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Shahar Geiger Maor
  VP & Senior Analyst

Visit My Blog:

1   Information Security                                                                            Security

2   Networking                                                                                   Networking

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
    Green IT
3                                                                                                   Green IT

         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   2
Information Security

                     GRC and Security market size (Ms of $)

                                             2008                                    2009 Your Text here                      2010
        Your Text here
Governance & Risk Management
                                             35.0   42%                             50.0                50%   75.0
          (also BCP)

                                             95.0 -10.53%                           85.0               11.76% 95.0
     Security (projects)
                                             90.0 -5.56%                            85.0               -5.88% 80.0
    Security (Software)
                                              220                0%                   220                   14%                   250

             Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            3

Security/Privacy In the News                                                                                                   Security

   Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            4

Recommended for you

SOC/NOC Convergence by Spire Research
SOC/NOC Convergence by Spire ResearchSOC/NOC Convergence by Spire Research
SOC/NOC Convergence by Spire Research

This document discusses the convergence of security operations centers (SOCs) and network operations centers (NOCs) for improved efficiency and response. It outlines how IT service management aims to reduce silos and organize functions like identity management, vulnerability management, and security operations. Challenges of SOC/NOC monitoring include different tools that limit data availability and correlation, hindering root cause analysis and collaboration. Successful convergence requires assessing standards, defining controls based on capabilities, documenting policies, and obtaining stakeholder approval.

International approaches to critical information infrastructure protection ...
International approaches to critical information infrastructure protection   ...International approaches to critical information infrastructure protection   ...
International approaches to critical information infrastructure protection ...

This document discusses international cooperation on critical infrastructure protection (CIP) and trustworthy information and communications technology (ICT). It describes the BIC project, which aims to identify challenges to EU and global trust and security, and facilitate collaboration between organizations. Key issues discussed include monitoring critical infrastructure ecosystems, detection of anomalies, secure notification systems, metrics for quantifying protection, and response strategies. International cooperation is needed for technologies, threat information sharing, and data management standards regarding acquisition, dissemination, storage, and access.

information securityowasp india conferenceapplication security
Security Intelligence
Security IntelligenceSecurity Intelligence
Security Intelligence

IBM Security Systems presents security intelligence as a multi-dimensional approach to securing information resources. Security intelligence provides comprehensive insight by collecting, normalizing, and analyzing data from users, applications, and infrastructure. This real-time monitoring allows organizations to understand normal behavior and detect anomalies to identify security incidents. Security intelligence solutions from IBM offer extensive data sources, deep intelligence, and exceptionally accurate and actionable insights.


                               Security Trends                                                                                             Security

                                 Outsourcing                                cyber crime                              Virtualization

                                         Sensitive or
                                                                                                                   Inability to properly
                                                                                                                       identify and
           Your Text here                                                                                Your Text here
                                      information may
                                                                                                                    authenticate users
                                       not be properly
                                                                                                                   to multiple systems
   End-user’s                             protected
 organization is
                                                                               External threat of
unable to control
                                                                                organized cyber
    the data
                                                                              criminal syndicates
  environment                                                                                                           Third parties might
                                     parties might be
                                                                                                                         be able to access
                                      able to access
                                                                                                                        private files without
                                   private files without

                    Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            5

                            Security Trends                                                                                             Security

                               Data breaches
                                                                       Peer-to-peer file                              Web 2.0 and
                                  personal                                 sharing                                     mesh-ups
                                                                               Use of P2P               monitoring of
         Your Text here                                                     might result in Your Text here
                                   Sensitive or
                                                                                                       employees’ use
                                   confidential                                the loss of
  Inability to
                                                                                                         of Web 2.0
                                information that                              sensitive or
                                                                                                      applications can
                                 ends up in the                               confidential
 identify and
                                                                                                      result in the loss
                                 hands of cyber                                 business
                                                                                                          of critical
remote users                      criminals and                               information                confidential
                                                                            including trade
                                 identity thieves
                                                                                                        business data
                                                                                                       on the Internet

                 Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            6
     Technologies Categorization 2009                                                                                                    Security

Business Value
to make money                       Remote
Cut costs, Increase                                                                                   Manage Sec.
                                                   IAM/IDM                                             Services                          IT Project
                                                    SSO                                                               Cloud              Project
            Your Text here                                                                             Your Text here
                    Sec.                                                                 DLP
Commodity IT                       X                                                                                              Size of figure =
                                EPS SIEM/SOC                                                                                      complexity/
Services                                                                                                                          cost of project
                            Network                                     NAC                                Sec.
for regulations
                                    Using                    Implementing                               Looking
                                                           Market Maturity
                  Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             7

                    STKI Madad 2008-2009

                         Network DLP                                                           Hardening
   Market Players
                           5% 4%                                                                  3%
    GRC                                                                             18%
Miscellaneous                                                                                                EPS/Anti x
     6%      Your Text here                                                                              Your Text here

                DB Protection
     NAC                                                                                               WAF & Apps
     6%                                                                                                   11%
                                       Management                          Trends
                                           8%                                8%

                    Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            8

Recommended for you

Hakin9 interview w Prof Sood
Hakin9 interview w Prof SoodHakin9 interview w Prof Sood
Hakin9 interview w Prof Sood

Dr. Arun Sood is a professor of computer science who has developed an approach called Self Cleansing Intrusion Tolerance (SCIT) to improve server security. SCIT works by converting static servers into dynamic servers that refresh regularly, reducing exposure time to malware while maintaining service. His research aims to limit losses from successful attacks by restoring servers to a pristine state frequently. SCIT has been implemented to refresh servers every minute, limiting the time for malware to cause damage.

cyber securitycryptomoore law
Communication security
Communication securityCommunication security
Communication security

Security involves protecting systems, networks, programs and data from unauthorized access and modification. This is achieved through techniques like cryptography, authentication, firewalls, antivirus software and implementing security policies and defenses. Some common security threats include viruses, worms, hacking, denial of service attacks and password vulnerabilities. Different levels of computer security classification (A, B, C, D) provide increasing levels of protection and access control based on sensitivity of the data and systems.

Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR) Vol. 16
Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR) Vol. 16Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR) Vol. 16
Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR) Vol. 16

The document discusses information and identity protection solutions from Symantec. It covers the risks of data breaches, an information-centric security approach, and Symantec's portfolio of products that provide data loss prevention, encryption, and user authentication capabilities. The integrated suite helps customers gain awareness of sensitive data, protect it across networks and endpoints, and authenticate user identities.

antispyware""firewall software""""internet security""

Sophisticated Threat Environment                                                                                                         Security

                          First-Stage                                                       Second-Stage
    Writers                                                 Middle Men                                                         End Value
                           Abusers                                                            Abusers

                        Hacker or                                                                                                  Fame
 Tool Writers
                       Direct Attack
                                                          Host and
  Malware                Machine                                                           Extortionist
  Writers               Harvesting                                                        DDoS for Hire
                                                      Botnet Creation                                                          Espionage
             Your Text Information
                       here                                                                   Spammer Text here
                        Harvesting                         Botnet                                                               Extortion
   Viruses                                                                                     Phisher
                       Internal Theft
                         Abuse of
                                                                                           Poisoning                           Fraudulent
                                                                                           Identity Theft
  Spyware                                                  Brokerage
                                                                                                                              Click Fraud
                                                         Electronic IP
                                                           Leakage                                                         Financial Fraud
                  Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            9
                                                         Source: Cisco Israel

               Application Security                                                                                             Security
                                                                                                                               -App. Sec

STKI observation: Secure development should be an
  integral part of any new project and therefore should be
  calculated within the project’s budget. STKI survey shows
  that spendings on secure development scale from 0% of
  total project budget (Main-Frame based projects) up to
  10% ( core web applications projects) of total project
  budget. here
     Your Text                              Your Text here
  Average spending on secure development is 5% of total
  project budget (including: training, code review and
  penetration tests)

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           10

Web Applications - Vulnerabilities                                                                                              Security
                                                                                                                               -App. Sec

    Probability to detect vulnerabilities of
    different risk degree (results of 32,717 sites
    and 69,476 vulnerabilities of different
    degrees of severity)
    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                                                 % Sites (Scanned)                      % Sites (Black & Whitebox)
      % Sites (All)

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           11

   Web Applications -Vulnerabilities                                                                                                   Security
                                                                                                                                      -App. Sec

Vulnerability frequency by types:
1. Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection vulnerabilities usually appears due to
    system design errors
2. Information Leakage and Predictable Resource Location are often connected with
    improper system administration (for example, weak access control)

           Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

               Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           12

Recommended for you

Secure Message Transmission using Image Steganography on Desktop Based
Secure Message Transmission using Image Steganography on Desktop BasedSecure Message Transmission using Image Steganography on Desktop Based
Secure Message Transmission using Image Steganography on Desktop Based

The rapid increase in our technology has made easier for us to send and receive data over internet at most affordable way. There are many transmission medias like emails, facebook, twitter, etc” ¦ which led way for the intruders to modify and misuse the information what we share over the internet. So in order to overcome these kinds of issues many methods has been implemented such as Cryptography, Steganography and Digital watermarking to safeguard our data transmissions in a most prominent way. In this paper, hiding text inside a digital image using Stegano tool for secure data transmissions has been described. Sidharth Sai S | N. Priya "Secure Message Transmission using Image Steganography on Desktop Based" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, URL: Paper URL :

cryptographysteganographycomputer security
Securing Mobile - A Business Centric Approach
Securing Mobile - A Business Centric ApproachSecuring Mobile - A Business Centric Approach
Securing Mobile - A Business Centric Approach

Securing Mobile - A Business Centric Approach For a higher quality version, visit: Presentation given by Omar Khawaja (of Verizion) at Verizon the 2013 ​Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.


