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Questions tagged [management]

For questions about the tools and practices of management, including business management, project management, performance management and other management disciplines in the workplace.

25 votes
10 answers

Team member working from home is distracted with kids while on video calls - should I say anything as her manager?

I have a team member on my team (I am her manager) who works remote from home in another state. This team member has 3 small kids at home with her and on more than one occasion in MS Teams video calls ...
Anthony's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

What to do when your manager is being excluded by colleagues?

I recently joined a new company as a manager. My company is a large company where managers have several levels, e.g., Manager 1, Manager 2, Manager 3, Director, etc. It is slightly odd but not ...
pomegranate's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Returning back to employer -with a higher job position- after leaving is a problem for MBA program admission?

I was ranked 1st on my B.Eng class and worked as a teaching assistant for 2 years at my university located in Egypt but left it to work in the industry to gain more practical knowledge for 1 year and ...
Mohamed Amr's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to address a report of employees switching patients under their care in a pediatric dentists office?

It has been brought to my attention (clinical team lead) that one employee is doing some things that are making the other employees frustrated. Setting is in a dental office, what is being said about ...
Dakota's user avatar
  • 9
23 votes
4 answers

What is the appropriate behavior when management decisions lead to tasks no longer being done?

Management decided to let go of certain employees. I've been here a long time, and have a good overview of what everybody did, so I have now noticed that many tasks are simply not being done. For ...
Jaood's user avatar
  • 401
0 votes
6 answers

Encouraged to ask certain employee for help

I got a new manager just beginning of this year and he replacing my old boss who got promoted to a different department in same company. So I still talk to my old boss but he is no longer my manager. ...
Lightsout's user avatar
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-4 votes
4 answers

Should I ask for my wedding voucher? [closed]

A few years ago, my management organized a voucher contribution for one of the manager's wedding. We were not invited but each of us paid £30 to get her a voucher. I got married two weeks ago and my ...
EMILLY's user avatar
  • 11
7 votes
4 answers

Can one be demoted and have one's pay cut for not taking a promotion?

I have a position that I am happy with and I excel at. All my evaluations are excellent. I have been with the company for 13 years. Recently they have asked me to take a promotion to management. I ...
Duane 's user avatar
  • 79
-5 votes
2 answers

When to go to HR

Today at work, my manager yelled at me in front of 3 other witnesses. This problem started when I told a fellow coworker if he was having problems and felt mistreated that he should go to HR. My ...
Melmomas's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Dealing with Remote Colleague and Project Isolation

My colleague (who is more senior than me) and I work in different locations a few hours apart. He moved to the other site and now I'm left supporting the old project alone. Initially, he promised we'd ...
user avatar
-1 votes
6 answers

Is it unprofessional to blindly follow the management ideas? (if that's the company culture)

I'm a senior software engineer with a good understanding of the business. My manager has a business focus and comes with requests that are clearly not feasible. I have a good list of records that my ...
heinertillo's user avatar
-3 votes
7 answers

how do you deal with an intern who calls in sick frequently?

So this intern calls in sick at least once a month, sending a note in the morning. These were the last three occurrences: "I woke up feeling unwell so I have to call in sick today" "I ...
ashler's user avatar
  • 79
9 votes
4 answers

As a team lead, how to deal with a developer not doing his tasks

TL;DR I am a team lead of a new team with new hires, and the senior developer is stuck with some tasks for a month, every day he reports no updates, or very vague progress reports. He is the only one ...
bonuspack's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

Director forcing an all day meeting on a holiday

I'm really not sure how I should be addressing this, but I am very frustrated. My organization works 9/80's, which means we work 9 hours per day and take every other Friday off. Next Friday (the day ...
mreff555's user avatar
  • 468
0 votes
1 answer

How to confirm responsibilities of team members and then bring up to upper management?

Background Team: test automation developer Position level: (lowest level, I would say entry) Note: I am by far the least experienced on my team in terms of education and working years. Also, I believe ...
pumpernickel's user avatar
20 votes
7 answers

How can I save a dating relationship when I am promoted and she will be in my vertical reporting chain?

