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State of the Automation
Professional 2023:
Insights and Implications
for Nigeria
Senior RPA Developer @SterlingBank
UiPath MVP 2023
RPA Consultant @dipoleDIAMOND
UiPath MVP 2023
Global Manager,
Marketing Community@UiPath
Emmanuel Kolawole Afe Araromi Cristina Vidu
Meet Today’s Hosts
1. Welcome
2. Session Agenda
3. Introduction
4. Panel Discussion
5. QnA
6. Close out
Today’s Agenda
About Today’s Session
• The meetup will not last for more than 1.5 hours
• You are encouraged to network and share your LinkedIn in the chat box
• We apologize for keeping you on mute till Q&A time
• Please use the chat to place questions too between now and Q&A
Each year, the UiPath Community Team measures the pulse of automation
professionals across the globe via a survey that includes both quantitative and
qualitative questions. The goal is to understand and answer questions such as:
• How do automation professionals come into these roles?
• How does their day-to-day activity look like?
• What do they think about the future of their careers?
• How experienced are automation professionals?
• How do automation professionals continue to learn?
• What does their tech stack look like? What impact does AI have?
Introduction (contd.)
It is worthy to note that 1,639 professionals across the globe from
different industries, participated in the survey that was used to prepare
this report. So our thanks goes out to them as well as the Community
team that powered the whole process.
Yet to downloaded the
“State of the Automation Professional” 2023 Report?
Meet the Panelists
During today's meetup session, with our panel of industry experts, we
shall be discussing the "State of the Automation Professional 2023
Report" which is the 4th in the series of UiPath's community industry
reports, to see what insights and implications for Nigeria we can extract
as takeaways.
Team Lead, Business Automation
Team Lead, Robotic Process
Automation @StanbicIBTC
Lade Ajayi Tolulope Fashanu
Meet Today’s Speakers
Team Lead, Power Platform Engineers
Kingsley Udeagha
Intelligent Automation Consultant
Team Lead, Robotic Process
Automation @InterswitchGroup
Bukola Oladapo Toluwalase Omotosho
Meet Today’s Speakers
Panel Discussion
“ ”
Discussion Point #1
It is commonly said that the banking sectors in Nigeria is
usually the first to adopt new digital technologies.
● In your opinion, why do you think this is so?
“ ”
Discussion Point #2
The trend of the finance/banking sector always in the lead
for adoption of new digital technologies is clearly not only a
Nigerian thing. [see pages 7 & 14]
● How would you contrast the adoption of software automation
within sectors like Healthcare, Public Service, etc to the rest of the
Discussion Point #2
“ ”
Discussion Point #3
While 75% of respondents say their organization values the
work they do as automation professionals, 85% think the
software automation industry has a high potential for
growth over the next 3 years. [see pages 26 & 21]
● Would you agree the potential for growth is high?
● Can we expect this degree of growth be experienced in the
Nigerian space as well?
● What factors could mitigate such growth in the Nigerian space?
● In the same vein, what factors can promote such growth in the
Nigerian space?
Discussion Point #3
“ ”
Discussion Point #4
Based on your own assessment of the Nigerian software
automation space, would you say that the demand for
automation professionals (developers, business analysts,
implementation managers, etc) outweighs the supply
currently available?
● If “YES,” why do you think this is so?
● If “NO,” why do you think this is so?
● What do you think, in your opinion, are the factors for demand
being higher that supply, or vice versa?
“ ”
Discussion Point #5
A trend that is prevalent outside Africa is the rate at which
business professionals (business analysts, project manager
roles, etc) are transitioning into citizen developers.
[see page 57]
● Why is this not the case in Nigeria? Is it an individual issue or a
corporate issue?
● Would you support an increase in citizen developers in Nigeria?
Do you think this will be good for the space?
● Why do you think respondents who business professionals have
a lower levels of satisfaction compared to developers?
