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Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends
       Confluence Mobile

Peggy Kuo
@pyko by jm3
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012

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Designing For Multiple Devices - Dublin Web Summit, Oct 2013
Designing For Multiple Devices - Dublin Web Summit, Oct 2013Designing For Multiple Devices - Dublin Web Summit, Oct 2013
Designing For Multiple Devices - Dublin Web Summit, Oct 2013

Slides from my 45min crash course workshops that I ran with General Assembly at the Dublin Web Summit 2013

user experience designuser experiencedublin web summit
Campus party mexico the future of the open web
Campus party mexico   the future of the open webCampus party mexico   the future of the open web
Campus party mexico the future of the open web

Christian Heilmann gave a presentation on the future of the open web at Campus Party Mexico. Some key points from his presentation include: - The characteristics of a good HTML5 app including being focused on a single task, working offline, and being integrated with the operating system. - The promises and challenges of HTML5 including inconsistent browser support for new web APIs. - Features of Firefox OS including its use of Gecko as a rendering engine, support for third party HTML5 apps and web APIs, and its GAIA platform. - Examples of new web APIs in Firefox OS for capabilities like battery status, geolocation, notifications and others. - The importance of tools and platforms that make developing

Hacking location aware hacks HackU IIT Bombay
Hacking location aware hacks HackU IIT BombayHacking location aware hacks HackU IIT Bombay
Hacking location aware hacks HackU IIT Bombay

This document discusses location-aware apps and hacking location data. It begins with some example photos showing current location and what's around. It then discusses oldest maps, current maps, and questions like where, here, around. It covers getting the current location through asking the user, sniffing the IP, and inferring location. It details the W3C geolocation API, IP sniffing, geocoding, reverse geocoding, and the Yahoo! GeoPlanet API. Finally it discusses some interesting hacks and apps that utilize augmented reality and location data.

hacku hackuind
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012 by Anders by Håkan Dahlström by Johan Larsson

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Human Factors Final (week 7)
Human Factors Final (week 7)Human Factors Final (week 7)
Human Factors Final (week 7)

Human factors, also known as ergonomics, is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body and its cognitive abilities. The field considers human limitations and preferences in order to measure and build technologies that enhance safety and usability. It draws from psychology, engineering, biomechanics and anthropometry to understand how humans perceive and physically interact with their environment.

Human Factors (week 8)
Human Factors (week 8)Human Factors (week 8)
Human Factors (week 8)

Human factors, also known as ergonomics, is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body and its cognitive abilities. The goal is to enhance user safety, comfort, and effectiveness by considering human physical and mental capabilities during the design process. Designers measure people and consider how users will interact with and perceive potential products to devise prototypes that can be built, explored, and improved through user testing.

Agile & lean
Agile & leanAgile & lean
Agile & lean

The document discusses Lean and Agile principles and practices for software development. It emphasizes focusing on people, continuous learning and improvement, removing waste and delays, transparency, and empowering teams. Specific practices mentioned include Scrum, Kanban, extreme programming (XP), and Lean software development. Visual tools like boards and charts are recommended to promote transparency and progress.

Cross Platform by Sarah Joy by Chris Samuel by Olivier Bacquet by Ed Siasoco

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picture clip 2.5 - Enlaces softpedia
 picture clip 2.5 - Enlaces   softpedia picture clip 2.5 - Enlaces   softpedia
picture clip 2.5 - Enlaces softpedia

This document provides download links and information for the image editing software PictureClip 2.5. It includes links to download the software from,,, and The document describes PictureClip's ability to divide images into segments for independent saving. It also provides the software author's website,, and related programs. An additional section provides alternative download links from the software author due to bandwidth limitations.

dividir imágenes
Ray, Darrell 4.4 Final PPP
Ray, Darrell 4.4 Final PPPRay, Darrell 4.4 Final PPP
Ray, Darrell 4.4 Final PPP

Darrell Ray is a film student pursuing his BS at Full Sail University. He is on a mission to make films more immersive by developing new techniques that will forever change filmmaking. Through advances in sound, cinematography, CGI and 3D technology, he aims to reconnect viewers emotionally with films and usher in a new era of dynamic immersion in film viewing.

