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Holger Bartel
180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland

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Unit 1: Evolution of Digital Marketing
Unit 1: Evolution of Digital MarketingUnit 1: Evolution of Digital Marketing
Unit 1: Evolution of Digital Marketing

This document discusses how technology impacts consumers' lives. It notes that over half the world's population now has internet access through various digital devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets. The document outlines how people search online through keywords and filters, and how e-commerce is growing, with certain countries and product categories having higher online shopping rates. It concludes that technology and online activities are now integrated into daily life, but overuse of devices should be avoided.

Socialize: Monetizing Social Media - Gib Olander
Socialize: Monetizing Social Media - Gib OlanderSocialize: Monetizing Social Media - Gib Olander
Socialize: Monetizing Social Media - Gib Olander

This document discusses the evolution of location-based services (LBS) and how people now use multiple sources like social networks on mobile devices to find local information and businesses. It notes that by 2011, 80% of mobile devices will have GPS and over 60% of mobile internet usage is on social networks. The importance of businesses establishing an online identity through a name, address, and phone number is discussed, as this helps anchor customers' experiences. The document also talks about how mobile, local, and social aspects are converging, making consistent digital identities for businesses critical to existing online. It emphasizes taking advantage of features on apps like Foursquare and Groupon to engage customers locally.

50 Stunning Mobile Statistics
50 Stunning Mobile Statistics50 Stunning Mobile Statistics
50 Stunning Mobile Statistics

The past, present, and future outlook of Mobility. This presentation tracks everything from the first transistor created in 1947, through the exabytes of data created every month.

180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland

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The Evolution of The Internet
The Evolution of The InternetThe Evolution of The Internet
The Evolution of The Internet

The internet has evolved greatly since its inception and now plays an integral role in consumers' everyday lives. It has given both consumers and businesses more freedom to access and share products and information. While there are some negatives like privacy and security concerns, the benefits of the internet outweigh these, as it allows easy research, communication, and online shopping. As technology continues advancing, the internet will likely influence consumers and businesses even more in the future.

Evolution of the Internet
Evolution of the InternetEvolution of the Internet
Evolution of the Internet

The document discusses the evolution of the internet and how consumers use technology. It notes that while the internet first connected government departments and researchers in the 1960s, it has now evolved into a single interconnected world with over half the global population online. Key developments in the internet's recent evolution mentioned include the acceleration of mobile device usage, the rise of social media, and rising rates of online video consumption. The internet has profoundly shaped everyday life by becoming the center of how people work, socialize, shop and entertain themselves.

internet marketinginternetevolution of internet
The evolution of the internet
The evolution of the internetThe evolution of the internet
The evolution of the internet

How and where did the internet start? Digital Devices used to surf the Internet? What advancements are there in Technology?


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The Evolution of the Internet Presentation
The Evolution of the Internet PresentationThe Evolution of the Internet Presentation
The Evolution of the Internet Presentation

The evolution of the internet has transformed how consumers use technology and access information. Over the past few decades, internet access has grown exponentially from 0.04% of the world in 1995 to billions of users today accessing the internet through various digital devices like mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. This widespread access has changed consumer behaviors by enabling people to research products online through search engines before making purchases. It has also increased online video consumption and online shopping, where consumers can now purchase almost any item over the internet. As technology continues to advance, it will drive even more changes to consumer trends and a more digital-centric lifestyle.

WCIT 2014 Robert Kahn - The Evolution of the Internet
WCIT 2014 Robert Kahn - The Evolution of the InternetWCIT 2014 Robert Kahn - The Evolution of the Internet
WCIT 2014 Robert Kahn - The Evolution of the Internet

Keynote address at the WCIT 2014 The Evolution of the Internet Robert Kahn, co-father of the Internet

The Evolution of Digital Marketing
The Evolution of Digital MarketingThe Evolution of Digital Marketing
The Evolution of Digital Marketing

Since the first internet connection in 1969, digital marketing has evolved significantly. As internet access expanded from 1% of the world in 1995 to over 3.8 billion users today, consumers began using various digital devices like smartphones and tablets to access the internet from anywhere. This led businesses to utilize online video marketing, search tools, and social media to reach consumers who increasingly search, learn, shop, and watch content online. The rise of e-commerce and mobile access further changed consumer trends and marketing strategies, shaping the current digital landscape.

