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Nine DevOps Tips For Going Into 
Production With Galera Cluster 
November 11, 2014 
Johan Andersson & Jean-Jérôme Schmidt 
Severalnines &
! I'm Jean-Jérôme and I’ll be your host for today's 
! Feel free to ask any questions in the Questions 
section of this application or via the Chat box 
! You can also contact me directly via the chat 
box or via email: during or 
after the webinar 
Copyright Severalnines AB
In a nutshell 
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 
Manage Scale 
Deploy Monitor
Supported Databases 
! MariaDB Cluster 
! MySQL Galera Cluster 
! Percona XtraDB Cluster 
! MySQL Cluster (NDB) 
! MySQL Replication 5.6 
! Standalone MySQL/MariaDB 
! MongoDB Sharded Cluster 
! MongoDB Replica Set 
! TokuMX Cluster 
Copyright Severalnines AB 

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Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers
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Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers

Data Lakes have been built with a desire to democratize data - to allow more and more people, tools, and applications to make use of data. A key capability needed to achieve it is hiding the complexity of underlying data structures and physical data storage from users. The de-facto standard has been the Hive table format addresses some of these problems but falls short at data, user, and application scale. So what is the answer? Apache Iceberg. Apache Iceberg table format is now in use and contributed to by many leading tech companies like Netflix, Apple, Airbnb, LinkedIn, Dremio, Expedia, and AWS. Watch Alex Merced, Developer Advocate at Dremio, as he describes the open architecture and performance-oriented capabilities of Apache Iceberg. You will learn: • The issues that arise when using the Hive table format at scale, and why we need a new table format • How a straightforward, elegant change in table format structure has enormous positive effects • The underlying architecture of an Apache Iceberg table, how a query against an Iceberg table works, and how the table’s underlying structure changes as CRUD operations are done on it • The resulting benefits of this architectural design

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MaxScale uses an asynchronous and multi-threaded architecture to route client queries to backend database servers. Each thread creates its own epoll instance to monitor file descriptors for I/O events, avoiding locking between threads. Listening sockets are added to a global epoll file descriptor that notifies threads when clients connect, allowing connections to be distributed evenly across threads. This architecture improves performance over the previous single epoll instance approach.

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Copyright Severalnines AB
! 101 Sanity Check 
! Operating System 
! Backup Strategies 
! Galera Recovery 
! Query Performance 
! Schema Changes 
! Security / Encryption 
! Reporting 
! Protecting from Disasters 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#1 – 101 Sanity Check (1/4) 
! Ensure ALL tables are InnoDB or XtraDB 
! Innodb supports FULLTEXT indexes in MySQL5.6 
! Ensure ALL tables have a PRIMARY KEY 
! If no PRIMARY KEY is defined you can do: 
! Ensure you have NO unbound queries 
! E.g UPDATE table SET x=x+1 (and there are many rows) 
! Update/delete in smaller batches (e.g 1000 records). 
! Better support for huge (unbound) queries are in the pipe 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#1 – 101 Sanity Check (2/4) 
! Ensure that the application can tolerate non-sequential 
auto increments. 
! Redirect deadlock prone update queries on hot tables 
and rows to one of the Galera nodes: 
! E.g UPDATE counter_tbl SET counter = counter +1; 
! Use wsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup-v2 
Copyright Severalnines AB

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In the first part of Galera Cluster best practices series, we will discuss the following topics: * ongoing monitoring of the cluster and detection of bottlenecks; * fine-tuning the configuration based on the actual database workload; * selecting the optimal State Snapshot Transfer (SST) method; * backup strategies (video:

