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API Design
Best practices
Igor Miniailo
Magento 2 Architect
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 2
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 3
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 4
Why is API so crucial?

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Jacopo Nardiello - From CI to Prod: Running Magento at scale with Kubernetes
Jacopo Nardiello - From CI to Prod: Running Magento at scale with KubernetesJacopo Nardiello - From CI to Prod: Running Magento at scale with Kubernetes
Jacopo Nardiello - From CI to Prod: Running Magento at scale with Kubernetes

Developing and running web applications has become much more than just writing code. Business and engineers are now required to solve a new set of challenges which range from microservices architectures to set up software delivery pipelines, while releasing constantly new features. In this context, automation is key. With Container-based architectures and Kubernetes we are on the verge of a copernican revolution in the way we handle operations and design our applications. The so called Cloud-Native stack open doors to unprecedented resilience, scalability and efficiency but the price to pay is complexity: Containers are a fundamental shift which require to re-think how components of your applications and infrastructure are developed and deployed. In this talk we discussed the Domain specific concepts that power Kubernetes and how they apply to Magento. We immersed ourselves deeply on the architectural choices and challenges of running a production ready Magento deployment on Kubernetes and we will see hands-on how to fully automate the deployment lifecycle, web applications scaling (reducing scaling time from minutes to seconds), failures handling and self-healing. The speech has been held with Simone Fantini -System Administrator & Magento Specialist – neen

James Zetlen - PWA Studio Integration…With You
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James Zetlen - PWA Studio Integration…With You

Magento PWA Studio not just for Magento: it’s for making all kinds of Progressive Web Apps. And it’s not just for PWAs: it’s for helping developers to get work done. Though we conceived PWA Studio as the way to create PWAs that belong in the extensible Magento ecosystem, we are building it to be useful for any frontend developer, inside or outside the world of Magento. Our standard app architecture uses beloved modern frontend ingredients. You may already know them; if not, you can learn them from a large online community. As Magento joins the busy world of modern Web frontend, you can join us there too. Come see the many ways you can use PWA Studio tools and the many ways you can contribute to them.

Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2. #MM17CZ
Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2. #MM17CZBackward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2. #MM17CZ
Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2. #MM17CZ

This document discusses Magento's approach to backward compatibility (BC). It explains that Magento uses semantic versioning to minimize breaking changes. Magento aims to balance keeping the codebase BC while still fixing flaws. The document outlines what constitutes public APIs and SPIs and how modules should depend on these. It provides examples of permitted and prohibited code changes to maintain BC. It acknowledges that BC fixes can look ugly but emphasizes the importance of continuous refactoring to improve code quality over time.

magento2backward compatibilitymagento
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 5
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 6
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 7
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 8
Semantic Versioning
Version numbers are in the format
– MAJOR indicates incompatible API changes
– MINOR indicates backward-compatible
functionality has been added
– PATCH indicates backward-compatible bug

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Mli 2017 technical backward compatibility
Mli 2017 technical backward compatibilityMli 2017 technical backward compatibility
Mli 2017 technical backward compatibility

This document discusses Magento's policy and approach to backward compatibility. It provides an overview of Magento's versioning strategy and semantic versioning. It outlines the rules for dependency management and prohibited code changes to maintain backward compatibility. The key points are that Magento aims to balance backward compatibility fixes with code quality improvements, and that backward compatibility is prioritized over implementation effort. Backward compatible changes should be implemented following best practices to maintain clean code.

magento merchantscompatibility
Magento 2 Declarative Schema
Magento 2 Declarative SchemaMagento 2 Declarative Schema
Magento 2 Declarative Schema

The document discusses Magento 2.3's new declarative schema feature for managing database schemas. Declarative schema provides an alternative to setup scripts that avoids issues like missed SQL operations and makes rollbacks and testing easier. It works by declaring schema elements like tables, columns, indexes in an XML file. Modules can then be installed and uninstalled while maintaining the expected schema state. The document covers how to declare different database elements and use features like dry-run testing and safe mode operations. It also discusses converting existing modules from setup scripts to the new declarative schema.

magento2magentodeclarative schema
Mli 2017 technical EQP & marketplace
Mli 2017 technical EQP & marketplaceMli 2017 technical EQP & marketplace
Mli 2017 technical EQP & marketplace

This document summarizes Magento's Extension Quality Program (EQP) process and findings. It reports that 50% of submitted extensions fail to compile in production mode, and of those that do compile, only 25% pass manual quality assurance testing. The top 5 issues found are extensions not compiling in production mode, compiling but not working properly in production mode, incompatibility with claimed Magento versions, poor error handling, and lack of adherence to coding standards. The document outlines planned improvements to the EQP including increased automation of testing and integration with Magento Marketplace.