Home Sweet Home
Perfect Solutions Don’t Exist
?Questioning The Status Quo
Who are we designing for?
What You Know
What Users Know

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How consumers use technology and its impact on their lives
How consumers use technology and its impact on their livesHow consumers use technology and its impact on their lives
How consumers use technology and its impact on their lives

- Over half the global population is now connected to the internet, primarily using smartphones, desktops, and tablets. Most appliances and devices people use daily are now digital. - People rely heavily on search engines like Google to find information online. Nearly half of all purchases are made online across various product categories. - Online video consumption has also increased drastically, with people spending more time watching various content on mobile devices. Social media influencers have a growing impact on consumer purchasing decisions.

WGM4 - Comscore
WGM4 - ComscoreWGM4 - Comscore
WGM4 - Comscore

The document summarizes a seminar on mobile media trends. It finds that 33% of mobile users in the UK browse, use apps or download content. Mobile media usage is growing 17% year-over-year. Younger users are more likely to engage with social networking, music and video on mobile, while older users prefer information and news apps. The top 6 mobile devices represent 15% of users, with long tail of over 600 devices total. Mobile internet and app usage is booming, led by news, social media and local information apps. 46% of mobile owners receive SMS ads, and mobile banner ads are growing beyond mobile sectors.

web goes mobilemobilewebapp
App coverage in cities
App coverage in citiesApp coverage in cities
App coverage in cities

Out of the cities analyzed, only Copenhagen and Oslo have a 90% probability of achieving download speeds of at least 1 Mbps, which is sufficient for many app types. In other cities like Shanghai, Jakarta, and Delhi, 90% probable speeds are less than 100 Kbps, insufficient for activities like video streaming. While voice coverage is generally sufficient worldwide, app coverage varies significantly between cities, with adequate coverage for music streaming lacking in some and video calling in even fewer. User satisfaction with internet connectivity lags behind voice outside of homes and workplaces.
The Mobile Landscape
Global mobile broadband
subscriptions outnumber
fixed broadband
1.1 billion active mobile-broadband
of global population

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Assignment 2 - Evolution of Digital Marketing
Assignment 2 - Evolution of Digital Marketing Assignment 2 - Evolution of Digital Marketing
Assignment 2 - Evolution of Digital Marketing

This document provides an outline for an assignment on digital technology and its impact on consumer behavior. It discusses several topics, including access to the internet via different devices, how consumers search for and purchase products online, trends in online video consumption, and how consumer technology usage has changed in recent years. The introduction frames how digital technology has radically changed consumer and business lives worldwide by increasing access to the internet through various affordable devices.

digital marketingdigitalmarketing
Wave 2 - Mobility | UM | Social Media Tracker
Wave 2  - Mobility | UM | Social Media TrackerWave 2  - Mobility | UM | Social Media Tracker
Wave 2 - Mobility | UM | Social Media Tracker

Wave 2 - Mobility showed how social media moved from being a text-based medium of bloggers and posters to a fully audio visual one full of content creators and sharers. Find the latest Wave, "Wave 7 - Cracking the Social Code" here

mobilityumsocial media
Assignment 2
Assignment 2Assignment 2
Assignment 2

This document discusses the evolution of technology and access to the internet over time. It begins by describing how the internet was originally developed for data transmission between US government computers in the 1960s. Standards were established in 1983 allowing different networks to connect as a "whole" internet. Access expanded dramatically in the following decades as personal computers and mobile devices became more widespread and affordable. Today over 4.5 billion people use the internet for activities like online shopping, social media, and streaming videos. However, barriers still exist for some due to costs, remote locations, literacy levels, and lack of relevant content in their languages.

