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Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
How to monitor your Galera Cluster?

April 21, 2015

Krzysztof Książek
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! My name is Krzysztof Książek
! MySQL DBA with 8 years of experience
! 2.5 years of work in PalominoDB/BlackbirdIT/Pythian
! Worked with, among others:
! Flipboard
! Pinterest
! Zendesk
! Currently - Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines
Who am I?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Why do you need a good trending system?
! Monitoring Galera Cluster metrics
! Monitoring host metrics and their impact on MySQL
! The most important InnoDB related metrics
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Why do you need a good trending
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Monitoring system (i.e. Nagios)
! Checks if services are healthy
! Sends pages
! Trending system (i.e. Cacti, Graphite)
! Collects metrics
! Generate graphs
Monitoring vs. trending
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Periodical (daily/weekly) healthchecks
! Insight into all aspects of the database operations
! Post mortem and proactive monitoring
! Capacity planning
Why do we need a trending system?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Healthchecks are a pain
! You want to see
aggregated data
! You want to be able to drill
down to a particular host
! You want to see the most
important data first and dig
in later on
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Graphs based on MySQL
status counters
! Overall status and per-node
! Ability to get a timeshifted
graphs - useful for
comparing workload
changes across the time
Insight into internals, capacity planning
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Ability to dig into past data
! Even less than 5s of data
granularity (hardware-
! Low granularity allows you
to catch the issue as it
evolves - no need to wait 5
minutes for a graph to
Post mortem and proactive monitoring
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Monitoring Galera Cluster metrics
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Important internals:
! Cluster status
! Flow control
! Send and receive queue
What to monitor?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Node IP
! Node State
! Synced
! Donor
! Disconnected
! Cluster size
! Does node takes part in
writeset replication?
Cluster status monitoring
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! How large percent of the
time node stalls?
! How many flow control
messages have been sent?
Flow control monitoring
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Flow control monitoring
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Average size of the send
and receive queue
! If a queue is large - question
is what caused it?
! Node slowness?
! Background operations?
Send/Receive queue monitoring
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Send/Receive queue monitoring
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Cert Deps Distance - on
average, how many
writesets can be applied at
the same time?
! Segment ID - are nodes
belong to the same
! Last Committed - which
sequence number was last
Other Galera-related data
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Host metrics - why are they important?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Understand the utilization of the hardware
! Capacity planning
! Determine the type of an issue
! I/O related?
! CPU related?
! Network related?
Host metrics - what for?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! CPU utilization (should I add more nodes to the cluster?)
! Network utilization (am I running out of bandwidth?)
! Ping (how badly latency affects my Galera cluster?)
! Disk throughput and IOPS (am I within my hardware
! Disk space (do I have to plan for larger disks?)
! Memory utilization (do I suffer from a memory leak?)
Host metrics - what to look at?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Host metrics - graphs
! CPU, disk, network, memory
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Host metrics - overview
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
InnoDB metrics
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Overall CPU utilization
! 100% - maybe it’s time to scale up a cluster or tune
some queries?
! Low but fast queries are slow - maybe you are having
locking issues?
! High but not 100% and slow queries - maybe you are
suffering from internal contentions?
! Significant part of ‘system’ in the CPU utilization - you
are suffering from internal contentions
InnoDB and CPU - what to look for
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! For Percona Server and MariaDB
! Performance Schema (if you have mutex wait
instrumentation enabled - requires MySQL’s restart)
InnoDB - internal contention debugging
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! List of the current waits - not
always the same as an
“average” workload
! Points to the source code -
very helpful to understand
what’s going on
! Performance -> InnoDB
Status in ClusterControl
! Nice material for further
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! List of most common waits
since server’s start
! Not flushable, unfortunatelly
! Maybe I should disable
Adaptive Hash Index or add
some partitions to it?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Performance Schema (5.6)
! SQL reporting power - aggregate, sort, do whatever you like
! btr_search_latch again high on the list
! Even better visibility using “sys schema” from Mark Leith
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Galera Cluster runs on InnoDB
! You need to know your I/O to configure InnoDB correctly
! You need to know your I/O to pick a right hardware
! I/O getting out of control will result in unstable MySQL
InnoDB I/O metrics - why are they important?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! Reads/writes/fsyncs
! Buffer pool dirty pages
! Checkpoint age
! InnoDB flushing
InnoDB I/O metrics - what to monitor?
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Undestanding I/O metrics
! The difference between innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2|1
! Increase in InnoDB log fsyncs and data fsyncs
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Undestanding I/O metrics
! Dirty pages graphed in linear mode
! Please note sufficient resources to keep them under control
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
InnoDB I/O graph
! Data about reads, writes, fsyncs
! Happened straight after server start - reads spike at the beginning
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
! We want to have some
data in the InnoDB redo
logs to benefit from write
! We don’t want to have too
many data in the InnoDB
redo logs - it may result in
spiky throughput and
transient pauses in the
Checkpoint age data
Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB
Thank You!
! Lot’s of monitoring features in the free community edition of
! Easy to install:
 $ wget
 $ chmod +x install-cc
 # as root or sudo user
 $ ./install-cc
! Contact:

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Deep Dive Into How To Monitor MySQL or MariaDB Galera Cluster / Percona XtraDB Cluster

