mobile Application Development Services and Why We Need It?

Presentation (Slide Share) on Mobile Application Development Services and Why We Need It?. Created by a leading enterprise mobile application development company India, which are offering custom mobile app development services across various platforms like iPhone, Windows, Android, Blackberry and iPad.

mobile application developmentandroid app developmentmobile app developers
9/19/2014 | Slide 13 CONFIDENTIAL
Top Mobile Platforms 
(ComScore Consumers 13+) 
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The Second Bump of Productivity! 
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Enterprise Mobile 

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Top UX Design Trends for 2021 – MITSD
Top UX Design Trends for 2021 – MITSDTop UX Design Trends for 2021 – MITSD
Top UX Design Trends for 2021 – MITSD

"Some of the popular and top trends for 2021 in the UX design are: Increased usage of 3D visuals, Uprising trends of voice command, Mobile-friendly features, Gamification, etc."

mitsdtop ux design trendsui ux design institute in pune
Mobile application development platform
Mobile application development platformMobile application development platform
Mobile application development platform

The document discusses and compares several popular mobile application development platforms (MADPs), including Kony App Platform, Android Studio, Apple Xcode, Appcelerator, Kinvey, Appzillon, and Microsoft's Xamarin. For each platform, it outlines their key features and capabilities, pros, and cons. The platforms vary in their support for native or cross-platform development, programming languages used, ease of use, documentation, and other factors.

Tech Trends 2016
Tech Trends 2016Tech Trends 2016
Tech Trends 2016

Massive demand for mobile apps is driving changes across enterprises as customers and employees expect to do more from their mobile devices. IT departments are challenged to build and release apps faster to keep up. Constant app iteration is also important, as the most successful companies update their apps daily or weekly, not yearly. Democratization of app development allows both developers and non-technical business users to build apps faster using tools like component frameworks. There is also an explosion of actionable data that needs to be connected across systems in real time to power useful mobile apps and drive business processes. Speed of app development and ability to iterate quickly is key to successfully innovating with apps in the enterprise.

2014 SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Strategy
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2014 SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Strategy
According to an IDC study, BYOD practices are not 
only expanding in the U.S., but on a global scale. In 
the Asia Pacific market alone, nearly 155 million 
smartphones and almost 4 million tablets will be 
leveraged for business purposes in 2014. This 
translates to an annual rise in mobile device use of 
62.7 percent. - IDC 2014 
| Slide

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Shift Money 2019 - Next-level UX powered by AI - Jelena Svraka (Microblink)
Shift Money 2019 - Next-level UX powered by AI - Jelena Svraka (Microblink)Shift Money 2019 - Next-level UX powered by AI - Jelena Svraka (Microblink)
Shift Money 2019 - Next-level UX powered by AI - Jelena Svraka (Microblink)

Seamless UX has never been more important than now. Over 500 clients worldwide including users of the fast-growing FinTech industry are using our entirely ML-powered products to onboard customers in seconds. Everybody is talking about AI and we are utilizing it to solve real-life problems. Check out how invisible technology transforms numerous apps people use every day and makes a very visible impact.

shiftmoneyshift conferencefintech
Mobile Application Development Process
Mobile Application Development ProcessMobile Application Development Process
Mobile Application Development Process

Are you looking for MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT? But still confused, What is Mobile application development process? If Yes, then you are at right place. In today scenario, companies and small enterprise are mostly focusing on building a mobile app presence. “ The mobile app development industry is growing at a blazing 43% per year and shows no signs of slowing down.” We have created this PPT to help you understand the process of mobile application development. These are some of the questions this PPT will answer for you: 1. What is the current stats of mobile application market? 2. How can Mobile Application be benefiting your enterprise? 3. How can small business like restaurant business or other get to heights by an mobile application? 4. How do Mobile Applications can benefits your business? 5. What your Clients are finding?

android application developmentipad application developmentweb development

This document discusses the growth of mobile and tablet usage and its impact on web design. It notes that mobile usage has risen massively since 2007 and is expected to continue growing. It also discusses how websites need to be optimized for mobile, with responsive design that adjusts content based on screen size. The document recommends businesses implement a mobile-optimized or responsive website to ensure their content is accessible on all devices.

