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Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FEDay, Guangzhou, China, 19/03/2016
Web Performance

in the Age of HTTP/2
Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FEDay, Guangzhou, China, 19/03/2016
Also on Sina Weibo! ;)
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
And it’s been like that for a long time.
Nobody likes to wait.
1. the action of staying where one is or
delaying action until a particular time or
"years of waiting"
1. the action of staying where one is or
delaying action until a particular time or
"years of waiting"
Web Performance
Users expect ~2-3 seconds to load a site…
This is a user’s definition of ‘fast’
And today, we’re even aiming to deliver something faster
User Expectations
50% of people say they'll abandon a page that takes
longer than 4 seconds to load
User Expectations
Depending on a users location and infrastructure it
might take longer
More than 8-10 seconds of load time for sure is pushing
it and people will not wait
User Expectations
Delay User perception
0–100 ms Instant
100–300 ms Small perceptible delay
300–1000 ms Machine is working
1,000+ ms Likely mental context switch
10,000+ ms Task is abandoned
The unofficial rule of thumb in the web
performance community:
Render pages, or at the very least provide
visual feedback, in under 250 milliseconds to
keep the user engaged!
Our Logical Conclusion: 

Faster is Be er!
The Impact of Performance
(and why you should care)
Speeding up a
fundraising site by
60% increased
donations by 14%.

— Obama Campaign
Adding half a second to a
search results page can
decrease traffic and ad
revenues by 20%

— Google
Every additional 100
milliseconds of load
time decreased
sales by 1%.

— Amazon
40% of surveyed online
shoppers will abandon a
page that takes more
than 3 seconds to load.

— Akamai
Let’s have a look at

Global Network Speed
Global Broadband Average
Download: 21.3Mbps
Global Mobile Average
Download: 10.9Mbps
Turns Out…
Not Quite That Easy!
Top 20 Countries Broadband Download 2012 - 2014
November 2014

Download: 3.49Mbps (Mobile roughly the same)

Download: 5.27Mbps (Mobile 2.67Mbps)

Download: 31.3Mbps (Mobile 13.33Mbps)
Sounds pre y good!
3G, Edge, GPRS
3G, Edge, GPRS

or Maybe (Close to) Offline…
This is Why
Faster Sites are Be er!
2013 - 2016
Building for Performance
Performance Techniques Today
Concatenation of Files
Image Sprites
Inline Images
Domain Sharding
Rendering Pages
Waiting for DOM and CSSOM to build the render tree.
Render tree contains nodes to render the page.
Layout computes the exact position and size.
Paint turns the render tree into pixels on screen.
Render-Tree Construction,
Layout & Paint
Waiting for CSS
Avoids “Flash of Unstyled Content” (FOUC)
Render Blocking CSS
The parser has to stop for scripts before continuing to
parse HTML.
JavaScript can query and modify DOM and CSSOM.
JavaScript blocks DOM construction unless
explicitly declared as async.
Render Blocking JavaScript
Every request fetched inside of HEAD, will postpone
the rendering of the page
Loading JavaScript
Every request takes roughly ~200ms
Avoid unnecessary redirects
Limit HTTP Requests
Critical Resource
Critical Path Length
Critical Bytes
The Critical Rendering Path
Optimising the Critical
Rendering Path
Ge ing stuff on the screen
Minimize the number of critical resources.
Minimize the number of critical bytes.
Minimize the critical path length.
A critical resource is a resource that can block
initial rendering of a page.
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
The History of HTTP
HTTP/0.9 (1991)
HTTP/1.0 (1996)
HTTP/1.1 (1999)
To reduce the load on the server, HTTP/1.1’s
approach was to limit its TCP connections
“A single-user client should not maintain more
than 2 connections with any server or proxy.”
In real life, browsers hold ~6 TCP connections
simultaneously per origin.
More Bandwidth Doesn’t Make a Big Difference
An increase from 5Mbps to 10Mbps results in a
disappointing 5% improvement in page load times.
The water pipe example
Bandwidth & Round-Trip Time
1Mbps 2Mbps 3Mbps 4Mpbs 5Mbps 6Mbps 7Mbps 8Mbps 9Mbps 10Mbps
Page Load Time as bandwidth increases
Round-trip-times (RTT) have a bigger impact
on performance, more than bandwidth does.
Round-trip-times (RTT) have a bigger impact
on performance, more than bandwidth does.
1Mbps 2Mbps 3Mbps 4Mpbs 5Mbps 6Mbps 7Mbps 8Mbps 9Mbps 10Mbps
240ms 220ms 200ms 180ms 160ms 140ms 120ms 100ms 80ms 60ms 40ms 20ms 0ms
Page Load Time as bandwidth increases
Page Load Time as latency decreases
“HTTP2 produces the biggest performance
gains on mobile bc it remedies high latency”