John Thompson, CEO of Symantec, discussed the company's strategy to secure and manage customers' information-driven worlds. Symantec aims to reduce risks, control complexity, and more completely and efficiently manage security, risk and infrastructure. The company sees opportunities in its core security businesses as well as high growth areas like data loss prevention. Symantec is committed to corporate responsibility and long-term financial objectives of growing revenue above market rates while expanding margins and optimizing its capital structure.

                           Web Application Firewall                                                                                    Security
                                                                                                                                      -App. Sec
                            –Israeli Market Players

Applicure - dotDefender (Apache and IIS)                                           Cisco* - ACE XML Gateway

 Barracuda - Web Application Firewall                                                     IBM* –Data Power
      (fromerly NetContinuum)
          Your Text here                                                                             Your Text here
     Breach Security - WebDefend                                                         Microsoft –IAG WAF

 Citrix - Application Firewall (Formerly                                                Protegrity - Defiance

           *Both Cisco ACE XML Gateway and IBM Data Power are not pure WAF players, but were added to the list
               Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           13
                           Web Application Firewall                                                                                       Security
                                                                                                                                         -App. Sec
                           –Leading Players -1Q09

Solution                          What Should I Know?                                                                     Representatives/
F5 - Application Security   One of the best WAFs around. Features a good          Trek-IT (Dis.),
Manager (ASM)               policy toolset for adaptive learning. Offer strong    Artnet,
                            integration to the TMOS family of products.           Taldor, Spider,
                            Superb load balancing capabilities. One of two        Bezeq Int., One
             Your Text here leading solutions in Israel. Strong market Your Text here
                                                                                  NewAge, Netcom
Imperva – SecureSphere            The first in the Israeli market. Imperva has an                                         Comsec (Dis.),
                                  array of out-of-the-box policies and attack                                             Netcom, Bynet,
                                  signatures as well as superior learning mode . A                                        Taldor, NewAge,
                                  leading DB protection solution. Has a significant                                       012 Smile
                                  market share

                  Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           14
Application Security                                                                                                Information
                                                                                                                                -App. Sec
–Israeli Players and Positioning -1Q09

     Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           15

     Network Access Control                                                                                                 Security
                                                                                                                         -Network Sec

Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

    Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            16

Recommended for you

319 325
319 325319 325
319 325

This document summarizes a research paper on using cryptography and steganography for data security. It discusses how both cryptography and steganography can be used to securely transmit confidential information, but combining them provides additional security. The document then provides background on cryptography and steganography techniques. It explains symmetric and asymmetric encryption, and algorithms like AES, DES, and Diffie-Hellman. It also discusses how the paper aims to develop a new system that embeds encrypted data using steganography for enhanced security. In under 3 sentences.

Sw keynote
Sw keynoteSw keynote
Sw keynote

Oracle Security Inside Out Cost-Effective Security and Compliance Steve Wainwright Senior Director Information Security UK, Ireland & Israel

CRTC Cloud Security- Jeff Crume
CRTC Cloud Security- Jeff CrumeCRTC Cloud Security- Jeff Crume
CRTC Cloud Security- Jeff Crume

Presentation from Chesapeake Regional Tech Council\'s TechFocus Seminar on Cloud Security; Presented by Jeff Crume, IBM Distinguished Engineer, IT Security Architect, CISSP-ISSAP on Thursday, October 27, 2011.


                          NAC Insights                                                                                            Security
                                                                                                                               -Network Sec

NAC has not been “fully digested” by Israeli customers in
 2008. There should be more activity in 2009
NAC can be deployed less expensively when it is an
 embedded feature of an existing vendor and customers
 take notice here it
        Your Text                          Your Text here
Israeli customers first priority: implementing a guest
 networking control
Network Security or Endpoint Security?

        NAC is a Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 match
          Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            17

                           STKI Israeli Positioning
                                                                                                                                                -Network Sec

                • Not a technological positioning, refers only to Israeli market
                • Focused on enterprise market (not SMB)
                                                                                                               Vendor A
                • Not an STKI recommendation
                                                                                              Vendor B
                  Market Presence (X)
Local Support

                        Market share - existing and new sales (more emphasis)
                        Mind share (how user organizations rate vendors)
                  Local Support (Y) – is influenced by (X)
                        Experience & technical knowledge, localization,
                         support, number and kind of integrators
                 Worldwide leaders marked, based on global positioning
                 Vendors to watch: Are only just entering israeli market
                                 so can’t be positioned but should be watched
 Vendors to Watch:
                Vendor C
                                                      Market Presence
                           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            18
NAC                                                                       Information
                                                                                                                                                -Network Sec
                             - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09

                Vendors to Watch:
                   HP Procurve
                   Check Point

Local Support

                                                                                                         XOR SWAT
                  Juniper                                                                                                                        Leader
                                                                    Access Layers
                                              Enterasys                                                                                          Leap
                                                                                      This analysis should be used with its
                                                                                      supporting documents

                                                      Market Presence
                           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             19

Endpoint Security                                                                                                              Security

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           20

Recommended for you

Is Information Security Worth It?
Is Information Security Worth It?Is Information Security Worth It?
Is Information Security Worth It?

The document discusses whether spending money on information security protection is worthwhile. It notes that the annual information security market size in the EU is 15.5 billion euros, serving over 20 million companies and 200 million workers. While some question if the average spending of 750 euros per company and 70 euros per worker is too little or too much, the document argues information security spending can help organizations comply with regulations, protect against threats like hacking and data loss, and reduce risks and monetary losses from security incidents.

information securitysecurityreturn on investment
Study, analysis and formulation of a new method for integrity protection of d...
Study, analysis and formulation of a new method for integrity protection of d...Study, analysis and formulation of a new method for integrity protection of d...
Study, analysis and formulation of a new method for integrity protection of d...

The document presents a new method for ensuring integrity and confidentiality of digital data. It proposes an algorithm that creates a watermark based on the contents of a document, embeds the watermark without changing the document contents, and encrypts the text. The watermark is created by selecting the three most frequent keywords in the document and applying shuffling and substitution based on the keyword occurrences. This encrypted watermarked image can be extracted to authenticate and verify the document for tampering, thus proving integrity. The method aims to provide both confidentiality through encryption and integrity through watermark extraction.

DSS ITSEC Conference 2012 - SIEM Q1 Labs IBM Security Systems Intelligence
DSS ITSEC Conference 2012 - SIEM Q1 Labs IBM Security Systems IntelligenceDSS ITSEC Conference 2012 - SIEM Q1 Labs IBM Security Systems Intelligence
DSS ITSEC Conference 2012 - SIEM Q1 Labs IBM Security Systems Intelligence

IBM Security Systems provides innovative security solutions from leading technology vendors in over 10 countries. They specialize in security consulting, testing, auditing, integration, training and support. They were the first certified partner of Q1 Labs in the Baltics, and now work with IBM's security portfolio. The document discusses the need for security intelligence solutions that integrate log management, security information and event management, risk management, network activity monitoring, and other capabilities to provide comprehensive security insights.


Endpoint Security -Threats                                                                                                   Security

  Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

      Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           21

          Endpoint Security -Protection                                                                                                   Security

               Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                   Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           22

          Endpoint Security -Protection                                                                                                   Security

               Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                   Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           23

          Endpoint Security -Protection                                                                                                   Security

                                                                 Anti X


               Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here


                   Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           24

Recommended for you

2012 ReEnergize the Americas 3B: Gene Rodriguez
2012 ReEnergize the Americas 3B: Gene Rodriguez2012 ReEnergize the Americas 3B: Gene Rodriguez
2012 ReEnergize the Americas 3B: Gene Rodriguez

The document discusses cyber security strategies for energy and utilities companies. It outlines frameworks for governance, risk management, and compliance. It provides examples of security architectures and reference architectures that integrate cyber security solutions. It also discusses how integrated operations centers can help with risk and compliance management through monitoring, visualization, and correlation of security events and business data.

nmsunew mexicolas cruces
Targeted Attacks: Have you found yours?
Targeted Attacks: Have you found yours?Targeted Attacks: Have you found yours?
Targeted Attacks: Have you found yours?

The document discusses advanced persistent threats and how traditional security methods are insufficient for dealing with them. It introduces Deep Discovery as a solution that provides specialized threat detection across the attack sequence through analyzing malicious content, suspect communications, and attack behaviors. Deep Discovery uses automated analysis, threat intelligence, and sandboxing to detect customized attacks and provides security updates, attack analysis and intelligence, and context-relevant views to guide rapid remediation responses.

Oracle security-formula
Oracle security-formulaOracle security-formula
Oracle security-formula

This document discusses Oracle's identity management and database security products. It notes that threats are increasingly coming from insiders and attacks are targeting applications and data. It also discusses how a patchwork of point solutions leads to audit exposure, security vulnerabilities and missed business opportunities. The document promotes Oracle's integrated security platform approach which can reduce audit exposure, detect and prevent threats, and help businesses grow by enabling new opportunities like cloud, mobile and social access.