Reality Check… 
92% of Companies reported 
they do NOT support Mobile 
Access to SharePoint! 
| Slide 
Aug 2012 Forrester Survey 
Forrester Aug 2013…. 
"SharePoint: Solid In The Enterprise, 
But Missing The Mobile Shift"
BYOD… It exists whether you plan for it or not… 
Sixty Seven percent of the people who use a smartphone for work – 
and 70 percent of those who use a tablet for work are choosing the 
device themselves – not necessarily thinking about whether their 
enterprise will support it 
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What to do? 
Embrace BYOD strategy wholistically… comprehensively.. 
BYOD security and device management are the foundations of an 
enterprise BYOD strategy 
MDM – Mobile Device Management 
MAM – Mobile App Management 
Cisco IT spends 25% less on mobility per user with BYOD while 
supporting 28% more users and 82% more devices with 33% higher 
user satisfaction. 
29/319/2014 CONFIDENTIAL 
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Enterprise Mobile Return on Investment 
#1 Employee Responsiveness Faster Decision 
#2 Faster Issue Resolution 
#3 Increased Productivity 
#4 Higher Customer Sat! 
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Odoo Mobile: Android & IOS
Odoo Mobile: Android & IOSOdoo Mobile: Android & IOS
Odoo Mobile: Android & IOS

The document discusses the Odoo mobile app and its features. It provides an overview of the app's capabilities including accessing the same functionalities as the desktop version, getting push notifications, and being available on both Android and iOS. It highlights new features like the kanban view, left search panel, direct sharing from the device's gallery, an adapted documents app, barcode scanning, and barcode shortcuts. The conclusion emphasizes the overall Odoo mobile experience.

by Odoo
Top ui ux design trends for mobile apps 2021
Top ui ux design trends for mobile apps 2021Top ui ux design trends for mobile apps 2021
Top ui ux design trends for mobile apps 2021

Your app is not modern unless it looks modern. That's why it's so important to stay on top of the latest app design trends, including what's in store for us in 2021. The question is, how can you predict the popular visual styles of tomorrow today? Who would know better than the application designers themselves? We asked the 99designs community of freelance app designers what trends they've noticed lately. These are the top app design trends that you can expect to see more of in the next year and beyond.

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SharePoint 2013 and the Enterprise Mobile Revolution
SharePoint 2013 and the Enterprise Mobile RevolutionSharePoint 2013 and the Enterprise Mobile Revolution
SharePoint 2013 and the Enterprise Mobile Revolution

This document discusses the rise of mobile devices and the need for organizations to support mobile access to their intranets and SharePoint sites. It notes that over 1 billion smartphones will be in use by 2013 and that 50% of enterprise customers are moving to cloud-based solutions. The document highlights new capabilities in SharePoint 2013 for improved mobile browsing and mobile apps on various platforms. It emphasizes the importance of responsive web design to provide optimized experiences across different devices. Case studies are presented showing how responsive design has driven adoption and business value. The key takeaway is that organizations should plan for mobile-friendly intranets, extranets and public sites using responsive design best practices.

SharePoint 2013 & Mobile 
Mobile Browser, Mobile Apps 
SharePoint Mobile View 
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SharePoint out-of-the-box 
Native SharePoint 2013 Mobile 
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#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam
#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam
#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam

Dave has interviewed numerous recruitment leaders from around the world, mobile strategic experts, authors, founders and market analysts which are made available online through his 'Mobile in Action' videocast. In this fast pace session Dave will share a summary of learnings from the people he has talked to giving you example case studies, strategic advice and gotcha's to watch out for. The objective is to deliver information you need to take your next steps in a world filling up of handheld web devices (smartphones & tablets). If you are on the mobile journey already, there will an opportunity for a few to share their stories with the audience and Dave.

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Mobile Website Design: Responsive, Adaptive or Both?
Mobile Website Design: Responsive, Adaptive or Both?Mobile Website Design: Responsive, Adaptive or Both?
Mobile Website Design: Responsive, Adaptive or Both?

Responsive, adaptive, or both? There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Leveraging the right balance of techniques can tailor a mobile solution to meet audience and business needs. Responsive design uses fluid grids and media queries to automatically adjust content across devices. Adaptive design detects device characteristics to select variations. Separate mobile sites optimize each experience. The best strategy considers purpose, goals, and audiences. Skilled developers can combine techniques effectively.

