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Apache Performance Tuning

        Part 2: Scaling Out

  Sander Temme <>
•   Introduction
•   Redundancy in Hardware
•   Building Out: Separate Tiers
•   Building Out: Load Balancing
•   Caching Content
•   Conclusion
• Why do This?
  – Scalability (Oh my gosh, I’m so popular!)
  – Reliability (We need five nines!)
• Why NOT do This?
  – It costs money
Redundancy in Hardware
• Moving Parts Break
  –   Hard Disks
  –   Power Supplies
  –   Hard Disks
  –   Fans
  –   Hard Disks
• Buy High Quality Disks
  – Refurbished, OEM, Brand Name
  – Which has longer warranty?
  – Which is more reliable?

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Tomcat next
Tomcat nextTomcat next
Tomcat next

The document provides an overview and progress report on Apache Tomcat NEXT. It discusses new features required by specifications like Java EE 8 and Servlet 4.0. Key changes include full support for HTTP/2, TLS improvements like SNI and multiple certificates, and removal of outdated features. Internal changes improved connectors and refactored WebSocket handling. The rationale for Apache Tomcat 8.5 was to provide new features sooner than waiting for Java EE 8's delayed release. HTTP/2, OpenSSL encryption, and TLS virtual hosting are highlighted.

tomcatjava opensslhttp2
How to monitor and manage Apache Tomcat
How to monitor and manage Apache TomcatHow to monitor and manage Apache Tomcat
How to monitor and manage Apache Tomcat

The document describes how to monitor Apache Tomcat application instances using Verax NMS monitoring software. It includes adding the Tomcat application to the device inventory in Verax NMS, configuring availability sensors and performance counters, and an overview of the features provided by the Verax NMS Apache Tomcat plugin for monitoring things like general information, applications, request processors, connectors and thread pools.

apache tomcat monitoringapache tomcatapplication monitoring
Fastest Servlets in the West
Fastest Servlets in the WestFastest Servlets in the West
Fastest Servlets in the West

The venerable Servlet Container still has some performance tricks up its sleeve - this talk will demonstrate Apache Tomcat's stability under high load, describe some do's (and some don'ts!), explain how to performance test a Servlet-based application, troubleshoot and tune the container and your application and compare the performance characteristics of the different Tomcat connectors. The presenters will share their combined experience supporting real Tomcat applications for over 20 years and show how a few small changes can make a big, big difference.

apache tomcatjavatomcat
Server Configuration
• Mirror those Disks
  – Install the RAID utility
  – Have it warn you
  – RAID is no good if you don’t learn of
• Redundant Power Supplies
  – On different circuits
Scaling Vertically
Scaling Vertically
• Move Services to Other Hosts
• Pros:
  – Less resource contention
  – Specialized hardware
  – Scale out tiers individually
• Cons:
  – Development/Deployment harder
  – More hosts to manage
Scaling Horizontally

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Apache TomEE - Tomcat with a kick
Apache TomEE  - Tomcat with a kickApache TomEE  - Tomcat with a kick
Apache TomEE - Tomcat with a kick

An OpenEJB presentation on "Apache TomEE" TomEE aims to provide a fully certified Java EE 6 Web profile stack based on Tomcat, allowing you to use Java EE features in your lightweight Tomcat applications. A stack that's assembled and maintained by the Apache OpenEJB project

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[NYC Meetup] Docker at Nuxeo

In this talk, Damien describes the infrastructure Nuxeo has built around Docker containers, which is mainly based on CoreOS and Docker, and how it provides a way to generically run applications not only on a single host, but across a whole cluster of hosts. The resulting architecture can be used to implement a PaaS approach for any application.

Performance all teh things
Performance all teh thingsPerformance all teh things
Performance all teh things

This document discusses benchmarking Drupal performance and optimizing it with APC caching. It finds that a plain HTML page serves 1000 requests 32 times faster than Drupal. Installing the APC opcode cache speeds up Drupal significantly by caching compiled PHP files in memory. The document provides instructions for installing APC on Linux and verifying its setup. Other caching techniques like Varnish, Memcache and database tuning are also mentioned as ways to improve Drupal performance.