Anti -X Suites                                                                                                      Information
- Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Enterprise Leaders Only)                                                                               -EPS

 Local Support

                                                        Trend Micro


                                                                            This analysis should be used with its
                                                                            supporting documents

                                            Market Presence
                 Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            25
Data Centric Security                                                                                                       Data Centric

       Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            26
Data Centric
         Data Centric Approach                                                                                                Security

   Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

Build a wall – “perimeter                                        “Business of Security” – Security
        security”                                                is built into the business process

       Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            27
Data Centric

Data Centric Security Arena                                                                                            Security

              DLP                                                      ERM


Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            28

Recommended for you

Information Security By Design
Information Security By DesignInformation Security By Design
Information Security By Design

Information Security is becoming a focus for the entire enterprise, not just IT. This need to align both business and technology is forcing IT to move Information Security from afterthought to forethought. Architects now ponder how Information Security can be integrated into the broader topic of Enterprise Architecture. This session shows how to make the integration happen. You will learn how to integrate assets and define trusts and threat models as a part of your overall EA plan. You will also understand how Information Security is traced all the way from business architecture to the technology implementation. Participants will understand the components of an Integrated EA and Information Security framework and ensuring the traceability between business goals and IT security solutions delivered from the framework. Key Issues: -Understand the need to think early about Information Security -Learn to incorporate Information Security into your EA blueprint and roadmap -Integrate Informatoin Security Goals, objectives and capabilities with your EA view of strategy -Integrate security policies, services and mechanisms with your EA view of solutions -Integrate security mechanisms, standards, and guidelines into your implementations

Isl awareness training
Isl awareness trainingIsl awareness training
Isl awareness training

This document provides an overview of information security awareness training presented by Kelley Bogart, CISSP. It discusses what information security is, including that it is a process of managing risk, not a project, and that the goal is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical systems and confidential information. It also summarizes the CIA triad, lists common information security domains, discusses the 90/10 rule as it applies to security with 90% of efforts focusing on people and processes rather than technology. The document outlines what security awareness is and defenses that can be used in depth to enhance security. It provides guidance on secure account access controls, use of wireless networks, safe internet surfing practices, and reviewing latest phishing

Top Cyber Security Interview Questions and Answers 2022.pdf
Top Cyber Security Interview Questions and Answers 2022.pdfTop Cyber Security Interview Questions and Answers 2022.pdf
Top Cyber Security Interview Questions and Answers 2022.pdf

Cyber security positions have considerably taken the top list in the job market. Candidates vying for elite positions in the field of cyber security certainly need a clear-cut and detailed guide to channeling their preparation for smooth career growth, beginning with getting a job. We have curated the top cyber security interview questions that will help candidates focus on the key areas. We have classified the regularly asked cyber security interview questions here, in this article into different levels starting from basic general questions to advanced technical ones. Before we move on to the top cyber security interview questions, it is critical to reflect on the vitality of cyber security in our modern times and how cyber security professionals are catering to the needs of securing a safe cyber ecosystem. The times we live in is defined by the digital transition, in which the internet, electronic devices, and computers have become an integral part of our daily life. Institutions that serve our daily needs, such as banks and hospitals, now rely on internet-connected equipment to give the best possible service. A portion of their data, such as financial and personal information, has become vulnerable to illegal access, posing serious risks. Intruders utilize this information to carry out immoral and criminal goals. Cyber-attacks have jeopardized the computer system and its arrangements, which has now become a global concern. To safeguard data from security breaches, a comprehensive cyber security policy is needed now more than ever. The rising frequency of cyber-attacks has compelled corporations and organizations working with national security and sensitive data to implement stringent security procedures and restrictions. Computers, mobile devices, servers, data, electronic systems, networks, and other systems connected to the internet must be protected from harmful attacks. Cybersecurity, which is a combination of the words "cyber" and "security," provides this protection. 'Cyber' imbibes the vast-ranging technology with systems, networks, programs, and data in the aforementioned procedure. The phrase "security" refers to the process of protecting data, networks, applications, and systems. In a nutshell, cyber security is a combination of principles and approaches that assist prevent unwanted access to data, networks, programs, and devices by meeting the security needs of technological resources (computer-based) and online databases.

cyber security interviewcyber security questionscyber security interview pdf
Data Centric

Data Leak/Loss Prevention                                                                                                      Security

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            29
Data Centric

    Data Leak /Loss Prevention                                                                                                       Security

 DLP is an overall framework into which different elements fit

 There are three types of data that may leak:
   • Data at rest

   • DataYourtransit
          in Text here                                                                              Your Text here

   • Data on endpoints

 No single DLP focus area is full proof, an optimal solution
  should cover all three areas

 DLP is a growing area, and vendors react accordingly

              Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            30
Data Centric

      DLP –Market Status & Players                                                                                                  Security

World Leaders (consolidation in progress…):
      Symantec (Acquired Vontu, 2007, 350$ M)
      Websense (Acquired PortAuthority 2007, 90$ M)
      Reconnex (Acquired by McAfee, July 2008, 46$ M)
      Tablus Text here
          Your (Acquired by RSA, 2007, 40$ M)
  •                                           Your Text here
      Vericept ? Workshare?
Main drivers for DLP are:
  • Regulations such as Payment Card Industry (PCI),
    Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • e-mail security, instant messaging (IM) and
    endpoint monitoring solutions
             Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            31
Data Centric

    DLP –Market Status                                                                                                     Security

                 DLP Deployments Status -Israel 1Q09

                                                          Solution Deployed
Your Text here
                                                                                   PlanYour Text here
                                                                                        to Deploy
    “Not Therequot; Yet                                                                     Soon
         60%                                                                            20%

    Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            32

Recommended for you

Ethical hacking and social engineering
Ethical hacking and social engineeringEthical hacking and social engineering
Ethical hacking and social engineering

ETHICAL HACKING AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING Topics Covered: Ethical Hacking Concepts and Scopes, Threats and Attack Vectors, Information Assurance, Threat Modelling, Enterprise Information Security Architecture, Vulnerability, Assessment and Penetration Testing, Types of Social Engineering, Insider Attack, Preventing Insider Threats, Social Engineering Targets and Defence Strategies

ethical hacking concepts and scopesthreats and attack vectorsinformation assurance
Information security stki summit 2012-shahar geiger maor
Information security  stki summit 2012-shahar geiger maorInformation security  stki summit 2012-shahar geiger maor
Information security stki summit 2012-shahar geiger maor

This document summarizes a presentation on trends in information security. It discusses various topics relating to security across endpoints, networking, cloud computing, mobile device management, and collaboration. It also discusses specific security projects, tools, and challenges across different sectors. Metrics are presented on security queries and market positioning. Threats like DDoS attacks, advanced persistent threats, and generic cyber attacks are analyzed. National cyber security approaches and challenges are also examined.

information securitymdmcyber crime
Module 3-cyber security
Module 3-cyber securityModule 3-cyber security
Module 3-cyber security

Ethical Hacking Concepts and Scopes, Threats and Attack Vectors, Information Assurance, Threat Modelling Enterprise Information Security Architecture, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Types of Social Engineering, Insider Attack, Preventing Insider Threats, Social Engineering Targets and Defence Strategies

ethical hacking concepts and scopesthreats and attack vectorsinformation assurance
Data Centric
                DLP - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09                                                                                           Security

                Vendors to Watch:
                    IBM (ISS)
Local Support



                                                                                    This analysis should be used with its
                                                                                    supporting documents

                                                    Market Presence
                         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             33
Data Centric

            (Enterprise Rights Management)                                                                                           -ERM

Enterprise Rights Management (ERM) technology—also
 known as Enterprise DRM or Information Rights
 Management (IRM)
What is it?
   • ERMYour Text hereencrypting files that contain Your Text hereand only
          entails                                   content
     allowing those users or devices that have proper
     credentials to decrypt the files and access the content

Awareness of ERM has increased
ERM has been growing steadily since it became a
 technology category unto itself about five years ago
             Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            34
Applications and File Formats                                                                                   Data Centric

          Used in ERM Implementations                                                                                       -ERM

Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                                         Source: Gilbane Group
    Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            35
Data Centric

ERM –How Does it Work?

   SQL Server
                                                                                  1. New user is authorized to use RMS
                                                          Active Directory

                                                                                   2. The User defines set of rules and content
                                                                                      usage rights for the data he wants to
                                                                                      share – He is the data owner
                                                                                   3. User distributes data to relevant recipients
                            RMS Server
                Your Text here                                                                    Your Text here
                                                                                   4. When recipient tries to open a file –a
                                                                                      request is sent to the RMS Server in
                                                                                      order to authorize/deny access

                                                                                   5. RMS enforces rules made by the data
                2                                             5

   Data owner                                           Recipient

                                                       Source: Microsoft Israel
                    Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            36

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Creating Secure Social Applications
Creating Secure Social ApplicationsCreating Secure Social Applications
Creating Secure Social Applications

Social media is a new marketing currency for brands. That much is certain. Brands can engage directly with consumers in real-time allowing for the collection of unprecedented amount of data on the customer. This data is increasingly powerful to brands, their agencies, their customers and unfortunately, the unscrupulous among us. Hopefully, someone is thinking about security.

social media appssocial app developmentsocial media security
Information Security Risk Management
Information Security Risk ManagementInformation Security Risk Management
Information Security Risk Management

The document summarizes a presentation given by Fred Holborn of Psiframe, Inc. on data security for intellectual property managers. It discusses how theft of proprietary information caused the greatest financial losses for many organizations in 2003. It also outlines Psiframe's security assessment services which identify vulnerabilities from an attacker's perspective in order to recommend best practices for protecting information assets and networks. The document provides examples of common vulnerabilities and techniques attackers use, such as exploiting wireless networks and information leakage. It emphasizes the importance of regularly assessing security risks and implementing appropriate safeguards and regulatory compliance.