  • 1. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB How to monitor your Galera Cluster? 
 April 21, 2015 
 Krzysztof Książek Severalnines
  • 2. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! My name is Krzysztof Książek ! MySQL DBA with 8 years of experience ! 2.5 years of work in PalominoDB/BlackbirdIT/Pythian ! Worked with, among others: ! Flipboard ! Pinterest ! Zendesk ! Currently - Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines 2 Who am I?
  • 3. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Why do you need a good trending system? ! Monitoring Galera Cluster metrics ! Monitoring host metrics and their impact on MySQL ! The most important InnoDB related metrics 3 Agenda
  • 4. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Why do you need a good trending system? 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Monitoring system (i.e. Nagios) ! Checks if services are healthy ! Sends pages ! Trending system (i.e. Cacti, Graphite) ! Collects metrics ! Generate graphs 6 Monitoring vs. trending
  • 7. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Periodical (daily/weekly) healthchecks ! Insight into all aspects of the database operations ! Post mortem and proactive monitoring ! Capacity planning 7 Why do we need a trending system?
  • 8. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Healthchecks are a pain ! You want to see aggregated data ! You want to be able to drill down to a particular host ! You want to see the most important data first and dig in later on 8 Healthchecks
  • 9. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Graphs based on MySQL status counters ! Overall status and per-node graphs ! Ability to get a timeshifted graphs - useful for comparing workload changes across the time 9 Insight into internals, capacity planning
  • 10. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Ability to dig into past data ! Even less than 5s of data granularity (hardware- dependent) ! Low granularity allows you to catch the issue as it evolves - no need to wait 5 minutes for a graph to refresh 10 Post mortem and proactive monitoring
  • 11. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Monitoring Galera Cluster metrics 11
  • 12. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Important internals: ! Cluster status ! Flow control ! Send and receive queue 12 What to monitor?
  • 13. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Node IP ! Node State ! Synced ! Donor ! Disconnected ! Cluster size ! Does node takes part in writeset replication? 13 Cluster status monitoring
  • 14. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! How large percent of the time node stalls? ! How many flow control messages have been sent? 14 Flow control monitoring
  • 15. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Flow control monitoring 15
  • 16. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Average size of the send and receive queue ! If a queue is large - question is what caused it? ! Node slowness? ! Background operations? 16 Send/Receive queue monitoring
  • 17. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Send/Receive queue monitoring 17
  • 18. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Cert Deps Distance - on average, how many writesets can be applied at the same time? ! Segment ID - are nodes belong to the same segment? ! Last Committed - which sequence number was last applied? 18 Other Galera-related data
  • 19. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Host metrics - why are they important? 19
  • 20. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Understand the utilization of the hardware ! Capacity planning ! Determine the type of an issue ! I/O related? ! CPU related? ! Network related? 20 Host metrics - what for?
  • 21. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! CPU utilization (should I add more nodes to the cluster?) ! Network utilization (am I running out of bandwidth?) ! Ping (how badly latency affects my Galera cluster?) ! Disk throughput and IOPS (am I within my hardware limits?) ! Disk space (do I have to plan for larger disks?) ! Memory utilization (do I suffer from a memory leak?) 21 Host metrics - what to look at?
  • 22. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Host metrics - graphs 22 ! CPU, disk, network, memory
  • 23. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Host metrics - overview 23
  • 24. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB InnoDB metrics 24
  • 25. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Overall CPU utilization ! 100% - maybe it’s time to scale up a cluster or tune some queries? ! Low but fast queries are slow - maybe you are having locking issues? ! High but not 100% and slow queries - maybe you are suffering from internal contentions? ! Significant part of ‘system’ in the CPU utilization - you are suffering from internal contentions 25 InnoDB and CPU - what to look for
  • 26. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! For Percona Server and MariaDB ! SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS ! SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX ! Performance Schema (if you have mutex wait instrumentation enabled - requires MySQL’s restart) 26 InnoDB - internal contention debugging
  • 27. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! List of the current waits - not always the same as an “average” workload ! Points to the source code - very helpful to understand what’s going on ! Performance -> InnoDB Status in ClusterControl ! Nice material for further googling 27 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS
  • 28. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! List of most common waits since server’s start ! Not flushable, unfortunatelly ! Maybe I should disable Adaptive Hash Index or add some partitions to it? 28 SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX
  • 29. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Performance Schema (5.6) 29 ! SQL reporting power - aggregate, sort, do whatever you like ! btr_search_latch again high on the list ! Even better visibility using “sys schema” from Mark Leith
  • 30. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Galera Cluster runs on InnoDB ! You need to know your I/O to configure InnoDB correctly ! You need to know your I/O to pick a right hardware ! I/O getting out of control will result in unstable MySQL performance 30 InnoDB I/O metrics - why are they important?
  • 31. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! Reads/writes/fsyncs ! Buffer pool dirty pages ! Checkpoint age ! InnoDB flushing 31 InnoDB I/O metrics - what to monitor?
  • 32. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Undestanding I/O metrics 32 ! The difference between innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2|1 ! Increase in InnoDB log fsyncs and data fsyncs
  • 33. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Undestanding I/O metrics 33 ! Dirty pages graphed in linear mode ! Please note sufficient resources to keep them under control
  • 34. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB InnoDB I/O graph 34 ! Data about reads, writes, fsyncs ! Happened straight after server start - reads spike at the beginning
  • 35. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB ! We want to have some data in the InnoDB redo logs to benefit from write merging ! We don’t want to have too many data in the InnoDB redo logs - it may result in spiky throughput and transient pauses in the workload 35 Checkpoint age data
  • 36. Copyright 2015 Severalnines AB Thank You! 36 ! Lot’s of monitoring features in the free community edition of ClusterControl ! ! Easy to install:  $ wget  $ chmod +x install-cc  # as root or sudo user  $ ./install-cc ! ! Contact: