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Mobile Insights for 2015
Dan Lewis
Judge Consulting Group
eduWeb 2014 - Baltimore
Obligatory Bio Slide
My name is: Dan Lewis
I am from: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - USA
I work for: The Judge Group, Inc. – A global professional services organization
As the: Head of Mobile Solutions for Judge Consulting
For my job I: Help diverse global organizations to better leverage mobile and web technology
I used to: Build intranets, websites, and database stuff
The Market
Platforms – 2013/14 Notable Notes
• De-fragmentation strategy
in place
• Major growth continues
• Dependency on OEMs
• Not for sale – not a
contender either
• BBM for all (years late)
• Major refactoring and
platform refresh
• Slowed growth
• 64-Bit strategy
• Major write-downs on
• Microsoft buys Nokia
• Firefox is in the wild
• Samsung Tizen devices?

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Small Business Mobile Marketing
Small Business Mobile MarketingSmall Business Mobile Marketing
Small Business Mobile Marketing

The document provides an overview of Barb Cagley's background in graphic design and web/mobile app development. It then shares statistics on smartphone usage and penetration rates. Next, it discusses the differences between web apps, native apps, and social apps. The rest of the document offers guidance on determining your target audience, where they are located, types of apps to consider, examples, and factors for the mobile app decision process.

small business mobileweb appsmobile apps
Mobile News Madness - March 2012
Mobile News Madness - March 2012Mobile News Madness - March 2012
Mobile News Madness - March 2012

This document summarizes the latest mobile news from March 2012. It discusses the growth of smartphones and their increasing market share over "dumb phones". It provides market share numbers for Android, iOS, and other platforms. It also summarizes new products like the new iPad and Samsung Galaxy S3, updates to platforms like Android and Windows Phone, and other miscellaneous mobile news stories from March 2012.

Whitepaper: Mobile Media Survival Guide
Whitepaper: Mobile Media Survival GuideWhitepaper: Mobile Media Survival Guide
Whitepaper: Mobile Media Survival Guide

The document discusses strategies for media businesses to survive in the post-PC world. It notes that traditional media revenue models are being disrupted by new digital platforms and devices. It recommends that media companies focus first on the Apple iOS platform to reach the largest mobile audience and maximize monetization opportunities through apps, before expanding to other platforms like Android. The document also advocates adopting a "hybrid app" model that uses web technologies for user interfaces and business logic to reduce development costs while providing native-like experiences.

Platforms – Smartphones
2013 Market Share (%) 2017 Market Share (%)
Android 75.30% 68.30%
iOS 16.90% 17.90%
Windows Phone 3.90% 10.20%
BlackBerry OS 2.70% 1.70%
Others 1.20% 1.90%
Global Smartphone Projected Platform Market Share
Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, September 4, 2013
OEMs - Smartphones
3Q12 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q12 Market Share (%) 3Q13 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q13 Market Share (%)
Samsung 57.8 31.00% 81.2 31.40%
Apple 26.9 14.40% 33.8 13.10%
Huawei 7.1 3.80% 12.5 4.80%
Lenovo 6.9 3.70% 12.3 4.70%
LG 7 3.80% 12 4.60%
Others 80.5 43.20% 106.6 41.30%
Global Smartphone OEM Market Share and Totals
Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, October 29, 2013
OEMs - Tablets
3Q12 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q12 Market Share (%) 3Q13 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q13 Market Share (%)
Apple 14 40.20% 14.1 29.60%
Samsung 4.3 12.40% 9.7 20.40%
Asus 2.3 6.60% 3.5 7.40%
Lenovo 0.4 1.10% 2.3 4.80%
Acer 0.3 0.90% 1.2 2.50%
Others 13.5 38.80% 16.8 35.30%
Global Tablet OEM Market Share and Totals
Source: IDC Worldwide Tablet Tracker, October 30, 2013
Tablets: The New Normal
2012 2013 2014 2015
PC (Desk-Based and Notebook) Tablet (Ultramobile)
Source: IDC Worldwide Tablet Tracker, July 2014

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Whitepaper: Mobile Media Apps 101
Whitepaper: Mobile Media Apps 101Whitepaper: Mobile Media Apps 101
Whitepaper: Mobile Media Apps 101

1) The document provides an overview of key considerations for developing a successful mobile content app business, including reach, engagement, and monetization. 2) It discusses whether to build a mobile web presence or native app, noting that both can be necessary for full reach. It also covers analytics, social integration, and different monetization models like advertising, paid apps, freemium, and free apps. 3) The document emphasizes the importance of engagement through smooth user experience, content tailored for different devices, and social features and content personalization. It stresses treating analytics as important for understanding user behavior and improving the product.

