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Web 貳點零 !?

創新科技服務應用 (1/4)

    Charles Chuang
Nothing But Net

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Faster Frontends
Faster FrontendsFaster Frontends
Faster Frontends

Faster Frontends - talk on web performance from Bristol Skillswap, March 2012 Covers the basics but a bit wordy in places!

bristolweb performanceskillswap
Task 9
Task 9Task 9
Task 9

This document contains an embedded Prezi presentation. Prezi presentations allow users to create nonlinear, zoomable presentations. The presentation included here discusses an unspecified Task 9 and likely provides details about the objectives, requirements or process for completing that task based on the presentation content and format. It is embedded to allow viewing within this document rather than requiring opening an external link.

The Need For Speed
The Need For SpeedThe Need For Speed
The Need For Speed

The document discusses ways to improve website performance by reducing page load times. It identifies several factors that affect performance like request size, response size, number of components, and bandwidth. It then provides recommendations to shrink the response size through compression and optimization, reduce the number of requests by merging files, and minimize third-party scripts when possible. Specific techniques mentioned include minifying assets, using content delivery networks, browser caching, and tools for testing and monitoring performance.

barcampstroudweb performance
Six degrees of separation
貳點零 !?
●   取名子: Web 2.0 Domain Name Generator
●   想口號: Web 2.0 Bullshit Generator
●   畫 Logo :  Web 2.0 Logo Generator
●   小圖示: favicon generator  文字版/ 圖片版
●   繪底紋: Stripe Generator 2.0
●   做徽章: Web 2.0 Badges
●   做按鈕: My cool button 2.0
●   等待中: AJAX loading icon
●   收書籤: Social Bookmark Script Generator
●   蓋網站: Web 2.0 Generator
●   發認證: Official Web 2.0 Certifyr
a state of mind!
●   從 2004 年十月, John
    Battelle 和 Tim O'Reilly
    舉辦了第一屆 Web 2.0 研
    討會開始, Web 2.0 就成


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Web Performance - A Whistlestop TourWeb Performance - A Whistlestop Tour
Web Performance - A Whistlestop Tour

Slides from web performance talks at #DigiTalksChelt, Jan 2012 Notes, references and further reading in speakers notes

What google tells_you
What google tells_youWhat google tells_you
What google tells_you

Google provides free tools through Google Webmaster Tools that tell website owners information about their site, including the site's configuration and robots.txt file, links to the site from other websites, and any crawler errors. Other similar tools include Yahoo Webmaster Tools and The presentation demonstrated how to use Google Webmaster Tools to get information about a website from Google for free.

Offline blogging tools
Offline blogging toolsOffline blogging tools
Offline blogging tools

Sallie Goetsch gives a brief overview of offline blog editors for Windows and Mac at the July BACN meeting.

sallie goetschmarseditwindows live writer
What is Web 2.0? (officially...)
1. 網路應當被視為是平台
  The Web As Platform
2. 引領群體智慧
  Harnessing Collective Intelligence
3. 資料是下一個「 Intel Inside 」
  Data is the Next Intel Inside
4. 軟體升級模式走到盡頭
   End of the Software Release Cycle
5. 輕巧的程式設計模式
  Lightweight Programming Models
6. 超越單一裝置的軟體
  Software Above the Level of a Single Device
7. 豐富使用者的感受
  Rich User Experiences
Web 2.0 企業的核心競爭力
●   提供服務,而不是套裝軟體,能以符合成本效
●   信任使用者為共同的開發者
●   善用大末端使用者的自助服務效能
●   超越單一裝置層級的軟體應用
●   輕巧的使用者介面、開發模式、及商業模式
The Machine is Us/ing Us

文化人類學者 Michael Wesch 所製作的 Web 2.0 介紹 / 反思影片:
Everything 2.0 !!
●   Web 2.0 的概念(開放標準、內容分享、協
      ●   Library 2.0
      ●   Science 2.0
      ●   Travel 2.0
      ●   Marketing 2.0
      ●   ...

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The document discusses concepts related to distributed systems and web services architectures. It covers topics like remote procedure calls (RPC), stubs/skeletons, and standards like SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. Examples of RPC implementations include Sun RPC, DCE RPC, CORBA, and Java RMI. The document also references concepts from the Matrix movies like the Oracle, the red/blue pills, and characters like Morpheus, Cypher, and Trinity.