Scaling Horizontally
•   Multiple servers per tier
•   All receive requests
•   All serve same content
•   Some arbitration scheme
Load Balancing Schemes
• DNS Tricks
• Peer Server Pools
  – Network Load Balancing (Win2k3)
  – Wackamole
• Load Balancing Appliance
  – Box from F5, Juniper, Cisco, Foundry, …
  – Linux Virtual Server
DNS Round-Robin
• Easy!
• Multiple A Records in DNS Zone File
• Not Smart:
  – DNS Lookups are cached
  – Load on Server
  – Server Outage
Example Zone File 86400   IN SOA (
           2006051401   ; Serial
           86400        ; refresh (1 day)
           7200         ; retry (2 hours)
           8640000      ; expire (10 days)
           86400 )      ; minimum (1 day)        IN       NS

gw                IN        A
bagheera          IN        A

; ...

mail              IN        CNAME    bagheera
ns                IN        CNAME    bagheera

www               IN        A
                  IN        A
                  IN        A

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CRX2Oak - all the secrets of repository migration
CRX2Oak - all the secrets of repository migrationCRX2Oak - all the secrets of repository migration
CRX2Oak - all the secrets of repository migration

CRX2Oak is an official migration tool that allows to migrate data between different repository types. The most common use-case is upgrading an old, CQ 5.x repository to the AEM 6.x format. This session will cover the basic CRX2Oak usage, describe it's more advanced options and also share some real-world cases of large-scale (hundreds of GBs) data migration cases.

aem6 adobe crx2oak evolve 2016
Aem maintenance
Aem maintenanceAem maintenance
Aem maintenance

The document discusses key maintenance activities for an AEM implementation including backup, compaction, purging, cloning, and other approaches. It provides details on planning and executing online and offline backups, online and offline compaction, version purging, workflow purging, audit log purging, and cloning publish instances. The document emphasizes the importance of backups, compaction, and purging to optimize storage usage, improve performance, and maintain an optimal AEM instance.

Auxiliary : Tomcat
Auxiliary : TomcatAuxiliary : Tomcat
Auxiliary : Tomcat

Tomcat is an open source servlet container that is used to run Java servlets and JSP pages to build web applications. It originated from a combination of the JServ and Sun Microsystems servlet engines. Tomcat adheres closely to Java servlet and JSP specifications, is highly customizable, and provides features like automatic reloading for development and thread pooling for production performance. It is installed by extracting binary files, setting environment variables, and can be started or stopped using scripts.

Peer-based: NLB
• Windows 2000 Server Enterprise Ed.,
  Windows Server 2003
• Up to 32 hosts in cluster
• All hosts assume cluster IP, MAC
• NLB makes LB decision
  – Only one host gets to answer TCP
• Should be application independent
Peer-based: Wackamole
• High Availability Solution
• When Host Fails
  – Other hosts take over its IP addresses
  – Distribute IP addresses among cluster
  – Every IP address reliably available
• No Load Balancing!
  – Use with RR DNS (or something)
Load Balancing Device

Client      Internet
Load Balancing
• One Load Balancer
• Many Web Servers
• Choice of Balancing Schemes
  – Round-robin, Least Used, …
• Reliability
  – Heartbeats, unavailable servers don’t
    receive requests
• Feature War

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Tomcat configuration
Tomcat configurationTomcat configuration
Tomcat configuration

Tomcat is an open-source Java Servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation that implements the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications from Sun Microsystems. It is written in Java, so it is platform independent. Tomcat requires setting the JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME environment variables and extracting the source files to a directory before starting the server on port 8080 and accessing the welcome page. The server.xml file can be configured to serve files from a custom webapps directory.