DevOpsDays Ignite: Ops Scrumban, from chaos to sanity
DevOpsDays Ignite: Ops Scrumban, from chaos to sanityDevOpsDays Ignite: Ops Scrumban, from chaos to sanity
DevOpsDays Ignite: Ops Scrumban, from chaos to sanity

Ops Scrumban provides a hybrid approach between Scrum and Kanban methodologies to bring order from chaos in operations teams. It uses 2-week iterations to size stories and pull work through queues. Teams measure key metrics and use visual cues like red cards to signal when help is needed addressing issues like stalled work or a lack of context. The approach aims to establish more discipline than a DIY Kanban system while providing a continuous flow of work unlike a traditional Waterfall model.

Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012

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The Wacom Tablet Gps Presentation.Pptx 4The Wacom Tablet Gps Presentation.Pptx 4
The Wacom Tablet Gps Presentation.Pptx 4

This document discusses external touch screens and their key components. It describes touch screens, styluses, airbrushes, and mice as components of an ultimate workstation. It then discusses Wacom pen tablets and provides links about Wacom and pen tablets in Linux. The document goes on to discuss GPS (global positioning system) and provides images related to GPS. It lists social studies, science, and math lesson plans that incorporate GPS. It describes hunting for benchmarks and treasures using GPS and links to GPS games and geocaching websites.

CloudCamp London 8 Mar 2018 - Douglas Adams
CloudCamp London 8 Mar 2018 - Douglas AdamsCloudCamp London 8 Mar 2018 - Douglas Adams
CloudCamp London 8 Mar 2018 - Douglas Adams

For the Hitch-hikers Guide to The Galaxy special edition celebrating 40yrs of HHGTG and 10yrs of CloudCamp London a look at the genius of Douglas Adams and how he saw into the future

Taking Web Applications Offline
Taking Web Applications OfflineTaking Web Applications Offline
Taking Web Applications Offline

One of the main advantages of web applications is their ease of deployment. The same can't be said about desktop applications. However, desktop applications work without a network connection. While this used to be a deal breaker for web applications, recent developments in HTML 5 and browser plugins such as Flash and Silverlight allow developers to create web applications that work both online and offline. In this session, Matt will demonstrate how to create offline web applications in HTML 5, Silverlight and Air. Also, other factors for offline applications, such as client-side data storage, will be examined in detail.

Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012 by Piermario
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012

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Mcdm presentations

This document provides an overview of tools that can be used for presentations including OpenOffice, PowerPoint, Prezi, and tips for improving presentations such as keeping them concise with one minute per slide and one idea per page. It also questions whether slides are always needed and suggests that it depends on the context.

Ferramentas de apoio ao desenvolvedor
Ferramentas de apoio ao desenvolvedorFerramentas de apoio ao desenvolvedor
Ferramentas de apoio ao desenvolvedor

Palestra ministrada em 08/11/2012, Dia do Conhecimento, na faculdade IST-Rio. A apresentação trata das principais ferramentas que os desenvolvedores Front-end utilizam em seu dia-a-dia. A palestra é um complemento da apresentação sobre SEO realizada na XVII Semana Tecnológica do IST.

apache antferramentas para desenvolvedorist-rio
Washing Machine Warranty URL's
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Washing Machine Warranty URL's

The document contains over 40 links to pages on a website about washing machine warranties. The pages discuss various aspects of washing machine warranties, including warranty periods, UK warranties, warranty comparisons, what warranties cover, manufacturer warranties, and whether extended warranties are worth purchasing. The site seems to be a resource for information on washing machine warranties.

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this slide has been intentionally left blank
REST by James
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The document appears to be a website for a water damage restoration service that serves various cities throughout Oklahoma. It includes over 40 individual pages listing water damage restoration services for specific Oklahoma cities, along with homepage and system pages. The site focuses on providing water damage restoration for residential and commercial properties across Oklahoma.

water damage restoration oklahoma citywater damage restoration tulsawater damage restoration norman
Embracing failure on the front-end: Making better JavaScript apps by learning...
Embracing failure on the front-end: Making better JavaScript apps by learning...Embracing failure on the front-end: Making better JavaScript apps by learning...
Embracing failure on the front-end: Making better JavaScript apps by learning...

The document is a presentation about embracing failure in front-end development. It discusses measuring errors and performance metrics over time, using tools like Phantomas to monitor changes, configuring alerts when issues occur, and injecting "chaos" to test resilience. The presentation recommends getting experience with failure before Fridays to avoid being woken by alerts at 3am.

Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014

Slides from my Device Agnostic Design talk at UCD London ABSTRACT: There was a time when we did glossy page designs and when those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the introduction and rise of smartphones, tablets, phablets there isn’t one view of our designs anymore. Instead, what we create needs to be able to adapt in a way that is suitable for the device as well as where and how it’s being used. With responsive design we’ve learnt the basics of how to adapt content, interactions and layouts so that it works across devices. But with further developments in technology and screens, our content is going to go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device agnostic. For us as UX designers this means means letting content rather than devices guide layouts, and also increasingly moving away from designing and wireframing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. But there are other aspects to consider in device agnostic design. In this talk I walk through why device agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

user experience designuxstrategy
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012 by Jared Tarbell

               by William Warby

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UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

anna dahlstromhow totablet
Responsive Images and Video
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Presented at Velocity Conference NYC in October 2013 Most responsive designs are slow and bloated. The biggest issues are

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Building an Appier Web - May 2016

Slides from my talk at NCC Group's Web Performance Day in May 2016. Compares the features of apps and the web, what's great about each and explores some of the technologies that will allow us to build websites that can deliver native like experiences.

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Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Team Calendars
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The document discusses developing for mobile web. It covers several topics including physical properties of mobile devices, their network usage and power constraints. It also discusses different versions of Gmail optimized for different devices. The document recommends inlining content, deferring non-essential work, and being creative with JavaScript libraries and debugging to improve performance for mobile. It highlights the ability of web technologies to build cross-device applications quickly without native restrictions. The conclusion is that native languages may be better if writing many device plugins, but web technologies can be effective otherwise.

Using HTML5 for a great Open Web
Using HTML5 for a great Open WebUsing HTML5 for a great Open Web
Using HTML5 for a great Open Web

Using HTML5 provides a great open web platform with new semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, and <aside> that improve accessibility. It introduces many new form input types, web storage APIs like localStorage and IndexedDB, offline capabilities, and technologies like geolocation, video, canvas, and WebGL that enable creative applications. HTML5 aims to standardize these new features for a better user experience across browsers.

html5apisopen web
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Taking your Web App for a walk

What strategies can you take to bring a web application to a mobile device? Six steps from pure HTML/CSS all the way to almost native applications.

titaniumjquery mobilesencha
Team Calendars
Upcoming Events

<li class="teamcal-mobilenav-entry">
         <a href="#teamcal/upcoming"
            class="content-link teamcal">
Team Calendars
Upcoming Events :)

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Christian Heilmann's 'State of the Browser in 2011'

This document discusses the state of Mozilla and browsers in 2011. It highlights several emerging HTML5 technologies like HTML5 video, Canvas, WebGL, CSS3, and local storage. It also promotes Mozilla's mission to keep the web open and accessible across all operating systems. Resources and links are provided for developers to learn more about HTML5 and help that is available from Mozilla.

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Progressive enhancement is still an important approach for building responsive websites and web applications. While JavaScript can now be assumed to be widely available, progressive enhancement avoids single points of failure and improves performance by loading critical content first before non-essential enhancements. The distinction between websites and applications is also blurred, so progressive techniques remain applicable to most digital experiences on the web.

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Presentation given to Toastmasters Division B Meeting - October 6, 2015 / High Performance Leadership Meeting on Tips for Creating & Maintaining a Successful Website. NOTE: These tips work for any businesses, organizations, or clubs.

email marketingseoniches
<web-resource key="mobile-teamcal">
    <transformation extension="soy">
      <transformer key="soyTransformer"/>

    <resource   type="download"   name="app.js" location="com/atlassia
    <resource   type="download"   name="event-model.js" location="com/
    <resource   type="download"   name="upcoming-collection.js" locati
    <resource   type="download"   name="upcoming-view.js" location="co
    <resource   type="download"   name="router.js" location="com/atlas
    <resource   type="download"   name="upcoming-events-soy.js" locati
    <resource   type="download"   name="main.css" location="com/atlass



Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012

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The document summarizes Simon Willison's talk at An Event Apart Chicago 2009 about building things fast using modern web development techniques and tools. The talk discusses trends in rapid interactive development using client-side JavaScript, web frameworks that facilitate quick prototyping and deployment, and building a Twitter client in under 50 lines of JavaScript code to demonstrate these techniques.