Why you need a mobile site
Why you need a mobile siteWhy you need a mobile site
Why you need a mobile site

The document discusses the growing importance of mobile websites as mobile internet usage increases. Some key points: - By 2014, mobile internet usage is expected to surpass desktop usage as over 70% of people now use mobile phones. - Half of all local searches are conducted on mobile devices. - Content on mobile sites needs to be simplified and prioritized for quick consumption on small screens with vertical navigation instead of horizontal. - HTML5 and CSS3 can help websites render properly across devices, and services exist to create optimized mobile versions of sites. - Examples of good mobile sites keep content simple with minimal links while bad sites have ads that cover content or too many words and links.

mobile website
Advancement in mobile apps
Advancement in mobile appsAdvancement in mobile apps
Advancement in mobile apps

Mobile device usage has surpassed desktop usage, with the top activities being texting, emailing, using social media platforms like Facebook, taking photos with cameras, reading news, online shopping, and checking the weather. Two-thirds of the world's population now owns at least one mobile device. Mobile apps allow businesses to create brand awareness, engage customers through in-app offers and promotions, and increase access to users by providing local information and driving in-person visits. There are three main types of mobile apps: native apps designed for specific platforms, web-based apps that function through a browser, and hybrid apps that combine native and web-based elements.

#mobile #mobileapps #flutter #android
2015 - Trends to Watch
Mobile Payments Maturing
iBeacon vs NFC
Source: GigaOM
Mobile and Location-Based Advertising
Location is the new cookie
•Collecting data has always been
difficult because mobile does not
support third-party cookies that
travel easily across the ecosystem,
allowing for straightforward
tracking and data-gathering.
•That's where location-based mobile
technology comes in. It gives
marketers new ways to identify and
track mobile audiences, and with
the aid of algorithms, it can also
group them into behavioral and
demographic segments for
Money is flowing into location-
based mobile marketing
•A recent survey of 400 brand
executives by Balihoo found that
91% planned to increase their
investments in location-based
marketing campaigns in 2013.
•Finally, a study by Berg Insight
found that location-enabled ad
spend reached about 8% of total
mobile ad spend for 2012. This
proportion is expected to increase
to 33% by 2017.
Location-based data is driving much
of the interest - and success
•Enabling campaigns with local data
produces measurable results.
•In a study of over 2,500 of its
mobile marketing campaigns, Verve
found that its location-based ad
efforts were about twice as
effective as the mobile industry
average click-through rate (CTR) of
•Geo-aware ads, geo-fenced ads,
and location data paired with
audience demographics or
purchase intent are all proving to
be extremely successful.
Source: Business Insider August 2013

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Responsive Web Cross-Media and Mobile
Responsive Web Cross-Media and MobileResponsive Web Cross-Media and Mobile
Responsive Web Cross-Media and Mobile

This is a presentation made at the AdMonsters Mobile Ops Event on Dec 7th. We have taken a look at Responsive Web Design in the context of the future of mobile and mobile marketing. For more information contact us at or

marketing and advertisingresponsive web designmobile
A Platform for Mobile Enterprise Management: Build, Run and Manage Your Mobil...
A Platform for Mobile Enterprise Management: Build, Run and Manage Your Mobil...A Platform for Mobile Enterprise Management: Build, Run and Manage Your Mobil...
A Platform for Mobile Enterprise Management: Build, Run and Manage Your Mobil...

To offer a truly differentiated mobile experience, businesses need to consider the full spectrum of what mobility has to offer. AMPchroma provides the overarching paradigm for achieving mobility excellence and is the only mobile cloud platform that enables you to deliver on this promise.

mobilitymobile appsmobile platform
Mobile Application Security by Design
Mobile Application Security by DesignMobile Application Security by Design
Mobile Application Security by Design

Did you know that mobile security breaches have affected more than two-thirds of global organizations in the last 12 months? This presentation helps you assess where you stand, explains the different security threats that are out there, and argues for why you should be using Security by Design for all your mobile apps.

by DMI
Internet of Things
•$8.9 Trillion Market
•212 Billion Connected “Things”
Source: IDC February 2014
IT is Losing Control
Bring Your Own Everything
Source: 2001 Australian Grand Prix
How are we building
this stuff?
Mobile Web vs Responsive vs App vs ???
Source: Brad Frost

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Mobile application development
Mobile application developmentMobile application development
Mobile application development

This document provides an overview of mobile application development. It discusses the differences between mobile and traditional development, including shorter development cycles and the need to support multiple devices. It also covers various client architectures like native, web, and hybrid apps. The document outlines several mobile platforms and programming languages. It discusses concepts like responsive design and mobile-first approaches. Finally, it compares tools and frameworks for HTML5 development, including jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch.