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Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014
Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014
Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014

Jane Zhang covered 5 cutting-edge technology trends to watch out for in 2014, 5 more practical trends and how they affect the nonprofit sector, and practical tips on how to get your nonprofit prepared.

techsoup canadatrendsnonprofit technology
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Newsfeed App 
Office Mobile 
OneDrive for Biz 
Office Web Apps 
@joeloleson Sep 2014
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The Fine Print… Warning! 
Search is not available in Microsoft’s mobile features for SharePoint 
Office Mobile doesn’t provide Offline access features 
OneDrive for Business which provides offline access doesn’t store 
files in an encrypted location by default 
Most on premises mobile access requires WLAN access or punching a 
hole in the Firewall for auth. 
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Demo Delve & 

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Beyond Branding SharePoint - SharePoint and Today's Web
Beyond Branding SharePoint - SharePoint and Today's WebBeyond Branding SharePoint - SharePoint and Today's Web
Beyond Branding SharePoint - SharePoint and Today's Web

How does your SharePoint site handle the growing number of devices that are or will be soon accessing your site? Traditional branding for SharePoint has its shortcomings with modern devices. In this session we will review available options to enhance SharePoint and create a unified experience across modern internet devices with an in-depth review of current trends and how to utilize them in your current or upcoming SharePoint project. We will finish by considering how this might be impacted by SharePoint 2013. Session Take-aways: As an introduction session to modern Internet devices and how they affect the presentation of a SharePoint 2010 site, each attendee should leave the session with a solid understanding of how different devices and viewports treat SharePoint including the good and the bad. Further they will have been exposed to multiple techniques and methods in which SharePoint can be modified to enhance SharePoint for modern Internet devices including tablets and smartphones with a look at the benefits and shortcomings of each method. After a review of SharePoint 2013's addition of devices channels, attendees will also learn how to leverage this new understanding of Internet devices with device channels for a truly usable, maintainable SharePoint branding initiative moving forward. Highlights: Learn the shortcomings of SharePoint's interface with modern Internet devices. See modern techniques Branding experts use to solve the mobile problems. Find out how to leverage this knowledge in SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

sharepoint saturday honolulu 2012sharepoint brandingresponsive web design
Mobile in 2015 - eduWeb 2014
Mobile in 2015 -  eduWeb 2014Mobile in 2015 -  eduWeb 2014
Mobile in 2015 - eduWeb 2014

An overview of market trends, user experience, content creation, and thoughts about mobile computing.

enterprise mobilitymobile application development
Tools and Techniques for mobile learning
Tools and Techniques for mobile learningTools and Techniques for mobile learning
Tools and Techniques for mobile learning

Best Of mLearn: Geoff Stead of Qualcomm presenting an updated version of their mLearnCon2013 session, which was voted the Best Of mLearnCon. An inside view on some of the apps developed by Qualcomm's mLearning team, why they build them, and some of the tools they use

mobile learningandroidhtml5
Q: Any Android / Apple Apps in the pipeline for Delve? 
A: Yes to both, and not just a smaller view of Delve. It is responsive 
now to a degree, more responsiveness to be built in very soon, and 
then apps approach to follow. Ideally, we’d like to hit on a mobile 
browser each month and check the progress. 
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Your Best Mobile Experiences are on the Cloud… 
| Slide
SharePoint on WP 8 
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| Slide 

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Enterprise Mobility Strategy - Device and App development
Enterprise Mobility Strategy -  Device and App developmentEnterprise Mobility Strategy -  Device and App development
Enterprise Mobility Strategy - Device and App development

This document discusses strategies for mobile device management and application development in an enterprise setting. It begins by outlining the current state of the mobile operating system market, with iOS still the leader but Android gaining share. It then evaluates iOS, Android and Windows 10 across several criteria to determine the best fit for an organization's needs. The document also discusses approaches to mobile application development, noting the tradeoffs between native, hybrid and purchased apps. It provides recommendations on when each approach is most suitable. Lastly, it outlines strategies for managing BYOD programs with different levels of user access and security requirements.