Active mobile broadband
subscriptions 2011
Asia Pacific
31st China Internet Development Statistical Report 2012
275% growth of mobile
web traffic in Asia
2010 - 2013
Mobile Subscribers in China
Internet users in China
31st China Internet Development Statistical Report 2012

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Review Google
Review GoogleReview Google
Review Google

Google's strategy is to provide the best user experience through fast and clutter-free search, pioneering new technologies, and making Android free to developers. It aims to generate revenue without sacrificing the user. Google recognizes its global impact through offices in over 60 countries and interfaces in 130+ languages. It sees employees as valuable people and values ideas from anywhere.

The Evolution of The Internet
The Evolution of The InternetThe Evolution of The Internet
The Evolution of The Internet

Today I would like to talk about all the topics about the evolution of the internet, but also of ARPANET Project, Packet Networking, World Wide Web and some Statistics. The first thing we have to know is that before 1957 computers only worked on one task at a time.

the evolution of the internetdigital marketingsocial media
IAB Global Mobile Anthology 2013
IAB Global Mobile Anthology 2013IAB Global Mobile Anthology 2013
IAB Global Mobile Anthology 2013

This document provides an overview of the state of mobile media in 13 countries from the IAB Global Mobile Anthology 2013 report. It discusses the growth of mobile internet usage and smartphone penetration worldwide between 2011-2012. Country snapshots from the Americas, Europe, and Asia/Pacific are included that provide details on mobile advertising revenues, operators, technologies used and IAB mobile activities for each location. The document also highlights trends in several countries, such as the growth of mobile apps and videos in Brazil and increased Facebook mobile usage in Canada.

access the web via mobile
Enter Device Heaven
180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland

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Assignment 2 task 1 Evolution of digital marketing
Assignment 2 task 1 Evolution of digital marketingAssignment 2 task 1 Evolution of digital marketing
Assignment 2 task 1 Evolution of digital marketing

The document discusses how digital technology has evolved and impacted consumers' lives and behaviors. Key points include how internet access has expanded globally through various devices. Most people now go online daily through smartphones and use search engines, social media, video and e-commerce sites. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated digital adoption out of necessity. New trends also emerge like virtual influencers, voice shopping and personalized digital services.

Why mobile matters
Why mobile mattersWhy mobile matters
Why mobile matters

Presentation by Amy Gahran to the Knight Digital Media Center's Mobile Symposium, held April 2011 at the journalism schools of the Univ. of Nebraska (Lincoln) and the Univ. of Montana (Missoula). Audience: editors, managers, and staff of news organizations from around each state, and faculty from the communications schools (journalism and advertising) at both universities.

Open Government & Open Data
Open Government & Open DataOpen Government & Open Data
Open Government & Open Data

The document discusses the shift to open data and government 2.0 with more transparent, inclusive and user-driven communication. It provides examples of open data portals around the world and in Ireland. It also discusses linked open data and potential applications for open data in areas like transportation, budgets and quality of life indicators. Finally, it addresses challenges around engaging developers and citizens with open data and measuring the success of open data initiatives.

Device Fragmentation

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Evolution of Marketing
Evolution of MarketingEvolution of Marketing
Evolution of Marketing

Digital technology has impacted the lives of consumers and businesses around the world. With access to the internet and the lowering cost of smart devices, audiences use the internet to improve their daily lives. In this connected world, access to information is seen as a necessity rather than a convenience

What's next
What's nextWhat's next
What's next

I was asked to give a quick talk to a marketing agency in Jonesboro and one of their clients (a hospital) on what's next in technology, marketing, etc.

trendsmobileonline marketing
The Evolution of Digital Marketing
The Evolution of Digital Marketing The Evolution of Digital Marketing
The Evolution of Digital Marketing

The document discusses how digital marketing and consumer behavior have evolved over the past 5 years due to advances in technology and internet access. Key points include: internet usage growing to 51% of the world's population, average connection speeds increasing to over 7 Mbps, mobile devices becoming the primary way people access the internet, online video consumption booming with 93% of internet users watching videos monthly, and consumers now conducting extensive online research before making purchases. The impact of new technologies like smartphones, tablets, and social media have fundamentally changed how businesses market and sell to consumers.