Harnessing the Power of the Mobile Cloud
Harnessing the Power of the Mobile CloudHarnessing the Power of the Mobile Cloud
Harnessing the Power of the Mobile Cloud

This white paper discusses harnessing the power of the mobile cloud. It defines a mobile cloud as a set of hosted services that shields enterprises from the complexities of mobility and enables them to focus on building mobile apps. The mobile cloud provides advantages like faster time to market, ease of deployment, reliability, scalability, support and lower cost of ownership compared to building mobile infrastructure internally. It concludes that the Antenna mobile cloud is a proven solution that leverages these advantages for its customers.

enterprise architectureenterprise mobilitymobility
Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013
Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013
Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013

Pablo Vittori is a partner at Globant, a new-breed technology services provider focused on delivering innovative software solutions using emerging technologies. Globant has various studios covering technologies like cloud, mobile, social media, and more. The document discusses trends in mobile technologies like native and hybrid apps. It also summarizes Globant's mobile practices like mobile experience, native and hybrid development, and product development. Globant helps clients with mobile product design and development using an agile approach.

weareable computingandroidmobile
Native vs Hybrid vs Web
• Best performance
• 3D and Gaming
• App store presence
• Expensive – especially across
• Native SDK access
• App store presence
• Performance can be questionable
• Cross-platform faster/cheaper
than Native
• No Native SDK access
• Not offline-friendly
• Low cost of entry
• Cross-platform cheapest of all
Rethinking the Enterprise Lifecycle
Testing is
Changing Methodologies
Waterfall Agile Wet Agile?
Take a break!

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Enterprise Mobility Solutions & Services
Enterprise Mobility Solutions & ServicesEnterprise Mobility Solutions & Services
Enterprise Mobility Solutions & Services

Let's see how Enterprise Mobility Management Suite offers consistent security, performance, compliance, and support across the mobile enterprise. How it simplifies Managing devices, applications, content, BYOD, and emails while driving employee productivity and satisfaction & HowAffle Enterprise offers Enterprise Mobility Management services with a unique blend of talent and framework to Enterprise Mobility projects to ensure the best possible solutions by offering flexible and scalable enterprise mobility software solutions

factsenterprise mobility adoptionmanaged mobility
HTML5 vs. Native Apps: Demystifying the Decision Making Process
HTML5 vs. Native Apps: Demystifying the Decision Making ProcessHTML5 vs. Native Apps: Demystifying the Decision Making Process
HTML5 vs. Native Apps: Demystifying the Decision Making Process

It’s now clear that mobile is the path consumer markets are leaning towards to utilizing mobile apps as their preferred way to conduct e-commerce. According to a study by Gartner, 70% of customer interactions will originate from a mobile device by 2015. More and more organizations are realizing that mobile can significantly impact their core business operations and are transitioning to a mobile-based strategy. Therefore, iTexico partnered with Propelics to deliver a webinar: "HTML5 vs Native Apps: Demystifying The Decision Making Process" Here we present the slides from the last webinar.

appshtml5web development
5 Steps for Enterprise Mobility
5 Steps for Enterprise Mobility5 Steps for Enterprise Mobility
5 Steps for Enterprise Mobility

This document outlines a 5-step program for leveraging enterprise mobility. Step 1 is management, which involves classifying devices into tiers of support and implementing mobile device management. Step 2 is focusing on mobile web by developing responsive websites. Step 3 is defining a digital strategy. Step 4 is implementation using tools like frameworks and adopting approaches like adaptive agile development. Step 5 involves transforming into a digital enterprise where mobility powers engagement with systems and information across the organization. The overall agenda stresses that mobility requires more than just apps and emphasizes creating "systems of engagement" for customers, employees and partners.

mdmenterprise mobilitymobile web
Figure out a few tasks
Each group should come up with 3 mobile & touch friendly tasks
Each group will present their tasks at the end
Some examples
Enabling a customer to document and file an automotive insurance claim
Giving a customer the ability to deposit a check to their bank account with their device
Providing a way for field sales staff to document their customer interactions
Enable employees access to their payroll and PTO information on the go
The Mobile Scorecard
The Questions Yes? No?
Will a person have value and be able to do this on the go?
Can the task be performed “offline”?
Can performing the task leverage the device’s sensors?
Does the task interact with existing content on the device?
Can the task be performed with simple user responses?
Does the task work well when touch is a user response mechanism?