Apache Tomcat 7 by Filip Hanik
Apache Tomcat 7 by Filip HanikApache Tomcat 7 by Filip Hanik
Apache Tomcat 7 by Filip Hanik

Upgrading to Apache Tomcat 7 covers the key changes in upgrading from older versions of Tomcat to version 7, including specification changes to support Servlet 3.0 and new features like asynchronous servlets and annotations. It outlines new management, performance, security, deployment, and embedding capabilities in Tomcat 7. The presentation also provides an overview of WebSocket support in Tomcat 7 and future plans, as well as useful resources for more information.

tomcat7jug argentina
Tomcat New Evolution
Tomcat New EvolutionTomcat New Evolution
Tomcat New Evolution

Tomcat New Evolution discusses the new features introduced in Tomcat 6 and 7. Some key highlights include: - Tomcat 6 introduced features like memory leak prevention, CSRF protection, session fixation protection, NIO connector, Comet support, logging improvements, web services support, and clustering. - Tomcat 7 features included externalizing static resources, WebSocket support, easier embedded usage, and asynchronous logging. - Both versions aimed to improve performance, security, and scalability through these new capabilities. Tomcat continues evolving to support newer standards and address common issues.

Linux Virtual Server
• Free, Open Source, etc.
• IP Virtual Server module in kernel
• Lots of auxiliary modules
  – Like a box of Legos
  – May come with Your Distribution
• Do It Yourself
Example: mod_proxy_balancer
• New in Apache HTTP Server 2.2
• Part of mod_proxy
• Two Load Balancing Methods
  – By number of requests
  – By number of bytes
• Detects failed backends
Apache Configuration
Listen 80
LogLevel debug
TransferLog logs/access_log

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/

ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/
ProxyPassReverse /
ProxyPassReverse /

<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
Example: Tomcat, mod_jk
• Apache + mod_jk
• Multiple Tomcat servers
• Balancer Worker

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Introduction of Tomcat
Introduction of TomcatIntroduction of Tomcat
Introduction of Tomcat

This document provides an introduction and overview of the Apache Tomcat application server. It defines what an application server is and explains that Apache Tomcat is an open source implementation of Java Servlet, JSP, JSTL, and WebSocket technologies. It describes the key components of Tomcat, including Catalina, Coyote, Jasper, and how they enable Tomcat to function as a web and application server. It also provides basic installation instructions for setting up Tomcat on an Amazon EC2 instance.

Java troubleshooting thread dump
Java troubleshooting thread dumpJava troubleshooting thread dump
Java troubleshooting thread dump

This document discusses thread analysis and provides information on common thread problems, thread types, and how to analyze thread dumps. Some key points: - Common thread problems include app servers freezing, becoming unresponsive, crashing, or having high CPU usage. GC thrashing, slow performance, and hung threads are also issues. - A thread dump shows the state, stack trace and other details of active threads in the JVM. This can help identify problems like infinite loops, blocking/contention, or heavy GC. - Thread contention occurs when one thread waits for a lock held by another. Deadlock is a special form where threads are cyclically waiting on each other. - Analyzing thread dumps involves

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High Availability proxy designed to solve real issues of MySQL setups from small to very large production environments. Presentation at Percona Live Amsterdam 2015

database mysql proxy ha performance
Apache Configuration
LoadModule jk_module /Volumes/Files/asf/httpd-r415210w/modules/
JKMount /servlets-examples/* loadbalancer
JKMount /*.jsp loadbalancer
JkMount /jkmanager/* jkstatus
JKLogFile logs/jk_log
JKLogLevel debug
JKWorkerProperty worker.list=loadbalancer,jkstatus
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc1.port=15109
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc1.type=ajp13
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc1.lbfactor=1
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc2.port=15209
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc2.type=ajp13
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc2.lbfactor=1
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc3.port=15309
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc3.type=ajp13
JKWorkerProperty worker.tc3.lbfactor=1
JKWorkerProperty worker.loadbalancer.type=lb
JKWorkerProperty worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=tc1, tc2, tc3
JKWorkerProperty worker.jkstatus.type=status
Tomcat Configuration
   • Put same content on all Tomcats
   • Edit conf/server.xml:
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="tc1">

   • jvmRoute must match jk worker
Problem: Session State
• HTTP is Stateless
• Apps use Sessions
  – Cookies
  – URL Encoding
• Session created on single server
  – Broken by Load Balancing
  – PHP: sessions stored on disk
Solutions: Session State
• “Sticky” routing on Load Balancer
• Store State in DB
• Put benign State in Cookie
  – But don’t trust the client too much
• Replicate Sessions on Back-end

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What's New in WildFly 9?
What's New in WildFly 9?What's New in WildFly 9?
What's New in WildFly 9?

