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Essential On-Page SEO
Everything you need to do before you start promoting your site
1. Don’t use a 💩hosting provider
2. Make site architecture topic centric
3. Consider adding SSL

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Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)
Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)
Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)

With the recent advancements in modern browsers, more native app-like features are coming to the browser. Things like push notifications, background sync, offline capabilities and home screen app icons have been added to browsers allowing developers to continue building web apps, but now include features that users expect from native apps. In this session we'll take an existing web app and transform it into a progressive web app. We’ll learn how to make the web app installable, how to make it work offline and finally we’ll learn how to add push notifications to re-engage our users.

WordCamp Sac '16 - a full stack workflow
WordCamp Sac '16 - a full stack workflowWordCamp Sac '16 - a full stack workflow
WordCamp Sac '16 - a full stack workflow

This document summarizes a presentation on full stack web development workflows. It discusses wireframing sites using Sketch, designing interfaces in Sketch, using InVision to share prototypes with clients and collect feedback, local development with Sage starter themes, hosting on WPEngine, and managing sites using ManageWP. The full workflow includes wireframing, design, approval, development, hosting, and maintenance.

wordcamp sacramentowordpress
Webinar: On-Page SEO Tips and Tricks
Webinar: On-Page SEO Tips and TricksWebinar: On-Page SEO Tips and Tricks
Webinar: On-Page SEO Tips and Tricks

Jon Hershaw of Raven Internet Marketing Tools and WP Engine's David Vogelpohl share numerous tips and tricks for boosting SEO.

seowp enginewordpress
4. Make your site mobile/responsive
Custom download

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DMIEXPO - Nati Elimelech - JS & SEO: Your New Beautiful Site Might Be Invisib...
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How to deal, avoid pitfalls and negate the effects of JS frameworks on your organic traffic from search engines

Pitch Perfect: Agency Secrets to Winning More Business
Pitch Perfect: Agency Secrets to Winning More BusinessPitch Perfect: Agency Secrets to Winning More Business
Pitch Perfect: Agency Secrets to Winning More Business

This document summarizes a webinar about pitching agencies to win more business. It introduces the speakers and their backgrounds. It then discusses developing a niche in a crowded market by focusing on performance, security, and conversions. It also emphasizes building credibility in the local community by contributing to WordPress events and writing thought leadership content. Specific tactics covered include using data and automation tools in campaigns and focusing the pitch on unique value propositions around speed, security, and conversions. The document promotes an upcoming webinar on on-page SEO best practices.

Image optimization
Image optimizationImage optimization
Image optimization

Image optimization is an important way to speed up website loading times. Large, unnecessary images are a major cause of slow page loads. Google recommends pages load within 3 seconds on desktop and 5 seconds on mobile to provide a good user experience. Compressing image file sizes and only using necessary image formats and sizes can significantly improve page speed. Various tools like Photoshop, online services, and WordPress plugins can help optimize images. The goal is to reduce image file sizes without reducing quality or changing functionality.

5. Make ALL THE THINGS faster!
Reduce the size of all images
Use SVG for
simple images
Use ImageOptim
for JPG and PNG

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Speed Up WordPress
Speed Up WordPressSpeed Up WordPress
Speed Up WordPress

This session is for any WordPress developer, user and learner. Audience will able to learn the basics of improving the performance of a WordPress website.

That's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web appsThat's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web apps

The document discusses building single page web apps and provides tips for doing so efficiently. It recommends using templating to build markup on demand, destroying and rebuilding elements, and managing data through tombstoning, on-demand loading, and purging stale data. It also recommends libraries like Backbone.js, Upshot.js, Navigation.js, and Knockout.js and discusses using local storage and deferred loading of content to improve performance of single page apps.

spaweb applicationweb design and development
Sencha At Xero
Sencha At XeroSencha At Xero
Sencha At Xero

Xero is a New Zealand software company that provides online accounting software and services for small businesses. It was founded in 2006 and now has over 100 employees across 7 locations and over 27,000 customers in over 50 countries. Xero uses the Sencha ExtJS and Sencha Touch frameworks to build its web and mobile applications, which allow small businesses to manage their finances online. Craig Walker, the CTO of Xero, discussed how they have used and evolved these frameworks over time to develop Xero's core products and services.