hanoi magentomeetupextensionseqp
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 9
The backward compatibility policy
applies to PHP code annotated with
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 10
Public and Private code
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 11
Public vs Private code
Private code is not supposed to
be used by third party modules,
so, in most cases, its
modifications will only trigger
PATCH version bumps.
Changes in public code always
trigger MINOR or MAJOR
version bumps.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 12
What examples of Public code Magento has?
• PHP Interface (marked with @api)
• PHP Class (marked with @api)
• Javascript Interface (marked with @api)
• Javascript Class (marked with @api)
• Virtual Type (marked with @api)
• URL paths
• Console commands and their arguments
• Less Variables & Mixins
• Message queue topics and their data types
• UI component declarations
• Layout handles declared by modules
• Events triggered by component (both static dynamic)
• Schema of configuration types introduced by module
• Structure of System Configuration fields used by module

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Mli 2017 technical powering tomorrow_2.2
Mli 2017 technical powering tomorrow_2.2Mli 2017 technical powering tomorrow_2.2
Mli 2017 technical powering tomorrow_2.2

Power Tomorrow: Understanding Magento 2.2 Credit: Magento Live India 2017 Website:

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Webinar - Rapise v6.6 | New Features and Enhancements
Webinar - Rapise v6.6 | New Features and EnhancementsWebinar - Rapise v6.6 | New Features and Enhancements
Webinar - Rapise v6.6 | New Features and Enhancements

This presentation was delivered as part of the Rapise webinar series and highlights the latest features in Inflectra's scriptless test automation platform - Rapise v6.6. The presentation covers: - Rapise 6.6 new features: CI/CD integration, Git integration, and Framework building. - Rapise 6.6 system enhancements: Reporting, Rapise Launcher, API Testing; new Actions to already supported Objects. To learn more about Rapise, visit

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Org-dependent Unlocked Packages for ISVs
Org-dependent Unlocked Packages for ISVsOrg-dependent Unlocked Packages for ISVs
Org-dependent Unlocked Packages for ISVs

For ISVs who are currently providing solutions to individual subscribers or system integration (SI) partners via unmanaged packages, org-dependent unlocked packages can provide a better & faster implementation experience as well as improve stability.

© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 13
API vs SPI (Extension Points)
A PHP Interface in Magento can be used several ways by the core
product and extension developers.
• As an API. is a set of interfaces and their
implementations that a module provides to other
• As a Service Provider Interface (SPI). is a set of
interfaces that a module uses internally and allows their
implementation by other modules.
• As both. APIs and SPIs are not mutually exclusive.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 14
After the code is released, both API and SPI can
be evolved in a backwards-compatible way. But
both have their specific limitations.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 15
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 16

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TRAX technical highlights
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TRAX technical highlights

Name: Bob Nemec Title: Seaside based custom ERP system youtube: Type: Talk Abstract: TRAX is a custom, in-house Seaside ERP system written for, and used by, HTS, an industrial HVAC sales company. We use VisualWorks to build, manage and test the code, and GemStone to deploy it. Running since September 2015, the application continues to be developed and adapted to the changing needs of the business. This talk will highlight some of the design choices and technical decisions we’ve made, and the agile development process we use. Bio: Bob Nemec is the Software Architect of TRAX. Bob has worked with Smalltalk since 1990, and used it exclusively to build commercial systems since 1994.

Magento Community Hangouts 10 Feb, 2021 PHP 8 support
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Magento Community Hangouts 10 Feb, 2021 PHP 8 support

PHP releases are supported for 2 years with active support and 1 additional year of security support. PHP 8.1 is expected this autumn. Migrating Magento 2 to be compatible with PHP 8 will require updating dependencies, testing the codebase, and ensuring extensions are compatible. The Magento community has started a PHP 8 Compatibility Project to address these challenges through a dedicated code branch, documentation, and involvement from core contributors and partners.

Major Spira v6.3 Usability & Performance Enhancements Unveiled
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Inflectra is proud to bring you a highly anticipated Spira v.6.3 and a webinar to go with it. Presented by Technical Director Adam Sandman, this webinar goes over the major enhancements available in SpiraTest, SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan version 6.3.

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© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 17
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 18
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 19
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 20
We do not distinguish them separately.
SPIs are annotated the same as APIs.

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Testing in Magento 2
Testing in Magento 2 Testing in Magento 2
Testing in Magento 2

Testing in Magento 2 by examples of Multi-Source Inventory Project (MSI) - Unit Testing and how to do them right. - Tautological Test Driven Development - Integration Testing - Example of Reservation mechanism in MSI and Integration test coverage for it - Web API testing (REST, SOAP)

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MageConf 2017, Design API Best Practices
MageConf 2017, Design API Best PracticesMageConf 2017, Design API Best Practices
MageConf 2017, Design API Best Practices

Functional Programming for Service Layer architecture. Examples of API evolution on Magento 2 codebase

API design best practices
API design best practicesAPI design best practices
API design best practices

