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12 Factor App Methodology
Laeshin Park
Table of Content
• About Me
• What is 12 Factor App
• Summary
• 12 Factor App Check List
About Me
• Interesting in Cloud Native
• This kind of methodology is new to me
What is 12 Factor App?
• Methodology for building software-as-a-service in the Cloud

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In this session, we will see how we can monitor our applications & cloud resources performance from dashboards and will setup alerts.


This document provides an overview of OpenShift Container Platform. It describes OpenShift's architecture including containers, pods, services, routes and the master control plane. It also covers key OpenShift features like self-service administration, automation, security, logging, monitoring, networking and integration with external services.

OpenShift 4 installation
OpenShift 4 installationOpenShift 4 installation
OpenShift 4 installation

Red Hat OpenShift 4 allows for automated and customized deployments. The Full Stack Automation method fully automates installation and updates of both the OpenShift platform and Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS host operating system. The Pre-existing Infrastructure method allows OpenShift to be deployed on user-managed infrastructure, where the customer provisions resources like load balancers and DNS. Both methods use the openshift-install tool to generate ignition configs and monitor the cluster deployment.

Who wrote?
• Manifesto written around 2012
• by Adam Wiggins (Heroku, co-founder)
For Who?
• Any developer building applications which run as a service.
• Ops engineers who deploy or manage such applications.
What is good?
• Minimize time and cost for new developers joining the project.
• Offer maximum portability between execution environments.
• Enable continuous deployment for maximum agility.
• Obviate the need for servers and systems administration.
• Can scale up without significant changes to tooling, architecture,
or development practices.
• Use declarative formats for setup automation.
• Have a clean contract with the underlying operating system.
• Minimize divergence between development and production.

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Kubernetes 101 - an Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift
Kubernetes 101 - an Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShiftKubernetes 101 - an Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift
Kubernetes 101 - an Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift

Administrators and developers are increasingly seeking ways to improve application time to market and improve maintainability. Containers and Red Hat® OpenShift® have quickly become the de facto solution for agile development and application deployment. Red Hat Training has developed a course that provides the gateway to container adoption by understanding the potential of DevOps using a container-based architecture. Orchestrating a container-based architecture with Kubernetes and Red Hat® OpenShift® improves application reliability and scalability, decreases developer overhead, and facilitates continuous integration and continuous deployment. In this webinar, our expert will cover: An overview of container and OpenShift architecture. How to manage containers and container images. Deploying containerized applications with Red Hat OpenShift. An outline of Red Hat OpenShift training offerings.

devopsdevops.comdevops webinars
OpenShift Overview
OpenShift OverviewOpenShift Overview
OpenShift Overview

OpenShift cloud technology high-level overview given at the Athens Area Software Developer Meet-up in Athens, Georgia, January 2014.

Docker introduction
Docker introductionDocker introduction
Docker introduction

Docker is a system for running applications in isolated containers. It addresses issues with traditional virtual machines by providing lightweight containers that share resources and allow applications to run consistently across different environments. Docker eliminates inconsistencies in development, testing and production environments. It allows applications and their dependencies to be packaged into a standardized unit called a container that can run on any Linux server. This makes applications highly portable and improves efficiency across the entire development lifecycle.

• I. Codebase
• II Dependencies
• III. Config
• IV. Backing services
• V. Build, release, run
• VI. Processes
• VII. Port binding
• VIII. Concurrency
• IX. Disposability
• X. Dev/prod parity
• XI. Logs
• XII. Admin processes
I. Codebase
• One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
• VCS(Version Control System): subversion, git, ...
I. Codebase
I. Codebase
• Demo
• Git

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Here are the key steps to create an application from the catalog in the OpenShift web console: 1. Click on "Add to Project" on the top navigation bar and select "Browse Catalog". 2. This will open the catalog page showing available templates. You can search for a template or browse by category. 3. Select the template you want to use, for example Node.js. 4. On the next page you can review the template details and parameters. Fill in any required parameters. 5. Click "Create" to instantiate the template and create the application resources in your current project. 6. OpenShift will then provision the application, including building container images if required.

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Introduction to Docker
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Introduction to Docker

Docker allows applications to be packaged with all their dependencies and run consistently across computing environments. It provides isolation, security and portability for applications. This document discusses setting up an Eh Avatar application to run in Docker containers for Postgres, Redis and the application itself. It covers bringing up the dependency containers, building a custom Docker image for the application, and using Docker Compose to define and run the multi-container application. While this provides an introduction, there is still more to learn about optimizing Docker usage and avoiding common pitfalls.

