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Що Ви в Magento ніколи не зробите 
І я так хочу працювати з магазином 
Досвід eCommerce більше 10-ти років 
Більше 35 000 активних користувачів 
Store Manager for Magento 
Magento 1.4 - 1.9 CE, EE
- Імпортувати будь-які формати 
- Імпортувати коли замало / забагато даних 
- Масово робити зміни після імпортів 
- Вчасно виявляти та вирішувати проблеми 
нароблені імпортами :)
1. Імпорт будь-якого файлу

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Monitoring base, golang meetup, kyiv
Monitoring base, golang meetup, kyivMonitoring base, golang meetup, kyiv
Monitoring base, golang meetup, kyiv

Simple text about monitoring

Continuous integration with Docker and Ansible
Continuous integration with Docker and AnsibleContinuous integration with Docker and Ansible
Continuous integration with Docker and Ansible

This document discusses using continuous integration with Docker and Ansible. It describes building and deploying microservices across multiple technologies using Docker containers managed by Ansible playbooks. The process involves cloning repositories, building Docker images, testing, pushing images to a private Docker registry, and deploying containers to environments with Ansible. Benefits include easily managing container environments, portability across machines, and isolated workspaces for each service. Challenges addressed are timeouts, freezes, and long build times.

Implementing DevOps In Practice
Implementing DevOps In PracticeImplementing DevOps In Practice
Implementing DevOps In Practice

At Ustream the teams developing the streaming technology stack are also responsible for operating it. This means we have our monitoring and alerting in place (including those based on error logs I mentioned above, but many others too) which alert the engineers themselves. I would like to talk about how we made this transition from the traditional setup where the devs did the coding and the sysops did the operation - what lessons we learned, how we convinced the sysop guys to give us permissions and so on

Файл без назв колонок та з мінімальними даними
Великий файл з “бардаком” в перших 3-х рядках
XML з нестандартною структурою
➔Text (CSV, TXT, TSV) 
➔Excel (XLS, XLSX) 
➔OpenOffice (ODS) 

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JUST EAT: Embracing DevOps
JUST EAT: Embracing DevOpsJUST EAT: Embracing DevOps
JUST EAT: Embracing DevOps

JUST EAT is an online food delivery company based in the UK that processes around 900 orders per minute at peak times. They have embraced DevOps practices to manage their Windows-based ecommerce platform on AWS. They use a microservices architecture with autonomous teams owning their own features and infrastructure. Key aspects of their approach include using persistent chat, real-time monitoring, alerting and logging to enable rapid debugging in production. Their culture emphasizes that teams are responsible for operating the features they build. They are continually working to improve test coverage and confidence while publishing more tools as open source software.

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Lean part of DevOps - DevOps Amsterdam meetup - 17-8-2016
Lean part of DevOps - DevOps Amsterdam meetup - 17-8-2016Lean part of DevOps - DevOps Amsterdam meetup - 17-8-2016
Lean part of DevOps - DevOps Amsterdam meetup - 17-8-2016

Lean has a central place in DevOps - it's part of CALMS. And Lean is wider and broader than DevOps. And if we compare them, they reinforce each other.

continuous deliverybuild quality inlean startup
DevOps - Retour d'expérience - MarsJug du 29 Juin 2011
DevOps - Retour d'expérience - MarsJug du 29 Juin 2011DevOps - Retour d'expérience - MarsJug du 29 Juin 2011
DevOps - Retour d'expérience - MarsJug du 29 Juin 2011

Slides de la présentation DevOps - Retour d'expérience, au MarsJug le 29 Juin 2011

Візуальне співставлення даних
Значення по замовчуванню
Вибір полів для ідентифікації
Модифікувати продукти яких не було в файлі

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Devops: от заката до рассвета
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Devops: от заката до рассвета

Прошло время, когда DevOps не был еще модным, началось время карго-культов и безбашенных внедрений. В докладе я расскажу про основные ошибки перехода компании к DevOps из моей практики, покажу как не надо использовать инструменты и как не надо организовывать команды, а также многое другое.

Continuous Delivery by Alexey Turchanikov @ AgilePizza, Kyiv 2015
Continuous Delivery by Alexey Turchanikov @ AgilePizza, Kyiv 2015Continuous Delivery by Alexey Turchanikov @ AgilePizza, Kyiv 2015
Continuous Delivery by Alexey Turchanikov @ AgilePizza, Kyiv 2015

This document describes how a company achieved continuous delivery of software through breaking down bottlenecks, automating processes, and establishing a feature pipeline. The key steps included forming feature teams, deploying features to isolated environments, implementing automated testing and deployment, and removing dependencies on operations for releases. This enabled the goals of lower risk, faster feedback, and releasing multiple times per day while maintaining quality. Ongoing work includes further automating infrastructure configuration and deployments.

agilecontinuous improvementcontinuous delivery
Improve the Development Process with DevOps Practices by Fedorov Vadim
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Improve the Development Process with DevOps Practices by Fedorov Vadim

The document discusses improving development processes with DevOps practices. It describes current issues like a lack of communication between development and operations teams and differences between development and production environments. It evaluates project maturity levels and suggests organizational changes like shared success metrics for teams. The document recommends implementing infrastructure as code, automating testing, and using a delivery pipeline to improve quality, repeatability and reduce risks. Adopting DevOps practices and tools can help align development and production environments.

Деактивувати продукти з кількістю <= 0 
IF ([CSV_COL(4)] <= 0 , 0 , 1) 
де, 4 - це номер колонки з кількістю
Custom SQL 
Для запуску попередньо підготовлених SQL 
зразу після імпорту
Сергей Кибиткин - Meet Magento Ukraine - Что вы никогда не сделаете в Magento
Новий Виклик на 
1 000 000

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Імпорт 1 000 000 продуктів
Результати імпорту
Результат на сайті
3. Що робити 
коли замало даних

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Применение рекомендационных систем на основе ML в сфере недвижимости, на примере проектов

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"Instant loading: Improving your website speed", Yozhef Hisem
"Instant loading: Improving your website speed",  Yozhef Hisem"Instant loading: Improving your website speed",  Yozhef Hisem
"Instant loading: Improving your website speed", Yozhef Hisem

How to identify what’s causing delays on your website, and what tools to use to identify them? How to use caching to reduce the number of requests to the server and speed up page loading? How to use asynchronous requests to reduce page load times and ensure faster and more efficient data exchange between client and server?

fwdaysconferenceasynchronous requests
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Генеруємо дані
Ваші задачки цікаві для нас! 
4. Даних забагато?!

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5. Масові зміни після імпортів
І тут у відділі Маркетингу 
з’явилась нова Геніальна ідея!
Масово заливаємо малюнок

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Explaining the Best Practices of Magento API Design. Performed by Igor Miniailo at Khmelnytskyi Magento Meetup.

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Discovering ways to handle development environments that would make Magento development more productive and efficient. Khmelnytskyi Magento Meetup

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Результат змін
Фільтрування продуктів по будь-яких полях (Атрибутах)
6. Reindex Data &!%&*

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Magento 2 performance comparison in different environments by Yaroslav Rogoza...

This document summarizes the results of benchmark tests performed on a Magento 2 site to evaluate performance in different environments. It shows loading times for various site operations like homepage load, category pages, product pages, search and account pages. Tests were run with standard and increased product/customer counts, different caching configurations, database engines and PHP versions. Loading times generally increased as product/customer volumes grew but were improved by adding Redis caching, database replication and upgrading to PHP 7.

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Atwix has transitioned to being a distributed company over the past year. It grew from 15 employees working in one physical office and one person remotely, to over 20 employees working across two physical offices and three people remotely. The company now spans four time zones. A distributed company is defined as a group of individuals who work across time, space, and organizational boundaries connected through communication technology. Some of the key aspects of building a distributed company that were discussed include prioritizing communication, tracking performance metrics, addressing challenges of different time zones and locations, and emphasizing the benefits like increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

Сергей Иващенко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Цены в Magento 2
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Сергей Иващенко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Цены в Magento 2

The document discusses pricing in Magento 2. It covers the different types of prices that can be implemented including regular price, sale price, taxes, discounts. It also describes how pricing is organized through entities and templates to make it flexible and customizable. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how pricing is calculated and displayed for products.

meet magentomagentomeet magento ukraine
І таке буває ...
Реіндексація тільки тих даних які потрібно!
Все готово! 
Проект Завершено! 
Owner - “А це що?” 
Developer - “Я нічого незнаю, я все 
проімпортував точно, як було у файлі!”

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Иван Чепурный - Meet Magento Ukraine - Varnish Cache and its usage in the rea...

The document discusses Varnish Cache and its usage for caching content and improving performance in Magento. It describes how Varnish works as a frontend caching proxy and how it can be used to cache pages and parts of pages in Magento. It also discusses how to make cache dynamic and flush pages based on products or categories using the EcomDev_Varnish module.

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Владимир Дубина - Meet Magento Ukraine - Data consistency
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Владимир Дубина - Meet Magento Ukraine - Data consistency

This document discusses data consistency challenges that development teams face when working on complex enterprise projects using Magento. It outlines three main problems: how to store and share data changes between developers, how to migrate data changes between application instances, and how to bind code revisions to application data. The document evaluates different approaches like shared databases and migration scripts, and recommends best practices for using migrations like creating a global package and writing custom import/export APIs to manage complex application data. The overall goal is to establish a development center that can reliably build and deploy applications with consistent data.

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Макс Екатериненко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Magento 2 Overview
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Макс Екатериненко - Meet Magento Ukraine - Magento 2 Overview

This document provides an overview of Magento 2 including its goals, release approach, modernized technical stack, improved performance and scalability, streamlined customizations, easier installation and upgrades, and high code quality and testing standards. The key goals of Magento 2 are to use a modern technical stack, improve performance and scalability, streamline customizations, simplify external integrations, and make installation and upgrades easier.

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Google Webmaster Tools
Діагностика Малюнків
Діагностика Мета Даних

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Анатолій Денис - Meet Magento Ukraine - Migration to Magento - mission possible

This document discusses migrating an online store from another platform to Magento. It provides reasons for migrating such as limited functionality and small communities in other platforms. Popular migrations to Magento include OpenCart, osCommerce and VirtueMart. The document outlines important steps for a successful migration including analyzing the source store, testing the data migration, updating Magento, and final data migration. It emphasizes the importance of planning the migration and testing all aspects of the new store.

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Перевірка на доступність продуктів
Наші контакти: 
Безкоштовна підтримка - 
Контакти для партнерів -
Mobile Assistant 
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Cвятослав Лаврик "Досвід створення Ecommerce рішення з великим обсягом даних"
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Cвятослав Лаврик "Досвід створення Ecommerce рішення з великим обсягом даних"
01 c# basics
01 c# basics01 c# basics
01 c# basics

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