- Magento MSI Service Layer - Public and Private code - API vs SPI (Service Provider Interface) - Backward Compatibility requirements and prohibited code changes - Refactoring - Functional programming and functors - Single-method immutable objects - Examples of Good Interfaces - Why Execute but not __invoke - Magento Repositories

magentomagento 2api
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 21
Who decides whether interface/class belong to API or SPI?
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 22
Dependency Rules API
If a module uses (calls) an API, it should be dependent on the MAJOR
API dependency example
"require": {
"magento/module-customer": "~100.0", // (>=100.0 <101.0.0)
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 23
Dependency Rules SPI
If a module implements an API/SPI, it should be dependent on the
MAJOR+MINOR version.
SPI dependency example
"require": {
"magento/module-customer": "~100.0.0", // (>=100.0.0 <100.1.0)
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 24

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Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide Webinar
Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide WebinarBackward Compatibility Developer's Guide Webinar
Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide Webinar

Magento 2 BC policies and refactoring being done taking into account Backward Compatibility requirements

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Magento 2 Best Practice MLUK17
Magento 2 Best Practice MLUK17Magento 2 Best Practice MLUK17
Magento 2 Best Practice MLUK17

The best practices around your upgrade from Magento 1 to Magento 2. See example and other factors that will impact your upgrade.

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Eugene Shaksuvarov - Tuning Magento 2 for Maximum Performance
Eugene Shaksuvarov - Tuning Magento 2 for Maximum PerformanceEugene Shaksuvarov - Tuning Magento 2 for Maximum Performance
Eugene Shaksuvarov - Tuning Magento 2 for Maximum Performance

Performance of Magento 2 has been a hot topic for a while, with many controversial opinions and figures around the community. This talk is intended to guide a developer from configuring the website for maximum performance to measuring the results of such tuning using the Magento Performance Toolkit, profiling the problematic areas and measuring once again, all using the same approaches as the core engineering team.

magento developmentmagentomagento2
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 25
Prohibited Code Changes
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 26
• Interface/class removal
• Public & protected method removal
• Introduction of a method to a class or
PHP - Prohibited Code Changes
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 27
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 28

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Automated Testing in Magento 2
Automated Testing in Magento 2Automated Testing in Magento 2
Automated Testing in Magento 2

This document discusses automated testing approaches for Magento 2, including unit testing, integration testing, and functional testing. It provides examples of unit tests using mocks and isolation. It also covers testing the Magento REST API using tools like Swagger. The document emphasizes qualities of good tests like readability, stability, and speed. It provides resources on testing techniques like fixtures, annotations, and predefined IDs to improve test isolation, readability, and speed.

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Magento 2 Automated Testing via examples of Multi-Source Inventory (MSI)
Magento 2 Automated Testing via examples of Multi-Source Inventory (MSI)Magento 2 Automated Testing via examples of Multi-Source Inventory (MSI)
Magento 2 Automated Testing via examples of Multi-Source Inventory (MSI)

- Unit Testing - Tautological Unit testing - Integration testing - Web API - Functional testing - Static testing (LiveCoding) - Examples of test coverage in Magento Multi-Source Inventory

magentomagento2magento 2
Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2
Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2
Backward Compatibility Developer's Guide in Magento 2

Presentation made on Meet Magento Croatia 2017 - Why Backward Compatibility matters - Public vs Private code - Semantic Versioning and Dependency Rules - APIs vs SPIs (Extension Points) concept - Prohibited Code changes - How to make Refactoring complying with Backward Compatibility policy (SuppressWarning Coupling Between Objects)

magento 2semantic versioningapi
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 29
PHP - Prohibited Code Changes
• Static function removal
• Parameter addition in public methods
• Parameter addition in protected
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 30
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 31
PHP - Prohibited Code Changes
• Method argument type modification
• Modification of types of thrown
exceptions (unless a new exception is
a subtype of the old one)
• Constructor modification
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 32
class ExistingClass
* @var NewDependencyInterface $newDependency
private $newDependency;
public function __construct(
OldDependencyIntreface $oldDependency,
$oldOptinalConstructorParameter = null,
NewDependencyInterface $newDependency = null
) {
$this>newDependency = $newDependency ?: MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance()
public function existingFunction() {
// Existing functionality
// Use $this->newDependency wherever the new dependency is needed

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API Design Best Practices by Igor Miniailo
API Design Best Practices by Igor MiniailoAPI Design Best Practices by Igor Miniailo
API Design Best Practices by Igor Miniailo

This document discusses best practices for Magento API design. It covers semantic versioning, distinguishing between public and private code, prohibited backwards-incompatible code changes, refactoring objects to reduce dependencies, and repository patterns. Maintaining backwards compatibility is important, but continuous refactoring is also needed to prevent code quality issues. Upcoming Magento events in Ukraine are also listed.