II. Dependencies
• Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
• Never rely on implicit existence of system-wide packages
• Do not rely on the implicit existence of any system tools
• Example: curl
II. Dependencies
• Python
• Virtualenv
• Ruby
• Gemfile
• Demo
How to handle Dependencies
III. Config
• Resource handles to the database, Memcached, and other backing
• Credentials to external services such as Amazon S3 or Twitter
• Per-deploy values such as the canonical hostname for the deploy
• Everything that is likely to vary between deploys (staging,
production, developer environments, etc)
What is config?
III. Config
• “config” does not include internal application config
• Use config files which are not checked into revision control
• You can make your project open source
• Stores config in environment variables!!!!
How to handle config

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Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4
Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4
Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4

Red Hat is a leading provider of open source solutions, founded in 1993. It was acquired by IBM in 2019 for $34 billion. Red Hat's flagship products are Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift, an enterprise Kubernetes platform. OpenShift provides a full platform for developing, hosting, and managing containerized applications, and includes additional services beyond just Kubernetes. It offers advantages for security, automation, and developer experience compared to managing raw Kubernetes. Operators are an innovative approach in OpenShift to package and automate application logic using Kubernetes as the automation engine.

DevOps introduction
DevOps introductionDevOps introduction
DevOps introduction

DevOps is a software engineering culture and practice that aims to unify software development (Dev) and software operation (Ops) teams. The main goals of DevOps are to achieve shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, and more dependable releases that are closely aligned with business objectives. DevOps advocates for the automation and monitoring of all steps in the software development process, from integration and testing through release, deployment, and infrastructure management.

Prometheus 101
Prometheus 101Prometheus 101
Prometheus 101

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that collects metrics from instrumented systems and applications and allows for querying and alerting on metrics over time. It is designed to be simple to operate, scalable, and provides a powerful query language and multidimensional data model. Key features include no external dependencies, metrics collection by scraping endpoints, time-series storage, and alerting handled by the AlertManager with support for various integrations.

III. Config
• Demo
• python code
IV. Backing services
• Any service the app consumes over the network as part of its
normal operation.
What is Backing services?
IV. Backing services
• locally-managed services,
• datastores : MySQL or CouchDB
• messaging/queueing systems : RabbitMQ or Beanstalkd
• SMTP services : Postfix
• caching systems : Memcached or Redis
• third parties managed
• SMTP services : Postmark
• metrics-gathering services : New Relic or Loggly
• binary asset services : Amazon S3
• API-accessible consumer services : Twitter, Google Maps, or
What is Backing services?
IV. Backing services
• Makes no distinction between local and third party services
• Treat backing services as attached resources
How to handle Backing service

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Infrastructure & System Monitoring using Prometheus

The document introduces infrastructure and system monitoring using Prometheus. It discusses the importance of monitoring, common things to monitor like services, applications, and OS metrics. It provides an overview of Prometheus including its main components and data format. The document demonstrates setting up Prometheus, adding host metrics using Node Exporter, configuring Grafana, monitoring Docker containers using cAdvisor, configuring alerting in Prometheus and Alertmanager, instrumenting application code, and integrating Consul for service discovery. Live code demos are provided for key concepts.

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Transforming Organizations with CI/CD
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When DevOps talks meet DevOps tactics, companies find that Continuous Integration is the make or break point. And implementing CI is one thing, but sustainable CI takes a little bit more consideration. CI is not all about releases, it is also about knowing more about how your software delivery pipeline works, it's weak points, and how you are doing over time. Join CloudBees and cPrime as we discuss best practices for facilitating DevOps pipelines with Jenkins Workflow and reveal how the workflow engine of Jenkins CI and “Agilecentric” Devops practices together, support complex control structures, shortens the development cycle, stabilizes environments and reduces defects.

Getting Started Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
Getting Started Monitoring with Prometheus and GrafanaGetting Started Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
Getting Started Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

Introduction to network monitoring with open source solution prometheus as monitoring engine and grafana as dashboard to visualization.

IV. Backing services
API Server as interface for using Backend service
SELECT * FROM resource
SELECT * FROM resource2
{“data1”: 123}
{“data2”: “abc”}
{“data1”: 123,
“data2”: “abc”}
V. Build, release, run
• Build : code repo + vendors dependencies + binaries and assets
• Release : Build output + config
• Run : Launching set of the app’s processes against a selected release
V. Build, release, run
• Use strict separation between the build, release, and run stage
How to handle Build, release, run

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OpenShift Enterprise
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OpenShift Enterprise

This document provides an overview of Red Hat's OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). OpenShift simplifies and automates the development, deployment and scaling of applications. It allows developers to focus on coding instead of managing infrastructure. OpenShift runs applications securely in isolated containers (gears) on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Developers can use integrated tools or a web console to develop, build and deploy applications. OpenShift then automatically scales applications based on demand. The open source OpenShift Origin project allows organizations to run their own private PaaS or contribute to the community.

