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Webinar - Utilizzo delle WebApi dell'Orchestrator
UiPath – Rome Community Chapter presenta
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 2
Flavio Martinelli
Head of Automation @ Nethex
RPA Service Line Manager @ Soft Strategy
Salvatore Amato
RPA Expert Consultant
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 3
Timeline Eventi Community
Un viaggio nel mondo del professionista RPA.
Evento in CoHost con il Chapter di Torino.
Link -> Evento
Webinar - Utilizzo delle WebApi dell'Orchestrator.
Stay Tuned!!!
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 4

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CCICI CIP 1.0 Testbed - Security access implementation and reference - v1.0CCICI CIP 1.0 Testbed - Security access implementation and reference - v1.0
CCICI CIP 1.0 Testbed - Security access implementation and reference - v1.0

This work is part of the open source testbed setup for Cloud interoperability & portability. Cloud Security Workgroup will further review and generate complete working set as we move along. This is part I of the effort.

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Deep Dive into SpaceONE
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SpaceONE is an open-source multi-cloud management platform consisting of microservices including frontend, backend, and plugins. The backend and plugins have a common software framework and use gRPC APIs and python-core libraries. SpaceONE uses a microservices architecture with components like identity, inventory, monitoring, and billing that can scale independently. It also has a plugin mechanism to extend the capabilities of core services like inventory to support multiple cloud providers.

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DEVNET-1128 Cisco Intercloud Fabric NB Api's for Business & Providers
DEVNET-1128	Cisco Intercloud Fabric NB Api's for Business & ProvidersDEVNET-1128	Cisco Intercloud Fabric NB Api's for Business & Providers
DEVNET-1128 Cisco Intercloud Fabric NB Api's for Business & Providers

Get to know the latest Rest API's and their Capabilities for Intercloud Fabric Business & Provider Editions. Understand how these API's can be used to integrate ICF into your Business Applications and provide the advantages of a true Hybrid Cloud to your end-users.

UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 5
• Setup Orchestrator. Recupero variabili utili alle chiamate API
• Download degli esempi di Postman
• Setup chiamata di Autenticazione. Focus su differenze tra Community (Cloud),
OnPremise e External Applications
• Esempi di chiamate per ricevere informazioni da Orchestrator
• Chiamata di Start Job, normale e con Input Argument
• Esempi integrazione con sistemi esterni: Web App e Telegram
• Esempio di chiamata Api da UiPath Studio
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 6
Setup Orchestrator. Recupero variabili utili alle chiamate API
Dalla pagina di UiPath
Administration, cliccare sul proprio
tenant e poi nel tab Orchestrator,
cliccare sui tre puntini e selezionare
API Access
Collegandosi poi al proprio
orchestrator e selezionando la
Modern Folder utilizzata salvare
questi valori.
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 7
Download degli esempi di Postman
E’ possibile scaricare una collezione di chiamate preimpostate su Postman
relative ad Orchestrator di UiPath.
Documentazione su API Orchestrator
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 8
Setup chiamata di Autenticazione
POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: *
Content-Length: 164
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"client_id": {CLIENT ID}
"refresh_token": {USER KEY}
AUTH Orchestrator Cloud
POST /api/Account/Authenticate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 116
"password": {PASSWORD ACCOUNT}
"usernameOrEmailAddress": {USERNAME
"tenancyName": {NOME TENANT}
AUTH On Premise
POST /identity/connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-
Content-Length: *
ENT ID}&client_secret={CLIENT
AUTH External App

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Threat Hunting at Scale: Auditing Thousands of Clusters With Falco + Fluent ...
 Threat Hunting at Scale: Auditing Thousands of Clusters With Falco + Fluent ... Threat Hunting at Scale: Auditing Thousands of Clusters With Falco + Fluent ...
Threat Hunting at Scale: Auditing Thousands of Clusters With Falco + Fluent ...

At Trendyol, we are running thousands of production-grade Kubernetes clusters to make our customers always happy. The challenge that we have to achieve is to track every component, resource, user, and team in a timeline manner. This is where we have to collect audit events from almost everywhere! Kubernetes audit logs can effectively track the changes made to our clusters. By using Falco, we consume the kernel events and enrich those events with information from Kubernetes. Enabling Kubernetes Audit Logs feature allows us to scan audit events that forwarded from Kubernetes. By using Fluent Bit, we collect logs from different sources such as containers and Falco; furthermore, we extend them with filters, and send them to multiple destinations. By using Loki, we build a highly-available log aggregation system. We create and manage all of our alerting rules for the log data. In this session, we try to combine pieces and introduce a brand new Audit Monitoring System!