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A long way from Monolith to Service Isolated Architecture #MM19NL
A long way from Monolith to Service Isolated Architecture #MM19NLA long way from Monolith to Service Isolated Architecture #MM19NL
A long way from Monolith to Service Isolated Architecture #MM19NL

Problem: The application grows in size. Becomes harder to understand Merchants customization grows in complexity This pushes Magento for longer release cycles Harder for merchants to experiment and react to market needs quickly Solution: Service Isolation

Mli 2017 technical first steps to building secure Magento extensions
Mli 2017 technical first steps to building secure Magento extensionsMli 2017 technical first steps to building secure Magento extensions
Mli 2017 technical first steps to building secure Magento extensions

First Steps to Building Secure Magento Extensions Credit: Magento Live India 2017 Website:

extensionmagento web agencysecurity
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 33
PHP - Prohibited Code Changes
• Modifying the default values of
optional arguments in public and
protected methods
• Removing or renaming constants
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 34
The main rule is that backwards compatibility
is more important than niceness and effort of
the implementation.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 35
Coupling Between Objects Reaches Its Limit with
a New Dependency
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 36
We MUST do continuous Refactoring!
Backward Compatibility should not be an excuse
for not doing refactoring!

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The long way from Monolith to Microservices
The long way from Monolith to MicroservicesThe long way from Monolith to Microservices
The long way from Monolith to Microservices

Agenda: Magento 1. Big ball of Mud SOLID and Single Responsibility Performance vs Scalability Coupling vs Cohesion Bounded contexts and their Boundaries CAP Theorem ACID vs BASE Modularity as a first step towards micro-services Headless Magento Service Isolation (Code and DB split) Conway's law Microservice architecture

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Oleksii Korshenko - Magento 2 Backwards Compatible Policy
Oleksii Korshenko - Magento 2 Backwards Compatible PolicyOleksii Korshenko - Magento 2 Backwards Compatible Policy
Oleksii Korshenko - Magento 2 Backwards Compatible Policy

Since publishing Magento 2.0.0 on November 2015, we’ve extended the codebase with sixteen 2.x patch releases and 1 minor release. We understand that the Magento 2.x upgrade process is challenging and can raise compatibility issues for extension developers. To simplify this upgrade process, the Magento 2 development team has prepared a Backward Compatibility policy, which is specifically focused on minimizing compatibility issues with Magento 2 extensions. In this presentation, we has discussed Magento’s 2.x Backward Compatibility policy. We has identified the code that you can rely on during extension development, as well as the parts of Magento 2.x codebase where we might introduce breaking changes in upcoming patch or minor releases. We also has shared our best practices for how to optimally configure dependencies on Magento 2.x packages to improve the compatibility of your extensions.

backward compatibility policymagento2meet magento italy
Architecture and Analytical Study of Magento
Architecture and Analytical Study of MagentoArchitecture and Analytical Study of Magento
Architecture and Analytical Study of Magento

This document provides an overview of the Magento e-commerce platform, including its architecture, module development process, and use of caching technologies like Redis. It discusses how Magento uses a modified MVC framework and describes setting up modules, creating admin routes, and improving analytics. Magento is an open-source platform suitable for large retailers due to its built-in features and flexibility. Modules extend its functionality and analytics can be improved through plugins to study user behavior and identify areas for improvement. Caching with Redis provides faster performance for data-intensive e-commerce sites compared to alternative technologies like Memcached.

© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 37
Backward Compatible Fix
*it works (most of the time), but code quality
is far from good enough
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 38
Good object oriented programming in the service layer is basically
functional programming:
• constructor injection
• immutable state
• single responsibility principle
• uniform interfaces
• value objects passed across services
Bringing these concepts to an extreme leads to single-method,
immutable objects.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 39
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 40
Why execute but not __invoke?

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Magento 2.2: It's Coming Right For You! | Colorado Magento MeetupMagento 2.2: It's Coming Right For You! | Colorado Magento Meetup
Magento 2.2: It's Coming Right For You! | Colorado Magento Meetup

Magento 2.2 is getting ready for official release, let's take a look at some of the improvements and new features included in this platform update. Learn more at:

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Beyond Gerrit @ Gerrit User Summit 2017, London
Beyond Gerrit @ Gerrit User Summit 2017, LondonBeyond Gerrit @ Gerrit User Summit 2017, London
Beyond Gerrit @ Gerrit User Summit 2017, London

Gerrit is great, however it is also quite an important part of a bigger DevOps process. In this talk I will describe how multiple tools can be unified under a TeamForge or better DLM umbrella and what are the immediate benefits of it.