Data security in cloud
Data security in cloudData security in cloud
Data security in cloud

The document discusses data security challenges in cloud computing environments. It notes that threats have evolved significantly over time and now hackers operate as an industry, automating attacks for profit. While the cloud provides benefits like scalability, it also introduces new security risks if data is not properly protected. The document recommends eight steps companies can take to secure their data in cloud environments, such as using reputation-based defenses, virtual patching techniques, and unifying network and data security controls.

Data Centric

    ERM -Israeli Market Players                                                                                                  Security

Microsoft -Rights Management Services
EMC- EMC Documentum IRM Product Suite
Oracle - Oracle Information Rights Management
Adobe –Adobe LifeCycle Rights Management
IsraeliYour Text here                   Your Text here

Secure Islands -A provider of an advanced information
 protection and control (IPC) solution
Covertix –Develops innovative software technology to
 track, monitor and control documents and files within
 and outside the organization

          Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            37
Data Centric
    DB Protection –Market Status                                                                                                       -DB

                                    DB Protection Deployments Status -Israel 1Q09

Leading Israeli Players:                                                        “Not Therequot;
•Imperva                                   Plan to
•Oracle DB Vault                         Deploy Soon
•Guardium Text here
          Your                                                                      Solution Your Text here
DB encryption:                                                                                                               OtherDo Not
Ged-i (Israeli SU): offers                                                                                                      Know
high-level encryption to
Storage Data

              Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            38
Data Centric
Masking of Production Data                                                                                                      -Data

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            39
Data Centric
      Masking of Production Data                                                                                                    -Data

 What is it?
   • The process of data masking is designed to “de-identify” data,
     such that the data remains based on real information, but no
     longer has any practical usage or application
 What is the need?
   • The drive to outsource and offshore application development
     and Your Text here
         testing work means that organizations will have little control
                                                  Your Text here
     over who gets to see their data
   • Test environments are not physically as secure as production
 What can go wrong?
   • Sensitive data might be downloaded to laptops and stolen
   • Employees might misuse sensitive information and engage in
     fraudulent activity

            Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            40

Recommended for you

Smart, Data-Centric Security for the Post-PC Era
Smart, Data-Centric Security for the Post-PC EraSmart, Data-Centric Security for the Post-PC Era
Smart, Data-Centric Security for the Post-PC Era

In the cloud, data is not tied to one server or even one group of servers, and it can be accessed from multiple devices simultaneously. To protect data, therefore, security solutions must shift from defense of a fixed perimeter towards an approach that protects the data as it travels from physical to virtual to cloud environments. In the post-PC era, Trend Micro envisions a smart, data-centric security framework that advances the capabilities of our cloud-based Smart Protection Network™, adds smarter threat protection that correlates local threat intelligence; smarter data protection that follows and protects your data; and unified security management that increases visibility into data access and potential attacks. This presentation was given at the Information Security Executive Summit on 28th / 29th February 2012

information securitysecurityconsumerization
Microsoft India - Forefront Value Of Identity And Security Offerings Presenta...
Microsoft India - Forefront Value Of Identity And Security Offerings Presenta...Microsoft India - Forefront Value Of Identity And Security Offerings Presenta...
Microsoft India - Forefront Value Of Identity And Security Offerings Presenta...

The document discusses identity and security challenges in difficult economic times. New threats and sophisticated cybercrime are on the rise while IT budgets are shrinking. This increases risks from internal attacks, costly data breaches, and non-compliance with regulations. Microsoft's strategy focuses on simplified management, deployment, reporting and compliance through an integrated suite of identity and security products. The strategy and products are aimed at mitigating risks, growing sales, reducing costs, retaining customers, and adapting to change.

information securityitbusiness
Trend Micro - is your cloud secure
Trend Micro - is your cloud secureTrend Micro - is your cloud secure
Trend Micro - is your cloud secure

This document discusses the need for organizations to have a smart protection strategy to secure their cloud environments from cyber threats. It notes that threats are becoming more challenging due to trends like cloud/virtualization, consumerization, and the actions of employees. An effective strategy uses global threat intelligence from multiple sources to detect both known and unknown threats. It advocates for network-wide detection, custom sandboxes for analysis, and automated security updates. The strategy aims to provide advanced, targeted protection while remaining simple to manage and deploy.

trend micro
Data Centric
Masking of Production Data                                                                                                      -Data

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            41
SIEM/SOC                              SIEM/SOC

    Your Text here   Your Text here

SIEM/SOC                                                                              SIEM/SOC

 What is SIEM?
   • Security Information & Event Management
 What is SOC?
   • Security Operation Center
 How does it work?
   • Collects and analyzes all log data and basic event management
         Your Text here                            Your Text here
   • monitors and manages all aspects of enterprise security in real
     time, from a single, centralized location
   • The NOC of security
 Why do we need it?
   • Need for real-time awareness of internal/ external threats
   • Ensure business continuity and comply with regulations
   • A toolset for improving business logic (Security BI)

            Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         43
Silos of Redundant Information                                                                                             SIEM/SOC


  Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                                            Source: Network Intelligence
      Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         44

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The Business Case for Data Security
The Business Case for Data SecurityThe Business Case for Data Security
The Business Case for Data Security

The growing costs of security breaches and manual compliance efforts have given rise to new data security solutions specifically designed to prevent data breaches and deliver automated compliance. This paper examines the drivers for adopting a strategic approach to data security, compares and contrasts current approaches, and presents the Return on Security Investment (ROSI) of viable data security solutions.

database securityfile securitydata security
Improve network safety through better visibility – Netmagic
Improve network safety through better visibility – NetmagicImprove network safety through better visibility – Netmagic
Improve network safety through better visibility – Netmagic

What makes the next-generation firewall better than the traditional firewalls in protecting your data from hackers? Know more information from Netmagic!

network penetration testingmanaged security service providermanaged security services
PCTY 2012, IBM Security and Strategy v. Fabio Panada
PCTY 2012, IBM Security and Strategy v. Fabio PanadaPCTY 2012, IBM Security and Strategy v. Fabio Panada
PCTY 2012, IBM Security and Strategy v. Fabio Panada

This document summarizes IBM's security intelligence, integration, and expertise capabilities. It discusses how the world is becoming more digitized and interconnected, opening the door to emerging threats. It also notes that with the rise of big data, consumerization of IT, and mobility, everything is everywhere, while attack sophistication has increased. IBM helps organizations evolve their security solutions to address these changing business, technology, and threat environments. The document outlines IBM's comprehensive security portfolio spanning enterprise governance, risk, compliance and intelligence.

fabio panadaibm security and strategyibm
An Enterprise Platform for Compliance                                                                                         SIEM/SOC

             and Security

     Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                                                                                                        Source: Network Intelligence
         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         45
SIEM/SOC                                                                        SIEM/SOC

                        - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09
                Vendors to Watch:
                   IBM -MSS
Local Support


                                                                                   This analysis should be used with its
                     NetIQ                                                         supporting documents

                                                   Market Presence
                        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            46
Next Generation SIEM/SOC: MSS

What does MSS offer?
  -Comprehensive solution for security management:
  • Firewall/EP Management Service
  • Intrusion Detection & Prevention Management Service
  • Vulnerability Management Service
       Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
Why should we go there?
  • Cost effective!
  • Use of best-of-breed security
Why shouldn’t we?
  • Who owns my data?
  • No one else in Israel goes there…yet

           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         47
               MSS Trends in Israel                                                                                            -MSS

STKI observation: MSS is well accepted in SMB
  organizations, but Israeli CISOs in enterprises still
  strongly oppose this trend

The current economic downturn should encourage
   Your Text here                      Your Text here
 some enterprises to reconsider MSS
MSS providers addresses the management (CFOs and
 CEOs) in order to attract new clients

       Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         48

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Network Security of Data Protection
Network Security of Data ProtectionNetwork Security of Data Protection
Network Security of Data Protection

The document discusses network and data security. It notes that there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds and over 300,000 new malware are created daily, posing significant threats. It then defines network security and data protection, and discusses various technical and organizational strategies that can help improve security, such as firewalls, antivirus software, access control, encryption protocols like WPA2, and employee training. The document emphasizes adopting a holistic, next-generation approach to endpoint security to effectively combat modern cyber threats.

AWS Summit 2011: Cloud Compliance 101: No PhD required - SafeNet
AWS Summit 2011: Cloud Compliance 101: No PhD required - SafeNetAWS Summit 2011: Cloud Compliance 101: No PhD required - SafeNet
AWS Summit 2011: Cloud Compliance 101: No PhD required - SafeNet

Encryption is emerging as a key cloud security control that can address many cloud compliance and regulatory issues. It isolates data in multi-tenant environments, demonstrates adherence to regulations, and establishes trust in the cloud. Encryption fundamentally solves issues around data access, ownership, isolation between tenants, and separation of duties. SafeNet offers encryption products like ProtectV and Data Secure that maintain customer control over encrypted data in the cloud.

aws summit 2011cloud computingawssummit
Cyberoam: il futuro della network security!
Cyberoam: il futuro della network security!Cyberoam: il futuro della network security!
Cyberoam: il futuro della network security!