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#1 – 101 Sanity Check (3/4) 
! WAN environment? 
! [Note] WSREP: (0b066c90-d4fb-11e1-0800-96b2cf43aaf6, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive 
peers: tcp:// 
[Note] WSREP: (0b066c90-d4fb-11e1-0800-96b2cf43aaf6, 'tcp://') reconnecting to df4e387f-d4e2- 
11e1-0800-2e6080299165 (tcp://, attempt 0 
! Increase timeouts 
! wsrep_provider_options=‘evs.keepalive_period=PT3S; 
! This will relax how fast a node will be evicted from the cluster. 
! Usually default values are good if networks with a ping time of 
<10-15 ms. 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#1 – 101 Sanity Check (4/4) 
! There is no reason to use any 5.5 based MySQL variants 
! Use MySQL 5.6 / MariaDB 10.x 
! Lots of bug fixes 
! Performance optimizations 
! Write intensive workloads 
! Query optimizer enhancements 
! A good foundation for later upgrading to 5.7 based 
! Use Galera Version 3.x series 
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#2 – Operating System (1/2) 
! Swapping 
! echo “1” > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness 
! NUMA on Multi-socket 
! Can lead to contention and strange lock ups 
! Is it enabled: 
dmesg | grep –i numa 
! Grub boot option ”numa=off” 
! … and other possibilities 
! Filesystem 
! Reduce writes by mounting with 
! noatime 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#2 – Operating System (2/2) 
! In Virtualized environments it is easy to over-commit 
resources on a single Host. 
! Keep track on the Host hosting the VMs 
! Is it heavily loaded? 
! CPU Steal (check on the VMs)? 
! Is it swapping? 
Copyright Severalnines AB

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Automatic Storage Management (ASM) provides a simple way to manage Oracle database files across disk storage. ASM uses disk groups and metadata to distribute data extents across disks for redundancy. Rebalancing operations redistribute extents to maintain even distribution as disks are added or removed, and the estimated time for rebalancing can be found in V$ASM_OPERATION. ASM supports different redundancy levels including external, normal, and high redundancy.

#3 – Backup 
! Percona XtraBackup 
! Online consistent backup 
! Full and Incremental backups 
! Possible to backup databases and tables when 
innodb_file_per_table is used. 
! Parallelism & compression & encryption 
! mysqldump 
! Use with –single-transaction, consistent / online for innodb tables 
! May require tweaking of innodb_old_blocks_time and 
innodb_old_blocks_pct (default values in 5.6 are quite good). 
! S3 / Glazier or Swift can be used for offline/offsite storage 
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Copyright Severalnines AB 
#4 – Galera Recovery (IST) (1/3) 
! IST (Incremental State Transfer) is faster than SST (Snapshot 
State Transfer). 
! Each Galera node has a cache, gcache. 
! Stores committed write sets 
! Circular buffer 
! If a node is down (crash, maint window) and then 
becomes a JOINER: 
! Send ID of last applied write set to the DONOR 
! DONOR checks if it can send the next events from the 
! Yes == IST (fast) 
! No == SST (slow). E.g 3TB of data is no fun to SST.
#4 – Galera Recovery (IST) (2/3) 
! Dimension the gcache, example to handle a 
maintenance window of 6 hours: 
! Writes to cluster per second: 1MB/s 
! Maintenance window (seconds) = 6 hours *60*60 = 21600s 
! gcache size = 1 MB/s x 21600 s = 21GB 
! 1.5x or 2x the value to have margins: 
! gcache.size=42G 
! wsrep_provider_options=‘gcache.size=42G;…’ 
Copyright Severalnines AB
Copyright Severalnines AB 
#4 – Galera Recovery (IST) (3/3) 
! How much do you write to the 
Galera Cluster? 
! Look at the sum of 
and get the rate between 
two points in time. 
! Here we can see that a node 
109575 + 33758 bytes / second 
= ~140KB/s 

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#4 – Galera Recovery (SST) 
! Two pitfalls to be avoided with SSTs: 
! wsrep_sst_method=rsync 
! you may have to change in /usr/bin/wsrep_sst_rsync: 
! timeout = 300 ! 3600 (or bigger) 
! Else the rsync daemons may timeout when initializing the SST. 
! wsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup[-v2] 
! Uses mysql tmpdir by default. 
! If tmpdir is too small SST may fail on the donor. The transaction 
log simply does not fit. 
! You can set in my.cnf: 
! How big do I need tmpdir to be? [KB writes to node ] x [ backup 
time ]. Similar to the gcache.
#5 – Query Performance (1/5) 
! A number of things to watch out for: 
! Badly written queries or missing indexes 
! DDL locking many record (BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1 FOR UPDATE; 
… ) 
! DDL updating/deleting many records in one chunk 
! wsrep_max_ws_rows/wsrep_max_ws_size sets upper limits 
! Update/delete “small” batches of 1000-10000 records. Do 
not update 100000 records. 
! Deadlocks and deadlock prone code 
! E.g running two mysqldumps at the same time 
! Updating the very same record in a very hot table from 
multiple threads on multiple hosts 
! Use your favorite tool to detect the problems 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#5 – Query Performance (2/5) 
! When Performance grinds to a halt you want to know! 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#5 – Query Performance (3/5) 
! You may want to have an Alarm notification (in 1.2.9) 
Copyright Severalnines AB