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UX Design for Mobile Devices
UX Design for Mobile DevicesUX Design for Mobile Devices
UX Design for Mobile Devices

This document summarizes a presentation on UX design for mobile devices. It discusses how mobile experiences differ from desktop and require their own design approaches. It covers mobile research methods, the importance of usability testing, and guidelines for designing optimized mobile sites and apps, including prioritizing features, reducing content and interface elements, and using progressive disclosure. It also discusses the debate around whether mobile sites or apps will dominate in the future.

Case 3.3 - Apple, google and Microsoft
Case 3.3 - Apple, google and MicrosoftCase 3.3 - Apple, google and Microsoft
Case 3.3 - Apple, google and Microsoft

This document discusses Apple, Google, and Microsoft's battle for dominance in the mobile computing experience. It provides an overview of each company's business model and strengths. Apple focuses on proprietary hardware and a closed software ecosystem. Google's model centers around online advertising and open platforms. Microsoft has traditionally focused on Windows and Office but is now developing its own mobile hardware and platforms. The document examines why mobile is important to each company and assesses their mobile platform offerings. It discusses the significance of mobile apps, app stores, and open vs closed platforms. The author argues that Google's business model and focus on apps positions it to ultimately prevail in this competition, though it faces challenges from the other companies.

Poems For Grown Up Children by Jack Dean SAMPLE
Poems For Grown Up Children by Jack Dean SAMPLEPoems For Grown Up Children by Jack Dean SAMPLE
Poems For Grown Up Children by Jack Dean SAMPLE

Jack Dean started rapping in an atrocious punk-rap crossover band aged 15. Since then he's calmed down a bit, got a girlfriend, and carried his love of shouting at strangers to many places. Jack takes the hip hop medium he grew up with, goes out with it gets it drunk and pushes it down the high street in a shopping trolley full of fireworks at 4am. Maybe. Poems for Grown Up Children is his debut collection and is very much 21st Century poetry for 21st Century people. People who have grown up with technology and take it for granted. People who take the cacophony that backdrops our lives and hang it up as curtains. This is poetry infused with different beats. Poetry remixed and remade and slapped into a mix tape and taken out for a night on the tiles. Matched with the perfect complement of Hannah Jane Copestake's illustrations this is poetry polished with craft and complexity that will be appreciated by the grown up child in us all. £7.99 incl. UK P&P from

poetryjack deanburning eye books
Anyone care to share?
Take a break!
Empowering Mobile
Content Creation
Who is a mobile worker?
Courtesy: Frank Carter

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A TalkBackPoll is a free widget that website owners can add to their pages to engage readers by allowing them to vote, comment and share their opinions on articles or topics. It integrates commentary, polls, social sharing and location data. Users get insights into reader feedback and can customize the look and functionality of the TalkBackPoll on their site.

Dna 2
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Dna 2

This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It consists of random letters and characters without any coherent words, sentences, or discernible meaning.

My Stepmother Tried to Kill Me by Thommie Gillow sample
My Stepmother Tried to Kill Me by Thommie Gillow sampleMy Stepmother Tried to Kill Me by Thommie Gillow sample
My Stepmother Tried to Kill Me by Thommie Gillow sample

My Stepmother Tried to Kill Me is to poetry what Bridget Jones Diary is to fiction. Thommie Gillow tells the truth about modern womanhood. Boyfriends are frequently disastrous, motherhood plays havoc with your body, your stepmother most probably does want to kill you and it is hard to know when you start to go grey in your thirties whether dying your hair is vain or an anti-feminist betrayal. “Poetry that hugs while it tugs, teaches while it reaches. Buy this peach then buy copies for all your friends.“ Marcus Moore Thommie Gillow spent her early years in Bath where she discovered a love of poetry, but it was not until her family relocated to the North East that Thommie grew old enough to have her heart broken by many of the men who have influenced the poetry in this book. She lived and worked in several countries before settling down to become an English lecturer back in the South West. A single mum to one daughter, Thommie has a Masters in Creative Writing from Cardiff University and has twice been shortlisted for the Bridport Poetry Prize.

my stepmother tried to kill mepoetrypoem
Courtesy: Dakar Rally
Courtesy: Dakar Rally
Courtesy: Boeing

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Najciekawsze statystyki dotyczące znaczenia zdjęć, obrazków, filmów wideo w Content Marketingu.

visual contentmarketing automationcontent marketing
Target audience research
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Target audience research

This document contains survey results from different age groups on topics related to movies, music and social issues. It includes data on the gender and age of respondents and their ratings of the importance of characters, locations and pace in movies. It also includes ratings of different music genres and issues like alcohol/drugs, domestic violence and relationships.

