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Scanning the ICT Environment Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]
Educational Curriculum review Pedagogical change Learner-centredness Personalisation/customisation Information/digital literacy Assessment Professional learning - teacher skills Educational

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The UniCollaboration Platform
The UniCollaboration PlatformThe UniCollaboration Platform
The UniCollaboration Platform

The UniCollaboration Platform is an interactive online platform for telecollaboration and online intercultural exchange in higher education. It provides resources for teachers, coordinators, administrators and students, including sample projects and tasks, practitioner profiles, and training materials. Users can create tasks and describe classes to connect with other classes. It also includes social features like forums and messaging. The platform was developed by the Open University and University of Groningen, launched in February 2013, and will continue to be improved. It aims to support practitioners in setting up online exchanges between classes and students to track their development of telecollaboration skills.

intent project; unicollaboration; telecollaboratio
Dehub conole
Dehub conoleDehub conole
Dehub conole

A tool to help with a task Example: A writing assistant Cloud: An idea, resource or thought Example: This presentation Conference: A real-world event Example: DeHub 2011 Course: A structured learning path Example: An OER course Event: A scheduled activity Example: Webinar series Project: Collaborative work Example: JISC OER programme Tool: Software or web application Example: Google Docs Wiki: Collaborative web pages Example: This Cloudworks site So in summary... - Clouds are ideas


The document discusses learning design as a new approach to curriculum design that makes the design process more explicit and shareable. It outlines the Open University Learning Design Initiative which developed tools like CompendiumLD for visualizing designs and the Cloudworks site for sharing them. Evidence from trials showed these tools helped teachers design more effective learning activities that integrated technologies and pedagogical approaches. The initiative aims to foster more open and collaborative design through these online communities and representations.

Schooling Strategy All students experience effective teaching Evidence-based  practice Children’s learning is nurtured by families and whanau
Curriculum Project
ICT Strategies
Teacher Skills “ What teachers really need is  in-depth ,  sustained  assistance as they work to  integrate  computer use into the  curriculum  and confront the tension between traditional methods of instruction and  new pedagogic methods  that make  extensive  use of technology.” (CEO Report, 1999 “ Despite growing evidence of the importance of quality teaching, the vast majority of the nation's teachers are prepared in programs that have low admission and graduation standards and cling to an outdated vision of teacher education… [they have] not kept pace with changing demographics, technology, global competition, and pressures to raise student achievement.”

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Learning in the disciplines event Feb 2012
Learning in the disciplines event Feb 2012Learning in the disciplines event Feb 2012
Learning in the disciplines event Feb 2012

Presentation of initial findings of PriDE project, University of Bath ( from the Learning in the Disciplines launch event ( Feb 2012.

Conole keynote icde_sept_28
Conole keynote icde_sept_28Conole keynote icde_sept_28
Conole keynote icde_sept_28

This document summarizes a keynote presentation about designing learning in an open world utilizing new technologies. It discusses how social media and open educational resources provide opportunities for collaboration and sharing of resources. However, learners and teachers lack digital literacy skills to make effective use of these tools. The document outlines a vision for the future of learning leveraging new technologies. It also discusses challenges, including a lack of skills and issues integrating new tools. The presentation focuses on strategies to address these challenges through research on open educational practices and designing learning experiences that effectively combine pedagogy and technology.

Conole Ilta
Conole IltaConole Ilta
Conole Ilta

The document discusses how new technologies and Web 2.0 practices can enable new approaches to teaching and learning. It introduces Cloudworks, a social networking site that aims to harness these technologies and practices to facilitate sharing of teaching ideas, resources, and questions. Cloudworks allows users to create "clouds" of information on various topics and comment on and follow others' clouds. The goal is to help educators make more innovative use of technologies and create better learning experiences, through resources on the site and opportunities for collaboration. An ongoing evaluation aims to enhance understanding of the approach's effectiveness and guide future developments.