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MySQL Performance for DevOps
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Galera replication works by synchronizing data across multiple database servers so that any server can accept writes and all servers instantly reflect the new data. It uses global transaction IDs and group communication to replicate write sets in parallel to all nodes, ensuring consistency. Any node can join the cluster as long as it knows the cluster name and can find an active member to bootstrap from.

mysql galera pxc mgc
#5 – Query Performance (4/5) 
! If a dead-lock happens, you want to tell your developers 
(in 1.2.9) 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#5 – Query Performance (5/5) 
! And see if Galera is clogged up 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#6 – Schema Changes (1/4) 
! Consider an upgrade from schema version V1 to version V2 
! There are two principal types of schema changes that can 
be performed: 
! Compatible 
! Application(s) will still continue with V1 
! Upgrade schema first, then applications 
! Incompatible 
! Application(s) cannot use V2 
! Must upgrade applications first to support V2, and upgrade 
schema to V2 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#6 – Schema Changes (2/4) 
! Galera supports multiple ways for upgrading schema 
from V1 to V2 
! Total Order Isolation (TOI) 
! wsrep_osu_method=TOI 
! Rolling Schema Upgrade (RSU) 
! wsrep_osu_method=RSU 
! Desynching nodes (not covered here),but check out 
Copyright Severalnines AB

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This presentation is aim to give an initial understanding of how MySQL/Galera works, and some advice.

Webinar slides: Top 9 Tips for building a stable MySQL Replication environment
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MySQL replication is a widely known and proven solution to build scalable clusters of databases. It is very easy to deploy, even easier with GTID. Easy deployment doesn't mean you don't need knowledge and skills to operate it correctly. If you'd like to learn what is needed to build a stable environment using MySQL replication, this webinar is for you. AGENDA 1. Sanity checks before migrating into MySQL replication setup 2. Operating system configuration 3. Replication 4. Backup 5. Provisioning 6. Performance 7. Schema changes 8. Reporting 9. Disaster recovery SPEAKER Krzysztof Książek, Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines, is a MySQL DBA with experience managing complex database environments for companies like Zendesk, Chegg, Pinterest and Flipboard.

mysqlstable environmentreplication
#6 – Schema Changes (3/4) 
! Total Order Isolation (TOI) 
! Default method 
! Executed in the same order wrt to other transactions on all 
Galera nodes. 
! Cluster behaves like a single mysql server 
! Ok for non-copying ALTER TABLE or tiny seldomly used tables 
(100s of records) or if application traffic is disabled. 
! Not ok for copying ALTERs, since table is LOCKED. 
! May wreak havoc 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#6 – Schema Changes (4/4) 
! Rolling Schema Upgrade (RSU) 
! DDL is not replicated, executed on one node at a time 
! Executed on one node at a time: 
! node1> SET GLOBAL wsrep_OSU_method=RSU; 
node1> ALTER TABLE …. 
// check that node1 is SYNCED 
node2> SET GLOBAL wsrep_OSU_method=RSU; 
node2> ALTER TABLE …. 
! The change MUST be a compatible schema change. 
! E.g ALTER TABLE .. DROP COLUMN will wreak havoc. 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#7 – Security / Encryption (1/2) 
! Encrypt replication links between Galera nodes. 
Especially in public cloud environments / WAN setups. 
! Create a certificate and a key 
! wsrep_provider_options=’socket.ssl_cert=galera_rep.crt; 
socket.ssl_key=galera_rep.key;<rest of wsrep provider 
! Requires a complete stop of all nodes. 
! Don’t forget to set this option for the garbd (arbitrator)! 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#7 – Security / Encryption (2/2) 
! Nothing to do with Galera but… 
! Encrypt application links between Galera nodes and 
applications, especially in public/untrusted environments: 
! Dense howto: 
Copyright Severalnines AB

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This document provides an overview and agenda for a webinar on managing and monitoring MySQL clusters using ClusterControl by Severalnines. The webinar host is introduced and instructions are provided for asking questions. The webinar will cover topics such as operating system configuration, backup strategies, replication, query performance, schema changes, security, reporting, and disaster recovery. Case studies and customers are also briefly mentioned.