How has this worker’s mobile toolset
From Email & Calendar
To Staff Directories and CRM
And Collaboration

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The weather
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The document describes different weather conditions in 6 sentences, stating that it is sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, foggy, and snowy.

The 5 Keys to Unlocking Next Generation Learning!
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The 5 Keys to Unlocking Next Generation Learning!

The 5 Keys to Unlocking Next Generation Learning Advances in technologies, including social, mobile, and even artificial intelligence, provide nearly countless possibilities to transform how we learn at work. But which of these advances gets turned in functionality that's actually adopted and proven useful? Key elements covered include: • Community Learning: Interactive and just in time learning through collaboration and knowledge sharing • Content Creation: Share any type of content and even create videos and screen recordings • Personal Assistant: Automate recommendations of people, content and classes creating a relevant learner experience • Mobile Learning: Making learning available anytime, anywhere • Simplicity: Take the hassle out of learning management for administrators, managers and learners

social enterprisehuman resourcepeople development
Soon we will be creating
Empower the ability to create
Treat clients as more than consumers
Collect and curate mobile content

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Provide friendly access…
Responsive Websites
Platform-agnostic “Apps”
Make Security EASY!

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Michael crowe
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Michael crowe

This document outlines Michael Crowe's presentation on biodiversity offsetting and offset markets in Victoria, Australia. The presentation covers: [1] principles and policy approaches to biodiversity offsets; [2] implementing offsets through offset markets and conservation banks; and [3] Victoria's experience developing an offset market based on a regulatory framework and tradable credits. The presentation concludes by suggesting Southeast Asian countries consider landscape context and development patterns when developing their own offset policies and markets.

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This document discusses the Christian response to the environmental crisis. It argues that Western Christianity bears responsibility for environmental degradation due to its interpretations of scripture that emphasize human domination over nature. However, Western Christians also have power and resources to enact positive change. The document examines how Christian theology and ethics must reform to incorporate care for the environment based on concepts of stewardship, interdependence, and extending rights to nature. Ecofeminist theologians offer a model of seeing environmental and social justice as intertwined. Overall, the document argues Christians must rethink their relationship with nature through reinterpreting scripture with ecological consciousness.

by P4X

This document is a personal essay reflecting on the author's birthdate of December 21, 1978 and how seemingly ordinary life events can impact who we become. The author discusses being born on a cold winter night in Kentucky. Though their parents do not have vivid memories of the birth, the author believes every experience, no matter how ordinary, helps shape our identities. The essay reflects on the cultural significance of their birthdate and how it relates to their interests in word puzzles and fiction writing.

Is this being done
CNN iReport

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The document discusses business, government, and the stock market. It mentions citizens of the world getting set and on their mark for something related to the economy.

Actuele vacatures Fairlane
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Actuele vacatures Fairlane
What is preventing us
from creating the way
we do on a PC?
Screen Size?
Processing Power?

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#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam
#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam
#MobileInAction - iRecruitExpo June 2013, Amsterdam

Dave has interviewed numerous recruitment leaders from around the world, mobile strategic experts, authors, founders and market analysts which are made available online through his 'Mobile in Action' videocast. In this fast pace session Dave will share a summary of learnings from the people he has talked to giving you example case studies, strategic advice and gotcha's to watch out for. The objective is to deliver information you need to take your next steps in a world filling up of handheld web devices (smartphones & tablets). If you are on the mobile journey already, there will an opportunity for a few to share their stories with the audience and Dave.

mobileinactionirecruitexpoats integration
Cti av3
Cti av3Cti av3
Cti av3

Mobile platforms will be the catalyst for new connected experiences. Mobile development will shift focus beyond apps to infrastructure integration. There will be no single approach to client-side development. Mobile will transform business models by offering deeper engagement, real-time interactions, altering pricing, upending cost structures, and facilitating access to information for billions. Business leaders must think mobile-first, focus on convenience, use feedback to evolve services rapidly, organize around mobile delivery, and prepare for further disruption.