Pedagogical   Change
political Accountability Financial rigor - ROI focus MoE structural changes Contestible funding Pan sector focus
Digital Strategy

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Conole Eportfolio 24 June
Conole Eportfolio 24 JuneConole Eportfolio 24 June
Conole Eportfolio 24 June

The document discusses personalization in technology-enhanced learning and the changing educational context. It notes that personalization refers to endowing something with individual qualities or characteristics to meet individual needs. Emerging technologies are enabling more personalized, mobile, and socially connected learning environments. The document outlines seven dimensions of personalized learning and provides examples of how new pedagogical models are needed to combine the affordances of personalization and technologies.


Web 2.0 represents a shift from static web pages to a more dynamic web where users can interact and collaborate to create and share information. Key aspects of Web 2.0 include user-generated content through blogs and wikis, rich internet applications using techniques like AJAX, folksonomies using social tagging, and syndication of content through RSS and APIs. E-learning has also evolved from a focus on delivering content to learners to E-learning 2.0 which emphasizes users as co-developers of content and treats the learning platform as a space for collaboration and participation rather than just consumption of information.

DS presenation at SSAT Raising Achievement event
DS presenation at SSAT Raising Achievement eventDS presenation at SSAT Raising Achievement event
DS presenation at SSAT Raising Achievement event

The document discusses innovative teaching practices using new technologies and the opportunities and barriers they present. It explores why teachers should innovate given changing social and economic contexts, as well as the first and second order resistances to change like access issues, perceptions of roles, and beliefs. It proposes envisioning different futures for education through questions like redesigning learning spaces, increasing learner control, and connecting learning to communities.

Ed. Sector ICT Strategy Online learning communities Sharing effective research & practice Shared planning & monitoring How Learners, teachers, researchers, administrators working together  & sharing resources Agencies delivering value-for-money What Coordinated change management Monitoring & compliance Learning, teaching, research and administration systems How Information literacy skills and competencies  Effective, efficient systems What Confidence & Capability Information & knowledge management practices Continuity ePortfolios How Information & knowledge management Lifelong learning What Open standards-based digital repositories Discovery tools How Discoverable content in digital repositories What Content Connected networks Appropriate security Access & interoperability standards Shared services How Improved access Shared resources What Connectivity Administration & Support Research Learning & Teaching
Social Internet safety Digital divide Urban drift Internet - content to conversation Emphasis on life-long learning Corporate intranet/training focus
Internet Safety
Life-long learning

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A broader experience_bremen
A broader experience_bremenA broader experience_bremen
A broader experience_bremen

The document discusses a project called IDEM DITO that aims to create one digital testing system for use across different faculties at the University of Groningen. The project examined different testing software packages and conducted pilot tests. Preliminary results found that no single package met all needs, but a combination of Blackboard and a dedicated testing program could work. Emerging plans include using Blackboard for registration and hosting tests, with tests created or taken in Blackboard or a testing application. Additional training and scheduling actions are needed as the system is implemented.

Conole_teaching 5_aug
Conole_teaching 5_augConole_teaching 5_aug
Conole_teaching 5_aug

Digital technologies and education were discussed over three phases: multimedia/internet, learning design, and social media. Five key facets of technologies were reviewed: openness and the rise of OER/MOOCs; mobile learning and its benefits of learning anywhere; social media and participatory web; digital identity and online presence; and distributed cognition through access to vast information. Both advantages and disadvantages of technologies were considered, such as accessibility versus distraction. Future challenges were identified around new business models, skills gaps, and blurring boundaries between formal and informal learning.

217 - The digital department... exploring, developing and accrediting
217 - The digital department... exploring, developing and accrediting217 - The digital department... exploring, developing and accrediting
217 - The digital department... exploring, developing and accrediting

The Digital Department project aims to develop the digital literacy skills of teaching administrators (TAs) at UCL. The project team will review current TA processes and digital skill needs, pilot workshops, and evaluate effects on the student experience. They plan to create an accreditation framework with an external organization and integrate digital literacy into TA induction and professional development. The end goals are to establish best practices, professionalize the TA role, and network with other institutions.