Magento 2.3 Schema and Data Patches
Magento 2.3 Schema and Data PatchesMagento 2.3 Schema and Data Patches
Magento 2.3 Schema and Data Patches

This document discusses different types of Magento patches including schema patches, data patches, version patches, and revertable patches. It explains where these patches are defined, the interfaces they implement, and how they are applied and reverted. It also introduces new CLI commands for generating patches and discusses uninstalling modules.

declarative schemamagentomagento2
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 41
• Return Types
• Scalar Type hinting
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 42
In Magento 2 Repositories are considered as an implementation
of Facade pattern which provides a simplified interface to a larger body
of code responsible for Domain Entity management.
The main intention is to make API more readable and reduce
dependencies of business logic code on the inner workings of a
module, since most code uses the facade, thus allowing more flexibility
in developing the system.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 43
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 44

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Architecture and workflow of Multi-Source Inventory
Architecture and workflow of Multi-Source InventoryArchitecture and workflow of Multi-Source Inventory
Architecture and workflow of Multi-Source Inventory

Magento Multi-Source Inventory (MSI) architecture overview. - Description of Reservation mechanism - How MSI will improve Magento checkout performance - Business Value of MSI Minimal Viable Product

Monitoring your cache effectiveness in Magento 2
Monitoring your cache effectiveness in Magento 2Monitoring your cache effectiveness in Magento 2
Monitoring your cache effectiveness in Magento 2

The Full Page Cache in Magento 2 uses Varnish and is an essential element to empower a performant and scalable solution. But how effective is this cache on your site? It is not always that easy to understand or see, I will discuss approaches to obtain relevant data, and methods to process this into meaningful and actionable information.

Yaroslav Rogoza - Development Environment: Local or Remote?
Yaroslav Rogoza - Development Environment: Local or Remote?Yaroslav Rogoza - Development Environment: Local or Remote?
Yaroslav Rogoza - Development Environment: Local or Remote?

Discovering ways to handle development environments that would make Magento development more productive and efficient. Khmelnytskyi Magento Meetup

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© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 45
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 46
Good API design
Don't make your client do anything you can do
for them (this reduces the amount of boilerplate
code your client will have)
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 47
Headless Magento
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 48

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Magento 2 performance comparison in different environments by Yaroslav Rogoza...
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Magento 2 performance comparison in different environments by Yaroslav Rogoza...

This document summarizes the results of benchmark tests performed on a Magento 2 site to evaluate performance in different environments. It shows loading times for various site operations like homepage load, category pages, product pages, search and account pages. Tests were run with standard and increased product/customer counts, different caching configurations, database engines and PHP versions. Loading times generally increased as product/customer volumes grew but were improved by adding Redis caching, database replication and upgrading to PHP 7.

Viacheslav Kravchuk. Working as a distributed company. Our journey. Meet Mage...
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Atwix has transitioned to being a distributed company over the past year. It grew from 15 employees working in one physical office and one person remotely, to over 20 employees working across two physical offices and three people remotely. The company now spans four time zones. A distributed company is defined as a group of individuals who work across time, space, and organizational boundaries connected through communication technology. Some of the key aspects of building a distributed company that were discussed include prioritizing communication, tracking performance metrics, addressing challenges of different time zones and locations, and emphasizing the benefits like increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

Сергей Иващенко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Цены в Magento 2
Сергей Иващенко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Цены в Magento 2Сергей Иващенко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Цены в Magento 2
Сергей Иващенко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Цены в Magento 2

The document discusses pricing in Magento 2. It covers the different types of prices that can be implemented including regular price, sale price, taxes, discounts. It also describes how pricing is organized through entities and templates to make it flexible and customizable. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how pricing is calculated and displayed for products.

meet magentomagentomeet magento ukraine
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 49
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 50
MSI Base Concept
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 51
* Load – Save – Delete
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 52
2 Business operations – 1 API
1. Stock Setting (Import, Synchronization with ERP)
2. Stock Deduction (Checkout)

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Александр Смага, Юрий Муратов - Meet Magento Ukraine - Технический обзор OroCRM Александр Смага, Юрий Муратов - Meet Magento Ukraine - Технический обзор OroCRM
Александр Смага, Юрий Муратов - Meet Magento Ukraine - Технический обзор OroCRM

Александр Смага, Юрий Муратов - Meet Magento Ukraine - Технический обзор OroCRM

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Иван Чепурный - Meet Magento Ukraine - Varnish Cache and its usage in the rea...
Иван Чепурный - Meet Magento Ukraine - Varnish Cache and its usage in the rea...Иван Чепурный - Meet Magento Ukraine - Varnish Cache and its usage in the rea...
Иван Чепурный - Meet Magento Ukraine - Varnish Cache and its usage in the rea...

The document discusses Varnish Cache and its usage for caching content and improving performance in Magento. It describes how Varnish works as a frontend caching proxy and how it can be used to cache pages and parts of pages in Magento. It also discusses how to make cache dynamic and flush pages based on products or categories using the EcomDev_Varnish module.