BP110: The Mobile Distruption - Why XPages Development is targeting Mobile First
BP110: The Mobile Distruption - Why XPages Development is targeting Mobile FirstBP110: The Mobile Distruption - Why XPages Development is targeting Mobile First
BP110: The Mobile Distruption - Why XPages Development is targeting Mobile First

Over the next five years, enterprise apps will increasingly be built for mobile as the target platform. This session will cover the business reasons why you need to focus on the mobile experience, from both the IBM and a business partner perspective. With mobile, social, cloud and big data being the top priorities of most CxOs worldwide, we will look at how XPages can play a key role in your application strategy. We will guide you on how XPages can fit into your MEAP (Mobile Enterprise Application Platform) strategy, what you can do today to position yourself for success and demonstrate real world examples of why XPages is a smart choice.

web design and developmentxpagesibm
The Keyboard and Mouse!
What is the new input

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Building Mobile Apps for Business
Building Mobile Apps for BusinessBuilding Mobile Apps for Business
Building Mobile Apps for Business

Mobile is for business. Every firm with a web app must now consider the visibility and sales they are losing by not having a mobile version. Every new business or software product is faced with this same concern. Responsive design only gets us so far before it’s time to build a native app for several platforms. How do we build business apps for Android, iOS, and Windows phones and tablets? Learn about the key considerations when scaling up your company’s mobile presence.

Mobile Web Development
Mobile Web DevelopmentMobile Web Development
Mobile Web Development

The document discusses the rise of mobile devices and opportunities for businesses to engage customers through mobile websites and applications. It provides statistics on mobile usage and recommendations for businesses to consider their goals, audiences, and options for developing mobile-optimized websites or native applications. Competitive research and usability testing are advised to create successful mobile solutions.

mobile web developmentmobile development
Mobile Web Development
Mobile Web Development Mobile Web Development
Mobile Web Development

The document discusses the rise of mobile devices and opportunities for businesses to engage customers through mobile websites and applications. It provides statistics on mobile usage and recommendations for businesses to consider their goals, audiences, and options for developing mobile-optimized websites or native applications. Competitive research and usability testing are advised to create successful mobile solutions.

mobile web developmentmobile development
Eye Movement?
A Hybrid?
Only you will decide
Mobile Wireframing

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How Technology is Revolutionizing Property Assessments
How Technology is Revolutionizing Property AssessmentsHow Technology is Revolutionizing Property Assessments
How Technology is Revolutionizing Property Assessments

New technologies are being released at breakneck speed. Ones that were once so innovative and exciting at launch are now passé. Technological advances are having a deep impact on the speed, quality and effectiveness of property assessments, giving environmental professionals who use them a competitive advantage. At this webinar, you will learn more about advancements in digital content, mobile, information access, applications, workflow and communications that environmental professionals are using to improve efficiency and respond to pressure for fast turnaround time. Benefits for attendees: • Trends from the tech world that are shifting the landscape of how EPs conduct property assessments—and keep clients happy • Technologies and apps with applicability for streamlining field work • An inside look at how technologies are quickly changing how EPs do their jobs • A look ahead to how future technologies will change the workplace for property assessment professionals Panelists: • Paul Schiffer, VP, Product Development, EDR • Duncan Anderson, Business Development Officer, Odic Environmental & Energy

by EDR
technologyproperty assessment
Considerations when building mobile app. Presented by Microstrategy
Considerations when building mobile app. Presented by MicrostrategyConsiderations when building mobile app. Presented by Microstrategy
Considerations when building mobile app. Presented by Microstrategy

The document discusses considerations for building mobile apps for businesses. It recommends defining a strategy that considers the types of apps needed, constraints, and intended users. The strategy should determine whether to build native or cross-platform apps. It also stresses the importance of user research and storyboarding workflows before building apps. When building, choices like native coding vs frameworks and HTML5 approaches must be made. Finally, deploying apps across platforms and measuring effectiveness is discussed, along with maintenance and scaling the apps over time. The next wave will bring truly disruptive mobile technologies.

it news africamicrostrategyenterprise mobility
How App Usability, Functionality, and Analysis are Changing with Mobile
  How App Usability, Functionality, and Analysis are Changing with Mobile  How App Usability, Functionality, and Analysis are Changing with Mobile
How App Usability, Functionality, and Analysis are Changing with Mobile

Now we’re building apps for Android, iOS, Windows phone, and mobile web but is requirements gathering really any different? This talk will cover mobile mock-ups, usability, and important differences between PC web browser and mobile application analysis. Many of the fundamental concepts remain the same, so how do we leverage what we know? Wireframing certainly won’t go away but mobile UI patterns change our approach. A touchscreen isn’t a mouse at all. Instead of drag and click we have tap, swipe, pinch, press, and rotate. What about offline use? With mobile it’s standard practice. Learn how apps should work even when the connection is down. Desktop PCs don’t move around like mobile phones do – so location services are a key difference: GPS, cell triangulation, to the newest location technique: iBeacons. Enterprise apps are now a family of apps: web, mobile web, and mobile native, for as many as 4+ platforms! Some are HTML5 and some are native. What are the differences and how do we approach these differently from an analysis standpoint? Lastly, what technologies are available to develop all these apps and when should we use what?

