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On Page SEO
Index Introductions SEO definition On Page Optimization On Page SEO Factors On-Page SEO Checklist Avoid thing in on page optimizations Conclusions
Introductions On page SEO is very simple and can be done without much effort but if done correctly, can be very effective in securing a good position for our website in the search engines. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be stated as a highly specialized process of building a successful website.
SEO definition On page SEO is defined as search engine optimization which occurs within a website. It is a critical step for obtaining a high search engine ranking for a web page. SEO is the process of improving the Volume and quality of traffic to a website from Search Engines via natural search results for targeted Keywords.

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This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO). It begins with defining SEO and explaining how search engines work by crawling websites, indexing pages, and applying ranking algorithms. Key factors for success in SEO are discussed like having clean coded pages, building links and communities to get found online, and producing great content. Specific on-page optimization techniques are covered such as optimizing title tags, header tags, meta descriptions, and internal linking. The importance of keyword research and building quality backlinks is also summarized. The presentation emphasizes focusing SEO efforts on a natural, relevant strategy to strengthen a website's profile over time.

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On Page Optimization On Page Optimization is the most important and complex part of search engine optimization.  This website helps our search engine ranking through their keywords need. On Page Optimization refers to factors that have an effect on our website or web page listing in natural search results.
On Page SEO Factors Title tag Domain & URL Meta Keyword Meta Description Unique Content  Alt attribute for Image Sitemap H1,H2 tags
Bold Or Strong  W3C Validator Do follow and No follow Internal Links and External Links
Title tag Title tag is normally defined as  <title></title>. Using important keywords in the starting of Title tag will be of great help in getting good ranks. Use keywords related to our web page in the Title Tag. Always add a unique Title Tag for different pages. The maximum length of a title tag to be displayed is between 60-70 characters.

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On-Page SEO

The document discusses various on-page SEO tips and tricks for optimizing a website. It covers topics like domain names, page names, image optimization, titles, meta tags, heading tags, links, and content. Specifically, it recommends including keywords in domain names and page URLs, optimizing image alt text, using keywords in titles, including 4-6 keywords in meta tags, and ensuring unique high-quality content with proper keyword density. The document provides guidance on best practices for on-page SEO elements to improve search engine rankings.

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Off page SEO -techniques and types are mentions in this PPT with a short description to make the understanding easy about Off-page techniques.

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Domain & URL Domain : Before pick a domain name should know our target audience. Try to use major keywords in our domain. Using a .com version of a URL is better than other versions. Hyphens in domain or file names less than 4 is good. URL : URL structure as an important element of a Web page's interface.  No more than 3-5 words in our URL.  Avoid using random text and numbers
Keyword Use keyword phrases instead of single keywords. Keyword Should be unique words. Each keyword phrase should be found on web page. Use commas between keyword phrases with NO spaces. Keyword length is maximum 10 words.
Keyword Research : Keyword Research is used to select quality keywords. Keyword is should be relevant our site. It is give the most competitor keywords.  Keyword density : Keyword density is the percentage of times of a keyword or phrase appears on the webpage. Each Keywords is should be 2%-5%. Each Page keyword density is should be  5%-20%.
Meta Description Create the meta description tag to attract a click and include keywords  A lot of search engines display information from this tag in their search results if this tag is present on a page and if its content matches the content of the page and the search query.  Most search engines ignore the description tag as far as keyword relevancy is concerned.  Most search engines use the Description tag to some extent when displaying search results.

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The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and outlines a proposed SEO program. The objectives of SEO are to increase a website's visibility, traffic, and number of visitors. The proposed 6-stage program includes evaluation, on-page optimization, off-page activities like link building, and monitoring rankings and traffic over at least one year. Key deliverables include analysis, recommendations, and reports tracking the program's implementation and results.

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Unique Content Content is the king for our visitors and for search engines as well.  Provide a good and unique content and make sure to include our keywords in our content   The quality content increases our ranking in search engines like a quality content.  Moreover, the quality content even helps to get more inbound links to our website. Consider 5-20% density of the keywords in text. Formatting is also important to show the search engines.  The optimum page size is 500-3000 words
Alt attribute for Image Search engines cannot read Image & Flash animations  Alt tags is the alternative text used for describing images.  Alt tags are displayed on the site when you hover over the image with your mouse.  It is also help blind people who are using text readers to read your page.  Alt tags are another place where you should insert your keywords to improve our rankings. For Example : <img src=&quot;images/services-pic.jpg&quot;    ALT=&quot;XYZ company's&quot;>
Sitemap A site map  is a list of pages of a web site accessible to users. Its lists the numbers of pages and the overall internal link structure in the site. A Sitemap is still the best insurance for getting a search engine to learn about your entire site
H1,H2 tags The H1 tag has long been thought to have great importance in on-page optimization. Use of the H1 tag as the headline of the page.H2 tag is use subheading. Separating our content with headers is a good practice as it makes our site more readable and easy to navigate.  Do not use H4, H5…… tags just because you want better SEO page.