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Владимир Дубина - Meet Magento Ukraine - Data consistency
Владимир Дубина - Meet Magento Ukraine - Data consistencyВладимир Дубина - Meet Magento Ukraine - Data consistency
Владимир Дубина - Meet Magento Ukraine - Data consistency

This document discusses data consistency challenges that development teams face when working on complex enterprise projects using Magento. It outlines three main problems: how to store and share data changes between developers, how to migrate data changes between application instances, and how to bind code revisions to application data. The document evaluates different approaches like shared databases and migration scripts, and recommends best practices for using migrations like creating a global package and writing custom import/export APIs to manage complex application data. The overall goal is to establish a development center that can reliably build and deploy applications with consistent data.

meet magento ukrainemeet magentomagento
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 53
Bad designed APIs could lead to Big issues
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 54
The reason of DB Wait Lock on Checkout
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 55
Reservation - the entity is used when the order is placed and
we need to reserve some product quantity in stock.
Reservations are append only operations and help us to prevent
blocking operations and race conditions at the time of checkout.
Reservation mechanism
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 56
Order Placement – Step 1
France Warehouse
SKU-1: 5qty
EU Stock
SKU-1: 15qty
Italy Warehouse
SKU-1: 10qty
Raw data Index Reservations
No records
Available Qty: 15qty (data from index, empty reservations)

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Андрей Самиляк - Meet Magento Ukraine - Как мы играли в DevOps и как получилс...

Андрей Самиляк - Meet Magento Ukraine - Как мы играли в DevOps и как получился Magento Autoscale

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Сергей Кибиткин - Meet Magento Ukraine - Что вы никогда не сделаете в Magento
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Сергей Кибиткин - Meet Magento Ukraine - Что вы никогда не сделаете в Magento

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Макс Екатериненко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Magento 2 Overview
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Макс Екатериненко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Magento 2 Overview

This document provides an overview of Magento 2 including its goals, release approach, modernized technical stack, improved performance and scalability, streamlined customizations, easier installation and upgrades, and high code quality and testing standards. The key goals of Magento 2 are to use a modern technical stack, improve performance and scalability, streamline customizations, simplify external integrations, and make installation and upgrades easier.

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© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 57
Order Placement – Step 2
Action: Customer buys 5 products on frontend
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 58
Order Placement – Step 3
France Warehouse
SKU-1: 5qty
EU Stock
SKU-1: 15qty
Italy Warehouse
SKU-1: 10qty
Raw data Index Reservations
SKU-1: -5
Available Qty: 10qty (data from index 15, apply all reservations -5)
Data is NOT changed Reservation has been
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 59
Order Placement – Step 4
Action: Admin makes a re-order 3 products out of 5 returned,
and new order consists of 2 products
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 60
Order Placement – Step 5
France Warehouse
SKU-1: 5qty
EU Stock
SKU-1: 15qty
Italy Warehouse
SKU-1: 10qty
Raw data Index Reservations
SKU-1: -5
SKU-1: +3
Available Qty: 13qty (data from index 15, apply reservations -5+3)
Data is NOT changed
Reservation has been added

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Антон Капля - Meet Magento Ukraine - Кодогенератор в Magento
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Антон Капля - Meet Magento Ukraine - Кодогенератор в Magento

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Анатолій Денис - Meet Magento Ukraine - Migration to Magento - mission possible
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Анатолій Денис - Meet Magento Ukraine - Migration to Magento - mission possible

This document discusses migrating an online store from another platform to Magento. It provides reasons for migrating such as limited functionality and small communities in other platforms. Popular migrations to Magento include OpenCart, osCommerce and VirtueMart. The document outlines important steps for a successful migration including analyzing the source store, testing the data migration, updating Magento, and final data migration. It emphasizes the importance of planning the migration and testing all aspects of the new store.

meet magento ukrainemagentomeet magento
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 61
Order Placement – Step 6
Action: Admin completes order. Re-index was run.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 62
Order Placement – Step 7
France Warehouse
SKU-1: 3qty
EU Stock
SKU-1: 13qty
Italy Warehouse
SKU-1: 10qty
Raw data Index Reservations
SKU-1: -5
SKU-1: +3
SKU-1: +2
Available Qty: 13qty (data from index 13, apply reservations -5+3+2=0)
Data is CHANGED Compensation Reservation
has been added
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 63
Order Placement – Step 8
Action: Reservation cleaning
Looping through these reservations we could find reservations
which in sum gives 0 (Zero) and remove them.
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 64
Order Placement – Step 9
(like Step 1)
France Warehouse
SKU-1: 3qty
EU Stock
SKU-1: 13qty
Italy Warehouse
SKU-1: 10qty
Raw data Index Reservations
Available Qty: 13qty (data from index, empty reservations)
Data is NOT changed Reservations have been removed
No records

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Артем Кузнецов - Meet Magento Ukraine - инструменты для отдела поддержки, опы...