I had been promoted to recently and my division at the company where I work is being reorganized. I had been dating my colleague for slightly less than 1 year in which she was a previously a project ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.8k
6 votes
5 answers

Dismissive and uncommunicative coworker when there are clear signs of tension

I have worked with a more junior coworker for some time and recently there has been both degradation in the quality of communication between he and me (curt answers, rude interruptions) and uptick in ...
yurnero's user avatar
  • 169
0 votes
3 answers

How do I approach going back to an old company?

I previously worked for this logistics company for almost two years. It was a startup at the time and I was the second hire. At the end of the two years, we had grown this company to almost 50 people. ...
Tyler's user avatar
  • 21
8 votes
8 answers

Did my area manager breach my privacy by telling my managers I’m resigning before I submitted my formal notice?

I went and interviewed with another company and received an offer of employment. Now, I wasn’t actually sure if I was going to accept the offer for a few different reasons, but I was weighing up my ...
Jessi w's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Worried in regards to an email i sent my manager raising concers about training amd colleague health

TL/DR: I got put into a situation in which I did not feel adequately trained, and my colleague has been under extreme pressure and has started having breakdowns at work because none of the managers ...
Ciaran Aitken's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Promoted to Supervisor...hard feelings from subordinates

I work in a specialized accounting field. I have over 25 years of work experience with the last 10 being in exactly the same industry and position that I am currently in. I started a new job/position/...
TX210Sue 's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Approach Sales Manager about fake reference list

I work for a manufacturing company (in EU), and it has come to my attention that the Sales Manager issued a reference list for a project on which I worked as a Senior Engineer. Upon review, I ...
Peace's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Am I being over anxious in thinking?

I have worked at my current workplace for 3 years. I enjoy my work. The company has two main departments, as well as accounts department and HR department. When I first started the job, the job was ...
Becca's user avatar
  • 1
0 votes
2 answers

Executives are pressing me to take over another managers team [closed]

I am relatively new to this company I currently manage a team of cloud engineers. The manager of the managed services team left due to a dispute over team compensation. I have managed a global team of ...
Kurt Z's user avatar
  • 19
21 votes
8 answers

can a manager ask me to find someone to cover shifts AFTER I quit?

I put in my two weeks at my (food service) job because I'm going to be moving soon. I got an email back from my manager telling me I need to find people to cover my shift times for the week AFTER I ...
user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Why is one of the HR personnel mad at me even though I didn't do anything wrong?

I (F22) am an intern right now together with my 2 friends that are both female. The company and other employees are friendly except for this HR personnel. She's (F45+) so mad at me. Take note: ONLY AT ...
Emely 's user avatar
  • 21
-1 votes
1 answer

Need feedback on my internship experience

I am an intern as data consultant, I am experimenting a visualization software for the company i'm working for during 6 months. I started off with another subject and on my very first day, the manager ...
peter's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I help an employee improve their communication skills?

I'm currently a team lead at an IT company, managing a team of 5 software engineers + a PM. Our main role is to maintain and upgrade a SaaS product used by internal and external employees. We work ...
burntoutmanagerneedshelp's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Not seeing prospect in the job [closed]

I got hired as a IT contractor to work on project A with Mark, after completing a task in project A I was told to move to new project , project B , which was new. I was the first person to start it ...
nikki's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

How to effectively communicate that I want weekly meeting moved to MS Teams rather than in person? [closed]

A little over a week ago, my boss gave me an unwarranted verbal lashing. We are now supposed to meet in person on a once weekly basis for an hour to discuss my work activities. I am in the process of ...
zee's user avatar
  • 1,250
1 vote
3 answers

Just made Product Owner with no prior experience and tasked to lead and renovate the whole R&D department, how can I do it? [closed]

The software development team in our company is 90% external and in the hands of a single external company, as well as most of the technical know-how acquired in the last 20 years: almost no internal ...
sannae's user avatar
  • 21
38 votes
6 answers

Manager asked for home address without giving a reason. Should I have provided it? [closed]

I'm a developer in an individual contributor role. I'm on a team with 3 other developers and one liaison/PM role. We have a manager, who I'll call "Steve". I was moved onto Steve's team only ...
notmySOaccount's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is implementing a "callback" system a viable solution to high call volumes in a call centre environment?