Team Sistemi è Cyberoam SILVER Partner e in ventanni di attività ha sviluppato una forte competenze nel mondo della security informatica. Per altre informazioni sulle appliance Cyberoam vai su Oppure contattaci al Numero Verde gratuito 800-011630 o scrivici a

sicurezza gestitafirewallfirewall utm
                       MSS –World Leaders                                                                                          -MSS


                                                    Opportunities in Israel for:
                                                    •Current world leaders (IBM, Symantec)
                                                    • local ISPs
                                                    •Network integrators
                                                    •Traditional OS players

                                             Market Penetration

                                                      (Source: Frost and Sullivan)
           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         49
Identity & Access Management (IDM/IAM)

      Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

          Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         50
IDM Global Mega Trends                                                                                                IDM/IAM

 Fraud and identity theft will increase strong
  authentication use

 Strong authentication and SSO will strengthen their ties

 Context-based authorization will put risk analysis here
                                              Your Text into
        Your Text here
  access control decisions

 Physical and logical security will continue to converge

 Federation will slowly grow

            Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         51
Trends in the Israeli Market                                                                                             IDM/IAM

 Nov 2008: CA acquired Eurekify to enhance its role-based
  management suite
 ERP based SOD solutions start to be seen, mainly for GRC
   • 2006: SAP acquired Virsa, enterprise risk management software
         Your Text here                           Your Text here
     provider, to bolster SAP’s software compliance skills
   • 2008: Oracle acquired Logical Apps, an automated GRC controls,
     for enterprise applications
 Israeli new GRC enforcement Start-Ups:
   • Xpandion -Risk management and behavioral analyzing software
   • SPATIQ –provides an automated tool for Entitlement Management

           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         52

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Summit 2011 trends in information security
Summit 2011  trends in information securitySummit 2011  trends in information security
Summit 2011 trends in information security

The document summarizes trends in information security. It discusses how cyber warfare is becoming more sophisticated with threats that are targeted and vast in scale. Examples like Stuxnet have changed the landscape of cyber attacks. Risks come from social media, mobile devices, and cloud computing. The underground economy enables cybercrime through stolen financial and personal details traded online. Effective security requires standards, technology, and awareness as threats grow.

information securityirmshahar geiger maor
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1

2024 Market analysis of the Israeli Information Technology Market

israel information technologiesmarket analysiscio
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdfSTKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
IAM/IDM                                                                                               IDM/IAM

                          - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09

                Vendors to Watch:

Local Support

                                                  Novell                  Sun (OS)
                                                   CA                                                                                        Prominent
                                                                                                                                             WAM Player
                         Velo (OS)                                                 This analysis should be used with its
                                                                                   supporting documents

                                                   Market Presence
                        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            53
 Key Success Factors for Future IDM Project

Consider IDM also as a business project, rather
 than a pure IT project
Make sure the project bridges the gap between
 business and IT
 StartYour Text here easier success (Single Signhere a
        small for                                     On,
                                            Your Text

 vertical project)
 Choose a step-by-step approach, rather than a
 mastodon implementation.
Focus on basic functionalities not on the
 additional features
           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         54
          Security Consultants                                                                                                 Security
-Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders)                                                                                      Players

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           55
          Security Integrators                                                                                                 Security
-Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders)                                                                                      Players

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           56

Recommended for you

STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2

The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

israelinformation technologyit market study
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023

This document is a presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on their 2023 Israel IT Market Study. It provides information on STKI's methodology, which uses an equilibrium model to calculate the IT market size based on interviews with both technology users and vendors. It outlines the types of research and services STKI provides on topics like IT trends, budgets, forecasts, and vendor positioning. The presentation also includes sections on the Israeli economy, changing business environment, and factors impacting the CIO role. Slides are included on Israeli company statistics and examples of STKI's vendor positioning analysis.

israel market researchinformation technologyerp
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

          Security Distributors                                                                                                Security
-Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders)                                                                                      Players

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           57
1   Information Security                                                                            Security

2   Networking                                                                                   Networking

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
    Green IT
3                                                                                                   Green IT

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   58
Networking                                                                                                                 Networking

                            Networking market size (Ms of $)
  Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
                              2008                                   2009                                    2010
                               80.0            -25.00%                 60.0               8.33%               65.0
                               50.0            -20.00%                 40.0              12.50%               45.0
                               40.0            -20.00%                 32.0              25.00%               40.0
         Totals               170.0            -22.35%                132.0              13.64%              150.0

      Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          59
        Networking Future Trends                                                                                                 Trends

Datacenter Networking virtualization
Next Generation Networking Internet Protocol (IP) Core
 and High Speed Broadband
Green Networking
IPv6 Your Text here                     Your Text here

Network Operating systems
Network intelligence and policy control
Network Security
Communication billing

          Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          60

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OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

ocioit managementinformation technology
CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022 CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

platform productsplatform engineering
Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

product managementproduct teams
Technologies Categorization 2009                                                                                                  Networking

Business Value
to make money
Cut costs, Increase                                                                                Cloud
                                                                                                                                         IT Project
productivity                                      Optimization
                                               Billing                                              NGN
            Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
                                                                              VOIP                                    IPv6
Commodity IT                                                                                                                       Size of figure =
                             Infra.                                                                                                complexity/
Services                                            Network                                                                        cost of project

for regulations

                                     Using                     Implementing                              Looking
                                                            Market Maturity
                  Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            61
Year of savings and productivity                                                                                         Trends

   What networking technologies are you investing-in to enhance employee
       productivity and collaboration in 2009? (Answer all that apply)
                                                 2009          2008
                                          29%                                                                          23%
     Your Text here                                                                       Your Text here
          9%                                                                        8%
 1% NA

         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009Source: Goldman Sachsor attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
                                           @STKI Do not remove source Research                                                62
                     STKI Madad 2008-9                                                                                                 Trends

        Market Players
             8%                                       UC
                                                                          VOIP and IPTel
                                                                                                  Network Infra
          Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                                          Trends                  Miscellaneous
Network Costs                                                         12%

                Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          63
Local Area Network Trends

 Security embedded features in the LAN infra are
 Network Virtualization is already here
 LAN vendors should support standard-based platforms
          Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
 Israeli Trends:
       Corporate LAN to endpoints is stable: 100 MBIT Ethernet;
       Backbone LAN: 2 X 1GBIT (10GBIT in some cases)
       Israeli enterprise tend to “count on” either Cisco or Nortel for their
       backbone network. Other players appear on the network edges

              Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          64

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Data Products and teams
Data Products and teamsData Products and teams
Data Products and teams

This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
LAN                                                                      Networking
                              - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09

                Vendors to Watch:

Local Support


                              Enterasys                          3COM

                                                                                       This analysis should be used with its
                  Alcatel                                                              supporting documents
                                                       Market Presence
                            Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             65
The Nortel Crisis                                                                                                                 -Nortel

        From 90K to
                                   Feb 08:
                                 Nortel says                         Nortel
                                  it will cut                      announces
                                                                                                                    More and
                                 2,100 jobs                           1,300
                                                                                                                   more layoffs…

                                                                           Nortel says
                                                                                                 Your Text here files
        Your Text here
   Nortel                                                                  executives                            for bankruptcy
  Reports                                                                  to leave in                             protection
  Financial                                                                   2009
 Results for
  Q3 2008

           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          66
The Nortel Crisis –What’s next?

Nortel files for Chapter 11 to “deal decisively” with its
 historic debt burdens
Nov 10’th 2008: A Nortel spokesman said the company
 had enough liquidity to sustain 12 to 18 months of
 operation under the current conditions Your Text here
        Your Text here
Survival still possible for Nortel, but Companies that exit
 the bankruptcy process often emerge in smaller form and
 are frequently acquired in part or whole by larger suitors
 looking for a good deal
19.2.09: Radware has purchased Nortel’s Alteon…

          Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          67
The Nortel Crisis                                                                                                            Networking

–Israeli Market ”What if” Analysis                                                                                             -Nortel

                      Acquiring parts of Nortel?
                                                                                         HP                Alliance with Avaya
  Cisco                                                                                                    and Microsoft

                                                                                                     Acquire Nortel’s
    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

                                                                                       •Enterasys (LAN and sec.)
                                                                                       •Siemens (Telephony)

                                                                          Goes deeper into the
                                                                          Israeli market?

                                                                  Goes deeper into the
                                                3COM              Israeli market?
        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          68

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

israel information technologies itit market studyinfrastructures
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

digitalisrael information technologies itinfrastructures
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022

The document provides information about STKI IT Knowledge Integrators, a market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. It includes pages describing STKI's services, methodology, research focus areas, and client base. STKI conducts original research through face-to-face interviews and surveys of both technology users and vendors to establish an equilibrium model of the Israeli IT market. The document contains sample slides of the type of data and positioning analyses STKI provides to clients.

israel information technologiesisraeltechnology

                             WAN Optimization                                                                                           -WAN

WAN Bottlenecks: Top infrastructure projects impacting application performance over the WAN:

       VOIP Deployments

Data Center Consolidation
            Your Text here                                                                             Your Text here
      Server Virtualization


                                  0%        10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

                                                  Source: Aberdeen Research
                 Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          69
WAN Optimization                                                                                          Networking
                          - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09
Local Support

                                                                    Expand                                                                  Player
                                                      F5                                                                                    Worldwide

                          Blue Coat
                Radware           Packeteer*
                Juniper                                                          This analysis should be used with its
                                                                                 supporting documents

                                                                                                *June 2008: A Blue Coat company
                                                 Market Presence
                      Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             70
                       Voice Over IP (VOIP)                                                                                           -VOIP

       STKI observation: Many enterprises are migrating, or
   planning to migrate, their telephony infrastructure from
   traditional circuit-switched technology to newer Internet
   Protocol (IP)-based systems
           Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