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Jason yammer api

The document discusses the Yammer API and authentication process. It provides an overview of the available Yammer APIs, including REST API and SDKs for different platforms. It then describes the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow, which involves registering an app, authorizing with Yammer, and making API requests using an access token. Specific steps are outlined for registering an app, authorizing a user, and obtaining an access token to access protected Yammer resources through the REST API.

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Automating Rackspace with ONE Automation
Automating Rackspace with ONE AutomationAutomating Rackspace with ONE Automation
Automating Rackspace with ONE Automation

This document provides instructions for automating interactions with the Rackspace cloud platform using the Automic Agent. It describes how to generate an authentication token, and save it to a variable for use in subsequent requests. It also outlines how to interact with Rackspace's Cloud Files and Cloud Database services through API calls, including listing and uploading files, listing and backing up databases, and more. Endpoint URLs and examples of request and response formats are given for various Rackspace cloud services.

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UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 9
External Applications
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 10
Esempi di chiamate
?$filter=ProcessKey eq 'PetStore_UpdatePet'
Host: {{cloudUrl}}
X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: 1734790
Authorization: Bearer {AUTH TOKEN}
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 11
Esempi di chiamate
chestrator_/odata/Jobs?$Filter=State eq
'Successful'&$orderby=EndTime DESC
Content-Type: application/json
X-UIPATH-TenantName: 59497
X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: 447369
Authorization: Bearer {AUTH TOKEN}
Cookie: UiPathBrowserId=*
","@odata.count": 1,"value": [{"Key": "0188caec-f8be-4c50-97e6-120d119fe33b","StartTime": "2023-01-
13T16:00:38.303Z","EndTime": "2023-01-13T16:00:42.86Z","State": "Successful","JobPriority":
"Normal","SpecificPriorityValue": 45,"Source": "Manual","SourceType": "Manual","BatchExecutionKey":
"6e2f9f72-25a3-4e93-8081-1061b2256d01","Info": "Job completed","CreationTime": "2023-01-
13T16:00:37.71Z","StartingScheduleId": null,"ReleaseName": "comm_processo2","Type":
"Unattended","InputArguments": null,"OutputArguments": "{}","HostMachineName": {NOME
MACCHINA},"HasMediaRecorded": false,"HasVideoRecorded": false,"PersistenceId":
null,"ResumeVersion": null,"StopStrategy": null,"RuntimeType": "Unattended","RequiresUserInteraction":
true,"ReleaseVersionId": 736580,"EntryPointPath": "Main.xaml","OrganizationUnitId":
447369,"OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName": "Shared","Reference": "","ProcessType":
"Process","ProfilingOptions": null,"ResumeOnSameContext": false,"LocalSystemAccount": {USERNAME
PC},"OrchestratorUserIdentity": null,"RemoteControlAccess":
"None","MaxExpectedRunningTimeSeconds": null,"Id": 49932516}]}
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 12
Esempi di chiamate
uration.OData.StartJobs HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: 447369
Authorization: Bearer {AUTH TOKEN}
"startInfo": {
"ReleaseKey": "5afe79b8-5da8-4cad-
"Strategy": "ModernJobsCount",
"JobsCount": 1,
"{"inMessaggio":"Processo Correttamente
InputArguments":"{"inMessaggio":"Processo Correttamente

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From ZERO to REST in an hour
From ZERO to REST in an hour From ZERO to REST in an hour
From ZERO to REST in an hour

So, you heard "the Web is Programmable, Internet of Things, Digitalization", but have NO to little programming skills. Nevertheless, this is 2016, and you want to get enough about Web Programming to be part of the some fun and exciting Web challenge, participate in an Hackathon may be …  Well, I am happy we meet. I suggest you take the tour “from ZERO to REST in a hour”: we’ll teach you to forge your own HTTP requests against the Github API. After this tour, you’ll know enough to interact with any RESTful Web APIs. Worth mentionning this presentation is entirely scripted: so give attention to each slide comments. Did you enjoy the tour ? look forward to learn more ? Post your comments below about enhancements, and for any subjects you’d like to see covered. 2. Join the Cisco developers community : 3. Take a free online Coding Lab (REST, Python, Parsing JSON, RAML, Git…) 4. Meet DevNet teams at a physical event: conferences, hackathons

Petr Dvořák: Mobilní webové služby pohledem iPhone developera
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Jak nejlépe uchopit komunikaci mezi mobilním zařízením a síťovými službami, jak nastavit spolupráci, pokud server a klient vyvíjí různé, často vzdálené organizace, a proč vůbec psát webové služby, když máme mobilní internet...