Артем Кузнецов - Meet Magento Ukraine - инструменты для отдела поддержки, опыт aheadWorks

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© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 65
API interface to test
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 66
So, what’s about testing?
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 67
What about fixtures?
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 68

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Елена Леонова - Meet Magento Ukraine - Трасформация в e-commerce с Magento
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Елена Леонова - Meet Magento Ukraine - Трасформация в e-commerce с Magento

The document discusses key trends in digital commerce and ecommerce, including the rise of mobile shopping and multi-channel experiences. It notes that Magento provides a flexible front-end and industrial back-end to help merchants attract, convert, deliver and retain customers across channels. Statistics are presented on Magento's merchant base and open source leadership. The roadmap for Magento 2 is outlined, with the goal of modernizing technologies to improve performance and scalability.

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This document discusses how open source e-commerce platforms like Magento can change the e-commerce industry. It notes that Magento has a large global community and ecosystem and that open source values like sharing knowledge can foster exchange of goods, money, and ideas. The document promotes Magento as a foundation for an independent community that connects people from around the world and enables good business opportunities.

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© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 69
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 70
#MageConf, Kyiv 15-16 of December
© 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 71
Q & A

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Igor Miniailo - Magento 2 API Design Best Practices

  • 1. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 1 API Design Best practices Igor Miniailo Magento 2 Architect
  • 2. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 2
  • 3. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 3
  • 4. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 4 Why is API so crucial?
  • 5. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 5
  • 6. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 6
  • 7. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 7
  • 8. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 8 Semantic Versioning Version numbers are in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where: – MAJOR indicates incompatible API changes – MINOR indicates backward-compatible functionality has been added – PATCH indicates backward-compatible bug fixes
  • 9. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 9 The backward compatibility policy applies to PHP code annotated with @api
  • 10. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 10 Public and Private code
  • 11. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 11 Public vs Private code Private code is not supposed to be used by third party modules, so, in most cases, its modifications will only trigger PATCH version bumps. Changes in public code always trigger MINOR or MAJOR version bumps.
  • 12. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 12 What examples of Public code Magento has? • PHP Interface (marked with @api) • PHP Class (marked with @api) • Javascript Interface (marked with @api) • Javascript Class (marked with @api) • Virtual Type (marked with @api) • URL paths • Console commands and their arguments • Less Variables & Mixins • Message queue topics and their data types • UI component declarations • Layout handles declared by modules • Events triggered by component (both static dynamic) • Schema of configuration types introduced by module • Structure of System Configuration fields used by module
  • 13. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 13 API vs SPI (Extension Points) A PHP Interface in Magento can be used several ways by the core product and extension developers. • As an API. is a set of interfaces and their implementations that a module provides to other modules • As a Service Provider Interface (SPI). is a set of interfaces that a module uses internally and allows their implementation by other modules. • As both. APIs and SPIs are not mutually exclusive.
  • 14. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 14 After the code is released, both API and SPI can be evolved in a backwards-compatible way. But both have their specific limitations.
  • 15. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 15
  • 16. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 16
  • 17. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 17
  • 18. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 18
  • 19. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 19
  • 20. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 20 We do not distinguish them separately. SPIs are annotated the same as APIs.
  • 21. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 21 Who decides whether interface/class belong to API or SPI? YOU
  • 22. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 22 Dependency Rules API If a module uses (calls) an API, it should be dependent on the MAJOR version. API dependency example { ... "require": { "magento/module-customer": "~100.0", // (>=100.0 <101.0.0) }, ... }
  • 23. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 23 Dependency Rules SPI If a module implements an API/SPI, it should be dependent on the MAJOR+MINOR version. SPI dependency example { ... "require": { "magento/module-customer": "~100.0.0", // (>=100.0.0 <100.1.0) }, ... }
  • 24. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 24 incompatible-changes-2.1.html
  • 25. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 25 Prohibited Code Changes
  • 26. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 26 • Interface/class removal • Public & protected method removal • Introduction of a method to a class or interface PHP - Prohibited Code Changes
  • 27. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 27 MagentoCatalogApiCategoryRepositoryInterface
  • 28. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 28 MagentoCatalogApiCategoryListInterface
  • 29. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 29 PHP - Prohibited Code Changes • Static function removal • Parameter addition in public methods • Parameter addition in protected methods
  • 30. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 30
  • 31. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 31 PHP - Prohibited Code Changes • Method argument type modification • Modification of types of thrown exceptions (unless a new exception is a subtype of the old one) • Constructor modification