Discussion Point #5
“ ”
Discussion Point #6
The software automation space is very dynamic so there is
the need for professionals to continue to improve
themselves. [see page 32]
● Concerning continuous development, what are your top three
● In a general or community sense, how significant do you think
local/virtual meetup events are to automation professionals in
Discussion Point #6
“ ”
Discussion Point #7
Respondents (developers only) picked SQL, Python, and
VB/VBA as the three top programming languages/skills
automation developers should have in addition to RPA
platform knowledge. [see page 34]
● Do you agree? Are there other skills you think automation
developers should have?
● Would you say it is common for automation developers in Nigeria
to be well-versed in these additional skills?
● What is the impact on productivity for those who have little or no
proficiency in terms of these additional skills?
Discussion Point #7
“ ”
Discussion Point #8
Respondents mentioned the same top frustrations and
struggles as they reported in 2022. [see page 37]
● Do the top three challenges resonate with your experience in the
● Which of the other challenges would be in your top three?
● Why do you think these frustrations remain the same across
organizations, year after year?
Discussion Point #8
“ ”
Discussion Point #9
Emerging technologies (e.g. AI, CV, etc) and tools (e.g.
ChatGPT, Co-Pilot, Wingman for UiPath Studio Web, etc)
continue to influence automation adoption globally.
[see page 52]
● Do we have similar trends in Nigeria?
● And how can Nigerian automation professionals stay ahead of
the curve?
Discussion Point #9
“ ”
Discussion Point #10
The Report also places a spotlight on students . 53% of
students have heard about RPA via a college course. 66%
are considering a job in software automation after
graduation. [see page 60]
● If we consider Nigerian students, are these numbers close or
much lower?
● What do you think can be done to get messaging about RPA to
the student population of our tertiary institutions?
Discussion Point #10
❏ You can type your questions in the Chat, or
❏ You can unmute and ask your question
“ ”
Last words…
What advice would you give to anyone that wants to be an
automation professional career-wise?
Stay Close…
Happy Automation!!!

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State of the Automation Professional 2023: Insights and Implications for Nigeria

  • 1. State of the Automation Professional 2023: Insights and Implications for Nigeria
  • 2. 2 Senior RPA Developer @SterlingBank UiPath MVP 2023 RPA Consultant @dipoleDIAMOND UiPath MVP 2023 Global Manager, Marketing Community@UiPath Emmanuel Kolawole Afe Araromi Cristina Vidu Meet Today’s Hosts
  • 3. 3 1. Welcome 2. Session Agenda 3. Introduction 4. Panel Discussion 5. QnA 6. Close out Today’s Agenda
  • 4. 4 About Today’s Session • The meetup will not last for more than 1.5 hours • You are encouraged to network and share your LinkedIn in the chat box • We apologize for keeping you on mute till Q&A time • Please use the chat to place questions too between now and Q&A
  • 5. Introduction Each year, the UiPath Community Team measures the pulse of automation professionals across the globe via a survey that includes both quantitative and qualitative questions. The goal is to understand and answer questions such as: • How do automation professionals come into these roles? • How does their day-to-day activity look like? • What do they think about the future of their careers? • How experienced are automation professionals? • How do automation professionals continue to learn? • What does their tech stack look like? What impact does AI have?
  • 6. Introduction (contd.) It is worthy to note that 1,639 professionals across the globe from different industries, participated in the survey that was used to prepare this report. So our thanks goes out to them as well as the Community team that powered the whole process. Yet to downloaded the “State of the Automation Professional” 2023 Report?
  • 7. Meet the Panelists During today's meetup session, with our panel of industry experts, we shall be discussing the "State of the Automation Professional 2023 Report" which is the 4th in the series of UiPath's community industry reports, to see what insights and implications for Nigeria we can extract as takeaways.