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This document discusses best practices for developing mobile web services for iPhone applications. It recommends using RESTful APIs with JSON or XML formats over SOAP/XML-RPC due to their simplicity. Proper use of HTTP methods, caching, authentication using OAuth or forms, and error handling are also covered. The document emphasizes that web services should be device-agnostic and public data accessible by any application to be most useful.

UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 13
Esempio Telegram
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 14
Esempio Web Application
UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 15
Grazie per l’attenzione!!

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Webinar - Utilizzo delle WebApi dell'Orchestrator.pdf

  • 1. Webinar - Utilizzo delle WebApi dell'Orchestrator UiPath – Rome Community Chapter presenta
  • 2. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 2 Speakers Flavio Martinelli Head of Automation @ Nethex RPA Service Line Manager @ Soft Strategy Salvatore Amato RPA Expert Consultant
  • 3. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 3 Timeline Eventi Community Un viaggio nel mondo del professionista RPA. Evento in CoHost con il Chapter di Torino. Link -> Evento 28 Ottobre 2022 Webinar - Utilizzo delle WebApi dell'Orchestrator. 31 Gennaio 2023 Stay Tuned!!! Upcoming
  • 4. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 4 Sondaggio
  • 5. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 5 Agenda • Setup Orchestrator. Recupero variabili utili alle chiamate API • Download degli esempi di Postman • Setup chiamata di Autenticazione. Focus su differenze tra Community (Cloud), OnPremise e External Applications • Esempi di chiamate per ricevere informazioni da Orchestrator • Chiamata di Start Job, normale e con Input Argument • Esempi integrazione con sistemi esterni: Web App e Telegram • Esempio di chiamata Api da UiPath Studio
  • 6. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 6 Setup Orchestrator. Recupero variabili utili alle chiamate API Dalla pagina di UiPath Administration, cliccare sul proprio tenant e poi nel tab Orchestrator, cliccare sui tre puntini e selezionare API Access Collegandosi poi al proprio orchestrator e selezionando la Modern Folder utilizzata salvare questi valori.
  • 7. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 7 Download degli esempi di Postman E’ possibile scaricare una collezione di chiamate preimpostate su Postman relative ad Orchestrator di UiPath. Documentazione su API Orchestrator
  • 8. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 8 Setup chiamata di Autenticazione POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Cookie: * Content-Length: 164 { "grant_type": "refresh_token", "client_id": {CLIENT ID} "refresh_token": {USER KEY} } AUTH Orchestrator Cloud POST /api/Account/Authenticate HTTP/1.1 Host: {ORCHESTRATOR URL} Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 116 { "password": {PASSWORD ACCOUNT} "usernameOrEmailAddress": {USERNAME ACCOUNT}, "tenancyName": {NOME TENANT} } AUTH On Premise POST /identity/connect/token HTTP/1.1 Host: {ORCHESTRATOR URL} Content-Type: application/x-www-form- urlencoded Content-Length: * grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={CLI ENT ID}&client_secret={CLIENT SECRET}&scope=OR.Robots%20OR.Robot s.Read%20OR.Robots.Write%20OR.Machin es%20OR.Machines.Read%20OR.Machines. Write%20OR.Execution%20OR.Execution.R ead%20OR.Execution.Write%20OR.Assets% 20OR.Assets.Read%20OR.Assets.Write%20 OR.Queues%20OR.Queues.Write%20OR.Jo bs%20OR.Jobs.Read%20OR.Jobs.Write%20 OR.Users%20OR.Users.Read%20OR.Users. Write AUTH External App
  • 9. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 9 External Applications
