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Varnish Cache 
and its usage in the real world 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
About me 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
• Technical Consultant, Owner at EcomDev B.V. 
• Started as one of the first five developers in original Magento 
core team 
• Magento Developer Coach in Europe 
• Main areas of my expertise: 
– System Architecture 
– Performance Optimization 
– Test Driven Development 
– Complex Customizations
is not a cache backend 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
is a frontend caching proxy 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento

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The document discusses eCommerce and the Magento platform. It defines eCommerce as the purchase and sale of goods and services over electronic systems like the internet. It outlines benefits of eCommerce like no checkout queues and access to a global market. The document then provides an overview of the Magento eCommerce platform, noting that it is open source and widely used, with over 240,000 merchants. It describes Magento's benefits including being open source, having SEO-friendly URLs, security features, and a large community.

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Simple Workflow 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
First call to a page
Simple Workflow 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
Subsequent requests
How Varnish Works 
hash pipe 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
hit miss pass 
• recv – request is received from client 
• pipe – direct output of backend data 
• hash – request is cacheable, lookup 
cache entry 
• pass – request is not cacheable 
• hit – cache entry is found 
• miss – cache entry not found 
• fetch – retrieval of data from 
• deliver – return data to client
What can we do with it? 
• Cache static pages (Homepage, CMS, Contacts, etc) 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
• Cache catalog pages: 
– Category listings 
– Product search results 
– Product view pages 
• Cache page parts: 
– CMS Blocks 
– Header 
– Footer

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Introduction to Magento - KNOWARTH
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Magento is an open-source CMS for e-commerce web sites. The software was originally developed by Varien Inc., a US private company headquartered in California. Varien published the first general-availability release of the software on March 31, 2008. Later sold share of the company to eBay, which is now the sole owner. More than 240,000 merchants worldwide. Based on 1. Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP 2. PHP - Zend Framework 3. JS - Prototype & Script E-Commerce website needs to be flexible, affordable and feature rich. Magento platform that will comply those criteria. Magento provides the following benefits: 1. Scalability 2. Flexible Content Management 3. Feature rich 4. Mobile Friendly 5. Extension rich 6. SEO Friendly 7. Integration with Third Party 8. Multi-Store and Multi-language support

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Is it possible to clear Varnish 
cache based on product, category, 
store, etc? 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
The Secret is in 
Cache Object structure 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
Cached Object in Varnish 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
Cached Object 
Response Headers 
Response Body 
Cache Metadata 
Cache Content
We just going to supply object ID with 
its type in response headers, so it later 
on can be used to flush pages 
containing our object. 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento

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But is it possible to make cache lifetime 
dynamic per product, category, etc? 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
You can supply a response header, 
that contains a TTL of the page. 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
So what should be done to implement 
Varnish in Magento with all the 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
Varnish in Magento 
• Collect current page objects, that are shown on the page. 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
Also add them into response headers. 
• Create a connector to a Varnish admin protocol, that will be 
used for flushing of the page by object ids. 
• Implement auto-updated AJAX blocks for: 
– Shopping cart 
– Wishlist 
– Customer Account links

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But I have good news: 
I alredy developed a module that gives you 
a solid foundation for using Varnish in your 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
Download URL: 
• Varnish 3.0 
• Minimal changes to your theme 
• Flush of cache on update of product, category, cms page, 
csm block, price rules 
• Client side cacheable AJAX placeholders (Cart, Wishlist, etc) 
• Possibility to make a cache based on customer segment 
• Cache for logged in users
Before you start using it… 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
• Make a list of dynamic blocks in your project: 
– Shopping Cart 
– Login blocks 
– Special Promo for Customer 
• Validate possible visitor segments of your project: 
– Customer group 
– Language / Country 
• Make a list of themes you need to modify
Making an element dynamic on varnish 
cached page 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento

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Code Sample Dynamic Block 
Layout File 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
<reference name=”parentBlock”> 
<action method="unsetChild”> 
<action method="append"> 
<action method="setBlockName"> 
<action method="setCookie"> 
<action method="setWrapperId"> 
• parentBlock – name of the parent 
• dynamicBlockAlias – alias of the 
dynamic block in parent block 
• dynamicBlockPlaceholder – unique 
name of your placeholder 
• dynamicBlock – name of the original 
dynamic block 
• dynamicCookie – name of the cookie 
for dynamic blocks 
• elementId – HTML ID for the 
placeholder div, that is going to be 
used as container
Available Dynamic Cookies 
• quote_checksum – checksum of the current quote contents 
• customer_checksum – checksum based on the customer 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
identification, if logged in customer gets changed 
• is_logged_in – boolean flag of the logged in state of the 
• segment_checksum – checksum of the current customer 
– customer group id 
– store view
How does it work? 
• Your original block gets wrapped by a custom div with some 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
JS code 
• When customer visits a page, JS checks for a cookie value 
and compares it with latest saved one in local/session 
• If it is different it requests /varnish/ajax/reload for retrieving 
dynamic content and saves it to local/session storage 
• If it is the same, it just updates block from local/session 
Adding custom TTL for a page 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento

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Varnish Cache and its usage in the real world!
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Varnish Cache and its usage in the real world!

Ivan Chepurnyi discussed Varnish Cache and its usage in Magento. Varnish is a frontend caching proxy that caches static and dynamic content to improve site performance. It works by caching responses from the backend server and delivering cached responses to subsequent requests when possible. Ivan described how to use the EcomDev_Varnish module to implement dynamic content, custom caching rules, and automatic cache clearing in Magento with Varnish. He also compared Varnish to Magento's built-in full page cache and outlined his open source roadmap for 2014.

Code Sample Custom TTL 
Code Block 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
// Somewhere in your code you just simply call it 
// Varnish module will take the lowest value in array of TTL that were added 
Making custom page cacheable 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
Code Sample Custom Page 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
<label>Your Page Name</label> 
• layout_handle_name – full 
name of the layout handle that 
should be cacheable 
• your_module – name of the 
module used for translation of 
• Your Page Name – name of 
your pages, that will be shown 
in System Configuration - 
Varnish Cache 
• 360 – default cache lifetime of 
the page
Varnish vs Full Page Cache 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
• Avg. time to first byte 30ms 
• Dedicated software 
• Tools to monitor cache usage 
• Scalable 
• Requires adaptation of themes for 
dynamic parts 
• Possibility to flush group of pages 
Magento FPC implementation 
• Avg. time to first byte 300-400ms 
• Magento code level 
• N/A 
• Only as another backend node 
• Most of the time it is not required 
• N/A

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Varnish & Magento TechTalk @Lyracons
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## Lyracons TechTalk on Varnish & Magento ## - Speakers: Gustavo G. Moyano and Ezequiel Kupelian - Scope: Understanding what Varnish is (and isn't), how we can use it with Magento shops, best practices and ways to further optimize it

But why do I need to use 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
EcomDev_Varnish vs the others 
• Cache lifetime specified on Magento code level, without 
Ivan Chepurnyi 
Meet Magento 
changing VCL 
• By using collectors & processors, it can be easily extended 
to support additional entities 
• Client-side cacheable dynamic parts 
• Cache enabled for all kind of visitors 
• Saves your money on hardware
The choice is up to you! 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
We are hiring!!! Join Us 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento

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Thank You! 
Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento

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  • 2. About me Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento • Technical Consultant, Owner at EcomDev B.V. • Started as one of the first five developers in original Magento core team • Magento Developer Coach in Europe • Main areas of my expertise: – System Architecture – Performance Optimization – Test Driven Development – Complex Customizations
  • 3. Varnish is not a cache backend Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 4. Varnish is a frontend caching proxy Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
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  • 6. Simple Workflow Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento Subsequent requests
  • 7. How Varnish Works hash pipe fetch Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento recv hit miss pass deliver • recv – request is received from client • pipe – direct output of backend data (streaming) • hash – request is cacheable, lookup cache entry • pass – request is not cacheable • hit – cache entry is found • miss – cache entry not found • fetch – retrieval of data from backend • deliver – return data to client
  • 8. What can we do with it? • Cache static pages (Homepage, CMS, Contacts, etc) Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento • Cache catalog pages: – Category listings – Product search results – Product view pages • Cache page parts: – CMS Blocks – Header – Footer
  • 9. Is it possible to clear Varnish cache based on product, category, store, etc? YES!!! Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 10. The Secret is in Cache Object structure Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 11. Cached Object in Varnish Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento Cached Object Response Headers Response Body Cache Metadata Cache Content
  • 12. We just going to supply object ID with its type in response headers, so it later on can be used to flush pages containing our object. Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 13. But is it possible to make cache lifetime dynamic per product, category, etc? YES!!! Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 14. You can supply a response header, that contains a TTL of the page. Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 15. So what should be done to implement Varnish in Magento with all the benefits? Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 16. Varnish in Magento • Collect current page objects, that are shown on the page. Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento Also add them into response headers. • Create a connector to a Varnish admin protocol, that will be used for flushing of the page by object ids. • Implement auto-updated AJAX blocks for: – Shopping cart – Wishlist – Customer Account links
  • 17. But I have good news: I alredy developed a module that gives you a solid foundation for using Varnish in your project! Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 18. EcomDev_Varnish Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento Download URL: Requires: • Varnish 3.0 • Minimal changes to your theme Supports: • Flush of cache on update of product, category, cms page, csm block, price rules • Client side cacheable AJAX placeholders (Cart, Wishlist, etc) • Possibility to make a cache based on customer segment • Cache for logged in users
  • 19. Before you start using it… Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento • Make a list of dynamic blocks in your project: – Shopping Cart – Login blocks – Special Promo for Customer • Validate possible visitor segments of your project: – Customer group – Language / Country • Make a list of themes you need to modify
  • 20. Making an element dynamic on varnish cached page Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 21. Code Sample Dynamic Block Layout File Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento <default_varnish> <reference name=”parentBlock”> <action method="unsetChild”> <block>dynamicBlockAlias</block> </action> <block as="dynamicBlockAlias” name=”dynamicBlockPlaceholder" template="ecomdev/varnish/wrapper/placeholder.phtml" type="core/template"> <action method="append"> <block>dynamicBlock</block> </action> <action method="setBlockName"> <block>dynamicBlock</block> </action> <action method="setCookie"> <cookie>dynamicCookie</cookie> </action> <action method="setWrapperId"> <htmlId>elementId</htmlId> </action> </block> </reference> </default_varnish> • parentBlock – name of the parent block • dynamicBlockAlias – alias of the dynamic block in parent block • dynamicBlockPlaceholder – unique name of your placeholder • dynamicBlock – name of the original dynamic block • dynamicCookie – name of the cookie for dynamic blocks • elementId – HTML ID for the placeholder div, that is going to be used as container
  • 22. Available Dynamic Cookies • quote_checksum – checksum of the current quote contents • customer_checksum – checksum based on the customer Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento identification, if logged in customer gets changed • is_logged_in – boolean flag of the logged in state of the visitor • segment_checksum – checksum of the current customer segment: – customer group id – store view
  • 23. How does it work? • Your original block gets wrapped by a custom div with some Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento JS code • When customer visits a page, JS checks for a cookie value and compares it with latest saved one in local/session storage • If it is different it requests /varnish/ajax/reload for retrieving dynamic content and saves it to local/session storage • If it is the same, it just updates block from local/session storage
  • 24. Adding custom TTL for a page Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 25. Code Sample Custom TTL Code Block Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento // Somewhere in your code you just simply call it // Varnish module will take the lowest value in array of TTL that were added Mage::helper(‘ecomdev_varnish’) ->addTtl($timeInSeconds);
  • 26. Making custom page cacheable Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 27. Code Sample Custom Page config.xml Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento <config> <varnish> <pages> <layout_handle_name translate="label" module=”your_module"> <label>Your Page Name</label> </layout_handle_name> </pages> </varnish> <default> <varnish> <pages> <layout_handle_name_time>360</layout_handle_name_ time> </pages> </varnish> </default> </config> • layout_handle_name – full name of the layout handle that should be cacheable • your_module – name of the module used for translation of label • Your Page Name – name of your pages, that will be shown in System Configuration - Varnish Cache • 360 – default cache lifetime of the page
  • 28. Varnish vs Full Page Cache Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento Varnish • Avg. time to first byte 30ms • Dedicated software • Tools to monitor cache usage • Scalable • Requires adaptation of themes for dynamic parts • Possibility to flush group of pages Magento FPC implementation • Avg. time to first byte 300-400ms • Magento code level • N/A • Only as another backend node • Most of the time it is not required • N/A
  • 29. But why do I need to use EcomDev_Varnish? Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 30. EcomDev_Varnish vs the others • Cache lifetime specified on Magento code level, without Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento changing VCL • By using collectors & processors, it can be easily extended to support additional entities • Client-side cacheable dynamic parts • Cache enabled for all kind of visitors • Saves your money on hardware
  • 31. The choice is up to you! Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 32. We are hiring!!! Join Us Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
  • 33. Thank You! Ivan Chepurnyi Meet Magento
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