This session covers new improvements that will be introduced in WildFly 9: • Wildfly-core will be extracted from the codebase and the ability to assemble a server on top of it will be introduced. WildFly 9 will be provided in two versions: Wildfly Web and Wildfly Full but users will be able to create their custom packaging of WildFly. • Users will be able to shutdown the application server in a graceful manner - after the shutdown command is executed server will reject new requests and allow existing requests to finish before it shuts down. • Support for HTTP/2, a new version of HTTP protocol based on SPDY, will be introduced. • Users will be able to use WildFly as a load balancer. Consequently, it will be possible to manage the balancer with the same tools that are used to manage the rest of the domain. What is more, users will be able to use more efficient protocols, such as HTTP/2, for communication between the balancer and backend servers. • An OpenShift cartridge, which will enable users to use WildFly 9 in cloud environment, will be provided. • WildFly 9 will use OpenJDK ORB library instead of JacORB.

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are available here

This document summarizes an instructor-led discussion on advanced Apache topics including virtual hosting, setting up name-based and IP-based virtual hosts, enabling server-side includes, and enabling CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts. Key points covered include configuring Apache for virtual hosting using the VirtualHost directive, enabling CGI scripts through ScriptAlias, Options ExecCGI, and AddHandler directives, and examples of simple CGI scripts.

host website
Performance out
Performance outPerformance out
Performance out

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

Tomcat Session Replication
• Share HttpSession objects across
• One instance dies, session lives on
• Apache will route requests to other
• Uses IP Multicast
Session Replication Config
• Uncomment <Cluster> element in
• Put empty <distributable /> element in
  <web-app> element in web.xml
Caching Content
• Dynamic Content is Expensive
• Static Content Relatively Cheap
• Several Approaches:
  – Dynamic caching
  – Pre-rendering popular pages

mod_cache Configuration
<IfModule mod_cache.c>
<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>

      CacheRoot /raid1/cacheroot
      CacheEnable disk /

      # A page modified 100 min. ago will expire in 10 min.
      CacheLastModifiedFactor .1
      # Always check again after 6 hours
      CacheMaxExpire 21600



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Performance out
Performance outPerformance out
Performance out

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.


This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

2 7
2 72 7
2 7

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

Make Popular Pages Static
• RSS Feeds
• Popular catalog queries
• … (Check your access log)

Static Page Substitution
<Directory "/home/sctemme/inst/blog/httpd/htdocs">

    Options +Indexes

    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    RewriteEngine on

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/$1 [L,QSA]


Tuning the Database Tier
• Not my area (sorry)
• Give Money to Oracle Consultants
  – (or MySQL) (or …)
• Tip: Separate Read and Write
  – Replicate from Write db to Read db
  – Read db data slightly stale
    • Does it matter?
Putting it All Together


Client                         Write-only

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Performance out
Performance outPerformance out
Performance out

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

Performance out
Performance outPerformance out
Performance out

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

Performance out
Performance outPerformance out
Performance out

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

Monitoring the Farm
• Monitor for outages
  – More boxes, more failure
  – HA can mask failures
• Monitor for performance
  – Utilization
  – Trends
Monitoring Solutions
• Nagios
  – Check services, hosts for outage
  – Highly configurable, extendable
  – Worth your time investment
• Ganglia
  – Monitor for performance
  – See Brad Nicholes’s session
Monitoring Caveats
• Takes Time, Effort
  – Highly flexible products
• You can’t fix it
  – If you don’t know it’s broken
• You can’t tune it
  – If you don’t know the bottlenecks
Conference Roadmap
• Monitoring 2.0 - Zenoss, the next level of IT
  management (Training)
• Apache Performance Tuning Part 1:
  Scaling Up
• Load-balancing with Apache HTTPD 2.2
  and later
• Scaling the download infrastructure with
  your success
• Break My Site

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Performance out
Performance outPerformance out
Performance out

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

Performance out
Performance outPerformance out
Performance out

This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.