technological LMS/SMS Social software/ Web 2.0 Semantic web Advanced Network Interoperability/connectivity Personalisation/customization Miniaturization Convergence
Personal learning tools Personal Web Space - eg Social Bookmarking - eg Photo sharing - eg Sharing videos - eg Collaborative websites - wikis eg
Synchronous tools Instant message - eg   VOIP - (Voice over IP) - eg Video conferencing - eg iChat, Skype, MSN
The Read-Write Web The everyday creation of content by everyday people WebNote 10 tips for using furl VodCasting

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Conole turku
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Conole turku

This document discusses the potential of Web 2.0 technologies to support social inclusion in education. It outlines the changing landscape of technologies, learners, and pedagogies. While Web 2.0 offers opportunities like user-generated content and social networking, barriers remain like digital divides and differences in cultural acceptance of technologies. The document recommends strategies at the teacher, institutional, and national levels to help realize Web 2.0's potential for social inclusion in education.

Developing online learning material in the view of the Open Source movement (...
Developing online learning material in the view of the Open Source movement (...Developing online learning material in the view of the Open Source movement (...
Developing online learning material in the view of the Open Source movement (...

The teacher role in eLearning and the proposal to share Learning Objects. Speech at the Iceta Conference in Kosice (Slovakia), October 2004

Web 2.0: trendy nonsense?
Web 2.0: trendy nonsense?Web 2.0: trendy nonsense?
Web 2.0: trendy nonsense?

Presentation for the JISC-CETIS conference 14-15th November 2006 in Manchester. Session title "Thinking the unthinkable".

Key issues  Authorship Ownership Identity Community (not audience) Discovery Power of the collective (harnessing collective intelligence) The 4 “R”s
Convergence Phone (obviously) Appointments Calendar Alarm Clock Game device Music player Still Camera Video Camera Video player Address Book To Do List Reminder Voice Recorder Calculator Email Tool Text Messenger Satellite Navigation System
Local/regional Mush Networks Digital Christchurch Nelson Loop LERN network Broadband Challenge VC clusters
Regional Initiatives Nelson Loop Venture Southland  North Shore Hamilton Canterbury Ref: And And

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Digital Practice and Pedagogy: student generated OERs using Xerte in Art, Des...
Digital Practice and Pedagogy: student generated OERs using Xerte in Art, Des...Digital Practice and Pedagogy: student generated OERs using Xerte in Art, Des...
Digital Practice and Pedagogy: student generated OERs using Xerte in Art, Des...

Presentation by Adam Smith and Dr Sarah Atkinson from University of Brighton for Xerte Talking workshop at University of Lincoln, 26th June 2014:

designeducational technologyart
Future learners, future learning spaces
Future learners, future learning spacesFuture learners, future learning spaces
Future learners, future learning spaces

The document discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) are impacting modern society and the notion of an educated person. ICT has led to the concept of the knowledge or learning society. Schools must change to address the implications of ICT but more consideration is needed regarding the extent of change required and advantages ICT can provide. The growth of the knowledge society through widespread technology presents both a major challenge and opportunity for education.

Pedagogical decision making
Pedagogical decision makingPedagogical decision making
Pedagogical decision making

Exploring a framework for guiding pedagogical decision making in your school re investment in technology

Learning Centres Parnterships between local council and schools/MoE -  CHCH South Learning Centre Riccarton Community Library
Access anywhere… Wireless networks - local and WAN Satellitle access to all corners of NZ WiFi connecting small islands in the Pacific
National Strategies and action plans KAREN Research initiatives Online pilots & projects Brokerage services
Linking it together

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Deanz cbam
Deanz cbamDeanz cbam
Deanz cbam

Using the Concerns Based Adoption Model to underpinning planning for institutional professional development programmes. Workshop presentation I gave at the DEANZ14 conference in CHCH, 2 May 2014. Focus

NextSpace Presentation
NextSpace PresentationNextSpace Presentation
NextSpace Presentation

Talk on 3D graphics and the future of education presented at the official launch of NextSpace on Thursday 28 February 2008

E Principals2009
E Principals2009E Principals2009
E Principals2009

The document discusses the evolution of pedagogical approaches in virtual learning environments. It outlines key drivers of change including student volume, technology development, and learner choice. It contrasts traditional teacher-centered learning with new student-centered approaches using multi-sensory and collaborative learning. It proposes a framework for online learning that focuses on learning activities, resources, and supports rather than location. It also discusses tools for content creation, packaging, and delivery in virtual environments.