CI/CD Overview
CI/CD OverviewCI/CD Overview
CI/CD Overview

This document provides an overview of continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and continuous deployment. CI involves regularly integrating code changes into a central repository and running automated tests. CD builds on CI by automatically preparing code changes for release to testing environments. Continuous deployment further automates the release of changes to production without human intervention if tests pass. The benefits of CI/CD include higher quality, lower costs, faster delivery, and happier teams. Popular CI tools include Jenkins, Bamboo, CircleCI, and Travis. Key practices involve automating all stages, keeping environments consistent, and making the pipeline fast. Challenges include requiring organizational changes and technical knowledge to automate the full process.

The twelve factor app
The twelve factor appThe twelve factor app
The twelve factor app

The Twelve-Factor App methodology outlines best practices for building software-as-a-service apps. It recommends (1) storing code in version control, deploying the same code across environments, and avoiding multiple codebases; (2) explicitly declaring and isolating dependencies; and (3) storing configs in environment variables to separate config from code.

software developmentcloud computing
V. Build, release, run
VI. Processes
• Execute the app as one or more stateless processes
• Processes are stateless and share-nothing
VI. Processes
• Never assumes that anything cached in memory or on disk will be available
on a future request or job
• Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a stateful backing service,
typically a database
• Web systems should never be used or relied upon ““sticky sessions”
• Session state data is a good candidate for a datastore that offers time-
expiration, such as Memcached or Redis
How to handle Processes
VII. Port binding
• Export services via port binding
• One app can become the backing service for another app

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Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix Platform-as-a-ServiceMigrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix Platform-as-a-Service
Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix Platform-as-a-Service

This document discusses migrating Java EE applications from traditional deployment to IBM's Bluemix Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). It introduces key concepts of cloud computing including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS models. It then focuses on Bluemix, describing it as IBM's cloud platform that is built on Cloud Foundry and provides services across various categories. The document guides developers on migrating an example application called DayTrader to Bluemix, covering steps like using database and other services, scaling the runtime, and adopting additional services to enhance the application.

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Whar are microservices and microservices architecture (MSA) How we reach them? Are they the same or SoA or not? When to use them? What are the key characteristics? Slides of my talk given in #Gapand2017 in Andorra

VII. Port binding
• Ex)
• >> http://main-
• >> http://main-
How to handle Port binding
VIII. Concurrency
• Scale out via the process model
• The application must also be able to span multiple processes running on
multiple physical machines
VIII. Concurrency
VIII. Concurrency
• Should never daemonize or write PID files.
• Rely on the operating system’s process manager
• manage output streams
• respond to crashed processes
• handle user-initiated restarts and shutdowns
• ex) Upstart, Foreman, Systemd
• Demo
How to handle Concurrency

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Slide deck related to 15 Factor App. Covers all the aspects related to Cloud Native application development using 15 Factor App methodology.

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Containers, microservices and serverless for realists

The document discusses containers, microservices, and serverless applications for developers. It provides an overview of these topics, including how containers and microservices fit into the DevOps paradigm and allow for better collaboration between development and operations teams. It also discusses trends in container usage and orchestration as well as differences between platforms as a service (PaaS) and serverless applications.

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Docker12 factor

This document discusses modernizing apps using Docker and the 12 Factor methodology. It begins by thanking sponsors and introducing new organizers. It then provides an overview of the evolution of application architectures from the late 90s to today. It notes the benefits of using Docker, such as faster deployments, version tracking, and security. It discusses moving from a monolith application to a microservices architecture using Docker and following the principles of the 12 Factor App methodology to address challenges of distributed systems, rapid deployments, and automation. The 12 factors are then each explained in detail and how Docker can help implement them for building modern, scalable apps.