mobilityhybridmobile device comparison
ServiceNow mobile strategy - March 2014 - Chicago SNUG
ServiceNow mobile strategy - March 2014 - Chicago SNUGServiceNow mobile strategy - March 2014 - Chicago SNUG
ServiceNow mobile strategy - March 2014 - Chicago SNUG

The document discusses ServiceNow's mobile strategy and roadmap, focusing on designing interfaces for "mobile always" that are intuitive and presence-aware. It outlines ServiceNow's mobile applications in Berlin, Calgary, and Dublin, and what features are ahead, including push notifications and improved collaboration. The presentation aims to convince the audience that their mobile initiative will succeed by answering how it provides business value and being ready culturally and technologically.

mobile servicenow cio it strategy
ServiceNow mobile roadmap December 2013
ServiceNow mobile roadmap December 2013ServiceNow mobile roadmap December 2013
ServiceNow mobile roadmap December 2013

The document outlines ServiceNow's mobile roadmap and philosophy. It discusses their mobile strategy across three major releases - Berlin, Calgary, and Dublin. Berlin focused on mobile views and platform integration on smartphones. Calgary introduced an iPad HTML5 app with improved features like card view and favorites. Dublin expanded to include iOS and Android HTML5 apps providing end-user self-service and a personal tasks app. The presentation emphasizes adopting a mobile-first approach and embracing consumerization to make mobile intuitive and secure, while addressing business objectives and competitive advantages. It also provides a top ten checklist for mobile readiness around BYOD, security, support policies and more.

mobile servicenow itsm it strategy cio
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Responsive Web 
Design + SharePoint 
There’s a better way… 
Responsive AND Adaptive 
Responsive Web Design – Various Screen 
resolutions provides different content based on 
real estate 
Adaptive – Different content for different 
devices. Gets richer as the browser or devices 
supports richer experience. Also referred to as 
Progressive Enhancement. 
| Slide
Frameworks to know 
ZURB Foundation is a free collection of tools for creating 
websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based 
design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and 
other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript 
Bootstrap (built at twitter) 
Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework 
for faster and easier web development. 
9/19/2014 39 
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Break Points and Building for Resolution… 
| Slide 

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The Design Dilemma of Mobile and SharePoint
The Design Dilemma of Mobile and SharePointThe Design Dilemma of Mobile and SharePoint
The Design Dilemma of Mobile and SharePoint

Are tablets and smartphone going to access your SharePoint 2010 site? Hint: They will. How will the presentation of your SharePoint site be affected by the growing trend of mobile workstyles? Traditional branding for SharePoint 2010 has its shortcomings with modern mobile devices. In this session we will review the available options to enhance the look and feel of your SharePoint site, and create a unified experience across modern internet devices. We will discuss current design trends and how to utilize them in your SharePoint project. We will finish by considering how this will be impacted by SharePoint 2013.

Get Mobile | Mobile & Digital Marketing | Crystal Olig | Upward | Oxiem
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Get Mobile | Mobile & Digital Marketing | Crystal Olig | Upward | Oxiem

Why marketers should care about mobile marketing now. Includes statistics on mobile device proliferation, responsive website design, mobile websites vs. mobile apps, and how the market will continue to change. Presentation given at Interact13 conference in January 2013, Springfield Ohio.

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iPad Apps for the Enterprise
iPad Apps for the EnterpriseiPad Apps for the Enterprise
iPad Apps for the Enterprise

“iPad apps for the enterprise: More than just a clever UI” Building iOS mobile applications that deliver on their business requirements can seem deceptively easy, but the unique challenges mentioned in this paper must be first understood and then addressed in order to achieve success.

ipad apps for the enterpriseipad enterpriseenterprise mobile apps
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JQuery Mobile 
Design a single highly-branded web site or application once for all popular 
smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms 
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Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011
Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011
Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011

To create the best mobile applications possible we have to look at the design from a user perspective before we start programming a single line of code. And the design process doesn’t stop after the first deployment. When an application has been submitted to a marketplace or appstore we can start monitoring the usage and study the end-user reviews. The following topics are covered in this slidedeck: 1. Creating awareness on the importance of app strategy and design. 2. What should be happening before we start developing mobile apps? 3. What should be done once the mobile app has been deployed? 4. Wrap up and next steps.