National Network
VC Brokerage
Research- eFellows

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CORE's ten trends for 2010
CORE's ten trends for 2010CORE's ten trends for 2010
CORE's ten trends for 2010

CORE publishes its ten trends annually to highlight issues and themes that will impact on the work of educators in early childhood, schools and tertiary institutions in the NZ context.

Modern Learning Environments - where's the innovation?
Modern Learning Environments - where's the innovation?Modern Learning Environments - where's the innovation?
Modern Learning Environments - where's the innovation?

Keynote presentation to the Independent Schools Association of New Zealand - focusing on where the innovation really lies - with our practice. The environments enable a greater variety of practices to emerge, and encourage more participation and collaboration on the part of both teachers and students.

Quartile Deviation
Quartile DeviationQuartile Deviation
Quartile Deviation

This document discusses the calculation of quartile deviation from both ungrouped and grouped data. It defines quartiles as values that divide a data distribution into four equal parts (Q1, Q2, Q3). The quartile deviation is half the difference between the first (Q1) and third (Q3) quartiles. It provides the steps to find Q1, Q3, and quartile deviation from ungrouped data by ranking scores and using quartile locators. For grouped data, it uses formulas involving class limits and cumulative frequencies to determine Q1 and Q3, then takes half their difference. An example calculation is shown.

descriptive statistics
Research - DigiOps
Research - Online Projects What overall impacts are these web-based learning services having on diverse learners?
International JISC/DEST partnership Common Services (SOA) E-Framework - IMS Advanced networks
Common Services… All in one: ✔ Content management ✔ Discover ✔ Cataloguing ✔ Course management ✔ Authentication ✔ Authorization ✔ Packaging Now includes: ✔ Content management ✔   Discover ✔   Collaboration ✔   Course management ✔   Authentication ✔   Authorization ✔   Packaging ✔   Assessment Complete solution: ✔ Grading ✔ Audit ✔   Report ✔   Course management ✔   Authentication ✔   Authorization super Student Record System extra Library  system new LMS

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E learning landscape2011
E learning landscape2011E learning landscape2011
E learning landscape2011

This document summarizes trends in eLearning and provides guidance for schools. It discusses how technology can enhance pedagogy by facilitating connections, shared learning, and supportive environments. It also outlines changing student and teacher roles, issues of cyber citizenship, and emerging technologies like mobile learning and cloud computing. The document advocates developing a shared eLearning vision and focusing on collaborating with other schools while supporting student learning.

nzvlnonline learning
Multimodal Fluency: Classroom to the Cloud
Multimodal  Fluency: Classroom to the CloudMultimodal  Fluency: Classroom to the Cloud
Multimodal Fluency: Classroom to the Cloud

The document discusses various topics related to multimodal fluency and learning in the digital age including: - The need to ground online learning in learning theory and pedagogy to ensure effective design. - Different models of cloud computing like Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. - The importance of developing skills like information literacy, digital literacy, and interpersonal skills for learning and survival in the modern world. - Various teaching strategies like inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, and constructivism that can be used with digital tools. - The use of tools like Google Sites, Flickr, Animoto, and WordPress to support constructivist and problem-based

Revised annual plan_2010
Revised annual plan_2010Revised annual plan_2010
Revised annual plan_2010

This document summarizes the revised annual plan for 2010 at Tahunanui School. The strategic goal is to enhance high-quality learning through the use of ICT. By November 2011, the annual goal is for 90% of students to often use computers in their learning. The plan discusses infrastructure improvements such as new devices and wireless access, as well as professional development for teachers including individual sessions to help integrate technology into classroom learning. Next steps include further infrastructure upgrades and aligning teaching models with the school's values of developing 21st century learners.