IX. Disposability
• Be disposable, meaning they can be started or stopped at a moment’s notice
• Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
• This facilitates fast elastic scaling, rapid deployment of code or config
changes, and robustness of production deploys
IX. Disposability
• Processes should strive to minimize startup time
• Processes shut down gracefully when they receive a SIGTERM signal from
the process manager
• A web process ceases to listen on the service port (thereby refusing any new requests),
allowing any current requests to finish, and then exiting
• A worker process returns the current job to the work queue
• Processes should also be robust against sudden death, in the case of a
failure in the underlying hardware
How to handle Disposability
X. Dev/prod parity
• Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible
• developer resists the urge to use different backing services between
development and production
Traditional app Twelve-factor app
Time between deploys Weeks Hours
Code authors vs code deployers Different people Same people
Dev vs production environments Divergent As similar as possible
XI. Logs
• Logs are the stream of aggregated, time-ordered events collected from the
output streams of all running processes and backing services
• Logs provide visibility into the behavior of a running app
• Treat logs as event streams

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This document discusses cloud native, event-driven serverless applications using OpenWhisk microservices framework. It begins with an agenda that covers what it means to be cloud native, Twelve Factor Apps methodology for building apps, an overview of microservices, and developing and deploying microservices using OpenWhisk. The document then provides more details on each topic, including characteristics of cloud native apps, principles of Twelve Factor Apps, benefits and challenges of monolithic vs microservice architectures, and how OpenWhisk works to enable event-driven serverless applications.

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The document discusses how MongoDB and Cloud Foundry can help address challenges with scaling applications in the cloud. It provides an overview of Cloud Foundry capabilities like service brokers and auto-scaling that help manage backing services and scale applications. It also outlines how integrating MongoDB with Cloud Foundry through Pivotal simplifies provisioning and managing MongoDB clusters in a cloud native way according to twelve factor app principles.

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XI. Logs
• Never concerns itself with routing or storage of its output stream
• In staging or production deploys, each process’ stream will be captured by
the execution environment, collated together with all other streams from
the app, and routed to one or more final destinations for viewing and long-
term archival
• Demo
• Fluentd
How to handle Logs
XII. Admin processes
• Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes
• One-off admin processes should be run in an identical environment as the
regular long-running processes of the app
• The same dependency isolation techniques should be used on all process
• Strongly favors languages which provide a REPL shell out of the box, and
which make it easy to run one-off scripts
• Scalable
• Easy Management
• I. Codebase
• II Dependencies
• III. Config
• IV. Backing services
• V. Build, release, run
• VI. Processes
• VII. Port binding
• VIII. Concurrency
• IX. Disposability
• X. Dev/prod parity
• XI. Logs
• XII. Admin processes
12 Factors App Check List
Use VCS(subversion, git, ....)
Execution environment is isolated
It is easy to access Backend Service
Build, Stage, Run environment is sperated
Use Process Manager to manage the application
Support short startup time and graceful shutdown
Dev environment is identical to prod environment
Collect logs in the datastore by the another app.

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The document discusses strategies for transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservice architectures. It outlines some of the challenges with maintaining large monolithic applications and reasons for modernizing, such as handling more data and needing faster changes. It then covers microservice design principles and best practices, including service decomposition, distributed systems strategies, and reactive design. Finally it introduces Lagom as a framework for building reactive microservices on the JVM and outlines its key components and development environment.

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IT Security Symposium 2011 talk. A discussion of leveraging Agile Development + Cloud Computing, and various tools which have worked for us.

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Want to talk more
Thank you for your attention