 Motivations to actually migrate:
        End of life/end of support for current telephony infrastructure
        Moving to a new office/office improvements
 Motivations to wait:
        “Phones are working”

               Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          71
VOIP (Enterprise & Call Centers)                                                                                        Networking
                        - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09

                Vendors to Watch:

Local Support

                                                        Avaya*                                                                                 Leader


                                                                                    This analysis should be used with its
                 Alcatel-Lucent                                                     supporting documents

                                                                                                   *Most CC in the market are Avaya
                                                    Market Presence
                         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             72

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pagesSTKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages

This document provides an overview of the 2022 STKI IT Knowledge Integrators summit. It discusses how global events have impacted the previously optimistic outlook for IT budgets in 2022, noting issues like rising inflation, economic recession, war in Ukraine, and layoffs in the tech sector. However, it predicts that Israeli IT budgets will still rise 12-13% in 2022. It also covers STKI's services, research methodology, vendor positioning approach, and includes data about Israel's population, mobile/internet usage, and 5G penetration.

israelisrael information technologiescloud computing
NEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applicationsNEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applications

Recommended for CIOs and Applications Managers In this session we will discuss how next generation business applications enable the creation of much needed hyper-personalized experiences for customers and employees. Center Office is a new delivery model that is emerging in response to the need to deliver end to end hyper-personalized solutions that improve on older enterprise (legacy) applications. Center Office relies on technologies such as APIs, microservices and Hyperautomation (next level of automation that meshes AI tools with RPA,, enabling scaling for complex business processes). How do we manage employees' experiences as well as preserve talent and create collaborative workplaces for teams? which new skills are needed? what will the workforce of the future look like? Which new tools are needed for HR (employee well- being)?

software erpcrmcomposable apps
Journey for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organizationJourney for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organization

Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written. On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities. On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.

                                  Video Over IP                                                                                  –Video OIP

 By 2011, 60% of Internet traffic is expected to be video
   traffic (Cisco)
 Global organizations use it as a vital working tool –
   especially in order to cut travelling costs Your Text here
        Your Text here

 Video technology is considered by many local organizations as
   mostly “nice to have”
 Local organizations use this technology mainly for
   training/marketing purposes

            Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          73
Video Over IP Map                                                                                                          –Video OIP

  Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

      Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          74
   Unified Communications (UC)                                                                                                    –UC

Why do we need this?
Integration: Of any or all communications, collaborative,
 and business applications
Presence: guides users to the most appropriate means of
       Your extends applications and integration here
                                           Your Text of
Mobility: Text here
 applications every way you go
Productivity: improves business processes
Why now?
Key drivers today are: Workforce virtualization,
 Cost reduction, Increasingly available tools,
 Business improvement opportunities

          Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          75
                                UC Challenges                                                                                      –UC

The problem:
business justification for collaboration technologies comes
down to “soft dollars”:
   • Productivity
   • Better Text here
        Your teamwork                                                                            Your Text here

   • Better customer service

How do you define “better”?
What is its business value to the company?

           Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          76

Recommended for you

CTO presentation
CTO presentation  CTO presentation
CTO presentation

Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

it service organizationit data centers
Big iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnationBig iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnation

Recommended for CXOs and all IT Managers If COVID-19 has demonstrated anything it is that organizations can no longer rely on traditional long-term strategic direction-setting, in order to succeed and grow. Today, organizations need to be able to quickly identify changes and respond with speed. Adaptive enterprises have the technical and organizational agility to do this. In this session, we will present the organizational structure, technologies and concepts that make up an adaptive organization and discuss topics such as: Concierge hyper-personalization services; Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities; adaptive organizational structure; Centers of Excellence; center office; hyper-automation and data centric organizations.

it marketdigitaltransformation
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page

The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

                       UC Preferred Choice                                                                                              –UC

Alcatel-Lucent Text here 5%
           Your                                                                                       Your Text here
Newer Vendors

                0%                 10%                 20%                  30%                 40%                 50%                 60%

                                                  Source: Goldman Sachs Research
                Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic            77
Networking Integrators                                                                                              Networking

- Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders)

     Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here

         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          78
1   Information Security                                                                            Security

2   Networking                                                                                   Networking

    Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
    Green IT
3                                                                                                   Green IT

        Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   79
Green IT

Small, incremental changes
compounded many times can
mean big savings for
large-scale Text here
        Your                 Your Text here


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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
Green IT
So, How Can I Be More Green?                                                                                                   Trends

                                                                                           Secure mobile
                                           Virtualized server
                                                                                         access to networks,
 PC management                                and storage
                                                                                          applications, and

                                           State of the art
     Your Text here                                                                            Your Text here
Intelligent archiving                                                                       Teleconferencing
                                          power and cooling
                                             (all around)

   Go digital! &
                                                                                           environment (car
                                         Asset management
                                                                                          pool, working from
         Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         81
STKI Madad 2008-9                                                                                           Green IT
              (Not Including Printing)

 PC Energy

     Market Players
    Your Text here                                                                           Your Text here

                                                      DC Facilities


       Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         82
Infrastructure Services  Market 2009
Infrastructure Services  Market 2009

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As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Infrastructure Services Market 2009

