Personal Information, Activities, and Awards

In the Personal Information, Activities and Interests, and Awards and Honors sections of the application, we encourage you to tell us more about yourself.

Personal Information

As part of the application process, we ask you for some personal information, including:

  • Date of birth
  • Citizenship
  • Family information
  • Social Security number (for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only; only the last four digits will be visible in your application)

We understand that this is confidential and sensitive information. We use industry standard safeguards to protect your data.

Additional Context

In this section, we provide an optional opportunity for you to discuss your background more fully and how it has shaped your perspective.

We know that each person is more than a list of facts or predefined categories. Please feel free to elaborate on how your background or life experiences have helped shape your recent actions or choices (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words).

Activities and Interests

Help us get to know you better by sharing how you spend your time outside of your primary job responsibilities or classes, both during and since college. Examples of activities in which you are or have been involved may include athletic, charitable, civic, community, company-sponsored, or professional. A sustained depth of commitment in a few activities may demonstrate your passion more than minimal participation in many.

Include the activities you found most meaningful as an undergraduate or graduate student, as well as those in which you participated after completing your degree(s). Be sure to avoid using acronyms to describe your activities.

If you are applying for direct enrollment for next fall and an internship or part-time job during college was an important activity for you, you may list it here (though it’s not required). Meaningful postgraduate part-time work should go in the Professional Experience section.

If you are applying for deferred enrollment, list any internships (paid or unpaid) or part-time work during college or graduate school in the Professional Experience section.

Awards and Honors

We want to know about the accomplishments for which you’ve received recognition (congratulations!). Throughout your application, you can share academic, civic, professional, and other accolades.