EWWW Image
Optimizer plugin
for WordPress
Create smaller versions for mobile
Use SRCSET to deliver the correct image
<img alt="my awesome cat" src="image.png"
srcset="cat-hd.png 2x, cat-med.png 640w,
cat-med-hd.png 640w 2x" />
Specify device width
<img alt="my awesome cat" src="image.png"
srcset="cat-hd.png 2x, cat-med.png 640w,
cat-med-hd.png 640w 2x" />

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Meetup: Tools to grow your business
Meetup: Tools to grow your businessMeetup: Tools to grow your business
Meetup: Tools to grow your business

From our October 26, 2017 Meetup. As a business owner (even if you're a one-person shop), you have a lot of hats to wear. We'll dig into tools for: Finding and tracking leads: Keep up with your pipeline and know when to follow up with leads. There are some awesome tools to help automate this, and we'll show you those. Make email easier: At GreenMellen we use a handful of tools to help make email easier to manage and help keep our inboxes clean. Education: We're big believers that people should educate themselves, so we'll show you tools to make it easier to read book and blogs, listen to podcasts, etc. Daily "stuff": We all have a lot to do every day, so we'll show you our favorite tools for calendars, tasks, and things to just help get everything smooth and organized.

Life in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine Optimization
Life in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine OptimizationLife in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine Optimization
Life in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine Optimization

In 2010, Google announced that site speed was a ranking factor and the reaction was a collective shrug. When you load your site in Chrome, it’s quick, right? So why worry? Mobile. We know that you bought the iPhone 5 as soon as it came out, but what about the poor sucker who’s still on a Blackberry? Did you know that every added second on load time on a mobile device causes 20% of your audience to bail? You can be #1 on Google, but if your site takes 10 seconds to load, you might as well be #10,000. And responsive design won’t save you. In this seminar, learn tactics to make your WordPress site blazing fast, including responsive designs. It’s speed, usability and SEO, mashed together in delicious harmony.

wordpressusabilityweb design
WordPress Management & Marketing Tools
WordPress Management & Marketing ToolsWordPress Management & Marketing Tools
WordPress Management & Marketing Tools

Actionable tips you can use to optimize your WordPress site for speed and conversions from WP Engine's VP of Web Strategy, David Vogelpohl

Specify High DPI
<img alt="my awesome cat" src="image.png"
srcset="cat-hd.png 2x, cat-med.png 640w,
cat-med-hd.png 640w 2x" />
Create different versions for the best UX
Mobile Desktop
WordPress Plugin for SRCSET
SrcSet Responsive Images for WP
Use Google PageSpeed Insights

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Determine the Health of your Website from SEO stand point
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Determine the Health of your Website from SEO stand point

This document provides a 9 step SEO health check and execution plan for optimizing a WordPress website. The health check includes analyzing site traffic in Google Analytics, ensuring pages are indexed properly, controlling crawling with robot.txt, submitting an XML sitemap, avoiding duplicate content, and checking for compliant backlinks. The execution plan outlines optimizing on-page SEO, cross-linking content, and regularly auditing the site. The document was created by Neha Patel to help website owners improve their SEO.

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Core Web Vitals will roll out in 2021, we are going to explain the specifics of Core Web Vitals and help you understand how your search rankings will be affected. Here are some actions to take right away!

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Keeping Google Happy - May 18, 2017 Meetup
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Keeping Google Happy - May 18, 2017 Meetup

Tips and tricks to help you avoid getting on Google's bad side due to slow loading speed and hacking.

You will never see
a perfect score
What it looks like
The winning code
The tool is actually a cruel joke

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This document discusses what to expect from a hosting company. It introduces Andrew Kucharski and Marius Ducea, the CEO and CTO respectively of Promet Solutions, a company that offers Drupal development, support and hosting. It outlines Promet's history and services. It then discusses different hosting options and notes that Promet offers automated, expert Drupal hosting that provides high availability, scalability, security and support without server maintenance needs.