Let’s make some wireframes!
Develop Wireframes for a task from the first exercise
Use Paper / Markers / Cards
A wire-framing tool like Balsamiq
Present your wireframe to the group
Anyone care to share?
The road to
Empowerment passes
through Enablement
Thank You!
@ D A N T H E I T M A N
D L E W I S @ J U D G E . C O M

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The document discusses considerations for developing a mobile application versus a mobile web site. It notes that mobile apps can access native device features but have a higher development and maintenance cost. Mobile websites have a lower cost but cannot access certain device capabilities and may have a less rich user experience. The document also examines different types of mobile apps and strategies for marketing an app within app marketplaces.

Mobile Web vs. Native apps
Mobile Web vs. Native appsMobile Web vs. Native apps
Mobile Web vs. Native apps

Building a mobile app is no easy task, and with all the options out there, picking the right technology is half the battle. This report, released by IQ, illustrates the differences between building a mobile web app and a native app. At the end is a scorecard to help readers decide which approach is right for them. For questions or more information, please contact IQ at

appswindows phone 7 appsiphone apps
Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014
Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014
Tech Trends and Best Practices for 2014

Jane Zhang covered 5 cutting-edge technology trends to watch out for in 2014, 5 more practical trends and how they affect the nonprofit sector, and practical tips on how to get your nonprofit prepared.

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Mobile in 2015 - eduWeb 2014