Mobility Trends | Customer Conversation Deck
Mobility Trends |  Customer Conversation DeckMobility Trends |  Customer Conversation Deck
Mobility Trends | Customer Conversation Deck

This document discusses mobility trends and solutions for managing mobile devices and applications in an enterprise. Some key points: - 66% of employees use personal devices for work and 25% of employees who typically work on premises frequently work remotely - 33% of all software will be available through SaaS by 2020 - Mobility is driving changes in devices, apps, and data that increase complexity - Microsoft provides a unified approach including mobile device management, access and information protection, and identity management to empower enterprise mobility.

Best Web Development Trends For Business.pptx
Best Web Development Trends For Business.pptxBest Web Development Trends For Business.pptx
Best Web Development Trends For Business.pptx

Do you plan to develop a viable and successful web app development solution for your company? The best web development trends to adopt for your company are those that assist you to improve business involvement. Look at the most recent web development trends. For More Information:

web developmentweb development trendsbest web development trends
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Before Responsive Web Design 
5% mobile
| Slide 
With Responsive Web Design 
+ 20% mobile
Key Takeaways and Considerations 
• SharePoint Native Mobile Browsing has improved for all mobile 
platforms in SP2013 
• New SharePoint Mobile Apps can make accessing social + people + 
| Slide 
documents easier 
• Consider third party mobile apps to fill gaps like Offline Sync, 
Search, Security and Mobile Device App mgmt 
• Plan for Mobile Intranets: Seriously Consider Industry Best 
Practices of Responsive Web Design

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Communication Design for the Mobile Experience
Communication Design for the Mobile ExperienceCommunication Design for the Mobile Experience
Communication Design for the Mobile Experience

Presented to the Vancouver Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication at their May 2011 meeting. This is a discussion of issues, and strategies for creating usable, navigable, relevant content for mobile computing devices like smartphones. Included many examples and a case study.

Ibm mobile first briefing
Ibm mobile first briefingIbm mobile first briefing
Ibm mobile first briefing

The document provides an overview of IBM MobileFirst. It discusses IBM being named a leader in mobile enterprise application platforms and application security testing. It then summarizes IBM Worklight, a mobile application platform that speeds development, integration, and management of mobile applications. It provides an overview of IBM Worklight capabilities including development tools, application security, analytics, and management capabilities. It also discusses building multi-platform applications with a shared codebase using IBM Worklight.

Mobile Apps, Embedded Apps...and IoT - session from Data Driven Summit 2014
Mobile Apps, Embedded Apps...and IoT - session from Data Driven Summit 2014Mobile Apps, Embedded Apps...and IoT - session from Data Driven Summit 2014
Mobile Apps, Embedded Apps...and IoT - session from Data Driven Summit 2014

By the end of 2014, there will be more mobile phones on the planet than humans. How will we harness these devices to better inform and connect users to their information? And what do we need to consider to truly deliver insights "to everyone, everywhere?" This presentation by Actuate VP of innovation Allen Bonde outlines the latest thinking around mobile and embedded apps and shares what’s possible when it comes to delivering visualizations on non-traditional platforms.

iotbig datamobile
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Let’s Connect!

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2014 SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Strategy