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Onpage SEO Factors

9 On-Page SEO Factors that Search Engine and Users both Love...

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On-Page SEO for Mobile
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On-Page SEO for Mobile

This document provides tips for optimizing websites for mobile through on-page SEO techniques. It recommends making sites responsive, reducing file sizes like images, using structured data to enhance listings, and optimizing page speed. Specific techniques include using frameworks like Bootstrap, optimizing images with srcset, adding markup, and using PageSpeed Insights to identify optimizations while accepting its limitations. The overall message is to structure, optimize and speed up content for all devices.

seo toolssearch engine optimizationmobile marketing
Can’t win with offsite code
WordPress plugins will ruin your day
@RavenJon |
Stages of PageSpeed Insights Grief
• Denial
• Anger
• Bargaining
• Depression
• Acceptance
Fix your size-tap targets

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Google Search Console, SEO bajo control
Google Search Console, SEO bajo controlGoogle Search Console, SEO bajo control
Google Search Console, SEO bajo control

Un resumen sobre las principales utilidades que podemos encontrar dentro de la herramienta Google Search Console.

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Feweb Summerevent - Google Search Console

Herman Maes introduces himself as a marketing technologist at Intracto and shares his Twitter handle. He provides his contact information and invites questions from the reader.

SEO: Introducción a Google Search Console
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SEO: Introducción a Google Search Console

Clase impartida de SEO con la herramienta Google Search Console en el Master de Comercio Electrónico y Marketing Online Ecommaster en Elche el Viernes 13 de Mayo de 2016

Go nuts and use inline CSS
6. Don’t forget the META
Optimize Page Titles
Don’t skip Descriptions

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Top 5 Ways to Analyze Your Website: Google Search Console

In this presentation learn the basics of using Google Analytics to measure your website and online presence

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SEO 101 - Google Search Console Explained
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SEO 101 - Google Search Console Explained

In our third SEO 101 lesson, we discussed how we can use Google Search Console to earn more organic traffic. During this webinar we gave a high level overview of each section. We went into more depth during the Search Analytics section.

pepperjam seoaffiliate seoseo 101
How to Use Google Search Console
How to Use Google Search ConsoleHow to Use Google Search Console
How to Use Google Search Console

This slideshare will explain how to use Google Search Console, in order to help webmasters manage and optimize their websites.

websitegoogle search consolegoogle webmaster tools
Use OpenGraph
Yoast’s SEO Plugin for WordPress
7. Use structured data
Use to enhance listings

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Inroduction to Google Search Console
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Inroduction to Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that allows website owners to monitor and optimize their site's performance in Google search results. It provides insights into how Google sees the site through data on indexing, errors, and search queries. To get started, users simply enter their website URL which links their site to the Search Console dashboard for ongoing access and reporting.

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Consejos para incrementar el tráfico
Consejos para incrementar el tráficoConsejos para incrementar el tráfico
Consejos para incrementar el tráfico

El documento proporciona consejos sobre cómo mejorar el posicionamiento web (SEO) y el tráfico de visitas a un sitio, incluyendo la optimización de keywords, el uso de enlaces entrantes de calidad, la creación de contenido diario, el uso de redes sociales para compartir contenido y encontrar nuevos usuarios, y la creación de contenido de valor para los usuarios. También recomienda usar títulos atractivos, viralizar contenido, ebooks, videos e infografías para atraer más tráfico.

conseguir visitasaumentar el tráficoredes sociales
On-Page SEO Checklist
On-Page SEO ChecklistOn-Page SEO Checklist
On-Page SEO Checklist

This SEO checklist outlines key on-page elements to optimize including title tags, headings, keywords, images, links, load time, mobile access, XML sitemap, internal linking, text to code ratio, indexed content, and backlinks. The checklist covers essential technical, content and link building factors for search engine optimization.

website design houstonon-page seo checklistsearch engine optimization
WordPress plugin for
Schema Creator
HTML attributes for mobile/UX

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Presentacion Kanvas Media en el Search Congress Valencia

El documento habla sobre conceptos nuevos en optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO), incluyendo optimización canónica, captación de tráfico a través de medios sociales como Twitter, y aumentar seguidores en redes sociales mediante "follower baiting". También discute métricas como el rendimiento del servidor, enlaces entrantes, y factores de posicionamiento en buscadores.