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RDS for MySQL provides a fully managed MySQL database in the cloud. It handles backups, provisioning, patching, and failover automatically. While convenient, RDS has some limitations like inability to choose database versions, limited control over maintenance windows, and downtime required for migrations or upgrades. Careful planning is needed for workloads with high availability or latency requirements. Overall RDS reduces DBA overhead but still requires expertise for design, tuning, and automation.

How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides
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How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides

We continuously see great interest in MySQL load balancing and HAProxy, so we thought it was about time we organised a live webinar on the topic! Here is the replay of that webinar! As most of you will know, database clusters and load balancing go hand in hand. Once your data is distributed and replicated across multiple database nodes, a load balancing mechanism helps distribute database requests, and gives applications a single database endpoint to connect to. Instance failures or maintenance operations like node additions/removals, reconfigurations or version upgrades can be masked behind a load balancer. This provides an efficient way of isolating changes in the database layer from the rest of the infrastructure. In this webinar, we cover the concepts around the popular open-source HAProxy load balancer, and show you how to use it with your SQL-based database clusters. We also discuss HA strategies for HAProxy with Keepalived and Virtual IP. Agenda: * What is HAProxy? * SQL Load balancing for MySQL * Failure detection using MySQL health checks * High Availability with Keepalived and Virtual IP * Use cases: MySQL Cluster, Galera Cluster and MySQL Replication * Alternative methods: Database drivers with inbuilt cluster support, MySQL proxy, MaxScale, ProxySQL

virtual ipkeepalivedgalera cluster
#8 - Reporting 
! Try to separate OLTP and OLAP if possible 
! Run reports off an async slave or dedicated node 
! Remember: huge queries eat CPU, RAM and DISK. 
! Galera is not faster than its slowest node. 
! Watch out for reports with side effects 
! Large updates writing back? 
! Consider using Amazon Redshift (Data Warehouse) 
! Upload CSV files for processing. 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#9 – Protecting from Disasters (1/5) 
! Eventually a disaster will happen 
! Software bugs 
! Network / router upgrades 
! AZ down 
! Schema / software / hardware upgrade going wrong 
! Too many connections 
Copyright Severalnines AB
#9 – Protecting from Disasters (1/5) 
! One way of protecting from Cluster failures is to use an 
asynchronous slave replicating from the Galera Cluster. 
! If the Cluster would fail, the asynchronous slave could 
take over and handle the application work load until the 
cluster error has been resolved. 
Copyright Severalnines AB 
Galera Cluster in DC1 Async Slave DC2 
#9 – Protecting from Disasters (2/5) 
! Asynchronously replicated slave, benefits: 
! + Decoupled from the Cluster 
! - Data loss is possible (minimize with semi-sync replication, but write 
performance will suffer) 
! Setup one or more Galera nodes to be Replication Masters (RM) 
and connect the Replication Slave (RS) 
Copyright Severalnines AB 
Galera Cluster in DC1 
Async Slave DC2 
Semi sync is optional 

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You’re running MySQL as backend database, how do you tune it to make best use of the hardware? How do you optimize the Operating System? How do you best configure MySQL for a specific database workload? Do these questions sound familiar to you? Maybe you’re having to deal with that type of situation yourself? In this webinar, we’ve discussed some of the settings that are most often tweaked and which can bring you significant improvement in the performance of your MySQL database. We also covered some of the variables which are frequently modified even though they should not. Performance tuning is not easy, but you can go a surprisingly long way with a few basic guidelines. AGENDA Database tuning - the what and why Principles of the tuning process Tuning the Operating System configuration Tuning the MySQL configuration Useful tools pt-summary pt-mysql-summary What to avoid when tuning OS and MySQL configuration SPEAKER Krzysztof Książek, Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines, is a MySQL DBA with experience managing complex database environments for companies like Zendesk, Chegg, Pinterest and Flipboard. This webinar is based on our popular blog series ‘Become a MySQL DBA’.