  • 1. SPTechCon Boston 2014 #SPTechcon SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Mobile Strategy Joel Oleson Director Enterprise Search Strategy BA Insight @joeloleson | Slide
  • 2. SharePoint Joel “Most Connected man in SharePoint” First Full Time SharePoint Administrator Top SharePoint Influencer 2012-2014 Popular Blogger: & Global Epic Traveler – 130+ Countries | Slide 2
  • 3. Mobile Device Explosion! Responsive Web Design+ SharePoint Mobile Enterprise Mobile SharePoint 2013
  • 4. CEO Satya Nadella called for a “mobile first, cloud first” approach | Slide 1.75billion smartphones in 2014 4.55 billion users will use a smart phone in 2014 * Estimates Emarketer 82% of the world's online population engages in social networking 50% of enterprise customers are using the cloud
  • 6. Sales Today… Smart Phones + Tablet > PC | Slide 6
  • 7. Rise of the 4 Screen Household 9/19/2014 7 CONFIDENTIAL | Slide
  • 8. Understanding the Enterprise and iPad 9/19/2014 8 CONFIDENTIAL | Slide
  • 9. Mobile vs. Desktop Web Traffic | Slide 9 Non PC 2014 Q1: Global 30%)
  • 13. 9/19/2014 | Slide 13 CONFIDENTIAL
  • 14. Top Mobile Platforms (ComScore Consumers 13+) | Slide 14
  • 15. The Second Bump of Productivity! | Slide 15
  • 16. SharePoint Enterprise Mobile Device Management Mobile
  • 20. According to an IDC study, BYOD practices are not only expanding in the U.S., but on a global scale. In the Asia Pacific market alone, nearly 155 million smartphones and almost 4 million tablets will be leveraged for business purposes in 2014. This translates to an annual rise in mobile device use of 62.7 percent. - IDC 2014 | Slide
  • 21. Reality Check… 92% of Companies reported they do NOT support Mobile Access to SharePoint! | Slide Aug 2012 Forrester Survey Forrester Aug 2013…. "SharePoint: Solid In The Enterprise, But Missing The Mobile Shift"
  • 22. BYOD… It exists whether you plan for it or not… Sixty Seven percent of the people who use a smartphone for work – and 70 percent of those who use a tablet for work are choosing the device themselves – not necessarily thinking about whether their enterprise will support it | Slide
  • 23. What to do? Embrace BYOD strategy wholistically… comprehensively.. BYOD security and device management are the foundations of an enterprise BYOD strategy MDM – Mobile Device Management MAM – Mobile App Management Cisco IT spends 25% less on mobility per user with BYOD while supporting 28% more users and 82% more devices with 33% higher user satisfaction. 29/319/2014 CONFIDENTIAL | Slide
  • 24. Enterprise Mobile Return on Investment #1 Employee Responsiveness Faster Decision Making #2 Faster Issue Resolution #3 Increased Productivity #4 Higher Customer Sat! | Slide
  • 25. SharePoint SharePoint 2013 & Mobile Mobile Browser, Mobile Apps Mobile
  • 28. SharePoint out-of-the-box Native SharePoint 2013 Mobile | Slide 28
  • 29. | Slide Surface Windows Phone iOS (iPhone) iOS iPad Android Phone Android Tablet SharePoint Newsfeed App Office Mobile App OneDrive for Biz Office Web Apps @joeloleson Sep 2014
  • 31. The Fine Print… Warning! Search is not available in Microsoft’s mobile features for SharePoint Office Mobile doesn’t provide Offline access features OneDrive for Business which provides offline access doesn’t store files in an encrypted location by default Most on premises mobile access requires WLAN access or punching a hole in the Firewall for auth. | Slide
  • 32. | Slide Demo Delve & SharePoint
  • 33. Q: Any Android / Apple Apps in the pipeline for Delve? A: Yes to both, and not just a smaller view of Delve. It is responsive now to a degree, more responsiveness to be built in very soon, and then apps approach to follow. Ideally, we’d like to hit on a mobile browser each month and check the progress. =439895066 | Slide
  • 34. Your Best Mobile Experiences are on the Cloud… | Slide
  • 35. SharePoint on WP 8 | Slide 35
  • 37. | Slide Responsive Web Design + SharePoint There’s a better way… SharePoint Mobile
  • 38. Responsive AND Adaptive Responsive Web Design – Various Screen resolutions provides different content based on real estate Adaptive – Different content for different devices. Gets richer as the browser or devices supports richer experience. Also referred to as Progressive Enhancement. | Slide
  • 39. Frameworks to know ZURB Foundation is a free collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap (built at twitter) Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. 9/19/2014 39 | Slide
  • 40. Break Points and Building for Resolution… | Slide 40
  • 41. | Slide JQuery Mobile 41 Design a single highly-branded web site or application once for all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms
  • 46. | Slide Before… Before Responsive Web Design 5% mobile
  • 47. | Slide Before… With Responsive Web Design + 20% mobile
  • 48. Key Takeaways and Considerations • SharePoint Native Mobile Browsing has improved for all mobile platforms in SP2013 • New SharePoint Mobile Apps can make accessing social + people + | Slide documents easier • Consider third party mobile apps to fill gaps like Offline Sync, Search, Security and Mobile Device App mgmt • Plan for Mobile Intranets: Seriously Consider Industry Best Practices of Responsive Web Design

Editor's Notes

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