Miguel Orense. Kanvas Media. Marketing de contenidos y SEO
Miguel Orense. Kanvas Media. Marketing de contenidos y SEOMiguel Orense. Kanvas Media. Marketing de contenidos y SEO
Miguel Orense. Kanvas Media. Marketing de contenidos y SEO

Este documento presenta una introducción al contenido de marketing. Define el contenido de marketing como la creación de experiencias digitales para compartir información que colme las necesidades de los usuarios y logre objetivos empresariales. Explica que el contenido de marketing se planifica, produce, distribuye y gestiona a través de canales propios y de terceros para llegar a los consumidores. Finalmente, proporciona consejos sobre cómo crear contenido de alta calidad que sea atractivo para los usuarios y los motores de búsqueda.

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"Control What You Can Control in WordPress. On Page SEO FTW!" is a WordPress SEO talk presented by Mike Zielonka at WordCamp Milwaukee.

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8. If it makes sense to

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Este documento resume los conceptos clave del marketing digital, incluyendo las 5Ps del marketing digital, cómo generar tráfico a la web y posicionamiento SEO a través de palabras clave, cómo generar tráfico a la web mediante contenido de calidad y técnicas SEO, y explica el marketing de afiliación, contenidos y rich media.

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Generación de negocio con SEO
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Generación de negocio con SEO

Desde los principios básicos del search marketing hasta la estructuración OnPage para la optimización de cada página de tu sitio.

Estrategia seo que sigo en 2017
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Comparto mi estrategia SEO para 2017 y cómo voy a trabajar en mi web para ir ganando visitas y tráfico orgánico. Ginés Mayol - Consultor SEO

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Speed = Ranking Factor
Mobile = Ranking Factor
What can we assume moving forward?
cares about time

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Guia de Referencia-Planificación SEO

Este documento proporciona consejos sobre planificación de SEO. Recomienda crear contenido de alta calidad y estructurado con títulos, URLs y metadatos dinámicos según plantillas; establecer enlaces internos bien ordenados entre categorías relacionadas; y generar enlaces externos de autoridades a través de blogs, comentarios y alianzas con sitios complementarios. También sugiere realizar un análisis DAFO y monitorear las posiciones de la competencia para mejorar continuamente la estrategia SEO.

optimizacion web para buscadoresseoposicionamiento en buscadores
cares about actions
@RavenJon |
9. Check and monitor for errors

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iOS 8 is finally here while the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus will appear in a few days. New APIs appears on scene, as well as new challenges to support the new screen sizes. I’ve been playing with the final version and here you have my findings.

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Responsive images are here. Now what?
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The document discusses responsive images and issues around their implementation. It begins by outlining the new <picture> element and srcset/sizes attributes that allow images to adapt based on screen size and resolution. It then discusses challenges like managing many images, the need for image breakpoints to determine appropriate file sizes, and the tension between responsive images and the browser's lookahead parser. Overall, the document examines both the promise and difficulties of responsive images on the modern web.

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Responsive images automator, to automatically audit, generate and test responsive images, presentated at CSS Day 2022 in Faenza, Italy.

csscss dayresponsive images
Google Search Console
Check robots.txt using SEO Book’s tool
Site Auditor
Presented by Jon Henshaw

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7 Peaks Software Angular Meetup July 2019. How We Build NG-MY Websites: Performance, SEO, CI, CD by Jecelyn Yeen – Developer expert at Google Calendar. Google Developer Expert. Angular 8 is the newest version on the block, and comes with the effective CLI API, helping make developers experience better. Offering differential loading support for modern browser, and faster loading, and also includes Ivy renderer tree-shaking for a smaller website. See all the event details here -> Stay tuned to get information about 7 Peaks Software’s next Angular meetup at

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How We Build NG-MY Websites: Performance, SEO, CI, CD
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7 Peaks Software Angular Meetup July 2019. How We Build NG-MY Websites: Performance, SEO, CI, CD by Jecelyn Yeen – Developer expert at Google Calendar. Google Developer Expert. Angular 8 is the newest version on the block, and comes with the effective CLI API, helping make developers experience better. Offering differential loading support for modern browser, and faster loading, and also includes Ivy renderer tree-shaking for a smaller website. See all the event details here -> Stay tuned to get information about 7 Peaks Software’s next Angular meetup at

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Andi Smith provides an overview of setting up an automated workflow for front-end development using Grunt or Gulp. They discuss choosing a task runner, common tasks for setup like concatenation and minification, tasks for development like autoprefixing and live reloading, and tasks for build like image optimization and compression. The presentation emphasizes setting up a workflow that focuses on speeding up the development process and only including necessary tasks.


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