E-Framework A services-oriented framework for education and research
Advanced Networks
International Reports Emerging Technologies for Learning - BECTA   Emerging Techologies (EdNA, Australia)   Coming of Age - an introduction to the new WWW   Social Software Report - FutureLab, UK
Future School… What would students learn? How would they learn? Who would they learn with? When would they learn? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides? Etc…

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Enabling Flexible Distributed Learning (FDL) at Oxford Brookes University
Enabling Flexible Distributed Learning (FDL) at Oxford Brookes UniversityEnabling Flexible Distributed Learning (FDL) at Oxford Brookes University
Enabling Flexible Distributed Learning (FDL) at Oxford Brookes University

The document discusses enabling flexible distributed learning at Oxford Brookes University. It defines flexibility as educational provision delivered through means that do not require students to attend particular classes or events at particular times and locations. The university aims to provide blended learning opportunities using a variety of technologies to increase flexibility while maintaining high levels of support and developing independent learners. Quality is ensured through frameworks and standards while allowing for different pedagogical approaches.

Internet-Based Distance Education
Internet-Based Distance EducationInternet-Based Distance Education
Internet-Based Distance Education

The document discusses internet-based distance education. It begins by explaining what the internet is and its architecture consisting of four tiers from backbone networks to organizational networks. It then discusses the foundations of internet-based distance education being student-centered learning. It contrasts instructor-centered vs learner-centered models and defines distance learning vs distributed learning. It outlines technologies used like course management systems and web 2.0. It discusses pedagogies and adoption cycles of e-learning. It concludes by outlining five standards for e-learning.

Future Learning Landscape Introduction
Future Learning Landscape IntroductionFuture Learning Landscape Introduction
Future Learning Landscape Introduction

Introductory presentation given at Future Learning Landscape Workshop held at EC-TEL 2009. Presents some introductory elements about the state of research in pervasive learning, Web 2.0/Social Software and Semantic Web/Linked Data before discussing convergence

future learning workshopweb 20semantic web
Two key questions… Education  in  the Future: What will our schools be like? Where will learning occur? What will be the role of teachers? What technology will be used? Education  for  the Future: What must we be doing  today  to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to function in the world of tomorrow?
Future School Scenarios
Secondary Futures 3 key questions 5 themes Database of evidence
Building Future Schools Ambitious UK project 2.5 billion pounds per year Rebuilding half of all secondary schools by 2015  Joint venture - 50% government and 50% business.

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The document summarizes a 2011 leadership conference presentation on emerging technologies and their role in learning. It discusses trends like increased access to resources online, expectations for collaborative and mobile work, and cloud-based technologies. Data is presented on technology ownership and use of tools in courses. Examples of mobile learning initiatives are provided, such as apps for medical education. The presentation concludes by emphasizing the need to evaluate new technologies based on their ability to support learning goals and by surveying students and faculty about technology needs and preferences.

School Committee Presentation Technology08 Final
School Committee Presentation Technology08 FinalSchool Committee Presentation Technology08 Final
School Committee Presentation Technology08 Final

The document provides an overview of a presentation on educational technology in Reading Public Schools. It discusses the differences between educational technology and technology education. It outlines the current state of educational technology and future planning. It also discusses 21st century skills and standards, including the Partnership for 21st Century Skills framework and Massachusetts' recommended K-12 technology literacy standards.

ICT in Education in South Africa
ICT in Education in South AfricaICT in Education in South Africa
ICT in Education in South Africa

The document discusses the potential benefits of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, including improving access to information, supporting lifelong learning, and redressing inequalities. It outlines six pillars that form the foundation of South Africa's White Paper on e-Education, which are infrastructure, connectivity, ongoing professional development, educational portal and content development, research and evaluation, and human resources. The Thutong Education Portal was created to provide teachers and education officials access to curriculum-aligned resources and enable sharing of ideas through online communities.