This document discusses techniques for scaling out Apache web servers to improve performance and reliability. It covers adding redundancy with hardware components like RAID disk mirroring and redundant power supplies. It also discusses scaling out the application tier vertically by moving services to separate hosts, and horizontally by load balancing traffic across multiple servers. Load balancing can be done with techniques like DNS round robin, network load balancers, and load balancing appliances. The document also addresses session state management across servers and caching static content to improve performance.

Current Version
Thank You

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Apache Performance Tuning: Scaling Out

  • 1. Apache Performance Tuning Part 2: Scaling Out Sander Temme <>
  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • Redundancy in Hardware • Building Out: Separate Tiers • Building Out: Load Balancing • Caching Content • Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction • Why do This? – Scalability (Oh my gosh, I’m so popular!) – Reliability (We need five nines!) • Why NOT do This? – It costs money
  • 4. Redundancy in Hardware • Moving Parts Break – Hard Disks – Power Supplies – Hard Disks – Fans – Hard Disks • Buy High Quality Disks – Refurbished, OEM, Brand Name – Which has longer warranty? – Which is more reliable?
  • 5. Server Configuration • Mirror those Disks – Install the RAID utility – Have it warn you – RAID is no good if you don’t learn of failures! • Redundant Power Supplies – On different circuits
  • 7. Scaling Vertically • Move Services to Other Hosts • Pros: – Less resource contention – Specialized hardware – Scale out tiers individually • Cons: – Development/Deployment harder – More hosts to manage
  • 9. Scaling Horizontally • Multiple servers per tier • All receive requests • All serve same content • Some arbitration scheme
  • 10. Load Balancing Schemes • DNS Tricks • Peer Server Pools – Network Load Balancing (Win2k3) – Wackamole • Load Balancing Appliance – Box from F5, Juniper, Cisco, Foundry, … – Linux Virtual Server
  • 11. DNS Round-Robin • Easy! • Multiple A Records in DNS Zone File • Not Smart: – DNS Lookups are cached – Load on Server – Server Outage
  • 12. Example Zone File 86400 IN SOA ( 2006051401 ; Serial 86400 ; refresh (1 day) 7200 ; retry (2 hours) 8640000 ; expire (10 days) 86400 ) ; minimum (1 day) IN NS gw IN A bagheera IN A ; ... mail IN CNAME bagheera ns IN CNAME bagheera www IN A IN A IN A
  • 13. Peer-based: NLB • Windows 2000 Server Enterprise Ed., Windows Server 2003 • Up to 32 hosts in cluster • All hosts assume cluster IP, MAC • NLB makes LB decision – Only one host gets to answer TCP handshake • Should be application independent
  • 14. Peer-based: Wackamole • High Availability Solution • When Host Fails – Other hosts take over its IP addresses – Distribute IP addresses among cluster – Every IP address reliably available • No Load Balancing! – Use with RR DNS (or something)
  • 16. Load Balancing • One Load Balancer • Many Web Servers • Choice of Balancing Schemes – Round-robin, Least Used, … • Reliability – Heartbeats, unavailable servers don’t receive requests • Feature War
  • 17. Linux Virtual Server • Free, Open Source, etc. • IP Virtual Server module in kernel • Lots of auxiliary modules – Like a box of Legos – May come with Your Distribution • Do It Yourself
  • 18. Example: mod_proxy_balancer • New in Apache HTTP Server 2.2 • Part of mod_proxy • Two Load Balancing Methods – By number of requests – By number of bytes • Detects failed backends
  • 19. Apache Configuration Listen 80 LogLevel debug TransferLog logs/access_log LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/ ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/ ProxyPassReverse / ProxyPassReverse / <Proxy balancer://mycluster> BalancerMember BalancerMember </Proxy>