This document discusses the features of Grails, a web application framework built on Groovy and Java. It lists the main characteristics of Grails as: 1. Convention over configuration approach to web application development 2. Support for common Object Relational Mapping (ORM), Dependency Injection, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and MVC patterns through integration of frameworks like Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC. 3. Use of Groovy as the main programming language which is a dynamic language that runs on the JVM and is syntactically similar to Java. The document then provides examples of how conventions over configuration and DRY principles are applied in Grails. It also discusses the

Library Program Technology in Ukraine & Romania
Library Program Technology in Ukraine & RomaniaLibrary Program Technology in Ukraine & Romania
Library Program Technology in Ukraine & Romania

The document discusses various topics related to Web 3.0 and new media such as cloud computing, wikis, blogs, social networking, crowdsourcing, analytics, and more. It also covers technologies like Dropbox, Delicious, Gmail, and formats like ebooks, QR codes, and podcasting. The document promotes joining the Digital Democracy organization on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.

Now and Then
quot;The future is here. It's just not evenly
distributed yet.quot;
– William Gibson

quot;We always overestimate the change
that will occur in the next two years and
underestimate the change that will
occur in the next ten.quot;
– Bill Gates, 1996, The Road Ahead.
Web 3.0 ...
●   Web 3.0 的初始概念,更像是現有網路技術
      ●   網路運算
      ●   開放的技術
      ●   開份的身份識別
      ●   語意網
      ●   分散式資料庫

Social Network
Social Networking in Plain English
 ●   Common Craft

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WebSocket - May 2011
WebSocket - May 2011WebSocket - May 2011
WebSocket - May 2011

This document discusses the WebSocket protocol and some of its applications. It begins with an overview of WebSocket and how it differs from HTTP by allowing for full-duplex communications. Several examples of WebSocket applications are then mentioned, including real-time messaging apps, multiplayer games, and collaborative whiteboarding tools. Finally, some specific WebSocket implementations and related projects from the author's lab are listed, such as a WebSocket exchange called and a real-time app frontend called AppFrontend.

Windows PowerShell V2 の新機能
Windows PowerShell V2 の新機能Windows PowerShell V2 の新機能
Windows PowerShell V2 の新機能

techbank.jp主催の勉強会で、Windows PowerShell V2について話しました。ビデオも公開されています。(

Pdf download
Pdf downloadPdf download
Pdf download

The document contains a list of over 100 hyperlinks redirecting to the same URL, The hyperlinks come from a variety of domains and websites from different countries. All the links appear to redirect to the same Tumblr blog page.
a Do-It-Yourself social network platform
Why Ning/Social Network?
●   Relationship & 3C
       ●   Content
       ●   Community
       ●   Collaboration
●   Blog
●   Forum
●   Photo
●   Audio
●   Video
●   Notes
●   RSS
●   Text box
●   Event
●   Chat
●   Group
●   Invite
●   Badge
●   Activity
●   My page
●   Open Social application
       ●   BuddyPoke

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API Best Practices
API Best PracticesAPI Best Practices
API Best Practices

This document outlines best practices for designing public APIs and web APIs. It recommends using HTTP and JSON/XML formats and keeping APIs simple with clear documentation. Rules include using plural nouns for resources, HTTP verbs to act on collections/elements, limiting relationship depth to 3 levels, versioning APIs and maintaining backwards compatibility, using status codes and verbose error messages, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous responses, handling re-entrant requests safely, and formatting data as JSON by default. Automated testing of APIs with clients in different languages is also advised.

software craftsmanshipapibest practice
High Performance Webdesign
High Performance WebdesignHigh Performance Webdesign
High Performance Webdesign

The document discusses various techniques designers can use to improve website performance, including optimizing images, using CSS sprites, icon fonts, data URI schemes, and maintaining consistency with styles and rules. It provides examples of how to optimize images, create CSS sprites, use icon fonts, embed images via data URIs, and improve consistency. It also includes links to resources about gzip compression and gradient button styles.


Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2021 で発表予定のスライドです。

securityagile software developmentthreat modeling
●   Flickr
●   Facebook
●   Language editor
●   wiki

as a class 2.0 website
Open Web / Open Social Network

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Dang nhp binomo otai khon
Dang nhp binomo otai khonDang nhp binomo otai khon
Dang nhp binomo otai khon

The document lists URLs from two different websites - and Each website contains pages on topics related to playing the game Binomo, including what Binomo is, how to play Binomo, how to earn money from Binomo, and how to deposit funds into Binomo. The URLs provided are from the home pages and subpages of each site.