— @patrickhamann #smashingconf
240ms 220ms 200ms 180ms 160ms 140ms 120ms 100ms 80ms 60ms 40ms 20ms
Page Load Time as latency decreases
Multiplexing: allow concurrent requests
across a single TCP connection;
Allow browsers to prioritise assets so that
vital resources of a page could are sent first;
Compress and reduce HTTP headers;
Server push: A server can push important
resources to the browser before being asked
for them.
HTTP/2 (2015)
Networking protocol for low-latency transport
of content over the web.
Originally started out from the SPDY protocol,
now standardised as HTTP version 2.
• Multiplexing
• Compressed headers
• Asset Prioritisation & Dependencies
• Server Push 

(saves the time it takes the client to ask for
the resources)
HTTP/2 is backwards-compatible 

with HTTP/1.1
Building for Performance 

with HTTP/2
What do you need to enable HTTP/2?
SSL/TLS required
Google* uses secure connections as a ranking
signal, and browsers are starting to flag non-h ps
websites as ‘not secure’.
Some HTML5 APIs will also require secure
connections in the future (e.g. Geolocation).
* Baidu Analytics includes a site speed section, so they might follow this
trend in the future.
Leveraging additional benefits of SSL
Serving HTTP/2
Apache Module mod_h p2
HTTP/2 supporting browsers
Under HTTP/2, some of our current best
practices might impact performance
Let’s look at the new anti-pa erns.
What has Changed?
This was a workaround for the lack of parallelism in
HTTP/1.x to reduce requests;
Combining multiple files into one and fetch with one
Need to wait of the entire file/response to arrive
Concatenation of Files
• Structure code to only deliver what’s needed
• No need for additional build process steps
• Optimise caching policies depending on change
frequency of files
Requests are cheap!
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016
Thanks to the new multiplexing ability of HTTP/2
resources don’t need to be queued anymore.
Nevertheless, depending on the kind of image, and how
they are used, spriting can still be the be er option in
regards to compression and file size.
Image Sprites
Another workaround for the lack of parallelism in

Besides increasing the file size of stylesheets etc., the
resource can’t be cached and asset re-use will create
unnecessary overhead
Prioritisation features of HTTP/2 can’t be used
Inline Images
And one more workaround for the lack of multiplexing
in HTTP/1.x
Browsers can handle ~6 connections per origin, but
domain sharding allows us to (theoretically) extend this
to an unlimited amount of connections.
Domain sharding will have a negative impact when
used with HTTP/2.
Domain Sharding
Reduce DNS lookups ✓ ✓
Reuse TCP connections ✓ ✓
Use a Content Delivery Network ✓ ✓
Minimize number of HTTP redirects ✓ ✓
Eliminate unnecessary request bytes ✓ ✓
Compress assets during transfer ✓ ✓
Cache resources on the client ✓ ✓
Eliminate unnecessary resources ✓ ✓
Apply domain sharding Revisit (max 2) Remove
Concatenate resources Careful & consider caching Remove
Inline resources Careful & consider caching Remove (Server Push)
Ge ing to HTTP/2
Make the move to TLS & add a secure
connection to your site

(This can be done at any time and brings some additional benefits, even without HTTP/2)
Make sure your server supports HTTP/2

(Confirm with your hosting provider, roll your own or use a HTTP/2 supporting CDN service)
Prepare your assets & adjust the build process
for HTTP/2

(Adjust to output the required files that best suit your needs and test your choices)
Check Analytics & confirm your user’s
browser support

(This could affect users with older browsers negatively, and check for majority support)
Implement your favourite HTTP/2 best
practices and adjust your caching policies

(Measure your performance before and a er the update and share your results with the world!!)
Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FEDay, Guangzhou, China, 19/03/2016

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Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/03/2016