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Multi Source Replication With MySQL 5.7 @ Verisure
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Verisure migrated their data warehouse from using Tungsten Replicator to native multi-source replication in MySQL 5.7 to simplify operations. They loaded data from production shards into the new data warehouse setup using XtraBackup backups and improved replication capacity with MySQL's parallel replication features. Some issues were encountered with replication lag reporting and crashes during the upgrade but most were resolved. Monitoring and management tools also required updates to support the new multi-source replication configuration.

#9 – Protecting from Disasters (3/5) 
! Using GTIDs (available in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0) 
allows for easy fail-over from RM2 to RM1: 
Copyright Severalnines AB 
Galera Cluster in DC1 
Async Slave DC2 
Semi sync is optional 
#9 – Protecting from Disasters (4/5) 
! Prepare each Galera Replication Master (MySQL 5.6 style): 
server_id=X # must be a unique number 
! Prepare each Slave (MySQL 5.6 style): 
server_id=Y ## must be a unique number 
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Copyright Severalnines AB 
#9 – Protecting from Disasters (5/5) 
! Enabling the binlog (log_slave_updates and log_bin) on 
the Galera nodes allows you to do Point In Time 
! Restore last backup (must be newer than 
expire_logs_days ) 
! Use the binary logs to roll forward until last transaction.
#9 – Protecting from Disasters (1/5) 
! A common problem is overload situations, which can 
originate from: 
! Website is loading slow, user reload, creating more and more 
! Eventually the MySQL server runs out of connections 
! 5.6 only scales to 40 cores anyways 
! A good way of alleviating this is to use a Proxy, e.g 
Copyright Severalnines AB

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Become a MySQL DBA: performing live database upgrades - webinar slides

In this webinar we cover one of the most basic, but essential tasks of the DBA: minor and major database upgrades in production environments. AGENDA What types of upgrades are there? How do I best prepare for the upgrades? Best practices for: Minor version upgrades - MySQL & Galera Major version upgrades - MySQL & Galera SPEAKER Krzysztof Książek, Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines, is a MySQL DBA with experience managing complex database environments for companies like Zendesk, Chegg, Pinterest and Flipboard. This webinar builds upon recent blog posts and related webinar series by Krzysztof on how to become a MySQL DBA. To view all the blogs of the ‘Become a MySQL DBA’ series visit:

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Become a MySQL DBA - webinar series - slides: Which High Availability solution?
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There are many many approaches to MySQL high availability - from traditional, loosely-coupled database setups based on asynchronous replication to more modern, tightly-coupled architectures based on synchronous replication. These offer varying degrees of protection, and DBAs almost always have to choose a trade-off between high-availability and cost. In this webinar, we looked at some of the most widely used HA alternatives in the MySQL world and discuss their pros and cons. AGENDA - HA - what is it? - Caching layer - HA solutions • MySQL Replication • MySQL Cluster • Galera Cluster • Hybrid Replication - Proxy layer • HAProxy • MaxScale • Elastic Load Balancer (AWS) - Common issues • Split brain scenarios • GTID-based failover and Errant Transactions

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Repair & Recovery for your MySQL, MariaDB & MongoDB / TokuMX Clusters - Webin...

This document discusses redundancy models for MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB and TokuMX databases. It covers asynchronous replication used in MySQL replication and MongoDB/TokuMX compared to synchronous replication in Galera and NDB Cluster. The document then zooms into recovery procedures for Galera clusters and discusses how to prevent split-brain situations in multi-datacenter setups through the use of additional nodes and assigning node weights.

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9 DevOps Tips for Going in Production with Galera Cluster for MySQL - Slides