  • 20. Example: Tomcat, mod_jk • Apache + mod_jk • Multiple Tomcat servers • Balancer Worker
  • 21. Apache Configuration LoadModule jk_module /Volumes/Files/asf/httpd-r415210w/modules/ JKMount /servlets-examples/* loadbalancer JKMount /*.jsp loadbalancer JkMount /jkmanager/* jkstatus JKLogFile logs/jk_log JKLogLevel debug JKWorkerProperty worker.list=loadbalancer,jkstatus JKWorkerProperty worker.tc1.port=15109 JKWorkerProperty JKWorkerProperty worker.tc1.type=ajp13 JKWorkerProperty worker.tc1.lbfactor=1 JKWorkerProperty worker.tc2.port=15209 JKWorkerProperty JKWorkerProperty worker.tc2.type=ajp13 JKWorkerProperty worker.tc2.lbfactor=1 JKWorkerProperty worker.tc3.port=15309 JKWorkerProperty JKWorkerProperty worker.tc3.type=ajp13 JKWorkerProperty worker.tc3.lbfactor=1 JKWorkerProperty worker.loadbalancer.type=lb JKWorkerProperty worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=tc1, tc2, tc3 JKWorkerProperty worker.jkstatus.type=status
  • 22. Tomcat Configuration • Put same content on all Tomcats • Edit conf/server.xml: <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="tc1"> • jvmRoute must match jk worker name!
  • 23. Problem: Session State • HTTP is Stateless • Apps use Sessions – Cookies – URL Encoding • Session created on single server – Broken by Load Balancing – PHP: sessions stored on disk
  • 24. Solutions: Session State • “Sticky” routing on Load Balancer • Store State in DB • Put benign State in Cookie – But don’t trust the client too much • Replicate Sessions on Back-end
  • 25. Tomcat Session Replication • Share HttpSession objects across instances • One instance dies, session lives on • Apache will route requests to other instance • Uses IP Multicast
  • 26. Session Replication Config • Uncomment <Cluster> element in server.xml • Put empty <distributable /> element in <web-app> element in web.xml
  • 27. Caching Content • Dynamic Content is Expensive • Static Content Relatively Cheap • Several Approaches: – Dynamic caching – Pre-rendering popular pages (index.rss…) 27
  • 28. mod_cache Configuration <IfModule mod_cache.c> <IfModule mod_disk_cache.c> CacheRoot /raid1/cacheroot CacheEnable disk / # A page modified 100 min. ago will expire in 10 min. CacheLastModifiedFactor .1 # Always check again after 6 hours CacheMaxExpire 21600 </IfModule> </IfModule> 28
  • 29. Make Popular Pages Static • RSS Feeds • Popular catalog queries • … (Check your access log) 29
  • 30. Static Page Substitution <Directory "/home/sctemme/inst/blog/httpd/htdocs"> Options +Indexes Order allow,deny Allow from all RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/$1 [L,QSA] </Directory> 30
  • 31. Tuning the Database Tier • Not my area (sorry) • Give Money to Oracle Consultants – (or MySQL) (or …) • Tip: Separate Read and Write Operations – Replicate from Write db to Read db – Read db data slightly stale • Does it matter?
  • 32. Putting it All Together Read-only Internet Client Write-only
  • 33. Monitoring the Farm • Monitor for outages – More boxes, more failure – HA can mask failures • Monitor for performance – Utilization – Trends
  • 34. Monitoring Solutions • Nagios – Check services, hosts for outage – Highly configurable, extendable – Worth your time investment • Ganglia – Monitor for performance – See Brad Nicholes’s session
  • 35. Monitoring Caveats • Takes Time, Effort – Highly flexible products • You can’t fix it – If you don’t know it’s broken • You can’t tune it – If you don’t know the bottlenecks
  • 36. Conference Roadmap • Monitoring 2.0 - Zenoss, the next level of IT management (Training) • Apache Performance Tuning Part 1: Scaling Up • Load-balancing with Apache HTTPD 2.2 and later • Scaling the download infrastructure with your success • Break My Site