180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland
180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland
Mobile Browsers
UC Browser
Nokia Opera
QQ Browser IE Mobile
Tool of Choice? ;-)

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Mobile: Trends and Best Practices
Mobile: Trends and Best PracticesMobile: Trends and Best Practices
Mobile: Trends and Best Practices

The document summarizes mobile trends from 2010 to early 2012. It notes that as of late 2010, more mobile devices were selling worldwide than PCs, and by 2013 mobile phones were projected to surpass PCs as the most common device for web access. It also shares that in early 2012, 378,000 iPhones were being sold daily compared to 371,000 babies being born daily. Smartphone sales accounted for 31% of the mobile market in late 2011 and Android was the dominant mobile operating system. Global mobile data traffic grew significantly from 2010 to 2011.

American University Presentation (3) 2012 on Mobile Trends and Emerging Techn...
American University Presentation (3) 2012 on Mobile Trends and Emerging Techn...American University Presentation (3) 2012 on Mobile Trends and Emerging Techn...
American University Presentation (3) 2012 on Mobile Trends and Emerging Techn...

My third academic lecture on mobile and technology at the American University. Thanks to the students for having me to speak in their global economics class led by Dr. Leroy Miller, professor of marketing.

nfcforeignwayne chen
Mobile Marketing
Mobile MarketingMobile Marketing
Mobile Marketing

This document discusses mobile marketing trends and strategies. It provides statistics on smartphone usage and sales. Examples are given of companies that have implemented successful mobile strategies, including mobile sites and apps. The document recommends developing an understanding of how customers use mobile devices and integrating mobile into a multi-channel marketing approach. It emphasizes optimizing content for mobile rather than focusing on apps versus mobile sites. Overall it presents data and case studies on current mobile trends to help inform the development of mobile marketing strategies.

#dmmp #mobile #digitalmarkman
The Good (Desktop) News
Hong Kong:
3G, 4G & Unlimited Data
Courtesy of Sinan Atahan

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Pt.2 mobile trends
Pt.2 mobile trendsPt.2 mobile trends
Pt.2 mobile trends

The document provides an overview of key mobile trends, with a focus on trends in Hong Kong. It summarizes that: - Hong Kong youth have the highest mobile phone ownership rates in Asia, and over 30% of Hong Kong mobile users engage in social networking on their devices. - When purchasing a new mobile phone in Hong Kong, content/applications is the second most important factor after look/feel. - Popular social networking sites accessed on mobile devices in Hong Kong include Facebook, Yahoo, and Google.

20th Anniversary of Internet in the Philippines
20th Anniversary of Internet in the Philippines20th Anniversary of Internet in the Philippines
20th Anniversary of Internet in the Philippines

A presentation I gave during the 20th Anniversary of Internet in the Philippines. Thanks to Jurist, Manny and Achie for some of the materials you contributed.

Technology Macro Trends - What Marketers Need to Know in 2014
Technology Macro Trends - What Marketers Need to Know in 2014Technology Macro Trends - What Marketers Need to Know in 2014
Technology Macro Trends - What Marketers Need to Know in 2014

In the last four years, we’ve seen tremendous upheavals in social channels, mobile adoption across the globe, and software that’s changed the way we live and work. Technology has reshaped marketing. To adapt to this new world, marketers need to first understand it. Here are some of the key technology macro trends that have redefined our industry. Macro trends include: - Growth of global internet users - Venture financing of tech startups - Photo sharing across mobile messaging platforms - Mobile usage in China and the world - Advertising revenue across Google, Facebook, and Twitter - Education technology startups like Khan Academy - YouTube stars and spectator gaming Percolate is a marketing technology company with a mission to help brands of all sizes create great content and distribute it to the right audience. With an end-to-end suite of web-based and mobile tools, Percolate allows brands, agencies and other external partners to work within a single platform. Learn more at:

globalcontent marketingmobile marketing
2G, 3G
3G Mobile Subscriptions
in China
Annual Umeng Report

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In ancient times people had ways and patterns of doing things (deriving information, connecting and communicating with people. all these patterns have been highly affected by the advancement of technology, Examples of these strides are the 5G cellular networks, mobile devices and more.

Assignment 2 official (1)
Assignment 2 official (1)Assignment 2 official (1)
Assignment 2 official (1)

The document discusses several topics related to internet usage. It notes that the number of internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013, with the third billion reached in 2014. Currently, only 3% of American internet users still use dial-up. It also discusses the rise of smartphones, with projections of 1.71 billion smartphone shipments in 2020, up from only 25% of the global population using smartphones in 2015. The document also references statistics about voice searches increasing, with predictions that 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020. It provides statistics about online video uploads to YouTube and consumer data usage and preferences.

digital marketinginternettechnology
Mobile Changes Everything
Mobile Changes EverythingMobile Changes Everything
Mobile Changes Everything

Enabling best practice Web experiences for today's increasingly Mobile world: This white paper explores why a Web Content Management solution that’s not optimized for ‘customers in motion,’ could be the deal breaker for customer engagement. Find out how innovative approaches to WCM can keep your company aligned with customer expectations in a mobile world.

– Jeremy Keith (@adactio)
Responsive design is not about
mobile. It's not about tablets. It's
not about desktops. It's about
The Web.
One Web…
Heavy Weight WebHeavy Weight Web
180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland

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50 stunning mobile statistics - trends in gadgets and mobility
50 stunning mobile statistics - trends in gadgets and mobility50 stunning mobile statistics - trends in gadgets and mobility
50 stunning mobile statistics - trends in gadgets and mobility

The transistor started the digital revolution. Probably most interesting is the impact in Mobility. Take a walk through the past, present and a glimpse into the future

50 Stunning Mobile Statistics 2013
50 Stunning Mobile Statistics 201350 Stunning Mobile Statistics 2013
50 Stunning Mobile Statistics 2013

The document summarizes key milestones and statistics in the evolution of mobile technology from 1947 to the present. Some of the highlights include: the first transistor was invented in 1947; the first mobile phone call was made in 1973; the first commercial cellular network launched in 1979; and the iPhone was released in 2007 and sold 1 million devices within 74 days. Globally, there are now over 7 billion mobile phones with over 1.5 billion being smartphones, and mobile data usage is growing exponentially with 11.2 exabytes per month projected by 2017.

2013mobileonline marketing
Mobile Technologies Update : what’s hot, what’s relevant
Mobile Technologies Update: what’s hot, what’s relevantMobile Technologies Update: what’s hot, what’s relevant
Mobile Technologies Update : what’s hot, what’s relevant

Mobile technologies are increasingly prevalent. Smartphone ownership is growing rapidly and surpassing feature phone ownership. People now spend more time on their smartphones each day than with their partners. Wireless data traffic is also exploding, growing 20,000% over 5 years for one major carrier and expected to increase 13-fold globally by 2017. However, mobile users are not always in a rush - many are willing to engage in longer sessions for various tasks using their smartphones. Effective mobile strategies focus on providing core services across all devices rather than dumbing things down for mobile.

southeast florida health sciences consortiumtechnologiestrends
Just Because We Can…
What’s Your Mobile
Content Now?
180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland

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Latest trends in wireless technology
Latest trends in wireless technology Latest trends in wireless technology
Latest trends in wireless technology

This is my first talk to the staffs and postgraduate students of FKEE, UTHM during my Adjunct Prof visit. @Aug. 28, 2013

