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High Performance Mobile Web
Patrick Meenan
10 - 10:30 - Delivering a fast mobile web experience
10:30 - 11 - Break + Live Website testing/analysis (network Permitting)
11 - 11:20 - Measuring Web Performance
11:20 - 11:30 - Q&A
Median: ~2.7s
Mean: ~6.9s
Mobile *
Median: ~4.8s
Mean: ~10.2s

* optimistic

How Fast Are Websites Around The World? - Google Analytics Blog
Fiber-to-the-home services provided 18 ms round-trip latency on average, while cable-based
services averaged 26 ms, and DSL-based services averaged 43 ms. This compares to 2011 figures of
17 ms for fiber, 28 ms for cable and 44 ms for DSL.

Measuring Broadband America - July 2012 - FCC
"Users of the Sprint 4G network can expect to experience average speeds of 3
Mbps to 6 Mbps download and up to 1.5 Mbps upload with an average latency of
150 ms. On the Sprint 3G network, users can expect to experience average speeds
of 600 Kbps - 1.4 Mbps download and 350 Kbps - 500 Kbps upload with an
average latency of 400 ms."




400 ms

150 ms


150 - 400 ms

100 - 200 ms


There is a one time cost for control-plane
User-plane latency is the one-way latency between
packet availability in the device and packet at the
base station

Idle to connected latency

User-plane one-way latency



< 100 ms

< 100 ms

< 2.5 s

< 5 ms

< 10 ms

< 50 ms
LTE power state transitions (AT&T)




Idle to Active: 260 ms control-plane latency
Dormant to Active: <50 ms control-plane latency (spec)

Timeout driven state transitions back to idle
○ 100 ms > Dormant
○ 10 s > Idle
Similar state machine for 3G devices
○ Except Control Plane latencies are much higher (1-2
Waterfall Basics
Waterfall Components
(200 ms RTT)

(80 ms RTT)

Control plane

(200-2500 ms)

(50-100 ms)

DNS lookup

200 ms

80 ms

TCP Connection

200 ms

80 ms

TLS handshake

(200-400 ms)

(80-160 ms)

HTTP request

200 ms

80 ms

600-3500 ms

240-500 ms


Network overhead of
one HTTP request!
Typical Mobile Network Performance

Average RTT

Average Downlink

Average Uplink Throughput

South Korea

278 ms

1.8 Mbps

723 Kbps


305 ms

1.9 Mbps

543 Kbps


344 ms

1.6 Mbps

658 Kbps


372 ms

1.4 Mbps

782 Kbps


518 ms

1.1 Mbps

439 Kbps


654 ms

1.2 Mbps

633 Kbps


892 ms

541 Kbps

298 Kbps

Compare to typical desktop and WiFi performance:
< 50 ms RTT, 5 Mbps throughput in the US
Source: Ookla/
Smaller resources

Fewer resources
The Performance Golden Rule

Torbit Insight Real-User Data
Front-End: 3.2s*

Back-End: 0.010s*

*WebPagetest performance as measured by New Relic

Content Type

Avg # of Requests

Avg size



39 kB



490 kB



142 kB



27 kB
HTTP Archive - Mobile Trends (Feb, 2013)
11 Requests, 300KB

784 Requests, 9,200KB
11 Requests, 300KB

784 Requests, 9,200KB

WiFi - Cable (5Mbps, 28ms)



3G - Fast (1.6Mbps, 150ms)


High Performance Websites

Make fewer HTTP requests
Add expires header
Gzip Components
Put stylesheets at the top
Put scripts at the bottom
Avoid CSS expressions
Make JS and CSS external
Reduce DNS lookups
Minify JS
Avoid redirects
Remove duplicate scripts
Configure Etags
Make Ajax cacheable
Sharding domains
1 - Deliver smaller resources
2 - Send fewer resources
TCP Initial Congestion Window

Is Really:

Linux 2.6.39+ (IW 10):
TCP Initial Congestion Window

Upgraded from
Ubuntu 10.04 (2.6.32)
to 12.04 (3.2)

Base Page Download Time

40% smaller that jpeg for equivalent quality
Supports alpha + lossy
New losless support (26% smaller than PNG in testing)
Supported by Chrome and Opera
Browser Prefetcher
External JS Script Resources

Poor Bandwidth Utilization
Browser Prefetcher
External JS Script

Improved Bandwidth Utilization
Watch out for Hidden Images (slideshows in particular)

Main gallery image competing with hidden images and background for bandwidth
4 Shards


2 Shards

50-80ms faster page load times for image heavy pages (e.g. search)
○ 30-50ms faster overall.
Up to 500ms faster load times on mobile.
0.27% increase in pages per visit.
Sync scripts block the parser...
Sync script will block the rendering of your page:
<script type="text/javascript"

Async script will not block the rendering of your page:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript';
po.async = true; po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
Performance rules to keep in mind...
(1) JavaScript can block the DOM construction
(2) JavaScript can block on CSS
(3) Rendering is blocked on CSS...

Which means...
(1) Get CSS down to the client as fast as you can

Unblocks paints, removes potential JS waiting on CSS scenario

(2) If you can, use async scripts + avoid doc.write at all costs

Faster DOM construction, faster DCL and paint!
Do you need scripts in your critical rendering path?
Less is more

Parsing JS can take 1ms per KB (uncompressed)
Lazy Image Loaders
● Hide images from preloader (good)
● Reduce data use (good)
● Trigger resource loads at arbitrary times (bad)

May wake up radio and require 2-3s delay

● Balance bandwidth with experience and battery

Maybe load all delayed images after onload's mobile home page
125 KB,
Mobile web performance - MoDev East
Measuring Web Performance
Mobile web performance - MoDev East
Navigation Timing (W3C)
IE 9+
Firefox 9+
Android 4+


User’s Connectivity

Navigation Timing spec
When is “Done”?
(old) Twitter onLoad (1.9s)

(old) Twitter end of activity (6.8s)



53 s
Speed Index: 8592
onload=”performance.mark(‘aft.Image Loaded’)”...

● performance.getEntriesByType(“mark”)
● Report latest aft.* as custom time
Roll Your Own

● Send http beacon to beacon server
○ All timings as query params
○ 204 or transparent 1px gif
○ Log requests to access log

● IP, User Agent and Timings all in each
● access log -> logster -> statsd -> graphite
● Profit!
Google Analytics
_gaq.push(['_trackTiming', 'UserTimings', 'aft', measuredTime);
Boomerang/Soasta mPulse
BOOMR.plugins.RT.setTimer(‘custom0’, measuredTime);
AFT vs onload



95th Percentile


98th Percentile




95th Percentile


98th Percentile

Custom timings in WebPagetest
Resource Timing
IE 10+

Timing for every network-loaded resource
Resource Timing

Cross-origin restrictions.
Granular timing blanked out unless:

Timing-Allow-Origin: *
Timing-Allow-Origin: null
Experiment on


Set session cookie to identify new/existing session


Set browser cookie and local cache value to track cache persistence


Track performance for sitewide js (site.js)

From Cache: responseStart == 0 || responseStart == requestStart
Mobile web performance - MoDev East
Resource from the Network
Resource from Memory Cache
Resource from Disk Cache
Thank You!
Patrick Meenan

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Matthew Sinclair
[Talk] Moving Beyond Spaghetti Infrastructure [AOTB] 2024-07-04.pdf
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[Talk] Moving Beyond Spaghetti Infrastructure [AOTB] 2024-07-04.pdf
Kief Morris
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Sally Laouacheria
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Bert Blevins
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