  • 1. Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FEDay, Guangzhou, China, 19/03/2016 Web Performance
 in the Age of HTTP/2
  • 2. @foobartel Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FEDay, Guangzhou, China, 19/03/2016 Also on Sina Weibo! ;)
  • 12. Source And it’s been like that for a long time. Nobody likes to wait.
  • 13. Source waiting ˈweɪtɪŋ/ noun 1. the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or event. "years of waiting"
  • 14. Source waiting ˈweɪtɪŋ/ noun 1. the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or event. "years of waiting"
  • 16. Users expect ~2-3 seconds to load a site… This is a user’s definition of ‘fast’ And today, we’re even aiming to deliver something faster User Expectations
  • 17. 50% of people say they'll abandon a page that takes longer than 4 seconds to load User Expectations
  • 18. Depending on a users location and infrastructure it might take longer More than 8-10 seconds of load time for sure is pushing it and people will not wait User Expectations
  • 19. Delay User perception 0–100 ms Instant 100–300 ms Small perceptible delay 300–1000 ms Machine is working 1,000+ ms Likely mental context switch 10,000+ ms Task is abandoned Source
  • 20. The unofficial rule of thumb in the web performance community: Render pages, or at the very least provide visual feedback, in under 250 milliseconds to keep the user engaged! Source
  • 21. Our Logical Conclusion: 
 Faster is Be er!
  • 22. The Impact of Performance (and why you should care)
  • 23. Speeding up a fundraising site by 60% increased donations by 14%.
 — Obama Campaign Adding half a second to a search results page can decrease traffic and ad revenues by 20%
 — Google Every additional 100 milliseconds of load time decreased sales by 1%.
 — Amazon 40% of surveyed online shoppers will abandon a page that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
 — Akamai
  • 24. Let’s have a look at
 Global Network Speed
  • 25. Global Broadband Average Download: 21.3Mbps Global Mobile Average Download: 10.9Mbps
  • 26. Turns Out… Not Quite That Easy! Top 20 Countries Broadband Download 2012 - 2014
  • 27. November 2014 Philippines
 Download: 3.49Mbps (Mobile roughly the same) Indonesia
 Download: 5.27Mbps (Mobile 2.67Mbps) USA
 Download: 31.3Mbps (Mobile 13.33Mbps)
  • 28. Sounds pre y good!
  • 30. 3G, Edge, GPRS
 or Maybe (Close to) Offline…
  • 31. This is Why Faster Sites are Be er!
  • 34. Performance Techniques Today Concatenation of Files Image Sprites Inline Images Domain Sharding
  • 36. Waiting for DOM and CSSOM to build the render tree. Render tree contains nodes to render the page. Layout computes the exact position and size. Paint turns the render tree into pixels on screen. Render-Tree Construction, Layout & Paint Source
  • 37. Waiting for CSS Avoids “Flash of Unstyled Content” (FOUC) Render Blocking CSS Source
  • 38. The parser has to stop for scripts before continuing to parse HTML. JavaScript can query and modify DOM and CSSOM. JavaScript blocks DOM construction unless explicitly declared as async. Render Blocking JavaScript Source
  • 39. Every request fetched inside of HEAD, will postpone the rendering of the page Loading JavaScript Source
  • 40. Every request takes roughly ~200ms Avoid unnecessary redirects Limit HTTP Requests Source
  • 41. Critical Resource Critical Path Length Critical Bytes The Critical Rendering Path Source
  • 42. Optimising the Critical Rendering Path = Ge ing stuff on the screen fast
  • 43. Minimize the number of critical resources. Minimize the number of critical bytes. Minimize the critical path length. A critical resource is a resource that can block initial rendering of a page. Source
  • 52. To reduce the load on the server, HTTP/1.1’s approach was to limit its TCP connections “A single-user client should not maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy.” In real life, browsers hold ~6 TCP connections simultaneously per origin.
  • 53. More Bandwidth Doesn’t Make a Big Difference An increase from 5Mbps to 10Mbps results in a disappointing 5% improvement in page load times. Source
  • 54. The water pipe example Bandwidth & Round-Trip Time
  • 55. PageLoadTime(ms) 0 800 1600 2400 3200 Bandwidth 1Mbps 2Mbps 3Mbps 4Mpbs 5Mbps 6Mbps 7Mbps 8Mbps 9Mbps 10Mbps Page Load Time as bandwidth increases Source
  • 56. Round-trip-times (RTT) have a bigger impact on performance, more than bandwidth does. Source
  • 57. Round-trip-times (RTT) have a bigger impact on performance, more than bandwidth does. Source