  • 1. Nine DevOps Tips For Going Into Production With Galera Cluster Confidential November 11, 2014 Johan Andersson & Jean-Jérôme Schmidt Severalnines &
  • 2. Confidential Logistics ! I'm Jean-Jérôme and I’ll be your host for today's webinar ! Feel free to ask any questions in the Questions section of this application or via the Chat box ! You can also contact me directly via the chat box or via email: during or after the webinar 2 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 3. Confidential ClusterControl In a nutshell 3 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Manage Scale Deploy Monitor
  • 4. Supported Databases Confidential SQL ! MariaDB Cluster ! MySQL Galera Cluster (Codership) ! Percona XtraDB Cluster ! MySQL Cluster (NDB) ! MySQL Replication 5.6 ! Standalone MySQL/MariaDB NoSQL ! MongoDB Sharded Cluster ! MongoDB Replica Set ! TokuMX Cluster Copyright Severalnines AB 4
  • 5. Confidential Customers 5 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 6. Confidential Agenda ! 101 Sanity Check ! Operating System ! Backup Strategies ! Galera Recovery ! Query Performance ! Schema Changes ! Security / Encryption ! Reporting ! Protecting from Disasters 6 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 7. #1 – 101 Sanity Check (1/4) ! Ensure ALL tables are InnoDB or XtraDB ! Innodb supports FULLTEXT indexes in MySQL5.6 ! Ensure ALL tables have a PRIMARY KEY ! If no PRIMARY KEY is defined you can do: ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN pkid BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY; ! Ensure you have NO unbound queries ! E.g UPDATE table SET x=x+1 (and there are many rows) ! Update/delete in smaller batches (e.g 1000 records). ! Better support for huge (unbound) queries are in the pipe Confidential 7 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 8. #1 – 101 Sanity Check (2/4) ! Ensure that the application can tolerate non-sequential Confidential auto increments. ! Redirect deadlock prone update queries on hot tables and rows to one of the Galera nodes: ! E.g UPDATE counter_tbl SET counter = counter +1; ! set-haproxy-single-node-writes-and-multi-node-reads ! Use wsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup-v2 8 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 9. #1 – 101 Sanity Check (3/4) Confidential ! WAN environment? ! [Note] WSREP: (0b066c90-d4fb-11e1-0800-96b2cf43aaf6, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: tcp:// [Note] WSREP: (0b066c90-d4fb-11e1-0800-96b2cf43aaf6, 'tcp://') reconnecting to df4e387f-d4e2- 11e1-0800-2e6080299165 (tcp://, attempt 0 ! Increase timeouts ! wsrep_provider_options=‘evs.keepalive_period=PT3S; evs.inactive_check_period=PT10S; evs.suspect_timeout=PT30S; evs.inactive_timeout=PT1M; evs.install_timeout=PT1M; evs.send_window=1024; evs.user_send_window=512’; ! This will relax how fast a node will be evicted from the cluster. ! Usually default values are good if networks with a ping time of <10-15 ms. 9 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 10. #1 – 101 Sanity Check (4/4) ! There is no reason to use any 5.5 based MySQL variants ! Use MySQL 5.6 / MariaDB 10.x ! Lots of bug fixes ! Performance optimizations ! Write intensive workloads ! Query optimizer enhancements ! A good foundation for later upgrading to 5.7 based Confidential MySQL ! Use Galera Version 3.x series 10 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 11. #2 – Operating System (1/2) Confidential ! Swapping ! echo “1” > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness ! NUMA on Multi-socket ! Can lead to contention and strange lock ups ! Is it enabled: dmesg | grep –i numa ! Grub boot option ”numa=off” ! … and other possibilities ! Filesystem ! Reduce writes by mounting with ! noatime 11 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 12. #2 – Operating System (2/2) ! In Virtualized environments it is easy to over-commit resources on a single Host. ! Keep track on the Host hosting the VMs ! Is it heavily loaded? ! CPU Steal (check on the VMs)? ! Is it swapping? Confidential 12 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 13. Confidential #3 – Backup ! Percona XtraBackup ! Online consistent backup ! Full and Incremental backups ! Possible to backup databases and tables when innodb_file_per_table is used. ! Parallelism & compression & encryption ! mysqldump ! Use with –single-transaction, consistent / online for innodb tables ! May require tweaking of innodb_old_blocks_time and innodb_old_blocks_pct (default values in 5.6 are quite good). ! S3 / Glazier or Swift can be used for offline/offsite storage 13 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 14. Copyright Severalnines AB #4 – Galera Recovery (IST) (1/3) ! IST (Incremental State Transfer) is faster than SST (Snapshot Confidential State Transfer). ! Each Galera node has a cache, gcache. ! Stores committed write sets ! Circular buffer ! If a node is down (crash, maint window) and then becomes a JOINER: ! Send ID of last applied write set to the DONOR ! DONOR checks if it can send the next events from the gcache. ! Yes == IST (fast) ! No == SST (slow). E.g 3TB of data is no fun to SST.