Mental Models What are the ideas about knowledge, mind, and learning that inform your current thinking about how you teach and how schools should be organised? Ref: Jane Gilbert (2005)  Catching the Knowledge Wave - NZCER
Knowledge Knowledge is “stuff” It can be stored - in minds, books or other kinds of databases Knowledge is true, correct, “the facts” It is something stable that accumulates slowly over time; new knowledge builds on older knowledge It is built up by people, and people can “have” it, however, it exists objectively, independently of people There are different branches of knowledge called disciplines or subjects Each discipline has its own way of doing things
Minds Minds are like containers (filing cabinets or databases), they store knowledge Minds also process knowledge; they take it in, organise it and represent it Minds are the places where thinking and learning happen Some minds have more capacity than other minds for storing and processing knowledge The mind is located in the brain, but its activities are distinct from the brain’s other functions
Learning Learning is the process by which knowledge gets stored in minds Learning is an individual activity: it takes place in individual minds Learning is an activity that happens in more or less the same way in all individuals Learners of the same age (or stage of development) will be ready for the same kinds of knowledge at the same time Learning is easier if the knowledge to be learned is broken down into parts and introduced as a series of steps.

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Net hui education_stream
Net hui education_streamNet hui education_stream
Net hui education_stream

This document discusses topics from an education stream held in Auckland from 29 June to 1 July 2011. The topics included: 1. The changing nature of education provision with institutions needing to become more collaborative in the networked age. 2. Building a national network for learning (NfL) to deliver educational content and services, which requires addressing infrastructure needs, collaboration opportunities, and policy issues around areas like cloud computing and equity of access. 3. Teaching teachers to effectively use new digital tools and environments, which requires identifying the new skills teachers need and ensuring professional development conditions support successful changes to practice.

nethuiinternetnzict trends future education
Ten Trends for 2007
Ten Trends for 2007Ten Trends for 2007
Ten Trends for 2007

This document summarizes key topics in educational technology presented by Derek Wenmoth at a learning conference in 2007. It discusses 1) upgrading school networks and infrastructure, 2) personalizing learning through technology, 3) ensuring systems are interoperable, 4) the role of ICT in early childhood education, 5) using e-portfolios, 6) addressing cyberbullying, 7) incorporating informal learning, 8) using games and simulations, 9) developing 21st century skills, and 10) managing ICT systems in schools. The document provides an overview and relevant links for further information on each topic.

Slides For Longbridge V2
Slides For Longbridge V2Slides For Longbridge V2
Slides For Longbridge V2

The document discusses a study called the LLiDA project which aims to understand effective learning in the digital age. It examines conceptual frameworks around digital literacies, how they are supported in higher education institutions through audits and best practices, and evidence around successful learning outcomes. It describes activities at an event to discuss definitions of digital literacies and audit tools to collect data on institutional provision. Snapshots of best practices at one institution are presented, showing uses of online forums and social media to engage students before and after enrollment.

The Net Generation Today 82 percent of kids are online by the seventh grade,  (Pew Internet and American Life Project) Time using electronic media holding steady at 6.5 hours a day -- but packing more media exposure into that time: 8.5 hours' worth, thanks to "media multitasking"
Some characteristics “ hypertext minds”   ability to leap around and gather information from multiple sources Ability to read visual images   intuitive visual communicators Inductive discovery   learn better through discovery than being told Fast response time   able to respond rapidly and expect rapid responses in return Visual - spacial skills   perhaps because of their expertise with games they can integrate the virtual with the Physical Attentional deployment   able to shift their attention rapidly from one task to another Source: Educating the Net Generation - available electronically:
Think about it… “The only people who call technology “technology”, are those who were born before it was invented” (Source unknown)
Takeaways… Alignment of government strategies Greater bandwidth is coming Different view of networks Current students offer insights Social networking applications Impact on pedagogy Future of schooling options Changing view of knowledge Consumers to contributors

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Conole Prie Conference
Conole Prie ConferenceConole Prie Conference
Conole Prie Conference

This document discusses how technology is changing research and learning. It notes that technologies like mobile devices, social networking, and cloud computing are becoming more ubiquitous. Researchers are now able to work from anywhere, collaborate globally, and make their work more openly accessible online. Learning is also becoming more personalized through individual learning environments across multiple devices. New models are needed to combine these technology affordances with good pedagogical approaches while addressing digital divides.