  • 58. PageLoadTime(ms) 0 800 1600 2400 3200 Bandwidth 1Mbps 2Mbps 3Mbps 4Mpbs 5Mbps 6Mbps 7Mbps 8Mbps 9Mbps 10Mbps PageLoadTime(ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 RTT 240ms 220ms 200ms 180ms 160ms 140ms 120ms 100ms 80ms 60ms 40ms 20ms 0ms Page Load Time as bandwidth increases Page Load Time as latency decreases Source
  • 59. “HTTP2 produces the biggest performance gains on mobile bc it remedies high latency”
 — @patrickhamann #smashingconf
  • 60. PageLoadTime(ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 RTT 240ms 220ms 200ms 180ms 160ms 140ms 120ms 100ms 80ms 60ms 40ms 20ms Page Load Time as latency decreases Source
  • 62. Multiplexing: allow concurrent requests across a single TCP connection; Allow browsers to prioritise assets so that vital resources of a page could are sent first; Compress and reduce HTTP headers; Server push: A server can push important resources to the browser before being asked for them.
  • 64. Networking protocol for low-latency transport of content over the web. Originally started out from the SPDY protocol, now standardised as HTTP version 2.
  • 65. • Multiplexing • Compressed headers • Asset Prioritisation & Dependencies • Server Push 
 (saves the time it takes the client to ask for the resources)
  • 66. HTTP/2 is backwards-compatible 
 with HTTP/1.1
  • 67. Building for Performance 
 with HTTP/2
  • 68. What do you need to enable HTTP/2?
  • 70. Google* uses secure connections as a ranking signal, and browsers are starting to flag non-h ps websites as ‘not secure’. Some HTML5 APIs will also require secure connections in the future (e.g. Geolocation). * Baidu Analytics includes a site speed section, so they might follow this trend in the future. Leveraging additional benefits of SSL
  • 73. Under HTTP/2, some of our current best practices might impact performance negatively. Let’s look at the new anti-pa erns.
  • 75. This was a workaround for the lack of parallelism in HTTP/1.x to reduce requests; Combining multiple files into one and fetch with one request. Need to wait of the entire file/response to arrive Concatenation of Files
  • 76. • Structure code to only deliver what’s needed • No need for additional build process steps • Optimise caching policies depending on change frequency of files New! Requests are cheap!
  • 78. Thanks to the new multiplexing ability of HTTP/2 resources don’t need to be queued anymore. Nevertheless, depending on the kind of image, and how they are used, spriting can still be the be er option in regards to compression and file size. Image Sprites
  • 79. Another workaround for the lack of parallelism in HTTP/1.x
 Besides increasing the file size of stylesheets etc., the resource can’t be cached and asset re-use will create unnecessary overhead Prioritisation features of HTTP/2 can’t be used Inline Images
  • 80. And one more workaround for the lack of multiplexing in HTTP/1.x Browsers can handle ~6 connections per origin, but domain sharding allows us to (theoretically) extend this to an unlimited amount of connections. Domain sharding will have a negative impact when used with HTTP/2. Domain Sharding Source !
  • 81. HTTP1.x HTTP2 Reduce DNS lookups ✓ ✓ Reuse TCP connections ✓ ✓ Use a Content Delivery Network ✓ ✓ Minimize number of HTTP redirects ✓ ✓ Eliminate unnecessary request bytes ✓ ✓ Compress assets during transfer ✓ ✓ Cache resources on the client ✓ ✓ Eliminate unnecessary resources ✓ ✓ Apply domain sharding Revisit (max 2) Remove Concatenate resources Careful & consider caching Remove Inline resources Careful & consider caching Remove (Server Push) Source
  • 82. Ge ing to HTTP/2
  • 83. Make the move to TLS & add a secure connection to your site
 (This can be done at any time and brings some additional benefits, even without HTTP/2) Make sure your server supports HTTP/2
 (Confirm with your hosting provider, roll your own or use a HTTP/2 supporting CDN service)
  • 84. Prepare your assets & adjust the build process for HTTP/2
 (Adjust to output the required files that best suit your needs and test your choices) Check Analytics & confirm your user’s browser support
 (This could affect users with older browsers negatively, and check for majority support) Implement your favourite HTTP/2 best practices and adjust your caching policies
 (Measure your performance before and a er the update and share your results with the world!!)
  • 85. ! Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FEDay, Guangzhou, China, 19/03/2016