  • 1. Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Geiger Maor VP & Senior Analyst Visit My Blog: 1
  • 2. Agenda Information 1 Information Security Security Communication 2 Networking Networking Your Text here Your Text here Green IT 3 Green IT Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 2
  • 3. Information Security Information Security GRC and Security market size (Ms of $) 2008 2009 Your Text here 2010 Your Text here Governance & Risk Management 35.0 42% 50.0 50% 75.0 (also BCP) 95.0 -10.53% 85.0 11.76% 95.0 Security (projects) 90.0 -5.56% 85.0 -5.88% 80.0 Security (Software) 220 0% 220 14% 250 Total Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 3
  • 4. Information Security/Privacy In the News Security -Trends Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 4
  • 5. Information Security Trends Security -Trends Cloud Outsourcing cyber crime Virtualization computing Sensitive or Inability to properly confidential identify and Your Text here Your Text here information may authenticate users not be properly to multiple systems End-user’s protected organization is External threat of unable to control organized cyber the data criminal syndicates management Unauthorized environment Third parties might parties might be be able to access able to access private files without private files without authorization authorization Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 5
  • 6. Information Security Trends Security -Trends Data breaches Peer-to-peer file Web 2.0 and involving Mobility personal sharing mesh-ups information Unsupervised Use of P2P monitoring of Your Text here might result in Your Text here Sensitive or employees’ use confidential the loss of Inability to of Web 2.0 information that sensitive or properly applications can ends up in the confidential identify and result in the loss hands of cyber business authenticate of critical remote users criminals and information confidential including trade identity thieves business data secrets on the Internet Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 6
  • 7. Information Technologies Categorization 2009 Security -Trends Business Value Investment to make money Remote Access Cut costs, Increase Manage Sec. IAM/IDM Services IT Project productivity Business SSO Cloud Project App. Anti Your Text here Your Text here Sec. DLP Commodity IT X Size of figure = Mobile EPS SIEM/SOC complexity/ Sec. Services cost of project Vir. DB Network NAC Sec. Sec. Security Investment for regulations GRC Using Implementing Looking Market Maturity Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 7
  • 8. Information STKI Madad 2008-2009 Security -Trends Network DLP Hardening Market Players 5% 4% 3% 5% Access GRC 18% 5% Miscellaneous EPS/Anti x 6% Your Text here Your Text here 14% DB Protection NAC WAF & Apps 7% 6% 11% Management Trends 8% 8% Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 8
  • 9. Information Sophisticated Threat Environment Security -Trends First-Stage Second-Stage Writers Middle Men End Value Abusers Abusers Hacker or Fame Tool Writers Direct Attack Compromised Host and Theft Application Malware Machine Extortionist Writers Harvesting DDoS for Hire Botnet Creation Espionage Worms Your Text Information here Spammer Text here Your Harvesting Botnet Extortion Management Viruses Phisher Internal Theft Commercial Abuse of Sales Personal Privilege Pharmer/DNS Information Trojans Poisoning Fraudulent Sales Information Identity Theft Spyware Brokerage Click Fraud Electronic IP Leakage Financial Fraud Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 9 Source: Cisco Israel
  • 10. Information Application Security Security -App. Sec STKI observation: Secure development should be an integral part of any new project and therefore should be calculated within the project’s budget. STKI survey shows that spendings on secure development scale from 0% of total project budget (Main-Frame based projects) up to 10% ( core web applications projects) of total project budget. here Your Text Your Text here Average spending on secure development is 5% of total project budget (including: training, code review and penetration tests) Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 10
  • 11. Information Web Applications - Vulnerabilities Security -App. Sec Probability to detect vulnerabilities of different risk degree (results of 32,717 sites and 69,476 vulnerabilities of different degrees of severity) Your Text here Your Text here % Sites (Scanned) % Sites (Black & Whitebox) % Sites (All) Source: Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 11
  • 12. Information Web Applications -Vulnerabilities Security -App. Sec Vulnerability frequency by types: 1. Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection vulnerabilities usually appears due to system design errors 2. Information Leakage and Predictable Resource Location are often connected with improper system administration (for example, weak access control) Your Text here Your Text here Source: Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 12
  • 13. Information Web Application Firewall Security -App. Sec –Israeli Market Players Applicure - dotDefender (Apache and IIS) Cisco* - ACE XML Gateway Barracuda - Web Application Firewall IBM* –Data Power (fromerly NetContinuum) Your Text here Your Text here Breach Security - WebDefend Microsoft –IAG WAF Citrix - Application Firewall (Formerly Protegrity - Defiance Teros) *Both Cisco ACE XML Gateway and IBM Data Power are not pure WAF players, but were added to the list Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 13
  • 14. Information Web Application Firewall Security -App. Sec –Leading Players -1Q09 Solution What Should I Know? Representatives/ Integrators F5 - Application Security One of the best WAFs around. Features a good Trek-IT (Dis.), Manager (ASM) policy toolset for adaptive learning. Offer strong Artnet, integration to the TMOS family of products. Taldor, Spider, Superb load balancing capabilities. One of two Bezeq Int., One Your Text here leading solutions in Israel. Strong market Your Text here NewAge, Netcom presence Imperva – SecureSphere The first in the Israeli market. Imperva has an Comsec (Dis.), array of out-of-the-box policies and attack Netcom, Bynet, signatures as well as superior learning mode . A Taldor, NewAge, leading DB protection solution. Has a significant 012 Smile market share Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 14
  • 15. Application Security Information Security -App. Sec –Israeli Players and Positioning -1Q09 Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 15
  • 16. Information Network Access Control Security -Network Sec Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 16
  • 17. Information NAC Insights Security -Network Sec NAC has not been “fully digested” by Israeli customers in 2008. There should be more activity in 2009 NAC can be deployed less expensively when it is an embedded feature of an existing vendor and customers take notice here it of Your Text Your Text here Israeli customers first priority: implementing a guest networking control Network Security or Endpoint Security? NAC is a Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 match Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 17
  • 18. Information STKI Israeli Positioning Security -Network Sec • Not a technological positioning, refers only to Israeli market • Focused on enterprise market (not SMB) Vendor A • Not an STKI recommendation Vendor B  Market Presence (X) Local Support  Market share - existing and new sales (more emphasis)  Mind share (how user organizations rate vendors) Worldwide  Local Support (Y) – is influenced by (X) Leader  Experience & technical knowledge, localization, support, number and kind of integrators  Worldwide leaders marked, based on global positioning  Vendors to watch: Are only just entering israeli market so can’t be positioned but should be watched Vendors to Watch: Vendor C Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 18
  • 19. NAC Information Security -Network Sec - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Vendors to Watch: HP Procurve Check Point Microsoft Local Support Cisco Player Symantec Worldwide XOR SWAT Juniper Leader Access Layers Enterasys Leap McAfee ForeScout Insightix Nortel This analysis should be used with its supporting documents Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 19
  • 20. Information Endpoint Security Security -EPS Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 20
  • 21. Information Endpoint Security -Threats Security -EPS Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 21
  • 22. Information Endpoint Security -Protection Security -EPS Organization Outside Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 22
  • 23. Information Endpoint Security -Protection Security -EPS Organization Outside Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 23
  • 24. Information Endpoint Security -Protection Security -EPS Anti X DLP Organization NAC Outside Your Text here Your Text here Manageability Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 24
  • 25. Anti -X Suites Information Security - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Enterprise Leaders Only) -EPS Symantec Local Support McAfee Player Trend Micro Worldwide Leader Microsoft This analysis should be used with its supporting documents Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 25
  • 26. Data Centric Security Data Centric Security Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 26
  • 27. Data Centric Data Centric Approach Security Your Text here Your Text here Build a wall – “perimeter “Business of Security” – Security security” is built into the business process Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 27
  • 28. Data Centric Data Centric Security Arena Security DLP ERM Database Encryption Protection Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 28
  • 29. Data Centric Data Leak/Loss Prevention Security -DLP Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 29
  • 30. Data Centric Data Leak /Loss Prevention Security -DLP  DLP is an overall framework into which different elements fit  There are three types of data that may leak: • Data at rest • DataYourtransit in Text here Your Text here • Data on endpoints  No single DLP focus area is full proof, an optimal solution should cover all three areas  DLP is a growing area, and vendors react accordingly Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 30
  • 31. Data Centric DLP –Market Status & Players Security -DLP World Leaders (consolidation in progress…): Symantec (Acquired Vontu, 2007, 350$ M) • Websense (Acquired PortAuthority 2007, 90$ M) • Reconnex (Acquired by McAfee, July 2008, 46$ M) • Tablus Text here Your (Acquired by RSA, 2007, 40$ M) • Your Text here Vericept ? Workshare? • Main drivers for DLP are: • Regulations such as Payment Card Industry (PCI), Accountability Act (HIPAA) • e-mail security, instant messaging (IM) and endpoint monitoring solutions Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 31
  • 32. Data Centric DLP –Market Status Security -DLP DLP Deployments Status -Israel 1Q09 Solution Deployed 20% Your Text here PlanYour Text here to Deploy “Not Therequot; Yet Soon 60% 20% Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 32
  • 33. Data Centric DLP - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Security -DLP Vendors to Watch: ProofPoint Workshare IBM (ISS) Local Support Player Worldwide Leader Websense Fast Movement McAfee Verdasys Symantec This analysis should be used with its supporting documents RSA Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 33
  • 34. Data Centric ERM Security (Enterprise Rights Management) -ERM Enterprise Rights Management (ERM) technology—also known as Enterprise DRM or Information Rights Management (IRM) What is it? • ERMYour Text hereencrypting files that contain Your Text hereand only entails content allowing those users or devices that have proper credentials to decrypt the files and access the content Awareness of ERM has increased ERM has been growing steadily since it became a technology category unto itself about five years ago Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 34
  • 35. Applications and File Formats Data Centric Security Used in ERM Implementations -ERM Your Text here Your Text here Source: Gilbane Group Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 35
  • 36. Data Centric ERM –How Does it Work? Security -DLP SQL Server 1. New user is authorized to use RMS Active Directory 2. The User defines set of rules and content usage rights for the data he wants to share – He is the data owner 3. User distributes data to relevant recipients RMS Server Your Text here Your Text here 4. When recipient tries to open a file –a request is sent to the RMS Server in 4 1 order to authorize/deny access 5. RMS enforces rules made by the data owner 2 5 3 Data owner Recipient Source: Microsoft Israel Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 36
  • 37. Data Centric ERM -Israeli Market Players Security -ERM Microsoft -Rights Management Services EMC- EMC Documentum IRM Product Suite Oracle - Oracle Information Rights Management Adobe –Adobe LifeCycle Rights Management SU: IsraeliYour Text here Your Text here Secure Islands -A provider of an advanced information protection and control (IPC) solution Covertix –Develops innovative software technology to track, monitor and control documents and files within and outside the organization Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 37
  • 38. Data Centric Security DB Protection –Market Status -DB Protections DB Protection Deployments Status -Israel 1Q09 Leading Israeli Players: “Not Therequot; Yet •Sentrigo 49% •Imperva Plan to •Oracle DB Vault Deploy Soon 30% •Guardium Text here Your Solution Your Text here Deployed 20% DB encryption: OtherDo Not Ged-i (Israeli SU): offers Know 1% high-level encryption to Storage Data Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 38
  • 39. Data Centric Security Masking of Production Data -Data Masking Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 39
  • 40. Data Centric Security Masking of Production Data -Data Masking  What is it? • The process of data masking is designed to “de-identify” data, such that the data remains based on real information, but no longer has any practical usage or application  What is the need? • The drive to outsource and offshore application development and Your Text here testing work means that organizations will have little control Your Text here over who gets to see their data • Test environments are not physically as secure as production systems  What can go wrong? • Sensitive data might be downloaded to laptops and stolen • Employees might misuse sensitive information and engage in fraudulent activity Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 40