Using Blogs, Wikis and RSS for Learning by Barry Sampson, LSG 081113A
Using Blogs, Wikis and RSS for Learning by Barry Sampson, LSG 081113AUsing Blogs, Wikis and RSS for Learning by Barry Sampson, LSG 081113A
Using Blogs, Wikis and RSS for Learning by Barry Sampson, LSG 081113A

Slides from Barry Sampson's Learning and Skills Group webinar of 13 Nov 2008: "Using Blogs, Wikis and RSS Feeds in Learning". To find out more about free membership of the Learning and Skills Group, go to

MicroFins - Housing
MicroFins - HousingMicroFins - Housing
MicroFins - Housing

The document summarizes the work of an organization that provides microloans, housing, and training programs to vulnerable populations in Serbia. It discusses the organization's history, programs, clients served, and key results. Some of its main activities include providing microloans for business and housing, vocational training courses, and helping over 23,000 clients. Loan programs have disbursed over 29 million euros, created over 13,500 jobs, and assisted over 66,000 dependents. Repayment rates have remained around 83-85% with low delinquency. The organization has also helped over 180 housing clients purchase or repair homes through loans of 2,000-4,000 euros each.

OpenSocial: A Standard for the Social Web

Patrick Chanezon
Kevin Marks
Christian Schalk

May 28, 2008

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  • 1. Web 貳點零 !? 創新科技服務應用 (1/4) 2008/11/23 Charles Chuang
  • 6. Six degrees of separation
  • 7. 貳點零 !? ● 取名子: Web 2.0 Domain Name Generator ● 想口號: Web 2.0 Bullshit Generator ● 畫 Logo :  Web 2.0 Logo Generator ● 小圖示: favicon generator  文字版/ 圖片版 ● 繪底紋: Stripe Generator 2.0 ● 做徽章: Web 2.0 Badges ● 做按鈕: My cool button 2.0 ● 等待中: AJAX loading icon ● 收書籤: Social Bookmark Script Generator ● 蓋網站: Web 2.0 Generator ● 發認證: Official Web 2.0 Certifyr
  • 8. a state of mind! ● 從 2004 年十月, John Battelle 和 Tim O'Reilly 舉辦了第一屆 Web 2.0 研 討會開始, Web 2.0 就成 為這幾年的重要趨勢。雖 有爭議,但已是網際網路 發展的一個重要概念與階 段。
  • 9. What is Web 2.0? (officially...) 1. 網路應當被視為是平台 The Web As Platform 2. 引領群體智慧 Harnessing Collective Intelligence 3. 資料是下一個「 Intel Inside 」 Data is the Next Intel Inside 4. 軟體升級模式走到盡頭 End of the Software Release Cycle 5. 輕巧的程式設計模式 Lightweight Programming Models 6. 超越單一裝置的軟體 Software Above the Level of a Single Device 7. 豐富使用者的感受 Rich User Experiences
  • 10. Web 2.0 企業的核心競爭力 ● 提供服務,而不是套裝軟體,能以符合成本效 益的方式擴充 ● 控制獨特的、難以再製的資料來源,隨著越多 人使用而累積越豐富的資料 ● 信任使用者為共同的開發者 ● 善用眾人的集體智慧 ● 善用大末端使用者的自助服務效能 ● 超越單一裝置層級的軟體應用 ● 輕巧的使用者介面、開發模式、及商業模式
  • 11. The Machine is Us/ing Us 文化人類學者 Michael Wesch 所製作的 Web 2.0 介紹 / 反思影片:
  • 12. Everything 2.0 !! ● Web 2.0 的概念(開放標準、內容分享、協 同運作等),影響許多其他領域: ● Library 2.0 ● Science 2.0 ● Travel 2.0 ● Marketing 2.0 ● ...
  • 13. Now and Then quot;The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet.quot; – William Gibson quot;We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.quot; – Bill Gates, 1996, The Road Ahead.
  • 14. Web 3.0 ... ● Web 3.0 的初始概念,更像是現有網路技術 與想像的延伸,還不具階段性的開展: ● 網路平台的完全通透 ● 無所不在、全面上網 ● 網路運算 ● 開放的技術 ● 開份的身份識別 ● 語意網 ● 分散式資料庫 ● 智慧型應用系統
  • 16. Social Networking in Plain English ● Common Craft
  • 18. Why Ning/Social Network? ● Relationship & 3C ● Content ● Community ● Collaboration
  • 19. Content ● Blog ● Forum ● Photo ● Audio ● Video ● Notes ● RSS ● Text box
  • 20. Community ● Event ● Chat ● Group ● Invite ● Badge ● Activity ● My page ● Open Social application ● BuddyPoke
  • 21. Collaboration ● Flickr ● Facebook ● Language editor ● wiki
  • 22. as a class 2.0 website
  • 23. Open Web / Open Social Network
  • 25. OpenSocial: A Standard for the Social Web Patrick Chanezon Kevin Marks Christian Schalk May 28, 2008