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This document contains a list of links to websites about web analytics and related topics. It also includes contact information for two individuals and links to various photos on Flickr that include things like smartphones, fire hydrants, and fireworks. The document appears to be providing reference materials and images for a presentation on web analytics. by gualtiero

<div id="inner-container">
    <div class="header">
    <div class="container">

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When responsive web design meets the real world

The document discusses responsive web design and some of the challenges it faces. It recommends adopting a mobile first approach where the mobile styles are defined first before desktop styles, allowing for a progressive enhancement. It also emphasizes the importance of performance and ensuring responsive designs are not just focused on layout but also on optimizing for speed. Key techniques discussed include building mobile first, reordering media queries, keeping basic styles outside queries, and scoping images within media queries to avoid unnecessary downloads.


This document is the HTML source code for a Flickr photo page. It contains metadata like the page title, description, and keywords. It also includes JavaScript code for handling user interactions like clicking and scrolling on the page.


This document is the HTML source code for a Flickr photo page. It contains metadata like the page title, description, and keywords. It also includes JavaScript code for handling user interactions like clicking and scrolling on the page.

Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012

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The document summarizes the evolution of web design from the early 1990s to the present day. It discusses how technical factors like improved code, browsers, devices and access have enabled the rise of responsive design. The key stages discussed are the World Wide Web era from 1992-1996, the dot-com boom from 1997-2001, the era of web standards from 2002-2007, and the modern era from 2008 onward. It emphasizes how current design approaches like responsive design have emerged from the confluence of technical capabilities and shifts in how people access the web from any device.

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The document discusses how to use the Yahoo Query Language (YQL) to tap into thousands of APIs and extract data from sources across the web by writing simple SQL-like queries. It provides examples of queries to search Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Craigslist and more, and explains how to select, filter, sort and limit data from these sources using YQL. Key resources mentioned include the YQL documentation, console and Github account for contributing custom data tables.

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<xhtml-macro key="dragon-phoenix"
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
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You’re probably a believer in the benefits of continuous delivery and DevOps (why else would you be at this meetup?). The rest of your organization... maybe not so much. Maybe you’re getting pushback on changes you believe will make your organization better. Maybe you’re not sure where or how to start to give yourself the best chance of making a change that will work. I’ll give you some tactics to start your journey toward continuous delivery (or toward any meaningful change, for that matter). I’ll also show how you might apply those tactics to address a specific challenge: adding test automation to a large legacy codebase. The goal is that you walk away with more tools in your “change toolkit” and a little more enthusiasm for shaking things up for the better where you work.

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Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012

<script src="

  by Robert S. Donovan by Gilly

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Ever wondered what Atlassian engineers do in their 20% time? Join Forge engineering lead Tim Pettersen on a lightning tour of how Forge is being used inside Atlassian. Attendees will get a rare view into some of the apps, tools, and tweaks we’ve built internally on top of Forge in the spirit of dogfooding and innovation. Come along and be inspired with some great ideas for improving and automating your own teams' workflows!

atlassianatlascamp 2019
Let's Build an Editor Macro with Forge UI
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Race out of the gate with Forge UI: a new way of building UI extensions for Atlassian products. In this session, Forge UI Developer Experience lead Peter Gleeson will demonstrate how build an Editor macro from scratch! Attendees will learn about Forge foundational concepts such as the FaaS dev loop, Forge CLI, and how to construct UIs from Forge UI components. This session provides a great introduction to the Forge platform for any developer looking to get productive with editor apps and Forge UI.

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Meet the Forge Runtime
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Meet the Forge Runtime

In the words of Jeff Atwood: “JavaScript is the lingua franca of the web”. It’s also the first language we’ve chosen to support in Forge. In this session, Forge engineer Shorya Raj will walk through the Node.js isolate based runtime you’ll be using to write apps for Forge. Attendees will learn about the unique features of the Forge JavaScript Runtime, such as automatic authentication and tenant context management. Shorya will also cover the differences between the Runtime, conventional browser, and Node.js APIs. Developers or attendees with some programming experience will get the most out of this session.

atlassianatlascamp 2019 by Miki Yoshihito
Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012
Thank you!

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Jeff Gallimore

Similar to Mobile Dev Trends and Confluence Mobile, AtlasCamp US 2012 (20)

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Developing for Mobile
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Now you see me... Adaptive Web Design and Development
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Tips for Creating & Maintaining a Successful Website
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Building Things Fast - and getting approval
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