  • 15. #4 – Galera Recovery (IST) (2/3) ! Dimension the gcache, example to handle a maintenance window of 6 hours: ! Writes to cluster per second: 1MB/s ! Maintenance window (seconds) = 6 hours *60*60 = 21600s ! gcache size = 1 MB/s x 21600 s = 21GB ! 1.5x or 2x the value to have margins: Confidential ! gcache.size=42G ! wsrep_provider_options=‘gcache.size=42G;…’ 15 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 16. Copyright Severalnines AB #4 – Galera Recovery (IST) (3/3) Confidential ! How much do you write to the Galera Cluster? ! Look at the sum of wsrep_replicated_bytes and wsrep_received_bytes and get the rate between two points in time. ! Here we can see that a node handles: 109575 + 33758 bytes / second = ~140KB/s 16
  • 17. Copyright Severalnines AB #4 – Galera Recovery (SST) ! Two pitfalls to be avoided with SSTs: ! wsrep_sst_method=rsync ! you may have to change in /usr/bin/wsrep_sst_rsync: ! timeout = 300 ! 3600 (or bigger) ! Else the rsync daemons may timeout when initializing the SST. ! wsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup[-v2] ! Uses mysql tmpdir by default. ! If tmpdir is too small SST may fail on the donor. The transaction Confidential log simply does not fit. ! You can set in my.cnf: [xtrabackup] tmpdir=/a/bigger/partition ! How big do I need tmpdir to be? [KB writes to node ] x [ backup time ]. Similar to the gcache.
  • 18. #5 – Query Performance (1/5) ! A number of things to watch out for: ! Badly written queries or missing indexes ! DDL locking many record (BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1 FOR UPDATE; Confidential … ) ! DDL updating/deleting many records in one chunk ! wsrep_max_ws_rows/wsrep_max_ws_size sets upper limits ! Update/delete “small” batches of 1000-10000 records. Do not update 100000 records. ! Deadlocks and deadlock prone code ! E.g running two mysqldumps at the same time ! Updating the very same record in a very hot table from multiple threads on multiple hosts ! Use your favorite tool to detect the problems 18 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 19. #5 – Query Performance (2/5) ! When Performance grinds to a halt you want to know! Confidential 19 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 20. #5 – Query Performance (3/5) ! You may want to have an Alarm notification (in 1.2.9) Confidential 20 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 21. #5 – Query Performance (4/5) ! If a dead-lock happens, you want to tell your developers Confidential (in 1.2.9) 21 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 22. #5 – Query Performance (5/5) ! And see if Galera is clogged up Confidential 22 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 23. #6 – Schema Changes (1/4) ! Consider an upgrade from schema version V1 to version V2 ! There are two principal types of schema changes that can Confidential be performed: ! Compatible ! E.g ALTER TABLE .. ADD COLUMN … , CREATE INDEX .. ! Application(s) will still continue with V1 ! Upgrade schema first, then applications ! Incompatible ! E.g ALTER TABLE .. DROP COLUMN … ! Application(s) cannot use V2 ! Must upgrade applications first to support V2, and upgrade schema to V2 23 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 24. #6 – Schema Changes (2/4) ! Galera supports multiple ways for upgrading schema Confidential from V1 to V2 ! Total Order Isolation (TOI) ! wsrep_osu_method=TOI ! Rolling Schema Upgrade (RSU) ! wsrep_osu_method=RSU ! Desynching nodes (not covered here),but check out cluster-best-practices-zero-downtime-schema-changes 24 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 25. #6 – Schema Changes (3/4) ! Total Order Isolation (TOI) Confidential ! Default method ! Executed in the same order wrt to other transactions on all Galera nodes. ! Cluster behaves like a single mysql server ! Ok for non-copying ALTER TABLE or tiny seldomly used tables (100s of records) or if application traffic is disabled. ! ALTER TABLE … ADD INDEX.. / CREATE INDEX.. ! Not ok for copying ALTERs, since table is LOCKED. ! May wreak havoc 25 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 26. #6 – Schema Changes (4/4) ! Rolling Schema Upgrade (RSU) ! DDL is not replicated, executed on one node at a time ! Executed on one node at a time: ! node1> SET GLOBAL wsrep_OSU_method=RSU; node1> ALTER TABLE …. // check that node1 