English Language Proficiency: TOEFL, IELTS & PTE

Since all courses at Stanford GSB are taught in English, you must demonstrate proficiency in English.

We accept the following English-language proficiency tests:

Do You Need to Take the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE?

Your citizenship and/or work experience do not exempt you from taking the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE.

If your college or university taught some of your undergraduate courses (other than foreign language classes) in a language other than English, then you must take the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE unless you subsequently completed a graduate program taught exclusively in English.

If you are uncertain whether an English-language test is required, you may wish to take it as it might strengthen your candidacy.

If your college or university taught all classes exclusively in English for either your undergraduate or graduate degree, then you are not required to take the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE. If this college or university is located in a country where English is not the primary language of daily life, please explain your circumstances in the Additional Information section of your application. We may request that you submit an English language proficiency test to supplement your application materials during the review process.

We accept test scores for the official online and at-home TOEFL and IELTS exams, as well as scores from in-person exams at authorized TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE test centers. We do not accept the online version of the PTE exam at this time. Tests must be taken before the deadline date of the application round in which you plan to apply. Scores from English proficiency tests taken after the deadline date will not be considered. You must self-report your scores on your application and send us your official scores via the score reporting center. Official scores may arrive after the deadline date.

Score Requirement

Test Minimum Score
TOEFL* 100 for the internet-based test (iBT**)
IELTS (Academic) 7.0 overall band score
PTE (Academic) 68 overall score
*We ask that you take the iBT, which includes the “speaking” section. We also accept the TOEFL iBT Home Edition and the TOEFL iBT Paper Edition.
**If you are submitting scores from the revised paper-delivered test (rPDT), which is scored from 0–30 on each of three sections, we generally require a minimum total score of 75. 

Score Validity

TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE scores are valid for two years and must be taken before submitting your application. The scores must be valid on the deadline date of the round in which you apply.

If you are applying in … You must have taken the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE on or after …
Round 1 (10 Sep 2024) 10 Sep 2022
Round 2 (08 Jan 2025) 08 Jan 2023
Round 3 (08 Apr 2025) 08 Apr 2023

Score Reporting

Self-report your scores on your Stanford MBA application form and instruct the testing agency to send your official scores to us. Report your unofficial scores if you have not yet received your official scores.

Test How to Self Report
TOEFL Instruct the Educational Testing Service to send your official scores directly to “Stanford University” (school code 4704). Specifying a department will delay the processing of your test scores.
IELTS (Academic) Report your scores directly to Stanford University and specify Stanford Graduate School of Business — MBA Program.
PTE (Academic) Report your scores directly to Stanford University and specify Graduate School of Business.

You must take the exam before the application deadline for the round in which you apply. If you take the exam prior to the application deadline but your unofficial scores are not yet available, you may submit the scores when you receive them.

The MBA Admissions Office will notify you if we have not received your official test scores. You do not need to contact us to confirm we have received them.

Multiple Test Scores

We do not average test scores. If you have taken the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE more than once, report only the scores from one examination that you wish us to consider while reviewing your application. The scores you report must be from the same testing session. We do not accept TOEFL iBT MyBest Scores.