  • 8. 8 Team Lead, Business Automation @AccessBank Team Lead, Robotic Process Automation @StanbicIBTC nu/ Lade Ajayi Tolulope Fashanu Meet Today’s Speakers Team Lead, Power Platform Engineers @SterlingBank Kingsley Udeagha
  • 9. 9 Intelligent Automation Consultant @KPMG Team Lead, Robotic Process Automation @InterswitchGroup Bukola Oladapo Toluwalase Omotosho Meet Today’s Speakers
  • 11. “ ” Discussion Point #1 It is commonly said that the banking sectors in Nigeria is usually the first to adopt new digital technologies. ● In your opinion, why do you think this is so?
  • 12. “ ” Discussion Point #2 The trend of the finance/banking sector always in the lead for adoption of new digital technologies is clearly not only a Nigerian thing. [see pages 7 & 14] ● How would you contrast the adoption of software automation within sectors like Healthcare, Public Service, etc to the rest of the world?
  • 14. “ ” Discussion Point #3 While 75% of respondents say their organization values the work they do as automation professionals, 85% think the software automation industry has a high potential for growth over the next 3 years. [see pages 26 & 21] ● Would you agree the potential for growth is high? ● Can we expect this degree of growth be experienced in the Nigerian space as well? ● What factors could mitigate such growth in the Nigerian space? ● In the same vein, what factors can promote such growth in the Nigerian space?
  • 16. “ ” Discussion Point #4 Based on your own assessment of the Nigerian software automation space, would you say that the demand for automation professionals (developers, business analysts, implementation managers, etc) outweighs the supply currently available? ● If “YES,” why do you think this is so? ● If “NO,” why do you think this is so? ● What do you think, in your opinion, are the factors for demand being higher that supply, or vice versa?
  • 17. “ ” Discussion Point #5 A trend that is prevalent outside Africa is the rate at which business professionals (business analysts, project manager roles, etc) are transitioning into citizen developers. [see page 57] ● Why is this not the case in Nigeria? Is it an individual issue or a corporate issue? ● Would you support an increase in citizen developers in Nigeria? Do you think this will be good for the space? ● Why do you think respondents who business professionals have a lower levels of satisfaction compared to developers?
  • 19. “ ” Discussion Point #6 The software automation space is very dynamic so there is the need for professionals to continue to improve themselves. [see page 32] ● Concerning continuous development, what are your top three preferences? ● In a general or community sense, how significant do you think local/virtual meetup events are to automation professionals in Nigeria?
  • 21. “ ” Discussion Point #7 Respondents (developers only) picked SQL, Python, and VB/VBA as the three top programming languages/skills automation developers should have in addition to RPA platform knowledge. [see page 34] ● Do you agree? Are there other skills you think automation developers should have? ● Would you say it is common for automation developers in Nigeria to be well-versed in these additional skills? ● What is the impact on productivity for those who have little or no proficiency in terms of these additional skills?
  • 23. “ ” Discussion Point #8 Respondents mentioned the same top frustrations and struggles as they reported in 2022. [see page 37] ● Do the top three challenges resonate with your experience in the industry? ● Which of the other challenges would be in your top three? ● Why do you think these frustrations remain the same across organizations, year after year?
  • 25. “ ” Discussion Point #9 Emerging technologies (e.g. AI, CV, etc) and tools (e.g. ChatGPT, Co-Pilot, Wingman for UiPath Studio Web, etc) continue to influence automation adoption globally. [see page 52] ● Do we have similar trends in Nigeria? ● And how can Nigerian automation professionals stay ahead of the curve?
  • 27. “ ” Discussion Point #10 The Report also places a spotlight on students . 53% of students have heard about RPA via a college course. 66% are considering a job in software automation after graduation. [see page 60] ● If we consider Nigerian students, are these numbers close or much lower? ● What do you think can be done to get messaging about RPA to the student population of our tertiary institutions?
  • 29. 29 QnA ❏ You can type your questions in the Chat, or ❏ You can unmute and ask your question
  • 30. “ ” Last words… What advice would you give to anyone that wants to be an automation professional career-wise?