I manage a team handling inbound calls and we are regularly facing a situation where we are missing incoming calls because our inbound volume is greater than our Tier 1 team can handle. It is greater ...
AsDuskFalls's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Dealing with an incompetent colleague on a project

I'll try to keep the introduction very brief and elaborate further down. I work as a senior cloud engineer and our boss manages 4-5 teams of 3-6 people. My colleague - also a senior cloud engineer - ...
N3buchadnezzar's user avatar
24 votes
11 answers

Can I refuse to review the work of the team tech lead if I have a lower grade than they?

Long story short, I work as a data scientist in a small team. The working environment is quite unusual. Key facts: The lead data scientist's technical expertise wasn't checked during the interview (...
BqKaXeu29y's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Manager not happy that I have discussions with executives at events and following up in emails [closed]

Situation: At our monthly events I socialized with leadership (executives) and had an "elevator pitch" with the outcome of executives' support on a critical project for the organization and ...
n1tk's user avatar
  • 147
1 vote
1 answer

How to deal with a weak manager? [closed]

I work in the healthcare sector. I am managing a team and IT professionals. above me, there is a director whose main experience is in accounting and who does not have strong experience in the field, ...
asmgx's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

I fear my Software Dev skills are withering. How could I approach this in future jobs?

Some background: From 2015 to 2020, after graduating, I worked as a developer for a company, where more or less always managed to do what was expected from me, and ended up being a reliable employee. ...
Mouke's user avatar
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-3 votes
4 answers

Arrogant , lazy worker considered for promotion

I recruited a person called AG in Asia office. In the initial year of AG's employment, I encountered significant challenges due to issues related to arrogance, laziness, and a lack of ordinary task ...
JSP's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How to Help Employee Who Is Struggling

At the organization I work for, some of our workforce is students from a nearby university, and I supervise a handful of these students. This is my first time supervising people and for the most part ...
imnotarobot's user avatar
23 votes
7 answers

How do I manage this difficult stakeholder?

I need to send an update every week on a turn-around initiative to senior management and the working group. There's a bully in the working group who waits for me to send an update highlighting that ...
User09887's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How can one determine the most effective method for establishing a success metric for a quarterly objectives?

My manager recently took on the additional role of Frontend Architect, and he's asked me to step up and assist with day-to-day responsibilities for the team. Currently, I hold the position of ...
user3777390's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

My senior management is wanting to place me on a PIP

As of yet I have not signed it, and I will admit to some of the issues being fair criticisms that I have been trying to improve upon; some have even merited my supervisor's admission that they have ...
UnladenSwallow's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

When (if ever) is it good to speak up if a coworker just sits watching videos all day?

At my job some days I would work out of a room with only one other person in it. 95% of the time he would just sit at his desk watching YouTube videos of World of Warcraft. He wasn't management but he ...
ClanLatin's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to communicate to the team that our company is on-boarding a batch of new remote-only employees from a different country?

I'm currently managing a team of 3 software engineers. On the same level as me, there's a PO taking care of our organization and the work we have to do. On top of all of us, there's the CTO, who takes ...
newpcdw9's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Whom should I go to if I have a complaint about the assistant director of the company I work for?

I’m a in home caregiver. I work for an agency that assigns me my clients. We have had a tremendous turnover in our office support staff. I have not met or been introduced to any of the staff now in ...
Traci Wilson Welsh's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How to get past the lack of trust? [closed]

So I just started a job doing what I have been doing for 7 years, fronted react-redux development work and doing pretty good I might add, out of the ton of tickets this company put together, like 16 ...
Daniel's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

How can I state to junior engineers to not work a ticket unless he / she can own the task without demoralizing?

I am a manager in the cybersecurity division where I work. I have been a manager for the past five years and am well respected in the division. Our team is responsible for security engineering and ...
Anthony's user avatar
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1 vote
6 answers

Is what I said to my boss (director) excessive?

I am a manager in the cybersecurity division of the company I work in. I have been in management for about 5 years and am well respected by my colleagues. This week, one of the cybersecurity engineers ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.8k
1 vote
3 answers

Fired due to change in/limited availability (returning to school)?

I live in California and in I was hired at a restaurant in August 2023. During the interview, I submitted availability for Thursday- Saturday. I was hired. 2 months in, my availability changed to ...
Hope143's user avatar
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