Technological applications and innovations
Technological applications and innovationsTechnological applications and innovations
Technological applications and innovations

Presented during RTD on "Technological Applications and Innovations in Teaching" by Prof Jay Dalet (DB).

technologyinstructionlearning objects
E Learning Landscape
E Learning LandscapeE Learning Landscape
E Learning Landscape

This document discusses trends in eLearning and education for the 21st century. It outlines how eLearning can transform learning by connecting schools and communities and supporting evidence-based practices. It also discusses ongoing work in New Zealand to improve connectivity, share online resources, and increase digital skills. Emerging trends include portable apps, browser-based tools, web 2.0 technologies, and a shift towards more personalized, lifelong learning without boundaries.

Choose to act… Keep watching Set up an RSS aggregator Join email lists Participate Join discussion forums:  Curriculum project, Centre4, LeadSpace Contribute Create a blog Join a wikispace
Thank you Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]

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eLearning NZ environment scan

  • 1. Scanning the ICT Environment Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]
  • 3.  
  • 4. Educational Curriculum review Pedagogical change Learner-centredness Personalisation/customisation Information/digital literacy Assessment Professional learning - teacher skills Educational
  • 5. Schooling Strategy All students experience effective teaching Evidence-based practice Children’s learning is nurtured by families and whanau
  • 8. Teacher Skills “ What teachers really need is in-depth , sustained assistance as they work to integrate computer use into the curriculum and confront the tension between traditional methods of instruction and new pedagogic methods that make extensive use of technology.” (CEO Report, 1999 “ Despite growing evidence of the importance of quality teaching, the vast majority of the nation's teachers are prepared in programs that have low admission and graduation standards and cling to an outdated vision of teacher education… [they have] not kept pace with changing demographics, technology, global competition, and pressures to raise student achievement.”
  • 9. Pedagogical Change
  • 10. political Accountability Financial rigor - ROI focus MoE structural changes Contestible funding Pan sector focus
  • 13. Ed. Sector ICT Strategy Online learning communities Sharing effective research & practice Shared planning & monitoring How Learners, teachers, researchers, administrators working together & sharing resources Agencies delivering value-for-money What Coordinated change management Monitoring & compliance Learning, teaching, research and administration systems How Information literacy skills and competencies Effective, efficient systems What Confidence & Capability Information & knowledge management practices Continuity ePortfolios How Information & knowledge management Lifelong learning What Open standards-based digital repositories Discovery tools How Discoverable content in digital repositories What Content Connected networks Appropriate security Access & interoperability standards Shared services How Improved access Shared resources What Connectivity Administration & Support Research Learning & Teaching
  • 14. Social Internet safety Digital divide Urban drift Internet - content to conversation Emphasis on life-long learning Corporate intranet/training focus
  • 17. technological LMS/SMS Social software/ Web 2.0 Semantic web Advanced Network Interoperability/connectivity Personalisation/customization Miniaturization Convergence
  • 18. Personal learning tools Personal Web Space - eg Social Bookmarking - eg Photo sharing - eg Sharing videos - eg Collaborative websites - wikis eg
  • 19. Synchronous tools Instant message - eg VOIP - (Voice over IP) - eg Video conferencing - eg iChat, Skype, MSN
  • 20. The Read-Write Web The everyday creation of content by everyday people WebNote 10 tips for using furl VodCasting
  • 21. Key issues Authorship Ownership Identity Community (not audience) Discovery Power of the collective (harnessing collective intelligence) The 4 “R”s
  • 22. Convergence Phone (obviously) Appointments Calendar Alarm Clock Game device Music player Still Camera Video Camera Video player Address Book To Do List Reminder Voice Recorder Calculator Email Tool Text Messenger Satellite Navigation System
  • 23. Local/regional Mush Networks Digital Christchurch Nelson Loop LERN network Broadband Challenge VC clusters
  • 24. Regional Initiatives Nelson Loop Venture Southland North Shore Hamilton Canterbury Ref: And And
  • 25. Learning Centres Parnterships between local council and schools/MoE - CHCH South Learning Centre Riccarton Community Library
  • 26. Access anywhere… Wireless networks - local and WAN Satellitle access to all corners of NZ WiFi connecting small islands in the Pacific