is SYNCED node2> SET GLOBAL wsrep_OSU_method=RSU; node2> ALTER TABLE …. ! The change MUST be a compatible schema change. ! E.g ALTER TABLE .. DROP COLUMN will wreak havoc. Confidential 26 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 27. #7 – Security / Encryption (1/2) ! Encrypt replication links between Galera nodes. Especially in public cloud environments / WAN setups. ! Create a certificate and a key galera-cluster-mysql ! wsrep_provider_options=’socket.ssl_cert=galera_rep.crt; socket.ssl_key=galera_rep.key;<rest of wsrep provider options>’ ! Requires a complete stop of all nodes. ! Don’t forget to set this option for the garbd (arbitrator)! Confidential 27 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 28. #7 – Security / Encryption (2/2) ! Nothing to do with Galera but… ! Encrypt application links between Galera nodes and applications, especially in public/untrusted environments: ! Dense howto: linuxmysqlencryption Confidential 28 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 29. Confidential #8 - Reporting ! Try to separate OLTP and OLAP if possible ! Run reports off an async slave or dedicated node ! Remember: huge queries eat CPU, RAM and DISK. ! Galera is not faster than its slowest node. ! Watch out for reports with side effects ! Large updates writing back? ! Consider using Amazon Redshift (Data Warehouse) ! Upload CSV files for processing. ! upload-mysql-data-amazon-redshift-reporting-and-analytics 29 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 30. #9 – Protecting from Disasters (1/5) ! Eventually a disaster will happen ! Software bugs ! Network / router upgrades ! AZ down ! Schema / software / hardware upgrade going wrong ! Too many connections Confidential 30 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 31. #9 – Protecting from Disasters (1/5) ! One way of protecting from Cluster failures is to use an asynchronous slave replicating from the Galera Cluster. ! If the Cluster would fail, the asynchronous slave could take over and handle the application work load until the cluster error has been resolved. Confidential 31 Copyright Severalnines AB Galera Cluster in DC1 Async Slave DC2 READ ONLY!
  • 32. #9 – Protecting from Disasters (2/5) ! Asynchronously replicated slave, benefits: ! + Decoupled from the Cluster ! - Data loss is possible (minimize with semi-sync replication, but write Confidential performance will suffer) ! Setup one or more Galera nodes to be Replication Masters (RM) and connect the Replication Slave (RS) 32 Copyright Severalnines AB Galera Cluster in DC1 Async Slave DC2 RM1 RM2 Asynchronous Replication, Semi sync is optional RS1 READ ONLY!
  • 33. #9 – Protecting from Disasters (3/5) ! Using GTIDs (available in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0) allows for easy fail-over from RM2 to RM1: ! slave> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=’RM1’, MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1; START SLAVE; Confidential 33 Copyright Severalnines AB Galera Cluster in DC1 Async Slave DC2 RM1 RM2 Asynchronous Replication, Semi sync is optional RS1
  • 34. #9 – Protecting from Disasters (4/5) ! Prepare each Galera Replication Master (MySQL 5.6 style): gtid_mode=ON enforce_gtid_consistency=1 log_bin=binlog log_slave_updates=1 expire_logs_days=7 #loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled=1 server_id=X # must be a unique number ! Prepare each Slave (MySQL 5.6 style): gtid_mode=ON enforce_gtid_consistency=1 log_bin=binlog relay_log=relay-bin log_slave_updates=1 expire_logs_days=7 #loose_rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled=1 server_id=Y ## must be a unique number Confidential Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 35. Copyright Severalnines AB #9 – Protecting from Disasters (5/5) ! Enabling the binlog (log_slave_updates and log_bin) on the Galera nodes allows you to do Point In Time Recovery ! Restore last backup (must be newer than Confidential expire_logs_days ) ! Use the binary logs to roll forward until last transaction.
  • 36. #9 – Protecting from Disasters (1/5) ! A common problem is overload situations, which can originate from: ! DDOS ! Website is loading slow, user reload, creating more and more Confidential connections ! Eventually the MySQL server runs out of connections (max_connections) ! 5.6 only scales to 40 cores anyways ! A good way of alleviating this is to use a Proxy, e.g HAProxy. 36 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 37. #9 – Protecting from Disasters (3/5) Confidential 37 Copyright Severalnines AB Galera Cluster Limit the # of backend connections HAProxy queues incoming connections
  • 39. Confidential Thank You! ! Cluster Configurator ! ! ClusterControl ! ! Severalnines Blog ! ! Contact: 39