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in unpaid search engine results. SEO helps search engines understand what a page is about and how useful it may be for users. Without SEO, a website can be invisible to search engines. SEO is important because the majority of search engine users choose results on the first page, so ranking highly increases visitors and customers. SEO involves on-page techniques, like optimizing content, meta tags and URLs, and off-page techniques, like backlinks, social sharing and forum posting, to improve a website's visibility.

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Google AdWords is an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network. The AdWords program enables businesses to set a budget for advertising and only pay when people click the ads. The ad service is largely focused on keywords.

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Bold Or Strong and Italic Using a keyword in bold/strong appears to carry a very, very tiny amount of SEO weight. There are numerous ways of making a word appear as bold text in the code.  The <B> tag and the <STRONG> tag will both display bold text.  Strong tag is search engine friendly. Example:  <b>Bold text</b> <strong>Strong text </strong> Italics tags <i> or emphasis tags <em> should not be used in our content and to highlight specific relevant keywords.
W3C Validator Validation is the process of checking a page or website for its compliance with W3C standards.  This validator shows not only such trivial things like unclosed quotation, undefined tags or wrong attribute values.  It also checks the encoding problems, the compliance with the specified DOCTYPE, obsolete tags and attributes and many more.
Do follow and No follow Do follow :  It is stranded and trusted links. Search engine conceder only do follow links. No follow :It is spam site link not trusted links. Search engine not conceder no follow links. Example : <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Do Follow Link</a> <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>No Follow Link</a>
Internal Links and External Links Internally link your pages to each other within the content.  Make sure that the keyword focused link anchor text is relevant to the destination page. Don't be afraid to use external links to support your content. I suggest caution be exercised in the number of external links used. External links should open in a new window.

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1) Technical SEO consists of various checks and settings to help search engines crawl and index a website properly. 2) These include optimizing page speed, URLs, XML sitemaps, mobile friendliness, and more. 3) Getting technical SEO right requires some technical knowledge but ensures the website can reach its full search potential.

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Link building involves creating inbound links to a website from external sites to improve search engine rankings and increase targeted traffic. It is important to build quality links from relevant sites through methods like email outreach, guest blogging, and directory submissions. An effective link building strategy focuses on creating valuable content that other sites will want to link to organically over time in order to achieve business objectives through increased visibility and rankings.

An introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and web analytics on
An introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and web analytics on fao.orgAn introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and web analytics on
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This document provides an introduction to search engine optimization (SEO) and web analytics. It outlines the objectives of optimizing web pages for visitors and search engines. The document explains how to apply basic SEO concepts like keywords, page titles, descriptions and links. It also discusses how to analyze user behavior and monitor key metrics using Google Analytics. Site visitors and search engine crawlers are able to find and index optimized pages. The document aims to teach the audience how to improve their website's visibility and understand user interactions.

by FAO
On-Page SEO Checklist Always start with keyword selection, research and testing Meta Description tag ALT tags H1 tags URL structure  Internal linking strategy Content Keyword density Site maps, both XML and user facing Usability and accessibility Track target keywords Expect results in 6-12 months
Avoid things in on page optimization Hidden text / Invisible links  Duplicate content  Duplicate title tags URL variants of the same pages Off-site images and content on-site
Conclusions On-Page SEO refers to the text and content on your web site pages. It acts as the foundation for your ongoing SEO process.  Work on your website and content, so that the search engine can find your webpage when searching for your web sites for a particular keyword.  This has a significant impact on search engine results you should make your site as search engine friendly as possible.

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On page seo

  • 2. Index Introductions SEO definition On Page Optimization On Page SEO Factors On-Page SEO Checklist Avoid thing in on page optimizations Conclusions
  • 3. Introductions On page SEO is very simple and can be done without much effort but if done correctly, can be very effective in securing a good position for our website in the search engines. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be stated as a highly specialized process of building a successful website.
  • 4. SEO definition On page SEO is defined as search engine optimization which occurs within a website. It is a critical step for obtaining a high search engine ranking for a web page. SEO is the process of improving the Volume and quality of traffic to a website from Search Engines via natural search results for targeted Keywords.
  • 5. On Page Optimization On Page Optimization is the most important and complex part of search engine optimization. This website helps our search engine ranking through their keywords need. On Page Optimization refers to factors that have an effect on our website or web page listing in natural search results.
  • 6. On Page SEO Factors Title tag Domain & URL Meta Keyword Meta Description Unique Content Alt attribute for Image Sitemap H1,H2 tags
  • 7. Bold Or Strong W3C Validator Do follow and No follow Internal Links and External Links
  • 8. Title tag Title tag is normally defined as <title></title>. Using important keywords in the starting of Title tag will be of great help in getting good ranks. Use keywords related to our web page in the Title Tag. Always add a unique Title Tag for different pages. The maximum length of a title tag to be displayed is between 60-70 characters.
  • 9. Domain & URL Domain : Before pick a domain name should know our target audience. Try to use major keywords in our domain. Using a .com version of a URL is better than other versions. Hyphens in domain or file names less than 4 is good. URL : URL structure as an important element of a Web page's interface. No more than 3-5 words in our URL. Avoid using random text and numbers
  • 10. Keyword Use keyword phrases instead of single keywords. Keyword Should be unique words. Each keyword phrase should be found on web page. Use commas between keyword phrases with NO spaces. Keyword length is maximum 10 words.
  • 11. Keyword Research : Keyword Research is used to select quality keywords. Keyword is should be relevant our site. It is give the most competitor keywords. Keyword density : Keyword density is the percentage of times of a keyword or phrase appears on the webpage. Each Keywords is should be 2%-5%. Each Page keyword density is should be 5%-20%.
  • 12. Meta Description Create the meta description tag to attract a click and include keywords A lot of search engines display information from this tag in their search results if this tag is present on a page and if its content matches the content of the page and the search query. Most search engines ignore the description tag as far as keyword relevancy is concerned. Most search engines use the Description tag to some extent when displaying search results.
  • 13. Unique Content Content is the king for our visitors and for search engines as well. Provide a good and unique content and make sure to include our keywords in our content  The quality content increases our ranking in search engines like a quality content. Moreover, the quality content even helps to get more inbound links to our website. Consider 5-20% density of the keywords in text. Formatting is also important to show the search engines. The optimum page size is 500-3000 words
  • 14. Alt attribute for Image Search engines cannot read Image & Flash animations Alt tags is the alternative text used for describing images. Alt tags are displayed on the site when you hover over the image with your mouse. It is also help blind people who are using text readers to read your page. Alt tags are another place where you should insert your keywords to improve our rankings. For Example : <img src=&quot;images/services-pic.jpg&quot; ALT=&quot;XYZ company's&quot;>
  • 15. Sitemap A site map  is a list of pages of a web site accessible to users. Its lists the numbers of pages and the overall internal link structure in the site. A Sitemap is still the best insurance for getting a search engine to learn about your entire site
  • 16. H1,H2 tags The H1 tag has long been thought to have great importance in on-page optimization. Use of the H1 tag as the headline of the page.H2 tag is use subheading. Separating our content with headers is a good practice as it makes our site more readable and easy to navigate. Do not use H4, H5…… tags just because you want better SEO page.
  • 17. Bold Or Strong and Italic Using a keyword in bold/strong appears to carry a very, very tiny amount of SEO weight. There are numerous ways of making a word appear as bold text in the code. The <B> tag and the <STRONG> tag will both display bold text. Strong tag is search engine friendly. Example: <b>Bold text</b> <strong>Strong text </strong> Italics tags <i> or emphasis tags <em> should not be used in our content and to highlight specific relevant keywords.
  • 18. W3C Validator Validation is the process of checking a page or website for its compliance with W3C standards. This validator shows not only such trivial things like unclosed quotation, undefined tags or wrong attribute values. It also checks the encoding problems, the compliance with the specified DOCTYPE, obsolete tags and attributes and many more.
  • 19. Do follow and No follow Do follow : It is stranded and trusted links. Search engine conceder only do follow links. No follow :It is spam site link not trusted links. Search engine not conceder no follow links. Example : <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Do Follow Link</a> <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>No Follow Link</a>
  • 20. Internal Links and External Links Internally link your pages to each other within the content. Make sure that the keyword focused link anchor text is relevant to the destination page. Don't be afraid to use external links to support your content. I suggest caution be exercised in the number of external links used. External links should open in a new window.
  • 21. On-Page SEO Checklist Always start with keyword selection, research and testing Meta Description tag ALT tags H1 tags URL structure Internal linking strategy Content Keyword density Site maps, both XML and user facing Usability and accessibility Track target keywords Expect results in 6-12 months
  • 22. Avoid things in on page optimization Hidden text / Invisible links Duplicate content Duplicate title tags URL variants of the same pages Off-site images and content on-site
  • 23. Conclusions On-Page SEO refers to the text and content on your web site pages. It acts as the foundation for your ongoing SEO process. Work on your website and content, so that the search engine can find your webpage when searching for your web sites for a particular keyword. This has a significant impact on search engine results you should make your site as search engine friendly as possible.