  • 27. National Strategies and action plans KAREN Research initiatives Online pilots & projects Brokerage services
  • 29. KAREN
  • 33. Research - DigiOps
  • 34. Research - Online Projects What overall impacts are these web-based learning services having on diverse learners?
  • 35. International JISC/DEST partnership Common Services (SOA) E-Framework - IMS Advanced networks
  • 36. Common Services… All in one: ✔ Content management ✔ Discover ✔ Cataloguing ✔ Course management ✔ Authentication ✔ Authorization ✔ Packaging Now includes: ✔ Content management ✔ Discover ✔ Collaboration ✔ Course management ✔ Authentication ✔ Authorization ✔ Packaging ✔ Assessment Complete solution: ✔ Grading ✔ Audit ✔ Report ✔ Course management ✔ Authentication ✔ Authorization super Student Record System extra Library system new LMS
  • 37. E-Framework A services-oriented framework for education and research
  • 39. International Reports Emerging Technologies for Learning - BECTA Emerging Techologies (EdNA, Australia) Coming of Age - an introduction to the new WWW Social Software Report - FutureLab, UK
  • 40. Future School… What would students learn? How would they learn? Who would they learn with? When would they learn? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides? Etc…
  • 41. Two key questions… Education in the Future: What will our schools be like? Where will learning occur? What will be the role of teachers? What technology will be used? Education for the Future: What must we be doing today to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to function in the world of tomorrow?
  • 43. Secondary Futures 3 key questions 5 themes Database of evidence
  • 44. Building Future Schools Ambitious UK project 2.5 billion pounds per year Rebuilding half of all secondary schools by 2015 Joint venture - 50% government and 50% business.
  • 45. Mental Models What are the ideas about knowledge, mind, and learning that inform your current thinking about how you teach and how schools should be organised? Ref: Jane Gilbert (2005) Catching the Knowledge Wave - NZCER
  • 46. Knowledge Knowledge is “stuff” It can be stored - in minds, books or other kinds of databases Knowledge is true, correct, “the facts” It is something stable that accumulates slowly over time; new knowledge builds on older knowledge It is built up by people, and people can “have” it, however, it exists objectively, independently of people There are different branches of knowledge called disciplines or subjects Each discipline has its own way of doing things
  • 47. Minds Minds are like containers (filing cabinets or databases), they store knowledge Minds also process knowledge; they take it in, organise it and represent it Minds are the places where thinking and learning happen Some minds have more capacity than other minds for storing and processing knowledge The mind is located in the brain, but its activities are distinct from the brain’s other functions
  • 48. Learning Learning is the process by which knowledge gets stored in minds Learning is an individual activity: it takes place in individual minds Learning is an activity that happens in more or less the same way in all individuals Learners of the same age (or stage of development) will be ready for the same kinds of knowledge at the same time Learning is easier if the knowledge to be learned is broken down into parts and introduced as a series of steps.
  • 49. The Net Generation Today 82 percent of kids are online by the seventh grade, (Pew Internet and American Life Project) Time using electronic media holding steady at 6.5 hours a day -- but packing more media exposure into that time: 8.5 hours' worth, thanks to "media multitasking"
  • 50. Some characteristics “ hypertext minds” ability to leap around and gather information from multiple sources Ability to read visual images intuitive visual communicators Inductive discovery learn better through discovery than being told Fast response time able to respond rapidly and expect rapid responses in return Visual - spacial skills perhaps because of their expertise with games they can integrate the virtual with the Physical Attentional deployment able to shift their attention rapidly from one task to another Source: Educating the Net Generation - available electronically:
  • 51. Think about it… “The only people who call technology “technology”, are those who were born before it was invented” (Source unknown)
  • 52. Takeaways… Alignment of government strategies Greater bandwidth is coming Different view of networks Current students offer insights Social networking applications Impact on pedagogy Future of schooling options Changing view of knowledge Consumers to contributors
  • 53. Choose to act… Keep watching Set up an RSS aggregator Join email lists Participate Join discussion forums: Curriculum project, Centre4, LeadSpace Contribute Create a blog Join a wikispace
  • 54. Thank you Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]