The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Topconf Tallinn 2018
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Topconf Tallinn 2018The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Topconf Tallinn 2018
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Topconf Tallinn 2018

Product design can go wrong and affect users negatively. How do your users feel using your product? What’s the impact that you cause? Can we build better products if we follow certain standards or principles? This talk will explore how to better care about users and improve their experience by taking a more ethical approach. Most importantly, this talk will hopefully be an inspiration, question the status quo and help us build for a better future web.

designdevelopmentethical design
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Coldfront 2018, Copenhagen
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Coldfront 2018, CopenhagenThe Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Coldfront 2018, Copenhagen
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Coldfront 2018, Copenhagen

The document discusses the importance of ethical design. It argues that designers should focus on creating products that benefit users and society, consider how designs may negatively impact people, and prioritize data privacy and security. The document also stresses that designers have a responsibility to treat users well and should reconsider approaches that do not respect people or could enable harm. Overall, it promotes designing with good intent and continual improvement to help build a better future internet.

The Early Bird…The Early Bird…
Haan Sin, Sei Sin
Haan Sin, Sei Sin
Walk First, Die First

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The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Web Directions Summit 2018, Sydney
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Web Directions Summit 2018, SydneyThe Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Web Directions Summit 2018, Sydney
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design - Web Directions Summit 2018, Sydney

Product design can go wrong and affect users negatively. How do your users feel using your product? What’s the impact that you cause? Can we build better products if we follow certain standards or principles? This talk will explore how to better care about users and improve their experience by taking a more ethical approach. Most importantly, this talk will hopefully be an inspiration, question the status quo and help us build for a better future web.

Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger BartelWeb Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel

Web performance optimisation has been gaining ground and is slowly getting more of its deserved recognition. Nevertheless, much of our time on the web is still used up by waiting. To decrease our wait time and improve the web’s overall performance, this integral part of user experience needs further promotion. Waiting and the perception of time itself, is reason enough to explore some of the psychological effects time has on our users, too. Passing time also plays a big role in the evolution of technologies. Through the history of HTTP we have reached the latest version as HTTP/2, which will turn some of our existing web performance best practices on their head and into the new anti-patterns of today.

web performanceweb designhttp/2
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/...
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/...Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/...
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP/2 - FEDay Conference, Guangzhou, China 19/...

Web performance optimisation has been gaining ground and is slowly getting more of its deserved recognition. Now that we’ve learned to recognise this integral part of user experience and are approaching HTTP/2 as our new protocol of choice, some of our existing web performance best practices will turn into the new anti-patterns. Talk slides from FEDay Conference in Guangzhou, China on 19/03/2016.

Small Mistakes
Big Differences
Small Differences
Big Mistakes
Pepsi in China translated their slogan:
“Pepsi Brings You Back to Life.”
The slogan in Chinese literally means:
“Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from
the Grave.”
Localization Advantage
Proportion of Revenue
1. English
2. Russian Japan
1. Japanese
2. English
1. Korean
2. English
1. Chinese
2. English
1. English
2. German
1. English
2. German
1. English
2. German
1. English
2. French
1. English
2. Italian
1. English
2. German
United States
1. English
2. German
1. English
2. Spanish

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Form Function Class 6, Manila, Philippines 14/11/2015
Form Function Class 6, Manila, Philippines 14/11/2015Form Function Class 6, Manila, Philippines 14/11/2015
Form Function Class 6, Manila, Philippines 14/11/2015

Sweating Details - Slides from my talk at Form Function Class 6 in Manila Philippines on Nov 14th, 2015. This talk is about sweating details and how small tweaks and changes can make a big difference in any of the web design stages. From optimising the process, via UX and design all the way to performance, this talk covers possible tweaks and recommendations with some practical examples to improve the overall experience of our products.

HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks
HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks
HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks

These are the slides from my talk "Your WebPerf Sucks" at HK CodeConf 2015 ( at Science Park in Hong Kong, October 24th. Web Performance is an important aspect of building for the web and this talk highlights different aspects of what is important and what can be done to improve web performance and build faster sites. While mentioning different aspects of possible improvements, the main focus lies on optimising the critical rendering path to get pages on the screen faster and what tools can help to do so.

mobileoptimisationfirst paint
Front End Tooling and Performance - Codeaholics HK 2015
Front End Tooling and Performance - Codeaholics HK 2015Front End Tooling and Performance - Codeaholics HK 2015
Front End Tooling and Performance - Codeaholics HK 2015

Front End Tooling and Performance is a case study on what I used to make load in less than 1000ms and optimise front end performance in various ways. This talk has been held at the Codeaholics Meetup in Hong Kong on 08. April 2015.

★ If you are planing to launch an App or
Service into Asia, localization will very
likely help.
★ Even a small market share in China can
mean several million users.
Stay Open-Minded
Understanding can be
frustrating and hard to
Embrace The Difference.

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Building Better Responsive Websites
Building Better Responsive WebsitesBuilding Better Responsive Websites
Building Better Responsive Websites

The document discusses responsive web design and some best practices. It notes that responsive design is more than just fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries - it also requires considering architecture, performance, font sizing, breakpoints, image optimization, and more. The document provides tips on using relative units like ems and rems for font sizing, organizing media queries, selecting classes, and testing responsive sites.

frameworksresponsive web designhtml
Front End Best Practices
Front End Best PracticesFront End Best Practices
Front End Best Practices

Front End Best Practices: A Selection of Best Practices, Tips, Tricks & Good Advice For Today’s Front End Development. Practices mentioned in this presentation range from basic principles to more advanced tools and techniques. By Holger Bartel for WomenWhoCodeHK 23/07/2014

180 Degrees East, SmartDevCon 2013, Katowice, Poland
180 Degrees East, SmartDevCon 2013, Katowice, Poland180 Degrees East, SmartDevCon 2013, Katowice, Poland
180 Degrees East, SmartDevCon 2013, Katowice, Poland

180 Degrees East - Insights into the Mobile Web in Asia, with a closer look on the market in Hong Kong and China, its infrastructure, different devices, OS fragmentation and what it means for Responsive Web Design, App Development as well as Performance & GeoPerformance.

devicesasiaresponsive web design
Overcome technical as
well as cultural barriers.
And Do Awesome.
Thank You.

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Anika Reimann (Schobert)
Mobile: Trends and Best Practices
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Forum One
American University Presentation (3) 2012 on Mobile Trends and Emerging Techn...
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George Crotty
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Terence Ling
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Technology Macro Trends - What Marketers Need to Know in 2014
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Assignment 2 official (1)
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Mobile Changes Everything
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Mobile Changes Everything
50 stunning mobile statistics - trends in gadgets and mobility
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Ali Kafel
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Bohyun Kim
Latest trends in wireless technology
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Dr. Mazlan Abbas

Similar to 180 Degrees East at Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, Poland (20)

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Assignment 2 task 1 Evolution of digital marketing
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Why mobile matters
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Why mobile matters
Open Government & Open Data
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Open Government & Open Data
Evolution of Marketing
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Evolution of Marketing
What's next
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What's next
The Evolution of Digital Marketing
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The Evolution of Digital Marketing
Mobile: Trends and Best Practices
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Mobile: Trends and Best Practices
American University Presentation (3) 2012 on Mobile Trends and Emerging Techn...
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Mobile Marketing
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Pt.2 mobile trends
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20th Anniversary of Internet in the Philippines
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Technology Macro Trends - What Marketers Need to Know in 2014
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Assignment 2 official (1)
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Mobile Changes Everything
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50 stunning mobile statistics - trends in gadgets and mobility
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50 Stunning Mobile Statistics 2013
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50 Stunning Mobile Statistics 2013
Mobile Technologies Update : what’s hot, what’s relevant
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Mobile Technologies Update : what’s hot, what’s relevant
Latest trends in wireless technology
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