  • 41. Data Centric Security Masking of Production Data -Data Masking Your Text here Your Text here Source: Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 41
  • 42. SIEM/SOC SIEM/SOC Your Text here Your Text here 42
  • 43. SIEM/SOC SIEM/SOC  What is SIEM? • Security Information & Event Management  What is SOC? • Security Operation Center  How does it work? • Collects and analyzes all log data and basic event management Your Text here Your Text here • monitors and manages all aspects of enterprise security in real time, from a single, centralized location • The NOC of security  Why do we need it? • Need for real-time awareness of internal/ external threats • Ensure business continuity and comply with regulations • A toolset for improving business logic (Security BI) Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 43
  • 44. Silos of Redundant Information SIEM/SOC Management Your Text here Your Text here Source: Network Intelligence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 44
  • 45. An Enterprise Platform for Compliance SIEM/SOC and Security Your Text here Your Text here SIEM Source: Network Intelligence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 45
  • 46. SIEM/SOC SIEM/SOC - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Vendors to Watch: IBM -MSS TriGeo Local Support Player ArcSight Worldwide Leader EMC Fast Symantec Movement CA IBM Cisco This analysis should be used with its NetIQ supporting documents Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 46
  • 47. Next Generation SIEM/SOC: MSS SIEM/SOC -MSS What does MSS offer? -Comprehensive solution for security management: • Firewall/EP Management Service • Intrusion Detection & Prevention Management Service • Vulnerability Management Service Your Text here Your Text here Why should we go there? • Cost effective! • Use of best-of-breed security Why shouldn’t we? • Who owns my data? • No one else in Israel goes there…yet Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 47
  • 48. SIEM/SOC MSS Trends in Israel -MSS STKI observation: MSS is well accepted in SMB organizations, but Israeli CISOs in enterprises still strongly oppose this trend The current economic downturn should encourage Your Text here Your Text here some enterprises to reconsider MSS MSS providers addresses the management (CFOs and CEOs) in order to attract new clients Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 48
  • 49. SIEM/SOC MSS –World Leaders -MSS Delivery Opportunities in Israel for: •Current world leaders (IBM, Symantec) • local ISPs •Network integrators •Traditional OS players Market Penetration (Source: Frost and Sullivan) Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 49
  • 50. Identity & Access Management (IDM/IAM) IDM/IAM Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 50
  • 51. IDM Global Mega Trends IDM/IAM  Fraud and identity theft will increase strong authentication use  Strong authentication and SSO will strengthen their ties  Context-based authorization will put risk analysis here Your Text into Your Text here access control decisions  Physical and logical security will continue to converge  Federation will slowly grow Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 51
  • 52. Trends in the Israeli Market IDM/IAM  Nov 2008: CA acquired Eurekify to enhance its role-based management suite  ERP based SOD solutions start to be seen, mainly for GRC reasons: • 2006: SAP acquired Virsa, enterprise risk management software Your Text here Your Text here provider, to bolster SAP’s software compliance skills • 2008: Oracle acquired Logical Apps, an automated GRC controls, for enterprise applications  Israeli new GRC enforcement Start-Ups: • Xpandion -Risk management and behavioral analyzing software solutions • SPATIQ –provides an automated tool for Entitlement Management Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 52
  • 53. IAM/IDM IDM/IAM - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Vendors to Watch: SPATIQ Local Support Player IBM Novell Sun (OS) Worldwide Leader CA Prominent WAM Player BMC Microsoft Oracle Velo (OS) This analysis should be used with its supporting documents Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 53
  • 54. IDM/IAM Key Success Factors for Future IDM Project Consider IDM also as a business project, rather than a pure IT project Make sure the project bridges the gap between business and IT  StartYour Text here easier success (Single Signhere a small for On, Your Text vertical project)  Choose a step-by-step approach, rather than a mastodon implementation. Focus on basic functionalities not on the additional features Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 54
  • 55. Information Security Consultants Security -Market -Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders) Players Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 55
  • 56. Information Security Integrators Security -Market -Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders) Players Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 56
  • 57. Information Security Distributors Security -Market -Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders) Players Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 57
  • 58. Agenda Information 1 Information Security Security Communication 2 Networking Networking Your Text here Your Text here Green IT 3 Green IT Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 58
  • 59. Networking Networking Networking market size (Ms of $) Your Text here Your Text here 2008 2009 2010 LAN 80.0 -25.00% 60.0 8.33% 65.0 equipment WAN 50.0 -20.00% 40.0 12.50% 45.0 equipment VoIP 40.0 -20.00% 32.0 25.00% 40.0 equipment Totals 170.0 -22.35% 132.0 13.64% 150.0 Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 59
  • 60. Networking Networking Future Trends Trends Datacenter Networking virtualization Next Generation Networking Internet Protocol (IP) Core and High Speed Broadband Green Networking IPv6 Your Text here Your Text here Network Operating systems Network intelligence and policy control Network Security Communication billing Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 60
  • 61. Technologies Categorization 2009 Networking Trends Business Value Investment to make money SAAS/ Cut costs, Increase Cloud IT Project UC productivity Optimization Business Project Billing NGN Your Text here Your Text here VOIP IPv6 Commodity IT Size of figure = Networking Infra. complexity/ Vir. Services Network cost of project Security Investment for regulations Using Implementing Looking Market Maturity Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 61
  • 62. Networking Year of savings and productivity Trends What networking technologies are you investing-in to enhance employee productivity and collaboration in 2009? (Answer all that apply) 2009 2008 55% 52% 46% 36% 32% 31% 29% 23% Your Text here Your Text here 19% 13% 11% 9% 8% NA 1% NA Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009Source: Goldman Sachsor attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic @STKI Do not remove source Research 62
  • 63. Networking STKI Madad 2008-9 Trends Optimization 2% Market Players 8% UC VOIP and IPTel 8% 20% Nortel 10% Network Infra Your Text here Your Text here 20% Trends Miscellaneous 10% Network Costs 12% Reduction 10% Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 63
  • 64. Local Area Network Trends Networking -LAN  Security embedded features in the LAN infra are imperative  Network Virtualization is already here  LAN vendors should support standard-based platforms Your Text here Your Text here  Israeli Trends: Corporate LAN to endpoints is stable: 100 MBIT Ethernet; • Backbone LAN: 2 X 1GBIT (10GBIT in some cases) Israeli enterprise tend to “count on” either Cisco or Nortel for their • backbone network. Other players appear on the network edges Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 64
  • 65. LAN Networking -LAN - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Vendors to Watch: Foundry Local Support Cisco Player Nortel Worldwide Leader Enterasys 3COM HP Juniper This analysis should be used with its Alcatel supporting documents Extreme Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 65
  • 66. Networking The Nortel Crisis -Nortel From 90K to Feb 08: 30K Nortel says Nortel employees it will cut announces More and 2,100 jobs 1,300 more layoffs… layoffs Nortel says several Your Text here files Nortel Your Text here Nortel executives for bankruptcy Reports to leave in protection Financial 2009 Results for Q3 2008 Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 66
  • 67. The Nortel Crisis –What’s next? Networking -Nortel Nortel files for Chapter 11 to “deal decisively” with its historic debt burdens Nov 10’th 2008: A Nortel spokesman said the company had enough liquidity to sustain 12 to 18 months of operation under the current conditions Your Text here Your Text here Survival still possible for Nortel, but Companies that exit the bankruptcy process often emerge in smaller form and are frequently acquired in part or whole by larger suitors looking for a good deal 19.2.09: Radware has purchased Nortel’s Alteon… Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 67
  • 68. The Nortel Crisis Networking –Israeli Market ”What if” Analysis -Nortel Acquiring parts of Nortel? HP Alliance with Avaya Cisco and Microsoft Acquire Nortel’s Juniper Telephony? Your Text here Your Text here •Enterasys (LAN and sec.) Gores •Siemens (Telephony) Goes deeper into the Alcatel Israeli market? Goes deeper into the 3COM Israeli market? Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 68
  • 69. Networking WAN Optimization -WAN WAN Bottlenecks: Top infrastructure projects impacting application performance over the WAN: VOIP Deployments Data Center Consolidation Your Text here Your Text here 2007 2008 Server Virtualization BCP/DRP 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Source: Aberdeen Research Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 69
  • 70. WAN Optimization Networking -WAN - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Local Support Expand Player Riverbed F5 Worldwide Leader Cisco Blue Coat Citrix Radware Packeteer* Juniper This analysis should be used with its supporting documents *June 2008: A Blue Coat company Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 70
  • 71. Networking Voice Over IP (VOIP) -VOIP STKI observation: Many enterprises are migrating, or planning to migrate, their telephony infrastructure from traditional circuit-switched technology to newer Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems Your Text here Your Text here  Motivations to actually migrate: End of life/end of support for current telephony infrastructure • Moving to a new office/office improvements •  Motivations to wait: “Phones are working” • Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 71
  • 72. VOIP (Enterprise & Call Centers) Networking -VOIP - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Vendors to Watch: Asterisk Cisco Local Support Player Nortel Worldwide Avaya* Leader Tadiran 3COM This analysis should be used with its Alcatel-Lucent supporting documents *Most CC in the market are Avaya Market Presence Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 72
  • 73. Networking Video Over IP –Video OIP  By 2011, 60% of Internet traffic is expected to be video traffic (Cisco)  Global organizations use it as a vital working tool – especially in order to cut travelling costs Your Text here Your Text here  Video technology is considered by many local organizations as mostly “nice to have”  Local organizations use this technology mainly for training/marketing purposes Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 73
  • 74. Networking Video Over IP Map –Video OIP Your Text here Your Text here Source: Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 74
  • 75. Networking Unified Communications (UC) –UC Why do we need this? Integration: Of any or all communications, collaborative, and business applications Presence: guides users to the most appropriate means of communications Your extends applications and integration here Your Text of Mobility: Text here applications every way you go Productivity: improves business processes Why now? Key drivers today are: Workforce virtualization, Cost reduction, Increasingly available tools, Business improvement opportunities Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 75
  • 76. Networking UC Challenges –UC The problem: business justification for collaboration technologies comes down to “soft dollars”: • Productivity • Better Text here Your teamwork Your Text here • Better customer service How do you define “better”? What is its business value to the company? Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 76
  • 77. Networking UC Preferred Choice –UC 56% Cisco 41% Microsoft 22% Avaya 10% Nortel Alcatel-Lucent Text here 5% Your Your Text here 3% 3Com 2% Nokia-Siemens 4% Newer Vendors 4% Others 9% Unsure 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Source: Goldman Sachs Research Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 77
  • 78. Networking Integrators Networking - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 (Leaders) Your Text here Your Text here Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 78
  • 79. Agenda Information 1 Information Security Security Communication 2 Networking Networking Your Text here Your Text here Green IT 3 Green IT Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 79
  • 80. Green IT Small, incremental changes compounded many times can mean big savings for large-scale Text here organizations Your Your Text here 80
  • 81. Green IT So, How Can I Be More Green? Trends Secure mobile Virtualized server access to networks, PC management and storage applications, and environments data State of the art Your Text here Your Text here Intelligent archiving Teleconferencing power and cooling (all around) Working Go digital! & environment (car Asset management Printing pool, working from consolidation home…) Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 81
  • 82. STKI Madad 2008-9 Green IT Trends (Not Including Printing) PC Energy Management Miscellaneous 9% Trends 12% 38% Market Players Your Text here Your Text here 15% DC Facilities 20% Asset Management 6% Shahar Maor’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 82