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12 Factor App Methodology

  • 1. 12 Factor App Methodology Laeshin Park
  • 2. Table of Content • About Me • What is 12 Factor App • Summary • 12 Factor App Check List
  • 3. About Me • Interesting in Cloud Native • This kind of methodology is new to me
  • 4. What is 12 Factor App? • Methodology for building software-as-a-service in the Cloud
  • 5. Who wrote? • • Manifesto written around 2012 • by Adam Wiggins (Heroku, co-founder)
  • 6. For Who? • Any developer building applications which run as a service. • Ops engineers who deploy or manage such applications.
  • 7. What is good? • Minimize time and cost for new developers joining the project. • Offer maximum portability between execution environments. • Enable continuous deployment for maximum agility. • Obviate the need for servers and systems administration. • Can scale up without significant changes to tooling, architecture, or development practices.
  • 8. How? • Use declarative formats for setup automation. • Have a clean contract with the underlying operating system. • Minimize divergence between development and production.
  • 9. How? • I. Codebase • II Dependencies • III. Config • IV. Backing services • V. Build, release, run • VI. Processes • VII. Port binding • VIII. Concurrency • IX. Disposability • X. Dev/prod parity • XI. Logs • XII. Admin processes
  • 10. I. Codebase • One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys • VCS(Version Control System): subversion, git, ...
  • 12. I. Codebase • Demo • Git •
  • 13. II. Dependencies • Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies • Never rely on implicit existence of system-wide packages • Do not rely on the implicit existence of any system tools • Example: curl
  • 14. II. Dependencies • Python • Virtualenv • Ruby • Gemfile • Demo How to handle Dependencies
  • 15. III. Config • Resource handles to the database, Memcached, and other backing services • Credentials to external services such as Amazon S3 or Twitter • Per-deploy values such as the canonical hostname for the deploy • Everything that is likely to vary between deploys (staging, production, developer environments, etc) What is config?
  • 16. III. Config • “config” does not include internal application config • Use config files which are not checked into revision control • You can make your project open source • Stores config in environment variables!!!! How to handle config
  • 18. IV. Backing services • Any service the app consumes over the network as part of its normal operation. What is Backing services?
  • 19. IV. Backing services • locally-managed services, • datastores : MySQL or CouchDB • messaging/queueing systems : RabbitMQ or Beanstalkd • SMTP services : Postfix • caching systems : Memcached or Redis • third parties managed • SMTP services : Postmark • metrics-gathering services : New Relic or Loggly • binary asset services : Amazon S3 • API-accessible consumer services : Twitter, Google Maps, or What is Backing services?
  • 20. IV. Backing services • Makes no distinction between local and third party services • Treat backing services as attached resources How to handle Backing service
  • 22. API Server as interface for using Backend service Apps API Server SELECT * FROM resource SELECT * FROM resource2 {“data1”: 123} {“data2”: “abc”} {“data1”: 123, “data2”: “abc”} DNS Lookup Get
  • 23. V. Build, release, run • Build : code repo + vendors dependencies + binaries and assets • Release : Build output + config • Run : Launching set of the app’s processes against a selected release
  • 24. V. Build, release, run • Use strict separation between the build, release, and run stage How to handle Build, release, run
  • 26. VI. Processes • Execute the app as one or more stateless processes • Processes are stateless and share-nothing
  • 27. VI. Processes • Never assumes that anything cached in memory or on disk will be available on a future request or job • Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a stateful backing service, typically a database • Web systems should never be used or relied upon ““sticky sessions” • Session state data is a good candidate for a datastore that offers time- expiration, such as Memcached or Redis How to handle Processes
  • 28. VII. Port binding • Export services via port binding • One app can become the backing service for another app
  • 29. VII. Port binding • Ex) • >> http://main- • >> http://main- How to handle Port binding
  • 30. VIII. Concurrency • Scale out via the process model • The application must also be able to span multiple processes running on multiple physical machines
  • 32. VIII. Concurrency • Should never daemonize or write PID files. • Rely on the operating system’s process manager • manage output streams • respond to crashed processes • handle user-initiated restarts and shutdowns • ex) Upstart, Foreman, Systemd • Demo How to handle Concurrency
  • 33. IX. Disposability • Be disposable, meaning they can be started or stopped at a moment’s notice • Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown • This facilitates fast elastic scaling, rapid deployment of code or config changes, and robustness of production deploys
  • 34. IX. Disposability • Processes should strive to minimize startup time • Processes shut down gracefully when they receive a SIGTERM signal from the process manager • A web process ceases to listen on the service port (thereby refusing any new requests), allowing any current requests to finish, and then exiting • A worker process returns the current job to the work queue • Processes should also be robust against sudden death, in the case of a failure in the underlying hardware How to handle Disposability
  • 35. X. Dev/prod parity • Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible • developer resists the urge to use different backing services between development and production Traditional app Twelve-factor app Time between deploys Weeks Hours Code authors vs code deployers Different people Same people Dev vs production environments Divergent As similar as possible
  • 36. XI. Logs • Logs are the stream of aggregated, time-ordered events collected from the output streams of all running processes and backing services • Logs provide visibility into the behavior of a running app • Treat logs as event streams
  • 37. XI. Logs • Never concerns itself with routing or storage of its output stream • In staging or production deploys, each process’ stream will be captured by the execution environment, collated together with all other streams from the app, and routed to one or more final destinations for viewing and long- term archival • Demo • Fluentd How to handle Logs
  • 38. XII. Admin processes • Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes • One-off admin processes should be run in an identical environment as the regular long-running processes of the app • The same dependency isolation techniques should be used on all process types • Strongly favors languages which provide a REPL shell out of the box, and which make it easy to run one-off scripts
  • 39. Summary • Scalable • Easy Management • I. Codebase • II Dependencies • III. Config • IV. Backing services • V. Build, release, run • VI. Processes • VII. Port binding • VIII. Concurrency • IX. Disposability • X. Dev/prod parity • XI. Logs • XII. Admin processes
  • 40. 12 Factors App Check List Use VCS(subversion, git, ....) Execution environment is isolated It is easy to access Backend Service Build, Stage, Run environment is sperated Use Process Manager to manage the application Support short startup time and graceful shutdown Dev environment is identical to prod environment Collect logs in the datastore by the another app.
  • 41. Want to talk more
  • 42. Thank you for your attention