  • 1. Mobile Insights for 2015 AND BEYOND Dan Lewis Judge Consulting Group eduWeb 2014 - Baltimore
  • 2. Obligatory Bio Slide My name is: Dan Lewis I am from: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - USA I work for: The Judge Group, Inc. – A global professional services organization As the: Head of Mobile Solutions for Judge Consulting For my job I: Help diverse global organizations to better leverage mobile and web technology I used to: Build intranets, websites, and database stuff
  • 4. Platforms – 2013/14 Notable Notes Android • De-fragmentation strategy in place • Major growth continues • Dependency on OEMs BlackBerry • Not for sale – not a contender either • BBM for all (years late) iOS • Major refactoring and platform refresh • Slowed growth • 64-Bit strategy Windows • Major write-downs on Surface • Microsoft buys Nokia mobile Other • Firefox is in the wild • Samsung Tizen devices?
  • 5. Platforms – Smartphones 2013 MARKET SHARE (%) 2017 MARKET SHARE (%) 2013 Market Share (%) 2017 Market Share (%) Android 75.30% 68.30% iOS 16.90% 17.90% Windows Phone 3.90% 10.20% BlackBerry OS 2.70% 1.70% Others 1.20% 1.90% Global Smartphone Projected Platform Market Share Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, September 4, 2013
  • 6. OEMs - Smartphones 3Q12 UNIT SHIPMENTS (MILLIONS) 3Q12 MARKET SHARE (%) 3Q13 UNIT SHIPMENTS (MILLIONS) 3Q13 MARKET SHARE (%) 3Q12 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q12 Market Share (%) 3Q13 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q13 Market Share (%) Samsung 57.8 31.00% 81.2 31.40% Apple 26.9 14.40% 33.8 13.10% Huawei 7.1 3.80% 12.5 4.80% Lenovo 6.9 3.70% 12.3 4.70% LG 7 3.80% 12 4.60% Others 80.5 43.20% 106.6 41.30% Global Smartphone OEM Market Share and Totals Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, October 29, 2013
  • 7. OEMs - Tablets 3Q12 UNIT SHIPMENTS (MILLIONS) 3Q12 MARKET SHARE (%) 3Q13 UNIT SHIPMENTS (MILLIONS) 3Q13 MARKET SHARE (%) 3Q12 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q12 Market Share (%) 3Q13 Unit Shipments (millions) 3Q13 Market Share (%) Apple 14 40.20% 14.1 29.60% Samsung 4.3 12.40% 9.7 20.40% Asus 2.3 6.60% 3.5 7.40% Lenovo 0.4 1.10% 2.3 4.80% Acer 0.3 0.90% 1.2 2.50% Others 13.5 38.80% 16.8 35.30% Global Tablet OEM Market Share and Totals Source: IDC Worldwide Tablet Tracker, October 30, 2013
  • 8. Tablets: The New Normal 2012 2013 2014 2015 PC (Desk-Based and Notebook) Tablet (Ultramobile) Source: IDC Worldwide Tablet Tracker, July 2014
  • 9. 2015 - Trends to Watch WHAT WILL BE HOT
  • 12. Mobile and Location-Based Advertising Location is the new cookie •Collecting data has always been difficult because mobile does not support third-party cookies that travel easily across the ecosystem, allowing for straightforward tracking and data-gathering. •That's where location-based mobile technology comes in. It gives marketers new ways to identify and track mobile audiences, and with the aid of algorithms, it can also group them into behavioral and demographic segments for targeting. Money is flowing into location- based mobile marketing •A recent survey of 400 brand executives by Balihoo found that 91% planned to increase their investments in location-based marketing campaigns in 2013. •Finally, a study by Berg Insight found that location-enabled ad spend reached about 8% of total mobile ad spend for 2012. This proportion is expected to increase to 33% by 2017. Location-based data is driving much of the interest - and success •Enabling campaigns with local data produces measurable results. •In a study of over 2,500 of its mobile marketing campaigns, Verve found that its location-based ad efforts were about twice as effective as the mobile industry average click-through rate (CTR) of 0.4%. •Geo-aware ads, geo-fenced ads, and location data paired with audience demographics or purchase intent are all proving to be extremely successful. Source: Business Insider August 2013
  • 13. Internet of Things •$8.9 Trillion Market •212 Billion Connected “Things” By 2020: Source: IDC February 2014
  • 14. IT is Losing Control Bring Your Own Everything Source: 2001 Australian Grand Prix
  • 15. How are we building this stuff? ALL OF THE “GEEK SPEAK”
  • 16. Mobile Web vs Responsive vs App vs ??? Source: Brad Frost
  • 17. Native vs Hybrid vs Web Native • Best performance • 3D and Gaming • App store presence • Expensive – especially across platforms Hybrid • Native SDK access • App store presence • Performance can be questionable • Cross-platform faster/cheaper than Native Web • No Native SDK access • Not offline-friendly • Low cost of entry • Cross-platform cheapest of all
  • 18. Rethinking the Enterprise Lifecycle Frequent Platform Updates Constant Application Patches Short Hardware Lifespan Specific Testing is Mandatory Multi-Device Users
  • 22. Figure out a few tasks Each group should come up with 3 mobile & touch friendly tasks Each group will present their tasks at the end
  • 23. Some examples Enabling a customer to document and file an automotive insurance claim Giving a customer the ability to deposit a check to their bank account with their device Providing a way for field sales staff to document their customer interactions Enable employees access to their payroll and PTO information on the go
  • 24. The Mobile Scorecard The Questions Yes? No? Will a person have value and be able to do this on the go? Can the task be performed “offline”? Can performing the task leverage the device’s sensors? Does the task interact with existing content on the device? Can the task be performed with simple user responses? Does the task work well when touch is a user response mechanism?
  • 25. Anyone care to share?
  • 27. Empowering Mobile Content Creation THE MOBILE WORKER WILL BE ENABLED
  • 28. Who is a mobile worker? Courtesy: Frank Carter
  • 33. How has this worker’s mobile toolset evolved?
  • 34. From Email & Calendar
  • 37. Soon we will be creating
  • 38. Empower the ability to create
  • 39. Treat clients as more than consumers
  • 40. Collect and curate mobile content
  • 45. Is this being done today? AND BY WHO?
  • 47. Waze
  • 49. What is preventing us from creating the way we do on a PC? AND IS IT REALLY A PROBLEM?
  • 54. What is the new input pattern? WHAT CAN REPLACE THE KEYBOARD & MOUSE?
  • 59. Only you will decide
  • 61. Let’s make some wireframes! Develop Wireframes for a task from the first exercise Use Paper / Markers / Cards OR A wire-framing tool like Balsamiq Present your wireframe to the group
  • 62. Anyone care to share?
  • 63. The road to Empowerment passes through Enablement A FINAL THOUGHT
  • 64. Thank You! D A N L E W I S J U D G E C O N S U L T I N G G R O U P @ D A N T H E I T M A N D L E W I S @ J U D G E . C O M