  • 32. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 32 class ExistingClass { /** * @var NewDependencyInterface $newDependency */ private $newDependency; public function __construct( OldDependencyIntreface $oldDependency, $oldRequiredConstructorParameter, $oldOptinalConstructorParameter = null, NewDependencyInterface $newDependency = null ) { ... $this>newDependency = $newDependency ?: MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance() ->get(NewDependencyInterface::class); ... } public function existingFunction() { // Existing functionality ... // Use $this->newDependency wherever the new dependency is needed ... } }
  • 33. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 33 PHP - Prohibited Code Changes • Modifying the default values of optional arguments in public and protected methods • Removing or renaming constants
  • 34. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 34 The main rule is that backwards compatibility is more important than niceness and effort of the implementation.
  • 35. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 35 Coupling Between Objects Reaches Its Limit with a New Dependency
  • 36. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 36 We MUST do continuous Refactoring! Backward Compatibility should not be an excuse for not doing refactoring!
  • 37. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 37 Backward Compatible Fix *it works (most of the time), but code quality is far from good enough
  • 38. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 38 Good object oriented programming in the service layer is basically functional programming: • constructor injection • immutable state • single responsibility principle • uniform interfaces • value objects passed across services Bringing these concepts to an extreme leads to single-method, immutable objects.
  • 39. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 39
  • 40. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 40 Why execute but not __invoke?
  • 41. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 41 PHP 7 • Return Types • Scalar Type hinting
  • 42. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 42 Repositories In Magento 2 Repositories are considered as an implementation of Facade pattern which provides a simplified interface to a larger body of code responsible for Domain Entity management. The main intention is to make API more readable and reduce dependencies of business logic code on the inner workings of a module, since most code uses the facade, thus allowing more flexibility in developing the system.
  • 43. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 43 Repositories
  • 44. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 44
  • 45. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 45
  • 46. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 46 Good API design Don't make your client do anything you can do for them (this reduces the amount of boilerplate code your client will have)
  • 47. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 47 Headless Magento
  • 48. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 48 RESTful API
  • 49. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 49 Swagger
  • 50. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 50 MSI Base Concept
  • 51. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 51 LSD * Load – Save – Delete
  • 52. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 52 2 Business operations – 1 API 1. Stock Setting (Import, Synchronization with ERP) 2. Stock Deduction (Checkout)
  • 53. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 53 Bad designed APIs could lead to Big issues
  • 54. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 54 The reason of DB Wait Lock on Checkout
  • 55. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 55 Reservation - the entity is used when the order is placed and we need to reserve some product quantity in stock. Reservations are append only operations and help us to prevent blocking operations and race conditions at the time of checkout. Reservation mechanism
  • 56. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 56 Order Placement – Step 1 France Warehouse SKU-1: 5qty EU Stock SKU-1: 15qty Italy Warehouse SKU-1: 10qty Raw data Index Reservations No records Available Qty: 15qty (data from index, empty reservations)
  • 57. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 57 Order Placement – Step 2 Action: Customer buys 5 products on frontend
  • 58. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 58 Order Placement – Step 3 France Warehouse SKU-1: 5qty EU Stock SKU-1: 15qty Italy Warehouse SKU-1: 10qty Raw data Index Reservations SKU-1: -5 Available Qty: 10qty (data from index 15, apply all reservations -5) Data is NOT changed Reservation has been added
  • 59. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 59 Order Placement – Step 4 Action: Admin makes a re-order 3 products out of 5 returned, and new order consists of 2 products
  • 60. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 60 Order Placement – Step 5 France Warehouse SKU-1: 5qty EU Stock SKU-1: 15qty Italy Warehouse SKU-1: 10qty Raw data Index Reservations SKU-1: -5 SKU-1: +3 Available Qty: 13qty (data from index 15, apply reservations -5+3) Data is NOT changed Reservation has been added
  • 61. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 61 Order Placement – Step 6 Action: Admin completes order. Re-index was run.
  • 62. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 62 Order Placement – Step 7 France Warehouse SKU-1: 3qty EU Stock SKU-1: 13qty Italy Warehouse SKU-1: 10qty Raw data Index Reservations SKU-1: -5 SKU-1: +3 SKU-1: +2 Available Qty: 13qty (data from index 13, apply reservations -5+3+2=0) Data is CHANGED Compensation Reservation has been added
  • 63. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 63 Order Placement – Step 8 Action: Reservation cleaning Looping through these reservations we could find reservations which in sum gives 0 (Zero) and remove them.
  • 64. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 64 Order Placement – Step 9 (like Step 1) France Warehouse SKU-1: 3qty EU Stock SKU-1: 13qty Italy Warehouse SKU-1: 10qty Raw data Index Reservations Available Qty: 13qty (data from index, empty reservations) Data is NOT changed Reservations have been removed No records
  • 65. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 65 API interface to test
  • 66. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 66 So, what’s about testing?
  • 67. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 67 What about fixtures?
  • 68. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 68
  • 69. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 69
  • 70. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 70 #MageConf, Kyiv 15-16 of December
  • 71. © 2017 Magento, Inc. Page | 71 Q & A @iminyaylo

Editor's Notes

  1. We promise to be backward compatible for classes and methods annotated with @api within MINOR and PATCH updates to our components. As changes are introduced, we annotate methods with @deprecated. The methods are removed only with the next MAJOR component version. 
  2. Let’s recap what we had with Magento 1 – where everything is an extension points. All the protected mess and so on. We can’t make changes in contract – all changes suppose to extend existing contract.
  3. Tilde = Significant Release Operator