  • 10. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 10 Esempi di chiamate GET /{{cloudOrg}}/{{cloudTenant}}/odata/Releases ?$filter=ProcessKey eq 'PetStore_UpdatePet' HTTP/1.1 Host: {{cloudUrl}} X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: 1734790 Authorization: Bearer {AUTH TOKEN} GET RELEASE {"@odata.context":" ator/orchestrator_/odata/$metadata#Releases","@odata.count":1,"value":[{"Key":" 95b324ed-17b1-4571-9f7a- 597e49bbca93","ProcessKey":"comm_processo2","ProcessVersion":"1.0.1","IsLat estVersion":false,"IsProcessDeleted":false,"Description":"comm_processo2","Nam e":"comm_processo2","EnvironmentId":null,"EnvironmentName":"","EntryPointId": 156327,"InputArguments":null,"ProcessType":"Process","SupportsMultipleEntryPo ints":true,"RequiresUserInteraction":true,"IsAttended":false,"IsCompiled":true,"Aut omationHubIdeaUrl":null,"AutoUpdate":false,"FeedId":"bc0bf486-523f-415a-bb6e- fe3e6731f76b","JobPriority":"Normal","SpecificPriorityValue":45,"OrganizationUnitI d":447369,"OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName":"Shared","TargetFramework":"W indows","RobotSize":null,"AutoCreateConnectedTriggers":true,"RemoteControlAc cess":"None","LastModificationTime":null,"LastModifierUserId":null,"CreationTime" :"2023-01- 13T15:22:24.827Z","CreatorUserId":157857,"Id":382500,"Arguments":{"Input":"[]"," Output":"[]"},"ProcessSettings":null,"VideoRecordingSettings":null,"Tags":[],"Reso urceOverwrites":[]}]} RESPONSE
  • 11. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 11 Esempi di chiamate GET /Flavio0506/FlavioCommunityOrchestrator/or chestrator_/odata/Jobs?$Filter=State eq 'Successful'&$orderby=EndTime DESC HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json X-UIPATH-TenantName: 59497 X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: 447369 Authorization: Bearer {AUTH TOKEN} Cookie: UiPathBrowserId=* GET PROCESS STATUS {"@odata.context": "$metadata#Jobs ","@odata.count": 1,"value": [{"Key": "0188caec-f8be-4c50-97e6-120d119fe33b","StartTime": "2023-01- 13T16:00:38.303Z","EndTime": "2023-01-13T16:00:42.86Z","State": "Successful","JobPriority": "Normal","SpecificPriorityValue": 45,"Source": "Manual","SourceType": "Manual","BatchExecutionKey": "6e2f9f72-25a3-4e93-8081-1061b2256d01","Info": "Job completed","CreationTime": "2023-01- 13T16:00:37.71Z","StartingScheduleId": null,"ReleaseName": "comm_processo2","Type": "Unattended","InputArguments": null,"OutputArguments": "{}","HostMachineName": {NOME MACCHINA},"HasMediaRecorded": false,"HasVideoRecorded": false,"PersistenceId": null,"ResumeVersion": null,"StopStrategy": null,"RuntimeType": "Unattended","RequiresUserInteraction": true,"ReleaseVersionId": 736580,"EntryPointPath": "Main.xaml","OrganizationUnitId": 447369,"OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName": "Shared","Reference": "","ProcessType": "Process","ProfilingOptions": null,"ResumeOnSameContext": false,"LocalSystemAccount": {USERNAME PC},"OrchestratorUserIdentity": null,"RemoteControlAccess": "None","MaxExpectedRunningTimeSeconds": null,"Id": 49932516}]} RESPONSE
  • 12. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 12 Esempi di chiamate POST /Flavio0506/FlavioCommunityOrchestrator/or chestrator_/odata/Jobs/UiPath.Server.Config uration.OData.StartJobs HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: 447369 Authorization: Bearer {AUTH TOKEN} { "startInfo": { "ReleaseKey": "5afe79b8-5da8-4cad- 9fbb-b9883b3f627c", "Strategy": "ModernJobsCount", "JobsCount": 1, "InputArguments": "{"inMessaggio":"Processo Correttamente Startato"}" } } START JOB CON INPUT {"@odata.context":" ta/$metadata#Jobs","value":[{"Key":"928b70b3-69d9-4341-aa94- 9f7197f8dd2b","StartTime":null,"EndTime":null,"State":"Pending","JobPriority":"Normal","SpecificPriority Value":45,"Source":"Manual","SourceType":"Manual","BatchExecutionKey":"192ce1a1-2213-4d7f-98e3- 0bdacecd55fd","Info":null,"CreationTime":"2023-01- 25T11:53:44.133Z","StartingScheduleId":null,"ReleaseName":"comm_processo1","Type":"Unattended"," InputArguments":"{"inMessaggio":"Processo Correttamente Startato"}","OutputArguments":null,"HostMachineName":null,"HasMediaRecorded":false,"HasVideoRec orded":null,"PersistenceId":null,"ResumeVersion":null,"StopStrategy":null,"RuntimeType":"Unattended"," RequiresUserInteraction":true,"ReleaseVersionId":null,"EntryPointPath":"Main.xaml","OrganizationUnitId ":447369,"OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName":null,"Reference":"","ProcessType":"Process","ProfilingO ptions":null,"ResumeOnSameContext":false,"LocalSystemAccount":"","OrchestratorUserIdentity":null,"Re moteControlAccess":"None","MaxExpectedRunningTimeSeconds":null,"Id":50202453}]} RESPONSE
  • 13. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 13 Esempio Telegram
  • 14. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 14 Esempio Web Application
  • 15. UiPath Community – Rome Chapter 15 Grazie per l’attenzione!!